How to calculate power supply power for computer

A competently assembled computer is very good, and the power supply properly chosen to it is doubly beautiful! How to correctly calculate power supply power for computer- whole science, but I will tell you plain And at the same time very effective Method for calculating power. Go!

Instead of preface

The capacity calculation is important, since the weak power supply will not "pull" your "iron", and too powerful block - excessive waste of money. Of course, we are not interested, and we will look for the most optimal option now to the essence of the matter.

Calculation of power supply

Ideally, the power of the power supply is selected at the calculation of the maximum power consumption of the entire computer fill in the peak load. Why is that? Yes, very simple - to the most responsible and tense moment of the game in solitaire, the computer did not turn off the lack of energy

Calculate the power that your computer consumes in the maximum load mode is not quite fashionable at all, so much easier and more correctly use an online power supply calculator calculator. I use this one, and I really like it:

Do not scare English, actually everything is very simple there

Here is an example, as I calculated the power of the power supply for his computer (picture clickable):

1. Motherboard

In chapter Motherboard We choose the type of computer motherboard. For a regular PC put Desktop, For server, respectively - Server. It is also provided Mini-ITX For boards of the corresponding form factor.

2. CPU.

Processor specifications section. First, specify the manufacturer, then the processor socket, and then the processor itself.

To the left of the processor number 1 is the number physical Processors on the board, not nuclei, be careful! In most cases, there is one physical processor on the computer.

Note that CPU.Speed. and CPU. Vcoreexplained automatically, in accordance with the regular values \u200b\u200bof the core frequencies and voltage. You can change them if necessary (this is useful for overlooks).

3. CPU Utilization

It indicates what load will go to the processor. The default is worth 90% TDP (recommended)- You can leave as it is, and you can set 100%.

4. Memory.

This is a section for RAM. Specify the number of slats and their type with size. You can install the box on the right. FB.Dimms.. It must be put in the event that you have the type RAM F.uLLY. B.uffered (completely buffered).

5. Video Cards - SET 1 and Video Cards - SET 2

These sections indicate video cards. Video Cards - SET 2 is needed if you suddenly have a video card from AMD and NVIDIA at the same time. Here, as with the processor, choose the manufacturer first, then the name of the video card, and indicate the quantity.

If video cards are several, and they work in SLI, or CrossFire mode, then install the checkbox on the right (SLI /CF).

Similarly, as in the processor section, CoreCLOCK. and Memory.CLOCK. Exhibited to the factory for this video card value. If you changed them on your video card, then here you can specify your frequency values.

6. Storage

Here everything is simple - indicate how much and what hard disks Installed in the system.

7. Optical Drives.

Here is indicated how much and what discovers You have installed.

8. PCI Express Cards

In this section, we put, how many and what additional extension cards are installed in PCI-Express slots. You can specify sound cards, TV tuners, various additional controllers.

9. PCI Cards

Similar to the previous item, only here are the devices in PCI slots.

10. Bitcoin Mining Modules

Section of the instructions of modules for mining bitcoins. For those who know, comments are unnecessary, and those who do not know - do not bother and just read on

11. Other Devices.

Here you can specify what else you have a row in the computer. This includes devices such as fan control panels, temperature sensors, cartriders, etc.


Section Keyboard / Mouse. Three options to choose from - there is nothing, the usual device or game. Under game Keypads / mice are meant keyboard / mouse with backlit.

13. Fans.

Here we put how many fans and what size in the housing is installed.

14. Liquid Cooling Kit

It indicates water cooling systems, as well as their number.


Here - the computer's use mode, or rather, the approximate time of the computer per day. The default is 8 hours, it can be left and so.

The final

After you specify all the contents of your computer, press the button. Calculate.. After that you will receive two results - Load.Wattage. and Recommended.PSU.Wattage.. The first is a real power consumption with a computer, and the second is the recommended minimum power supply power.

It is worth remembering that the power supply is always taken with a power reserve of 5 - 25%. First, no one guarantees that in six months - a year you do not want to arrange a computer upgrade, and secondly, - remember the gradual wear and the drop in the power supply power.

And on this, I have everything questions in the comments, if something is incomprehensible or just need help, and also do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter of the site.

Good luck! ????

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