Bitcoin What can be paid. Covered lavetles: legally spend bitcoins in Russia? An interesting way to purchase goods in almost any known online stores

On the Internet you can already find a large amount of information about the mining, exchange or sale of bitcoins, Etheriums and other cryptocurrency online. The site will look at this topic from the opposite point of view - how to spend cryptogenics in the real world. Many will surprise what a large number of opportunities offers the market.

Olga Rusakov from the Micromoney Blockchain project finds the contact point of cryptomir with real life

Over the past couple of years, enthusiasts spent a lot of experiments, trying to live for a certain period of time without any money, paying goods and services only by Bitcoins. For example, a journalist CNBC seven mods led such a lifestyle during the week, paying off bitcoins in the shops and cafes of New York. Kashmir Hill, Forbes correspondent, did the same. She even managed to organize a trip, dinner in luxury restaurants and give a tip girl from the strip club in Satosha. All of them came to the conclusion that it was a little difficult, but quite feasible.

Bitcoin ATMs

The first thing that immediately comes to mind is Bitcoin ATMs. According to Coin ATM Radar, there are such devices in 58 countries, while around the world there are about one and a half thousand BITCOIN-ATMs (perhaps more, because not all ATMs are registered on this portal). At the top of the list by the number of ATMs, the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are located, and this rating is closed - twenty countries with one ATM in each country - for example, Thailand, Brazil and Kazakhstan.

ATMs look pretty modern, smart and attractive, but it cannot be said about those places where they are located. As a rule, they are put in small grocery stores or snack bars, although most of them are in lively areas near the city centers - places that are easy to find. ATMs are often lost directly between bottles of alcohol and magazines.

Bitcoin ATMs in London

Unfortunately, in these ATMs, so far can only be used by Bitcoins, despite the fact that the amount of cryptocurrency has long exceeded 1000, according to Coinmarketcap. Information about blogs appeared in blogs, but where it is - is still unknown.

ATMs can be divided into two types: those that require verification of the identifier, and those that do not. The type of check depends on the supplier of ATMs and local legislation. You can pass verification when scanning ID documents by checking SMS (you must enter a mobile phone number and get code) or using biometrics (palm scan). There are suppliers that produce ATMs that combine all these methods.

You can verify with biometric parameters and the presentation of the ID at the same time.

Verification of documents is usually required in countries where cryptocurrencies are subject to taxation (for example, USA, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc.). But even there you can easily find an ATM without such requirements.

The process is as follows. Usually an ATM allows you to perform three or four types of operations: buy bitcoins, sell bitcoins and replenish the bill, as well as transmit bitcoins to someone. For all these operations, a person needs an electronic wallet in the application on a mobile phone. Therefore, the user must select any available option, enable the QR code of the electronic wallet on the phone screen and scan it so that the ATM receive the recipient's address.

If the user has no cryptococheries, you can immediately download it from the ATM screen (just scan the QR code to start loading).

As an alternative version, the system will offer to register a temporary paper wallet in the form of a receipt or a ticket with a private key and QR code (it seems that the crypton shock is the only area where QR codes have received successful use).

Paper electronic wallets

When bitcoins are sold, a person can get a ticket and make money (finally fitate). Do not forget about the time that will be required to confirm the transaction (this is about 7-10 minutes on average).

The problem is not only in the period of waiting, but also in commissions who receive the owner of the ATM and the Exchange. Also, do not forget about taxes in some countries. The user sells or buys coins inside the exchange, which means that the client sells bitcoins in accordance with the price offered right now, and sometimes it is not always optimal, and sometimes it happens below the market. In addition, some ATM owners set a limit of operations in the amount of $ 800 to $ 1000. The average amount of transactions is 200-300 US dollars, therefore, the more acquired funds, the greater the requirements for identification. Thus, it is not always profitable to cash out large amounts.

Online shopping

The most obvious way to spend virtual money in the real world is to visit online stores that take bitcoins. In fact, their hundreds - from giants, such as Aliexpress or Overstock, to tiny specialized stores with clothing, food, jewelry and other products. For example, cosmetics for mustache, leather accessories or some meat snacks.

