All available ways to remove account from classmates. Step-by-step profile removal guide in classmates How to remove a page in classmates forever

To prevent such a situation, you will have to remove the profile in the social network. Below we will tell you about the new way as you can delete a page in classmates.

This list describes your account removal actions if you have full information to access your profile:

  • - Go to the main page OK.RU;
  • - in the form for authorization, enter your username and password;
  • - After you have successfully visited your page, scroll it with the mouse wheel to the bottom;
  • - Click on the "Regulation" link, which is at the very bottom. After that, you will fall on the page with the rules;
  • - Scroll again the page down and click on the link "Refuse services";
  • - After the pop-up window appears, put a check mark on the reason for the removal of the account and enter your current password;
  • - Click on the "Delete Forever" button.

After performing these simple actions, your account will be deleted forever.

Removing a profile without information to access

The first step is to restore the password, in order to get full access to the profile.

Follow this scheme:

  • - Go to the main page of the social network "Odnoklassniki";
  • - Under the form for authorization there is a link "Forgot your password?"
  • - Click on it, and you will automatically go to the page where you need to fill out the form by specifying all the data in it that you remember from your account;
  • - After that, the email will come to your email in which there will be a link. Go through it and change the new password;
  • - After you restored the password, use the method described above to remove your profile in Odnoklassniki.

Delete profile of a deceased person

If you know the data for access, then the removal process itself should not cause you difficulties. If you do not have these data, then you should contact the court in six months from the day of death and issue all the necessary documents that will confirm your ownership of the Account.

After these documents are in your hands, give them to the service support of users of the social network "Odnoklassniki" and ask to remove the profile. Unfortunately, this is the only possible way to remove the page of the deceased person.

Among the leaders of this sector in Russia - Odnoklassniki. Sometimes, due to different reasons, it is necessary to remove its page on the social network. Is it difficult to do this? What an algorithm of actions? After all, it is clear that the owners of such platforms are not at all interested in the loss of users. And you need to do everything quickly and forever. Especially for you, we have studied this question carefully. And the decision on how to delete a page in classmates - in this publication.

How to remove an account in Odnoklassniki forever?

In fact, a solution to such a task is not unnecessary. Moreover, two different ways are available at once. Which one will choose - to solve you. The first includes the use of the URL address. N.achnit from it, if it does not work, then use the official removal through the so-called regulation. The second method of 100% guarantees a successful result.

Method number 1 - URL Address

Solving the problem abouthow to remove a page in classmates from a computer, many choose this method. The reason is quite understandable: it is very simple and fast. But if there are nuances. Remote Account does not disappear immediately from the database. He still remains in the records of the developers of Odnoklassniki, but not more than three months. What should be done?

First open the site "Odnoklassniki", log in, go to the page of your account. It is important that the address string does not reflect as, and the URL was id, that is, the serial number of the user. To do this, click on your name (at the top of the page). This type of inscription will appear: "/ Profile / 732233538213445" (individual digits of the profile).

Then you need to copy such a URL :? Amp; st.Layer.cmd \u003d poplayerdeleteUserprofile and paste it after the ID, and then click Enter. After such actions, an additional window will appear. In it you can confirm the removal of the profile. Important: Confirm the deletion only when you are completely confident in your actions. After all, the page can immediately be deleted. You can check it like this: reboot the page, open again "Classmates" again. Then enter your password and login. In the case of a successful removal result, a window will appear, which notifies that the profile has been deleted at the request of the user. This method is very simple. But, unfortunately, it does not always work. If something went wrong, boldly use the number two option.

Removal of a page in Odnoklassniki through the Regulation

If you think about how to remove a page in classmates from a phone or computer, and the first way turned out to be unsolved, should not be desirable. There is another option. It is more new and allows you to remove the profile almost instantly. The developers of "Odnoklassniki", of course, have no doubt that sooner or later, a particular user will show a desire to remove its account. Therefore, they included such an item in the site functionality. But all the trick is that finding the desired button is so simple. And although the tricks are quite cunning, there is a solution. And it acts. About this in more detail.

What is needed to delete the page? First, this is a password from the profile. It will need to enter from the keyboard. Secondly, pre-save all the data that is important for you. Photo, video, audio - all this material will disappear and will be inaccessible for you immediately after removing the account. Because take care of this in advance.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. Log in to the site "Odnoklassniki".
  2. Open your profile
  3. At the bottom of the site in the large menu, find the "Regulations" and click on it.
  4. Go to the License Agreement section. Here, find "contact support service" and "refuse services" (sometimes there is no such inscription, instead - two points) and click on this link.
  5. To the newly opened page, specify the reason for which you delete your personal profile (such data is interested in the developers of Odnoklassniki in order to optimize their platform). As a rule, there are five ready-made options, choose any of them (I do not like the design of the resource, my old page broke, I want to create a new account, etc.). Unfortunately, it is impossible to add your own.
  6. Repeat the password from the profile and click "Delete Forever". After that, your page will disappear.

