Earth extra. Exodus

Cruise Andrei:

Land of people

38 Number 2 months 23 years, Monday. Sovereign territory Texas, Alamo 16.00.

Roads already dried. The latter more or less heavy rain splashed a week ago, and now the dry season has come and the arrival of real heat is not far off. In the meantime, just warm. And good. No, really good, because everything around seemed to be born. The faded to the yellowness of Savannah conceded, flooded with juices, and the huge herbal flocks and the horns were split on the juicy herbs, from the birds in the sky, it was not poured - everything was happy about the completion of the rainy season, and with him the next annual cycle.

The approximate of the new summer was rejoiced not only the beasts, but also people. Summer? That's right, because there are only two seasons here - a long summer and the rainy season, which is shorter than this summer. True, all this season from heaven pours so that the savannah waters enough for all year. Therefore, it remains savanna, and not turns into a desert.

The puddles quickly disappeared from the streets of the town, not yet pacified, and so, covered with a layer of rolled clay ahead of the gravel, the hostess again began to make order in the courtyards, and the wounded and rapidly carrying their waters towards the bay of the river gramnog began to return to the usual shores. The windows of the houses were sprinkled, and the glass protected from the rain and wind was replaced by a mosquito net. People fought in the courtyards, playing the streets of children, rejoiceing the opportunity to do this without rainies, the cafes and bars opened verandas, and under the canopies there were tables and chairs.

Today, the first convoy came to Alamo. The first is in the sense from the beginning of the rain, because in the rain, no one drives anywhere, except from home to the bar. And here is a dozen trucks, accompanied by just one "Hamvi" with a machine gun erected from Wako, the capital of the sovereign territory of Texas. They did not bring anything particularly necessary and emergency, but ... anyway the goods. Anyway, life, before the frozen and closed in the framework of albeit a pretty, but small town, again spread its limits.

Conview's platform was well visible from the window of the receiving doctor Martinez, and we were bonida, stood near him, hugging, looking, how the drivers are chosen from the cabins, as embrace, clapping each other on the back, with those encountered. And what, almost that holiday.

The reception room was quiet, cool, the round clock on the wall was barely audible tickly, counting seconds. Palm tree in the corner, stand with magazines, bright sofas, water cooler.

"Look, Joe," Bonit said, showing his finger.

A dirty green pickup "Chevrolet" drove up to the convoy on powerful wheels, the driver's door swung open and from there, Joe got out - our friend, a business partner, and just a colleague. The conquest, short-sided, in bright hacks and black t-shirt trousers. Some of those who arrived with the convoy came to him, they spoke, not forgetting to pat each other on the backs.

"He waited for some spare parts so that he could not sleep, it seems," I said.

The interlocutor Joe lean the await on the truck, climbed inside and began to serve the cardboard boxes from there, sweatured with the appearance that Joe laid in a pickup.

- Now sleep calmly?

- Probably.

I hugged her for the waist and pulled closer to myself. Behind the back the door and voice of the nurse of Dr. Martinez, High and Skinny Blonde Hasel, invited Bonit to enter. And I stayed to wait in the reception, sitting on the sofa and deliver a book from the bag. I think that waiting does not take five minutes. It would be possible to take a walk, with the same Joe to talk, but suddenly it would be necessary for someone?

The door was fat, because of her no sound came. It was read because of the excitement badly, all the time I caught myself that every paragraph read two or three times, and I still do not remember what it was about. By closing the book, I got up by the window, considering the bustle of the convoy. Joe was no longer, but there were many other familiar people, and I played a few minutes with himself in the game, trying to guess, who had any business there now. Gradually, the crowd was satisfying, the trucks went to whom where needed, there were only a few people left, in the jimmy "z" - the nearest bar. Wash, see, "Spring's arrival".

Yes, now life is revived again, and at the time of the rainy season Alavo plunged into the hibernation. It was not bad, to be honest, I perfectly rested after all the events of the past hot season, which was really hot for me, such that we will not hollowly. But it all ended well, and the forced domination only led to the fact that now the soul was craving for activities. Yes, and plans for this season grabbed, even in their list is scary to look.

To begin with, I need to drive into the PPD, just with the first passing convoy. Since I "servant of two gentlemen", I will need these plans for both one bosses of dying and second. And considering that the relationship between these "gentlemen" complex, stupus will also be difficult. And most importantly, the fact that I am sitting between two chairs, my bosses from both sides satisfies. It seems that it seems to them that this state of affairs will avoid conflicts where they can be avoided. It makes no sense, but also risks for me and my team are rising from this. It is clear, we have such that without risk in any way, but I would like to minimize it if possible. In the end, I am married, and I have for someone to live.

