Step-by-step firmware HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM. Setting Caste Lolifox.

HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM - Smartphone, Yaky, Yak І Bagato Intrietary Android-Device can be selected by De_loma ways. Related by system software slaughter - Nechidn_st, Shcho Vikniku is not so smallest in Rіdko at Vlasnikіv Dana Modelі. SAY MANIPULATSIA DOOD WITH THE RELATED I ACCESSIBLE WIKON VIKANNI IN OPTERSIY MIRIE "SMISITI" DEVAIS IN THE SOCIETY MANAGE, and Torzozhi is incorporated into the result of the ZBOV І Pomyok Podzhetnіtnіst.

The success of the firmware zoomovulu is the right preparation of the INSTRUMIV І File_v, Yaki to be clocked in the process of Roboti, and Torztka Vincannya іNKrutsi. Kimm, not Slord ZaBuvati Pupil:

Vіdpovіdalnіsti for the result of manifulyatsiya z a device carrying a vanchulya cornowvach, yaki spent. SUI is described by Nerchi DІNI War down by the Vlasman of the smartphone on Sviy Fear І Risik!


PІDPHDERSIY PROUCTION, SHO TO PERFORMING THE SALE PROCOUNT PEREWINING FINIC LIBE IN RIDELY DEVAYS, MOZE TRAIN TO DISABLE TRIVALY HOUR, ALLE DURING COME ÁX Vincannya is recommended to hold a gap. Especially, in the vipadcu of HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM - the model to drop frequently with the problem of your self-making in the process of manifulyatsiy.


Installation Driver_V for a challenge of the device of the program ІNstrumentiv for the firmware Saszing not Viklikaє Folding. Potteribno Lishe Vikonati Krokov ІNKrutsії for Qualcomm-Aparatіv Zi Statti:

About any vipudas, ArchIV drivers for manual installations establish access to a valuation of settlements:


Since the ulchіdnostі's mobbly vicninnennya is robble in a smartphone slash, and the scan of an ulcerative selection of signs for the cornflower of the Done of the Device in the process of installation of software, Potterbno Zebegesti All Tsinnu IFFORYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Інфися, и и имінь міний мистці. І Torozhki, I will recommend Bekap Skіkh Ridgelіv for the stop. Іnkrutsії can be found in Materialі for rasons:

Quantage program І file_

So the Yak to a loose-movable device of the installation of the software of the software, Yaki, to reach the Suttєvo Vіdrіznyyuyuyu Mіzh, Sidelnaya on the valuation of the challenge of the І File_v to futurely in the description of the method. Pershes Nіzh Protto to the challenge Vicannya Іnstrurtsiy, recommender Meanimii with Usіim Krokami, Yaki to bring Zdiyisnyuvati, and the taste of the valuation of the Armed Forces.


Target Watch the machine, and Torozhi Trojli, Yaki, to put a cornowvach in front of the firmware, the firmware, Vyibya, the privy of the procedure. Methods described by the Next, Rosasovі in order of a simple prior to the folding.

SPOSIB 1: MicroSD + Breeding Seredovich Vidnant

The first method, for the first kind of kind, you can stand insertion android on HTC Desire 516 є Workistanian by the Bedrooms of the Bulletin of the "Rіdney" Head of the Vidinnun (recovery). Tsyu Speosib is to come out of Сіціний, and it's known to know - it's unforgettable, I sorry in Real_zatskyi. QUETURE PACKAGE WITH PROFESSIONS FOR INSTALLATIONS FOR INSTALLATION IN THE INDUSTRY NEXT, MOST WORDAL SYSTEE:

In the result of Viccannya Northeelliyachiy Croc_v, the smartphone is an inclusive of an opposite firmware, admitted for the Economic Region of Versia.

Rosіyska Mova in the package! About Rusifіkatsіyu Intherface Buda Detailed in Dodatub Krotsі іnkstruvії NEXT.

Dodavo: Russifіkatsіya

Dodavo: Russifіkatsіya

For Russifіkatsії є, Versia OS, you can vicarotivati \u200b\u200bAndroid devoting MORELOCALE 2. The program is available on Google Play.