If the store takes bitcoins, an orange-white Bitcoin logo will be displayed on the site, usually at the bottom of the home page in one row with other payment methods. There may be other options, for example, the phrase "here take to pay bitcoin." Experts recommend always to learn about this option: some services announced it, but reminded the reminder due to technical problems, local laws or due to low popularity.

The payment process is pretty simple: after purchasing the system generates the Bitcoin address to send a payment or QR code to scan using an electronic wallet on a mobile device. This is the most vulnerable part of the process: if the user makes an error when copying and insert, before pressing the "Submit" button, it will not have any goods or money: operations with bitcoins are irreversible.

Some sites use a payment processor (for example, BitPay or Coinbase) for incoming payments, so the client is redirected to another page to get a final amount in Bitcoins and the destination address.

Confirmation that the service takes bitcoins as payment

Payment by bitcoins


With the help of Bitcoins, you can rent a car, pay for domains and hosting, book tickets or hotel, there are in cafes and restaurants, to make donations, buy gift cards, play online and more. Here is a list of websites to search for such services in a specific region:

  • Search engine tickets Flight Search Engine
  • Bitcoinwiki.

Even global corporations use or ever tried to use payments in Bitcoins: Expedia, Dell, Microsoft, Overstock, etc. There are such services that allow you to use bitcoins where they have never been accepted. Just buy a gift card on bitcoins using Egifter and GYFT and pay for it Uber or Starbucks, for example.

For example, the private space company Richard Branson Virgin Galactic offered its customers to pay cosmic flights with bitcoins. Nicosia University in Cyprus and the University of Crabria in the United Kingdom did the same to pay for training.

Payment of education by bitcoins

There are areas and even entire cities in which all the conditions for using Bitcoins are created as a payment. For example, in the Swiss Tsuget, utilities and other public services can be paid in Bitcoins.

Pros and cons

Cryptocurrency is popular and even legal in many countries, so the number of places where you can spend your digital money, grows every year. Moreover, you do not need to exchange your currency on the local one. Another advantage of cryptocurrency is the simplicity with which you can start your electronic wallet and open an account for several clicks, even if you are still a teenager without documents. However, there are some weaknesses.

First, the level of coverage of bitcoins even in large cities is still low, and you need to get to the place hosting bitcoins (and find it, if such, of course, is). Sometimes you can be the first person who decided to pay in such an unusual way, so you need to explain your intentions to the cashier and the entire process.

Second unpleasant thing - hidden fees for transactions, processing of payments, the use of ATMs and other operations. All experimenters who tried to use Bitcoin in everyday life (we mentioned above) complained that they had additional costs 40% more compared to cash. And yes, taxes sometimes go as VAT for cryptocurrency in some countries.

Thirdly, as a user of bitcoins you are especially vulnerable to fraudsters, because bitcoin transactions are irreversible, and if you are deceived, you probably will be impossible to return your money. In fact, the process is similar to sending to someone cash by mail: you can send money anonymously, but you cannot cancel the transaction.

Fourth, places where they accept payment in other cryptocurrencies is difficult to find. Probably, only on sites where people change something, including ethers and other cryptocurrency.

The last but no less important thing is to know: each cryptocurrency operation must be approved, and it takes time, so you can get into the situation when you find that we are waiting for an hour to just pay for lunch.

If you are not afraid - welcome to a new decentralized cryptomyr.

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The topics of mining, conversion, purchase and sale cryptocurrencies arise regularly. However, in everyday life, any money acquires value when they can be spent on anything. Is it really really the turnover of cryptocurrency - is it only something from the world of crime and they are needed only when led by some dark divisies? Let's see where and how to pay cryptocurrency absolutely legally, using it for everyday needs.

When we say "cryptocolivota", then practically in all cases I mean Bitcoin. Yes, the bill of virtual currencies has already walked for hundreds, but if we intend to spend such "coins", and not to make them the subject of speculation, you need to focus on Bitcoin and a couple of other "currencies", since the fame and prevalence of cryptocurrencies in this case become Critical factor.

The cryptocurrency still remains a wonder, although more and more firms try to work with it both online and offline. At the same time, many such projects, especially in the real world, are often experimental. They appear often imperceptibly and can stop their existence after a while. Thus, awareness of the current state of affairs becomes important, fresh information about the receiving cryptocurrency points. It is necessary to make a reservation at once that in the territory of the Russian Federation, direct calculations in any cryptocurrencies are not officially welcome. So spending virtual coins will have abroad.

