Contextual advertising in Yandex Direct Philip Tsarevsky. Interview with Philip Tsarevsky about contextual advertising

Philip Tsarevsky

Yandex. Direct: how to make a profit, and not to play a lottery

Yandex. Direct: Accurate tool or lottery?

Philip Tsarevsky, founder of the Direct-All-in agency and the guest author of our blog Lpgenerator, wrote an extremely useful book "Yandexdirect: how to make a profit, and not play the lottery." Briefly share your impressions about her.

From the first lines, the author appeals to the reader as if to the old friend - on "you", diluting informative blocks with jokes and examples, - all this configures on a positive and easy experience. It seems that in front of you the ordinary reading on the evening - but not everything is so simple. Philip immediately focuses on the fact that the book is written for people practically do not sense in contextual advertisingAnd offers the reader to go all the way: from the definitions and examples of "on the fingers" before the adjustment of the fairly complex characteristics of the advertising campaign.

At the very end, it is described in detail about split tests, remarketing, tracking of analytics, optimizing the most important indicators (koi) - not to mention the intricacies of the preparation of the semantic kernel. Actually, only the second part of the book is devoted to the selection of keywords, creating a campaign, Retargehetong, etc., and the first part of the reader together with Tsarevsky will enter into the essence of the case, to determine the target audience, to prepare a resource for the launch of the campaign - in a word, to pre-work, Almost not touching Yandexdirect.

♦ attitude to the directory as an investment, and not as a gambling adventure;

♦ a serious approach to site optimization, split tests;

♦ budget stock;

♦ availability of demand for competitive offer;

♦ Ideally - product marginalness from 2000 rubles.

Despite the ease of narration, the book is a detailed, step-by-step textbook with tasks at the end of each chapter. The novice directorologist will pass the way from the simplest interactions in Yandex to the extremely intricate formulas for the calculation of efficiency, complex split testing algorithms, analytics tracking and other things. Smoothly, gradually, step by step Philip will raise your level in Yandex. Direct - closing the book, you can more confidently run the first campaign or competently assess the work of a third-party directologist.

We believe, on this moment This is the deepest and useful guide on Yandex. Direct, the most complete and relevant. In Internet marketing, everything changes very quickly, and, in two years, the specifics of working with RRS ad will change a lot - therefore, we take the time "Yandexdirect: how to make a profit, and not play the lottery," the experience of Philip Tsarevsky, draw conclusions and Start your way in contextual advertising.

High conversions!

Artyom Kalekin

CEO Lpgenerator.

On our service, dozens of tasks appear every day related to the placement or optimization of advertising campaigns in Yandexdirect. I see how important this direction for our customers is. And as far as it is promising for performers.

Contextual advertising gives fast target traffic. For goods manufactured through Landing Page, it is generally almost the only source of the lid-flow. It is a powerful and flexible, but rather complicated tool. Therefore, I think the book will be useful as advertisers who do not like to fill their advertising budget and purposeful direct trains who intend to pump their skills in this area.

The book presents two aspects of working on contextual advertising. Actually the technical side of the question: how to collect semantic kernelHow to filter the keys to which stakes to do, how to set up target, etc. and also marketing strategies: how to create antelier, how to write a selling announcement, relieve me from competitors and show advantages.

They need to practice. Do not buy a book in order to put it on the shelf. At the end of each section, the author provided tasks. And this is just the same point of the application of forces in which experience and benefits are born.


If you opened this book, then work with Yandex is relevant to you. Direct. You may have a marketer, or a novice entrepreneur, or a businessman with experience. In any case, I am sure that you will find a lot of new and useful for yourself.

For many Yandex. Direct is a real headache. After the tenth attempt to deal with the keywords, advertisers are given work with the directory on outsource special agencies or freelancers. But even there, they are waiting for a catch: 90% of the directorologists are incompetent, another 7-9% understand well, but they know the system is not very deep. Personally, I know only three real experts. It is even more surprised by the fact that many give themselves for professionals - lead blogs, take pictures, conduct master classes and even write books, but in fact they are very mediocre specialists. If I did not regret my time, then the most of these books and video would be argued. But the year of continuous work will go to the detailed criticism, and the result will not affect anything. That is why I decided to write this book. It also explains the principles of working with contextual advertising in it, the main methods and "chips" are disclosed. Everything is shown on specific examples, in each paragraph, it is reasoned, why it is worth doing this exactly, and not otherwise.