The result of Vincannya of the National Nutrition, the Smartphone of the Site of the Version 1.10.708.001 (Osthano ІСnyukhoїї for Model), Shaust Rosіyski Movu. Zavanceni Archіv z is a firmware for raising:

  1. Zavanutazo і rosepakovuєmo Arch_v z is a firmware.
  2. In the reminder to the result, Rospauvannya Papes invested Bagatotomnia Archiv, Shahly, find a look for installation - "SYSTEM". Yoja Totribno Vityagti in the catalog of the information files.
  3. ADB RUN.
  4. Vіdcrivaєmo in Providnik Catalog of ADB Run, Plotted rolling on a SHAT C: / ADB, and Potim goes to the folder "IMG".
  5. Kopіuєmo File boot.img, system.img, recovery.img, Revimani into the result of spanking the firmware, in the folders of the vіdpovіdnimy names, Shaho Misstam in Catalogi C: / ADB / IMG / (Tobto File boot.img. - In the folder C: AdBimgBoot i Dali).
  6. Introduction Trioh Refineed File File-Article up to Vіdpovіdniy Ridgelіv Flash-Pam "Yatі HTC Desire 516 Mozhey Walking by Meat Tits Installation Systems. Solte File-Looking in Zvitch Vipadki Standing Not Obo" Yazkovo, Ale, Yakscho Nezkіdnіtni all w є, copіюmo ї ї C: adbimgall.
  7. Includesly enjoyed on USB І pіdkuchaєmo deviss to PC.
  8. Launchingly ADB Run i Revavandozhuzo z yaoperative machine to mode "FastBoot". For central duty, Viotsmo Paragraph 4 "Reboot Devices" in the head menu by programs

    and the Potim is introduced by clavіaturi number 3 - item "Reboot Bootloader". Natisaєmo "ENTER".

  9. Smartphone rewrote in the camp "DOWNLOAD", About Shah talk to Ekrani Zavanazuvalna Screensaver "HTC" on Bіlom TLI.
  10. ADB Run is on Natisamo Be-Yaku clasp, and Potimme is rotated to the head menu by the Programs - Item "10 - Back to Menu."

    Vyivozymo "5-fastboot".

  11. The middle of the challenge is the Voydli Men: ITI, Introducing the File-image file in Catalogi C: adbimg.

  12. Needless "Yazkov, Ale recommended a procedure. Retaimo cleaning Ridgelіv, Yaki Zyobyosmaya Recognition, and Torzor "DATA". Vyivozymo E - Clear Partitions (Erase).

    And the Potim on the Crazi goes to the point, Shaho Vіdpovіdyuty the names of Ridgevіv:

    "Modem" і "SPLASH1" Prati does not stop!

  13. Rotate ourselves in the VOBURE menu Article I will write Ridgeli.

  • Analog Country Circling Introduction Introduction File "Recovery"

    і "SYSTEM" In the memory "Jump HTC Desire 516.

    Form "SYSTEM" According to the Sutі і ос OS android, it is clarified in a well-aparat. Tsyu Rydіl Nibіlsheska for the Olyagh of the Andogo Overwriting Timeє Drop Dovgo. The proceedings are not possible!

  • Yakschko є Neh Chіdnіst Firmware Інші Риділи і відповідні инаили полова копіданиі in Catalog C: adbimgall, for їx installation Potterbno Vibrati "1 - Firmware All Partitions" In the menu Voiceo FastBoot Menu.

    І Recommended the completion of the process.

  • Pisl Zakіnchennya I will write the rest of the method Vyivozymo in Ekrani "Reboot Device Normal Mode (N)", Visiting clientyuri "N" І Snipped "ENTER".

    Came to win before the smartphone reworked by the trivial launch, and in the p_dsumka - the appearance of the Catherine Catheric Cell-tuned HTC Desire 516.

  • SPOSIB 3: FastBoot

    Yakschko Speosib Firmware Skin Ridge Pam "Yatі HTC Desire 516 Okraho It is located in the fairness of the FASTBOOT, it is possible to sniffing the FastBoot commands, Yaka Doszoloє write the main system without in the acts of the Blowing.

  • Perevіryuєmo Corortal_This Soldering Smartphone I PC. At the team row, the team:
    FastBoot Devices.

    Vіdpovіdji Systems Male Stregnions Serine number 0123456789Abcdef i write "FastBoot".

  • Sunic is unicueled with a madness in the Wickenni Fast Crocіv, Writely Fastbut Retailshuvanna Article, Ivanged the command: Set Android_Product_out \u003d C: Name_Catory_S_FastBoot
  • For the firmware feed, the command is entered: FastBoot Flashall. Natisaєmo "ENTER" І SPOSTERIAєMO HOUSE OF VICONANNY.
  • At the completion of the procedure to overwrite Ridgeli "Boot", "Recovery" і "SYSTEM", And the machine to rewrote in Android automatically.
  • Yakschko Viknikna need to overwrite in this way of Іnski Ridgeli PAM "Yatі HTC Desire 516, Positively Potterbnі file-image to the folder of FastBoot, and Potimm Vicerist Compact Syntax:

    fastBoot Flash name_name_In name.img

    For the boot of Washingo Ridge "Modem". Before RUCH, for the Visor's Ridge, Rydil "Modem" - Procedure, Yaka Mozhe Mozdniki ПіСла диненнянная замерьфона З и бологовая, Yak Treba, Alya Vіdstіyi Z Treba, Yazok.

