Get targeted traffic. Online Marketing for Beginners: Attracting Targeted Traffic

Attracting targeted traffic to the site is the most important task for every owner of an Internet project. Regardless of whether you are selling goods or services, developing a news, game or article project, developing some kind of Internet community of interest, in any case, the site being promoted needs visitors. Moreover, you need interested visitors who are highly likely to become buyers or regular users, that is, the target audience.

Who is the target visitor

In order to attract targeted traffic, it is important to understand exactly who you need. In case of interests, questions usually do not arise. Here people are united by a hobby, a profession, the need for answers to certain questions. It is on these grounds that they distinguish their “target” visitor from a simply curious one.

In the commercial realm, it will take some work to define the portrait of a potential buyer. Even if you think you know exactly which people are buying a particular product, it is better to test your knowledge through research.

For example, it is believed that most iPhone buyers are wealthy people. In fact, iPhones are more actively bought by students and office staff with relatively small incomes who shop on credit. And wealthy people, on the contrary, often buy inexpensive and practical models of smartphones.

What does the portrait of the target audience consist of?

A portrait of a target visitor is a collective image of people who are buyers of your goods and services. It includes the following parameters:

How to create a target audience profile

The Internet helps a lot in determining the portrait of a buyer today:

  1. Analyze customer profiles on social media. There you can find out as much information as possible.
  2. Conduct a survey among clients and site visitors. They themselves will answer your questions.
  3. Read reviews, communicate with customers, identify pain, problems, wishes through feedback.

As a result of this, you will be able to better understand your potential buyers, correctly compose texts for the site and advertisements. Also, you will understand on which platforms and in which communities you can meet your target audience, it is there that you need to place ads - paid or free.

Methods of getting targeted traffic to the site

The first thing that almost all users remember when they think about where to get targeted traffic to the site is search engines. We have also written more than once about the importance of optimization and promotion in search networks for the success of the project.

An equally popular solution is contextual advertising. Of course, this method requires financial investments, but if you know your customers well, compose your ads correctly and select keywords, this method pays off great.

In addition, for obtaining are used:

How to get targeted traffic to your website for free

Free methods of acquiring users are all time consuming. You will have to independently communicate on forums, moreover, on different topics, so that your advertising messages are not considered advertising. On social networks and when promoting your own blog, you will also have to work hard to compose interesting posts and attract users.

Therefore, it is very important to determine exactly who your target visitor is before starting work. And focus on grabbing the attention of that particular audience. Don't go after quantity - focus on quality. This will save you time and effort, because one real buyer is much more useful than a hundred curious non-target visitors.

And if you value your time and understand that the help of professionals in segmenting traffic and attracting a target audience will help you increase profits and optimize advertising costs, please contact our specialists.

Traffic is like living water from a fairy tale: the more there is, the more successful the project is, both in terms of fame and in terms of achieving conversion goals. Knowledge of its sources will help increase traffic.

The text is based on the materials of the webinar, which was conducted by Roman Molchanov as part of the course "Internet Marketer from Ingate".

Webinar recording

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4 ways to get visitors from search

1. SEO (organic search results from Yandex, Google, Mail, Bing, etc.)

The most popular channel for attracting traffic. When promoting through the search, keep in mind that in such topics as medicine, real estate and banks, all high-frequency and medium-frequency queries are taken by various aggregators. In these topics, work with low-frequency queries with a regional reference. In other directions, this channel still works well.

2. Search blocks "Yandex.Direct" and Google AdWords

PPC advertising mainly generates traffic based on actual need. If you enter an unformed market with a product, there will be no demand as such. Contextual advertising has lost its leading position in e-commerce. Price- and commodity aggregators took the lead.

3. "Yandex.Maps" and Google Maps

This method is primarily suitable for companies in the B2C sector, such as banks, pharmacies, catering chains. For example, a point of sale can be indicated on a map. The moment a geolocation request comes from a potential customer in search, your store will be shown. There is an important nuance: as a rule, the search query is blurred - "moccasin shoe store", "pharmacy nearby" and so on.

In order for Yandex or Google to show exactly your store, it must have a correctly filled company card, a high rating and positive reviews. Be sure to ask your customers to write reviews and rate cards. Also keep in mind that tagging your office or point of sale is a paid service on the part of search engines.

If we compare search, context and priority placement in Yandex.Maps, the cost of traffic to the site is reduced by 5-7 times due to the use of maps.

4. Search by pictures

We fill in the ALT and TITLE attributes of the IMG tag, give a readable name to the image file and try to place it as high as possible on the page.

