Do not turn on the Lenovo phone. Lenovo phone does not turn on Lenovo Waib Shot does not turn on what to do

When choosing a phone, each of us pays particular attention to his reliability. We read user feedback, we study the technical characteristics of the device, etc. And in this regard, the gadgets from Lenovo look at one of the best options.

But in any case, sooner or later, the smartphone will stop working. There is a lot of reasons for that, and accurately understand why the phone stopped functioning, only a specialist can.

But in general, determine why you cannot start your smartphone, it is quite realistic if you take into account some of the features of its functioning. In this article we will tell why the Lenovo phone usually does not boot.

Battery does not charge

If the phone stopped turning on, it is very likely that it is faulty than the battery. Over time, the battery capacity decreases, and it does not allow the device to be autonomous to sufficiently. This problem is well known to the owners of all mobile devices from any manufacturer.

It is possible that the reason is that the charger is defective or the connector to connect to the smartphone. As a rule, it helps in such a situation the usual replacement of the battery.

Lenovo does not load due to software breakdowns

Sometimes the Lenovo phone does not turn on also because of the software breakdown. How to distinguish a software malfunction from hardware? There is a proven method: if when turned on, the LED flashes, then the problem is in the program part.

The causes of software failures there is a mass. Most often, they become the result of the installation by the user of the unverified sources, all sorts of applications containing viruses, etc.

If your phone worked fine, and then repeatedly rebooted by myself, and after the reboot it does not start, then the option is exactly two:

  1. Contact specialists to determine for what reason the Lenovo phone does not turn on;
  2. Relief the settings to factory, in other words, make Hard Reset;
  3. Remove the mobile device.

The last two ways are really working even at home, if the Lenovo phone does not turn on, and you can easily implement them on your own. But remember: if you made a flashing or hard reset, it will automatically delete all the data from the smartphone. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically save them on an alternative medium in order not to get into the unpleasant situation. This applies not only to photos and videos, but even SMS and contacts in the phone book.

But if the phone works on the Android platform (and Lenovo smartphones function exactly on it), then everything is much easier. Most models support data synchronization with a cloud resource. All you need is to ensure that contacts and media files are regularly saved on the cloud on the Internet. Then even if you do not boot on the phone, and you have to reflash it or make a discharge, all important information will be available from any other gadget after passing the authorization in the system. Well, after repairing or changing the firmware, go in your own profile from your phone.

Prevention of software failures

In order not to wonder the "Phone does not turn on - what to do", it is best to know how to prevent such a situation. It is quite easy and will not require your effort.

It is quite logical that the beginning of the end of the work of a operating system becomes the installation of a variety of applications, which somehow interfere with normal functioning.

So that the phone can be loaded normally, refuse to install and use the "heavy" applications. Buying a gadget, you get acquainted with its technical characteristics. And if he, for example, is not intended for games and is not equipped with the most powerful video accelerator, it is irrational to install the latest games on such a gadget. Even in the middle settings, they will lead to the slip of the hardware platform, which will adversely affect the performance and durability of the mobile device.

At least once a couple of months, clean the phone from unnecessary files. They appear regardless of your desire while working with applications. To do this, use the Application Manager, available in the options of any smartphone, or third-party program. For example, it can be CleanMaster.

If you support cleanliness in your phone, then the chances see that the phone does not turn on, will be minimized.

Mechanical breakdowns

Often the problem of non-enabled phones becomes mechanical damage or injection of water inside the case. Mobile devices are not started due to damage to the processor or the matrix.

In such a situation, you need to establish the cause of the breakdown. If you can do it yourself, then take care of the timely repair of the gadget. But it is better to immediately give a smartphone to the diagnosis of specialists so that they can eliminate the problem, and you got a good gadget again.

The phone fell into the water: what to do?

Many disturb the question to do if the mobile device does not turn on after falling into the water. As you know, the water medium is dangerous for internal elements of smartphones, therefore you need to react as quickly as possible.

First of all, remove the back cover and remove the battery. With a hair dryer, drip the phone. Put the device into some kind of container with rice - it perfectly absorbs moisture. After a pair of hours, insert the battery back and try to enable the gadget. If the phone does not turn on and after that, we recommend contacting the specialists.

Cause breakdown is unclear

If you have done everything outlined above, but you can not understand how to enable the phone, the output remains only one - contact the wizard to repair. Without a specialist and trying to independently repair a mobile gadget, you can harm him if it misunderstand the cause of the breakdown. There is a lot of reasons for which the smartphone may not be turned on. And find out what made it clear with your phone, can exclusively specialists with sufficient qualifications and experiences.

