Overview of services to create landing pages. Landing Designer - Flexbe LP Platform Personal Cabinet Login

Its title clearly indicates specialization. Nothing except for the assembly of lending, the system does not know how. It is designed to use both newcomers and professionals. Functionality competes with monsters niche like Lpgenerator and Mottor, but still does not reach their level. The strongest part of the system is the editor, it is really good here. The rest there are gaps in the possibilities and roughness in the implementation of what is.

It looks attractive, the service site is assembled in the native editor, which immediately indicates a decent level of page design options. Prices are above average in the market. To be able to sell a product for such money, it really should be outstanding in his own way. Platformalp is more suitable for novice, which can be spanned to the visible gloss system. With a deeper consideration, it gives positions in the hands of more experienced users.


The lion of attractive features of PlatFormalp is laid in the possibilities of the visual editor. He is very good here. Let's talk about its structure and specific tools that you can use.

In the header of the editor, there are widgets: text, pictures, indents, blocks, columns, shapes, buttons, menus, counters, video, social networks, services, cards, sliders, basket, kites, tabs, fields, spoilers, scenery and html code. Almost all of them (those in which appropriate) contain several element options. For example, you can insert videos from YouTube or Vimeo, add 3 menu types, 4 types of buttons, etc. Any of the widgets you can additionally configure, entering the section styles: header, background, borders, indents, animation when scrolling, output parameters Sections.

Separately, we note the strange behavior of the HTML-code insert widget, which will certainly need experienced developers. It works in times - whether it depends on the weather, or from the subject of the page, or from the brand of the computer processor, is incomprehensible. He may not be useful for beginners, but the pro, which has already paid for the tariff, will be disappointed. This is not the only nuance to which they come down in the process of work. It is difficult to calculate these moments. For example, ready-made pages have problems with SEO-optimization, which will be visible after the rank through Google PageSpeed \u200b\u200bInsight. Such surprises from the system under the hood, alas, a lot. Now come back to the editor structure.

Under the page there is a set of blocks that can be added to it. It is quite extensive: Empty section, first screen, menu, goods, picture, reviews, gallery, card, shape, separated section, slider, hat, basement, price table, schedule, brands, advantages, numbers, video, questions, steps, Promotion, partners, questions and answers, calling for action, numbers, team, comments to VK and Facebook, meter and HTML code.

It is clear from the name, for which one or another section is intended. By clicking on any of the blocks, you can choose the output format for it (sometimes the number of options exceeds the tens), as well as the color scheme - one of 11. All this allows you to significantly diversify the information that your Landingi will really be able to qualify for a unique design. Templates are not needed here.

You can also configure color scheme Centrally, choosing a tone for certain repetitive elements. With the fonts the same story - change how you want. And can also use multilanding . This thing is needed to, for example, delimit the pages designed to display in different regions. Let's say you have several branches with different contact details. Let them be 3. Make 2 options of the original page, change the contact details in them and put a regional prescription to the URL for each (MSK, SPB, Novosib, etc.). As a result, people from these regions will fall on a page designed for them. And, therefore, they will see the correct contact details. This is just an example given this functionality can be used in different ways.

Platformalp has the opportunity A / B-Testing . Create 2 options for pages that will be shown to visitors alternately, after which compare the statistics of conversion on them. Leave more efficient - it works here.

We disassembled the editor. Personal account also contains a large number of settings. The menu is as follows:

  • pages - a list of your pages, access to their settings, statistics and creating new;
  • integration - Installing third-party applications. Bitrix24, Robokassa / Yandex.Cass, Amocrm, Mailchimp, GetResponse and some others are available.
  • statistics - View conversion statistics on the selected page for the period;
  • applications - full base of received applications;
  • domains - list of connected domains;
  • users - Adding people to your team. You can configure access to the selected project and the individual system features.

As you can see, Platformalp is strengthened by third-party applications for receiving online payment, e-mail marketing and other things. There is even a CRM, which is a certain sign of quality for such systems. Yes, it is not the most powerful, but something can: sort Lida descending / increasing, look for concrete ones, export them to the XLS table, assign one of 5 status (failure, erroneous, new, work and completed). Unfortunately, manually adding the order is not available, as well as advanced information about lidami. There is no planning of action either (for example, you need to call back to the client - you will have to make marks separately).

The biggest minus of the local CRM is the lack of the possibility of sorting leads through traffic channels. That is, you will not be able to understand from statistics, which advertising channel brings more applications and, accordingly, increase efforts on it. Or cut off the inefficient directions of the advertising campaign. There is no sales funnels too: you will not understand, at what stage the application breaks. In general, CRM has basic capabilities, the pros will be disappeared, they will have to rely largely to rely on or use third-party services to obtain detailed information for analysis.

Each page also has its own settings: Domain, General (name, language, folder, etc.), SEO, contacts for feedback, FAVICON, Metrics and scripts, as well as right to website and store settings for the payment system selected from integration.

LP platform looks cheerful But not in all aspects. The process of creating the page is very pleased: you can with miner efforts to make a variety of high quality ledge. But the part of the designer, which is responsible for the analysis of the data, is lame. The impression is mixed. It is pleasant to work in the system, but it may be difficult to achieve the effectiveness of pages. Places you will have to rely on maybe instead of numbers, which is not good.

Templates and work with design

The system has 155 templates filled with demo content. Their quality is at a good level, performed very diverse. There is a preview mode on the example of the demo site on the selected template. There is no splitting in the category. You can also create your own template with a clean sheet - this feature is key.

