Send a message to your future self. A letter to my future self

Each person has his own specific desires and dreams, but some achieve them, while others believe that they are completely unworthy of a beautiful and successful life. In order to achieve what you want, you need to be confident, decisive and always stand firmly on your own.

Many people sometimes simply do not understand and do not know what actions need to be taken to prove to themselves that they are worthy of everything they desire. Psychologists recommend various techniques that will help you with this - affirmations, collages, and so on.

Today, another way to help attract what you want into your life is gaining popularity - write and send letter to your future self. Many people have already tried this technique and were very satisfied. They claim that by the specified date more than 60% of the plans had been fulfilled, and the rest were realized after receiving the long-awaited message.

How to write a letter to yourself in the future?

In order to compose such a message, you will not need too complicated actions, the main thing is to take into account some rules that are necessary to make your wishes come true. It is best to create an electronic version and send it to your email inbox.

There are special services for this, or just download the application for delayed shipments, of which there are many on the Internet. Then start writing the message, you must describe in detail how you want to live in the future.

It is important that when composing a letter, you should write “I have” and not “I want”. Let's give an example of how it should be composed.

    In the first half, describe how you see your personal life. Tell us in detail about your relationship with your beloved spouse, or maybe you are just dating your fiancée. How you treat and carefully care for each other, his relationship to you and yours to him. How do you spend time together, what romantic surprises do you arrange. If you don’t have a soulmate, then fully describe how you imagine him, starting from hair color and ending with the character traits that he should have.

    In the next paragraph of the letter to your future self, tell us what successes and achievements you have achieved. Indicate where and how you live, your apartment, car (if you have one), amenities, clothes, work and position. Or perhaps you have opened your own business, tell us about it.

    Write everything about your income, your financial stability. What is your salary, what amounts do you put aside for a deposit, for vacation, and so on. If you are making investments or buying shares, tell us too. Be sure to indicate exact numbers, this is very important.

    Then tell yourself about your various shopping adventures or events that have sunk into your soul, all down to the smallest detail.

Describing so many points, your message will turn out to be large, but a person has more than one or two desires. When you compose it, try to write down what emotions you feel at one time or another: joy, delight, happiness, positivity, or a surge of energy for even greater achievements.

Many will think about what date to set, one year or five, on which day is it better to receive it. A year or two will tell your consciousness, but there cannot be a better date than your birthday. Imagine how happy you will be to receive your message on such a wonderful holiday.

How does writing to yourself into the future work?

When you compose a letter, your subconscious and the Universe will receive a signal about what kind of life you want to live, because all thoughts tend to materialize. You seem to be laying the foundation for the changes and changes that you so need.

The “Letter to Your Future Self” technique helps you increase your self-esteem and feel confident that all your desires and dreams will definitely come true, it just takes time. When a person experiences such emotions and feelings, he is filled with positivity, strength and a desire for action and achievement. All this will guide you on the right path and give you what you want.

This message changes the way many people think and act. A person begins to experience dramatic changes, but all this happens if you take this task seriously.

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you. Nowadays the power of thought and the materialization of desires are becoming more and more popular, and writing to yourself in the future is one of the effective techniques that will help you make your life the way you want. With the help of this technique you will be able to fulfill all your desires and make your dreams come true.

I learned about this method about 5 years ago and didn’t even know what it did, I just found a service on the Internet that helps you write a letter to yourself in your future. I wrote it out of curiosity and completely forgot about it. But a year later it came to me, and imagine my surprise when I realized that more than half of what was written there had already been fulfilled, and the rest was fulfilled after I received this letter.

How the technique works

Firstly, when you write a letter, you will give a signal to your subconscious and the entire Universe that you want exactly the kind of life that you describe, that is, you are laying the foundation for changing your life.

Secondly, this method will help you believe and give you confidence that your dream or dreams will definitely come true, that you will live exactly the way you want. It must be said that confidence and faith cannot be perceived as simple emotions; when you strongly believe in something and are confident that it will happen, then positive energy vibrations emanate from you. If you have enough confidence, your vibrations will reach the Universe faster.

Someone claims that writing to the future changes the course of a person’s thoughts and actions; personally, I don’t presume to say this, but I won’t deny it either. This letter did not change my train of thought, but this is possible because at that moment I did not take it seriously. If you take this seriously, then perhaps your train of thought will really change for the better.

Below I will tell you what you need to write in this letter, but the most important thing is that in this message to yourself you write as if you already have everything you want - this is the main secret of why this letter works. When you describe events as if they had already happened, then powerful positive energy, confidence, joy and other positive feelings emanate from you, which are very important in getting what you want.