Important information

Please note: register a telephone to a new account that was tied to the old profile you can only three months later. It is impossible to restore the old account, since all data is automatically deleted completely. And one more important nuance - such actions are available only on the full version of the site, because from the phone to delete the profile will not work.

Many users are interested in how to remove from classmates from the phone. However, at present, delete your profile through the mobile version of the OK site or through the OK application. Therefore, to retire from classmates, go to the full version of the site approx.


On your computer or laptop you have and so there must be a complete version of the site of classmates, and on the phone you need to simply switch from the mobile version of the OK site on the full one.

How to go to the full version of the OK site

Below in the screenshot it is clear that the mobile version of the site approx is open on the phone. This is evidenced by the address of the site:, in which the first letter M just means what the mobile version of the site is OK. It works faster on the phone and saves Internet traffic.

Fig. 1. To go to the full version of the site, click on the OK icon

To retire from classmates from the phone, go to the mobile version of the site OK on the full version.

To do this, go to classmates under your login and password, then tap the icon OK with a little man (Fig. 1). "Profile" will open, in which the scroll down and click on the link "Full version of the site" (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Go to the full version of the site OK on the phone

After moving to the full version of the site, pay attention to the address in the top line. In the mobile version we had an address: (Fig. 1), and after the transition to the full version, the address will be changed to: But it will be changed if you click the option "Full version of the site" (Fig. 2).

How to remove from classmates completely

When the full version of the site is open, then from classmates on any device: on a computer, laptop and on the phone just 4 steps listed below.

1) We enter the full version of the site OK under your username and password. Then in the upper right corner we will see your (1 in Fig. 3).

Or score in the address bar

The "Licensing Agreement" window opens:

Fig. 3 (Click on fig. To increase). Link "Refuse services" to retire from ok

3) on the "Licensed Agreement" page, more precisely, at the end of this page, click on the link "Refuse services" (2 in Fig. 3).

4) A window will appear "Specify the reason you want to delete your profile" (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4. Specify the reason for deleting and enter the password from the profile.

1 in fig. 4 - put a tick opposite some kind of reason;
2 - We enter a password from the profile (from your page in OK). It is necessary in order to confirm the rights to remove the profile.
3 in fig. 4 - Click on the "Delete" button.

After that, the main page is OK, on \u200b\u200bwhich your avatar will not be in the upper right corner (Fig. 5). This means that you are no longer among classmates, but there is still the opportunity to restore your profile within 90 days from the moment it is removed.

Two notes

1) After removing your profile, the phone number tied to it and the email for another 3 months will not be used in another profile on the site

2) Remove from classmates completely easily, because, when removing the profile, not only personal information is erased, but also all photos, all comments, all the estimates, all the correspondence with friends, all the groups that you have been created, achievements in games and much more.

Is it possible to recover in classmates

This is only possible while complying with two conditions at the same time:

  1. Not more than 90 days have passed since its removal.
  2. A mobile phone was tied to the profile.

Fig. 5. To restore access to the page in classmates, open the "registration", specify the phone number

To restore access to the profile in Odnoklassniki:

  1. On the main page, OK click on the "Registration" button (1 in Fig. 5).
  2. We enter the phone number (2 in Fig. 5), which was previously tied to a remote profile.
  3. Click "Next".
  4. The SMS input field appears (Fig. 6). We enter the code from the SMS received for the phone.
Fig. 6. To restore the profile, we enter the code from the SMS

Contact Support

If it is not independently able to restore the profile OK, while there was less than 90 days and the phone was tied, the appeal to the support service will help to quickly solve this problem, checked on its experience.

To contact classmates site support, click on the link:

The form you want to fill out, indicating your profile in ok as many specific information about yourself: email, phone number, name and surname, age, city, profile number (if you preserved it somewhere or recorded) and t .P. This will help an employee ok quickly determine what exactly you are the owner of the account in OK.

In order to apply to technical support, there is also.

My experience restoring your page in ok

I was tied to a mobile phone number to the page approx. I did the 4 step described above to retire from classmates. Next, it was necessary to follow the instructions on the screen. I was asked to introduce a name and surname. After I did it, I have not recovered an old profile for some reason, and instead was created, and absolutely empty. In fact, it turned out not to restore the profile, but creating a new thing that I did not need.

Therefore, I had to contact the Support Service OK on the link indicated above. Then it was necessary to fill out the form in which I described in detail my situation, indicating the maximum all about my profile (in order to confirm that it was my own, and not someone else's profile):

  • e-mail,
  • telephone,
  • name and surname,
  • year of birth,
  • forgot only to specify the city.

In his contact with support ok, I asked to restore my old profile and remove a new, empty. You can see the information provided by me enough to convince employee support that my profile is mine, and not someone else. A kind of young man from the support service OK named Alexander instantly answered me and restored access. I did not even expect such a response speed and, most importantly, the old profile approx will be so quickly restored. I only have to thank Alexander for the prompt solution to the problem that I am happy to do.

If the page in classmates is important for you, I recommend:

1) Do not experiment (for the sake of "sports interest") with the removal of the profile approx. Remove easily and quickly, it is much more difficult to restore, and it is not always possible.

