Installing IMEI through the engineering menu. How to restore IMEI on android after firmware

IMEI sometimes "flies" when flashing a gadget, after which the latter stops working correctly, having lost the possibility of making calls and go to the network. Note that some Chinese devices can work without an identification number, but minority devices. Therefore, we will tell how to restore IMEI on Android, as well as how to change it if necessary.

To make sure that the flying identifier is the cause of problems with the gadget, enter the Symbols * # 06 in the Dialing field. If the code of your device does not appear after that on the display, the problem is defined correctly - you need to recover IMEI. Keep in mind that a phone having two SIM cards must have two identifiers.

We describe how to restore IMEI on android after the firmware on the example of samsung:

  1. Remove the SIM card from the device.
  2. For what in the input box write a combination of * # * # 4636 # * # or * # * # 8255 # * #, if the first code is incorrect.
  3. Open the "CDS Information" section, then Radio Information and go to the Phone 1 subsection.
  4. In the top line, where "AT +" is written, enter the EGMR \u003d 1.7 command. Next, in quotes, we prescribe a fifteen-digit code that matches your IMEI.

Note that the codes for entering the engineering menu on different devices differ. For samsung, they are already given above. Therefore, before changing IMEI, specify this information. For other gadgets, they can be the following:

  • # * # 2846579 # * # - for Huawei gadgets;
  • # * # 3646633 # * # - for devices Alcatel, Philips and Fly;
  • * # 8255 # 3424 # * # - for htc;
  • # 7378423 # * # - for sony.

You can restore the identifier not only manually, but also with various utilities that allow without entering the code to enter the engineering menu. For this, for example, the MTK Engineering Mode program can be used, even on Google Play. True, it works only with MediaTek processors.

Immediately note that the device's identifier change is not legitimate, since the lost or stolen gadget according to IMEI will already find it very problematic. We describe how the change of IMEI Android is carried out in case you, for example, found someone else's devices:

After that, you will dial * # 06 # to make sure the identifier really changed. If you want to return the old imay and do not know how to find a fifteen-digit code, then if there is a device itself, it is very simple. Codes are on the box and in the gadget itself on the sticker under the battery.

Mobile Uncle is another small utility that can be applied to change IMEI in the presence of root rights. It is available on Google Play and has a long name "Launch of the MTK engineering menu".

It is clear from the name that the application works correctly only with MTC processors. We describe how to restore IMEI on Android using this utility if the installer did not register the code correctly:

Note that these methods describe how to restore IMEI on android after the firmware, that is, if he flew after unsuccessful user actions. Prescribe a new one is required only in cases attempts to conceal illegal actions with a gadget. Moreover, there is a very high probability that if you change the "native" identifier to the changed, then the smartphone will turn into "", having lost the possibility of entering the network, making calls, sending messages, etc.

But even if you can not find out IMEI, for example, in the case of the stealing of the gadget, it is easy to get in your Google personal account for transmitting information to law enforcement agencies. This method works if the device is connected to Google Account. All smartphone data is automatically saved on the server, and to get them, you need to go to the Google account settings section in the "Personal Account" subsection or immediately follow the link

Modern technical devices that allow us to use communication services, to go online, store data, etc., are constantly modified and acquired or additional features or identification data. This is done for the purpose of storing and security of your data, which allows you to restore lost information or in time to find a lost or stolen device. But each development is created with good goals and simple people, so it is almost impossible to avoid various failures and errors. Today we will talk about how the recovery of IMEI is being restored, which is necessary for this and why this function is needed. The problem of the problem is due to the fact that many users began to face the situation when their device stopped working normally and indicated the error in which IMEI is mentioned. Therefore, to understand this problem, it is worth familiar with this article where all the necessary information is collected, which will not only be useful, but will also serve as an excellent instruction for restoring your device.

What is IMEI?

But before talking about how IMEI is being restored, it is worth understanding what it is. IMEI is a universal device that is necessary for conditional registration and the provision of various services. For example, it allows you to call and access the Internet without problems, receive support and install various applications. In general, this feature is the basis of your device's performance. But is it really? What is the main purpose of this identification number?

Why do you need this function?

Oddly enough, but the hidden meaning of this feature is that the operators can easily identify you and provide all the necessary information about your calls and correspondence, about preferences on the Internet and your favorite applications. In general, this is your electronic passport, which allows you to learn about the user who uses it, almost everything that is needed. Is it possible to avoid this? Yes, many hackers managed to do this, however, it is necessary to get used to the constant change of data, full of their formatting, etc. Therefore, it is better not to break your head and enjoy the main purpose of this function.