All templates are distributed by categories, including: Auto and Moto, Corporate website and Business card, Multimedia, Sports, Internet and IT, Education, Events, Real Estate, Cafes and Restaurants, Logistics, Jurisprudence, Business, Tourism and Others. You yourself will be able to create layouts of almost any complexity under your niche from scratch if necessary. Customization of design is wild. In the good sense of the word. Quite in a short time, a person without experience will be able to get a very beautiful page with the entire necessary set of elements.

The fact is that you will build your Landing from ready sections A variety of destination (hat, picture, menus, brands, basement, etc.) and widgets that can be arranged in an arbitrary order. Next, configure the appearance for each block. This is mega-convenient. Especially for beginners.

Full templates are needed, first of all, so that the beginner developer can spit the effective page structure. And then make your own with a similar format for filing information, but individual design. A set of elements for this is a provisional. Could not find anything useful, whatever it was in platformalp. Simply chic editor Who will appeal to both beginners and experienced conveyor manufacturers of client pages. The first will be delighted with the simplicity of interaction with elements of the design, the second will delight the wealth of instruments.

Editor visual. That is, you can click on any inscription, button or picture and start setting up the styles of the element, edit content, etc. Everything is both in the best examples of WYSIWYG platforms.

Changing in the header of the editor to the "Page" menu section, get access to the global page font settings (common for all texts of paragraphs and headers), color range of elements, as well as animations of widgets and sections.

Templates adaptiveBut there is one unpleasant nuance: in the usual and mobile version, the font size remains the same. That is, on small smartphone screens, the page may look strange and intrusive due to large fonts.

In general, at the stage of dating with the design We liked PlatFormalp . It combines simplicity of approach and a rich set of sections / widgets with very flexible means of setting their appearance. Creative people will like this scope. And everyone else too. The developers managed to do powerfully and simply, assigning everything and immediately. Minus one, but tangible - fonts are not scaling depending on the page output device.

Pricing policy (prices for tariffs)

Platformalp can be used for free within 14 days. Next, you need to choose the tariff or go away. The cost of tariffs, like most specialized lending designers, bite:

  1. Micro (490 rubles / month) - 1 domain, 1 page, notifications in Telegram about applications, without integration, without A / B tests, without multi-mounted, without SMS, without a basket, advertising link system in a footer;
  2. Economy (790 rubles / month) - 1 domain, 10 pages;
  3. Business (1390 rubles / month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, file attachment, basket, server selection, SSL certificate, multiplayer mode (up to 25 users);
  4. Business + (1990 rubles / month) - 5 domains, 50 pages, receiving payments, dedicated server.

Tariffs, frankly, strange, unreasonable expensive. Why is that? The first 2 of them will allow you to create 1 landing page on a normal domain. In fact, micro-tariff is generally not needed, given its restrictions. The tariff "Business" without receiving payments and with its 50 pages will allow only 5 pages to be put on a domain. Strange, but the tariff "Business +" is also limited to 5 working lending on their domains, but fully reveals the system functionality. 1 and 3 tariffs can be thrown out, quite.

There is no unlimited tariff. That is, those who wish to create a lending conveyor will be forced to have several paid accounts in the system, which is nonsense. It turns out, for the pro service does not fit. For beginners - yes, on 2 tariffs. And a joke about fifty pages in the last two tariffs looks mocking. Who needs to create 50 lendies if only 5 will come into circulation? Although there will be more than them, it's still no sense.

In general, it is not even price, but in protectiveness of tariff plans. Yes, a free SSL and a dedicated server is good, but a hard limit on the number of domains even on the senior fare frankly grieves, reducing the attractiveness of the platform.

Optimization (SEO) and Promotion

Unfortunately, PlatFormalp can offer only basic Tools for promoting landing pages. In the personal account for each of them you can register the meta-tags title, descriptions and keywords. It is also possible to fill the robots.txt, sitemap.xml and connect the meter from Yandex.Metric. That's all.

It is no secret that Ledding is mainly advanced by contextual advertising. So, PlatFormalp does not allow you to connect and configure it from the control panel. This is a big minus for a specialized designer of the landing page. There will be a major job to do outside the personal account of the system.

The service clearly welcomes on SEO-tools, in addition, the speed of downloading pages on Google Pagespeed also leaves much to be desired. This is a huge minus. There are also problems with the delegation of domain acquired from other registrars. This is an invalid set of shortcomings for a system that positions itself as a professional lending designer and stands at the level of market leaders.

Pros and cons, alternatives

Platformalp is a controversial, controversial service, which has both expressive advantages, and no less bright deficiencies that do not allow him to stand in shorts with recognized leaders of the niche market of single-page sites. Let's start with good:

  • a cool editor that allows you to create high-quality lending on each other at a minimum of effort;
  • the ability to connect third-party services;
  • convenient implementation of A / B testing;
  • multilandings;
  • adaptive page design;
  • the ability to receive sales notifications in Telegram;
  • the ability to add HTML / CSS code and JavaScript scripts.

Now list what what did not like :

  • the greed of tariff plans is few domains, online payment is available only on the most expensive tariff;
  • weak CRM system;
  • lack of sales funnels and the possibility of manually adding applications (only through the form on the page);
  • hTML code insert widget correctly works in times;
  • the absence of the possibility of connecting and maintaining contextual advertising from a personal account;
  • Technical support is so-so - can help, but they can hang all dogs to the user either ignore.

PlatFormalp is good as a tool for placing the landing pages - the editor is excellent here. But the possibilities for their promotion and analysis of the resulting result are incomplete. The product is sensible, but still damp. Developers develop and without that good editor / interface, but ignore the incorrect work of existing and the absence of some necessary functions.