The best starting point in the search for bitcoins hosts is the sites aggregators, in the catalogs of which are collected links to shops and services that work with cryptocurrency. Let's start with the official "Bitcoinovsky" wiki, where in the Trade section ( present hundreds of links to resources offering to pay for goods and services by bitcoins. The list is quite detailed and accompanied by a table. Therefore, I will dwell only on the overall characterization of the situation.

The most massive representation, which is quite explained, have companies that provide various services online. With the help of Bitcoins, you can pay for hosting, domain name registration, online cloud services, VPN and anonymizers. Working with this cryptocurrent supports WordPress. There is a number of Internet telephony services and send SMS for bitcoins. There are including anonymous services that do not require registration of accounts services, benefits such payments can be performed directly between the participants of the transaction.

If we talk about online stores, it is mostly institutions selling electronics and clothing, although jewelry shops come across, and colors order services. Why there are flowers, you can even buy tickets to space! Virgin Galactic ( is paid in Bitcoins (, which is engaged in the development of suburbital commercial tourism.

One of the notable directions is various donations in Bitcoins. Options are enough: from the Electronic Frontier Foundation ( - a well-known organization engaged, and unsuccessfully, protecting freedoms on the Internet, to a kind of online paste Outrageos requests (, where anyone can try to score bitcoin-other on Some kind of needs. Finally (I will not throw out the words from the song) One of the largest lists is all sorts of online casinos.

If we talk about stores selling material goods, prices are usually given in dollars, and in bitcoins that follow the role of peculiar "conditional units". CONTINUES, as a rule, coincide with the courses of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. Very important nuance - delivery conditions. American stores in this regard are not the best choice. The fact is that international delivery is not available everywhere, many American points work only with customers from the USA, moreover, do not accept orders received from the continental part of this country.

If we talk about the domestic use of bitcoins, then cryptocurrencies have several advantages over other methods of payment, including credit cards. Since you can create an unlimited number of wallets, they can be generated for each individual transaction, which increases the level of safety. Transactions pass quite quickly. There are no bank fees, there is no need to register somewhere and then confirm their identity for a long time and to prove the integrity.

The process of ordering and buying in such stores is not much different from a similar routine in Internet shops trading for ordinary currencies. Nuances are present only on the product payment page. Instead of the number and other credit data data, a link and QR code are offered, which open your Bitcoin client and contain all the data for translation. Everything is really very simple, especially if the BitPay system is used specifically designed to integrate cryptocurrency in business solutions.

In addition to Internet orders, bitcoins can be spent in the real world. A good help to search for such local proposals will be the coinmap service ( It contains a world map, which marks places where bitcoins and lightcoins are taken. In addition to direct practical value, such a map allows you to analyze the proposals for which you can spend cryptocurrency. Take for example, Europe, which, if neither twist, geographically closer to us. If we talk about the number of points taking cryptocurrency, then their most in the UK, Italy, the Netherlands. After acquaintance with the map it becomes clear that work with Bitcoins is still experimenting than normal practice. Still, the number of such items albeit hundreds for the countries most advanced in this direction, but in a common scale, this is a drop in the sea. Yes, and experiment mostly small private firms, and not more or less large players. Be that as it may, there is a desire to bring the calculations in cryptocurrency towards ordinary human needs - presented cafes and car services, tennis clubs and campgrounds. It is convenient that for each such object on the map immediately gives the address of the website and contact information with telephones.

Cryptocurrency quietly makes steps towards consumers. It seems to me that the future will truly open with it when it is not only an object of speculation and a means to make a bet in the online casino, and when with its help, figuratively expressing, it will be possible to buy pizza, aspirin or batteries. In conclusion, I note that the anonymity of Bitcoin is not absolute. If you do not make additional security measures, transactions can be compared with a particular person on the basis of mathematical analysis of the behavior of participants in transactions. The relevant studies were conducted, and the network can be found published on the topic.

Goods of essentials and objects of luxury, appliances and applications, flights to space and pay for training - more and more institutions in the world are accepted along with fate currencies. We will look at the main services that allow you to pay for digital coins, a particular attention will be paid to the issue of searching for such points.

