Open Google with search string. How to make Google search engine by default

Search for Google Chrome by default is, naturally, Google's search engine. Everything is obvious: in Google Chrome, the developers decided to add exactly their "brainchild". How to change this search engine in the browser, change its geolocation, as well as how to use it unique features, install additional search engines, read in detail in this article.

So, how to configure the search string: from simple to complex.

After installation, launch chrome and see ...

Not anything else as a field for entering a request in the legendary Google. Under its logo is the name of the country corresponding to the geographical zone of the IP address of the computer. If you use a proxy server, a state appears in the picture in which it is physically listed (for example, Turkey), and in my native language. And if your country is "open", your country will appear. That is, when you start the browser, the user geolocation is determined automatically.

Look at the panel. Everything suits me? Search engine, his location? There are no problems - boldly enter in Russian any request in the field above visual bookmarks or in the address bar (the browser will quickly understand that you do not dial a URL, but you are looking for something). By the way, the service is provided free of charge.

Change of search engine geolocation

For example, you are somewhere abroad or use a proxy, and chrome properly gives you a geographical area to which IP belongs to, for example, England. And you are fundamentally interested in issuing in Russia or Ukraine. How to be? Create appropriate settings:

1. Press the "Menu" button in the top panel on the right.

2. In the list, select "Settings".

3. In the "When you start opening", enable the "Set Pages" button.

4. In the same page, click "Add".

  • - Russia;
  • - Ukraine;
  • - Kazakhstan.

6. Click the OK button.

7. Restart chrome and you will see a search engine in the desired location.

I don't want Google, I want something else

If you like Google Chrome in all "IPOSTS", and the search engine wants another, you need to change certain options:

1. In the settings, in the "Search" block, click "Configure Search Engines".

2. In the "Other Search ..." block, enter the data of the search engine of interest (for example, Yandex). Click "Finish".

3. Perform a restart.

4. Return to this panel. At the top of the window, Mouse over the search engine link. Press the default button that appears.

Now, when entering the request, it will automatically go to the specified system -,, etc.

Note. You can quickly switch the search engines in the drop-down menu "Search".

I want to simultaneously use several search engines

Well, and it is possible in chrome. Follow the instructions:

1. Log in to the browser settings.

2. CLICK MAKE MAKE ACTIVE SETTINGS "Specified Pages ...". Follow the link "Add".

3. Add all the necessary systems (Mail, Yahoo!, etc.). Click OK.

4. They will automatically open.

Another option to start multiple search services - fixing tabs:

open the necessary resources;

candle for each tab and in the context menu, select the "Secure ..." command;

They will also open immediately when starting.

Tip! You can also use universal search engines if alternative issuance results are required by the request of interest.

How to remove an unnecessary search engine?

According to the principle of operation, this procedure is similar to the closure of the window in Windows:
1. To remove the link, open the "Pages at Run".

2. Mouse over the URL, clasp the "Cross" icon.

Similarly, deleting occurs in the Search Systems panel.

How to change the search settings?

Google has many additional settings that accelerate the search that increases its accuracy. Consider basic solutions:

1. When typing in the bottom of the field, it automatically appears its options with additional words and phrases. They clarify the request and exempt the user from the need to fully gain it.

Select tips click mouse. In chrome, you can set a picture, photo in the search as a request. Right-click on it on the page and select "Find image ..." in the list of commands list.

4. Use the search superstructures. The entire list of commands is displayed on the page -

They perform specialized data search under the specified conditions. For example, you find a request only in links, arms, text, tab title, etc.

We wish you quickly find all the necessary information with chromium.

The address line, located at the top of the browser window (sometimes it is called the "Universal Search Window"), works as well as the search box. The use of the address bar is described below.

Search on the Internet and visits to web addresses

Also the address bar can be used for search on specific sites. In addition to search terms, you can enter the website web address and press the Enter key to go to the desired site.

Make a search and view web pages faster using the instant search feature for the address string. When an instant search is enabled, when you enter the text in the address bar, the search results and web pages are displayed even before the user presses the Enter key.

If the required results are not displayed, continue to enter text and the results are updated dynamically.

Search for programs, bookmarks, browser history

When you enter the text in the address bar, it automatically displays coincidences from your programs, bookmarks and web viewers. In addition, thanks to Google Chrome predictions can display related search terms and websites. Icons in the address bar help distinguish the elements that you see.

Creating tabs

If you came across an interesting website you want to save, click the icon at the right end of the address bar to

The popular browser of the corner chrome, whose search engine has many features: installation of extensions, a change in visual design and work with various additional applications - only a small part of its functions.

Installing an application from the online store Chrome

Google Chrome offers many features to configure the functional. Various applications and extensions are able to adjust the browser for specific user requirements.

Consider installing an additional application using the example of a simple graphic editor POLARR.

Under the address bar, a form will appear reporting on the successful addition to the Favorites. In it, you can choose a folder to save the bookmark.