How to find out which number is your number? It is quite simple to do so, since you can check IMEI almost everyone. It is enough to dial a combination on the keyboard * # 06 #, and the device itself will give your number, however, if it is activated. And from this point on, you can understand whether you have a device, or you can easily use all available features. If an error occurs, and at the same time you noticed that you cannot make calls, it means that you have problems in identification that you need to urgently correct. What does this unpleasant situation arise? We will talk about it further.

Why does this problem occur?

So, you decided to check IMEI, but the device does not give it. Prior to that, you noticed that you cannot make calls, write SMS and access the Internet, although completely updated the device firmware and updated all applications re-loaded? This is where the problem lies, because of which this unpleasant situation occurs. The firmware is a process in which the software envelope changes, that is, codes are updated, a new structure is created and some unnecessary processes are erased. This procedure should be done by professionals in order not to spoil the device and do everything at the highest level. True, many users sometimes decide to personally do this and "crooked" set this program element, which is why software failures occur and IMEI is lost. In fact, it does not change, simply loses its registration force that it becomes causes to disable all the main functions of the device.

It is not as critical because everything can be restored either in a special service or personally using various convenient ways to ensure IMEI recovery on android. What methods exist and how to use them, you can learn more.

Ways to correct the error

After you saw a mistake, and all the symptoms of the unpleasant situation were confirmed, it is worth choosing a solution to this problem. Restoring IMEI through the engineering menu, the use of various programs, downloading a file from the Internet, etc. - methods There are many, however, listed are the most effective and existing among all. They allow you to access the internal configuration of the device system with further editing and changing the structure. These actions allow you to make amendments and return the efficiency of IMEI. Each method is unique in its own way and has its own requirements that need to be carried out with special attentiveness in order not to aggravate the already unpleasant situation. If you are not afraid of innovations and are ready to take a chance, you can already cook a notebook and pencil, but if you suddenly have doubts about your abilities, then it is better to contact the service, since there experts quickly fix the error, and in a couple of days you can continue to use your device .

But it should be borne in mind that this service that allows you to ensure the recovery of IMEI is worth a certain amount of money, so think in advance what it is worth using. In the meantime, we consider the easiest way to eliminate the error, which is to use a special program.

Recovery using programs

The network has a lot of different applications that allegedly can automatically correct this problem. But is it worth believing such simple descriptions? Therefore, so that you are not deceived, we recommend using only one application for the correction procedure. The program for recovery IMEI is called GScriptLite.apk. In essence, this is a regular application that allows you to authorize the identification number through the operator's request. You must upload the application file to the device and install it. Then you should run the program and add a script called "Needs SU" to use, which has standard IMEI numbers. Once you have added a script, you need to change its data where the numbers are specified, speaking its IMEI (above there is a description of how to find out the number of your identification). Now it remains only to save the changes and activate the script. The device will ask for permits for the rule of superuser, which must be approved by clicking on "OK". It remains only to restart the device, and it will be ready to use.

But there is one nuance, which lies in the different structure of the software shell of devices, for example, restore the deviation in the instructions. This device does not display data when typing * # 06 #, so technically you will not be able to find out your identification number. But this problem is not so critical, since the number is recorded in a special instruction, which is provided with standard documentation, which is desired. But if you get this data failed, you should turn your attention to the possibility of manual

Manual recovery

Restoring IMEI Lenovo, Fly, Alcatel, Acer, Huawei, Thl, Zopo, Explay and other MTK processor-based devices has one pleasant feature that allows you to get rid of an error using manual editing. How is this possible? It's pretty simple, the main thing is to know the basics of using the built-in Device menu. Restoring IMEI through the engineering menu will require you to know the knowledge of special commands and features of the menu. But thanks to the further instructions, you can cope with these requirements and restore your identification number.

Restoring IMEI MTK begins with the command entry to call the internal menu. To do this, you need to type the * # * # 3646633 # * # 3 keyboard, which will cause an additional feature. It needs to select the "Connectivity" item and subparagraph "CDS INFORMATION". After that, you need to go to "Radio Information", select "Phone" and after the inscription "AT +" enter "EGMR \u003d 1.7,". Then it is worth restarting the device and using the * # 06 # command to get the data of your IMEI. It remains only to repeat the procedure described, but after the inscription "AT + EGMR \u003d 1.7," enter your identifier data. This will make rid of the error, and you can continue to use your device. In the event that these methods did not help or you are not sure about your abilities, it remains only to contact the service where professional assistance will be provided.