Imagine that a person who has never had a steering wheel, first bought a car. The instructions says: steering wheel turn, to press; Here is a gas, here is the brake; Ride preferably by right side; It is impossible to ride on the red light. A man sits down and rides - some mirrors, buttons, light bulbs, turn signals, and so on, do not worry. Will there be enough such a driver for a long time? How many times will he violate the rules, "will force" others, will create a dangerous situation on the road, will get lost on complex junctions, blinds the oncoming drivers with long-term light? I think this is a rhetorical question. It will be shortwhounds, it will scratch the fencing, the police will stop him, sooner or later an accident happens in which the car and the driver will be seriously affected. And he, enraged, will go to the car dealership and will give them to the court for a defective car.

Sounds ridiculous, right? Most men immediately imagined a pathetic blonde, who gave a rich man gave Porsche Cayenne (if you are blonde - do not be offended: I exaggerate the situation to convey the essence). But it is just as 90% of businessmen behave regarding advertising. What there are back there operators, minus words, settings, low-frames, ROI, conversion, point budget optimization, A / B-tests, Definition of Central Asia, UTP compilation, detuning from competitors And the rest of the incomprehensible words? (Do not scare ahead of time, the meaning of each of them I will definitely decipher.) Is still much simpler: here is the keyword, here is the announcement, here is the bet - we went! There is a second way - to go to a driving school, work out with the instructor, learn the rules of the road. Then "rolling" a new car, riding a less dangerous part of the track to get driving. The first time to ride slowly at the extreme right strip, and then, already having to use the maximum of the possibilities of the car. At the same time, of course, constantly gaining experience.

Today, Tsarevsky is a brand who knows specialists, and newcomers in contextual advertising. On the most pressing and interesting on the context of the context, Philip agreed to tell in an interview with Tipler.

Today, together with him, we will look behind the scenes of contextual advertising and try to figure out how to make a profit, and not play the lottery.

Tipler:Tell me, did the contextual advertising have lost their relevance and efficiency today?

Philip Tsarevsky: contextual advertising Today is still both relevant, and effective. After all, this is an advertisement that sells not a purchase idea, but directly answers the specific search query, showing those who are really interested in the product. But there is a small nuance: Competition is gradually growing and overall demand is reduced, therefore it is not always easy to go on the return on the project. There is such a situation: advertising works, customers go, but the project work is by "zero" or even in a small "minus." We need time, sometimes for several months to bring the project in Plus. But, in general, in most cases in many niches, contextual advertising is relevant and effective.

Tipler.:Why did you choose exactly the contextual advertising? What she is so interestingYou?

Philip Tsarevsky: A few years ago, I was heard about the effectiveness of contextual advertising and even configured the campaign for my business. Then because of disagreements with the partner I had to leave a business and for some time to interrupt the "settings of advertising campaigns" to your friends and acquaintances, receiving a certain% of the profit. At some point it really captured me, I began to watch the video materials at that time, I studied a lot, tested. I especially attracted analytics. Contextual advertising provides a huge array of analytical data in comparison with other advertising formats. Here I saw an endless field of strategy opportunities: access to different segments, work with a different target audience, development and creation of an individual concept, etc. Thus, the contextual advertising for me has become not just a system from the "Set up on templates" series, but a separate marketing tool for business development. I wondered how directs direct in one bundle with marketing.

Tipler: Starting from which budget contextual advertising will be effective?

Philip Tsarevsky: There are a lot of nuances, because in different niches, competition depends on the region, from rates and other factors. Here, rather, you need to consider probabilities. If the budget is laid small, then the probability of going to a good result is significantly lower. After all, it is necessary to test to twist the campaign to the desired result, this requires time and money. The more budget, the higher the probability of the result. In addition, the budget is growing coverage, which also plays a big role. But in some cases, even a budget of 100 rubles per day can be effective.

Tipler:What should the beginner guide when creating an advertising campaign?