5 ways to get traffic from ad networks

1. Advertising networks "Yandex.Direct" and Google AdWords

When using YAN and Google Adwords, first of all, you need to understand what goal you want to achieve. And based on this, make visuals.

2. Display advertising

The main rule in display advertising is that you cannot be placed without some specific message or offer. If you just decide to promote yourself without being tied to any proposal, unfortunately, nothing will come of it. To choose a platform for display advertising, use the services SimilarWebs, Serpstat, Adindex and others. Carefully study the media kits that sites have.

You need to know for sure that your target audience is on the portal where you are going to advertise.

The main tool for measuring the impact of display ads today is linear attribution.

3. CPA networks

When using CPA networks, you pay for the result. These can be certain actions, such as registering, going to the site, or buying directly.

4. Teaser networks

Teaser networks are used to generate cheap traffic. At the same time, this channel is associated with fraud, with motivated traffic. Suitable for generating reach traffic when you need to sparkle somewhere for a while. And yet, think ten times before incorporating it into your advertising strategy.

5. Programmatic RTB

RTB allows you to buy impressions on different sites, adjusting not to the site, but to the settings of the target audience. Programmatic is well suited for finance and real estate.

3 remarketing options

1. Remarketing (PPC channels, social networks)

When setting up remarketing, keep in mind the user's journey towards the goal, and adjust visuals based on this.

The target action process has many iterations and includes many touch points preceding the target action itself.

2. Dynamic remarketing (Google AdWords, Criteo)

Dynamic remarketing can be implemented through standard Google Merchant Center bindings, Google Adwords, or third-party services such as Criteo and others. Great for e-commerce.

3. Look-alike-extension of traffic based on remarketing data

By targeting similar audiences, you can significantly increase your sales funnel by attracting new users.

8 ways to attract customers from social networks

1. Targeted advertising on Facebook and Instagram

On Facebook, carousel ads are doing well at the moment, whether it's specials or generating traffic to the site. Leads come in high quality.

2. Targeted advertising on VKontakte

On VKontakte, it is important to be able to set up a target for the target audience. Real estate works well. But the financial topic there now does not show good results either in traffic or in conversion actions.

3. Targeted advertising in MyTarget

A great social traffic aggregator that brings loyal and quality traffic to your website. Everyone loves MyTarget and uses it to its fullest.

4. Promo posts

This is one of the best ways to drive traffic from social media at the moment. Using services Target Hunter, Cerebro and others, you can collect an audience of social networks up to the last activity. Having correctly painted the portrait of the target audience, you will get really high-quality traffic. Promo posts work well for events, services, e-commerce promotions.

5. Paid posts ordered directly or through exchanges

It makes sense to post custom posts with celebrities or brand advocates. You can find such people on your own or using exchanges such as Sociate. Before buying a post, research your celebrity profile or group activity. If you guess right with the audience, you will see an influx of new users to your site.

6. Comments under popular posts

The main rule of promotion in the comments is no advertising text, anchors, UTM tags and other things, only the native ad format and a link.

If the celebrity himself or the group administrator copies and places this link somewhere, then we will get not only traffic, but also brand advocates.

7. Viral content

This is a tricky way to generate traffic, but if you manage to start it, then a chain reaction will go. An example of viral advertising is the news "Pushkin and Lenin had a fight on Red Square over a client." Even Yandex began to promote this news, without realizing that it was an advertisement for the Pushkin series on STS.

8. Links from popular profiles

For example, you can find the profiles of popular YouTubers on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Steam, contact them and arrange to post your link on their profiles.

5 content marketing formats that drive traffic

1. Blogging

The main thing for a blog is to be alive. This means that it must be conducted regularly. In this case, the blog will generate traffic to the main site.

2. Publication of articles

In promoting articles, it is important to determine the right sites to host them based on your business. The content should be interesting to the target audience and be as native as possible. It is important that the audience believes you, then in the future they will turn to you to solve their problem.

3. Expert comments in articles

Use services like Pressfeed and others. By answering journalists' questions, you thereby gain expertise in the eyes of potential buyers. And mentioning your company or website in an article increases traffic.

4. Book publishing

Publishing books emphasizes your solidity and authority in the market. This type of content allows you to organize an additional source of traffic by publishing links in the text of the book.

5. Webinars

Webinars convert viewers into buyers well. Well-known blogger and marketer, founder of KISSmetrics Neil Patel cited data that, having held 77 webinars, he attracted over half a million people to his site, of which about 17,000 became buyers of his services.

2 ways to attract an audience from video hosting

1. YouTube video promotion

Video promotion works great for generating traffic. For example, you are explaining how to renovate a house. People are interested and go to the site.