Of mostly investment instruments, Bitcoin turns into a full payment tool. And although this is officially recognized only in Japan, nevertheless payment in the form of tokens is accepted both the market giants and minor trading platforms. We give a list of online stores and physical organizations that allow you to spend acquired, earned or namine bitcoins.


Decentralized marketer, where all goods are sold exclusively for bitcoins. At the site, sellers directly interact with buyers. You can buy anything that you want: from handmade products, to food, technology, clothing, art objects. For the placement of the goods or the commission of transactions of the Commission is not charged. To start using, you must download and install a special application on a computer or mobile device.

The final version of the site was released in early November 2017. In addition, to enhance the anonymity of OpenBazaar users was integrated from the TOR network. In the future, in addition to Bitcoin, here will be available for payment and other altcoins, one of which can become Monero.

Overstock's online trade giant began to take Bitcoin back in 2014. A recently, the American retailer has agreed on cooperation with the ShapeShift platform. This allows online stores operating on Overstock, now besides Bitcoin to take as payment and other cryptocurrency among which the air, Dash, Lightcoin, Bitcoin Cash.

The site is considered one of the largest sellers of the mass market. Here you can find anything: from furniture, jewelry, cosmetics, technicians to garden equipment and even cars. Handmade items are presented, which are made in a single instance.


The well-known manufacturer of DELL computers also uses bitcoins for calculations for a long time - from mid-2014. Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange is used for payments. You can buy a variety of products: laptops, desktop PCs, network equipment, projectors and more.

How to be if the store does not accept bitcoins for payment? For example, Amazon. For help in this case, the service is PURSE.IO. The platform works simply - the user chooses the desired product and adds it to the basket on Purse. Further, anyone pays for the purchase of fate money, and in return receives bitcoins from the buyer.

It would seem that the benefits are obvious to all. However, this process exists in this process. First, the service does not displays the entire assortment of the product presented on Amazon. Secondly, it is impossible to view feedback from other users about the product or leave yours.

Currently, Ebay and Amazon trading platforms consider the possibility of direct deployment of payment in Bitcoins. And if the Amazon only went predominantly rumors, then Ebay's leadership seriously became interested in this issue.


We can plan a trip and pay for a trip and accommodation in Bitcoins using or services. Here you can choose the airfare both at one end, so back and back, book a room in the hotel, lay a complex route. In addition to Cheapair, you can also order a car.

From other platforms, we note:

  • Btctrip;

The New York company Btctrip calls itself not otherwise as "Travel agency for the Kryptovalut owner community." In addition to Bitcoin, it also works with Lightcoin and DOGECOIN. Takes bitcoins and the famous travel bureau from America With the help of these services, you can get at any time to any corner of the planet.

Other options

Bitcoins today you can pay for your studies in individual universities. The first of these institutions began to take digital tokens Cypriot Universities. Later, they picked up the idea of \u200b\u200bKings-College in New York, University of Applied Sciences Lucerne from Switzerland and other universities.

Cryptovaya can be calculated for flights to space - a digital currency receives the company Virgin Galactic billionaire Richard Branson. It is also possible to rent a satellite for 5 years through BitsPremier. Denison Yachting offers to acquire the bits of famous brands for bitcoins. At the auctions that ASPIRE holds, you can pay with coins when buying an exclusive antiques, ancient artifacts.

Cryptocurrency is accepted during the provision of medical services. Thus, the American Center Andi Murphy provides its customers with the opportunity to pay to the tokens both therapeutic procedures and psychological advice.

In Avtraralia, there have been a Living Room of Satoshi service for several years, the name of which is translated as "Sostio Satoshi". With its help, citizens of the country can pay bitcoins utilities, training in universities, repay debt. The site also works with ether, monoro, Lightcoin.

The convenient option is to order a gift card for bitcoins on and Egifter services. Here you can become the owner of the maps of famous brands and services: Adidas, Nike, Dunkin Donuts, Burger King, Starbucks and many others.

Not a problem to spend bitcoins and for charity. The digital currency as donations today is adopted by an independent organization that occupies the Ecology Greenpeace, Bulgarian Bithope, which attracts the attention of the owners of tokens to global problems, as well as the Red Cross not needed.

How to find services

There are specialized platforms that allow you to quickly find points taking Bitcoin, in different countries of the world.