So take care of your mobile devices, and if you noticed any violations in their work, try to warn the problem so that in the future it is not to struggle with it. Well, if the phone is no longer included, but to visually determine the cause of the problem is difficult, we advise you to immediately go to repair masters.

Option 1

1. Go to the phone setup item

2. Choose Restoration and reset

3. Then tapam on reset settings

4. Press the reset button and agree with the loss of all personal data.
5. After the gadget restarts the reset can be considered completed

Option 2.

1. First turn off the gadget
2. For 2-3 seconds, clamp the buttons Volume increasing + Reducing volume
3. When we see on the screen logo android or logo Lenovo. Let's release the buttons pressed
4. To enter the Recovery Mode, click the button Food
5. In the menu, select Wipe Data / Factory Reset Press Volume- and confirm by pressing the button Power

6. Then in the menu that appears by climbing Volume- Select the item Yes - Delete All User Data and confirm the selection by clicking the button Power

7. We click the REBOOT SYSTEM NOW menu item in conclusion, to complete the reset and reboot.

8. Reset is completed after the device will reboot

Lenovo Vibe Shot Factory Reset

  • To correctly complete the full reset of the settings, the battery is charged approximately 80%.
  • Images and videos for some items may not coincide with the model model.
  • After executing Hard Reset, all personal data and applications that are available in the phone's memory will be destroyed.

Lenovo today ranks fourth in the five World PC manufacturers. In the arsenal of the company there are table pcs, laptops, mobile phones, smartphones, netbooks and even servers, monitors, tablets, video cards. And this is despite such additions to all of the above, as mice, keyboards, memory modules, optical drives, power supplies, software and accessories, as well as covers, laptop bags. The breadth of the company's range is impressive, and the filling of the Consumer Electronics Market Lenovo requires serious support. The Specialized Service Center Lenovo exercises it in many cities, especially in large centers of the country.

Today, the trend is quite common to contact specialized service centers, but to a little-known "but very understanding" repairmen of technology. By making such a choice, it is worth understanding that the service center of Lenovo directly deals exclusively by this type of equipment and electronics and one hundred percent knows the subtleties of this company. Moreover, Lenovo's service center has the ability to quickly cooperate with other specialized companies that supply the necessary original parts for Lenovo technique.

It is worth noting that most gadgets that are produced by this company have a wide range of non-standard and unique details that are small where you can find. This is the famous problem of Lenovo devices, but everything is solved through specialists. Only Lenovo's service center is able to get the necessary parts for a laptop as, for example, a matrix or original lights for highlighting. In any case, if any problems with the electronics of this company arose, it is worth contacting the Lenovo service center, and then why:

1. Only experts can guarantee the quality of work performed, with complete diagnostics and with the definition of the exact cause of the problem.

2. Exceptionally in the Lenovo service center, if necessary, it will be proposed to replace the non-working part to the original. You can get the original item, only somewhere specifically orders it in advance, or from another phone, and in the center it comes directly in the shortest possible time.

3. Lenovo service centers carry out maintenance of the company's equipment, as specialists are selected and trained in them directly to service Lenovo.

4. After purchasing a gadget Lenovo, the buyer acquires a warranty card or a check with which you can get free service. Such a service is provided solely in the Lenovo service center. Such a right is lost if the device has already been opened before a service specialist.

5. Maintaining any goods manufacturer Lenovo can occur in any of the services after the end of the warranty period.

The site of the Lenovo service center can be seen in the list of gadgets that are subject to repair, as well as see the price policy (if the repair is not a warranty) and the location of the nearest branch of the service. Among them, you will see services for the repair of tablets, laptops, netbooks, monoblocks at low prices. Wizards performing repair work are carried out not only to replace parts, but also carefully understand the essence of the problem, making everything possible to exclude the recurrence of the incident.

In the service center of Lenovo, you will be offered a wide range of services for the repair and determination of the cause of the breakage:

testing the entire system on the objects of breakdowns, the correct operation of all functions;
diagnostics of the gadget, including the operation of internal systems, heating, the operation of each part, which helps to accurately determine the cause of the breakage, and also warns the new breakdowns of the device;
replace parts, including the matrix of the electronic device. Its diagonal size is not important, since the Lenovo service center works directly with company suppliers;

repair of the matrix and other elements of technology. The masters are taken for the repair solely after a thorough study and diagnostics of the problem when the reason is detected, and the decision on repair will become apparent for them;
the integrated repair of the entire device that may be needed at high breakdowns, for example, after the incidence of the gadget from a high height, etc.

