Diagnostic collection in MacOS using the command line. MacBook full-fledged diagnostics - only in the service center How to use the Apple Function Test Program or Apple Diagnostics

Which allows you to diagnose problems with Mac computers, released until June 2013. But if your device is younger, the ANT will not start on it: instead, the computer will use the Apple Diagnostics program.

In essence, both programs are not much different from each other. Is that the Apple Hardware Test interface is simpler and old, and "Apple's" Diagnostics "everything is made in the new" flat "stylish design. In addition, the latter adapted to the latest Apple computers and diagnoses and recognizes the problems of the internal hardware components of the computer, such as motherboard, memory and wireless communication devices.

If you think that your Mac has problems with "hardware", there is a convenient way to check it.

To begin with, turn off the computer and turn it on with the D key until the Apple Diagnostics Download screen appears.

After that, select the language - it will make it easier to work with the program.

The basic test takes from two to three minutes. In case the problem is not detected, you will see the appropriate message. But if there are problems, the system will not only find them, but will also signal in detail what the case may be, and for some problems will offer solutions before contacting the service center.

Under each error, you will find its unique code - if the problem is serious, it is better not to engage in self-medication. For warranty computers, you need to contact the error code, after which experts will tell you what to do next. Do not despair if Mac is no longer warranty - tend to know all the error codes and can immediately report how much repairs can cost.

To exit Apple Diagnostics, turn off the computer. If you want to immediately contact the company's support, click "Get Started".

Today there are quite a lot of utilities for testing and diagnosing personal computers. And not all of them are created only to identify faults. Some of the existing applications help identify "weak" places and can even give a number of useful tips. The utility called TechTool Pro belongs to this.

TechTool Pro is a fairly popular utility for testing an apple computer, which is distinguished by wide possibilities and a pleasant interface. Due to this, it can be used both beginners and advanced users.

One of the main tasks of TechTool Pro is the Testing of the MAC hard disk. The utility allows you to scan drives for the subject of sections, restore access rights, execute Smart tests, cloning volumes.

However, TechTool Pro capabilities on the hard disk monitoring are not completed. This application also allows you to test other components of the apple computer. For example, check the operation of coolers, RAM, monitor, etc.

Summing up, we can say that TechTool Pro is a powerful application that can replace a whole arsenal of diagnostic programs. But this utility has one essential drawback - the price. The latest version of the program will cost $ 99.99. You can buy TechTool on.

As you know, Apple pays a lot of attention to the organization of maintenance and repair of their devices ... While they are under warranty. If the warranty period for your MacBook came out, then its repair can pour out in a serious amount. You can request several hundred dollars for some trifle problem.

Therefore, let's figure it out with those problems that can fix it yourself. Here I collected all the important information on the repair of MacBook with your own hands. It is also useful to Mac Desktop users.

Before you start: Backup

If your MacBook started working with problems and you are going to deal with them, then before proceeding to active actions, back up all important information.

I hope you already know how to use Time Machine. Create a copy of your Mac using this utility on an external drive or online storage. Excellent, proceed to search for MacBook faults and fix them.

1. Download updates and check for viruses

In the first step, make sure that the computer installed topical software versions. Download the most recent updates of the operating system, applications, component firmware ... Absolutely. Run the App Store and go to the "Update" section. If for some software ready update - install it.

If you installed some programs not through the App Store, then run each of them individually and check whether they are not ready to update.

After updating programs, run antivirus check (previously updating the antivirus) to make sure that there are no viruses and other malicious software that can be a source of computer problems. You can also use the Program for searching and removing advertising software, for example, Adware MDIC. Just do not use MacKeeper for this.

Many users still live in ignorance and believe that viruses do not threaten poppies. But the situation has long changed, and unwanted programs demonstrating advertising can easily get on your system.

After updates and check for viruses, restart the computer. It is possible that he will work without problems.

2. Diagnostics MacBook

If the problem of Mac remains, it is necessary to find out its source. At first, you should decide on the category of problems: software or hardware. To check iron, you need to run Apple Diagnostics (or Apple Hardware Test, depending on the age of your computer). To do this, we use the following algorithm:

  1. Turn off the MacBook and disconnect the entire peripheral from it (except for a network adapter, mice, keyboard and Ethernet connector).
  2. Hold down the D key until Apple Diagnostics starts.
  3. Select a language and click the "Enter" button.
  4. If your Mac has been released earlier than 2013, select "Perform Extended Testing" and press "TEST".