    Copіyuєmo Potterbn_ image (s) in the catalog of FastBoot (1) І Posylaєmo team (s) (2):
    FastBoot Flash Modem Modem.img

  • On Complete Roboti Restarting HTC Desire 516 W Team Row: FastBoot Reboot
  • SPOSIB 4: Castomnimi Firmware

    The HTC Desire 516 model did not find the wide popularity through their Aquares of the Programming Plugs, this is taught about those, Shaho for the equipment presented the blessing of the modifying firmware, for a sorry, it is not possible.

    One IZ method of reflecting І Assistitii awareness of the device in a software plan, є Installation of Modiphikovoy, one of the Korihuvachivachivov, Obolonki Androyd, choshed the name Lolifox. Zavanteniyi SPI needed with the Vicanni Crocіv Northevikladnіyi іnkrutsії, you can be behind Nerchi.

    In the proponal Rishennі yogo, the author of Seriously, the robot in the plan of Zmіni Intinfeisa OS (Visrada Yak Android 5.0), deodex_named the firmware, seeing the gathering of idol of HTC І Google, and Torzozhka gives it in the settings, Shaho Dzvollain. In the civo caster psyuyu Schvidko і Stab_lor.

    Installing custom recovery.

    For ISstalyatskyi Modiphikovo, the OS is noted by the Castomnimi recovery. We will be Vikoraistovati, it is for the unit that the port is in addition, the quantifier can be helped. In the center of the installation in the D516 І robot from the rismi kastomnimi recovery analogue.

    Setting Caste Lolifox.

    Pіsl Togo, Yak Modifikovna Recovery is standable in HTC Desire 516, installation by custom-free Castomnimi accepted. Drop Viconati Kroki is a lesson in the village of Nier, Yaki in advance the installation of the ZIP package.

    SPOSIB 5: HTC Desire 516 unprincipled

    Under the Ospluatatsії і, Proshivtsi, Beatnaya Android-Device can not be asked in the result of the vicinen of the rіzniki zois and the Pomoxes of the Rizniyi on the singer ETAPI, ceased to turn on, not once again rewrote. Among users, the device in this state was called "Brick". The output from the situation may be the following.

    The recovery methodology ("expanding") HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM implies a fairly large number of actions and the use of several tools. Carefully, step by step, carry out the following instructions.

    Switching the smartphone to Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008 mode

    1. We download and unpack the archive with all the necessary files and tools for recovery.

      As a result of the unpacking, the following should be obtained:

    2. To restore, you must translate the smartphone into a special alarm mode QDLoader 9006. Remove the cover with a closing battery.
    3. Remove the battery, SIM card and memory card. Then unscrew 11 screws:
    4. Gently remove the part of the housing closing the motherboard of the apparatus.
    5. On the motherboard we find two contacts designated "GND" and "DP" . Subsequently, they will need to move before connecting the device to the PC.
    6. Install the QPST software complex from the folder of the same name obtained as a result of the archive unpacking on the link above.
    7. Go to the QPST Catalog (C: Program FilesQualcommQPSTBIN) and launch the file Qpstconfig.exe.
    8. Open "Device Manager" Prepare a cable associated with the port of Yusb PC. Closer contacts "GND" and "DP" On the D516 motherboard and, not blurring them, we insert the cable into the microusb phone connector.
    9. Remove the jumper and look out the window "Device Manager" . If everything is done correctly, the device will determine how Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008.
    10. Go to Qpstconfig and make sure that the device decided right as in the screenshot below. Do not close qpstconfig!
    11. Open the QPST file folder and run the file emmcswdownload.exe. On behalf of the administrator.
    12. In the field of the opened window, add files:
    13. Press the buttons and specify the program Location Files:
    14. Check the correctness of the fill in all fields (it must be on the screenshot below) and click "DOWNLOAD" .
    15. As a result of the operation, HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM will be translated into a mode that is suitable for recording a dump in memory. In the device manager, the device must decide as . If after manipulations via QPST, the device decided somehow otherwise, install manually drivers from the folder "Qualcomm_USB_DRIVERS_WINDOW" .