Yes, in the rainy season, we registered a marriage, that is, they still got married. Let's go to Rev. Kuimby, and "signed", calling for Joe's Witnesses and his daughter Jay Jay. Not for the church ritual, but according to civil, but it is also considered here. And we are still not quite local here, so the Rev. Recaped with understanding. So my relationship with Bonite is now absolutely legitimate, and from the duties of the spouse, whatever they are, I can not get out.

The door behind his back swung open and Mary Pilar Rodriguez materialized in the receptionist, she was Bonita, with a mysterious and obviously satisfied.

She raised her right hand and showed four fingers.

- Four weeks.

- Golden! - I spread my arms for hugs. - Let's hug! And when will the floor find out?

He answered the doctor after the Bonite - a low-continuous Mexican, who grew up, however, in the state of New Mexico and received his medical diploma at the University of Arizona State:

- It is necessary to wait for about twenty-third week. Will you try?

- Doc, and where am I denying? - I turned around to him, continuing to hugging already started to break away Bonit. - Are there any other options?

He only spread his hands. And there is no court. Yes, I don't care if honestly, whoever was. Before forty one year, she lived, and everything in bachelors and without children. For me, this is already a critical term, later and impossible. That's how to stretch if you drive a child to school. All fathers like fathers, and your old pergon. He, you know, lived for myself, and at old age I realized that he wants children.

- Are you happy? - demandingly asked Maria Pilar still escaped.

Instead of answering, I again crush it in an embrace.

Hop and Klondike

The border region is not the most pleasant place in the world. In these terrible northern regions, the danger threatens at every step: bullets, spells, and so on. But Nikolai Gordeev understands that this is his only chance: he will not be able to survive after a gunshot injury in the usual world, and in the border he has hope for it.

In addition, he has a great deal here: his weapon shop in Forte became popular among the local, like a beer shop next to him, headed by Hop. But in the border, successful periods rarely last long: suddenly the main characters are drawn to the conflict, to cope with which they will only have a unifying forces ...

Cold, beer, shotgun

Horrible cold, terrible winds and endless invasions of creatures from the cloth have long been the usual phenomenon for the public population. But every one, who is at the line, separating worlds, should be ready to fight with merciless criminals and fight for life. When the trouble happens in the border, it remains to count on its strength and help friends who have become faithful to allies.

This time, Hmel and Klondike will have not only to produce smuggling and cook a black drink, but also to confront a more serious threat ...

Witch, card, carbine

In the harsh world, border open business is very difficult. Perhaps it is even much more complicated than to do this in the usual world - especially if you are engaged in weapons or beers, which are considered the most chassis among the population. And when it falls the chance to succeed in affairs, then you need to be on guard, because competitors are just waiting for how to destroy you ...

Klondike and Hmlya are terribly lucky: they find part of the card, on which the location of minerals is labeled. But great luck often goes together and with big problems. For such information they can kill at any time ...

Short summer

The border region is a small part of the world, which dwells in the conditions of the eternal cold. But even walking from the north of the stem can not completely overlapping the laws of nature. Summer, very short and non-jarous, finally comes in Fort. Nikolai Gordeyev and Vyacheslav Khmeleva have their goals that they would like to implement this summer.

One manifests an unprecedented interest in the mysterious lake in the north-west, and the other is going to put in order. But chance ... They always pursue at the most inopportune moment. And soon the plans of the main characters rushed to the root ...

In the Great River

In the Great River. Hike

The border region is the world of technomagia, which appeared as a result of a collision of 2 reality - our world and magical.

The main character - the Witcher Alexander Volkov - was heading home after a successful fulfillment of a serious mission. But he could not note this: he witnessed the opposition of the sorcerer and strange creatures. Volkov could not leave a lady one in such a misfortune ...

Soon he finds out that it is hunting for the sorcerer Pantelee, for whose head the reward was announced. Therefore, the wolves decide to make a sorcerer company in this difficult business.

In the Great River. Battle

Due to the catastrophe, some of our usual peace, including a number of large Russian cities, was in another - Middle Ages with his wizards, vampires, demons and other strange creatures.

The main character is a free hunter for such creatures Alexander Volkov. He meets the young sorcerer Masha, who is trying to find his sister and her enemy - a strong Maga Panthery. Wolves decide to join the girl to help her find a dangerous magician ...