The procedure for diagnosing a computer hardware filling will begin. It can delay - be patient. At the end of the diagnostics, a table with information on the problems found with iron will appear on the screen. Write down somewhere all this and restart the computer.

With the built-in OS X disk utility (Disk Utility), you can detect a number of problems associated with the file system, especially if they are associated with access rights.

If these diagnostic tools found nothing, you will have to use an alternative method. Explore the "Localization of Mac OS X" - in this document, Apple collected a delight tips to help find a source of computer problems. Finding it, you may understand the further MacBook repair strategy or will have to search for relevant information on thematic forums.

If you still do not know how to return the full functionality to your Mac, read the article further.

3. Problem programs

Let's start with what is easier. As a rule, problems with software are solved cheaper and faster.

Correct access rights

Incorrect access rights often create difficult problems. Their correction in many cases allows you to quickly solve the seemingly incredibly complex problems. Run the disk utility (applications -\u003e Other) and click the "Check Access Rights" button.

Almost probably the utility will find several objects, which will advise the access rights to correct. After it completes its work, click the "Fix Access Rights" button. If the list of fixes is large enough, this procedure will take a few minutes. You can relax and drink a cup of coffee.

PRAM and SMC reset

Communication with arbitrary access to which system parameters (PRAM) and the system controller (SMC) are responsible for many important things in your poppy. To reset Pram, do the following:

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. Press the power on the computer.
  3. Before the gray screen appears at the same time, press the COMMAND, OPTION, P and R buttons.
  4. Hold these buttons until you reinstall the sound of the computer.
  5. Now let go buttons.

The SMC reset depends on the type of computer used. On MacBook with a removable battery:

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. Disconnect the power adapter.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. Press and hold the power button for five seconds.
  5. Insert the battery back.
  6. Turn on the computer.

On MacBook with a non-removable battery:

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. Connect the power adapter.
  3. On the built-in keyboard, simultaneously press the SHIFT, CONTROL and OPTION buttons on the left and power button.
  4. Simultaneously release SHIFT, CONTROL and OPTION.
  5. Turn on the computer.

On Mac Pro, IMAC with an Intel processor, Mac Mini with an Intel or XServe processor on Intel:

  1. Turn off the computer.
  2. Disconnect the power cord.
  3. Wait fifteen seconds.
  4. Connect the power cord.
  5. Turn on the computer.

Remove problem programs

If you still did not make MacBook work as it should, and suspect a specific program in creating problems, then try to delete it and see if the computer will work better after that. If this happened exactly, try to establish this program again. Sometimes it's all you need to do to repair MacBook. If problems are left, then try some more things.

Reinstall OS X.

We go to decisive measures. Sometimes there are serious problems in the operating system, which can be eliminated only by reinstalling. That's why you made a backup copy of your poppy at the beginning of the article.

If you have installed OS X Yosemite (you have already updated Mac), then do it as follows:

  1. Restart MacBook.
  2. When you see the gray screen, press and hold COMMAND + R.
  3. The options should appear, among which select "Set OS X" (Install OS X).
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  5. The operating system is reset. Look, whether the problem disappeared.

4. Hardware problems

If your MacBook has a problem with iron and you want to eliminate it yourself, you will have to use online resources filled with useful information. Apple Diagnostics or Apple Hardware Test information should be the starting point (of course, if this utility started and the computer display works). Sometimes the diagnosis of problems in hardware can be very difficult, it will require the availability of professional skills and tools.

We collect information

Before starting the repair of Iron MacBook, it is necessary to prepare well and collect the necessary information. On the Internet there are quite a few resources about the repair of poppies. I recommend starting with ifiXit, Instructables and YouTube. Before disassembled the MacBook case carefully read or look at the instructions and make sure you have everything you need.

MacBook repair tools

Unfortunately, to repair Apple laptops you will need tools that are not included in the traditional home set. In the iFixit online store and on local "iron" markets, you can find almost everything necessary: \u200b\u200bingenious screwdrivers, soldering fixtures and special sets.