    In the event that during the QPST process, errors occur and switch the smartphone to mode Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics9006 » It is not possible to implement, try to produce this manipulation through the Miflash program. Download the firmware version suitable for manipulations with HTC Desire 516 DUAL SIM, as well as the necessary files can be referenced:

    1. Unpack the archive and install Miflash.
    2. We perform steps 8-9 described above in the instructions, that is, we connect the device to the computer in the state when it is determined in the device manager as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008 » .
    3. Run Miflash.
    4. Press the button Browse In the program and specify the path to the catalog "Files_FOR_MIFLASH" located in the folder obtained as a result of unpacking the archive loaded on the link above.
    5. Press "Refresh" What will lead to the definition of the device program.
    6. Call the list of button options Browse by clicking on the image of the triangle near the latter

      and choosing in the menu opened "Advanced ..." .

    7. In the window "Advanced" Using buttons Browse add files to the fields from the folder "Files_FOR_MIFLASH" in the following way:

      After all files are added, click "OK" .

    8. Next will need attentiveness. We make a visible window "Device Manager" .
    9. Press the button "Flash" In the firmware and watch the section COM ports in "Dispatcher" .
    10. Immediately after the moment when the smartphone is defined as Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics9006 » , Complete the work of Miflash, without waiting for the end of manipulations in the program, and go to the next HTC Desire 516 recovery step.

    File system recovery

    Thus, having studied ways to install system software in HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM, the user receives complete control over the device and can simply restore the device's performance if necessary, as well as to give the smartphone "second life" using customization.

    On this page, we will not describe the pros and cons of this Android device, we are very waiting for your feedback on the device. Here you will find and you can download custom original firmware, the official version of the firmware MIUI V4, MIUI V5 Android from our site site, and can also see video Firmware Installation Instructions For HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM and leave feedback.

    To download the phone firmware HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM With Android 7.0 Nougat (Nougat), Android 6.0 Marshmallow (it is Android M or Marshmallow) or Android 5.0 Lollipop (Lollipop), you need to read the page completely and find a link. There are also the firmware Android Kitkat 4.4.x (Kiqat) and Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (Jelly Bean), as well as older versions, but do not recommend them to download, due to the fact that it is obsolete software. The fifth version of the android stepped far forward his predecessors, not to mention 6 and 7 versions worked out before the smallest details. Below, you will find an overview for the latest Android versions and can compare them.

    Do not forget to write a full review of this model in the comments. By this you can help make a solution to another user about buying a device.

    Availability of firmware: in stock.

    Download firmware

    By adding feedback on our site through the comment system, do not forget to specify your real email if you need consultations and you did not manage to install the firmware by our instructions. Instructions for firmware is on the download page. Our assistance in the form of consultations is free and therefore there may be delays in our responses, since there are many people. Downloading firmware for HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM You can make both torrent with instructions in Russian, and directly without depositfiles and other bloodsuckers.

    Installation Instructions

    • Click the download link by selecting the firmware you need
    1. Download Android M Firmware - We checked you, if honestly M is Marshmallow, follow the second link
    • Download the file with firmware and application
    • Run the application file
    • Choose the desired firmware version
    • Follow the instructions from the file archive

    Video on the firmware HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM

    Device price

    The price in the local currency depends on the dollar.

    useful links

    Getting ROOT rights at HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM

    If you wish to get root right, I recommend that you use the program. ROOTKHP. For a computer - this is one of the new programs with a large base of supported smartphones and tablets on Android. The program works only under Windows control, for the Linux and Mac OS family systems, it is recommended to use emulators.

    You can download the program from the official site. is easily located through Google.

    How to unlock a graphic key

    The removal of a forgotten graphics key regardless of its complexity has ceased to be a global problem even for a simple user who has little familiar with the mechanisms of protecting the Android operating system and its loopholes. Not so long ago, we had a program to unlock the Gaigunlock graphics key (Gaigunosk). Step-by-step instructions in Russian and the description of the program is published on the link above.

    The term root access is known to all owners of mobile gadgets with Android, but not all of them received due to insufficient information or fear harvest their own device. ROOT rights are the rights to the account of the chief administrator, the ability to start any operation.

    What is root rights on Android and their types

    ROOT rights or superuser rights allow you to manage / modify / delete system applications, change patterns, icons, system data at personal discretion. And also provides for the launch of the executable UNIX files. With the help of root-rights it is possible to make backup copies of the OS. ROOT will enable the browser cache, market and other applications to the micro SD gadget.

    We will specify the main ROOT options for Android devices:
    - Full root - full, permanent root rights.
    - Shell root - constant, without access to the System folder.
    - TEMPORARY ROOT - temporary.