Service maintenance

The problem that concerns the identification number is already found for many users of various devices, so do not think that it is completely new and has no solution. Yes, the opportunities personally correct it are not so much, but almost any service is able to help. It is enough to bring the device to professionals, and it will be restored for several hours or days. The device is better to carry with special documentation, which has different technical data necessary to accurately determine the source of the problem, which may vary depending on the device model.

Features of models

Imei recovery is possible only when the device processor is defined. There are several varieties of these elements that are characterized by their software shells. For example, the MTK processor has the largest line of devices that mentioned above. But there are other processors - such giants like Samsung and Apple. Each of them has its own recovery methods, so it is worth remembering this nuance. All methods that were presented in this article strictly belong to the devices of the MTK family. Trying to use them for other devices is not recommended, as you can break the firmware, to restore which will be difficult and expensive. Therefore, it is worth carefully referring to the process of flashing and restoring IMEI, since any error can cause damage. And errors can be a different, starting from incorrectly entered data and ending with the shortage of the necessary files.

Possible mistakes

Failures, incorrect installation, data inconsistency and much more ... Errors can be the most different and unpleasant. And, most interesting, all of them are the basis of the main problem - incorrect installation of firmware on the device. And this is the reason for the deactivation of IMEI and the device failure to work correctly. Therefore, if you are definitely not sure that you can personally flash your device, or have no appropriate skills, then it is better to postpone this idea and provide the work of those people who are great about this. But you can generally avoid this if you do not want to face such problems like this.

How to avoid the problem

To do this, it is worth understanding what the licensed products have to be enjoyed and in no case fall on the trick to hackers. The firmware is an element of developers, but users who do not want to use paying services, prefer to personally find these files. Then they fall on third-party sites and download the firmware versions, where hackers have already made their changes, which further becomes the cause of the device breakdown. It is better if you use that products and programs that the developers themselves provide, and not third-party users. Moreover, the device update occurs in automatic mode if you are on the side of bona fide users. Therefore, you should not expose yourself and your apparatus risk. It should also be noted that the developers know the "pirated" firmware problem, and they often produce special files to eliminate problems, but, unfortunately, not all manufacturers do this.

Internet using

The IMEI recovery file can be obtained on the manufacturer's official website to which your device belongs. If it is available, it must be downloaded and saved, since in case of the problem associated with IMEI, the simple download of the file to your device will fix the error and will show how it is good to use licensed products. Be conscientious and you will never face unpleasant situations!

One of the unique numbers assigned to each Android device is called IMEI (II). It can be used for personal purposes, restore or change on android. Also worth always remember why it is needed, and know when IMEI may be required.

What is an IMEI smartphone or tablet

IMEI is a unique identifier that has every phone and Android tablet. It is necessary for the device to call, send messages and use the mobile Internet. That is, with IMEI, you can enjoy all the functions that the SIM card provides.

How to find out the device identifier for android

There are two ways with which the IMEI phone or the Android phone can be found: through the USSD code or a sticker located on the back of the device.

Via USSD code

  • In the section for entering the phone number, write the code * # 06 #.

    Enter the code

  • In the window that opens, you will see one unique IMEI if your device supports one SIM card, and if two, then two IMEIs will appear on the screen.

    Code for the first and second SIM card

  • View on the sticker inside the case

    Remove the device cover and locate the sticker that can be on the housing or under the battery. On it, locate the IMEI, in which there will be 15 digits.

    Watch IMEI code

    How to change IMEI or restore if he flew

    After the device firmware, updating or resetting data and IMEI settings can be knocked out or abyss. If this happens, you will not be able to use mobile communications, Internet and messages. In this case, one thing remains to restore the unique number by changing it to another code. You can do this with the built-in engineering menu or through third-party applications.

    How to register code through engineering menu

  • Remove the SIM card from the device.

    Remove the SIM card

  • Open apps for a set of phone numbers.

    Open the phone application

  • Enter the code that will call the engineering menu (* # 4636 # * # * or * # * # 3646633 # * # * depends on the device model).

    Open engineering menu

  • In the menu that opens, go to the Connectivity section.