Alternatives and competitors

Positioning and cost of PlatFormalp are such that it must be compared to the profile designers of the lending. That is, powerful and as expensive services, and not universal solutions that allow you to create one-page in order of one of the options. Requirements for this class SiteBilders are high, since their main audience is professional marketers and developers.

What are the differences between the profile systems from the rest? In stock Advanced tools for collecting statistics, analysis and tools to increase sales. For these parameters, Platformalp looks unconvincing. Yes, a juvenile editor. Yes, a nice interface. But malfunctions in basic functionality, weak SEO, the absence of travel units and other things are made from the system just a beautiful means for designing pages. Competitors look beyrey. And even cheaper, oddly enough. - more powerful and much more profitable at the cost of the service (for 10,000 it gives 5, but as many as 10 domains and 100 pages). The editor is excellent, ready-made templates at the height. You can create your sections from scratch in any configuration. There are travel units, A / B tests, convenient statistics, notifications, mailing and so on. Works correctly. It will also allow to create multi-page sites and shops, if necessary. Excellent technical support, rich database of tutorials. PlatFormalp does not withstand a direct comparison with him.

ulanding is a semi-professional service with very convenient tools for collecting and analyzing statistics. Beautiful adaptive templates, correctly working the possibility of inserting their HTML code, simple, moderately flexible visual editor, nice interface. The cost is also noticeable below. Allows mass A / B tests, analyze the effectiveness of individual calling triggers to the action and watch the general statistics in mind-understandable even for beginners. Given the PlatFormalp only on the flexibility of the editor, otherwise no worse, but cheaper. And most importantly - everything that is, works correctly.

Knowing about the existence and capabilities of competitors, we make a simple conclusion: Platformalp is not worth their money. This is a semi-professional lending designer. With an average level of opportunity and excellent page editor. He does not reach the level of really high-quality worked in the trifles of systems. So it goes.

Examples of sites created in PlatFormalp

In terms of visual execution of the page created in the service, look attractive. Design - the strength of the system. She is inferior and understand everything. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to draw conclusions about the overall level of the quality of the platform exclusively on this basis. We took some examples of ready-made pages, which, most likely, will like the majority. Happy viewing.

LP platform is an controversial constructor of single-bars. Everything is perfectly done with concerns the interface and the design of the design / structure of pages. But tools for increasing the conversion, promotion and effective analysis of the results obtained, larch, lagging behind the set and quality from direct competitors in the price range. Also frustles the incorrect operation of some obvious functions. So it should not, there is an alternative.

The first impression of PlatFormalp is positive. The described disadvantages cannot be experienced at the stage of general acquaintance with the system. They get out in the process of work and spoil blood. The cost of tariffs is clearly overestimated. According to the result, the designer is more expensive than LPG, which is incommensurable more advanced, effective. Folding into one bunch of all factors, we recommend looking at competitors. PlatFormalp is an unsuccessful choice at the current stage of its development.

Do not know which platform to create Landing? I will talk about the best designers that are suitable for creating lending: an overview of the advantages and disadvantages, prices, comparison of characteristics.

Top best designers Landing Paige in 2019

ConstructorLanding templatesWho is orientedCost OT
90 360 ₽ in place. Try
300+ Professionals559 ₽. in the month Try
10 Newbies$ 6.15 per month. Try
62 Beginners / advanced users300 ₽. in the month Try
12 Newbies$ 3.5 $ per month Try
19 Beginners / advanced usersIs free Try
29 Newbies123 ₽ in place. Try

LPMotor is the best designer according to our edition

Excellent selection for beginners and advanced users: simple interface, moderate prices, all the necessary functions, good selection of patterns.

There are 90 different ready-made templates to choose from. They are divided into categories (construction, infobusiness, photographer, beauty and health, etc.). All design options look perfectly and adapted for mobile traffic.

There are additional features: Own CRM, sales trip, analytics, a / b-testing, online payment connection, collaboration (employee access), shopping cart.

LPMotor can be integrated with other services. Among them: AMOCRM, Bitrix24, Yandex Money, Yandex Metric, Google Analytics, etc.

There is no free tariff. Paid tariffs 4 (prices when paying for the year):

When paying for the year you will receive a discount of 40%.

Ways of payment: Visa and MasterCard Maps World, Sberbank Online, Alpha Click, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Webmoney, Svyaznoy, Euroset, MTS, Tele 2, Beeline.


  • Low prices
  • Good selection of ready-made patterns
  • All necessary functions for the organization of sales on the Internet
  • Wide integration opportunities with other navisami


  • No free Tarifa

Lpgenerator - Landing Designer for Professionals

In Lpgenerator, there is absolutely everything to make the perfect lending. Sounds a little pathetic, but in fact it is it.

Service is focused on professionals. If you already have experience and basic knowledge you are highlighted quite quickly.

The newcomer will need time to understand all the nuances of creating and promoting Landing Page. But the learning process will be as comfortable as possible. Lpgenerator provides excellent learning system. In the University of Lidogeneration, training materials are collected, which will help to understand complex terms, features and independently build the entire sales chain from the collection of visitors before the transaction is completed.

Free templates - more than 300. You can choose anyone that fits most. In addition, you can create your own layout of various blocks from scratch. There is also a set of target pages where you can choose and buy a premium theme.

All layouts look modern and adapted for mobile devices.

Lpgenerator has all the tools needed for the Internet marketer: control of traffic sources, detailed analytics and geostatistics, a / b-testing, building a sales funnel, own CRM.

