How to make a fasting sign in the Word. Adding indexes and degrees in Word

The substitution and firm inscription are useful functions that make the text right and more attractive. Using Word, installing these characters is a matter of several seconds.

The upper and lower substitution inscriptions are needed not only for entering formulas, but also, let's say, to describe the patterns. In the Word, it is very easy to make such an inscription from any written letter, numbers, words and even a piece of text. But if you think, how to make a substitution inscription in the Word, you should know that not all methods can be equally effective.

To begin with, let's see what is a substitution and fading inscriptions. The pressure index is used, for example, to designate square and cubic meters (m2, m3). Substiturate - for formulas (for example, H2SO4). Agree, it is much better than M2, M3, H2SO4. And if with meters there is still nothing, then in the case of formulas, the use of the index helps it, sometimes it is necessary.

So how to install these cunning signs?

Method # 1.

The easiest option of the insertion of a substrate (or feather) index is to use the possibilities of the Word program. For this:

  • Open the necessary file in the text editor;
  • Select the fragment of the text with which the operation is required;
  • Find the Font section on the control panel (it is located on the Home tab);
  • Click on the "X₂" icon if you want to make a substitution index, or the symbol "x²", if the inscription is needed.

Everything is very fast and easy, but this method has one drawback: the entered inscriptions are correctly displayed only in the Word. In other programs, it is impossible to guarantee this, some applications simply do not recognize this function, and remove the usual text instead of a substituine / heading index.

Therefore, the use of this method is justified only when you plan and further use Word (or you know that a person who will open the file uses this program). In all other cases, it is better to use another method of inserting a substitution or admixture inscription, which guarantees greater compatibility with the overwhelming number of modern applications.

Method # 2.

Instead of built-in Word functions, you can apply special listers from Unicode Table. It is used by most modern programs that work with the text, even if they do not recognize the Vords formats.

To insert a substitution or fading inscription:

Superior inscriptions "1", "2" and "3" are from the beginning of the list. The rest are located in the section "Fast and substitution". To go to this group, specify this parameter when you click on the "Set" button.

  1. Open the table and go to the "Insert" section;
  2. Click on the "Symbol" item;
  3. Select the desired index. If you used it recently, it will be in the list 20, which are displayed by default. If it is not there, expand the list by pressing the "Other Symbols" key.
  4. By selecting the desired character, click "Paste" and close the window.

Now a substring or a long-standing inscription will appear in the editor.


If you use Word 2003, you can perform this operation even faster:

  • To write a substrate index, it is enough to use the combination of "hot" keys "Ctrl" + "\u003d";
  • For the upper inscription - "Ctrl" + "+".

You can use these indexes, both already on the entered text and on the one that is only required to print. For the introduced text, it is necessary to simply select the one of its fragment that is required to be converted to an adhesive / substitution inscription. For the input: First, press the key combination (or turn on the "x₂" or "x²" button on the control panel), and then type the necessary text. After that, again, press the key combination to be entered in normal format.

Setting up key combination

The keyboard key can be configured in another Vord version. If you often use substitution and fasting inscriptions, it is recommended to do it. In addition, in the Word 2003, "hot" keys may also not work. To fix it:

  • Open the "Service" section and click on "Setup";
  • Select "Keyboard";
  • On the left, click "Categories" and select "Edit";
  • Right click on the command you want to configure. By clicking on it, you will see a list of current key combinations for this command (if any);
  • Enter in the "Press New Shortcut Key" field convenient for you a keyboard shortcut, and then click "Assign".

Thus, you can configure the keyboard shortcut for any command. If some functions you use often, and the standard "hot" keys seem uncomfortable to you, you can quite ask the team a new combination. For example, the selection of text in italics - "Ctrl + i", or the function to repeat the input - "Ctrl + Y". These are not too comfortable combinations, especially if you are often used. But in the settings window, this situation is easy to correct. Thus, the use of Word will bring you a lot of benefit. To create the same document in this editor you will have much less time that when working in other applications.

There are two ways to insert a substitution or admixture inscription in the Word. If you use another application, then the method is only one - the use of Unicode Table. In any of the options, with constant use of these functions, the insertion of the index does not take much time and occurs almost automatically.

Everyone who ever worked in the Word program, know how unique and universal it is unique. When working with this program, it may be necessary to submit a number or even a word to a certain extent. This is done easily, but it is worth considering all possible options.

To begin with, I would like to say that the Word 2003 program is already considered quite obsolete, but still relevant among a number of users.

  1. Select our number, or word, and press the right mouse button.
  2. In the pop-up menu, select the "Font" item and click on it.
  3. If you need to choose the font and size you need, and be sure to put a tick near the "Perestnaya" item.

That's all. Now when writing, the font will climb up, and you can set the degree you need.

Degree in Word 2007 and above

In the Word 2007 version and above, everything is much simplified.

By the way, you can use hot keys Ctrl + Shift + "+" And after that you can immediately write to degrees without referring to the toolbar once again.

Read also!

To further master the Word programbe sure to read. Vertical text in some documents also have to insert.

It is often required to convert PDF format in Word. To do this for you, I have not been a problem. Consider a pair of conversion methods.

As in the Word, the frame is written in. Often the frame in Word is required for more beautiful design text, but many do not know how it is implemented.

In Excel, it is easy to format the font to display the front (x 2) and substitution (Al 2 O 3) characters. This can be done highlighting a part of the text in the cell and through the Cell Format dialog box (font ( Ctrl + SHIFT + F) Apply the required formatting of the font. But this approach does not work if there is no meaning in the cell, but formula. And yet, in some cases, there is a way out.