Philip Tsarevsky:If the newcomer first sets up an advertising campaign independently, he needs, firstly, to reduce all possible risks, and secondly, get a maximum of useful experience to understand how contextual advertising works and works. And here it is very important to set up correctly: you make investments without expectations and forecasts. We need to make aware that if you first set up advertising, it does not mean that now you will run it and buy yourself Porsche Seyenne. To avoid serious mistakes and not "merge" the advertising budget, I can give a newcomer such recommendations:

  • Use the most obvious hot demands that are clearly administered to buy.
  • Write the most ordinary ads, and do not go to the micromemage, do not burn in different "films" and dancing with tambourines.
  • Adjust the campaign as simple as possible and unpretentiously.
  • Carefully read various settings And tick. Many of them can "merge" the budget to nowhere, for example, additional relevant phrases.
  • If the campaign is aimed at search, do not forget to disable networks in the parameters.
  • Work minus words or quivering keywords so as not to merge the budget for garbage queries.
  • Check out the words so that the ambiguous phrases do not get there: they need a special approach, they are in the risk area.
  • It is better to concentrate on the mid-frequency queries, because low-frequency requires a long detailed study, and too short and popular requests in the risk area.
Tipler: How many campaigns have you already set up? If any differences in the approach to contextual advertising in small, medium and large business?

Philip Tsarevsky: In fact, one can allocate three degrees of my participation. The first - I set up the contextual advertising "from and to". There are companies to which I developed concepts and strategies, which is called "Mozgokontrol". There are companies where I enabled in the process already at the point of reference. In the total aggregate, the number of campaigns is calculated by hundreds, but the exact number is extremely difficult to calculate.

If we talk about whether the approaches to setting up advertising for small medium and large businesses are distinguished, then the divisions are much more. After all, there are more parameters as regions, secondary checks, margin, necessary coverage, etc. The more check, for example, the smaller it can be covered. I would have divided by type of business: geo-dependent services, geon-dependent services, online shopping, production and industrial factories, wholesale, etc .. and for each type of business there is a certain approach in setting up contextual advertising, for everyone - its own individual strategy . But I don't want to disclose this strategy now, because at the interview I ask this question to each candidate for the position of the Specialist in Yandex Direct. According to answers, I understand their real experience and how they will behave in one way or another.

Tipler: How to become a specialist in advertising?

Philip Tsarevsky:First you need to gain theoretical data, examine the certificate of the directory, read my book "Yandex.Direct: how to make a profit, and not play the lottery", see some popular courses. This is the most necessary basis. Next, you need a variety of practice to gain experience to work with different species Business. It is necessary to work with different niches, budgets, regions. This will allow dial the base, the foundation. And then develop towards marketing and strategies. For me personally, an expert specialist is not the one who knows the reference of Yandex Direct, but the one who can develop a strategy in each particular case that will give the result, even if not from the first days. So it is already possible to go, for example, to me on advanced training courses, where I teach it precisely strategies and specific tactics, and not retelling a certificate of Direct. But to start learning the Direct immediately with such a deep immersion, in my opinion, it is useless. You can not study the integrals, not knowing the numbers.

Tipler: What are the results from your customers? How many failed projects? Is it possible to set up Yandex Direct for a couple of hours, and at the same time it will work well and bring applications?

Philip Tsarevsky: For two hours, adjust certainly possible, but with the probability of success of 20-30%. It is like a lottery. After all, many experts set up a campaign on the template, which is called, "on the knees", and hope that "goes". And then, indeed, it can go, or maybe not. The campaign can be configured "on skouring hand"To quickly test demand in some niche or region, or in order to quickly get some orders in case of seasonality. Our customers come to us for improving their result. We find the growth zones in their already existing campaigns and improve. Of course, there are also unsuccessful projects. We have this figure in the area of \u200b\u200b15% of all projects, although on the market it is much higher for the market. In 85% of cases, we give the result better than it was before us. Generally speaking, my opinion: you can always bring the campaign to perfection, but it should be joint work Customer and artist. Sometimes it is easy to do it quickly, and patience and budgets at the customer are not limitless - that's, these 15% appear.

Such clients come, who expect growth in 2, and then 3 times. They come and hope that the brand "Tsarevsky" will make a real miracle: waving the magic wand and the applications will fall on the client's head. Yes, we give improvements, but it is rarely an increase of 2 and 3 times. As a rule, there is an increase of 20-40%. And these are very essential numbers, I must say. Just sound modest compared to cases that pianate at the conference. Although these cases, as a rule, simply an error of surviving, single cases (besides often exaggerated). So it turns out that expectations and reality diverge, although there is a result, but the client remains dissatisfied.