Convenient service that allows you to find goods on the Internet available for bitcoins. Working with him is very simple. It is enough to enter the product name, and the platform will give a list of sites, where it can be purchased for digital currency. Among them will be like large stores and minor sellers.


This service is a map on which you can find receiving bitcoins of sellers. All offers are sorted for convenience by headings: hotels, hostels, airports, motorcycle rentals and auto, resorts and more.

Another world map, where stores are shown that they work with Bitcoin. Such cards are also convenient because it is immediately seen in which parts of the planet is the most points taking cryptocurrency. In particular, this includes the United States, Japan, Western European countries.


This service will help to find an ATM to convert bitcoins to a fate currency. This is especially useful if there is no money available, and nobody takes digital coins from your location. According to the latest data, today BTM ATMs are located in more than 6 dozen countries. Their total quantity has already exceeded 2 thousand.

Services in Russia

Many shops above delivering goods to Russia. As for services directly in the country, which take digital coins, then their number is actively increasing with each month.

In the field of food, we note the Moscow Coffee Show Headquarters, Pub "Pivotek 465", IT-Bar "Key" from St. Petersburg, which is positioned as a cafe for guys with an excellent atmosphere. Farm food restaurant Valenok began taking bitcoins this summer. Also for the convenience of clients, the institution plans to establish cryptocurrency ATMs.

You can eat for cryptocurrency in the specialized Moscow cryptobar "Evening School". Payment is possible except Bitcoin still Lightcoin and Ether. The institution also hosts thematic seminars and lectures, considering various themes of cryptoinducture.

For a while, bitcoins and a network of fast food restaurants subway, presented in 110 countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. Whether they will return to this practice again, while it is unknown.

Environmentally friendly products for bitcoins can be purchased in the farm cooperative Lavkalavka. Coins are accepted in all cafes, shops and even on the market. For clothing tokens allows you to pay the St. Petersburg G-Shine Store. For tokens, sells subscriptions in the fitness room of a well-known Nano Fitness club. Cryptocurrency pays the Tomsk School of Digital Technologies TSMIT, which to conduct educational master classes and circles for children.

From autumn began to take cryptocurrency one of the largest online stores specializing in digital technology and non-food users of Yulmart. At first, more expensive goods are available for tokens. The site planned to start working with Bitcoin back in 2014, but then it stopped the possible introduction of criminal responsibility for carrying out operations with digital coins.

Legal Prime GS Consulting is an international company that provides legal services in Russia. Now the Russians for the consultation of an experienced lawyer can pay digital tokens.

You can buy computer games on Games Planet and G2A Game Store for tokens. At the same time, the well-known Steam platform has stopped at the reception of the Bitcoin. The main reason is too high cryptocurrency volatility, as well as large commissions during payments.

Services in Ukraine

Does not lag behind world trends and Ukrainian crypto community. There are also more shops and companies receiving digital coins.

The famous Ukrainian domain name registrar and hosting provider, which has been in the market for almost 15 years, RX-NAME, sees great advantages when turning on cryptocurrencies to the list of payment methods. The company's management is confident that it gives them the opportunity to not lose customers from Asia or Europe, which can now easily pay for the services they need.

She picked up the world trend and another no less popular Hosting company Unihost. Here for virtual coins, purchase a VPS, SSL certificate, you can register a domain name since the end of 2013. In addition to Bitcoin, Lightcoin also accepts the service.

ASIC Trade is the official distributor of mining equipment of well-known manufacturers. And therefore it is not surprising that the company allows you to purchase ashiki and bitcoins. The same story and the Ukrainian startup HOTMINE, which specializes in miners with the heating function of the premises.

In the legal sphere, the first began to take Bitcoin Juscutum, which is engaged in an IT area and media right. Since the firm often has to cooperate with foreign enterprises, digital tokens significantly simplify the process of mutual settlements. The well-known company Mikhalyuk, Sorokolat and Partners will help to register a trademark for bitcoins.

The pioneer in the logistics industry is Golden Corn, which is engaged in the delivery of oversized cargo, grain, oil, molasses. They also decided to keep up with world trends and allow their customers to pay BTC.

