Do I need to make a defragmentation of the phone memory card. What is fragmentation of mobile devices? How to make disk defragmentation on android

Many users mark her excellent work: quick copying files from a flash drive on a hard disk or vice versa. Unfortunately, over time, it can start to slow down to slow down. The file transfer rate is already far from the original, all files on the memory card are long open, and play, for example, an audio or video file is almost impossible. What to do in this case? We will talk about this in this article.

You can defragment the drive in several ways.

The best, and most importantly, the most effective way to revive the carrier and return its initial recording and reading speed is to fulfill defragmentation. The defragment of the flash drive is the process of redistribution of system files in order to quickly execute recording and reading processes. It is recommended to perform it no more than two times a month. Frequent defragmentation is able to harm the media, worsen its characteristics of the recording speed and reading files.

If you are sure that the flash drive has lost its original characteristics and there is a desire to try to revive it, pay attention to the following most effective ways of defragmentation. How to defragment a flash drive?

Using Windows

Surely experienced users of the PC know that absolutely all versions of Windows, starting with XP and ending with Windows 10, provide the ability to optimize absolutely any media using an integrated defragmant. On the example, consider the method of executing a flash drive defragment using Windows 10:

Council. This is the easiest way to perform optimization. For this you do not need to download any programs and other software.

If you do not trust the built-in OS function to optimize disks and memory cards, you can use other special software. For example, you can consider the procedure for performing this operation using a popular Special Program called Smart Defrag 5.

Using Smart Defrag 5

Smart Defrag 5 is the best defragmentation program for flash drives and other carriers connected to the PC. Soft free, it can be downloaded from the official site of the Smart Defrag program 5. After installation, the defragmentation program for the flash drive does not require key input and other activation methods. Downloaded, installed, use. To optimize the media using Smart Defrag 5, you must:

  • Run the program.
  • At the top of the main window to choose "Disk defragmentation".
  • Next, select the required medium that you want to defragment.
  • Mark him check mark and under the list of connected devices select the "Smart Optimization" function.
  • After selecting a function, the process will be started. The average optimization time is 5-10 minutes.

Of course, there are still many special software for this operation, above 2 of the most simple and really effective are listed above.


Defragmentation is positively affected by the speed of recording, reading and opening, in the future of files recorded on the USB flash drive. When using similar media, speed is the main thing.


Surely you have repeatedly heard from PC users what optimization should be carried out almost every week. It is necessary for good work card memory. Unfortunately, such and similar statements are a delusion. Frequent execution of this operation does not have the most positive way to affect the media, namely: over time you may notice an increasing time of response of files recorded on the memory card. For example, if you need to copy a file from a flash drive to a PC, then when you select a specific file and copying the speed of execution of the operation will, to put it mildly, unstable and it is still the most pleasant thing that can happen. Otherwise, the device and all processes carried out using it (watching video, listening to music) can hang and slow down in every way.

IMPORTANT. To support a carrier in good condition, especially those media that is used every day to copy and carry from a PC to a PC of various files of any size - do not forget about the execution of the device optimization 1-2 times a month. It is emphasized: we are only about flash drives used daily or very often.


Defragmentation is a truly unique opportunity to speed up the work of the carrier of any kind. This feature was very popular with PC users to accelerate the work of hard drives, but it is also great for optimizing memory cards. If you want to extend the service life of the flash drive, then optimization is simply necessary. Remember and do not forget to spend it at least 1-2 times a week, the memory card will serve you for many years, and problems with her work, fortunately, you will never be able to detect.

Considering the fact that most mobile devices on Android are budgetary options for smartphones and tablets, users often try to somehow improve them and speed up using applications. We have collected 10 types of applications for you, which are actually completely useless for Android and most often can even harm the OS.

Useless Android Apps

Perhaps the most stupid kind of apps for Android. The only thing that such programs do is to delete the batteryStats.bin file, which eventually is still restored by the system when checking the battery capacity. However, you can delete this file you can also independently from the system folder. The problem is that battery calibrators make a bunch of unnecessary and even harmful actions that, over time, can "kill" your smartphone or tablet.

For their stupidity and inexperience, many users download on their Android devices various defragmenters. We do not want to upset you, but defragmentation is applicable only to magnetic hard disksBut the defragmentation of a solid fuel drive is a real crime. For a couple of months, you will reduce the service life of the device for a year and a half with a defragmantrator. This is noticable, if the smartphone or tablet is dear. In addition, Android is a good enough OS, to be able to independently distribute all internal and system files.

With the completed RAM, the smartphone does not become slower or faster. This is a fact. Unlike Windows or Mac, android has no swap fileSo any RAM cleaners are useless applications, especially if they are paid.