2) I am very advised to bind the phone to your profile, if it was not done earlier.

3) It is important to record a login, password, e-mail, name, surname, city, year of birth (sometimes they indicate not as they are in fact, and then they themselves are confused), as well as the profile number (this is your identification, Unique number in OK). In the full version of the site (on a computer or laptop), your number can be seen from above, in the address bar of the browser approximately in this form:

Profile number 712543007338 - It is worthwhile to write it in a notebook or somehow save, it will greatly facilitate the recovery of the page in ok.

Removing your profile from the website, you should remember that all the data on the page will be lost irretrievably. The procedure itself does not take much time and does not require special skills, it will disappear forever, and with it there will be lost and communication with friends, contacts, photos, correspondence. It will be impossible to restore it all, so before, your page in Odnoklassniki, it is worth asking yourself again, is it really necessary?

How to delete your page in "Odnoklassniki" through the menu

To remove the page in Odnoklassniki, you need to go to it, entering the login and password, respectively. Once on "My Page" scroll down it down to the end. In the lower right corner, find the link "Regulations" and click on it. Of all the information that appears after the link on the link, you need one single line "abandon the services" by clicking on which, you will see a formidable warning from the site administration that it will be impossible to restore the page after deletion.

The site also offers several reasons why you decide to delete your page from Odnoklassniki. Mark one or more checkbox and enter your password. Click on the "Delete Forever" button and forget that you had a page on It is no longer. But the phone number attached to the profile will be removed only after 3 months. It protects the site from the ability to use the phone number again.

Another way to remove a page from Odnoklassniki

To remove your page from Odnoklassniki, there is another, unofficial way. They can try to take advantage if the actions of the actions for some reason did not bring the result. He lies in the fact that you, as it were, try to provoke the site administration, remove you from Odnoklassniki.

Before you use this way to remove your page from Odnoklassniki, it is better to erase all photos, correspondence, other data or replace them with non-existent.

Next, examine the rules of the regulations under item "4.7.Lizenzate is prohibited." Here are described actions for which the site user can be removed or banned. Accordingly, run a number of those items that allow you to make moral principles and wait for the site administration reaction.

In order for your page in Odnoklassniki removed as quickly as possible, it is better if you will inform someone from your friends about your illegal actions, for example, complained about you in the support service. After checking your page, it will be removed, and no one can go to her.

How to delete your page in "Odnoklassniki" if you forgot the username and password

If there is no access to the profile, the removal of the page in Odnoklassniki is impossible. At the same time, it does not matter if you forgot your login or the page was hacked by fraudsters and the input data has changed. If there is no possibility to get to the page, only one thing remains to contact the technical support of the site asking you to restore the login and password. It is worth it, however, it is noted that this procedure is not at all fast, the administration of Odnoklassniki can answer a few days later.

Reading time: 5 min

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ In this article we will tell you how to remove the profile / page in classmates from the phone or tablet. There are nuances here, which is not everyone knows about.

If you decide to delete a profile in classmates, it does not matter from which device it is to do: one order deactivation is valid on the computer and telephone. Another thing is that it is possible to delete an account only in the full version of the site, and the default mobile version opens in the default browser.

Removing profile classmates from the phone

Delete page through the application can not: for deactivation, you will have to run a browser on the phone and move through it to the site The mobile version of M.K.RU opens. There are no special differences from the full version of the site, but some functions are trimmed.

  1. Log in under your name.
  2. Click on the social network logo in the left corner to call an additional menu. Perform the transition to the full version.

After moving to the full version, you will see the site interface to which you are accustomed to the computer. Accordingly, the procedure for deleting a page will be similar:

  1. Side the screen down and right. In the basement of the site there will be a link to the "Regulations" - click on it to go.

  2. Side the screen again until it stops down. Click "Obtain services".

  3. Note the reason you want to leave the social network. You can choose any item or mark all the causes - there is no fundamental difference.
  4. Enter the password from the profile and click "Delete".

Remote page can be restored with all information within 90 days. The profile will then be deleted forever along with personal data, photographs, ratings, comments, corresponding, achievements in games, etc.

Uninstall application classmates

We figured out that you can delete the page only through the browser - in the applications for Android and iOS there is no corresponding function. But if you abandoned the profile, it makes sense to uninstall and the application itself so that it does not occupy the place on the phone. To perform this operation on Android:

  1. Open the settings, go to the "Applications" section.
  2. Find a customer classmates on the list. Click it to open more information.
  3. Click "Stop", then Clean the cache, erase the data and delete the program. For each of the following actions, there is a separate button.

On iOS, the uninstall procedure is implemented much easier: Hold the application icon on the desktop and keep your finger until it starts shaking. A cross appears next to the icon, after clicking on which the program's removal process will start. This method of uninstalling is also available on some Android firmware and shells, it is a standard removal method.

Hiding page / profile classmates from the phone

If you just want to hide the page from users, you do not need to delete it: the social network allows you to close the profile from unauthorized persons, allowing you to view it only to friends. To hide the page.