Router ZTE Password Default. How to configure ZTE ZXHN H108N modem

The router is network equipment that allows simultaneously multiple devices to access the Internet (computers, tablets, smartphones and much more). Today's assortment of routers allows you to choose exactly what is suitable in a particular case.

Router Review

There are several models that are optimal for home use:

  • ZTE E5501;
  • ZTE H118N;
  • ZTE E5502;
  • ZTE ZXA10 F660.

ZTE E5501.

This device supports multiple interfaces:

  • 4 ports for the RJ-45 connector (which allows you to work with data through the network interface, the cable type is determined automatically);
  • works according to the 802.11n communication standard (2.4 GHz frequency);
  • there are two non-removable antennas that ensure the stable Wi-Fi operation.

In addition to supported interfaces, this device has many other options that make it use quite comfortable and simple.

ZTE H118N.

The router of this type in its design has:

  • USBV.2 in an amount of 1 pieces for connecting 3gModem (optional);
  • 4 ports for connecting the cable, compressed by the RJ-45 connector;
  • Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11n).

The maximum data transfer rate by this device is 300 Mbps. Also supported multiple data encryption technologies - WEP, WPA, WPA2.

ZTE 5502.

The router under consideration from such a famous company is nothing inferior to his classmates:

  • 4 ports for connecting the cable through the RG-45 connector;
  • supports: IEEE 802.11n (maximum transfer rate - 300 Mbps);
  • there are two antennas for operation in the range of 2.4 GHz;

Encryption capabilities at the device under consideration are the widest:

  • WEPS encryption technology 64/128 bits;
  • WPA-PSK;
  • WPA2-INTERPRISE and many others.

ZTEZXA 10 F660

ZTE router has not only excellent performance, but also a relatively low price.

It is easy to configure, and also supports all the necessary technologies:

  • there are 4 connections for RG-45;
  • 2 connectors for working with the POTS interface (RG-11);
  • successfully works with Wi-Fi technology;
  • there is a connector for connecting USB devices.

Select device

When choosing a router for home, you must consider the following important points:

  • simplicity of settings - in case of any problems, it was possible to eliminate them without causing a specialist;
  • price - This issue is especially relevant for those families in which many children;
  • reliability;
  • features Wi-Fi module.

The more simple the design of the device, the easier it is to customize it. That is why it is worth paying her preference to those routers that do not require dances with tambourines while connecting and started work. This will save a large amount of time.

Video: How to open the port on the ZTE ZXA10 F660 router

Price range - a very important point. To date, it makes no sense to acquire expensive devices. Since even the younger models in the lineup have on board all that is required for comfortable work with Wi-FiCiet at home. Do not overpay for the brand model - usually such spending are not fully justified.

Choosing the optimal option, it should not be purchased completely cheap models. Since often at extremely low price costs not the highest quality of manufacture, which may result in a breakdown soon.

The Wi-Fi module must necessarily have an antenna located outside the housing. Since this type antennas have a large area. What is very important if the apartment or the house has a big female. Also, the antenna should be removed and replaced if necessary - as it may be necessary to expand the coating zone.

The optimal choice in all respects is the ZTE ZXA10 F660 router. It has many advantages, as well as a rather low price (given quite well-defined parameters).

Connection to PC

The simplest part of the ZTE router setting is connected to a PC. This operation is performed in the following order:

Management Settings

How to configure ZTE Wi-Fi router? The settings are managed using a web interface, to get into which is possible through any browser installed on the PC. For example, Internet Explore. In the address bar, you should enter the following combination of numbers and symbols - If the router is connected to a computer according to the instruction, a window will appear in which you can enter a username and password.

By default, password and login is the word Admin (Latin letters only). When the fields are filled, click the "Login" button. Next will appear window performed in green and white colors.

The tops have the following tabs:

  • status;
  • network;
  • security;
  • application;
  • administration.

Each tab makes it possible to manage one or another section.

To configure Wi-Fi, follow these steps:

This list of action includes Wi-Fi.

Separate attention must be given to the section called "Multi-SSID".

