What is a telephone message center2. SMS number of the center of the tele2

Not all cellular users are aware of the fact that such a service as writing SMS messages and sending them depend on the correctness of the operator network configured. Often, all parameters are automatically installed on a mobile device directly when the SIM card is started. However, if the service does not work, it must be configured manually through a special operator center that is responsible for the delivery of your messages to the addressees.

Why do I need a number of SMS of the center of the tele2

The correctly specified special service number is responsible for the good operation of SMS services on any device. Such a number is a kind of gateway that is specified in the phone settings. If it is incorrect, sending messages will not be available to network subscribers.

If you encountered the problem of the impossibility of sending a message, it is recommended to check the availability of a problem and find out its cause as follows:

  • Make sure the device is correctly received by the operator's home network signal (check the correctly installed SIM card in the device and restart the phone);
  • Sending notifications can be temporarily blocked by the operator due to the zero or negative balance of the subscriber, so simply replenish your account by any convenient way;
  • If the funds are sufficient enough, it is necessary to check the correctness of the SMS Center of the SMS phone specified in the operator's settings;
  • If it is impossible to independently detecting and solving the problem, it is recommended to contact the company's office (only the owner of the number directly with the SIM card and a personality document), and to send messages to use online operator services on its website;
  • In the office of the operator, employees may detect the output of the SIM card from the working state and offer the subscriber to replace it with a new duplicate (getting a duplicate is charged at 50 rubles, provided that all means, tariff, active services and user information will be saved).

It should be noted that when the center's number fails in the settings, the reception can work correctly, and sending will not be available. In the settings of any mobile device model, you should check not only the message center number, but also the type of notifications sent (for example, standard text SMS). Also in the data channel item should mark the GSM network.

The tele2 operator has a message center number may differ relative to the subscriber's home area. The remaining parameters for sending messages are united for all Russia. It should be remembered that when moving the subscriber in the interregional roaming zone, it is not necessary to change the settings, because they switch automatically.

Where and how to find out the number of SMS center of the tele2

Get all the necessary data configuring SMS services for your phone in several ways:

  1. After reading topical information on the official website of the operator.
  2. Specifying parameters in documents issued to the Subscriber when buying a SIM card.
  3. By calling the company's official phone 611.
  4. By contacting the nearest office of the company.

Often, setting up such services as an SMS comes to the phone in automatic mode and do not require additional activation or editing. The service failure may occur as a result of a frequent change of SIM cards of various operators on one device, but this phenomena is characterized by more for outdated models of devices. For the best possible operation of the service, it is recommended to perform a standard mobile device restart after entering the necessary parameters of the operator network.

Despite the fact that the smartphones opened users a lot of new opportunities for communication, the usual text SMS messages did not cease to be necessary. With their help, communicating with the telephone operator and the subscribers who did not acquire modern gadgets. Therefore, situations with the inability to transfer text data can deliver a lot of inconvenience.

Failure to send messages is often associated with the unavailability of SMS of the center of the tele2 as a result of incorrectly installed autonavructures or a failure in the system. Find out what to do in this case.

What is the center of SMS communications tele2

SMS Center - Volume Virtual Storage, by which tele2 transfers text data. His task:

  • take a short message from the sender;
  • transmit text to the recipient;
  • store data if the recipient is not network is not available;
  • conduct the conversion of SMS data from one format to another.

When sending text data, the SMS is transmitted not from the sender's phone to the recipient's phone, but via virtual service tele2. The participation of the repository in the procedure ensures the safety of information, reduces the likelihood of its loss if the subscriber cannot be accepted (there is no signal, the battery of the phone, etc.).

In fact, the transfer to the recipient SMS occurs through a special gateway. If the tele2 message center number in the smartphone is incorrect, the procedure will be executed with errors. Sending SMS will not be carried out due to inconsistency of the operation of two devices.

When installing the SIM card to the phone, the first time setting the text information is configured automatically. That is, the gateway data is prescribed without the subscriber intervention. But there are cases when the automatic setting fails or the subscriber itself accidentally changes the contacts of the compound with the SMS storage. In case of error, the Gadget user will notice from the TELE2 message center and configure the operation of the gateway. If its number is unknown, in the settings of the gadget, you can register one for all +79043490000. Data is entered in the "Messages" section.

The sms of the BLO2 storage number always begins with +7. You will have to make data manually without spaces and dash. After changing the settings, the gadget must be reloaded.

A single room may not work in some regions of Russia. Namely:

  • Chelyabinsk - change by +79043090000.
  • Rostov-on-Don - specify +79043490000.
  • Vladimir - the number +79048574200 operates.
  • Kaliningrad - change to +79022509900.
  • Krasnodar - specify number +79086800068.
  • Smolensk - to register the following data +79043390000.
  • Voronezh - use the number +79042140000.