As a result, you will get excellent Landing and all tools for working with traffic and applications from customers in one office.

There is no free tariff here. A new user is available for a 7-day free test period. Then you need to choose one of the paid tariffs (in the price brackets when paying for the year): Basic - 799 rubles. in the month (559 rubles per month), advanced - 2375 rubles. in the month (1662 rub. Per month), unlimited - 3999 rubles. in the month (2799 rub. Per month), corporate - 15730 rubles. in place (11011 rub. per month).

Ways of payment: Cashless payment, Web Money, Visa, Maestro and MasterCard cards, Sberbank online, "Peace", "Alfa-Bank", Yandex.Money, Qiwi Wallet, Tele2, Beeline, MegaFon, MTS, Euroset


  • Large selection of patterns.
  • It is possible to create a lading from scratch
  • Access HTML and CSS
  • Split testing
  • Detailed analytics and geostatistics
  • Own CRM.
  • Telephony for Admin Customer Customer


  • Prices are higher than in the market average
  • Short free test period - only 7 days
  • A complex interface in which it will be difficult to disassemble a newcomer

Ulanding - Young and promising

Ulanding New Landing Designer from the creators of UCoz and UKIT. Only recently left Beta testing and is now available for registration.

The main distinguishing feature of Ulanding is simplicity and convenience. This designer of the target pages is ideal for newcomers.

There are not so many templates yet, since the project was just launched. I hope in the future library will replenish.

A separate project is created for each product / service. The project may contain from 5 to 10 lending. All the landscape of the project that you added to rotation are shown in turns of your target audience. After that you can see the statistics and choose the one that showed the greatest conversion.

Google Analytics analytics and Yandex metrics with which can be tracked in detail attendance, traffic sources and user behavior in detail are connected to each boarding page.

All applications can be viewed in the "Lida" tab. In addition, you can integrate a constructor with AMOCRM account and immediately transmit all applications in the CRM system.

In addition, you can integrate lunding with other services:

There is no full-fledged free tariff in Ulanding. Each user is given a free trial period of 7 days, after which it will be necessary to go to one of the paid tariffs.

Tariff mesh Ulanding. Prices are subject to payment for the year

Total paid tariffs 3: "Primary", "Business", "Advanced". They differ only in the number of projects and lending.

Ways of payment: Bank card (Visa, MasterCard), PayPal


  • Simple and convenient interface
  • Integration with CRM.
  • Detailed statistics and analytics


  • Little templates
  • Few payment methods

LPTREND - a good single-page generator

LPTREND LPTREND Designer is focused on both newcomers and advanced users.

In the Catalog 62 design options on various topics. All pages are adapted for mobile.

Another of the advantages of the designer: Analytics, own SRM, A / B-testing.

You can integrate with various services of increasing conversion and receiving payments, for example: CallbackKiller, Widget, Unified Cashier, Glopart, etc.

A new customer is given 7 day free test period. There is no full-fledged free tariff. Paid Tariffs 3: Starter 500 rubles. in place, basic 1000 rubles. in the month, premium 2000 rubles. in the month When paying for long terms, discounts are provided: for 3 months - 10%, 6 months - 20%, year - 40%. Thus, the starting package when paying for the year will cost only 300 rubles. In the month, which is pretty good.

Ways of payment: Visa, Mastercard, connected, Euroset, Megaphone, MTS, single wallet.


  • Low prices
  • Quality, varied, adaptive patterns
  • Good functionality
  • Many educational materials


  • No free Tarifa
  • Short trial only 7 days

UKIT - cheap and reliable

UKIT is a universal designer on which you can make a variety of types of sites: lending, business cards, online stores, content sites. Designed for newbies.

Ukit is focused primarily on the creation of visiting sites for small and medium businesses. Landing templates are quite a bit here - only 12.

The simplicity of the interface is distinguished. The visual editor allows you to move various blocks and edit their appearance and content. No extra functions, only the most necessary. The interface can be mastered literally for 10 minutes.

As a result, you will get a stylish, modern Landing Page, adapted to mobile devices.

In one of the past articles, I already told. In this article, I showed the whole process of creating a site precisely on the example of ukit..

When registering, you will be offered to choose a domain of the 3rd level. After the site is ready, you can attach a level 2 domain. It can be purchased separately from any registrar, and you can buy directly in the UKIT personal account.

After registration, you get a free trial period of 15 days. Next you need to choose one of the paid tariffs. There are 4 basic tariffs (in brackets price when paying for 2 years): "Premium" $ 5 ($ 3.5 $) per month, "Premium +" $ 10 ($ 7) per month, "Shop" $ 12 ( $ 8.4) per month. And "Pro" $ 15 ($ 10.5) per month.

Ways of payment: Cashless payments, Visa, MasterCard or Paypal.

Ruslan Sharapov prepared for the site an overview of the most popular designers that allow you to create lending. The parameters for comparison were the price and availability of a visual editor, adaptive layout, built-in statistics, as well as integration with other services.

Fashion on Landing Page came to the runet for several years ago and still does not slow down. Landing is most often created under a specific targeted trading proposal, so as not to introduce a potential client into a stupor of the selection. The purpose of such a resource is usually the collection of leads - contact data of the target audience. The focus on a specific audience and a convenient compressed format for serving information about the service or product in some cases can give an increase in conversion to 10-15%, which is very difficult to achieve, attracting traffic to the main site.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating single-page sites for any type of business, services or sales of goods so seized the minds of marketers, that this phenomenon spawned a whole reservoir of web studios and services that provide one-sole service - creating a selling page. It turned out to be confused in this manifold, so we decided to prepare a review material with the list of the most popular Russian-speaking designs of the landing pages in our advertising agency.