Optionally, this section allows you to make a network both open and closed for various kinds of devices:

  • SsidName- This item allows you to call the custom network to any name;
  • MaximumClients - the maximum possible number of connected devices at the same time (this model supports 32 pcs.);
  • Enablessid - switching on, or disabling the variable network;
  • Hidessid - hiding a wireless network;
  • Choosessid - selection of a variable Wi-Fi network.

Photo: WiFi Setup on Modem Commercial

The Security section is also present in which you can configure the following items:

When choosing a password, it is desirable to follow the following recommendations:

  • the presence of lowercase and uppercase letters (randomly);
  • password length should be at least 10 characters;
  • the presence of numbers is also desirable.

ZTE Routher Setup for Providers

The ZTE ZXA10 F660 router is configured in different ways, depending on which provider is an Internet service provider (MGTS, Rostelecom, Ukrtelecom).


Setting up working with this operator requires special care, as all nuances should be taken into account:

In the "Multi-SsidSettings" and "Security" section, all settings are installed according to the instructions that came with the device.

Particular attention should be paid to the section "AccessControlList". In the "Mode" item must be set to "BLOCK". "MacAddress" - 00: 13: E0: 81: 97: EE.


The router setting to work with the Rostelecom provider does not constitute anything complicated.

Next steps:

When the above actions are executed, you should configure the "Multi-SsidSettings" section:

  • in Choosessid, set the SSID value;
  • put a tick opposite "enablessid";
  • "SsidName" allows you to select the network name.

Upon completion of all settings, click the "Submit" button.


To correctly configure the router model under consideration with the MGTS rule, you must perform the following actions in a strict order:

This will allow you to activate Wi-Fi. The remaining settings are performed in accordance with the manual attached to the router.

Also, be sure to configure the section called Multi-SSID. This section allows you to install a personal identifier for the network, as well as if you wish to hide it. All tinctures are performed individually, depend on the personal preferences of the user.

Section called "Securiry" Allows you to configure encryption parameters and password to connect to the network.

The ZTEZXA10 F660 router is the optimal device in terms of price-quality ratio. Excellent choice for home and office. This network equipment is easily configured, compact, reliable.

Rostelecom provides its subscribers to various equipment for rent, including routers. The company does not engage in the company's equipment, but in world practice the scheme is widely applied, in which the manufacturer supplies the equipment to the provider without a logo, and the provider has already causes its own. This is what Rostelecom arrives (it cooperates with Huawei, ZTE, Eltex, Sagemcom, etc.), which means that clients may have different models in the work. In this article, we consider universal ways to gain access to the router settings.

How to go to the router settings

So, you got a router for rent or bought it, came home and want to configure the Internet or make any other settings (for example). To do this, you need to open the packaging, connect to the router power and cable, but not the one that comes to your apartment from the entrance, and which connects the router with a computer or laptop. Connect the second end of the cable to your enabled computer. Most models of routers Admins are available at or . Enter one of them in your browser's address bar and click on entering.

After that, you must appear before you enter the login and password.

Login and password for logging are listed in the instruction manual for the router, but if you could not find such information there, try the following combinations:

  • login - Admin, Password - Empty
  • login - Admin, Password - Admin
  • login - Admin, Password - Password
  • login - Admin, Password - 1234

If one of the combinations approached, you will open a page with available router settings.

If these options have not worked, you need to reset the settings to the factory. To do this, locate the RESET button on the back wall and hold it for a few seconds when the router is enabled.

Basic settings of the router Rostelecom

On the first tab of the router settings, a summary of the current state of the device is displayed. Here we do not produce any settings.

The second tab is configured to connect to the Internet. Select the interface you need (in our case PPPOE / VPN) and click on the "Add Connection" button.

In the window that opens, you need to select the protocol, come up with a connection name, enter the username and password to access the Internet (this information must be in your contract), as well as the device's add. The remaining items leave in the "Auto" state.

If you have several computers at home, then on the next tab you can assign your IP address to each device in your home network.

The next tab is responsible for setting up Wi-Fi. Here you need to specify the name of your network, select the type of encryption and come up with a password.

The manufacturer regularly releases the firmware updates in which the error detected by users and adds new functionality to the device. That is why it is necessary to regularly check availability of available updates. Go to the Settings tab and find the "Update" item there. Ecane will display the version of the current firmware and available for the update. All that is required from you is to click on the "Install" button.