Tipler: Nevertheless, who brings applications: Yandex Direct, website or customer's business itself?

Philip Tsarevsky: There is a single ecosystem, which consists of the following components: the product (proposal), reporting the offer on the site and target traffic. Everything should work in the bundle and all these components affect the final result. If the user is incomprehensible to the product and its report on the site, then the result will not even be better in the light of advertising. If the product is cool and the site is reported correctly, the result, of course, will be good even with weak advertising. And if the product is medium, "normal", the site is also medium, then in this case the main load falls on contextual advertising, in many respects the result depends on it. We had cases when we did not change anything on the product, did not change the site, and worked exclusively with the context settings. The result changed quite significantly. There is such a situation: the product is bad, but people know how to sell it ("ride the ears"). Such a strategy will work, but not long-term.

Tipler: Is it important to customize the advertising campaign on the principle of 1 key - 1 advertisement?

Philip Tsarevsky: If we mean low-frequency, then no. It is necessary to group and unite keys in connection with the status of "few shows", or even abandon such requests. And if the frequency is already higher, then be sure. Firstly, the announcement will have the above relevance and CTR. Working out invested requests, we increase the average CTR on the campaign. And secondly, it will be much easier to manage the campaign. We pay great attention to manageability. Sometimes it is better to spend 2 times more time on the development, but to make a managed campaign and save much more time on subsequent management.

Philip Tsarevsky: Very situationally, I do not want to give any templates. And this is my big pain, because the entire market works in templates. Someone learned on the webinar to customize only "hot," and who would not come to him, everything is done under one copy. I am for an individual approach. Imagine that you have an online store with a relatively cheap product with a margin of 800 rubles. And in this case, you need a big coverage. What are the hot keys here? Margin and so small, also the advertising budget will cut it, it means you need a big coverage, both "warm", and "hot" keys. And somewhere at the customer will limited budget, or very strong competitors - then you will have to look for less competitive requests. And such situations dozens, if not hundreds. In addition, it is still necessary to decide what to consider "hot", and that "warm" requests.

But, in general, perhaps, the priority will be from the "hot" to "warm".

Tipler: Now Yandex has a new chip - the creation of RK for money. What do you think about it?

Philip Tsarevsky: Suppose that everything is done very well, the campaigns are configured to be thought out. Then this phenomenon is definitely good for beginners, especially for those who come with small budgets. But for freelancers, this is a competition that will endure will be difficult with the proper PR of Yandex. Many freelancers who set up the campaign in templates will lose the same freelancers, but from Yandex. But there is an important nuance here. Yandex specialists are not comprehensive, and they will not always be able to give the result - because of the site, product, shallow immersion. And if the customer does not receive a result from a specialist from Yandex, then what conclusions will he do? Who then gives the result if Yandex himself could not? Where to go? Again, many messages can appear on the forums in the style of "Yandex Direct - a solid divorce." I think that because of this there will be a certain outflow of disappointed advertisers. But if the result did not give a freelancer, you can already write off the failure for his competence, there will be new attempts, and as a result, something can and will succeed.

But it will show time, it is necessary to look at how much Yandex will dive and qualitatively tune the advertising campaigns if they have tools that are not available to ordinary users. Such an experiment was already a few years ago when Yandex customized advertising campaigns for free. Honestly, the results were weak, the campaigns were frankly low quality. It will be interesting to observe this time.

Thanks for the interesting interview, Tipler wishes you even more interesting projects, new records in contextual advertising and grateful customers.

Philip Tsarevsky

Yandex. Direct: how to make a profit, and not to play a lottery

Yandex. Direct: Accurate tool or lottery?

Philip Tsarevsky, founder of the Direct-All-in agency and the guest author of our blog Lpgenerator, wrote an extremely useful book "Yandexdirect: how to make a profit, and not play the lottery." Briefly share your impressions about her.

From the first lines, the author appeals to the reader as if to the old friend - on "you", diluting informative blocks with jokes and examples, - all this configures on a positive and easy experience. It seems that in front of you the ordinary reading on the evening - but not everything is so simple. Philippes immediately focuses on the fact that the book is written for people practically do not sense in contextual advertising, and offers the reader to go all the way: from the definitions and examples "on the fingers" before adjusting the rather complex characteristics of the advertising campaign.

