How to delete Alcatel contacts in your phone. Is it possible to restore missing or remote contacts on Alcatel and similar android devices

Delete contact from the phone can be due to the "Contacts" functions. The user also has the ability to cancel the synchronization to erase all the numbers interrelated with it. If your contacts are stored in Google Account, it is recommended to use the Contacts website to carry out control over them.

To delete contact from android, you need to enter the contacts application. This program may be called differently, and it will depend on the mobile device that is used. You must click on the record you wish to erase. As a result, contact information should be displayed. If you want to erase several points, you can press 1 of them and hold the finger for a while, with the result that the selection mode is activated, and then specify additional names that need to be cleaned. This process may differ significantly on some device models.

Now you can click "Delete". The location and design of this button will differ on different devices, but, as a rule, it can be found in the upper half of the screen. Sometimes it looks like the inscription "Delete", and in other cases - as an icon in the form of a garbage basket. In some cases, the user will first need to press the button in the form of 3 vertically spaced points, and then select the "Delete" option. You must click "Yes" to confirm that you want to erase the selected items. The user will ask if it understands that contacts will be forever removed from the mobile device. Need to confirm the operation.

Disable account

To disable the account, you need to go to "Settings". When you turn off all the numbers that were synchronized, delete. This can be useful for erasing a large number of items 1 time. You need to select the "Accounts" option in the "Personal data" section. Now you should select an account for which you want to disable synchronization. Any numbers from this account will be deleted from your device.

If you are interested in how to delete a phone number, then you need to keep in mind that, thanks to the touch of contacts, you can stop them to synchronize so that the list is not updated automatically along with the account. If you do not see the "Contacts" option, you need to completely disable synchronization for the account you use. Next, you must press the button in the form of 3 vertical points. It is usually located in the upper right corner. A small menu should open, in which click the "Synchronize" button. This activates the interaction with the account. Since the contacts were disabled, all items for this account will be erased from your device.

Google's contact removal

To delete Google numbers, you need to open a web browser. If you store numbers in your account, you can use Contacts to more efficiently manage them. To do this, it is allowed to use a special site. This method is intended only for items that are stored in the account. Numbers located in the phone's memory or on another account must be removed separately.

Using the browser you need to enter Contacts. To do this, use the same account as on the Android device. Next, you should click on the photos of profiles of contacts to choose them. The search panel at the top of the page will help you quickly find the right rooms. You must click on the button with the image of the basket at the top of the screen. This will delete all selected numbers from your account. If the button with a basket is inactive, then 1 or several of your selected items are added using Google+. To remove them, you need to erase the numbers from Circles.

If you are the owner of a modern smartphone, even the editing of the list of contacts may be complicated. It's all about synchronization that does not allow you to change the phone numbers at your request. In addition, the device collects in one list of numbers from and it causes additional difficulties. We'll figure it out how to delete contact or phone number from a smartphone.

Standard way to remove contact

On the phones with the operating system Android there is an easy way to edit the list of contacts. To do this, find an application that stores their list. Usually it is called "contacts", but maybe otherwise. Its pictogram is a notebook with a schematic image of a person on it.

  1. Before you a list of contacts, find in it the one that has lost the relevance.
  2. Click on the contact you want to delete. Hold your finger until an additional menu appears.
  3. From the list, select Delete, confirm your solution.

When you click on the desired line, the operating system can behave differently. Sometimes the menu does not appear, and at the top of the screen, a string is activated on which the available actions are schematically displayed. In this case, you need to choose a pictogram resembling a trash can or basket.

Also, sometimes the interface of this application implies a menu call a long-lasting finger holding, but a special button.

In this case, you need:
  • select a remote contact in the list;
  • press it;
  • select at the top or bottom in the control line in the form of three points;
  • from the menu that appears, select "Delete".

If none of the menu call methods do not work, press the screen to the left left button. It is used to alternate menu call. In it, you can also delete contact or change it.

Removing contacts with SIM-card

Many retain contacts on SIM-Cart, so that when changing the device to have access to them. In this case, you may encounter a problem how to delete old phone numbers if they are recorded in the Sim. If you prefer to store friends and acquaintances not in the phone's memory, then the sequence of actions will be different:

  1. Click on the ass menu at the bottom of the screen (extreme left).
  2. The "" application settings will be launched on the screen. In the list you need to find the "Display" string.
  3. At this point there are several options for the demonstration of contacts. You need to choose the one that provides for a generic list of information from SIM-card. Enable this display.
  4. Now go back to the contact list and edit them at your request.