As you can see, in the presence of minimal knowledge, you can independently configure the router without a call to the house of the company's specialist. Specify questions in the comments and we will help you, but for now we recommend watching the video on this topic.

ZTE F660 is a router that uses GPON technology to connect to the Internet. In addition to the standard functions on the distribution of the Internet for devices connected to the router through the cable, or via Wi-Fi, the ZTE router is able to provide its IP telephony owners and provides the ability to create local Web servers.

From other routers purchased for home use, ZTE F660 distinguishes the presence of advanced XPON communication. Another important line of the router is a device multifunctional. In addition to the standard four PJ-45 ports and the options for connecting clients via Wi-Fi, the device has the ability to connect electronic USB media 2.0 and software devices.

Characteristics and features of the device

  • Frequency of work - 2.4 GHz
  • Wi-Fi data transmission works with a speed of 300 Mbps
  • Implemented technical support 4 SSID with a one-time connection of 128 users to each network
  • WPS support for increasing the Wi-Fi coating of other switches.

On the back of the router are located:

  • WLAN and WPS Function Control Buttons
  • One port for connecting USB devices
  • Pots connectors (2 pcs.)
  • Ports for connecting LAN (4 pcs.)
  • To reset the optical modem settings ONT ZTE ZXHN F660 to factory, on the back there is a RESET button located in the enclosure.
  • Connector for power supply from the network of the device.
  • Button to turn on and off

How to connect a router

After installing and turning on the router, you must configure this equipment for full use.

  1. Connect the fiber optic cable to the outlet and to the router jack.
  2. Connect the LAN cable to the computer or laptop network card. The second end of the cable to connect to any LAN connector router router.
  3. Check that the LAN activity indicator is lit.

After setting up the wired connection, you must configure access via Wi-Fi.

Step-by-step setting of the MGTS GPON ZTE F660

  1. in the browser's address bar, type the ip address "
  2. on the Router Settings page, enter: Username - "Admin", Password - "admin".
  3. If the services for providing a router is carried out using the MGTS provider, try entering the login - "MgTS" in the password string - "MTSOAO".
  4. After identification, in the window that opens, it will be possible to see the specifications of the router: model, serial number, firmware version, device chip version, as well as a router password.
  5. To connect Wi-Fi wireless access, you must go to the "Network" tab, located at the top. Next, open the "WLAN" submenu on the left side of the window, and find the "Basic" subsection.
  6. In the first column "Wireless RF Mode" to set the value "Enabled"
  7. In the "Mode" string, select "Mixed (802.11b)"
  8. Region - Russia
  9. Row "Chanel" - "AUTO" mode.
  10. In TRANSMITTING POWER, choose "100%".
  11. Press the button to save the entered settings - "Submit".
  12. Next, open the "Multi-Ssid Settings" submenu (Fig. 3)
  13. In the "SSID NAME" row, you must come up with and enter the name of the network, after pressing the "Submit" button.
  14. Open the "Security" submenu and insert the following values:
  15. Writing in the "WPA Passphrase" string for a previously invented password, which will be the key network. To ensure network security and avoid unauthorized access, the password must contain at least 8-10 symbols of the Latin alphabet, it is desirable to use the characters of both the upper and lower registers, as well as the numbers.
  16. To save click on the "Submit" button.

If all of the specified actions are correct, and the device is in working condition, you can connect various devices to Wi-Fi access.

If you decide to return your router to the factory settings, you need to reset custom settings as follows:

  • When the router is enabled, you must hold the "Reset" reset button for 30 seconds.
  • Continuing to hold the button, disconnect the power from the network, and hold the button for another 30 seconds.
  • Connect the device to the network again, and hold the button shed another 30 seconds.

If everything is done correctly, the router must return to the factory settings.

How to download and install the firmware on the router

When errors appearing on the router, for example, with regular Wi-Fi disconnections, without visible reasons, the router can be reflashing. But this is done at your own risk, since the factory guarantee is lost. Under the MGTS Treaty, the router belongs to the provider company, and not the user. And in the event of an unsuccessful firmware, the user will have to pay the cost of the router.