At the very end, it is described in detail about split tests, remarketing, tracking of analytics, optimizing the most important indicators (koi) - not to mention the intricacies of the preparation of the semantic kernel. Actually, only the second part of the book is devoted to the selection of keywords, creating a campaign, Retargehetong, etc., and the first part of the reader together with Tsarevsky will enter into the essence of the case, to determine the target audience, to prepare a resource for the launch of the campaign - in a word, to pre-work, Almost not touching Yandexdirect.

♦ attitude to the directory as an investment, and not as a gambling adventure;

♦ a serious approach to site optimization, split tests;

♦ budget stock;

♦ availability of demand for competitive offer;

♦ Ideally - product marginalness from 2000 rubles.

Despite the ease of narration, the book is a detailed, step-by-step textbook with tasks at the end of each chapter. The novice directorologist will pass the way from the simplest interactions in Yandex to the extremely intricate formulas for the calculation of efficiency, complex split testing algorithms, analytics tracking and other things. Smoothly, gradually, step by step Philip will raise your level in Yandex. Direct - closing the book, you can more confidently run the first campaign or competently assess the work of a third-party directologist.

We believe that at the moment it is the deepest and useful guide to Yandex. Direct, the most complete and relevant. In Internet marketing, everything changes very quickly, and, in two years, the specifics of working with RRS ad will change a lot - therefore, we take the time "Yandexdirect: how to make a profit, and not play the lottery," the experience of Philip Tsarevsky, draw conclusions and Start your way in contextual advertising.

High conversions!

Artyom Kalekin

CEO Lpgenerator.

On our service, dozens of tasks appear every day related to the placement or optimization of advertising campaigns in Yandexdirect. I see how important this direction for our customers is. And as far as it is promising for performers.

Contextual advertising gives fast target traffic. For goods manufactured through Landing Page, it is generally almost the only source of the lid-flow. It is a powerful and flexible, but rather complicated tool. Therefore, I think the book will be useful as advertisers who do not like to fill their advertising budget and purposeful direct trains who intend to pump their skills in this area.

The book presents two aspects of working on contextual advertising. Actually the technical side of the question: how to collect the semantic core, how to filter the keys, which bets to do, how to set up targets, etc. and also marketing strategies: how to make antelo, how to write a selling announcement, relieve me from competitors and show advantages.

They need to practice. Do not buy a book in order to put it on the shelf. At the end of each section, the author provided tasks. And this is just the same point of the application of forces in which experience and benefits are born.


If you opened this book, then work with Yandex is relevant to you. Direct. You may have a marketer, or a novice entrepreneur, or a businessman with experience. In any case, I am sure that you will find a lot of new and useful for yourself.

For many Yandex. Direct is a real headache. After the tenth attempt to deal with the keywords, advertisers are given work with the directory on outsource special agencies or freelancers. But even there, they are waiting for a catch: 90% of the directorologists are incompetent, another 7-9% understand well, but they know the system is not very deep. Personally, I know only three real experts. It is even more surprised by the fact that many give themselves for professionals - lead blogs, take pictures, conduct master classes and even write books, but in fact they are very mediocre specialists. If I did not regret my time, then the most of these books and video would be argued. But the year of continuous work will go to the detailed criticism, and the result will not affect anything. That is why I decided to write this book. It also explains the principles of working with contextual advertising in it, the main methods and "chips" are disclosed. Everything is shown on specific examples, in each paragraph, it is reasoned, why it is worth doing this exactly, and not otherwise.

Imagine that a person who has never had a steering wheel, first bought a car. The instructions says: steering wheel turn, to press; Here is a gas, here is the brake; Ride preferably on the right side; It is impossible to ride on the red light. A man sits down and rides - some mirrors, buttons, light bulbs, turn signals, and so on, do not worry. Will there be enough such a driver for a long time? How many times will he violate the rules, "will force" others, will create a dangerous situation on the road, will get lost on complex junctions, blinds the oncoming drivers with long-term light? I think this is a rhetorical question. It will be shortwhounds, it will scratch the fencing, the police will stop him, sooner or later an accident happens in which the car and the driver will be seriously affected. And he, enraged, will go to the car dealership and will give them to the court for a defective car.

