Start from Sberbank: convenient offers for business, program features. Trade offers

To open your business from scratch, you must first learn simple axioms. They mainly relate to the field of psychology and the right attitude of a person.

1. Profit

You must understand that before the business starts to bring not just money, but profit, you will have to sweat for some time. Therefore, the desire to open their own business in order to quickly get rid of their financial difficulties or debts has not led anyone to anything good yet.

2. Discipline

It only seems that it is worth freeing up some free time for yourself, and you will immediately begin to devote it completely to your business: “Before that, I somehow diligently and on time fulfilled the tasks of my obnoxious boss!”. So? In fact, you are trapped in an illusion. Forcing yourself to do something for yourself is difficult if the overriding motive is simply to get rid of management's obsessive attention.

3. Initial investment

You need to understand that any initial cash injection into your own business is quite risky. Therefore, if you expect to rely in your business on loans, borrowings, your own reserves set aside for other strategic goals (real estate, health, training), then it is better not to start anything at all. Investments in the first enterprise in its life should be reflected minimally on the “balance” of the usual way of life.

4. Attitude

You should start implementing the idea if the thought prevails in your head: “I am perfectly able to do what is in demand on the market and I like it”. Sometimes you just want to do something on your own, which is pretty good in itself. But if this impulse is burdened by the feeling that everything is already enough, then it turns out that you are still not ready to go free swimming. This is the truth of life.

How to start your own business from scratch? Analyze niches

Is it realistic to open your own business from scratch? Undoubtedly. Then the next question arises - what kind of business to open from scratch? Analyze the niches available to you. If you have experience in selling a particular product and experience in a particular area, then you can immediately do it.

When there is no such clarity, use the technique of 3 consecutive lists: the first list is 10 of your skills, the second list is 3-4 skills from the previous one, the use of which gives you pleasure, in the third list you should leave only what you could do for free.

How to create your own business from scratch? Test your niche

How to organize your business from scratch? Write a business plan

Write a business plan. A real business plan for yourself. And stick with it.

The document should include several sections

  • Product description
  • Competitive analysis
  • Client portrait
  • Description of the business process
  • Marketing plan
  • Sales plan for the year
  • Financial plan
  • Management plan

How to start your own business from scratch? Set a goal and figure out how to achieve it

Set a financial goal and understand the resources you will need to achieve it. This can be realized by building a predictive conversion model. In fact, this is a detailed sales plan for several months in advance with all intermediate indicators, the implementation of which on a daily basis will lead to the set goal. These indicators are calculated by the method of decomposition according to the scheme.

  1. Setting a profit target
  2. Calculation of the amount of revenue by profit share
  3. Determination of the number of transactions by dividing the revenue by the average check
  4. Finding out the figure for from the number of transactions
  5. Calculation of the required number of actions at the stages of the business process for intermediate conversion
  6. Finding counters - daily activity indicators (calls, sending quotes, invoicing).

Once you understand how many actions you need to perform in 1 working day, you will have an understanding of how to achieve your goal or adjust it.

How to start your small business from scratch? Think about a development plan

Consider expansion and contraction issues immediately. This is easy to do if you already have the conversion model discussed above. Provided that the profit target was set as realistic as possible (not to be confused with pessimistic forecasts), you will immediately see how many employees of the commercial department you need in the future.

There are certain organizational norms that will give the unit maximum efficiency and sustainability.

  • 3 salespersons are already a full-fledged structure and they need a manager (). And this is not the owner.
  • 2 departments of 3 people each + 1 ROP is better than 1 department with 7 employees and 1 ROP
  • Whenever possible, strive to separate functions and directions between sellers.
  • Whenever there is a new opportunity for expansion, create competing commercial structures that duplicate each other.

How to open your business in Russia from scratch? Adjust expectations

Adjust expectations. Tune in for the best, but prepare for the worst - a basic premise. So keep in mind.

1. In 99.9% of cases, money will not immediately flow like a river

2. At first it may very well be that in order to somehow move from the spot, you will have to work in non-stop mode - 24/7

3. Have you ever been a loader, promoter, cleaner, courier? Very soon you will become comfortable in these new roles for yourself.

4. A disgruntled customer is worse than an angry boss.

5. Suppliers sometimes behave like children: they lie, are late, are capricious

6. Uncultured corporate employees are sometimes worse than marauders: they drag everything that is badly lying, blackmail the owner, "cheat" clients, work "past the cash register", damage property.