Earth is superfluous

Earth extra. Exodus

A few decades ago, scientists managed to detect the portal to another world. By climate, he is similar to our planet, but it does not live any reasonable creature in it, and the flora and fauna differ significantly from the one that has been studied by people. Over time, the residents of the Earth begin to master new lands and create their own society there.

In this world, he decides to head and the main character - Andrei Yartsev, a wealthy entrepreneur, a participant in the Afghan war, and just a reasonable man who has always enjoyed success in the ladies. But what will this happen this man in the new world and why he hurries there? The reason is simple - due to difficulties in business, he was in an insoluble situation. He can either kill his enemies, or hide ...

Earth extra. New life

Andrei Yartsev turned out to be "superfluous" in the usual world: difficulties arose with the business, he never started the family, nothing holds him here. Being at the bottom, he gets a strange sentence - with the help of a randomly discovered portal scientists to move to another world so that you can start everything again ...

Thanks to the excellent ownership of small arms, Andrei in the new world becomes an employee of the local analogue of the special services. Missions in hot spots, beautiful arsenal of weapons, brave combat collens and amazing beauty girls. What else can the 40-year-old ex-businessman want? In the new world - on Earth, he suddenly began to feel like himself ...

Earth extra. For each other

It is the time of the main final battle for the fallow from the usual world of Andrei Yartseva. He falls on hidden for the overwhelming number of residents of the Earth of the Extra Island of the Mysterious Order.

But at the most responsible moment happens through the air defense system. And now the aircraft with a desperate Russian special forces is already flying. For everyone - on hundreds of opponents. And everyone is ready to give life for another ...

However, the specialist does not suspect that the real purpose of the attack is not to capture the island at all ...

The era of the dead

The era of the dead. Start

The world struck a terrible virus, which turns people in bloodthirsty zombies. Civilization is destroyed - destroying, confusion and death everywhere. Heads of states in a panic threw those who gave an oath to protect against any disaster ...

For the protection of the surviving population, those who still remember the meaning of words honor and courage. Military go to slip through the hordes of the walking dead so that this world can still have hope for salvation ...

The era of the dead. Moscow

After a terrible virus began to spread along the Russian capital, which turns people into zombies, her appearance has changed dramatically. Everything became different. Life has become a real hell.

But the most unpleasant surprise turned out how familiar people behaved in new realities. No one suspected that the gangsters would perform good actions, a modest programmer will become a true hero, and a sniper will be wounded in the usual office employee. And someone, on the contrary, will amaze all with his cowardice and greed ...

The era of the dead. Breakthrough

"The era of the dead. Breakthrough "- the last part of the trilogy about the wanders of Sergei Kramzov and his combat associates.

A zombie apocalypse began around, the familiar world is destroyed, but for Sergey, the matter is more expensive. He is obliged to fulfill the promise, which gave Professor Degtyarev. And therefore, together with the comrades, he decides to go on a dangerous journey to the hidden for all the city of Gorky-16. They will have to meet face to face not only with bloodthirsty mutants, but also with people who are even terrible zombies in new realities ...

On the threshold of darkness

On the threshold of darkness

Having moved for the city, they suddenly realized that her home was not an apartment in the city. Here and heating must be engaged, and firewood, and the generator in case of turning off the electricity. It all existed, but the generator unexpectedly broke. The spouse barely persuaded her husband to go see what happened, fix if it turns out. Without much desire, he was shoved in the barn, but then something inexplicable is coming.

Light disappeared, the man was in complete darkness. On the back went unpleasant chill, as from an open refrigerator. Open the entrance door, the man saw that there was no house, the village, roads. More nothing but thick grass on the belt. What happened? He closed the door, hoping that everything would come back as it was. But nothing came back. The same grass remained around ...

Doors in darkness

Once in the world of darkness, the most important thing is not to lose hope.

Vladimir Biryukov swore to herself that would find the way to his native world and would be chosen from this endless gloom. However, during the search process, he unexpectedly unfastened an ox nest. Now it's more difficult to look for the way back: you have to look around without end and escape from those who follow the heels. But Biryukov is not a coward, and besides, next to him, those who can rely: a devoted partner Fedor and his beloved girl Nastya ...

Near darkness. Alien

Vladimir Biryukov will go to everything to save the beloved. In search of Nastya, he goes to darkness and ... It turns out in another world. This time he was moved to the United States of America after the epidemic that happened.

Almost the entire population has died out of an unknown disease, and the whole area is covered with snow. This world is now divided into light and darkness, on their own and strangers. The hero must now wade through the fragments of the former civilization to achieve its goal. What difficulties does he have to face the path?