2. YouTube video ads

20 other ways to bring customers to your site

1. Posts on thematic forums

The traffic from forums is the cheapest, it is cheaper than even commodity aggregators. At the same time, it is of high quality, because visitors to forums, as a rule, come there with a specific purpose, question, for help, and so on. It is enough to place posts with native advertising once, and they will generate conversions for a long time.

2. Commodity aggregators

Ideal for e-commerce. If you are trading something, go there first.

3. Advertising on Avito

On Avito, you can implement two marketing strategies. The first is buying contextual advertising. It is cheap and allows you to get quality traffic. The second is using priority placement. It can be used to advertise sites with services or stores. Many people post an ad ostensibly from a private person, and then transfer the person to their site.

4. Branding the forum thread on specialized sites

This type of advertising works well for the long term. Cheaper than contextual and display advertising, plus it allows you to increase brand awareness. It is often said that all conversations have gone to social networks. This is not the case, the forums are doing great.

5. Sponsorship / partnership

Advanced version of traffic generation from a branded forum - sponsorship and partnerships: for example, branding the main page of Lostfilm. Of course, it is expensive, and not everyone can afford it, but it is effective.

6. Traffic from photo hosting sites

7. Email newsletters

There are two types of email newsletters - triggered and content-based. Triggers are good for e-commerce. For example, a user visited a website, put something in the shopping cart, but in the end did not buy anything. The "abandoned cart" trigger is triggered, a letter with a discount immediately flies to the mail and, as a result, a person buys a product. And after a while, the cross-sell trigger is triggered and the client receives a letter with an offer for a related product.

You can congratulate him on his birthday, announce promotions from time to time, send special offers, and so on.

8. Couponers

If you work out the regional binding correctly, then you can get cheap and high-quality traffic from the couponer through the placement of display advertising. Entertainment-related goods such as concert tickets are good places to visit. In addition, you can use the coupon mailing list.

9. Links in the footer of customer sites

Suitable for studios that develop websites. In the contract for the creation of a site, write down the placement of a link to you in the footer. The more sites there are, the more traffic will be.

10. Broadcast RSS feed

An extravagant way of communicating with the audience, but nevertheless, if you constantly have news on your site, you can return the target audience to the site by broadcasting news about the company.

11. Ratings

12. Affiliate programs

A good example of an affiliate program is the club. Various discounts are held for its participants. This solution is suitable for e-commerce as a lead provider.

13. Offline advertising using QR codes and discount coupons

QR codes or discounts can be placed on receipts, handouts, coupons. Until paper is banned, this method of generating traffic to the site will live on.

14. SMS messaging

15. Link when copying text

16. Placement on otzoviks

Positive reviews on the websites of specialized services and in their applications will add another small trickle of traffic.

17. Advertising in mobile applications

There is a stereotype that advertising in mobile applications should be aimed primarily at itself, that is, at other mobile applications. This is not true. Advertising for real estate or financial services brings good results. But here it is especially important to carefully study the traffic, since users often simply miss the closing cross on the banner.

18. Placing in the service

We are looking for questions on our topic and then in a native format, with a link, we post the answer.

19. Messengers: WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram

Even after blocking, Telegram channels remain suppliers of high-quality traffic.

20. Catalogs and reference books

Directories and directories also generate a small traffic flow. Just post your company information there.


The number of visitors is one of the main indicators of a project's success in any area of ​​Internet business. Use the guidelines above for your project.

Do not forget to conduct a high-quality analysis of traffic sources. It is important not just to apply all 50 methods, but to choose the most effective for you.

You can learn more about how to analyze incoming traffic, plan promotion and develop advertising and PR strategies, and then apply the acquired skills in practice, having completed an internship at one of the top Russian digital agencies, you can sign up for a course.

We are developing a tool that allows you to analyze the link mass and site positions in organic search results.

We have noticed that users, in their pursuit of traffic and positions, forget about the main goal - to convert website visitors into customers. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how to increase the flow quality traffic to the site and increase income accordingly.

Most of the tips are about building organic traffic.

You only need traffic that will be directly or indirectly converted into sales. You don't have to chase high-frequency keywords - choose the ones that will bring in potential customers. Be aware of the purpose of the readers who are using that word for searches.

For example, the Email Soldiers blog. The main competence of the company is email marketing, with which the agency is associated. However, it is not the content optimized for the keyword "email marketing" that brings the most traffic. And it is the article about html-layout that gives the most transitions to the selling page.

That is, if you offer web design services, it is better to create content for the query "restaurant website design" that will attract users looking for a site for this purpose. But the collection of Photoshop brushes will target your competing designers.