Important! If the SMS data of the tele2 service is made correctly, and sending messages is not executed, it is worth checking the hardware, software part of the smartphone. You can contact the TV Salon of Tele2, ask for help from the operator. But usually entering the correct number is enough.

How to set up the work of the SMS center of the tele2 on different models of phones

Instructions for making the SMS number of the center of the tele2 operator manually on different models of gadgets will be different. In order not to be mistaken, we give the instruction for most of them.

Apple iPhone.

The easiest way to establish communication with a telephone gateway on Apple iPhone devices with iOS. All you need to do is to dial the following command from the phone keypad:

** 5005 * 7672 * + 79043490000 # and make a call.

Over the next 15-20 seconds, communication will be installed. Reload iPhone.


Users of smartphones running Osandroid should be dial from the gadget keyboard the following combination of signs * # * # 4636 # * # *. Then go to "phone information", here to select SMS and enter data manually - +79043490000. After entering the reboot procedure (update).

If you do not want to memorize commands, you can use directly adjusting the gadget. The instruction is as follows:

  • go to the device menu;
  • find "messages";
  • choose from the list "Options" command;
  • specify the "Settings" item;
  • go to "additionally";
  • press "SMS" and follows "SMS-Center";
  • enter in the +79043490000 field.

Make saving changed settings. Go out. Manual data entry may not work before restarting the device. Therefore, it makes sense immediately after the input procedure to perform it.


  • from the device menu, go to "Settings of the parameters";
  • find and select "SMS text";
  • go to the "Service Center" and in an empty field to drive +79043490000.
  • Save changes. Devy to restart.


It is more difficult to debug the work of the Virtual SMS storage will be subscribers with devices running OS Symbian. When making data manually, you need to strictly follow the instructions:

  • from the device menu, go to "Messages";
  • find and open the section "Functions" and then "Settings";
  • open the "SMS Messages" tab and following the "Message Center";
  • use "center_name_name";
  • select "functions" and click "Change";
  • drive in the +79043490000 field.
  • Conduct changes. Restart the device.

Windows Mobile

  • go to the Start menu and select "Settings";
  • open the "Personal" section and the following "Phone";
  • choose "services";
  • go to "voice mail and ...";
  • open "Obtaining Parameters" and here "Center SMS-messages";
  • drive +79043490000.
  • Save data. Reload the device.

Windows Phone

The "SMS Center" option is located in the Gadget's main menu. From here you need to get into the "Settings" and go to the "Applications" tab. Then select the "Messages" menu. Here to make data +79043490000 and save them.

If the tele2 subscriber, following the instructions, sees already in the data center number of the message center, it must be removed and reconnaiss. When making information, do not forget about "+7". Reboot the device is required. If follows the recommendations did not help, you need to contact the Support Support Service by number 611.

It happens that the subscriber needs to send a text message to a friend, colleague or relative, but SMS is not sent. What could happen? How to configure outgoing SMS messages on tele2? You can restore the reception system and send text messages, correctly in the settings of your phone the SMS number in the settings.

How to configure SMS-center on tele2?

The SMS center is a kind of gateway to send text messages, the number must be entered in the settings of each mobile phone. This room is individual not only for each of the mobile operators, but also for the region where the SIM card is registered. The SMS Center number automatically appears in the phone settings when the SIM card is activated, but there are failures in the mobile device itself and in the cellular network. If the subscriber cannot send a text message, it is necessary to make sure not only in the correctness of the entered SMS center number, but also in the personal phone settings.

First of all, the subscriber needs to check the balance on its mobile account. You can do this with a simple USSD command * 105 # "Call". If there is enough money, you need to "climb" in the settings of your mobile device, and check the SMS center number:

  • in the phone settings, individual for all models, you need to find the "SMS" item, then the setting, then the SMS center. After passing the option, you need to check the correctness of the entered number. You can find the center number for a particular region, by passing the mobile phone operator's website. Tele2 - Tele2.ru, in the Subscriber's Directory issued when purchasing a SIM card, or by calling tele2 operators by number 611.

If the number is entered correctly, but the SMS messages are still not sent, you need to check the "message type", it must be one of:

  • "SMS";
  • "Normal";
  • "Text";
  • "Standard";
  • "Text".

If the settings are "Fax", "Data", or other value that does not belong to the above, the text message will not be able to send it impossible, it is necessary to change the view.

If the settings of the SMS message presents the "Data Channel" item, you must enter it into the GSM mode. If the value is more, then the correct send of SMS messages will not be.

By producing all of the written operations, you can send text messages and take them without failures if everything is done correctly. Subscribers who still fail to send an SMS message must check the mobile device from specialists to identify other failures in its operation.

For normal operation of the telephone device in terms of sending messages, you must make sure that the instructions in the SMS-center contact settings are loyal. Under which it is understood by some gateway relating to tele2, messages are sent through it. Few of users are aware that the messaging process requires pre-configuring SMS of the telephone message center.