We found 16 existing designers who provide the ability to create a boarding page without any experience in programming and layout. Services were larger, but, apparently, many of them are no longer supported by the creators.

Before proceeding to the description of each service, let me comment on some nuances of the consolidated table:

  • Cost is a payment rate for one month. If the monthly payment is not provided, this is reflected in the table.
  • Visual editor - in this paragraph, we meant the possibility of arbitrary construction of the structure of one-page. For example, if the constructor does not allow you to freely move the blocks and you can only choose one of the proposed options, we believed that in such a service there is no visual editor.
  • Built-in statistics - the presence of any CRM allowing to build a conversion funnel.
  • The adaptability of the layout - if the site collected in the designer is tolerably adapted to different screens dimensions, then we counted the adaptability.
  • Integration with other services is the possibility of integrating third-party service by pressing a pair of buttons, that is, without having to dig in the scripts.


An international cloud platform that allows you to create not only lending, but also full. WIX hit the review, because the guys are perfectly focused on trends and allocated the designer of the landing page into a separate mini-direction.

The platform has a free version (with advertising and without binding your own domain), but for more or less comfortable use you will have to pay at least 243 rubles per month. The tariff mesh is quite flexible, moreover, regular sales are held with the year, so there is always the opportunity to snatch a cheap option.

In total, Wix 458 templates from which only 23 are "sharpened" under the lending - however, almost any template from the common catalog can be used for a single-tunnor, removing extra blocks. The visual editor on HTML5 is quite flexible, but it is necessary to get used to it, from the second and third lending you will be fine in it orientate. The finished templates have a desktop and mobile version.

The main feature of the platform is your own App Market, in which more than 140 applications ready for integration with your site. These applications will close all your tasks: There are online consultants, CRM, payment options and so on.


One of the most simple designers in our review, but the one is valuable: you certainly do not make a bad boarding page. The service does not make mistakes due to the fact that it cannot be freely moved to the blocks and in negligence accidentally destroy the structure. Choose a block from the proposed list and place it in the desired position in the vertical plane.

Obviously, in the same flexible side "FlexBi": if your fantasy flight is wider than that of the service creators, the designer does not suit the implementation of ideas. Only the most important thing is a standard one-page, only hardcore. But in the speed of creating the page "FlexBi" Absolute favorite: For ten minutes, we managed to create a good fitting page, which is acceptable on all devices.

In general, the service is ideal for checking the hypotheses of Internet marketers, especially considering the two-week free use. True, the price after its completion, in comparison with the competitors, it bits a little - 750 rubles per month.

"LP Platform"

The service with the uncomplicated name "LP platform" is largely similar to the previous participant of the list, but allows you to largely customize the page. Landing from this designer no longer looks under the carbon.

To help the novel user offers 26 ready-made patterns. There is integration with popular postal crash and CRM. Of the interesting chips - A / B-testing and built-in statistics on UTM tags.

Someone may probably scare up ascetic UI, and the landing page itself itself. Guys, seriously, make your service not so sad lending, or something.


Hello-Site is difficult to call a full service - this is a simple constructor that at the output gives you the source files for filling to your hosting.

The minimum opportunities, but everything is completely free. Doubtful benefit, but suddenly someone comes in handy.


Designer with a pleasant eye administration interface, but with disabilities in layout. It is proposed to choose one of the 61 templates without the possibility of creating a page from scratch. Each template has specified partitions that can be turned on and disconnected. The logic of changes in the content inside the sections seemed not too obvious - some insane many tabs instead of the usual visual editor.

Integration with third-party services is also not detected, but there is a "Useful Services" tab, tagged by referral links to various tools. From full-time opportunities there are only A / B testing features.


The most expensive service in our review, and his free period is completely conditional. For 1960 rubles a month you will also be limited in the number of unique visitors. Unlimited is already 3999 rubles per month. However, the constructor provides the opportunities with interest. The visual editor allows you to create a completely custom page and set up several dozen parameters and elements. The service offers 108 free and more than 200 paid templates - the latter can be purchased at a special store of landing pages.

Having pleased the abundance of services for integration and detailed analyst of funnel conversions. The ability to A / B testing is implemented on a page with a pathoral name "Conversion Optimization Center" - there you can adjust the weight of the shows of a page or another page, and the summary information on traffic sources and conversion is presented in a convenient table. In general, Lpgenerator is one of the most advanced services in its niche, but its rich opportunities will be useful not to everyone, and the price, let's say frankly, many can scare away.

Q-page.ru ("Bath")

The service will meet you with the need to choose from 114 templates - to create a page from scratch here will not be given. You will not find a full-fledged visual editor. Choose a page element and set up one of the three possible options for the content of the content. You can set the order of the location of the elements vertically, the background and shape of the buttons. At this opportunity, customization is almost exhausted, and this is a Q-Page with FlexBi. It is convenient that you can play with the editor without any registration: this greatly saves time and allows you to quickly evaluate whether you need this service.

Integration with other services could not be detected, but the adaptability of templates and the built-in analytics are present.


The LPMotor designer will meet you with all severity - starting with non-rigging bootstrap traces in the interface and ending with too friendly technical support. Oh yeah, the trial is also not provided for: you can dig up in the admin panel, create a page, but it will be allowed to publish it only after payment - at least 600 rubles per month.