2. Use your competitors' keywords

Keyword research is a time consuming task. To keep things simple, use words that your competitors are ranking for.

Let's imagine that we are opening an online store selling kiting equipment and clothing. What keywords are we going to focus on, besides “buy a kite”? Let's analyze competitors to collect ideas.

As a competitor, let's take the website of the store - one of the top Russian online platforms for the sale of swimming equipment. Check it out with Ahrefs Site Explorer to see which keywords are bringing them the most organic traffic.

Then we export the list of keywords to Excel and select the most suitable ones for our store. When choosing, we look at the potential traffic that they bring, the frequency of requests, the complexity of the keyword for ranking.

For example, you can focus on brand searches and optimize your catalog sections for keywords that include the names of well-known manufacturers of sportswear and swimwear. However, it is more difficult for new sites to reach the top for these queries due to their high competitiveness.

Better to use more specific queries related to the products themselves, such as "swimming goggles" or "pool player".

As you may have noticed, also maintains a blog. Let's analyze the keywords that bring targeted traffic to blog articles and use them to create our own useful content.

For example, the article “How to Choose Swimming Goggles - Pro Tips” brings a competitor 177 visits per month. If you write an article that covers this topic better than the material of the competition, you can reach the top spots in the search results and get more targeted traffic.

Analyze the sites of at least two of the main competitors and you will have amassed an impressive base of keywords for your content creation.

3. Answer questions from potential customers

Content will generate tons of quality search traffic if it answers your prospect's questions. And the products or services must solve their problems.

In fact, this is part of our own content strategy at Ahrefs. Here is the Most Popular Pages report for our blog at Site Explorer:

Five of the top ten pages on our blog are comprehensive instructions. Moreover, targeted traffic to them is constantly growing.

How do I find questions for content? These are the so-called "pain points" of users, which they often ask in a support chat, in a group on a social network, on various forums, etc.

Ahrefs 'Keyword Generator has a separate Questions service: it produces a list of keywords that answer users' questions.

If you are using services that do not have this feature, you can get such a list with a little trick.

Let's say you sell running gear. Search for the keyword "running shoes" and navigate to reports of phrase match or duplicate terms.

Now let's narrow down the list of suggestions by keywords, filtering it by question words. Let's enter the word “how” in the “Include” field and get a list of key phrase-questions:

These will form the basis for articles such as How to Choose the Right Running Shoes for Winter Running or How Often Should You Change Your Running Shoes: Expert Tips.

You can narrow this list by filtering by the number of requests or clicks.

4. Use longtails

Google's algorithm is smart enough to group individual keywords by topic and subtopic and understand synonyms. Our research has shown that a single page can easily rank for thousands of long tail keywords. But content on this topic should be detailed and explore all aspects of the problem.

When creating a longtail, optimize your content by topic, not by one keyword. If you are writing a dog training guide, try to include all the questions that are of interest to the owner of the animal.

Today it is ranked for more than 1.5 thousand keywords in Russia alone:

You can find dozens of longtail options in Related Searches in Google results, Google Trends, or Google Keyword Planner.

Make a list of longtails related to the topic you want to cover, and write your article in simple language by writing these words into the text.

In addition, it is important to use semantically similar keywords in h2 and h3 articles. The simplest trick for finding keywords for subheadings is to use the same “Related Searches” on the search results page.

So, if you are creating hair care instructions, be specific about your topic. You will have h2 subheadings "Hair care in winter / summer", "Care for oily / dry hair", "How to choose the right shampoo / balm / hair mask", etc.

And remember: your task is not to fill all the subheadings with synonyms, but to make the text as easy to read as possible.

This tactic, at first glance, contradicts the popular (but not very effective) advice to “publish fresh content more often”. But what's the point of posting more and more articles on your blog that no one else will see?

Instead, it's better to find pages that are already driving traffic and see how you can improve them to get more traffic.

Our blog had a guide to analyzing competitor sites that averaged about 150 visits per month from search.

We gave it a new lease of life: we added some tips, got rid of outdated data and images, and added a section with the best tools for competitive analysis.

Management is now getting nearly 4x more traffic from search even without link building.

More and more sites in the West use the tactic of updating old articles. Google loves updated content and ranks it higher. Sometimes even a simple trick of changing the publication date works.

Caveat: do not change the URL of the updated article. Otherwise, the search engine will perceive the page as new and you will lose the traffic that went before.

If you still decide to rewrite the URL of the updated article, set up a 301 redirect to it throughout the site. This is true if the URL includes the year used in the h1 article (for example, "Which running headphones to choose in 2018").