How to open your business from scratch in Russia? Choose from the available

If you have the desire, but ideas are still tight, turn your attention to the following areas. At least you will be able to push off from something, and then understanding will come.

1. Teaching or Consulting. Do it in a field where you are an expert and a great specialist.

2. Online store. Here the costs are lower than in the offline sphere. You only need to master a few skills in internet marketing.

3. Trade interesting product through free message boards.

4. All the usual types of freelancing - legal services, accounting, massage, writing texts, creating videos, writing software, web development and mobile application development.

5. Needlework. Now handmade is experiencing its rebirth. And thanks in large part to the internet. So finding a buyer for a thing made with heart is much easier than just opening a small point of sale on the market.

  • Take training courses, or better find a practical businessman and learn from him
  • Write down a business plan, define an action plan - everything must be recorded in writing
  • Set goals and decompose them
  • Do not take a loan to open your own business, and even more so do not touch the money set aside for the education of children or treatment
  • Think positively.
  • Think over a retreat plan - what will happen if everything goes according to a negative scenario.
  • There are many ways to start a business from scratch. Just find yours.

    The program is aimed at creating new and supporting existing small innovative enterprises seeking to develop and master the production of a new product, product, technology or service using the results of their own scientific, technical and technological research, which are at the initial stage of development and have significant potential for commercialization.

    Take part in the competition under this program can:

    1) legal entities belonging to the category of small business entities in accordance with federal law No. 209-FZ dated July 24, 2007 and meeting the following conditions:

    • the date of registration of the enterprise is no more than 2 years from the date of filing an application for the competition;
    • leading employees of the enterprise (head of the enterprise, scientific director of the project) should not participate in other projects financed by the Foundation;
    • the enterprise should not have previously received financial support from the Fund /

    2) individuals- provided that they do not take part at the same time (act as the head of the enterprise, the scientific director of the project) in other projects financed by the Foundation. If you win the competition, you will need to create a legal entity.

    Directions of the program:

      H1. Digital technologies;

      H2. Medicine and technologies of health preservation;

      H3. New materials and chemical technologies;

      H4. New devices and intelligent manufacturing technologies;

      H5. Biotechnology;

      H6. Resource-saving energy.

    The program is implemented in 3 stages:

    • 1st stage of the Program (competition "Start-1");
    • 2nd stage of the Program (competition "Start-2");
    • 3rd stage of the Program (competition "Start-3"). An alternative to the Start-3 competition is the Business-Start program, which is aimed at commercializing the R&D results obtained as part of the execution of contracts under the Start-2 competition (analogous to the Commercialization program for participants in the Start program).
    Support options:
    Start-1 Start-2 Start-3 Business Start
    Grant size Up to 2 million rubles. Up to 3 million rubles. Up to 5 million rubles. Up to 10 million rubles.
    Grant term 1 year
    Extrabudgetary co-financing Not required At least 50% of the grant amount At least 50% of the grant amount
    Direction of expenses R&D. Detailed Commercialization of R&D results.
    Participants Individual or legal entity Legal entity Legal entities who have completed any stage of the "Start" program (including "Start-3" and "Start-NTI").

    Expected results:

    • established intellectual property, the rights to which must be formalized in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the enterprise - the recipient of the grant (for competitions "Start-1", "Start-2", "Start-3";
    • the head of the enterprise must be employed in the staff of the enterprise as the main place of work;
    • the average number of employees of the enterprise should be:
      at least 3 people - for grantees under the Start-2 competition;
      at least 6 people - for grantees under the Start-3 competition and the Business Start program.
    • the site of the enterprise was created, which, among other things, should contain information about the products developed within the framework of R&D and provide a link about the support of the project by the Fund - for grantees under the Start-2 competition;
    • the sale of products created at the expense of the grant has begun (contracts for the sale of products must be concluded, proceeds from the sale of innovative products must be received) - for grantees under the Start-2 competition;
    • the proceeds of the enterprise from the sale of products must be at least the amount of funds received by the Fund for all stages of the project implementation - for grantees under the Start-3 competition and the Business Start program.

    In case of significant failure to achieve the planned targets, the Foundation has the right to demand the return of the grant funds.