The service offers 29 templates and is not too convenient visual editor. Adaptability is not provided, and to obtain at least any statistics are asked to connect Yandex.Metric. AmoCRM is offered from integration.


The service, like the previous one, meets us not too neat the main page, but the first impression becomes better when you get to the editor. You can start from scratch or use one of 105 ready-made templates. The editor is rich - for an unprepared person, perhaps even too - the possibilities of configuration and not bad the browser loads.

Built-in analytics Shows sources of transitions to a single-tunnor, device type, conversion data and allows for A / B-testing of various design options. Of the additional buns, it is possible to note the possibility of collecting individual versions of Landing for different types of mobile devices. With integration, too, everything is in order: Landingi proposes to connect 28 different CRM and email services. For access to the service is asked from 690 rubles per month.


The possibility of creating a lending is also the UMI CMS industry. There is no full-fledged visual editor in the system, and the ability to edit blocks will be frank, depress. It seems to be all the main chips, but it looks like hello from the beginning of zero. UMI offers 46 templates for landing pages and, to be honest, almost all of them look morally outdated.

Full CRM is present, and statistics are available when you connect Google Analytics. Adaptability under mobiles is available only on certain template variants. As for integration, it can be noted that it is except that the ability to create a project in Seopult, without leaving the UMI personal account. By the way, you cannot pay for a subscription in one month - they ask for 1470 rubles at once in three months, although you can redeem ten years for 11900 rubles.


"Stylish, fashionable, youth" is about Spagece. Service in some way is unique: the guys deliberately abandoned the templates, taking care of unique solutions. A pretty comfortable visual editor, a pleasant admin design and a lot of useful tips at every step.

In stock Comfortable built-in statistics, conversion analytics and adaptability, and even excellent technical support, respond to smart. With technical support we had to face repeatedly, which certainly cannot be attributed to the pros. We created the site spontaneously changed the view - for example, regularly flurred custom styles. Baugreptov We sent a fair amount, but with a part of the technical support problems and could not help and even reproduce them - although we still repeat in different browsers and on different computers.

The month of use of the designer costs 490 rubles (two-week trial is attached), but for each additional chica with you will be taken from the excess of this amount. Want to receive SMS about received Lida? Please go to the checkout. Thought about holding A / B test? And again occupy the queue. I wanted integration, for example, with Mailchimp? You probably already know where to go. The tariff for 490 rubles a month will only suit very green beginners - for the imputed opportunities will have to post 1500-1980 rubles per month.


"Basium" does not specialize in lending, but in favor of trends, still added such functionality. We offer three template for the capture page (so the service calls the landing pages): short, slightly longer and very long. Such a rich choice.

We, to say honestly, did not notice: give to change mostly only texts and pictures. Integrated statistics and the possibility of integrating third-party services is also not detected. But you can pay for every day separately. Decided to arrange yourself and business day off? Do not put in service 35 rubles - and walk all day on a wide leg. It's time to work out and sell a couple of Chinese headphone containers? Be kind to pay 35 rubles - and take Lida at least a day.


Candidate for the title "Mr. Security". First, the standard form of registration on the site was not found - only submission of an application for admission to the system. Secondly, the "Try without registration" button leads to the application form. Thirdly, despite the fact that Landix is \u200b\u200bpositioned as an online designer, everything screams in the personal account to visit: "Do not use me, it's better to order a turnkey page!".

For the minimum tariff, the service requests a modest price - 290 rubles per month. True, judge for yourself: there are no templates here, there is no normal visual editor, there are no statistics, adaptability and integration with third-party services - too. And if you wanted to return to the service after some time, but forgot the password, as it happened to us, then by clicking on the "Restore password" button, you will transfer to page 404. Well, okay, Landix, so be.


Designer of Landing from one web studio, which, apparently, is more likely to draw attention to the company's main services. On the start, we are offered to order a unique design, register a domain and connect the online chat of this studio.

In the designer sewn 104 ready-made template, there is an opportunity to start with a blank sheet. The visual editor is not without features, but you can catch it, the functions in it will have enough.

Triyla period no. You can convert a page, but it will be allowed only after payment - from 200 rubles per month. For the possibility of A / B-testing and analytics of advertising channels, too, will have to pay, but one is one.


This service was remembered us primarily by an extremely unfriendly editor. It seems to be a pile of cool animation, but you can visually change, in fact, only text, links and some images within the selected template. But it is possible to strengthen everything that your heart, in the source code, including CSS and various scripts. Administi's interface again "pissed" with the unfinished bootstrap, but in general we did not get confused in her wilds.

The trial period lasts only seven days, after its expiration will have to post at least 999 rubles a month for the use of the service. The simplest statistics are present, but they have completely forgotten about integration with other services.


LPCloud On the first screen offers us to import an existing site, pour the layout files or start with the selection of the template, which the service has only 20. We agree to the template solution, and the system quickly drives us along the tutorial, after which it comes to free swimming. The editor is rich in functionality, but the average marketer will seem unnecessarily difficult. In addition, there is no way to drag the blocks with the movement of the mouse here.

In general, there was a feeling that the creators of the service deliberately created a designer not for marketers, but rather for lazy vertickers and other technically savvy people. All these digging in CSS and containers easily scare the unprepared client. But there is an opportunity to share the rights of access to other team members. There is integration with Slack, which is limited to the list of integration.

With adaptability and responsive, the service is all right, statistics and CRM are also adequate. Tiala is not: you can create a page, after which it is not less than 190 rubles per month and live calmly. Well, how calmly: payment is taken only from a tied card, so the designer will regularly write down money, even if you forget about your lending.