And make it a rule to use short URLs in which there will be no unnecessary information, only the keyword. This way you will avoid unnecessary hassle in the future.

I am not questioning the expert advice and traffic generation case studies that are on the web.

But if one tactic or strategy works like a spell in one niche, it can easily fail in another.

Test and adapt tips to fit your needs. For example, Ahrefs has managed to use large articles as the basis for smaller social media posts.

For example, we took our 75 SEO Tips Guide and started posting 2-3 separate recommendations per week on Twitter and Linkedin.

Each member of the affiliate program is interested in attracting high-quality targeted traffic to their pages. After all, only a stream of motivated users can bring the maximum return to the owner of the resource. Not everyone knows how to get targeted traffic and new users. This is exactly what we will talk about in the new material. But first, let's figure out the key concepts.

Targeted and non-targeted traffic

These concepts define the qualitative indicators of the flow of users visiting the site. - target audience of the page. Those visitors to whom the site, blog, online store or forum is intended. These visitors are interested in reading content, purchasing products or ordering services offered on the pages. Target users know exactly what they are looking for and visit a specific Internet address for this purpose.

Each resource, regardless of its purpose, needs regular visitors, clients, readers or discussion participants. These users generate income.

Visitors who accidentally hit the page who are not interested in the topic of the resource are inappropriate traffic. And such users will not become regular visitors, but will only skim the page they came to once and leave it, most likely, forever.

Non-targeted visitors who regularly visit the site due to incorrectly placed or created ads can reduce the search position of the page and harm the resource.

Effective ways to attract targeted visitors

Traffic attraction mechanisms can be divided into active and passive:

Audience acquisition methods can be paid or free. Paid ones work faster, free ones require the attention and efforts of company employees.

We will not touch upon those methods that are not applicable on partner resources.

Advertisements and banners

Affiliate networks provide ample opportunities for placing advertising messages. In the advertising service catalog AdButton you can group the advertising sites of partners according to different parameters in order to select the most relevant ones.

The more accurately the subject of the resource and the place on the site for a specific ad are selected, the more chances you have to avoid attracting low-quality traffic (bots) and non-targeted visitors. In good affiliate networks, all advertising sites are thoroughly checked for conscientiousness, filtering those where they "wind up" traffic with the help of robots.

Another important consideration is the quality of the banner or ad text layout. A well-designed message that matches the style of the ad site and is visible in the block will bring more clicks than a hastily typeset template.

The cost of placing banners on an advertising platform pays off quite quickly, but an advertising campaign in an affiliate program, like any other, needs control and analytics. Evaluation of the number of targeted clicks and the resulting profit helps to correctly adjust the course of the campaign, avoid wasted expenses and focus on those sites that bring more high-quality traffic.

Thematic blogs and sites

In addition to image and text ads on partner pages, there are other ways to attract user flow. For example, placing advertising or informational content on an affiliate site:

  • articles;
  • press releases;
  • reviews;
  • recommendations;
  • analytics;
  • infographics;
  • video and other information.

Such materials can be marked as "partner" or posted without signatures.

This method demonstrates the maximum efficiency on the pages of blogs, copyright resources, thematic forums and sites. But to achieve a good result, links to the advertiser's page should be surrounded by relevant text, keywords should be organically placed in articles and large text materials.

In addition to blogs, forums and sites for posting partner materials, popular pages or communities in social networks are also suitable. The principle of placing links must be followed the same as for ordinary web resources.

Benefits of attracting traffic from affiliate resources

Why are affiliate pages a source of high-quality traffic to the advertiser's website? There are several reasons for this:

  • Affiliate web pages have a constant audience, their high level of traffic can be several times higher than the traffic of advertised resources.
  • Correctly selected partner sites collect target users on their pages, guaranteed to be interested in the advertiser's products, services or content.
  • Verified partner sites redirect live users, protecting the advertiser from the flow of bots.


Choose good partner networks to increase traffic to your resource and increase sales. Create high-quality advertising materials that are interesting to target visitors. We hope from the material you have read you have received information on where to get targeted thematic traffic. Earn money on your website!

Consider a hypothetical situation: you've built a great website, a great mobile app, or a great online store. You also have clients who are loyal to your traditional, non-digital business and have written many compliments about you on social media.

“It doesn't matter how beautiful a site is, if no one comes to it, good luck building your internet business,” - John Brandon, editor of

It was, of course, a joke about customers obediently following their favorite brand from offline to online - if everything were that simple, the Internet industry with a turnover of billions of dollars would become absolutely useless.