You can also search for the necessary fixtures for repair on Amazon and Ebay. In the latter case, the price can pleasantly surprise you (that's just the delivery, most likely flies in a penny). Used tools are unlikely to lose their functionality after repairing one or two computers.

Where to take spare parts

On eBay you can find not only tools, but also spare parts for MacBook: from motherboards to displays. You can also cheap to buy a faulty poppy, in which we will find a lot of working parts for repair. Ifixit also sells parts for Mac.

Before buying a hundred times to check that this is exactly the item that you need. Confine yourself from incompatibility problems. If you are not sure how this spare part is exactly called, on your MacBook, go to the apple menu (in the upper left corner of the screen) -\u003e About this Mac -\u003e System Report and find a description of the desired component (of course, if the computer turns on) .

For business!

If you know what you need to do, prepared the tools and the necessary parts, then it's time to take care of your MacBook. Re-read the necessary instructions. Confine yourself from a possible impact of electrical current and proceed.

Follow patience. Repair of a modern computer is a very subtle occupation, there are many small and fragile parts, and some of them can permanently damage the discharge of static electricity. Be extremely attentive when working with battery and chips.

And maybe in the service center?

MacBook repair takes time, patience, and sometimes decent money - but it turns on the return of computer performance and the growing sense of self-esteem.

I recommend to take serious repairs, I recommend only if you like to dig in the filling of electronic devices. Solving serious hardware problems with poppies several times, you will be taken to the group of favorites.

But most of us, Maci's serious repair should be entrusted to the professional preparation. You can try to pass the relevant courses yourself. But it is unlikely that they will seem simple to you. Therefore, most users entrust repair their MacBook professionals. Yes, you will give more money, but get qualified help.

In what situation are you ready to repair your computer yourself? And when preferred to entrust his repair to a qualified person? Share your opinion in the comments.

If your Mac has any unusual problems associated with the technical component, you can use the Apple diagnostics program to find out their causes and even fix.

Apple's diagnostics will hold several tests in order to identify problems associated with a system, but with the device itself. It can be a broken port, spoiled battery, problems with display and everything in such a way.

This program is essentially the reincarnation of the Apple Hardware Test program. Apple diagnostics is designed for new Mac, and the 2013 model and older use Apple Hardware Test. The old program displays more information, and the diagnosis is more compressed. However, both programs work in the same way and are excellent to identify and solve problems with MAC details.

Open Apple's diagnostics on Mac is very simple - you need to press the keyboard shortcut at startup. Further about it in more detail.

How to open diagnosticsApple on theMAC

Many different messages about various problems may appear. If you do not know what to do, you can contact Apple Support or contact a specialist.

Note that Apple's diagnostics can detect not all problems, and in this case it remains only to immediately seek help from a specialist. Such problems include cases when the computer does not periodically start or vice versa turns off by itself. Also, the program will not detect physical damage to the device, including damage from contact with liquids.

Apple diagnostics program is not ideal, but it is convenient to start solving any technical problems with Mac, IMAC, MacBook, MacBook Pro and other models.

Running Diagnostics Applethrough the Internet

Apple's diagnostics can be launched via the Internet by pressing the OPTION + D keys during startup. The process will take more time, and no more differences with the previous way.

What to do with diagnostic codesApple?

If the program detects the problem, it will give you its code and a brief description. More information can be obtained by checking the code on the Apple Reference Codes website. There you will learn about your problem more details.

How else to solve technical problems

Apple diagnostics is very useful, but it will not help solve all problems. You can try the following:

  • Run Apple's diagnostic tests and, if you wish, repeat them several times.
  • Reset the system control control parameters.
  • Contact Apple Support or contact a specialist.

Technical problems arise not very often, and most of them can be solved. Many such problems are even covered by a guarantee for which the repairs can be obtained for free.

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Before going to a service center with its Mac, any user can independently check its computer for problems. Perhaps knowing what the problem is, the user will be able to conduct an easy repair independently.

Since Apple's instructions in this case are not a sense - they are sent exclusively to the service center, then I made my own guide to solve problems with Mac.

  • If the computer is released after June 2013, then the verification program is called "Apple Diagnostics"
  • If the computer is released until June 2013, the verification program is called "Apple Function Test"

Regardless of the name, utilities work almost identically.

