How to connect the Internet on a computer via cable: step by step instructions, setup

The fact that today is becoming increasingly distributed to the Internet wireless connection based on the use and ADSL modems), no doubt causes. But sometimes (and very often) it is necessary to configure the connection, bypassing such devices using the direct connection to the provider to the provider by means of a cable. About how to connect the Internet through the cable, then talk. Immediately it is worth considering some nuances, as well as the emergence of possible problems, errors or failures of the connection being created, which will be considered separately.

How to connect the Internet through the cable: What is needed for this?

The main and prerequisite, without which it will be made simply impossible, is the presence of a installed network adapter on a computer or laptop, for which all the necessary drivers must be installed (sometimes you may need to update to topical versions).

Of course, any of the latest Windows operating systems sets such drivers on their own (either when it is initially installed, or when a new connected device is detected), but in case you have an original disk with a set of such a managing software, it is better to install "native" device drivers It is from this set.

Only in this case, the operability of the network card will be guaranteed entirely and completely. Issues related to updating drivers, consider a little later, but, closing a little ahead, it should be said to be not recommended to produce an update by means of the system (then it will be clear why).

The second point is associated with the cable used, which will join directly to the corresponding port of the network card. On such cables there are RJ-45 connectors. Finally, the user must have a contract with a provider, which not only provides access to the Internet, but also gives a preliminary list of all major settings and addresses that will need to be prescribed independently if the support service specialist does not.

In general, by and large, if you understand how to connect the Internet through the cable from the router or modem, there is nothing particularly difficult here. If you wish, any user who has at least the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bworking with Windows-systems, perform such operations can independently. And it will take all this process with only a few minutes. Why was it mentioned in this case that you can use the cable from the router? Yes, just because it is fully identical to the standard network cords that are on sale in any specialized store.

How to access pre-network settings in different systems?

So, it seems to be determined with the equipment. Now let's look at some basic settings and ways to access them in different Windows modifications. If we talk about how on a computer to connect the Internet through a cable from the router in Windows XP, in this system, access to network parameters can be obtained directly from the start menu, in which there is an appropriate item made in a separate category. In later versions, it also has, but is not the main list, but in the service program section. In Windows 10, the easiest way to use the PCM on the Start button, where in the list and will be shown the desired section. In general, for all systems, without exception, you can use a universal tool in the form of a "control panel", in which you need to go to the section of network management and shared access, after which it will be necessary to refer to the link to change the properties of the network adapter.

In this case, we are interested in the one for which the description indicates Ethernet or "Connection over the LAN".

The difference between dynamic and static IP addresses

Let us leave any questions regarding how on the computer connect the Internet through the cable, aside, and look at one important nuance. Usually providers offer to create a connection to use two types of addresses: static and dynamic. The difference between them is not so great, as it may seem at first glance. The static address is assigned to each individual computery and in the process of accessing the Internet does not change, that is, it is constant. The dynamic address is changed at each session (it is installed in its new value).

Some mistakenly believe that it is akin to this, nothing like that! VPN clients or proxy servers simply change external addresses so that the user machine cannot be identified by territorial binding, and there are no relationships to internal addresses. Changing the address is made with the choice of the currently unused IP from the available addresses of the provider itself, which in no way affects the change in regional location. But which one to choose if the provider really proposes to use either one or the other? It is believed that the best quality of communication is ensured solely when specifying a static address, so choose this option, although in setting the dynamic addresses and look somewhat easier.

How to connect the Internet on your computer via cable in Windows 7 and other systems: Standard connection setup method

To set the Internet connection, the first thing is necessary through the PCM on the selected network adapter, call the properties item and then go to the IPv4 protocol settings. Address fields must be filled according to the list issued by the provider.

However, if you don't have it for any reason, or you lost it, in the IP field for a static address, we write a combination, say,, the subnet mask almost always has a value of, and in the gateway field, write 192.168. 1.1. For dynamic IP, if it is provided, you can set the receipt of all addresses in automatic mode.

Just below, you should fill in the fields of addresses of the main and alternative DNS servers. They will have to clarify the provider. If this turns out to be impossible, nothing terrible. Set automatic receipt or use free combinations, for example, from Google, presented above, which are not worse. Next, just save the changes, just in case, restart and check Internet access.

Note: Especially when configured, pay attention to the proxy shutdown item for local addresses if the server's use of this type of provider is not provided, otherwise problems may appear.

Installing high-speed connection

Now briefly on how to connect the Internet through the cable, if you intend to configure the high-speed PPPoE connection. In this case, in the Network Management section, you first need to create a new connection, and then specify its type.

It will be either PPPoE for direct communication with the provider without using network devices, or dial-up if modem uses, for example, 3G / 4G standards. After that, you need to enter the username with the password and set the new name of the compound created. Upon completion of all procedures, simply click the Connection button.

What to pay attention to when using the router?

As for routers, we will not stop on them, since in this material the wireless connection is not considered.

However, it is worth noting that many modern models can be used as modems, so before in the device's web interface, by following any web browser, the router must be switched to the modem mode.

Issues of Internet configuration when using the Rostelecom operator services

Finally, as an example, consider how to configure the Internet through the Rostelecom cable, step by step.

In principle, the IPv4 protocol is not particularly different from all described, and may look like, as shown in the image above, but taking into account the input of addresses that are present in the service contract, and the activation of the IPv6 protocol. There should be no difficulties here.

Now briefly on how to configure the Internet through the Rostelecom cable in Windows 7 or any other system if the router is used and the PPPoE connection. Go to the web interface of the router (, as a login and password, use Admin / Admin, specify PPPOE in the connection type, enter the login and password from the contract (not to be confused with the authorization of access to the router settings), and most importantly - in VPI / VCI parameters Set your region. At the end of operations, save the changes and restart the modem / router.

Possible troubleshooting and elimination

As for the possible communication setup errors, everything is impossible to foresee. But as the first measures, use the following techniques:

  • check the correctness of the IP address and gateway;
  • replace standard values \u200b\u200bfor DNS on Combinations from Google;
  • disable the use of proxy;
  • update the network card drivers (it is best to use automated programs like Driver Booster);
  • for a while, turn off the antivirus and firewall;
  • remove the existing connection and create it again.

If nothing helps, call the Windows troubleshooting tool and use the Situation Correction Tips. If it does not help, contact directly to the Internet service provider.