Your landing pages / sites may be awesome, but most likely, by default, they are in the "dark corner" of the Internet, where traffic is as rare as the appearance of a Loch Ness monster in front of astonished bystanders.

So what do you do?

You should consider driving new visitors to your landing page or eCommerce site. You need to build your own traffic acquisition strategy. There are a number of options for this, from paid advertisements to content marketing. We'll cover these topics, but first a key concept needs to be explained:

Connect with the audience.

You must use your traffic acquisition strategy to connect with your target audience - the people most likely to become paying customers.

Even if you're new to internet marketing, you've probably read a lot about blogging, paid advertising traffic channels, and social media marketing. This guide takes a different approach - providing the holistic view needed to create a powerful marketing strategy.

Acquiring traffic is much more than search engine marketing (SEM) using Google AdWords: it is one of the most important marketing techniques to reach your target audience.

Clients are needed, not just traffic

Marketers often group traffic into different categories: traffic that converts into sales and traffic that is unusable. Traffic that converts over the long term, and traffic that converts in direct response to the conversion action. There is "junk" traffic, good traffic, targeted traffic. What does all this mean?

Some kind of traffic is more valuable to your company than others. But this distinction is always subjective and depends on the unique needs of your business. As has been emphasized many times throughout this guide, you must understand your marketing goals so that it is from this perspective that you will be able to determine what traffic is right for you.

This means taking a step back to see the big picture and understand your customer acquisition goal.

What target audience are you hoping to attract?

First of all, answer this question. The next step is to determine where exactly the people you want are grouped on the Internet. You may decide that the most direct and productive way to generate leads is to reach your audience through Facebook or LinkedIn. You may decide that you need to expand your blog's readership.

The Speak2Leads cloud service, for example, is in the very early stages of launching a traffic acquisition strategy. As part of this process, the company launches a blog on its website featuring posts from top-selling industry leaders.

But here's the problem - the site does not yet have a wide audience. Speak2Leads regularly publishes new content, so over time, the blog will certainly have readers. But this process does not happen by magic, and the problem of attracting an audience will not be solved overnight - it takes time, dedication and patience. Realistically, it takes 6 to 8 months for a blog to show itself as a lead generation factor.

At the same time, Speak2Leads granted the rights to publish their texts on third-party sites ( syndicated content) such as Business2Community, a website with an established audience of small business owners, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. And that's not all - Business2Community, in turn, syndicated this content to the Yahoo Small Business marketing platform.

Publish your content initially on a blog, then expand your audience by distributing the original content. The idea is to find an audience that is much larger than yours and establish a substantive connection with it. One way to do this is by posting ads on social media. Another way is to distribute branded content through a major online publisher.

This distinction brings us to an important point: distribution is the heart of internet marketing. To direct visitors to the site, you need to position the brand outside the Internet... This current concept applies to almost any marketing environment.

Eagle Rock Brewery has grown its craft beer customer base through partnerships with local restaurants.

Eagle Rock Brewery's marketing practice embodies a concept previously adopted by Estee Lauder to create its cosmetics business - it distributed products through department stores, i.e., in places where target customers are likely to spend money. Today, Estee Lauder's international empire is worth billions.

The main difference between buying traffic and more traditional distribution methods is that you have to do more than just go where your potential customers are likely to be. Attract them to your landing pages / sites and motivate them to come back.

Understand the key drivers of internet traffic

Key driving forces - drivers- traffic usually falls into one of two categories - paid and free.

Free traffic includes visitors coming to landing pages / sites through organic search, word of mouth from referrals, social media posts, viral videos, news agencies that track your company's online activities and link to your site.

Paid traffic includes users who come to your web resource through banner ads, social media ads, paid blog posts, etc. support ”or“ from our partners ”. Companies are required by law to indicate when advertising is paid.

One of the most famous online marketing myths is that free traffic is better than paid traffic. This is not true - both types of marketing require a significant investment of time and money. In other words, "free traffic" is by no means free - you still need to invest time and human capital in developing a sound strategy and implementing it.

The next two paragraphs provide a general overview of paid and free Internet traffic drivers. Let's start with the big picture and go deeper into the details.

Use free traffic drivers

There are several major sources of free visits in online marketing. These include the following channels:

Public Relations:

To gain attention from media channels, establish relationships with journalists. To act in the best interests of the brand, connect with the top bloggers in the industry and give them your content to post.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Develop a strategy for increasing the position of your site in search engines. When potential customers are looking for information on the Internet, your brand should be at the top of the SERP.

Social media:


Share your knowledge and expert opinions through the blog. This will make you a reliable source of information for existing / potential customers.