    Detailed information about the program is presented in the section

    Applications within the framework of the Start and Business Start programs are accepted constantly, applications are considered 2-3 times a year:

    Contest Basic conditions Current status
    Start-1 Grant size: up to 2 million rubles. R&D period: 12 months. Participants: individuals or legal entities-subjects of small business.
    Start-2 (transition) Grant size: up to 3 million rubles. R&D period: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: legal entities that have successfully completed the grant agreement for the Start-1 competition. Applications are accepted until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 20, 2020.
    Start-2 Grant size: up to 3 million rubles. R&D period: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: legal entities that have not previously participated in the Start program. Applications are accepted until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 20, 2020.
    Start-3 Grant size: up to 5 million rubles. R&D period: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: legal entities that have successfully completed the grant agreement for the Start-2 competition.
    Business Start Grant size: up to 10 million rubles. Project completion time: 12 months. Co-financing: at least 50% of the grant amount. Participants: the enterprise must have a closed contract for the competition "Start-1", "Start-2", "Start-3" or "Start-NTI".

    Acceptance of applications is over.


    Acceptance of applications is over.

    TechnoStart Grant size: 10 million rubles. R&D period: 12-18 months. Acceptance of applications is over.
    Start-digital technologies Grant size: 3 million rubles. R&D period: 12 months.
    Acceptance of applications is over.
    Start-digital platforms Grant size: 3 million rubles. R&D period: 12 months.
    The "Digital Platforms" competition as part of the "Start" program is implemented in 3 stages:

    1st stage (competition "Start-CP-1") - the maximum amount of the grant is 3 million rubles;

    2nd stage (competition "Start-CP-2") - enterprises that have completed the last stage of the program can participate in the competition. The maximum grant amount is 4 million rubles;

    3rd stage (competition "Start-CP-3") - enterprises that have completed the last stage of the program can participate in the competition. The maximum grant amount is 5 million rubles.

    Applications are accepted until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 6, 2020.

    Grant funding can be used to financially support the costs of R&D as part of the implementation of an innovative project in accordance with the approved cost estimate of the grant funds:

    • a) wages;
    • b) accruals on wages;
    • c) materials, raw materials, components (no more than 20% of the grant amount);
    • d) payment for the work of co-performers;
    • e) other works and services of a production nature performed by third parties;
    • f) other general business expenses (no more than 5% of the grant amount).

    Expenses for items "d" and "e" must in aggregate not exceed 25% of the grant amount "

    Explanations of the items of expenditure are presented in the file: Requirements for the preparation of estimates for contracts concluded before 28.11.2018. (download) for contracts concluded after 28.11.2018 (download)

    Current competitions for the program:

    Start-1, Start-2, Start-2 (continuing), Start-3 accepting applications until 10:00 (Moscow time) on April 20, 2020.

    Video about the program

    Algorithm for submission of applications

    Carefully read the terms of the program. To fill out the application, go to the system online. Site. Register and create an application for the competition in the section "Current competitions" After filling in all the fields of the application, attaching all the necessary documents - click the "Submit" button

    The procedure for the submission and verification of reports (download)

    Composition of interim reporting documentation

      1 Registration card (RK) It is necessary to register the topic of the current contract (not the topic of the project). RK is attached to the Foundation system with the date, number and seal of CITIS

      2 Interim scientific and technical report of the corresponding stage

      3 Financial report on the costs incurred in the course of the work of stage No. ...,

      4 Act on the completion of the R&D stage

      5 Information card of abstract and bibliographic information (ICRBS).

      ICRBS can be drawn up immediately, as soon as the NTO is ready, without waiting for its approval. ICRBS is drawn up on NTO (Name of R&D is the topic of the contract, Name of the report is the work of the current stage of the schedule / topic of the contract, if ICRBS is for the final NTO). ICRBS is attached to the Foundation system with the date, number and seal of CITIS

    The composition of the final reporting documentation

      1 Final Scientific and Technical Report

      2 Information card of abstract and bibliographic information (ICRBS)

    • ICRBS can be drawn up immediately, as soon as the NTO is ready, without waiting for its approval. ICRBS is drawn up on NTO (Name of R&D is the topic of the contract, Name of the report is the work of the current stage of the schedule / topic of the contract, if ICRBS is for the final NTO). ICRBS is attached to the Foundation system with the date, number and stamp CITIS
    • 3 Intellectual Activity Result Information Card (IFR)