But let's move on from words to action and draw up a plan for this message.

How to write a letter to the future

As mentioned above, this message needs to describe the life you want to live in the future, starting from tomorrow.

First, describe your personal life, write about your relationships with men or with one beloved man, so that you would like to see in your personal life, what kind of attitude you would like to see from your loved one. Don’t forget to describe your intimate life in the smallest detail, imagine how your loved one caresses you, kisses, hugs you, how gentle and affectionate he is with you, and how tender, affectionate and loving you are with him. It is imperative to describe not only how a man treats you, but also how you treat him - this is important. Otherwise, it may be that you only imagine your partner’s feelings for you, and forget about yourself. And in reality it will turn out that the man will adore you, but you will not be able to reciprocate. That's not what you want, is it?

You can imagine your vacation together, how you are having fun, laughing together, how everyone says that you are a wonderful couple.

If at the time of writing the letter you do not have a loved one, then recreate his image, describe his character traits, general appearance, figure, etc. In short, write down everything you want in your personal life.

Now start describing your professional activities. What would you like? Your own successful business, a high position in a reputable company, a decent salary (write the amount). Describe your emotions from this job, what you do in it, what kind of people you communicate with, how they treat you. Describe your profession in great detail and detail.

You can also write about your vacation. How do you see it? How do you spend your holidays? Maybe you go on cruises, jump with a parachute, visit famous museums, theaters, go to historical places with your beloved man, to restaurants, concerts or social events. Again, write everything down in detail.

You should not forget about the financial issue, because you need something to travel, relax and live. Just don’t write: “I have a lot of money,” this attitude doesn’t work. Write how much you would like to receive per month and where you will spend the money. Money is energy, and energy must move. Write what brand of clothes you want to buy, what kind of apartment to have, how to renovate and furnish it, what perfumes and cosmetics to use, what car to drive, whether you will drive yourself or hire a driver. Write also the place where you want to live, do you have a house or an apartment, or maybe you have both?

You can add some other aspects that are important to you. But I want to say that when you write, first imagine yourself in the conditions that you describe. Do you feel comfortable, cozy, happy there? If yes, then it’s yours, and if you experience discomfort, then adjust the conditions to suit you.

Also, many advise that everything you want needs to be presented as if you already have it. It is not necessary to do this with a letter to the future, just imagine that you have all this, but in the future, for example, in a year, two, three, etc.

I’ll give you a small example of how you can write a letter to the future:

"Hello my dear …. (Name)! I am writing you a letter from your future. Now I’m 30 years old...”, and then write everything we talked about above.

Some people advise not to read this letter anymore, as I did because I simply forgot about it, others advise constantly re-reading it two or three times a week and visualizing what you read. I think the second method of working with writing is more effective. This kind of work will help you attract what you want into your life faster. But you shouldn’t expect your life to change in an instant. We are not living in a fairy tale. Just as you read, your subconscious will be rebuilt and will guide you on the right path.

And yet, you don’t need to imagine in what ways you will achieve all this, trust the Universe and your subconscious, they know the shortest ways to achieve what you want, but you must be prepared that these paths will not always be pleasant. For example, if in the future you want to work at a different job and live in a different place, then you must be prepared that very soon you will be laid off, fired, or you yourself will leave your previous job.

You can attach pictures to the letter, make a wish card, then the effect will be even better.

Good luck to you and may all your wishes come true.

With respect to you, Elena Nikandrova

Goals of the “Writing to the Future” exercise:

— consolidate the material obtained during the training;

— draw up a preliminary action plan for yourself based on the results of the training;

— evaluate the results of your activities after a certain period of time.

Action plan

1. Prepare writing paper, pens, envelopes in advance.

2. Set aside time at the end of the training: from 20 to 30 minutes.

3. Seat all the participants so that they do not interfere with each other and it is convenient for them to write.

4. Determine the period of time after which letters will be sent to all participants.

5. Write a letter to the future.

How to conduct the “Letter to the Future” exercise

In the final part of the training, the presenter gives the task to all participants to write a letter to themselves in the future.

The letter will be sent in three months (or any other predetermined period of time).

Each training participant writes a letter future person who has already applied the knowledge and skills acquired during the training, and thanks to this has achieved certain results.

“You may have questions for yourself in the future, ask them. Express gratitude to the person who has achieved his goals, be happy for him, praise him for the difficulties that he was able to overcome.”

The presenter may suggest using ready-made phrases, for example:

"I'm sure you managed to do..."

"I know you did it..."

Invite participants to list the actions they want to take at this point in the future and describe what they will do differently.