Sounds ridiculous, right? Most men immediately imagined a pathetic blonde, who gave a rich man gave Porsche Cayenne (if you are blonde - do not be offended: I exaggerate the situation to convey the essence). But it is just as 90% of businessmen behave regarding advertising. What there are back there operators, minus words, settings, low-frames, ROI, conversion, point budget optimization, A / B-tests, Definition of Central Asia, UTP compilation, detuning from competitors And the rest of the incomprehensible words? (Do not scare ahead of time, the meaning of each of them I will definitely decipher.) Is still much simpler: here is the keyword, here is the announcement, here is the bet - we went! There is a second way - to go to a driving school, work out with the instructor, learn the rules of the road. Then "rolling" a new car, riding a less dangerous part of the track to get driving. The first time to ride slowly at the extreme right strip, and then, already having to use the maximum of the possibilities of the car. At the same time, of course, constantly gaining experience.

One of my main goals is the criticism of this attitude to advertising. My book has five important functions: 1) it is step by step leadership on the creation and maintenance of an advertising campaign in Yandex. Direct; 2) At the same time, this is a textbook disclosing the principles of the system; 3) it contains the argued criticism of the incompetent authors of books, video tutorials, courses, etc.; 4) She introduces dozens of marketing tools that can be applied in other types of advertising; 5) And also it reveals many yandex secure secrets. Direct shows the internal "kitchen" of the work of the directorologists and contributes to the correct perception of this system as an effective marketing tool.

If you are a marketer - after reading this book, we will notice our competence. If you run the startup - configuring the maximum target traffic to your site, you will get a chance with minimal investments to get the first profit, and not "merge" the budget is wasted, forever refusing a powerful customer attraction channel. If you are an experienced businessman - you can check your contractors and employees or choose new, and also significantly increase the return of investments in your advertising campaigns and expand the coverage of potential customers.

But you should not believe the word everything I wrote. Check in practice each item, all "chips" to one. Perhaps not all of them will work for you. I outlined universal methods that have been tested for hundreds of times and fit the majority. But each business is unique: something is suitable for one project, something else. The essence of advertising lies in constant testing - just so you can squeeze the maximum from the advertising budget. And test the best thing that has already worked in many other cases.

  • Pricing in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords. or it makes no sense to run for high rates
  • Factors affecting quality indicator: CTR, Regional Relevance
  • Method 1000 pages
  • Quality indicator for ad groups
  • 3 mortal sins of crucial directorologists: single keys, duplication, tests
  • Working algorithm with quality indicator: Methodology and automation

Anton Petrochinkov

  • General Director and Managing Partner of the Agency for Internet Marketing Convert Monster.
  • The author and lead of the CONVERT Monster training courses. I trained 3879 people to develop Landing Page, E-Mail Marketing and Web Analytics.
  • The author of the only Russian-language book on the development of landing pages "Ideal Landing Page»(Sold 1500+ copies for 35 days)
  • Certified Yandex.Direct Specialist, Google AdWords, Google Analytics. and Yandex.Metrics

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  • Nominee for the Award "Media Manager of Russia 2014" for contribution to development in web analytics Speaker of the largest forums and conferences (RIW, Reef + Kib, I-Comference, business youth, etc.)
  • Marketing Coach in Netology, Myacademy, Academy of Internet Marketing Ashmanov and Partners
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  • Founder and owner of Internet companies with cumulative turnover up to 140 million rubles per year

I understand perfectly well that the review will be narrow thematic, but I can not be silent! Comrades by profession strongly stirred when Yandex.Direct the strategy "Show in the block at the lowest price" was removed. I was preparing for this in advance, in order to order the most actual thematic fiction, which appeared on sale immediately after the announcement of the upcoming events.

A little information for those who are not in the subject, but interested in my feedback. First, thank you - I would definitely not climb without needing in such a topic)) And, secondly, if very short, then Yandex.Direct- Playground providing the ability to advertise in the Yandex search engine and on sites that are partners. Google also has a similar service. In general, we all "suffer" from this)) Faced daily with advertising offersIntroducing any requests in search engines: the first three shows under local line, as a rule, are contextual advertising that search engines Bought partner organizations. I work for one of these organizations.