Video marketing:

Create compelling videos that explain your offers and tell your brand story. Branded videos also have some entertainment value and create a “viral effect”.

Content syndication:

No audience for video or text content, what does your company produce? Put content on your home site and distribute it through websites or video channels (such as YouTube) that have a wider audience. Part of the viewers or readers covered by your content will go to the landing page or website

Create a subscription base:

Attract visitors just once is not enough... Encourage them to come back again and again. A list of email addresses will help you achieve this goal. For example, you can send a notification to subscribers about new blog posts (see example below):

As we mentioned in the previous section, the term "free traffic" can be misleading. No magic - companies still need to invest time and resources to build a traffic acquisition strategy through the channels listed above.

Take the Speak2Leads blog as an example. As we mentioned, the brand syndicates its own content with third-party media outlets including Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business. The company also promotes its blog posts through salesperson discussion groups on social networking site LinkedIn, social knowledge sharing service Quora on CRM-related topics, and to some extent on Twitter.

Although the blog is relatively new, these posts drive a small amount of referral traffic to the Speak2Leads site. Speak2Leads content is shared by members of LinkedIn groups interested in reading these posts. Readers who liked the article share a link to it on social networks.

If a company decides to syndicate content, the article is republished by Business2Community and Yahoo Small Business, directing referral traffic to either Speak2Leads directly or via social media.

The cost of the actual web traffic is zero. But building this "marketing engine" requires payment:

  • Hiring a content strategist who oversees editorial policy and builds relationships with a content syndication partner (Business2Community).
  • Writing time, often costly (the CEO's time spent on an article is paid at a higher rate), or the direct cost of hiring a copywriter or editor.
  • The costs associated with building a social marketing strategy, as well as the individual costs of conducting promotions in social networks.

But your team's skills will lower your marketing costs. A case in point is the story of Dollar Shave Club, a Santa Monica-based subscription-based start-up men's shaving kit.

CEO Michael Dubin had some experience as an improvisational actor. Therefore, Michael and his colleagues made a funny "viral video".

Result? Millions of dollars in venture funding and 5,000 new customers signing up to deliver shaving kits within one day of the campaign launch - all thanks to a video that cost just $ 4,500.

Don't expect great video or great copy to drive traffic to your web resources overnight. Enchanting success stories - as shown in Hollywood movies - are rare, especially in online marketing. Take a lesson from Karen Cheng, founder of the video channel Dance in a Year.

So, Karen learned to dance for a year and daily documented this process on video. On early recordings, she moves like a beginner in dancing. As the video reports continue, you can see that Karen's movements become more and more polished. On the final recordings, she dances like a real professional.

Karen's videos tell an amazing story of patience, dedication and performance. They give strength. They are inspiring. This is why this "home movie" has over 6,000,000 views on YouTube today.

What looks like luck at first glance is actually part of Karen's carefully planned marketing strategy.

“I put a lot of effort into marketing, and it started long before the first video was released. It was not an accident that it went viral - it was the result of labor, ”- Karen Cheng in an article for Fast Company magazine.

Here's what Karen writes about her marketing moves:

2. On the second day, bloggers who had seen Karen's video the day before began to retell her story through new media channels: Mashable, Jezebel and Huffington Post. These blogs have provided a significant increase in traffic to Karen's video channel. Expanding the range of traffic sources increased the number of views to 800,000 per day.

3. The popularity of the video pushed Karen to the YouTube homepage. This chain of events helped Karen reach 1.8 million views on her third day.

The video also helped connect with potential sponsors of Karen's project. Among them - Lululemon and American Apparel - two brands from which Karen wanted to get info-support. The offer did not go unanswered: the companies posted her video on their social accounts.

Among other things, Karen released her video on Tuesday, guessing that on Monday, potential viewers would likely be catching up at work for things they hadn't finished before the weekend. Her tactic was to "catch" the audience in the offices at the right time, keeping the entire week available for the ad to grow in popularity.

The beauty of strategy lies in two aspects:

  • Marketing and distribution of the product is relatively cheap.
  • The strategy applies to any quality unique content, including eBooks and blog posts.

It is also important to understand the “echo effect” caused by this marketing initiative: if you enter the phrase “learn to dance” into Google, Karen's video will be at the very top of the first SERP.

Google Keyword Planner reports that this phrase refers to highly competitive search terms - in other words, there is a tense battle for the attention of users asking search engines "How to learn to dance?"

Karen's video, promoted by the high social and PR activity of its creator, is in the top ten best search results. This high SERP ranking generates a strong residual effect and drives up traffic.