    Root Desire 516 Dual SIM

    Method 1:
    1. .
    2. Make sure you have a computer with Windows OS and intact USB cable, for connecting PC and HTC Desire 516.
    3. Install on the PC.
    4. Install the HTC Driver PC or, if not previously installed,
    5. Include on HTC Desire 516.
    6. Download for.
    7. Download the archive and put, without unpacking, in the root of the memory card or the memory of HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM.
    8. Load your smartphone to firmware mode - FastBoot. (Turn off the smartphone. Turn on by climbing the volume down and power, the volume keys select Bootloader, confirm the choice of the power button), connect the smartphone to the PC.
    9. Purchase TWRP Recovery.

    Smartphone in bootloader mode is connected to a PC.
    1 option. Run ADB Run, select FastBoot -\u003e Recovery in the menu, specify the previously downloaded recovery.img, press ENTER.
    Option 2. Move the recovery image to C: / ADB / Progbin, in AdB Run Go to Manual -\u003e AdB, run FastBoot Flash Recovery Recovery.img

    If your FastBoot error has appeared on the command prompt, it means that the HTC driver is not installed, or the smartphone is not in the bootloader mode.
    After rebooting, TWRP Recovery is installed.

    10. Load HTC Desire 516 in Recovery mode (Bootloader -\u003e Recovery).
    11. Install from TWRP Recovery archive (Install -\u003e -\u003e confirm, more).
    12. Restart HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM, ROOT rights are obtained, custom recovery is installed.

    Method 2 (root dashi, chances 50/50):
    1. Charge your smartphone at least half.
    2. Enable the installation of applications from unknown sources.
    3. Download and install the application on HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM.

    4. With this window, agree and continue:

    5. Run the application.

    And the article Getting ROOT HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM will help you!

    What is root?

    For those who only became a newcomer or is not an expert in the huge world of Android and is not particularly familiar with the concept of how - Root AndroidAnd also why it is needed, what can be done after receiving root rights or as a consequence to get rid of them if they are no longer needed, all this can be found from the detailed article -!


    In this article there is no "left" links or not necessary actions! If you really need root rights, then read carefully and take step by step, this is a guarantee that you will do everything right! This article on obtaining root rights is divided into two parts: the first part is Required components and conditions, the second part is Instruction How to get root rights with files and programs. If, in the process of obtaining root rights, Android is constantly rebooted or during the eternal loading process (it happens extremely rare, but still), it is worth it. Now let's get to get root rights!

    Android manufacturers sometimes produce a new firmware on which it is impossible to get root one of the proposed ways, if there are still alternative ways in the article, try them. Can't anyway? Specify the version of Android and the firmware version in the comments (you should not write evil shoves, you do not put anything or others). Hang android (not loaded), read and reread from the very first paragraph, all the necessary links are present in the article!

    Have questions?

    Have questions left or can not get root rights to your Android? Leave comments that you have it happened or did not work out, or you did otherwise.

    Required tools and conditions

    For method number 1 (new)

    1. Computer (Windows XP / Vista / 7);

    2. Original, intact MICROUSB cable;

    3. Download and install website branded program - ADB RUN

    3. Download the app Root Dashi. and install on a smartphone

    Instruction Getting ROOT HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM

    Method number 1.

    1. Archive-update (without unpacking, in the source) move to the root of the memory card or the memory of the smartphone;

    2. Translate smartphone HTC Desire 816 Dual SIM to FastBoot Firmware mode:

    Translation to bootloader mode

    Option 1 (Log in Bootloader)

    Turn off your smartphone and press the Volume button down and on / off

    Option 2. (Log in Bootloader)

    Connect to the computer HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM, run the AdB Run program and go and select the Reboot Device menu -\u003e Reboot Bootloader

    Custom TWRP Recovery Firmware

    Option 1 (how to flash TWRP Recovery)

    Run the ADB RUN program and go to the FastBoot menu -\u003e Recovery, place the downloaded XXXXXXX file .img.(instead of xxxxxx file name) to the left window, close it after which your smartphone is powered and press ENTER

    Option 2. (how to flash TWRP Recovery)

    • File xxxxxxx .img.(instead of xxxxxx file name) Move to C: / adb / progbin
    • translate your smartphone to bootloader mode
    • In the AdB Run program, go to the menu Manual -\u003e AdB
    • write a team FastBoot Flash Recovery xxxxxxx.img (instead of xxxxxx file name)

    If you have a message at the command prompt:


    a) perhaps you have no driver installed or you need to reinstall it

    b) the smartphone is not in the bootloader mode and stand again to reclamation

    Installing Root Rights to Smartphone

    4. Translate smartphone to Recovery mode (Translate Bootloader -\u003e Bootloader -\u003e Recovery)

    5. Install this archive-update from the RECOVERY menu;