Repair of individual details, not to mention the integrated repair, requires the intervention of this professional, and given the originality and uniqueness of some of the companies of the company's electronics, only the Lenovo service center can perform qualitatively. In its daily work, the master regularly use high-class repair techniques, which allows you to perform the most subtle tasks. Among such working tools should be mentioned:

specialized digital microscopes that allow for accurate diagnostics;
bGA soldering stations;

required for the implementation of the full repair and diagnostics of the software and hardware complex.
Moreover, each service center Lenovo offers more simple services, for example, qualified advice to customers who wished to purchase electronics and the technique of this manufacturer. Specialists in the center have experience with many devices, as well as deep knowledge in each of them, therefore consultations on the correct operation of operation, the use of individual functions of the device, etc. Also provided directly to Lenovo service centers. Other offers also have a shift, update software for laptops, netbooks or stationary PCs.

Thus, the decision to use the services of the Lenovo service center is the most correct in case your gadget began to work incorrectly, or if specific functions are not responding, as well as in the event of absolutely any problems or issues in the field of technology and electronic technologies of Lenovo.

Most of the owners of modern gadgets have repeatedly encountered situations when the device has failed in work or did not respond to commands. Unfortunately, almost all smartphones from time to time fail, regardless of the manufacturer and prices.

Today we will consider the problem when the Lenovo phone does not turn on, and we will analyze the reasons for this.

Lenovo's cell phones often sin with problems in software and hardware components, especially if we are talking about budget models. One of the most common - spontaneous shutdown and the lack of a subsequent reaction to different user actions. Although the situation seems terrible, at first glance, only in extreme cases will need a service repair or replacement of a smartphone. Sources of these breakdowns are three types:

  • Hardware is a problem in the "hardware" after falling, temperature jumps, tests with the sun, moisture and sand.
  • Software - concerns the operating system directly, viruses and failures.
  • The external - most often breakdown of the charger is mistaken for malfunctions in the smartphone itself.

Let's analyze the reasons in detail why the Lenovo phone does not turn on, and the ways to solve them.


In this section, we consider the most common faults, due to which Lenovo does not turn on:

  • Full battery discharge and other accompanying problems with battery.
  • Firmware update failures.
  • Problems in software.
  • Viral attack.
  • Mechanical damage to internal parts.

Full battery rank

Problems with the battery may be temporary and constant, and they have different solutions:

Incorrect system update

From time to time, the firmware OS android and her shell is updated, but during the process failures may occur. Often, after installing the new version of the system, the technique turns into non-working "brick". However, do not hurry to replace it with another model, it is solved by kickback to factory settings.

It is done using Recovery Mode. At the same time, three buttons are clamped in such a sequence:

  • Volume increasing swing.
  • Not releasing the previous one, the return key to the desktop.
  • In parallel with them, the power button and power button.

The menu will appear on the screen. The pointer moves the volume up and down volume, respectively. You must select Factory Reset, confirm the selection and wait for the completion of the process.

If after that smart does not work, then you need to contact a specialist, and it will be by reflashing the system.

Software malfunctions

More often the cellular on the basis of the Android is not launched due to the various kinds of software failures. The manufacturer and developers of the system provided such options for developing events, so they advise you to reset the settings in such cases. How to do it, we have already disassembled above.

Please note that to start the recovery mode on some models there will be no sequential clamping of the keys. It starts with a special button on the end of the housing, which looks like a small hole, with a needle or a special pin, which is included.


Viruses are another popular cause of difficulties with Android appliances. They fall through downloading files and applications from unknown sources, and can seriously damage the system data required to start. Most likely, you will need to flash, which will completely delete the information. But in some cases, the service center specialists are still taken by the manual cleaning of the system storage of viruses and malicious programs.

You can avoid such an outcome, previously downloaded antivirus software, for example, Dr.Web or ESET.

Mechanical damage and moisture

Consider the most popular types of mechanical damage that interfere with the inclusion:

  • Screen breakdown (loop fault, display or moisture from the seams).
  • Charging nest contaminated. Dust falls into it, fabric threads from clothes or crumbs. It is necessary to carefully, using the usual needle for this.
  • Broken gadget contacts with batteries. This can be both oxidation and mechanical impact, which led to deformation.
  • Damaged power button. If the device is new, then most likely it is a factory marriage.
  • The worst of the options is a burned power controller that controls charging.

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