One of the books of the fantastic series "On the Treasure of Darkness" is space in parallel worlds against the background of major changes. The universe covers darkness. The worlds organize anklava. His own turns into other people's. It is impossible to know exactly who friend, and who is the enemy. The fighting happens here, then there.

Regular collisions end in a short truce, and then they flared up again. Heroes are moving through the universe, discovering all new worlds. They want to learn how to manage the process to hide from hunters and find salvation in a new place. Who can survive in this war with Darkness? Who will be the Savior? ...


Wanderers - the 5th Roman of the Cycle "on the Torget of Darkness", which continues the story of 2 lovers, on which the hunt has now begun. The purpose of the enemy is to get their knowledge, thanks to which in the world it will be possible to change a lot. And, of course, for the worse!

Therefore, before the main character, it is not an easy task: do not allow the staff of the black way to destroy everything around, save themselves and their beloved.


In the center of the plot - Vladimir Biryukov is a wanderer who finds himself in another world, when his prototype dies. It is transferred to reality, where the dashing 90s is in full swing.

His prototype is a serious gangster who was killed by competitors. This means that the life of Biryukov himself is under threat.

The main character needs to be understood in the past of his prototype, find friends, overcome opponents and try to get out of this terrible place.

World citadel

Everything is completely different here. Apparently because this world was not dying, but rather, on the contrary, he was reborn and opened the doors to all those who "failed". This Vladimir and Nastya felt the first moment.

And immediately there was hope that it can become the last station of their endless route, the house, in the end. But here the war interferes with their peaceful plans. At the moment there is still a local, controlled citadel, mysterious and inaccessible, leading everything in this world. But who knows what awaits those who are not used to blindly believe and follow the established rules, but to go their dear? Who is able to pay for their actions and their independence?

I! Food! Home!

I'm going home!

The main hero of the book rides to the American state of Arizona for enrichment. Houses, in the Russian capital, he was left to wait for his beloved spouse. And everything went well, if one day it did not sound the call from the motherland. In Moscow, some riots began, people rush to each other, everywhere there is some kind of madness, but what exactly happens, no one can really explain to ...

Soon, this begins to work in America.

The protagonist, having reached the wrong, challenges and go to book tickets home. But he can't fly away - all the flights are canceled, the riots are just enhanced ...

In a hurry arms with Arsenal, he decides to go to a long and dangerous journey. After all, he is obliged to find and save his wife ...

From other people's shores

Merry and pleasant such a journey should not be called: not a tour in America, but a risky quest. But could it be otherwise in the context of the coming apocalypse when Zombies appeared around?

While someone is quietly hidden in bunkers and dungeons, the main character, together with his military colleagues, bravely disappears from mutants and zombies and hurry moves forward. After all, it motivates one goal: he must return home, where his beloved remained ...

Those who survived

Andrei Melnikov almost reached their goal to save his wife from the epicenter of the zombie apocalypse. He was able to get to Russia, after all the difficulties and fights with the walking dead, his health was shaken. But he continues to go ahead. He can't stop. He is heading home.

The world gradually begins to recover. People adapt, and zombies though became smarter, but still inferior to people who have machines.

Now humanity has a different task. Start all over again. Andrei is one of those who will dispute this new world. The world after the apocalypse ...

New fantastic fighter (EXMO)

Earth extra. Two tickets there

This is a new world with long-standing habits. So immediately revealed his essence of Vaganov Alexey Semenovich, better known as the thief in the law of the car, as well as my reason to be here.

I, Major Police Andrei Novikov, as usually tried to catch a criminal, and in the end I got ... Damn knows where! Who will tell - they will not believe in life. True and tell someone from those who remained behind the "ribbon" is no longer possible. Since the path here is a ticket one way. More precisely, 2 tickets, because, I understand, to master a new life to us with the car will have together. And this means that the tranquility does not have to wait. From now on and forever ...

Earth extra. Kommersant

Winning in the battle still does not mean to win the war. Yes, reflect the attack of Albanian's gang Alexander Barinov, a migrant to a new land, a very successful businessman and part-time the fighter of the invisible front, succeeded.

But no one will guarantee that now he is waiting for a relaxing existence for the rest of his life, especially one who loves to control the situation and expect only for themselves in any case? ...

Earth extra. The escape

In the new world of any life is waiting for life from pure sheet. There will be a new job, and other perspectives, and new people in your destiny! Yes, yes ... Perhaps the children of your children will really heal such a new life.

But still for each coming here the luggage stretches from the past, so there is no pure, no stained sheet. And fate once again finds himself on the side of the one who is able to keep the weapon in their hands and shoot promptly and label. And new perspectives will get to someone who can stay alive and prove their right to this better life ...