"How to learn to dance?" - highly competitive search query

When attracting visitors to your site for the first time, take care of their return immediately. Sending emails is an inexpensive and powerful way to achieve this key marketer goal. This is how the PassivePanda blog grew its audience from zero to 350,000 unique visitors in a year.

If you ever feel confused in your marketing practice, remember: people are the heart and soul of your marketing strategy. You must fight for the love, support, and attention of your audience.

Buy traffic? - Also a great solution!

Paid marketing channels are powerful traffic drivers. These include online banner ads, search marketing campaigns on Google, Yandex, Bing, and retargeting campaigns that target users who have visited your landing pages / sites before.

Buying paid traffic is a powerful strategy if you need to build brand awareness or drive customers to landing pages / eCommerce sites.

With enough care, the online advertising ecosystem will dramatically improve your company's bottom line. But if you spend your advertising budget without setting your ultimate goals, then buying traffic will not be beneficial.

Small business owners and startup organizers are often hesitant to buy traffic.


On the one hand, they are skeptical about online marketing in general. On the other hand, they do not want to risk their funds. But by ignoring paid marketing channels, you are missing out on users.

Facebook, for example, launched an ad program in which marketers purchase traffic on a CPI (Cost Per Install) basis. Users install applications directly from the Facebook mobile platform, and advertisers pay for each such action.

In addition, in terms of the cost parameter, this method of acquiring traffic is more than competitive - sometimes the cost of a visitor costs less than $ 1. Facebook isn't the only mobile advertising platform - there are a number of options available to equate the amounts your target customers are willing to pay with the prices needed to achieve a level of profitability (positive ROI).

And here's the thing: Companies that avoid the risk of investing in paid marketing channels are probably doing it wrong. Contrary to what our instincts tell us, marketing is not a waste pipe for money. Done right, marketing becomes a reliable profit driver.

The Harvard Business Review, one of the most respected online business publications, published an article entitled End the War between Sales and Marketing. The meaning of the article is clear from the title: both business units are included in one team, the power of which increases exponentially when sales and marketing are equal in importance and work together.

When your marketers know their job, they don't even need to spend on budget. This is a controversial point of view, but it needs to be made public. If your marketing department is a money sink, then it is probably best to dissolve it. Why else pay into the void?

The trick, however, is not to spend a million more effectively. Start your tests with a small investment in marketing (aka "budget") and increase your budget gradually. Here's something that business owners will be especially pleased to know - testing can even start with a hundred dollars. Yes, you will lose them, but the trick is to save the data you collect about which pricing models, targeting options, and ad networks are best for you.

The AdRoll cloud service allows you to develop and launch a new retargeting campaign in just 3 steps. In fact, you get $ 60 for a two-week trial as a gift.

One more step - and a new retargeting campaign will be launched

With the presence of online media giants such as Facebook and Google - as well as thousands of small companies - the PPC marketing industry is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. And rest assured: these numbers are constantly growing (we will dwell on the methods of successfully buying traffic in the next posts of the Online Marketing for Beginners series).

Inbound marketing as a pull mechanism for your company

Inbound marketing is a term popularized by the Boston marketing company HubSpot over the past few years. This term is catchy and memorable, but what exactly does it mean?

In a nutshell: inbound marketing is a kind of "lever" that directs traffic to your landing pages and websites. It is a marketing discipline that encourages business leaders to position their companies as “pull” rather than “push” market mechanisms.

Examples of inbound marketing include branded content (distributed through blogs and video channels), social media, and giveaways / free sample products. Inbound marketing is optimal for companies positioning themselves as opinion leaders in a certain field and valuable sources of information.

As with any marketing initiative, quality is essential. If the content is bad, no one wants to read or watch it, share links to it (because there are many others on the Internet - good- texts, videos, etc.). The only thing your company cannot do is fake authenticity marketing message. So focus on value, not gimmicks that potential customers see right through.

Key findings

1. Marketing makes your web resources more visible on the internet.

2. Traffic by itself does not work. You have to invest the time and energy to connect you with the right audience and bring visitors to your landing pages.

3. It takes time and resources to acquire traffic. Invest them in strategy and back up the plans with action.

4. Marketing generates income. If there is no measurable return on investment, you are probably doing something wrong.

5. Don't jump to the conclusion that paid traffic is inferior to organic traffic. Well-organized PPC campaigns are very effective.

6. Concentrate on the quality of products and marketing content. If it's blindingly good, there will be an “echo effect” that translates into free social media marketing and repeat visits to your landing pages / sites for a long time.

7. Consumers feel cheating from miles away. Show them the respect they deserve. Start with targeted customers and work the conversion path backwards to refine your marketing strategy.

High conversions for you!

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