If you do not define a destination, the page will be saved in the "Other" folder.

If you specify the destination "Bookmarks panel", it will appear in the panel immediately under the search string.

Selected Pages can be opened with one click from the list in the appropriate menu item or from the already mentioned, bookmarks panel.

Creating visual bookmarks

For additional convenience of work in Chrome, you can install a special extension that will add Google Chrome.

To do this, you need to visit the Chrome online store.

How to do this is indicated in the first part of the article. In the search bar, you must specify Speed \u200b\u200bDial.

The search for extradition requires Speed \u200b\u200bDial 2. In its tile, you need to click the "+ Free" button. After that, a window will open in which you need to approve the installation.

After the installation is completed, you must open a new tab to click "Save Changes" in the window that opens with a warning.

After these manipulations, the extension is ready for the addition of the first bookmark. If there is a desire to view a greeting with a detailed description of some functions, then you need to "continue".

If there is no such desire, then "skip the greeting."

After that, it will be possible to start adding.

To add the first page you need to press plus in the circle. A window will open with editing the bookmark properties.

  1. Field to copy link.
  2. Link name that will be placed under the miniature in the panel
  3. Button to save bookmarks.
  4. Button to quickly save bookmarks from an open page.

A page with ready-made visual bookmarks will now be opened on each new tab. If you wish, this option can be disabled in the browser settings.

Adding a visual browser design topic

To establish the topic in Google Chrome, the Chrome online store will be required. You can open it from the menu to the right of the address string.

For this, the item "Additional Tools" is responsible, in which there is a graph "Extensions".

By clicking on it, the extensions menu will open, in which there is a link "More Extensions", which opens the mentioned store.

In the content type menu, you must select the "Topics" item. After that, a page with "tiles" provided topics. From it and choose your favorite.

If the topic name is exactly known, it can be entered in the form of a search query.

Deciding with the choice, you must click on the topic thumbnail, then the window will open with its more detailed description and the possibility of installation.

For this, the blue button "Set" is responsible, is located on the right of the topic name.

By her pressing the topic will be installed Ibraizer Google chromstore look different.

In the above information, the use of additional browser functions will not be difficult.

Visual bookmarks in Google Chrome

In this video language, we will tell about visual bookmarks in Google Chrome and how to increase their number.

Google Chrome allows you to exercise web search Directly from the address bar at the top of the browser window (also called the "Universal Search Window"). If you enter search terms in this string, it automatically displays the search results using a search engine, such as Google.

You can specify the search system that the address string will use the default.

Default search engine settings

Google Chrome Address Line Uses Default google search To display the search results, but you can use another search engine:

If the desired search engine is not listed, follow these steps to add it as a new search engine.

Adding, changing and deleting search engines

Google Chrome browser automatically saves a list of search engines that met during viewing. For example, if you visit the page The browser will automatically determine and add YouTube's search engine to the list of search engines you can use. Therefore, you can search for YouTube directly from the address bar, without moving to this site.

To manually add, edit or delete search engines In the browser, follow these steps:

Read more about search engine settings

Below are a few tips on the information you need to provide for each search engine.

  • Adding a new search engine. Enter the label for the search engine.
  • Keyword. Enter a text combination that you want to use for this search engine. For quick access in the address bar to this search engine, use the keyword.
  • URL. Enter the search engine address.

To find the appropriate web address, follow these steps:

  1. Open the search engine you want to add.
  2. Perform a search.
  3. Copy and paste the search results web address in the URL field. Remember that the search results page URL differs from the website URL. For example, you get access to Google at the address you need to add the URL of the search results pages, for example,\u003dxyz. If you were looking for "xyz".
  4. Replace the search term in the URL on% s. For example, for the Google search engine, the end URL search engine will be\u003d%S. When entering a search query in the address bar,% s will be automatically replaced with your search term.

Make sure you enable% s in the URL. Otherwise you will not be able to configure this search engine as default search system.

Hi friends ... Today we will talk about searching Google, or Google - search string. What you will tell you here, search as a search that I wanted, wrote to the search string, tapped into the "ENTER" button and voila, gave you what you asked him ...

Today we look at the search string a little on the other hand, to improve and simply find information you are interested in. Google's search string can be used not only to search for any site or specific words of interest.

You can get the information you can get on the Google search page, without moving to the sites found links from "Uncle Google". Here are some examples ...


I use this translator quite a long time. Very convenient and fast in work. In the search string I enter the word "translator".

Currency calculator

In the search bar, we recruit the amount, for example ...


In the search bar, you ask the example of interest to us ...

In the calculator, you can continue to work further ...


We know the weather in the city you are interested in ...

Converter values

Transfer of values \u200b\u200bbetween different values \u200b\u200b...

By changing the conversion and directions of magnitude, you can continue to work further ...


We define the exact time anywhere in the world ...