We deliberately did not take responsibility for building some rating, because all the needs are individual and allocate the top of the best designers would be useless.

We also admit that they missed any of the interesting services. If you are a representative of the missed designer, then maybe your marketing is not at the height. For two weeks of preparation of this material, we broke a couple of dozen search pages and got under retargeting and context, perhaps, from all services that are now actively moving.

If you notice any inaccuracy in the consolidated table - write in the comments, we will fix it.

In this review, we want to tell about the service on the creation of single-page sites platformalp.ru. We want to show how to create a lending with the help of this designer, we will pass all the steps from registration before the publication, let's see what difficulties and joys can meet us on the way, as well as try to identify the benefits or reveal the shortcomings of this service.

The "best designer of Landing" is written on the main service page.
The advanced and functional constructor allows you to create pages of almost any complexity. And you do not need to know HTML for this, just add and configure the sections to your own way. Ready sections are blocks consisting of advantages, reviews, catalog, prices, cards, slider, etc. That is, everything is for the rapid creation of lending.


Our chain look immediately notes the presence of an online consultant with the status on the network at the bottom of the page, quietly rejoice in this fact and register.

How to create a single-page site using PlariFormalp

After registration, we get into your personal account, here, by the way, as it looks like:

First of all, the system offers to give the name to our future page, we sell elephants, so the page is decided to call the elephant.

We have many sections templates. Visually, everything is like a palm.

Let's try to collect lunding from the cap, insert a picture or slider, add the form, advantages, one more form and contact with social networks.

Chose the section "Cap" and a little carried away - a lot of icons icons for accommodation in the header as a logo just fascinated the author. But we added your picture - just loaded it from the computer.

The visual editor is simply at the height. Powerful, fast, intuitive. Very well thought out.

You can choose the slider section - it is available to specify the number of images, set the display time in seconds, set the slider background - photo or color.

Suddenly there was a hitch - and how to load a photo in the slider? More pictures? Asked an online consultant question and after 2 seconds, he gives us a link to the instructions on our issue. Everything became clear, moving on. Added form, advantages, card scheme and received this seating page for the sale of elephants.

In our opinion, the interface is thought out in such a way that the user really does not have any questions: "And how?", And if there is always an edit mode within the editing mode, you can always be oriented by asking the question online consultant.

Technical Support Platformalp.

By the way, about online consultant. On-line consultant is part of the technical and consultative user support and we were able to make sure that the online consultant responds quickly and always online (during working hours, did not check at night). But what if the user does not suit this way of support? In this case, your request can be sent by e-mail, which is indicated on the main page of the service, and, in a fairly short time to get an answer to your question.

Characteristics of the PlatFormalp service features

Characteristic PlatFormalp.ru.
Own domain name Yes, on the paid tariff
Visual editor Yes
Templates No, only sections patterns
Favon Yes
A / B Testing Yes
Analytian codes Yes
Tags settings Yes
Signature Service not
Test period 14 days
Moving to your hosting -
Additional tools CRM (applications, statistics)
Extra. Services -
Social networks VK, Facebook, Twitter

As can be seen from the table, the constructor allows you to attach your own domain name on the paid tariff, has a visual editor. It will be possible to load Favon to its page, and if necessary, increase marketing indicators with a / b testing. The test period lasts 14 days, moving to its hosting is not provided.

You can say that the number of templates can be said, we can say that a simple functionality is needed, we can say that prices play the most important role, but no need to forget that user support is not in the last place.

If it were not for the most responsive technical support, which 24/7 responds to questions for 5 minutes, LPTrend would be a confident middle man. But it is, and that is why it takes one of the highest lines in different top of the designers.

  • Number of templates: more than 60. At the same time, the lendings are made on interesting templates that made experienced marketers. Conversion on such single-bars is quite high.
  • Purchase of domains: Yes.
  • Prices: Immediately after registration, a free tariff for 8 days is activated. After the trial period, it is proposed to take one of the tariffs, which differ only in the number of single-trousers created: for 1 - 500 rubles / month; for 10 - 1000 rubles / month; For 10+ - 2000 rubles / month. And the service offers to create a thematic selling video for 7900 rubles. / Minute of the roller and creating a turnkey lunding for 6900.

Outcome: Good, interesting and inexpensive service with the ability to order Ledding. Good functionality, stable work and adaptation of lending under mobile devices make this designer interesting for pros and beginners.


The Russian designer is specially sharpened for the creation of one-satellite. Agree, you infirmly see Russian development, which really entered the market and entrenched there.

Tobiz - just the option. For 2 years of service, the creators managed to find their audience, which at the moment is more than 1,500 thousand webmasters.

  • Number of templates: more than 270 templates of various topics. At the same time, most of them profitably use as a sample - sites are created from individual blocks.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your design: yes.
  • Purchase of domains: Yes.
  • Prices: Test 14 days, after which several tariffs are available, the cheapest of which is 450 rubles per month.

Outcome: Strong Russian middling - this is how to characterize the designer. There is nothing outstanding, but there is a good system, the database of knowledge with all the chips of the service and the advice on the creation of lending, and another simple interface and understandable functionality.


Talking something about the popularity of this designer is simply meaningless. On TV for IT product is not that Nova, but there are many other, cheaper channels of promotion.

But if the developers launched expensive advertising in the media, then they are confident and their product. High-quality, beautiful and simple designer - that's what you can say about Vicca.