Ar Deco. My own game

If, after an attack on the Cairo diamond auction, I decided to break with the past, this does not mean that the past agreed to forget about me. Therefore, now, at the request of the year, I, quite a successful and completely legitimate entrepreneur, again will have to look around and always remember about the "SEVEJ" in the shoulder holster.

But I do not like this life. I have plans for a bright future, and this dark past is much darkened. Consequently, there is only one solution - you need to do so that no one else can be reminded about this. Or, another option, to organize some major problems to make a very long time, and preferably forever, they were not up to me ...


Roman events unfold in 1999. 15 years after the world was destroyed due to the nuclear war. There is almost nothing left of the country. All large cities and industrial centers are similar to the ruins. The remains of the central authorities are not able to provide order on such a large area.

Now security is a personal problem and the responsibility of those who managed to survive. But everything was saved in different ways. Someone united her strength with others, and someone survived at the expense of others, becoming a dangerous predator. And there are people who dedicated themselves to the confrontation and destroy these predators. They will go to everything so that humanity has a chance to build a peaceful life ...

Art Deco

The restlessnessist and super-class hacker appears in Cairo with a clear goal. He intends to steal invaluable diamonds - the main lot of the future auction.

But pebbles are not so easy to pick up, because it is not just jewelry, and also legendary artifacts. The main character is to be put into the course of all his skills and ties to find the first to detect the desired diamonds and not be in the hands of the FBI and Sicilian mafia agents.

Wind over Islands

Wind over Islands

Alexey comes to his wound on his head among the huge mountain of the dead bodies. It is a feeling that there was a cruel side. And more than anyone alive around.

How to be? Where to go? He had the impression that he was in the distant past ... Fortunately, he soon discovers a little girl who will be his conductor in this new world in the future. And he, in turn, will be her defender, because her father died in this battle. Together with the girl Alexey decides to start a new life, full heroic actions, adventures and battles ...

Burning storm

To make the world better - surround yourself with faithful friends, tear the courage and patience, courage and generosity. Now that everything is prepared, you can go towards dangerous adventures, large fights with pirates and unknown secrets of marine expanses.

Heroes of Roman - the embodiment of nobility, courage and fearlessness. They have to undergo harsh tests, battles with enemies and cruel fights. But this story has a happy finale. After all, the world will perish without devotees, noble goals and faith in good.

Lower level

Lower level

Panama is not at all paradise. Among other things, Panama is a country of high fences. After all, most of its population have something to hide. So, there will always be a job for safety specials. And, as a rule, these are police or military retired. Among them are also representatives of even such rare for Latin America nationality as Russians.

Sergey Rudnev loves to do his work as high quality. A clearly agreed circle of responsibilities, a clear vision of what dangers can threaten the client, there is no place for mysticism. However, how to be when mysticism itself interferes in your life and only the episode from the past is able to open the gates of hell. The gates from which in the tropical climate is about the exterior cold. What to do in such a situation Rudnev?

Low level - 2

The new book tells about one-story America and its resident. Sergey Rudnev after dangerous wanderings and affairs in Panama is in Arizona, where he will have to lead the war from the real underworld and its main business - drug trafficking. In the wrongness of the world, those who put death on the flow and industries the most implicit affairs ...

The main character is a real speaker. He is a smart, leaning and experienced. His life is similar to an endless adventure. He is the best solution to confront the fatal evil. He does not have time to think about thinking. He needs to act rapidly, hastily and causing the enemy by surprise ....

Without a series


A series of strange scraps of memory, memories of court, doubts about choosing between prison and reference ...

How did the main character found himself at Katorga? For planted a man who was not involved in crimes? Although at the moment much more important to remember your name ... Peter? Or maybe Pete?

An exciting story about the fate of the prisoner, who is trying to figure out the details of his past and survive in harsh and merciless conditions. Perhaps the prisoner was at all in another dimension, although the surrounding nature is very similar to Montana and South Siberia.


The main character of the novel "Survival" - Denis Maximov. He is able to survive in any conditions. Cancelled combat training, working skills with any weapon, a wonderful reaction and an email - here they are the most necessary skills in order to get alive from any complex situation.

But here is a world of unwitting. The main character is Spain, and his relatives are stretched in different cities of the planet. And the SMM is threatened with mortal danger. Denis will have to be seriously trying to overcome the army of the distraught people who have no time, as well as adapt to new realities in the changed world ...


In the past, Sotnik Arvin had everything: family, loyal comrades, his home, prospects. But when Prince Orbell Valash decided that free people could be dangerous, he orders to destroy all the peoples who lived on the border with the steppe.