Count, but there are no viruses on Android a priori. Of course, if you download rubbish from VKontakte, then something is naughty to get my smartphone. Download applications only with Google Play - Service has a three-step test for viruses, regardless of what version of the OS program. So, throw out all the volumetric and terribly inhibitory antivirus applications, the effect of them is almost no no, except brakes.

Recently, a disgusting trend appeared - a bunch of Android applications, which can "be able to charge a smartphone from shaking. Of course, this is a complete absurdity. This technology does not yet existAnd if it appears, then Google or Apple itself is quickly indicated.

In one distant-distant galaxy already there are X-ray filters for smartphones in the form of applications, only now that this technology has not reached the solar system. All preview of such applications - either a joke or a simple deception.

I do not want to offend you and disappear, young spy, but not one lie detector for Android does not really work. Of course, a modern smartphone is able to "pull out" the computational volumes of half graffiti, only here you have to connect a bunch of external sensors. By voting, no application lies will calculate, Only if your mom did not do it.

Yes, there are also such applications. They seem to tell you before the launch: "Well, you and Loch!".

Everything is clear here. Internet accelerators for Android divorced already mass. Only here if you have the Internet inhibits, then I would need to call the provider, buy a new router or leave the Moscow metro. The application in several megabytes will not help youEven if the program itself bright numbers on the screen claims the opposite.

The latest information suggests that the Google Play application store overtook the App Store by the number of applications. Users are offered 1.483 million applications, while 15% of them (approximately 222 thousand) are poor quality that does not deserve the attention of Android-smartphones users. Colleagues from Phonearena. We offer to take a walk along this dump application, sorting it to 10 types.

1. Battery calibration applications

Based on the name ,. We all face low battery life. However, it is necessary to understand that no calibration is unable to implement these applications. All that they do is delete the batteryStats.bin file, forcing the system to re-create it, and then imitate serious operation with a beautiful interface. Whatever the reviews for similar applications, know - they are unable to improve the operation of your battery.

2. Disk Defragmentation Tools

Modern devices on Android replace us computers for many tasks. However, there are not much similarities between the computer and the smartphone. The disk defragmentation procedure really helps when it comes to hard disk. Nand-flash memory is used in smartphones. This chip is equipped with a built-in controller, which daily organizes the storage of your data as carefully and ordered. Defragmentation cannot accelerate his work, but it can reduce the time of his life with superfluous cycles of reading and writing.

3. Magnifiers of RAM

It is worth understanding that it is difficult to increase anything through the Internet. There are also applications that promise to clean your memory from extra tasks. We have not been so long ago the reasons for which it is worth avoiding the installation of such applications. If short, Android is a smart enough to not bother the user's head with a question of free RAM.

4. Unknown antivirus programs

There are viruses on Android, and they should be afraid. But at the same time it is worth understanding that 99 percent you are already protected. While you are installing applications from Google Play, avoiding unreliable sites and third-party application stores, you are safe. If this belief is not enough for you, you can install antivirus software from Kaspersky or AVG. But at all, you should not trust your smartphone with unknown programs from unknown developers.

5. Charging applications

It is worth understanding that if your smartphone does not know how to charge from the shake, then no application will teach it this. It is better instead to pull dumbbells in the gym.

6. Mobile X-rays

This is another popular category of applications that promises to train your smartphone with new features. Doctors would be glad to be able to scan your body with his smartphone, but unfortunately, there is no such opportunity for any or you. Any such applications are no more than imitation.

7. Lie detectors

It is quite unreasonable to believe that someone will create a complex application for analyzing human behavior and post it for free on Google Play. Instead of spending time on similar products, it is better to read the book on psychology, just with this your smartphone is able to help.

8. Translators from the beser

If your smartphone recognizes well and understands human speech, know, we have worked on it in Google, Apple or another company, seriously approaching the question. Application developers, allegedly able to understand cats and dogs, use a somewhat different approach, so do not mix their pets.

9. Internet accelerators

Another category of applications, which promises to increase what we have so little. Tests have shown that these applications do not affect the connection speed in any way, and among themselves differ only in the size of advertising banners.

10. Useless applications

Of all the above categories, this, perhaps the most harmless. At least creators of these applications absolutely honestly declare their uselessness right in the title. You can install these applications if you are full of free time. If you are lucky, perhaps they will even be made with humor.

