Power supply: What to buy? Learn Matchast

We continue the heading about "iron and computer literacy" and this time we will talk about such a component as a power supply. How many watts need? What are the most reliable manufacturers? How much is a good power supply?

In this material we give an answer to these questions.

Note. All prices in the article are relevant at the end of February 2017.

1. The miser pays twice. In recent years, a huge number of extremely cheap and extremely low-quality BP models from Asian manufacturers have appeared on the market. Therefore, remember: at least some acceptable blocks are cheaper than 1500 rubles in principle!

2. The more powerful the system - the more you need watts. And it is obvious. Calculate the approximate consumption of your system can be.

3. Old system? Even more watts! Video cards and processors of three-year and more limitations consumed the energy times within a half or two more than their modern "colleagues". Therefore, if you collect a PC from those who have visited the components, it is better to take the BP with a margin.

4. Reviews are useless here. Power supplies are one of the goods in which most ordinary buyers disassemble very superficially. Instead of drawing conclusions on a specific model, based on silent and love in a specific brand, it is better to look for reviews from specialized publications.

5. The trouble-free brands does not happen.However, the products of Seasonic are currently being considered close to ideal. In the overwhelming majority of reviews, no relevant model of power units from this manufacturer has no critical flaws. Except, except, high price.

6. 80 Plus - not a panacea. Certification 80 Plus only means that the power supply is capable of issuing at least 80 percent of watts from the stated volume. That is, a certified BP of 500 watts will give no less than 400 under load (no power supply is capable of working at the limit). However, this certification of "quality" is not related to the prepared by the 12-volt line, the quality of cooling and materials, noise level, and so on. Therefore, always view several reviews on the model I liked and carefully study the item with disadvantages.

How much exactly need watt

  • for budget video cards like GTX 1050 or RX 460 - minimum 300 watts (for older models - 400),
  • for "middling" like GTX 1060 or RX 470 - 400 watts (for old - 500),
  • for top sort of GTX 1080 or Rx 490 - 600 watts (for old - 750).

If you buy the power supply is cheaper than 3000 rubles, it is better to add another 100 watt.

We carefully studied the power block market and chose three models that have practically no critical flaws.

For budget game PC - FSP ATX-400PNR for 1650 rubles.

FSP is probably the only brand that is worth trusted among all the "Devnian" power supplies. Critical appeals on a 12 volt line here is not, and 400 watt power is enough for most inexpensive assemblies With the GEFORCE GTX 1050 video card or Radeon RX 460.

If you doubt - take the one that is lower.

For medium-producing PC - Zalman ZM-500-TX for 3000 rubles

This BP is the Golden Middle Pricing / Quality in our opinion. It has a certificate of 80 Plus, and in most reviews about him responds positively: there are no serious drawings, there is quite high quality, and the efficiency at a sufficient level. Also, Zalman ZM-500-TX has a beautiful blue illumination of the fan in the form of a pleasant bonus.

In short, it is perfect for most medium-power gaming PCs with video cards like GeForce GTX 1060 or Rx 470.

For top PC - Seasonic SS-750KM3 for 10,700 rubles