Almost every modern SIM-Cart has service numbers that are marked with the "Castle" icon. They can greatly interfere, but it is impossible to remove them. These numbers are needed to call emergency services, check balance and accessing the hotline operator.

If there are only service numbers on the SIM card, which you do not use, then you need to disable its display in the list, then they will not interfere with you. In order for contacts with SIM not appear in the main list, you need to disable them in the general list through the settings. This is done through the "Display" tab in the menu.

Batch removal of contacts from the phone

How to remove contact from the phone in batch mode

If you want to carry out a global cleaning of contacts, you can make a massive removal. Depending on the operating system configuration, it is carried out in two ways.

The easiest option of batch removal of numbers and contacts:
  1. Go to the "Contacts" or "People" app.
  2. Select any of the entries, click on it and hold your finger.
  3. Cells will appear to the left of the contact list.
  4. Slip the markers in them (short presss) opposite the contacts that you need to delete.
  5. In the top line, select the word "Delete" or a pictogram resembling a trash can.
  6. Confirm your actions.

In more modern versions of Android, there is a "batch removal" option. For it, you need to go to the "Contacts" application and call the settings menu, touch key under the screen (extreme left).

Then act to remove contacts, on this instruction:
  • find the line "Advanced" and select it;
  • from the options in the menu that opens, select "Packet Removal";
  • activate it;
  • return to "Contacts";
  • slide checkboxes next to those recordings from which you want to get rid of;
  • top Press the Delete button.

These are the main ways to remove several contacts at once, but they do not always use it convenient. If you want to completely reset the notebook, then you need to do otherwise.

Disable account

If you want to completely reset the list of contacts, then you need to disable the account with which they are synchronized. This option will be useful if you are preparing a phone for sale or vice versa bought a smartphone from hand and want to get rid of other people's numbers. Turning off the account is made according to the instructions:

  1. Find the "Settings" or "Google Settings" in the phone.
  2. Find the Personal Information item and go to the Accounts section.
  3. Select the Accounts tab. It will be listed by several accounts. Information from the notebook is most often synchronized in Google.
  4. You need to delete from the account "Contacts" tab and disable it synchronization. If the Google account is not divided into separate records, then completely deactivate it synchronization.
  5. Now you need to go to the menu. It is usually represented in a string from above with a button with three vertically located points.
  6. Click the "Synchronize" button and the phone will update the data in your memory. Contact sheet information or data from Google account will disappear from your phone completely.

In this way, only contact sheets from messengers can be left in memory, and the previously saved numbers are removed. If you are on the contrary, you want to remove the contacts that appeared in memory due to the use of messengers, then you need to turn off from synchronization accounts in them. Thus, you get rid of the display of social network users in your phonebook, which are in your friends, and you can also not search for the right numbers among these unfamiliar people with whom you communicated through the exchange of messages in any of the popular messengers.

Editing Synchronized Google Data

If you duplicate the list of contacts in your Google account, you can not only delete it entirely, but also edit, and then synchronize the device with an account. It is convenient if you have a lot of numbers in the notebook and you do not know how to delete the phone number from the account without turning it off. Act according to the instructions:

  1. To edit numbers, synchronized with Google, you will need to open the browser on the phone and go to contacts. On some versions of the OS there is an application with such a name, in others you need to go through Gmail. If you work through a phone browser or, then you will need to go to Google .com / Contacts site. From a home computer will work more convenient.
  2. Log in to the service using Google account data.
  3. You will open photos and contact names saved in the account.
  4. You need to click on the images to choose them.
  5. Selected records are removed using the "Basket" button located at the top of the screen. All selected entries are removed.
  6. Now it remains only to close the browser and go to "Settings".
  7. There you need to turn on the Google account if it was deactivated.
  8. Then go to the menu (it is called with three vertical points button). Click the "Synchronize" string. After that, your list of connects to update.

This method is not valid if you saved the numbers in the phone or SIM-card. It is only for users who used Google's account and all the contacts were left in it.

If after selecting the contacts in the browser, the "Basket" button is not active, this means that part of the numbers in the list is saved using Google +. In this case, you need to go to Circles ("Circles") and remove these contacts there. After that, go to Contacts and repeat the operation.

Duplicate contacts: How to combine and remove extra?

Another problem for Android users are duplicated contacts. They appear when installing on the device of different firmware and subsequent synchronization. As a result, the book of numbers increases significantly and you will have to scroll through the desired contact in the search for more than usual. There is an exit. First you can try to cope with the duplicate by the operating system. In the standard application "Contacts", the function of combining duplicate records is laid. To do this, do the following:

  1. Run the application "People" or "Contacts".
  2. Press the menu touch button below the phone display (extreme left).
  3. Find in the list of the string "Optional".
  4. Select the "Combining duplicate" function.
  5. You will go to a new screen where the operating system will offer to find identical records and combine them.
  6. Confirm your solution.