    • For questions regarding the endorsement of forms (IKP, IKSPO, IKSI), please contact the Department for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Budgetary Support at:
    • 4 Indicators of implementation of an innovative project (IIP table)

      5 Financial report on the costs incurred in the course of the work of stage No. ...,

    • Report on the costs incurred under the grant agreement in accordance with the approved cost estimate and from extrabudgetary funds, for the last stage of the agreement.
    • 6 Act on the completion of the R&D stage

      7 Act on the implementation of research and development

      8 Report on the Intended Use of Grant Funds

    Organizational part

    If it is impossible or inexpedient to continue the work, the contractors must promptly apply for this with a letter addressed to general director Fund.

    If it is necessary to amend the contract, the executing organization concludes with the Fund additional agreement to the agreement on the basis of a letter provided to the Fund explaining the reasons for the change.

    Registration of an additional agreement

    1. In the system, select the tab “ amendments to the contract", Select the type of change (check the box)

    2. In the section "change request" fill in the fields:

    What changes are supposed to be made to the contract *(n for example, adjust the estimate for actual expenses / add an employee / extend the work completion period / change the actual address of the company / change bank details)

    Justification *(for example, the tests of the prototype took longer than planned, in this regard, we ask to extend the term of the work of the current stage / to carry out R&D it was necessary to attract additional specialists / work such and such (see the estimate) were carried out on their own, without involving third party organization) Othe justification must be reasoned!

    3. Make changes and attach new documents to the relevant sections of the agreement. Sections are opened based on the selected type of change (calendar plan, estimate, list of employees, company card, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Articles of Association, bank statement, etc.) Make those adjustments to the system that you ask for in the request. SAVE

    4. Press the button "send for approval"

    For competitions in 2018 and earlier, documents must be submitted to the Fund on paper:

    Business owners can not only open a current account with Sberbank, but also connect several services that will make its management easier and more multifunctional. Many paid and free add-ons are waiting for everyone who wants to take advantage of the offer. All this is available through Sberbank. The management program "Sberbank Start" allows you to use the services in automatic mode.

    How it's done?

    There is nothing complicated in invoicing. The client only needs to have documents at hand to fill out an application. This will take about 5-10 minutes. To register and get a number, you need:

    1. Select the type of account.
    2. Enter organization data.
    3. Send the questionnaire for processing.

    Managing your business is convenient and easy!

    On the official website of the Credit Organization, you can see the description of the Sberbank Business Start program, choose a tariff that suits you, and submit an online application for joining the program.

    The account number is generated and sent within 5 minutes, immediately after the application is submitted. There are no special requirements. But the client gets a lot of advantages.

    Although you can get an account number with Sberbank in 5 minutes, actions on it will be limited for now. After the online opening, it will already exist. But in order to get full access to all functions, the client needs to go through verification, that is, to confirm all the data specified in the questionnaire with documents. It is impossible to do this via the Internet: Sberbank does not provide for such an option. To pass the verification, you need to visit the bank branch in person.

    Advantages of connecting an account with Sberbank

    Sberbank promises special conditions of service to everyone who connects a business account under the Sberbank Business Start program. Among the many advantages are the following:

    • Expensive bonuses for online advertising.
    • Connecting a mobile bank in the phone.
    • Using the Internet Bank and new applications and platforms currently being developed by Sberbank. For example, account management via hours is already available today.
    • Round-the-clock multi-channel customer support.
    • All necessary business services that can be connected or disconnected at will.

    Internet banking and mobile banking for business owners within the framework of the "Sberbank Business Start Credit" program are connected free of charge. Also, there is no need to pay commissions for payments to the budget, deposit funds to a current account from any source, and receive a statement of operations in Sberbank.

    Start tariffs

    The site has a form for selecting a tariff. You can also select it manually. Filling out the form is a minute of time spent on entering the general data.

    It is necessary to indicate the most basic parameters, namely:

    When filling out such a form, you can indicate approximate numbers, and the final proposal will be shown based on the entered data. If you want to evaluate all the options yourself, manually, this is also available.

    Sberbank Start Tariff " Minimum"- the simplest and cheapest of those available. On this moment its cost is 1800 rubles per month. When using it, the client is given 5 free payments. It is implied that funds are deposited without a commission if the amount is less than 50 thousand rubles.