How to start Apple's diagnostics?

Step 1. Disconnect all devices except mouse, keyboard, network cable and monitor.

Step 2. Turn off the computer.

Step 3. Turn on the computer and click D. Hold it until a special screen appears with a language selection.

Step 4. Choose the Russian language and check will be automatically. It lasts not for a very long time - 2-3 minutes.

If you do not start regular diagnostics, then when loading, click Option + D and the diagnostics will begin using the Internet. For example, I had to do so, for I have long changed hard disks in McBuch and the recovery section, I naturally, no longer. Such a picture can provide 5 minutes. If hung up, restart the computer.

This is how the diagnosis on the MacBook Pro 2011 looks like. At the beginning we find and choose the "Choose Russian as a main language" string:

After that, click "Test":

Apple Error Codes on MacBook

Error codeProblemWhat to do?
ADP000.No problems foundIf there is still a problem, then look for her decision on the Internet.
Perhaps there is a problem with the Wi-Fi module.
Not found Wi-Fi networks. Available Wi-Fi networks are missing, or the Wi-Fi module is defective.Try the Wi-Fi network in this place on another device. If it works, then you have a problem with the Wi-Fi module.
Perhaps there is a problem with the camera.
NDD001.Perhaps there is a problem with the USB module.Disconnect all USB devices and start checking again. Then plug the operating device in turning to Wi-Fi modules and start checking.
Perhaps there is a problem with the keyboard.
NDL001.Perhaps there is a problem with the Bluetooth module.Try connecting multiple different devices in the system and refine whether any problems with Bluetooth.
Perhaps there is a problem with the Trekpad.
Perhaps there is a problem with the Thunderbolt module.Disconnect the Thunderbolt devices. Run the check again.
NNN001.The serial number is not detected.
Perhaps there is a problem with the system control controller (SMC).
PFR001Perhaps there is a problem with a computer firmware.
Perhaps there is a problem with a fan.You can theoretically disassemble the laptop, remove the fan and clean it. I do this every six months.
PPM001.Perhaps there is a problem with a memory module.You can disassemble the laptop. Get the memory modules, if possible, change the planks in some places.
Perhaps there is a problem with the built-in memory.
Perhaps there is a problem with the power adapter.Disconnect the power adapter and from the computer. Connect again and check.
PPP007The power adapter is not verified.Refluous power adapter to a guaranteed working outlet. Run the check again.
PPR001Perhaps there is a problem with the processor.Sadness, if the error is repeated ... Here it is exactly better to attribute to the service.
PPT001.The battery is not detected.
Soon the battery needs to be replaced. It is working, but its capacity has decreased.On some models of poppy, the battery can be completely replaced independently.
PPT004.It is required to re-diagnose through the Internet (described at the beginning of the article). About Apple uses the most modern battery diagnostics tools. If the problem is confirmed and the battery work does not suit you, then think about replacing.
PPT005The battery is installed incorrectly. Complete the work and turn off the computer. Computer requires service.Disable and connect anew battery.
PPT006.Battery requires maintenance. The battery is faulty, although it may not affect its work or capacity. Before checking, you can continue to use the battery without harm to the computer.I would still replaced the battery if the container falls to zero, because without it, Mac OS automatically reduces the performance of the computer. It comes down to noticeable brakes.
PPT007.Battery must be replaced. The battery is working, but its capacity has decreased significantly. Before replacing the battery, you can continue to use it without harm to the computer.Above the Council Dan!
Perhaps there is a problem with the SD card reader.
Perhaps there is a problem with a storage device.Check hard disks on errors with special utilities.
VDH005Unable to launch OS X OS recovery.OS X can be installed even from the flash drive. Look for instructions - it is easy.
Perhaps there is a problem with the display.
VFD006.Perhaps there is a problem with a graphics processor.
VFF001.Perhaps there is a problem with the hardware component of the audio.

What else do you need to know?

Not always the test displays errors. Here I have some problems with the SD slot, but the test of the errors did not reveal. Perhaps the extended testing is required.

Many problems, especially in old models, can be solved on their own, but if you are not sure about your abilities, then carry to the Apple service center. The older model, the easier it is to disassemble it, which means it is easier to repair the desired module.