Imagine a fairly exotic task: it is necessary to display numbers in format 225.00 2 and, the value (225.00) may vary, depending on the value of other cells, i.e. The cell contains a formula.

Formatting the font does not help here, we do not have a text string, but formula.

Let's try to use not number 2, symbol 2. This symbol has ASCII code 178.

Function Text ()

In a blank cell, through Insert / Text / Symbolor pressing (in the English layout using the digital block on the right on the keyboard), insert the symbol 2. It should be understood that this is not a number, but only a symbol. We highlight it and copy to the clipboard. Next, we write a formula: \u003d Text (225; "# ## 0,00" & "2")By inserting a character in the right place. We obtain the result in the form of text (the text () function returns a text value).

Custom format

You can go to another way - change the cell format on.

Open the window Format cellstab Number, choose ( all formats). And enter the format in the field A type # ## 0.00 2 (after all of it removed and copying the symbol 2 to the clipboard).

The work of the MS Word program is not limited to a text editor, mathematical actions with a variety of numerical data are also in great demand. In the article we will describe in detail and clearly show how to put a degree in the Word using, for example, a firm sign.


It is elementary and quickly erected into a degree in a degree, and write the letter with the index, will help the "main" menu with a "fast sign" and a "substitution symbol". Initially, you must open on the main panel Word tab "Home". Consequently, it is important to indicate the cursor the place where the number must be in the square, and then activate the "Press" button by pressing (the function will be active if the yellow is lit). All that remains is to introduce the required number. We look at the picture below and compare what actions need to be done successively.

In order to exit the "Fast Sign" mode, you just need to click on the X button 2 and make sure that it does not burn yellow. Otherwise, that's what happens.

So, the moment how to build x in a square is clear. Now with ease you can write any values \u200b\u200band numbers in a square, such as: m2, m3, cm2, km2.

We will analyze the option of substitution symbols, if it suddenly needed to write a variable with the lower index. For example, as here, you need a small lower index:

Probably an advanced user noticed a hot key for the lower index, but if not, then let's look through this question. Everything on the same main Word panel, there is a "Home" tab, it contains two buttons - x 2 and x 2. In this case, consider x 2. Using this button, simply print any variable, the procedure for actions is no different from the above disassembled option. The second step is changing, instead of a sign X 2 (which will allow you to write a digit over the number or letter) on the main panel, choose the sign x 2 i.e. The "substitting sign" (with which to write the lower index can be in a second). Carefully consider on the example below all the steps take turns.

Attention! Be sure to repeat step 2 (see on the picture), otherwise the latter will be recorded in the lower index. The "Substituing Sign" button should not glow yellow.

Upper and lower index in Word 2003

Put an index or a degree in Word 2003 from above above the number, word or above the letter, you can follow the actions. The sequence of actions is very important:

1) You need to write a number, and maybe a whole word (digit or letter), which should be specified in the square or simply put the index. Allocate.

2) Press the right mouse over the selected fragment and select the "Font" in the drop-down window.

3) Talk in the window that opens the desired mode - "Padd" or "substitution".

4) Do not forget to go to the "Font" point and remove the checkbox from the previously selected mode.

In Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 will also work this option.

Use "Formula"

In versions of the Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 using the "Formula" button, it is possible to quickly supply an index or a degree in the mathematical equation or formula.

Go to the "Insert" section, choose "Formula".

Buttons to the left and right we move from the square to the square, such actions will help insert the necessary numbers and letters. After all actions, click on the empty sheet and the equation is ready. In the same way, we prescribe a number with a degree at the bottom, all the steps are the same, only when the index is selected, select "Lower index".

There is another way to make a degree in the Word, using a combination of such keys: Ctrl + Shift and + (it does not work on the digital panel).

In Word, ever wondered how to put the top or lower index in Word. Unfortunately, many users put a task in a dead end - to put the degree of number or variable. In fact, everything is done quite simple. It is for this question that will try to answer the article. Learn more about how to put a long and substitution signs in the Word further in the article. Let's deal with. Go!

In mathematical functions, special symbols often use

It is very convenient that Microsoft developers have made the necessary icons directly on the Home tab panel. You can find the desired buttons in the "Font" section, right below the font size field. Use them is very simple. First enter the letter or digit to which you want to add an index. Then click on the corresponding button for the addition of a substitcher or a superscript. After that, you will notice that the cursor wand has become half smaller. Next, you can enter a value. To return to the normal text set format, click the adding button of a substitcher or an edema once again. Note that when the function is activated, the corresponding tool icon will be highlighted in gray.

The second way is to use hot keys. This approach will help slightly speed up the work with the tool. To put a substitution sign, use a Ctrl and \u003d combination. If you need to add a firm value, apply the CTRL, SHIFT, + keys combination.

Another option is to click on a special icon in the lower right corner of the font block in the toolbar to open the full menu. In the section "Modifying", tick the points "Personal" or "substitting". Depending on the marked option, the cursor will take the corresponding view and position.

If the document has a large number of equations where many values \u200b\u200band variables in a square or other degrees will be more convenient to work directly in the formula designer. After you have added the equation, the Designer tab opens. On the toolbar there is a special "index" button. By clicking on it, the menu will open in which you will need to select the desired location of the index. After you select the appropriate, two empty fields in the form of squares will appear on the sheet. Inside, enter the letter or digit, inside the small enter the value or signature. The advantage of this approach is that it allows you to simultaneously add several indices for more complex mathematical calculations.

Each of the described methods is more convenient to use in a particular case. Choose the option that is more suitable for solving your tasks. Now work with indexes in Microsoft Word will no longer have a problem for you. Leave your opinion about the article in the comments, especially if it turned out to be useful and ask questions that have arisen on the topic.