No one stayed alive, except Arvina. And now his main goal of life is revenge. He will go to everything, even forget all the moral standards that once honored to donate those who took his loved ones and relatives ...

- that's how even? - I paused, looking at him. - Well, I promised about the face.

"You can't think thin," you didn't seek compromising, money or values, "he raised his hands in a gesture" I give up. " - They did not even dig anywhere. I went, looked and left, did not touch anything. We watched just books on the shelves, disks with films, atmosphere.

- And? .. - I pushed him to continue.

Let him speak out, tired with his dramatic pauses.

"Semen Borisovich strengthened in his opinion," Simin spoke. "A person with money, and furniture at a minimum, from IKEA, brought himself, he collected himself. And the selection is such: convenient to watch the movies, sit at the computer, listen to music and sleep with a woman. And that's it. Neither attempts to make an impression nor the receptions of secular arrange. Yes, and the size of the apartment is not for techniques ... the place is good, but the apartment is one, without the prospects for increasing the population. Let not be small, but not big. Not a choir.

A fairly accurate description, in a different way and you can not say.

"Rather Berloga," I grinned. - And to clean myself for a long time.

- And the coming maid? Inexpensive for you, in recent times? - He asked the question.

- I do not like outsiders. Berlry still.

- Exactly! - He even flashed his palm on the table. - What car do you have? "Forester" with a turbine?

- He is. Two and a half liters.

Zimin fell silent - a waiter with a tray approached the table. Silently put the plates, then wished a pleasant appetite and retired. Zimin called him:

- We have a pigeon still a pitcher!

The waiter nodded, went towards the bar.

"So, about the car ... People with your means go to the car more expensive, weak." To prove something around it. And you have another - fast and for all occasions. Not cheaper, but not expensive. And in the dirt, and in the snow, to work and fishing. Also it seems that the car "just in case", like the shooting of yours in Cuba. The only thing that surprised me personally did not fit, - you have expensive costumes. Sewing in London, real tailors, for some street there, forgot what ...

- Savill-Row.

"Yes, yes," he threw. - On this very. But our psychoanalyst said that it was from the desire of Quality and Quality, and not only in its appearance. There would be a deposit - you would be "Armani" wore. And so you are just a thorough - a very common feature for shooters, from his words. He just wrote about something the dissertation. And the clock with shoes you have dear, but this is from the rule that you can be dressed as you like, but it is the watches and shoes to give you a wealthy person in you. And so it seems and disguise.

I did not think about it before. All underground was self-analysis to do. And here, here it was laid out: all the trembling wishes were pulled out, you can say.

"Perhaps," I shrugged. - It is necessary for work. And what is all that you told me here?

- Why ... - Zimin wondered. - Now I will tell you what. You never wanted to get all this fountain life and leave somewhere to the damn mother, on the islands in the ocean or, say, on the same Wild West? I have already expressed my opinion, I would now want to hear from you.

I drank from the circle, put it on the table, twisted. Thought, then said:

- Suppose.

- What exactly "let's say"? - he asked. - Tell me right, please. It is important that you say it out loud, did not make you interpret your answers.

"I would like if there would be such an opportunity," I said slowly, I answered.

- Ability to eat. I'm serious! I do not twelve years to have such jokes to joke, "Zimin added, seeing my echidial smirk.

"Tell me," I waved my hand.

"I am now in general terms I will describe the idea itself, then you can ask me any questions." I will answer many of them, I can't answer some of them, I have no right to answer. Agreed?

His appearance was really serious. Strange.

"Continue," I sighed.

Zimin again gave proper beer, spoke:

- I, with your permission, recruiter. I work on a certain serious international organization, the name and purpose of which you do not need to know, and it does not affect anything. Commercial organization, Foundation. The organization is looking for such people as you: energetic wishing to cool their lives for one reason or any other reasons. You have a desire, there are reasons and there is a problem that will still force you to change it, but less ordered.

- Why do you need it? - I clarified.

"I am a recruiter, as I said," he repeated. - I make a living.

The motive is worthy, who would argue.

- And your partners and my investors are combined?

Zimin grinned:

- Lenders' partners and have already burned down, there is no place further. Therefore, they are not combined. Julier, and they are not even interesting to worry about them: they will dare sooner or later, the greed of fraers is ruined. Personally, you are nice, and since I can earn at you, then I'd rather prokin those partners, but I will help you.

- How exactly? - I clarified. - in the sense of how to work? And what will help?

The waiter brought a jug with beer, put it before us. Nobody touched the jug, I silently looked at Zimin.