Delete contacts using special programs

In the old versions of the Android OS, this feature may not be available or work incorrectly. Therefore, you can not combine contacts, but to delete them. To do this, you can use standard batch removal, but if you have a big phone book, then the manual search for identical records will take a lot of time. It is best to take advantage of special utilities. One of the easiest and most affordable is Duplicate Contacts. You need to work with it according to the instructions.

  1. In the store of the Google application, enter the Duplicate Contacts in the paging line. To do this, simply click on the search bar (located at the top of the window), in the bottom of the keyboard that appears, select the English layout (for this you need to click on the symbol resembling a globe). Enter the necessary data.
  2. From the list of applications, select what completely coincides with the name with the desired. Click on it.
  3. You will have a window with an application description. At the top of its part there will be a large button "Set". Click on it.
  4. The application before installing will request permissions to use your personal data, agree with this. After all, without access to the list of contacts, it will not be able to work.
  5. Wait for downloading and installing the application. To do this, you must have a free place in the phone's memory. Also, to download the application, you need to use a sustainable Internet connection via Wi -fi or standard data transmission.
  6. As soon as the program is installed, a notification will appear at the top line that it is ready for work.
  7. Find the application icon in the main menu or on one of the desktops. Click on it to run.
  8. The utility itself works extremely simple. You just press the "Scan" or Scan button to start searching for duplicate contacts in your notebook.
  9. After they are found, you will be prompted to delete too much. To do this, you will need to choose duplicates.

How to remove contact-duplicate contacts in Google's contacts

If your phone is synchronized with the Google account and the information is stored on its server, then the duplicate can be removed otherwise. Actions will be similar to those that you were conducted to edit the list. You will need to do the following:

  1. Go through the browser on
  2. Enter the login (your Google electronic box) and the password from your account you are.
  3. Enter the All Contacts tab and select the "Find similar contacts".
  4. Now you need to choose a duplicate. Remove them through the top string with the "Basket" icon.

If part of the contacts is synchronized from Google +, then similar actions need to be carried out in the "Circles" tab. To contact the contact list of the contacts correctly, you must complete editing using synchronization. It must be done through the "Settings". Make sure that the account has been activated and participated in synchronization. Some custom firmware turn off it.

Now you know how to delete the phone number from the main list in the smartphone. We told you about all the ways working on the Android OS. Share information with friends, ask questions and share your observations in the comments. Feedback is welcome!

Android operating system, according to many users, has exceptional simplicity. I am glad that when changing a mobile phone, you do not need to get used to the new interface and to new functions - almost everything remains the same. But some questions still cause users certain difficulties. How to remove contacts on android and what is needed for this? Let's figure out how we can work with contacts in smartphones on the Android operating system.

Basic means

The easiest way to remove contact from the Android phone using basic functions. To do this, go to the phone book and push the finger to the removable contact. Select the "Delete" item in the context menu and terminate the operation. Some "calls" supports selection of multiple contacts or all time.

Such a functionality has all the "dialer" programs, so there should be no difficulties here. Basic capabilities allow you to delete contacts stored in any sources starting from the SIM card and ending with an account in Goole. To switch between sources, go to the application settings and find the contact list settings item (can be called "Show Contacts"). Tapping on this item, you will see a list of sources:

  • All contacts (immediately the entire list is displayed);
  • Device (implied internal phone memory);
  • SIM1 and SIM2 (for devices with two SIM cards);
  • Account in Google (visible as [email protected]).

There are also other items that appear after installation of various applications (Skype, WhatsApp and Viber messengers, applications for social networks VKontakte and classmates may also be present.

If you want access to all contacts immediately, select "All Contacts" - entries will appear immediately from all sources. The process of deleting records will be the same as we described it above - clamp one contact, we mark other contacts, select the removal point.

So that there are no confusion in the phone numbers in the future, copy telephone contacts to one source. The optimal option is to copy everything to Google account so that the records are synchronized with the Android operating system developer servers.

Contact contact with third-party programs

Have you ever learned to delete contacts on android? Does the program for working with a phone book cause some difficulties? Then you need to remember that you have a non-doped telephone apparatus with a disk dialer, but a modern smartphone with huge features. And what you do not like here, you can easily replace.