Bitcoins you can pay for the organization of adventures in Ukraine, including going on an excursion to Chernobyl. Such an opportunity is provided by Adventure Tours. For cryptocurrency, you can also purchase T-shirts, T-shirts, baseball caps, circles with original prints in the online store The owners of the company so did the ideas of cryptocurrency, which even tried to obtain tokens with cloud mining.

Asant Studio, the popular school of floristics from Kiev allowed customers to pay bitcoins about two years ago. We used this opportunity just a couple of times. The school leadership confidently is because their customers are mostly creative people, far from crypto-world.

For some time, rumors went that you can pay for bitcoins in the cytrus online store. However, on the site of the company itself, this information is not confirmed. There are companies that first accepted Bitcoin, and then completely transferred their business in a crypto-plane. For example, the omega-climate store has previously traded climate techniques. Now the owners of the company have rolled this activity and began to earn money on mining.


The Bitcoins owners have more and more opportunities to spend their coins every day. As you can see, the tokens can pay for the journey, order food, acquire equipment, pay utilities, home and leisure goods and more. And the more popular it will become cryptocurrency, the more points will begin to take bitcoins and other popular altcoins as a means of means.

Bitonons appear all more people. Someone learned to their Maja, someone trades on the stock exchange, and someone performs tasks for bitcoins. In this article we will look at what can I buy bitcoins. We will not stop on e-wallets, on exchanger and points, and let's look at the real product that you can buy bitcoins.

According to some officials, the emission of Bitcoin will soon be monitored and cryptocurrency overall operations and earnings operations equate to the exchange and receipt of salary in foreign currency. Well, but for now let's look at what you can buy bitcoins in Russia.

What can I buy bitcoins in Russia

Payment of goods and services from the account of the usual procedure, and on the fact that the electronic currency is selected, nothing changes. In addition, the network space has sufficiently conditional borders and the legislation is almost impossible.

With the problem that Russian companies do not have the right to take bitcoins officially, a common system for registering organizations in offshore zones is successfully helped. On this trick, individual companies even make themselves additional advertising: they declare in advance that they take bitcoins to pay. This is primarily online casino, brokers, intellectual property sales and consulting centers.

  • For example, since 2014, legal advice Legal Prime GS Consulting Ready to recalculate the cost of services and in an ultra-modern currency.
  • From 2016, the tourist bureau will provide a tour or tour of the B-coins.

Of course, Europe and the United States have seriously gone forward. In these territories, the question of how to spend bitcoins is not worth it. From imported brands, known in the territory of the Russian Federation, you need to call:

  • Amazon accepting such payments through the PURSE.IO service;
  • EBay, working in a similar scheme;
  • Microsoft "Xbox Live", selling branded techniques.

In Russia, bitcoins are mainly paid in online stores and online casinos created in offshore zones, since there is no current legal field to work with this e-currency. Current places of receiving cryptocurrencies can be viewed on the resource (just open the map and look for store icons in your hometown, the desired labels are indicated in the form of drawn bags).

Not all sites advertise the possibility of receiving bitcoins.

  1. For example, on the specified service there is a Moscow company selling adult toys accepts the payment of BTC on request via e-mail.
  2. Also sells intimate goods for bitcoins.
  3. Another site Trading in skin care products.

If you want to fly somewhere, for example, from St. Petersburg or Moscow, go to the site airBaltic.. This Latvian airline takes a virtual currency to pay flights.

Until 2017, many catering points accepted bitcoins for payment, including Subway restaurants, but recently they refused this method of receiving payments.

In general, recently, many Russian companies cease to deal with cryptocoluts not only due to ambiguities in legislation and problems with tax, but also because of the great virtual market vitality.

The Bitcoin rate then took off to 20 thousand dollars, then fell, losing up to 70% of the cost in a matter of days. Against this background, the payment becomes all risks. Mainly, the Russians are provided with the opportunity to pay for service services from small firms and IP in Bitcoins. For example, in Ufa, you can order flowers on

The most often the domestic buyer pays attention to foreign sites, where bitcoins are taken in full official conditions when paying for a wide variety of goods and services. Individuals sometimes offer to buy a house or car, but mainly appliances and home appliances are implemented.

Individuals and IP, unlike organizations, free to choose the form of payment. And although in the peripheral cities, it is unlikely to convince the seller of the used car or manicure masters to take an exotic coin, in the capitals in narrow circles this type of calculations has bought.