A similar opinion was formed because practically never required to perform any additional actions - the message center is automatically entered into the phone settings when the SIM card is replaced. In this article, we will provide information on the concept of an SMS center and situations in which you want to manually set the settings.

As already noted, the SMS Center is the contact of a kind of gateway intended for sending SMS messages specified in the adjustments of the device. Any operator has an individual contact of such a system, in addition, each area of \u200b\u200bmobile communication services has an individual service number.

If there are some difficulties with sending messages, you need to check 3 main points:

  • Subscriber account status;
  • Loyalty to the display of contact of the SMS center;
  • Use free ways to send SMS on tele2.

Notable is the moment that if the device is incorrecting the center code, the client will still receive SMS, whereas the problems are possible.

The contact of the SMS center is displayed in the device in the "Settings" menu, to check the loyalty of the specified number you need to search in the settings. Here it is necessary to find the section "SMS-Center", but the name for various models of iPhone and android devices can be different. However, you can quickly find the desired item in any mobile device.

After finding the required partition, you need to make sure that the correct information should be correctly - we specify not just telephone contact, and the "message type". By the way, there are models of devices in which there is no such item. However, if available, it is necessary that the text is specified there: "SMS", "Normal", "Text", "Text", "Standard", "Text" or like this. When displaying such values \u200b\u200bas "fax" or "data", it is not necessary to expect to be properly sent.

All subscribers are in one way or another use SMS service. However, not all subscribers know that by pressing the "Submit" button, the text message first falls on a mobile recipient, but enters the SMS center. In this article we will talk about SMS Center of Tele2. From the review, you will also learn how to find out the telephone text number2, and also learn how to customize the text newsletter on your phone.

The SMSC service address depends on the place of registration of the SIM card of the subscriber. SMS number of the center of the tele2 is needed for "correct" sending messages. If an SMS-ka is switched to the Cell Operator server with an incorrectly specified number, it will simply do not reach the addressee.

This service is a kind of SMS-OK router. By the way, messages can remain unsent not only because of the wrong SMS address. For example, if you sent a message, and the subscriber you need is not online now, SMS will be stored on the server, before connecting to the system. Once the recipient's phone becomes active, it will get your SMS.

Some subscribers are also interested in how many messages are stored on the tele2 server? However, this question remains open. Tele-resistant operators argue that no more than 3 days are stored. However, there are cases when the epistles raised from the archive, which is more than a year and a half.

For more information on this issue, you can learn from the operator itself. To do this, it is enough to come to the nearest telephone salon2 or call 611 (for mobile) and + 7-951-52-00-61 9 (for stationary devices).

Also, if desired, the client can activate the "Delivery Report" option, which will be informed, received an interlocutor a message or not. In modern models of smartphones and phones, this feature can be configured in the "SMS Properties" section.

As mentioned above, the telephone message center number will depend on the SIM card registration site. From this it follows that the SMS settings should contain a digital combination corresponding to the region where it was purchased and registered.

For example, the service SMS center of Moscow and the region assigned the number + 7-904-339-00-00. A detailed list of telephone numbers SMS service Tele2, for different regions of the Russian Federation, can be viewed on the official website of the television system. You can also specify the information by calling 611 or + 7-951-52-00-61.

Speaking of purity, television clients rarely have to deal with such a problem as the impossibility of sending SMS. All because immediately after implementing the SIM card to the phone, the service number is automatically installed in the appropriate section of the mobile phone. In the future, delete or confuse the service settings is quite difficult. And even when leaving the country, the data remain untouchables.

However, if nevertheless such a trouble happened, it is not yet a reason to get upset. Configure SMS service on tele2, any subscriber will be able to two accounts.

There are several ways through which you can configure the operation of the service:

  • in the office television systems;
  • alone, through the phone menu.

In the first case, you need to come with a mobile phone and a passport to the nearest television category, and ask the company's employee to establish a mobile device.

In the case of manual setting, you will need to do the following:

  • go to the SMS menu and select the "Properties" key, on some devices this item may be called "Parameters";
  • next, select the "SMS Center" parameter from the proposed list;
  • after that, you will enter the page where you need to specify the digital SMS number of the service that meets your local settlement. Save the changes and restart the device.

After these simple actions, SMS will be sent.

Important! Prescribing the SMS address of the center, be sure to specify the +7 code. Even the correct digital row corresponding to your region, without this, the value will be considered invalid.

In addition, pay attention to the item "Type of Messages". Here the affirmative icon should stand near the word "text". Otherwise, your text messages will come to the recipient in the form of abracadabra. Also near the Graph "Transmission Channel", the check mark must stand near the value "GSM".

Recall that you can find out your SMS center number, you can: By calling the television system operator, through the personal account, in the "Help" section, on the provider's website or directly in the Tele2 office.