"You have some values \u200b\u200bleft," he said. - The apartment you have dear rather, for such a square. We figured the market price of it now - about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Do you know the market, tell me - is it?

Zimin pulled a chubby briefcase made of brown leather from her chair, opened it. I pulled out a flat pack of wrapping paper, rewinding with scotch, put in front of him, giving up on the table with my hands.

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The proposed recorder software has the Pre-Mastering feature that gives you the ability to record files directly from your hard disk and supporting Blu-ray and HD DVD format. Work with all Windows 32 and 64 bits operating systems, to Windows 7.

Ashampoo Burning Studio is a universal program that includes everything you need for burning on your CD, DVD and Blu-Ray disc.

The advantage of Ashampoo Burning Studio is that the application offers a wide range of data burning tools, backup files, as well as creating movies and slideshows from photo and printing covers and envelopes while preserving usability thanks to a well-organized menu. You just need to go to the menu on the left side of the interface and select the desired task - Ashampoo Burning Studio will open the appropriate tool in a new window.

Recover My Files allows you to search for deleted files or restore discs on your computer with just a few presses.

A good recovery application provides insurance in case if you error delete important data or you need to dig on your PC in search of deeply hidden files. Recover My Files is a tool that allows you to make a thorough search on the PC and restore any files that you accidentally deleted.

Spacious air-conditioned room. White walls, white ceiling, sand-colored floor tile. Along the walls vinyl sofas. Plate "Do not smoke!", But I do not smoke. Glory frowned, he just wanted to smoke, it seems. Two racks, for one young guy everything is in the same form, for the second fastened maiden with a facial burnt to red. Above them sign "Immigration control". Both stands are occupied, Jorge with the company already hung near them. They have long forgotten about us, it seems, but not very necessary.

Putting a bag near the sofa, went to look at the posters on the walls. Solid landscapes: some mountains, coast with beaches and rocks, savanna with antilopes ... We are in Africa, or what? And this is generally hell will understand what kind of beast, damn ... That's what it is? Type of rhino, only above, skinny and in front of a whole beam of a beer, like an elephant, or ... yeah, and won card! Glory already near her trample.

San, I didn't understand the chronic, "he said, when I approached closer. - Do you know anything at all?

I stared at the map, somehow immediately touch myself mentally with the ram, which stares on the new gate.

No, Glory, I don't recognize the shit. But we are here - I poked my finger in a red mark, on which it was written "You are here."

And I guessed, count.

You have finished savage?

Yeah, mechanic.

Look how much sea, you can walk.

And where do you want. Won can be there, - I showed the finger at random. - And here, here - the next destination was noted with the same accuracy.

On the truck.

The truck will not work. What is it at all? Where are we?

It would be necessary to scare, but it does not work out, because everything gives some absolute normality. No one runs, does not shout, he does not climb his hands, behind the racks a soft bubnej, such a calm and ordinary, which is not pulling at all. That will reach the turn, and I will find out for the counter. In any case, no one catches us here, that's for sure. Because otherwise, the "Beretta" selected from the Guardsman would be taken from me, and did not say it to the bag to remove.

San, I do not have a contest on the buse.

Farms are some in the savannah, cattle in coarse ... Fishermen, full barkas fish ... Children on the beach at the river ... Yeah, hunters from some big creature like a boar ... healthy such boar, and the fangs are impressive. Or not a boar, do not understand at all. Airplane above the mountains. Some quarry, and in it the excavator works, on the serpentine road the trucks with the breed are going on, in the foreground, a genuine life of a man in a white construction helmet ... City photos ... This is an ordinary American town, Natural Midvest. And then somehow satisfy, multicolored brick, passersby, cars, on the terrace of cafe people sit. A small port, some ships under loading, but again small ... Well, okay, it looks like this. Let's see what happens next.

The queue reached me in fifteen minutes, to that respanted girl. I went to the rack, leaned with your elbows.

Where are we? I asked first of all.

New Earth, everything is written here - she posted in front of me some brochures. - Are you here too without a prior contract?

British accent is definitely. Mostly even Cockney, that is, she is from London. Something here is generally everything in a row, the messenger is steeper than in Marbella, where I live. Lived.

Then I will explain a very long time, it's easier for you to read. But you will not get back. What are the documents? Also prison ai di?

He is. - I pulled the card out of my pocket.

Name Leave it?

Name, "she repeated patiently. "We are still, by whom and where you were before, starting with a clean leaf." I will write new documents now. You can turn around as you like.

No, let everything remain so if with clean.