With the directory, as an advertiser, I encountered some three months ago, when changing the place of work. I am a marketer, the very person who spoils the obsessive (and not very) advertising to the life of others)) My employer, even before I decided to hire me, responded to the offer of a third-party organization for money to create advertising in the Direct. As a result, I got a terrible site, and a terrible direct. If the algorithm of work on improving the site was close to me, familiar and understandable, then directly terrified. I "smoked the manual", I looked at the free, accessible courses in the organization of business youth, failed, even at the official conference of Yandex visited, and finally made sure that absolutely solidarly with Socrates (and maybe a democritus):

"I only know what I don't know anything, but others do not know this."

I always considered myself a smart girl, so I decided that I would take the direct! I started from the basics, on the fifteenth round there was all the available sources, even frightened his colleagues with a touch of an obscene parser)) But it did not bring it a big sense, honestly. And in June there is also a "new blow": the platform refused one of the most popular ways of "games with rates". From panic, I was saved by the same contextual advertising, offering a "magic pill" - a new book of Tsarevsky.

I was looking forward to the delivery of the manual, which was pinned huge hopes. Immediately I can say that they justified far from fully. If the release of the book did not coincide with such global changes, I would have been on the book and not to pay attention, and then it, a supplemented post feedback:

"At the moment it is the deepest and useful guide on Yandex.Direct. The most complete and relevant"

Nenane, no one promised me that it would be the information I needed to me, but all this in the aggregate gave hope.

I must say that I started reading with an incredible enthusiasm. True, I was told that the author right with the go to me "pokes" as a blind kitten. I am not a big adherent of such an urgent panibrate, but they are still warned about this in the introduction, such as "not like - do not eat!"

Hisvest has enough positive sides:

  • Structuring information. The author begins from the very beginning. Some chapters even for me - the utter "snotty Yunz" remained far in the past;
  • A positive attitude that creates the illusion that direct is simply understandable to everyone;
  • Pleasant design (though, in my case, without hacking it was not - there was a partial varnish on the cover and the book looks so-so). In theory, for such a cover it was worth a penalty penalty penalty, but, apparently, the author decided that IMAGAM would fit.

And now the minuses:

1) Outdated information, because of which the entire cheese boron flared up: I bought a book that came out after an announcement of updates from under the pen of one of the major entrepreneurs specializing only at work with the Direct. Why is she so irrelevant for me now?

Explanation to the photo:If short, then Yandex.Direct is a big auction, held between advertisers in real time. The goal is to get to the most vacant advertising place on the most "delicious" and the rich price. Many advertisers spend dozens on the direct direct, hundreds and even millions of rubles monthly (!). The aforementioned strategy type automatically allowed to avoid artificial overestimation of the price of 1 advertising viewing. From the first of July 2017, such a strategy will cease to exist, and advertisers will have to redistribute budgets, choose new strategies and spinning somehow. How to do it is profitable, representatives of the Direct may not answer (you can't imagine what is happening now on their OF.Forum) ..

2) some logical contradictions;

3) some strange omissions;

4) Excess intrusive adware Paid courses and author services. I understand that in my example it is easier to tell, but I have already bought a result of mental work, let me master it, introduce, discharge and folded my opinion. And then offer. I understand if the author created space pageAnd in the book in the prominent place placed a link to it, offering us something useful / free, etc., and then would sell services in the internet, and so it seems to work with the context, and offline leaves ignoring. Ugh! Is it really not visible to the kindergarten in us?))

What is the result?

If you just have learned about the fact that there is contextual advertising - learn to work immediately with Google, because Yandex spoiled my karma, this book will be the discovery of the year, an indispensable assistant, right and left hand, in the field of development of the Direct . Only multiply to three things that it is written in it. Run the company in the Direct for 10 days from scratch on its own, without having such experience at all, it is unrealistic. I, armed with the minimum base and special program, suffered from several weeks, and I continue to this day. It is not fast, not easy, not fun, not cheap.

For those who "swimming and knows" the book will not open almost anything new, but it can greatly systematize the already available information as it happened in my case. An experienced "sharm" it will not be interesting at all.

If you still decided to get acquainted with the book, immediately order it in paper, personally for yourself, and arrow to markers, stickers and everything, everything that can help you assimilate information most fully, and then quickly refresh it. My instance looks like this)

In general, the book will put three stars for the fact that my expectations did not meet, and I "recommend" for a competent and weighted approach to learning.