    Go to Connectivity section

  • Navigate to the CDS Information subsection.

    Go to the CDS Information section

  • Open the RADIO INFORMATION item.

    Open the RADIO INFORMATION section

  • AT + will be written on the command prompt. Complete the string with the following text: EGMR \u003d 1.7, "New IMEI". Remember that the code should consist of 15 digits.

    We prescribe a command

  • Press the Send AT Command button to confirm the change of IMEI.

    Confirm the change of IMEI

  • Close the engineering menu and restart the device.

    Restart the device

  • Insert the sim card back.

    Insert the SIM card into the device

  • If the device supports two SIM cards, the change in IMEI for the second SIM card is performed by the command: AT + EGMR \u003d 1.10, "New IMEI".

    We prescribe a command

  • If, when you try to change or restore the code, this Command Is Not Allowed in UserBuild is notified, then check whether the command is recorded correctly, and whether the spaces are shifted after the + sign.

    Insert the gap after the sign +

  • How to change through a third-party application

    To change or restore IMEI code, root rights are required, as the settings associated with the system will be made.

  • Go to the official website of the application 360Root (, download and install it on your device.

    Download and install the application

  • Run the application and click on the large round button located in the middle of the screen. Ready, root rights are obtained.

    Press the button to get root rights

  • Open the Play Market shop.

    Open Play Market.

  • Find and install Chamelephon (\u003dcom.cryptotel.chamelephon).

    Install Chamelephon application

  • Run the downloaded application and enter or generate a random IMEI code.

    We generate IMEI

  • Save the result by clicking the Apply New IMEI button. Plus this application is that you can quickly and easily change the code for two SIM cards at once.

    Click the Apply New Imei button

  • Video: Change the unique code on Android

    Search stolen or lost phone by imei

    Since the IMEI code is unique, then a purely theoretically lost device can be found by contacting the law enforcement or your cellular operator. But this method of searching for the device in most cases does not help, as it is quite difficult to achieve the start of the operation, and the fraudster who has stolen the phone, most likely changed IMEI long ago.

    The only thing that remains to be done is to drive your IMEI into a single base ( and declare a device attached to this code missing. If you add a remuneration message for finding and returning a phone, then you may be returned to you. Most often, sellers of threaded technology are checked with this base, so that maybe you will be lucky.

    Drive the IMEI of the lost device and the rest of the necessary data

    In no case refer to Internet sites providing the opportunity to find the device by IMEI for some amount. Access to the search on the code is only in telecom operators and law enforcement agencies, so all other organizations simply do not have access to the necessary programs and equipment, which means they will not be able to find your device, while taking your money.

    Is it possible to remove IMEI?

    Some users mistakenly think that Erase IMEIs will cocked their device and it cannot be called on it. But it is completely wrong, the more remove IMEI can not, you can only change it to another combination of numbers. How can I change the IMEI code described above in the article.

    Each Android device is assigned initially its unique IMEI code that can be viewed, restored or changed. To do this, you will need knowledge of special USSD codes, engineering menus or root rights. You can find the lost device on IMEI only with the help of a communication or law enforcement operator, but not through the Internet sites that offer this service. Delete IMEI You can not, you can only change the digits of the code.

    When buying a used phone or unsuccessful firmware, problems may appear when connecting to a mobile network. The reason for this is a flying IMEI, which is very simply restored.

    International Identifier Mobile Equipment. When your phone is associated with a mobile network, it transmits two main identifiers - your SIM card number and IMEI phone. This is a fifteen-digit code from decimal digits: from the first to the eighth - model and place of origin, after - serial number, and the last digit is the control calculated by the algorithm of the moon based on the previous ones.

    In times, when the phones still possessed the buttons, IMEI was thereby the beacon for which the police found stolen phones. With the appearance of the Android operating system, providing the user with full control over the device, IMEI stopped being stigmatically and turned into a parameter that can be very easy to change or lose with an unsuccessful coincidence.

    To find out your IMEI, dial the number: * # 06 #.

    Or see it in the settings.

    IMEI must be specified under the lid of your device, most often under the battery and on the box in which you bought it.

    Video: How to find out IMEI android devices for a couple of taps

    Why IMEI flies and how to restore it / change it

    The main reason to lose IMEI is an unsuccessful firmware of the phone, a little less often - an attempt to get root rights.