    Tariff " Basis +"More expensive than only 300 rubles and will cost 2,100 monthly. Includes 20 free payments, and commission-free deposit is available up to 100,000.

    Sberbank Start Tariff " Asset +»Will cost the business owner 2600 rubles per month. Within its framework, you can make 50 free payments, and depositing money without a commission is also allowed with an amount of up to 100 thousand.

    « Optima"Costs 3100 rubles per month. The first 100 payments are provided free of charge. Depositing funds without commission in in this case not provided, but the cost is low - from 0.3%, which in itself implies a benefit.

    On all Sberbank Start tariffs, at the end of free payments, the cost of each will be from 11 rubles. You can select the desired option with maximum accuracy by clicking on the button " Choose a tariff"Or by contacting a bank employee.

    Account opening bonuses

    New clients under the Sberbank Business Start program have access to bonuses in the amount of 120 thousand rubles. Because of too brief description you might think that this is money issued as a loan; in fact, 120,000 rubles are given to promote the business, but only in the form of additional funds.

    You can get them in whole or in part using one or more of the options listed below:

    • Depositing your own money to promote your business through Yandex.Direct makes it possible to increase their number by 4 times. If a client invests 5,000 in an advertising campaign, Sberbank will add 15,000 more to him.
    • Contribution of personal funds for advertising in myTarget... In this case, any amount from 3 to 75 thousand rubles will be doubled by Sberbank. This is an opportunity to get benefits in the form of 75 thousand - the most profitable proposition on promotion.
    • Any payment made for advertising in Google or partners, will be doubled. The maximum amount to be increased is 30,000 rubles.

    This offer is equally beneficial as for those who have already achieved success in creating such advertising campaigns and for those who just want to try. In the first case, advertising is obviously cheaper by 2 or more times, in the second - training or the opportunity to use the services of promotion specialists with reduced risks.

    Additional business products

    Within the framework of the program " Start Sberbank »Offers clients not only cash settlement services for legal entities and SP, but also complementary products. They can be disconnected and connected at will, as needed. Payment for a service is determined based on various business parameters: the larger the processed volumes, the higher the cost, and vice versa. Everything is agreed in advance: unexpected overpayments are excluded.

    Products offered to customers:

    • Turnkey accounting, with individual advice and error insurance.
    • Salary projects: issuing and servicing employee cards, quick salary crediting, extended social package.
    • Insurance: property, business, health and life of employees.
    • Foreign exchange control and full foreign economic activity. Individual manager and risk protection.
    • Acquiring services with the possibility of ordering the company's website.
    • The possibility of obtaining a loan for a business, refinancing existing loans.
    • Online checkout. Cash service is available remotely.
    • Leasing with the ability to use a car for personal purposes.
    • Corporate card with convenient terms of service.

    Project Start is suitable for small business owners, regardless of the line of business. It is already used by tens of thousands of people. To try it out, it takes just a few minutes to issue an invoice.

    Sberbank business start list of franchises

    In 2017, Sberbank, as before, offers its current and future clients a list of the most demanded areas of doing business, depending on the region, client experience, the amount of equity invested, etc.

    Trade offers

    1. Clothes Baon, Elis, Ketroy, Serginnetti, Tom Farr.
    2. Lingerie Mademoiselle de Paris, Milabel, Parisienne.
    3. Craftholic, Children's toys Hippo, Knowledge Island, Things to which handles are drawn.
    4. Clothes and lingerie for pregnant women Newform, I will be a mother.
    5. Women's clothing Levall, Endea.
    6. Children's clothing Choupette, PlaytoDay, Acoola, Orby
    7. Belts, accessories BB1.
    8. Sportswear Forward.
    9. Ralf Runger shoes.

    Service franchise:

    1. Education - Larisa Tsvetaeva's school of sales, Yasam children's club.
    2. Infolife consultations.
    3. Real estate agency HRISH, MIEL.
    4. Household services, repairs - Euroservice, Sonya.
    5. Beauty salon Persona Image Laboratory, Lena Lenina's manicure studio.
    6. Massage salon Soqi Slim Spa, Wai Thai, Tairai.
    7. Outbound catering Chocolate dream.

    Catering sphere:

    1. Harat's Irish Pub.
    2. Gourmet coffee house.
    3. Fast food establishments SUBWAY, Kukurai, Dumplings and Vareniki Express, Stardogs.
    4. Killfish Discount Bar.