When the training participants write their letters, they will have to seal them in envelopes with their addresses indicated and give them to the facilitator.

The facilitator sends the collected letters to the participants after three months.

How to use creativity techniques

You can write a “Letter to the Future” to yourself at any time.

Describe your current state, your fears and worries, your hopes and dreams.

Be constructive: Set a specific goal and your expectations for yourself in the future. Write down what exactly you expect from yourself and how you plan to achieve it.

Ask your future self unexpected questions.

Be kind to yourself: praise yourself for the successes you have achieved and for the crushing failures that brought you new experiences.

Write yourself a letter and send it so that it arrives no sooner than a year or even two later. It depends only on your desire.

Just yesterday you were thinking about moving, starting a business and looking for a lawyer job, and a month later you are thinking about conquering Everest and want to live your life as a free person. How to grasp the connection between the past and the future at the present moment? Why write a letter to yourself when your outlook on life can change? Why does experience come after studying your past, and when do you need to move towards big goals? Let's take a look at ourselves from the outside and look at ourselves in the distant future.

Why write a letter to yourself

We compose a message to ourselves with wishes, ideas that will become nostalgia. It's nice to know that in the distant future you are a successful businessman who travels the world, or a beautiful wife with a big happy family. But many are often afraid to even think about the future, because: “Who knows, why make a guess. We still need to live until tomorrow, and not think about anything. It doesn’t work for me.” Just remember yourself from the past, who felt indignation for any reason.

Previously, we were embarrassed to approach a person, but today he is our friend. Previously, the dream of becoming an actor was crazy, but today we are filming a series, and there are ideas to move forward. Writing a letter to yourself is, without exaggeration, the most important task you can do right now. Today, the head is filled with valuable information, genuine experience, and a sincere state. All this cannot be missed, so we take the hot situation and compose a message to ourselves in the future.

A letter to yourself is usually written during special times.: after graduating from school, university, wedding or coming of age. There is no point in waiting until your next birthday, otherwise thoughts tend to fade away. Future us will definitely have thoughts about the past, that is, about the time that we are living at the moment.

Now you are reading this text, and 20 years later you live in another country or are a great inventor. It is important to scale your perspectives and learn to live openly. If you allow yourself to look “for later”, then it will be incredibly pleasant to read these lines many years later, to realize “how wonderful it was or how everything was not done in vain. It’s good that I thought of it then.”

Letters to the future are needed for the following:

  • A person analyzes his priorities. If quite recently the goal was to acquire a higher education purely for work, then now you realize the value of education for starting a personal business. Prioritizing helps you focus on more important things to shape your future. Do you have an idea to learn a foreign language? Great, you may need it to move to the USA or England. You need to pay attention to your primary goals for future success.
  • A letter to yourself is gratitude in its purest form.“Thank you for the fact that I can write these lines now and share with you 10 years later when you read this. I thank you for the courage that made you successful." “I am grateful for your responsiveness, because today you helped a person. You’re great for not doubting yourself and the “future” you will be happy with these lines.” Words of gratitude to yourself, circumstances, family, and God give you goosebumps. Do not ignore those feelings that are now directing you to act. It is such a gift to walk through everything with gratitude and give yourself hope!
  • “Photographing” yourself in your personal biography. We will not be able to remember that the “Moonlight Sonata” is now playing, which makes us cry. We don't mention that today we saved a kitten from death, and they thanked us for it. The present moment may be lost without a trace, but it is the best memory at the dawn of its time. Remembering, experiencing feelings, leaving them in relics - all this records our movement into the future. P.S. Why not start collecting valuable “pieces” of the past. A movie ticket for today's show with friends, a photo with a signature from mom, a souvenir from Thailand or postcards from school.
  • Study the problems. In the future, a person may not realize that those experiences in the past were necessary. Quarrels, breakups, depression, challenges to yourself or society - any problem could have shaped us into who we are today. The man would not have felt like a leader if he had not resolved a conflict in the company that was costing him his reputation. The girl would not have created a strong friendship if she had not refused “pseudo” friends who lie behind their backs. Today we accept a challenge, and then it allows us to cope with great difficulties or anxiety.

How to write a letter to your future self

Letters to the future are not a dry report that “I ate, listened and spoke today, and I also found money.” You need to be able to compose them, like a work that will become a bestseller in the future. This moment should be solemn, so the atmosphere should not burden or limit your creativity. What needs to be done to compose a message to your “heir” from yourself as an “ancestor”. The sequence is as follows:

Letter format

What do we want to do this on? What color pen, or maybe a felt-tip pen? Maybe there will be stickers or our drawings here? It is worth thinking through everything down to the smallest detail - from the structure of the paper to the envelope or box where the message will be placed. Modern technologies make it possible to write it electronically.