    As mentioned above, IMEI is one of the main identifiers of your phone while communicating with the mobile network. And if he flew (all values \u200b\u200bare set on 0), problems with communication may occur.

    If you bought a used phone and discovered the IMEI mismatch specified in the phone, with the one that is registered under the battery is better not to install the original IMEI.

    What you should remember about IMEI:

    • deleting IMEI is the change of IMEI to zero value (000000000000000), IMEI recovery is the change of IMEI on its initial value;
    • there are no ways to restore the original IMEI, if you do not know it, since information about it is not saved anywhere;
    • if it is not possible to determine the original IMEI, you can always invent it or generate;
    • in no case trust the services offering to know your initial IMEI for recovery - these people are fraudsters and offer impossible;
    • the only way to find your missing / stolen phone on IMEI is to contact the police.

    Recovery through the engineering menu

    To change IMEI, you will need to enter the engineering menu. You can enter it by typing a special room on your android device. The most common number for entering the engineering menu - * # 3646633 # *. And if he does not help you, try these:

    Manufacturer Service code
    mTK processor *#*#3646633#*#*, *#*#54298#*#*
    Samsung *#*#8255#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*
    HTC *#*#8255#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#3424#*#*
    Sony *#*#7378423#*#*
    iPhone 5 on Android *#*#4634#*#*
    Phylips, Fly, Alcatel *#*#3646633#*#*
    Huawei. *#*#2846579#*#*

    In addition to the above list, the entry number The engineering menu must be specified in the instructions for your device.

    IMEI change through the GPRS tab

    Change IMEI through the CDS Information tab

    Video: Restore IMEI through engineering menu

    Restoring IMEI using applications

    If you have any difficulty in the entrance to the engineering menu, or the engineering menu is not available on your device, you can always change IMEI using applications. As mentioned above, the last figure of IMEI is the control and generated by the algorithm of the moon based on the previous ones. And if you want to register nonsense imei, it is better to generate it using one of such applications.

    To download the application for changing IMEI, go to the Play Market and enter the word IMEI in the search string.

    All IMEI shift applications found are identical, and we will look at them on the example chamelephone. It is worth saying that each of the applications requires the availability of root rights, and this is already a separate story.

    Getting root rights

    Root-rights or superuser rights provide the user with special powers, such as:

    • deleting system files;
    • embedding programs and melodies;
    • removal of advertising;
    • acceleration of the processor;
    • activation of hidden functions of Android.

    The presence of root rights will be needed for some subsequent actions when cleaning the device. Getting root rights cancels the guarantee of your device. Each device has features, and risk damage the system when receiving root rights or after always remains. Having root-rights, you will not be able to receive warranty operating system updates.

    1. If you have not previously installed applications from external sources, go to Android settings and open the Safety tab in the "Personal data" section.

    2. Activate the "Unknown Sources" parameter.

    3. Download the latest version of Framaroot from the Internet. This application has analogues and Play Market, but they may not be so reliable.
    4. Install Framaroot. If the installer blocks the process, select "Additional Information" and click "Set (unsafe)".

    5. Run Framaroot and select "Install SuperSU", and then click on any of the ROOT rights methods. After receiving restart the device.

    6. There is a chance that your device is not supported by this application. You can try alternative programs, but it will increase the risk of "dropping" your system. It will be better to know the individual method of getting root rights for your device.

    IMEI is a unique number that is assigned to each device and is transmitted to the mobile network operator. The article will talk about how to restore IMEI on devices from Lenovo.

    The easiest way

    You need to dial the following combination: * # 06 #. Next, the identification number or zeros appears on the screen. To restore IMEI, you need to perform several steps that are described below.

    MobileUuncle MTK Tools Program

    Using this software, you can quickly restore IMEI on Lenovo devices running on the MTK processor. It is necessary to rewrite IMEI from the back cover of the smartphone.

    Important! ROOT rights are needed for the application. After downloading and installing MTK Tools on the Lenovo P780 smartphone, steps from the video below are necessary.

    Important!If there are two SIM cards on the phone, then I will need to restore IMEI twice. The commands will look at: Alt + EGMR \u003d 1.7, "IMEI" for Phone 1 (it is necessary to make a space after the + sign), and for Phone 2 you need to replace 1.7 per 1.10.

    After performing these actions, you must restart the device and check the IMEI using the key combination * # 06 #.

    Such a restoration method is suitable for all devices based on the MTK processor, for example, Lenovo S660, VIBE X2, A319, etc.