Stand out there, to the wall, and look at the camera, please, - she snapped his mouse.

I got up where she asked, stared at the camera. Something picked, then the girl said:

Look here, - she slightly turned the monitor to me. - Suitable for documents or take once again?

Well, yes, not a handsome man, but I generally are. But normally, I usually get worse, so I don't seek goodness.

It is suitable.

Well, a minute ... year of birth and other matches? - She showed me my prison card.

Wait. Here to write down, - she showed on an electronic styled with a screen.

I signed. Then he began to flip the brochure, stopping while only in the pictures. Just more photos ... Again the card ... Yeah, leaflets with discount coupons, come in handy, probably.

Behind the counter, something was lit., then the girl posted in front of me more card, my new document is already. In the size of the credit card, my portrait is engraved with a laser directly on overflowing plastic, another hologram, if a sign is a sign, then a sign is manifested ... an eye in a pyramid, like on a dollar, another chip, both on a credit card, and at the same time a QR code, a square one. Well, my signature is available.

This is your aid, "the girl said. - At the same time a debit card. If you lose you, you can restore in any separation of the Bank of the Order, how to do it - read in the manual. The monetary unit is called "ECU", tied to gold. You, as a refugee, accrued a thousand, this is a starting benefit. Further.


Are you here without money and everything else? So - refugee. So people go with their money and property.

Wait, wait, "I interrupted it. - I have there ... Well, where I am, money. I just did not know, I'm by chance.

Where do you have money there? - She indifferently looked at me.

In the bank. On account. That is, in banks in accounts.

If you do not have remote access, you can not do anything.

Alice? - I looked at a badge with the name. - Alice, I have remote access. Where can I get it?

You can't, - she shook with thick shoulders. - You need to talk with my leadership, they are engaged in freelance situations.

Where is the manual?

I will call you a call when you finish with them. Next, please!

I had to wait a long time, everything was already separated, only thanks said that would wait for the car. Then I stayed alone and took it for the brochure, but here the group of people who went through the same door appeared in the hall, and someone's young, full, pinkish, starting to fly from the door behind the challenches, appeared. She approached me, asked, looking into a piece of paper:

Alexander Ba-Ri-New?

Yes, - I rose.

I am David Millband, a shift supervisor. Let's go to my office. - He turned and went to the door, from which he originated.

The office was quite spacious, three tables, but only one was busy. I sat down opposite Millbend.

Do you have money in that world, how did they say?

In that world?

Yes, in that world. There is the world, and here this. That is, if you have money there, then the task of returning them is very complicated.

But probably?

Everything is possible - he nodded. - Where are you?

In Offshore, Bi-Vi-ah.

Access to the account of who?

Just me.

You will have to provide it to us. But if additional identification is required, then ...

Maybe it's easier to put me at the computer, and I will do everything myself?

He shook his head.

So it does not work. You have not understood yet? Everything, you no longer return there, but from my computer you can not connect any bank. The only way to solve the problem is to access us. If you remember the account numbers and the name of the company. If you do not remember, we can find them yourself, but the cost of services will grow. We sign a contract, no one will decorate your money, only the value of our services will read. However, if there is a little money, then ...

Money is enough. I have all banking details. Agreement can be viewed?

Yes, of course, I now print.

He silent up, then three sheets of paper got out of the laser printer, Millbend handed them to me.

So ... It seems to be an ordinary agreement of the instruction ... Digger for the amount ... And I just don't remember how much there, but about calling ... Timing ... Month, maybe longer. Remuneration ... yeah, ok, twenty five percent.

Commission not too big? - I asked.

Standard. Or pull out money yourself, - he grinned.

Here I do not like me, yeah.

Okay, otherwise it would be normal, "I concluded, reading. - What do you do next?

Details remember? Passwords? Identification card needed?

Here the card is needed, but it is solved.

Do you have any knife? - I pulled a waist bag.

Millbend put forward the table of the table, hit him, won a knife to open the boxes and handed me.

Thank you.

Afterverting the bag inside out, I cut the lining, pulled it out and tear off the finally. The entire turn was painted with a handle with a small handwriting, a solid. When they were arrested, the lawyer brought several books to meet, they missed them. In one of the books it was all that I needed - account numbers, a rewritten card with codes, the necessary phones, document numbers. I don't remember everything, but the life in prison never knows how ... this is how now, for example. Then I bought a handbag in the "Economy", they are popular with the cigarettes and so much to carry, and rewrote everything into it. And pages from the book broke out and lowered to the toilet. I also have a similar entry on the insole in the dies lying in the bag, too, of course, of course.