Android operating system conquers increasing popularity today, receiving a residence permit in a wide variety of devices, ranging from the simplest phones and ending with multimedia consoles and tablets. However, not always these devices have the most advanced and powerful stuffing, so the question of optimization and acceleration android is relevant very for many. Therefore, we want to introduce you to several proven methods of increasing system performance, as well as with common myths on this topic.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that Android is fundamentally different from Windows, so well-known methods of optimization and acceleration of the system are not working there. However, this does not stop some fraudsters, which actively offer various optimizers, defragmenters and accelerators. Let's see which methods really benefit.

A basic level of

1. Disable live wallpapers. Yes, it's beautiful, I know. Boast friends and mom, show your girlfriend, and then better still put an usual picture, because all these floating fish and clouds really take system resources.

2. Remove extra widgets and icons. Each widget on your desktop consumes several megabytes such a necessary RAM. Look at them critically and unload unnecessary.

3. Remove unnecessary applications. Google Play contains so many good programs, most of which are completely free. Few people will hold on to not install a dozen-other "just in case", "then it will be useful." However, some of these programs add widgets, launch background processes and are thus unnecessary resource emours. Leave only really necessary.

4. Try another browser. The built-in Android browser is pretty good, however, for slow devices, Opera mini will be more preferable, consuming significantly less resources. Try also Firefox or Dolphin, these browsers can significantly speed up web pages.

Tips for advanced (required administrator rights).

These tips require understanding and sometimes conjugate with some risk, therefore are addressed primarily to experienced users who are not afraid of experiments.

1. Expand your device. Just as an ordinary computer, your phone or tablet can be accelerated, that is, to increase the frequency of the processor. A popular way to do this is SetCPU. Before making a solution, we think good all the "for" and "against" (an increase in heat generation, a decrease in autonomy, etc.).

2. Try new firmware. Although the manufacturer of your device may not be in a hurry to update the firmware, you can always try to use a custom assembly that is optimized and configured for your phone or tablet. In case of failure, you can always return to the "branded" system.

3. Configure bus software. On the routing device, it is possible to use programs like autostarts, with which you can delete extra processes from the list of motor-strokes.

Erroneous methods

1. Defragmentation. Android devices are not required defragmentation. Accordingly, all applications offering acceleration of work in this way, no more than deception.

2. Task Management Applications (Task Manager). Theoretically, all these "Task killers" make a useful case - kill background tasks and free the RAM. However, in reality, everything is completely different. The Android operating system uses a rather complex memory management system that is significantly different from Windows. Those applications with which you do not interact at the moment are as it were in the "frozen" state, which makes it possible to restore their condition in the first appeal to them almost instantly. If you unload them from memory, then their subsequent launch occurs on the contrary slower, so the overall responsiveness of the system decreases.

And what proven ways to accelerate Android know you? Share with our readers in the comments?

Tablet or smartphone based on Android starts to slow down? This is not a reason to run to the store for a new one. In some cases, productivity can be optimized. Consider more than 10 ways that are combined into simple steps to speed up the phone based on android, which do not require large knowledge from the owner.

In the 2nd steps, preliminary and basic, let's talk about improving software. In the 3rd, optional, learn about the "iron" available to each modernization.

Step 1. Clearing memory from unused applications

The most important reason, because of which the smartphones on the basis of Android are braking is a shortage of RAM. It comes to the point that on the phone with 2 GB of RAM inhibits the usual text set. Although it is not a large amount of memory today, but also a set of text takes an insignificant amount of resources!

I myself was shocked when I realized that even those applications that you did not run after rebooting the phone are hanging in memory! I do not know how it turns out, but gradually after downloading memory begins to be clogged by an absolutely every application that is installed in the system.

No joke, the best way to speed up the phone is to reset it to factory settings. This option is in each device on android in additional settings. We will have to synchronize with all accounts and install the necessary applications. If it does not seem to be a problem, then act! And in the future, set only the actual necessary applications.

But it is not always possible to afford it, because too much is installed and configured. Many smartphones have a built-in memory cleaning function from the toast. To activate it, you need to go to the switch screen between running programs and click "Cross" in the middle of the screen.

But it is only superficial cleaning, you still need to install the application, there are many of them, I put the task manager for all-in-one toolbox.

On the main screen is shown how many RAM (RAM) is already employed. You can click on the "Circle" and AIO will clean the cache in RAM.

There are two main types of memory for storing files: ROM - built into the phone and SD card. For normal operation, the device is very desirable for at least 10% of the free ROM memory. To free up memory from the garbage, you need to click on the "ROM" or "SD" link and go through the master who helps remove the same and large files, photos, garbage from Whatsapp and more.