On the selected day/month/year, a letter will be sent to your email address - we keep up with modern technologies. But there is nothing more soulful, more original than paper placed in a bottle, closed with a cork. If you have a yard, you can bury the relic in an insulated jar or leave it collecting dust in the attic.

Time period for reading a letter

It’s more logical to open a letter to yourself when you have completely forgotten about it and don’t remember a single word you wrote. It’s all the more pleasant to read this, like the discovery of a “long-forgotten treasure.” The best period for nostalgia is five years or more.

If the letter is being written for a specific occasion, for example, turning 30 when you are 28, then everything is individual. If you open the message six months or a year later, the effect will not be so strong. You should not turn on the “impatient” mode and go towards the attic for any reason.

Make a list of everything you want to display

Don’t set yourself “hard” conditions

“Here, I’ll write in a letter that in 15 years I will become president.” 15 years later, you are a good political scientist, but no Barack Obama. You shouldn’t choke yourself with a firm word that has the right to change in any direction. You cannot allow yourself to be disappointed in your abilities and give yourself instructions.

The letter erroneously states: “If you have not achieved this, then you lived in vain. If you’re not this one now, then why did you walk for so long?” Everything is achieved after a certain experience and, if necessary, it will definitely happen. There is no need to reproach yourself with control. Pleasant motivation, and that’s all!

It is important to write the message in a friendly manner and with an “easy mind.” Tell yourself what not to do if “such a situation arises or you think about it.” To say “but you remember it was like this, so don’t get lost in the little things, keep your tail on the gun.” Advice from the heart is like an oath of allegiance to your new generation.

Why not write a list of questions that can be answered. “You were misunderstood in society and made to look like a fool” - “In 2010, you went on stage and gave a speech that showed your confidence in your beliefs.”

Ask yourself about debt

Letters to the future are the best way to ask yourself to make an important contribution to something bigger. Are you thinking about charity now? Ask them not to forget to contribute to charitable foundations, go to community cleanups, and take care of homeless animals. Do you want to travel? Tell yourself to learn a foreign language and motivate others to do the same. In the present tense, we are the ones who contain a sea of ​​ideas that require continuation. Don’t stop there - the “future” you may learn such a lesson about you. We take responsibility for our actions and appreciate the opportunity to make the world around us a better place.

You have a big choice - write a letter to yourself or leave this idea for better times. There will be no better time than now, and this minute will never happen again. Now you are like a diamond waiting to be cut. Value your memory, know how to use it - in the future you will definitely not regret reading this article. Want to inspire others? Share this article with your friends!

Often “we” from the past, today’s and those who we will become after some time, in the future, seem to ourselves to be completely different individuals. This is partly true: the “future” us have new knowledge and acquired experience, and at moments of important life decisions we want to ask ourselves for advice, an outside perspective. If this were possible, then moving towards goals would be less associated with self-doubt. But although we cannot organize a “confrontation” with the future, such help to ourselves is still possible. For example, through the practice of writing letters to yourself.

Practice “letter from the past”

Such messages are often practiced by a person or group of people on the eve of some important event: graduates hide collectively composed letters, agreeing to open them on the anniversary of the meeting. Newlyweds, for example, ask guests to write wishes and read them at their family's birthday celebration. You too can compose your own personal message to yourself.

Why are such letters needed?

Condition tracking

You get the opportunity to remember your thoughts and states at the time of composing the letter.

Priority Analysis

You return to your previous priorities and assess their relevance at the current moment. For example, a year ago your main goal was to get a job in an international company, but today you are one of the founders of a startup that promises to be successful. Of course, the implementation of some accompanying subtasks will most likely remain the same (for example, learning a foreign language, management fundamentals), but now you are focused on other values ​​than those preached by the corporate culture of the company of your previous dreams, and the tasks that would arise if its incarnation.

This way, you free up energy for those goals that have become a higher priority at the moment. You also understand what and how best to plan in the future in your activities.

Reframing Problems

By reading a letter from the past, you begin to understand whether those events or phenomena in the past that you thought were capable of changing you and your life turned out to be so important. After all, being in the epicenter of what is happening, we tend to exaggerate and even sometimes dramatize reality. Looking back and seeing how “unsolvable problems” were overcome, you will most likely perceive the next “unsolvable” problem simply as a new challenge, which you, of course, will successfully cope with.

Capturing movement

Movement is recorded: you keep a “logbook”, which tells you how far you have progressed compared to the previous period.