If the current program for working with contacts causes you difficulty, download another program. To do this, visit the PlayMarket Application Store and enter the word "contacts" in the search. Here is a list of good applications:

  • "Contacts +" from the developer of Contacts Plus Team;
  • "Simple Contacts" from Simple Mobile Tools;
  • "True Phone" from Hamster Beat.

These are proven multifunctional applications for working with a phone book and contacts.

Removing duplicate contacts

In order to remove duplicate contacts on android, disperse with the display of contact sources. It is possible that you have the same entries in the memory of the smartphone and in the Google account. In this case, you just need to select the display of contacts from only one source, and not from all at once - we have already told how it is done. If you need, select the display of an unnecessary source and remove all contacts from it.

Delete duplicate contacts will help and special applications are "Duplicate Contacts" from the ALEX ACCACI and "Contacts Optimizer" developer from Compelson Labs. Having established one of these applications, you can quickly get rid of unnecessary duplicates that interfere with looking for the right contacts.

How to restore missing or remote contacts? With such a problem, many android devices are facing such a problem, including Alcatel smartphone owners. In this article, you will find information allowing you to return lost contacts to the alkatel and other similar smartphones operating on the Android operating system. All the users of the Android devices themselves shared the above methods, and perhaps one way to help you solve the problem with contacts. I would also like to say that there are not always missing contacts with the Simkart or from the phone's memory are completely removed, maybe they are hidden through the device itself randomly or specifically.

Check in the Android settings, which contacts are currently displayed. To do this, open the "Contacts" next "Menu" button and in the menu that opens, select the "Contact Filter". To display all contacts on the phone, in the new menu that opens, select "All Contacts". Also, if necessary, you can choose other options at your discretion. If it did not help, then just below, see the tips left by users android devices.

Here are the most useful reviews left on other pages of our site with similar topics:

Reviewed by Daniel Tsybulsky: Guys, if that, I have instead of contacts, there was a setup, then the display of contacts, then choose everything, maybe else who has so!

Reviewed by Alexei: Disconnected all autosynchronization, rebooted TLF, turned on Google synchronization, all contacts appeared. Alcatel Pixie.

Reviewed by Maxim: The phone is trying to synchronize your contacts with Google and deletes them (as if cuts out), only disabling synchronization helped.

Review left Ilya: initially did not help. I went to the contacts- The menu-accounts- removed the synchronization, then came out, went into synchronization again and clicked on the otcup icon, the contacts appeared.

Reviewed by Irina: Try to delete Chanqe Yo! Voice. I helped !!

Feedback left by Eugenia: Synchronization was disabled, and the contacts disappeared, but after it turned off the synchronization of the vibecer and the watzap and overloaded the phone appeared all missing contacts and no longer disappear.

Feedled by Edgar: Turn on the flight mode and turn off, go into contacts. After a few seconds, the contacts should appear.

Do not forget to leave feedback and specify the model of your device and a way that helped you return contacts on Alcatel or another android. Perhaps the information left it will be useful for many users of smartphones and tablets collided with the problem with contacts.

  • I hope you were able restore the remote contacts on the phone.
  • We will be happy if you leave feedback, add. Information or useful tips.
  • Thanks for the responsiveness, mutual assistance and useful tips !!!

To exit brazhing, you can press the key Menu

Add / Remove from Favorites
In order to add contact to Favorites, click on

contact for viewing detailed information, then click

To add contact to your favorites (the star will become white).

In order to delete contact from the Favorites, click on the White


on the detailed information screen.

Editing contacts

To change contact information, press the key. Menu

on the detailed contact information screen, then select

Change. To complete, click Ready.

Changing the default phone number for contact

Default phone number (phone number that

it has priority when making call or sending

messages) will always be displayed under the name of the contact.

To change the phone number by default, press and

hold on the screen detailed information about contact

the number you want to establish as a taller, then

choose Set by default. Near the number will appear

Selection is available only if the contacts have more than one


melodies on contact

On the detailed contact information screen, press the key.

Menu To view the list of options, select Only a voice.

post office or Set ringtone.

If all incoming contact calls are redirected to

your phone will not call and it will automatically

Delete contact

In order to delete the contact press the key Menu and

Mark all the contacts you want to delete and click
. Click Everything, To delete all contacts.

Contact will also be deleted from other applications on

telephone or internet during the next

sync your phone.

Communication with your contacts

You can call and communicate messages.

with your contacts.
In order to make a call, click on the contact for

access to the details of the contact details, then

select the number.
To send a message Contacts, click on

contact for accessing the details of contact details,

then click on the icon

on the right side of contact.

Using quick contact for Android
Click on the contact picture for opening a quick contact.

for Android, then you can click on the number or icon

to select a way to communicate.