In the "Cleaning" section on the main screen, you can empty the device from a different kind of temporary files and cache:

Alone almost all running processes, simply click "complete the selected". But it is advisable to give an AIO application more rights so that it can monitor the system and complete the program "dependent in memory". For this:

  • Click the "Allow" button, you will be transferred to the system settings
  • We go to the All-in-One Toolbox service
  • Put the switch to the included condition

Return to the main application window and go to the "Battery Guardian" section. Applications are shown here that most of all consume a charge, and accordingly, the Android system will slow down, we complete them. To surprise, it can be programs that you do not use and have not launched for a long time.

Flashing Master screen Below, you will find the section "CPU Cooler", here are noted applications that use the processor more than others, they can also be unloaded from memory. Also there is the last very useful tool "Autoload". Here we can remove any applications from automatic download. The phone will be loaded faster and free memory will be more. Select "Disable everything" or selectively at discretion:

You will be surprised again, but in this list, probably, all ever established programs. You can exclude from autoload any processes, including systemic ones. With the first need, they will be launched without problems.

But, on some devices, this function does not work for some reason, although everything goes well. This can be checked if you restart the phone and open running processes. In this case, you need to use the Startup Manager application. Now this program has become part of the Aio Toolbox, but nevertheless, this individual version works sometimes better. Start Startup Manager and davim the "Disable All" button:

I already read your thoughts that all this is difficult, but in reality the main action is to turn off the autorun and reboot. In the AIO settings already included tracking the system and periodically you will see the pop-up windows with a memory cleaning notification, i.e. It is not necessary to walk on tools.

To facilitate the system in the future, you must follow the rules:

  • Install the fastest and lightweight programs. Read reviews before installing.
  • Get rid of unnecessary programs. They take memory, and if necessary, they are easily restored through Google Play.
  • Put only the necessary programs. Excessive occupy a precious place in the system and slow it down.

Step 2. Android settings

The first stage is to configure power Modes. Most often 2 types of power module setting menu are found:

Settings-\u003e Power -\u003e Power Mode
You need to select the "High Performance" mode

Settings-\u003e Energy Saving
You need to select the "Performance" mode

In the case of other menus you need to navigate at similar points. As a result of this power optimization, the response of the ADNDOID system and applications will accelerate. However, the battery will begin to discharge faster.

Android 4.0+ needs to speed up the work of the graphics subsystem:

Settings-\u003e For developers-\u003e Install the checkbox in the "Acceleration of the GPU" (acceleration using GPU)

At the same time, the graphics processor will adjust for many games. But some applications may refuse to work. In some devices of the listed menu may not be. Perhaps the manufacturer has already optimized them.

In Android 2.3 and above better remove synchronization With services that do not use: Settings-\u003e Accounts and Synchronization And on the Account Management tab, we turn off synchronization with all unnecessary services.

Also, in Google Account does not hurt to disable contact synchronization, Gmail, Picasa, calendar and similar services, if not needed. When no services are used, the Autosynchronization checkbox in the Accounts and Synchronization window should be reset.

Applications updated on Android every day to optimize productivity auto update must be disabled, And important applications update manually through Google Play. Such a procedure saves 3G / GPRS traffic, battery charge and facilitates the system.

To disable auto update, go to "Google Play-\u003e Settings-\u003e Auto-update" And choose "Never." To update only if the Wi-Fi is connected, and not the operator's network, you need to set the "Update only via Wi-Fi" value, it will save traffic and extends work from the battery.

Desirable disable animation: Settings-\u003e Screen-\u003e Animation-\u003e point "without animation" or Settings-\u003e For developers, Find the items related to the animation and set the "Disable Animation" or "without animation".

To speed up the phone, the live wallpapers should be removed from the starting screen and from the system. Also delete unused widgets and shortcuts from the starting screen. In Google Play, turn off the automatic placement of widgets and shortcuts. You can so: Settings-\u003e Reset checkboxes from "Add icons" item

Disable GPS. And geolocation, they are constantly "hanging" in the background and mercilessly discharge the battery. Do you often use them? We go to N. installations-\u003e Coordinates ("location" or "location data", etc.) And remove the checkboxes from all points.

Step 3. Additional upgrade device based on Android

Most android gadgets provide storage of information on external memory cards. The speed of the device as a whole depends on their speed. Quickness Recording / reading MicroSD is marked by classes (2, 4, 6, 10). The digit means approximate speed in megabytes per second. Devices initially sell cards to 6.

Class 6 cards and less - slow and slow system speed. MicroSD Class 10 Maps and UHS format cards (Ultra High Speed) is preferable. The phone performance will significantly accelerate. Only one should first clarify the instructions for the device, whether such memory cards are supported.

As you can see, improving the characteristics of the tablet or a smartphone running the Android operating system is easy to easily. No time or serious investments will be required. But many games and applications will start working faster, in what you can envy the happy owners even fresh models.