  • The number of templates: 17 + is the possibility of a complete change of each of the templates.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your design: yes.
  • Purchase of domains: Yes.
  • Prices: the test period is unlimited, but it will be necessary to work with advertising and without your domain. You can create lending without advertising at a price of 99 dollars a year, but if you catch a share - by 49.

Outcome: In terms of the promotion of Ledding, Vix leaves much to be desired. And from this all his troubles. For business cards and ordinary sites, the designer is suitable perfect. But for lending there are options and better.


By the end of 2015, the number of sites created on the UMI constructor has exceeded 1 million. A fairly solid figure for work since 2011.

The main chief of Yumi is the transfer of sites from one system to another with the full preservation of positions in search engines. Whatever it was, but at least look at this designer stands.

  • The number of templates: more than 550 layouts, some of which are adaptive.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your design: yes.
  • Purchase of domains: Yes.
  • Prices: First, the 15-day free use mode is activated, after which the cost of using the service to create lending will be 490 rubles per month of use.

Outcome: To create and launch the first lading, Yumi is just perfect. At first it will be possible to use only free widgets, and over time and increase the need to screw the various paid rods. In the price / quality ratio, one of the most interesting options.


Young, developing and interesting designer for, business cards and single-bars. The main specialization are stores, therefore, for lending, the functionality will be somewhat trimmed.

  • Number of templates: 5 sections for sites, in which up to 40 different templates. Speaking frankly - Nehuto. I am glad only the opportunity to make an independent design.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your design: yes.
  • Purchase of domains: Yes.
  • Prices: Some of the most democratic - 248 and 415 rubles per month of use. Free trial period is unlimited.

Outcome: It is best to work with NETHOUSE when creating an online store. For Landing, quite medium functionality and number of templates. But if you want to "cheap" and Toporn - work with Nethouse is simple enough and profitable.

If the diapan is a constructor, then you can boldly call all computers with tetris. Of course, he has several design features such as templates, a clear interface and a fairly simple site creation system, but at the same time in what else can you just take and redeem all your website moving to another?

In which service you will need only to pay compensation for the template and will you get a full-fledged site without binding to anyone? And if you add to this standard CMS rods, like a heap of widgets, full promotion and customization of templates using HTML and CSS.

  • The number of templates: everything is very sad here. For ledding there are only 6 ready-made patterns that can be customized, but it will be very difficult.
  • Is it possible to change the structure and add your design: yes.
  • Buying domains: Yes, you can even buy a site and transfer it to another service.
  • Prices: Test Period in the amount of 21 days, after which enough democratic tariffs are 480 and 980 rubles per month.

Outcome: For beginners, unequivocally no. And for businessmen who do not know the basics of programming - there is also no. And in principle, for beginners who are just beginning to engage in one-satellites, this will also be not the best option. Martial baptism in the very thick of battle - that will be with those who decide to use a diapan as the first constructor. But for webmasters, which are not first working in the field, a diapan is the perfect option.


Tip 3. If possible - use a unique design.

Contrary to popular belief, only part of the titles of sites is remembered. Most of the portals are guessing design and design. Especially if you were on this site several times.

Having a template site design is fraught with two difficulties: the erroneous recognition of you by another site and the erroneous recognition of another site for you. You do not want your design associated with some user with fraudsters?

In addition to these reasons, there is another banality - template designs are very sad and boring. In most cases, this is some kind of standard messanine from the same type of text, pictures and something else there, which occurred to the designer designer. Something really qualitative will cost money.

But do not despair, get a good design of Landing is simple: you can buy a favorite design in the internal store of the designer or order it. In any case, the work of the middle hand will cost no more than 5-7 thousand rubles.

Tip 4. Carefully refer to advertising.

Two parameters affect the efficiency of Ledding: its view and advertising. And if we are more or less sorted with its appearance, then advertising has not yet affected.

A competent advertising campaign is the key to the successful work of Landing. At the same time, you must understand that not the number of contacts left, not the number of visitors and not the amount of issues that potential customers are borrowed - the indicator of how the lending works cool. First of all, it should sell.

It is in order for him to sell, you must eat greatly with advertising. Select, analyze its preferences, put pressure on weaknesses, use the strong places of its product.

From how correctly you will pick a picture to your advertising announcement, it may depend on it by 30 people or 300. That is why it is before on the fact that Ledding does not sell, take care that your advertising worked for all 100%.

Tip 5 Analyze the work of your lending.

And the last item is a permanent analysis of the work of your lending. Remember that just create a lending and make a selling one-page - two big differences.

It doesn't matter what you like and what I do not like. Do you want to use this block on your site or not. It is important that it will be effectively or not.

That is why when working with Ledding, it is better to move away from their tastes and spend several tests and to understand during them, in which form the page will make a profit.

In the world of arbitral boards - people who engage in resale traffic, there is an opinion that no creative can live long. And this applies not only to advertising, but also ledding. I do not call for you every month to change Ledding, but at least once a few months to refine, correct and find something new must be necessary.

If you follow these simple tips, you can easily create good landing pages, spending a minimum of time on them and maximum effort.


Create lending with the help of designers is very simple. And if a couple of years ago, it was long and more often unnecessary to business for business, now in the era of the cavity you need to work with each channel of attraction, increasing your turnover and profits.

And now, when there is no time to spend a few months on the launch of a new platform, and the money to access professionals is to help the designs of sites come to the rescue. On these sites, you can create something that will bring you clients for at least six months.

From the huge selection of various sites where you can create a decent one-page, choose the one that you like. Then find the necessary tools you need and make what you like. And then correct and do the way. And then you will have a high-quality, interesting and profitable platform for the transformation of ordinary visitors to customers.