Gratitude appears for the work done: you have become even better. And this happened only thanks to your perseverance, perseverance or other qualities. Don’t ignore this fact and say “thank you” to yourself by highlighting those qualities or other tools that helped you in this.

How to compose them

1. Choose a convenient way to write a letter

You can write by hand on a blank sheet of paper, which will then be hidden until the appointed date. In a personal diary or “success diary”, the page of which will be sealed. In a sketchbook and using pencils and paints to add color. Using special electronic services that will send your message to the specified e-mail on the desired day. There are many options.

2. Determine the period after which the letter should be opened

Many people write letters to themselves “in a month,” while others decide to wait a year or more before receiving their message. Of course, there are differences in letters written for different time intervals, and their purposes are different. But this does not make them mutually exclusive. If you want, start by writing a letter that will be opened in a week and evaluate how its writing affected the course of these seven days. Then add others to it: in a month, two, three, six months, a year, five years. Write whenever you feel the need for support. Messages that arrive with high frequency will have an even greater effect: you will remember less about what exactly you wrote, and even more so, you will not “wait” impatiently for them.

3. Describe your current thoughts, moods, goals in as much detail as possible

What recent events have affected you? What shocked and delighted you? “Introduce yourself” to yourself - what will you, the future, need to know about you from the past? A few more tips: How do you hope to see your future and yourself after time? Who are you, what do you do, where do you live, who are you surrounded by? This will allow you not only to write down a detailed representation of the tasks to be performed and to understand what can be done now.

4. Don’t write anything that could lead to disappointment in yourself.

For example, about unrealistic goals, hopes for a radical change in the current situation, too much importance of fulfilling what was planned, that is, “no matter what.” Let your message be pleasant motivation, not reproachful control.

Practice “letter from the future”

Compared to the previous one, which describes your current, current and already existing states, in the case of this practice you turn for help only to your idea of ​​the future, based on the goal and the logic of the proposed actions to implement it.

Why are such letters needed?

New Horizons

By composing a letter from the future (for example, you imagine yourself writing a letter when you are 40 years old), you redirect attention to the long term, thereby expanding the horizon of perception. If previously you only assumed that in the future you would achieve success in your profession and live in the chosen city, then having received a letter with a detailed description of how you have already achieved what you were striving for, you can receive a real “beacon” that will guide you . And as a result, in the future, you will find that most of the assumptions were realized.

Confidence in goal achievability

By “trying on” the image from your dreams, reading a message from yourself that everything worked out, you will receive the necessary mood that can at least half solve your issue.

Weeding out everything unnecessary

Having decided on the main idea and goal, you focus less on those that are unlikely to be useful to you and can take away some of your strength and energy. Think about how the daily activities you are doing now could help you in the future, and what can be eliminated from them.

How to compose them

1. Determine the time period you want to analyze

For example, what do you want to know - the successes of the coming year, the results of working on a project, or where you were able to visit over the past 5 years? Let's say your goal is the last one, namely a completed travel card and a lot of stamps in your passport for a period of 5 years. In the message, write which countries and cities will be marked there, whether this trip was long-term and continuous, what the travel budget was, etc. Finally, what exactly did you like about your adventure and what would you like to repeat? This last point is the most difficult (since the goal is actually still in the future), but it can help you imagine as realistically as possible that everything has already happened.

2. Write kindly

The writing style should be friendly and credible. And when reading our own letter, we should feel its advisory nature, and not see a plan that must be followed. In addition, our ideas about the future are always changing, as mentioned above. Therefore, if you think that your goals have changed, then write yourself a new, equally detailed letter. In the end, the future is not predetermined by anyone, and depends only on you.

3. Open the email at any time

Unlike previous practice, receiving a message can be possible at any time: 5 minutes after composition or a year later. The fact is that the essence of the message from the past is to rethink yourself and your goals after a certain period, after which you already see what has changed and can look at yourself from a different angle. A message from the future has a different task - you “receive” it exactly when you need it, when you most feel the need for support from a person who has already “been through” what lies ahead of you.

Compose it and re-read it at least every day or give yourself time to prepare for a “meeting” with your future self. The choice is yours. The main thing that it carries is information that will allow you to navigate the movement towards the goal. An interesting solution would be to ask a close friend to bring it to you when he decides for himself.

The most important thing to remember is that performing both the first and second practices should not be taken too seriously and responsibly. The purpose of these practices is to receive support and direction for movement, and certainly not to assign you the only true path, the descent from which would be like abandoning the plan. However, sometimes it is precisely refusal to follow advice that helps you make the right decision.