In order to flash the router, you need to download the official version from the manufacturer of the manufacturer of ZTE equipment, or contact

To configure any of the routers of the ZTE line, it is recommended to prepare the authorization data of the Internet connection of Rostelecom, since it will not be possible to activate the network without them. In most cases, the provider uses the PPPoe type of connection to services. Such parameters are applied to install communication using ADSL and Ethernet technology. There are also less common options for connecting services that can be used when performing fiber optic cable directly into the apartment or private client house.

Setting Rostelecom Parameters for ZTE Routers

ZTE One of the largest companies in the global electronics market. In addition to the most important popularity of the manufacturer's smartphones recently, which have a lower cost than similar products of LG and Samsung brands, but at the same time they are not inferior to them in terms of characteristics and quality, the company occupies confident positions and in the field of network equipment.

ZTE provides its customers with a wide range of devices for creating a home or corporate network. For users who need the Internet outside the city, where there is no possibility to create a connection with a wired path, the manufacturer offers ZTE MF 190 modems, distributed both from the native (factory firmware) and with an already built-in modification from Rostelecom.

Such can be connected directly to a computer or using routers that support the corresponding connector and technology.

Attention! The ability to reflash the ZTE MF 190 modems from Rostelecom or other operator official methods is absent. DC-UNLOCKER program is usually used for such tasks.

Also in the network equipment line, ZTE has both routers, for example, H108N, assigned to users as an Ethernet modem Rostelecom to configure high-speed domestic and work networks.

Preparation for setting up equipment

Before setting ZTE routers near Rostelecom, for example, the E5501 models, you need to check the equipment package in which:

  • power supply (12V transducer);
  • at least one Ethernet cable.

Of course, in the newly unpacked box from the device, there will also be a disk, warranty and a lot of literature, but to configure the ZTE modem near Rostelecom, these components do not play an important role.

Attention! Even if you want to use the Internet only on Wi-Fi, Ethernet cable in any case is an indispensable component that is needed for the initial setting.

To connect the device, the first, with which you need to get acquainted are ports on the rear panel.

Expanding the ZTE E5501 side with functional connectors, as well as on the ZXV10 W300, here you can detect:

  • four ports LAN;
  • ethernet port;
  • connector for power cable.

The ZTE H108N model will have one difference from the above modems, namely the connector for the ADSL cable (telephone cable), since this router is intended for the Internet on the telephone line. On the general sequence of connecting network equipment, this will not affect not significantly. The first thing connects the power supply into the socket and the port on the router, and then insert the Internet cable in the WAN or ADSL port (depending on the modem model, one of these ports will be present). Now we find the RJ45 connector on the computer (standard network login) and connect it using an Ethernet cable with the corresponding port on the router. Since in our case the connectors four, you can connect the cord in any.

Attention! If ZTE H108N is configured, in addition to the described sequence, it is also recommended to connect a splitter, filtering Internet and network signals. This will simultaneously use the two service provider.

When all cords are connected, you can turn on the equipment, which is done using the button on the rear panel.

We now turn to the front of the device. It contains indicators that will help to learn about the status of options when setting up ZTE ZXV10 W300, H108N or E5501 modems for Rostelecom. For example, here is displayed here about:

  • which of the connectors a computer is connected;
  • wi-Fi works;
  • is there any connection to the provider and the Internet.

Configuring Internet connection on ZTE ZXV10 W300, ZTE H108N, ZTE E5501

When with a part of the connection is completed, you can go to configure modems for Rostelecom, which we will do on the example of ZTE ZXV10 W300. We go from the computer connected directly to the modem to the browser and prescribe in the address bar of the IP router. You can find it in the passport of equipment. In our case, it will be Now enter standard login and password, which are also specified in the Modem instructions (Admin / Admin).

After that, it will be redirected to the device control panel. In the Network tab, select WAN parameters and configure the PPPOE connection according to the data provided by the provider. They can be found in a contract or on a special Rostelecom map.

Since the equipment supports Wi-Fi parameters and such a modem is usually bought with the intention to connect wireless devices to the network, you can configure the operation of the module on the Wireless tab. Here you choose the network name (SSID), as well as create a protective key that will prevent the connection of foreign customers to your wireless network.

From ZTE, depending on its type (portable or stationary) is made in several steps. In the case of the installation of routers for private apartments or small offices, the right place is selected, then the connection is performed, and the connection parameters are made.