The capital, as she, is supposed, sets the tone to master the new flow. The maximum number of points where you can spend bitcoins, is located in Moscow:

  • Service order service Wheely;
  • store.Bitcoin store (office equipment, devices);
  • IT clubs with souvenir shops.

How do you use Bitcoin?

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What can be purchased for bitcoins in the rest of the world

World central banks and other monetary regulators are constantly tightened by the rules for trade in cryptocurrency. Therefore, abroad increasingly have to use bypass payments for purchases on the Internet.

  1. For example, playground Helps buy goods on Amazon, acting as an intermediary. Suppose you want to purchase a phone or a different thing for cryptocurrency. You go to the specified site and leave the appropriate application. Another person who needs bitcoins agrees to acquire the goods for the usual currency, having received your virtual coins. As a result, you get the goods, the store is real money, and the third person is several bitcoin units. Exchange is beneficial to all parties due to the smaller commission than on traditional exchange rates. Additionally, such services can negotiate with direct sellers about more favorable conditions and discounts.
  2. Microsoft. It offers to buy games and subscriptions to their services with the replenishment of the Cryptovaya account. Instructions in English can be read.
  3. Popular manufacturer of computer equipment Dell. also proposes to acquire goods through the service If a
  4. You do not need games, consoles and computers, then travel along with the site. The specified service again acts as an intermediary, who acquires tickets and rooms in the selected hotels for bitcoins.
  5. Will help with the organization of travels and the site for the sale of tickets
  6. Hotel room can be booked on

You probably remember numerous news with payment of pizza cryptocompany. Several craftsmen were able to make a website pizzaforcoins.comwhich helps order a delicacy from leading pizzerias like Pizza Hut.. The service is relevant for Russian citizens who can translate English descriptions using standard translators and order food and drinks on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The abroad is paid by bitcoins even training. For example, a virtual payment is taken by Cyprus University of Nicosia, and the American Kings College. But the relevance of the proposals is always subject to questions. Many companies change payment methods, so you need to visit sites and clarify the reception of bitcoins in the sections " Payment».

An interesting way to purchase goods in almost any known online stores

On website you can purchase gift cards for bitcoins for almost 200 Internet magnesins and other sites that implement services, including for Delta Air Lines, Ebay, Walmart, Nike, Best Buy, Apple,, Uber, Adidas, Burger King, Columbia Sportswear, Google Play, etc. As a result, it will be possible to buy almost anything from the goods for the home and car, as well as pay for a subscription, for example, on the cutting services of cinema and serials. Make yourself or closely a really nice gift.

How to spend bitcoins on inexpensive things

Suppose you want to spend bitcoins not in Russia. Then you have a lot of opportunities, for example, to buy a diploma or rent a room at the hotel. Start the list of things that may need everyone!

Room in the hotel

The hotel's room can be bought not in a simple hotel, but on the network Howard Johnson.! This is a well-known hotel chain and find a hotel in the city where you are going to come will not work.

We also advise you to visit the site., on it you can find a variety of hotel deals, as well as air carriers. You pay the site in Bitcoins, and the site already pays for tickets and accommodation from you using the usual currency.

Flight tickets

Flights You can try to find on the above mentioned site, or visit the resource On this resource you can book flight both in one and two sides, as well as make a complex route.


Pay training in some countries can also be using bitcoins. The first country, which provided students with such an opportunity, became Cyprus. Also pay for Cryptovaya training in some universities in the United States, as well as Britain.


Yes, you can order pizza for the bits! Visit Site And pay your order. The site works with such pizzerias as Pizza Hut, Domino's and Papa John.


If you are worried about your anonymity on the Internet, then we advise you to use a VPN connection that changes the place where your traffic is sent and so you are noted on another geolocation. ATTENTION: Not all providers are able to accept the payment in Bitcoins.


You can buy jewelry in the network for the sale of diamonds Reeds jewelers. In total, the network has about 60 sales points and you can buy decorations in any of them.


Dell., a company that manufactures computers can accept payments through third-party service Coinbase.. Just make a purchase online, and when you go to the payment page, select "Pay with Bitcoin".


Allows you to buy applications for computers and tablets using Tickets. Unfortunately, this option is available only for America.

To buy luxury goods

Online You can buy hours, cars and even real estate. The site takes a small commission to 5% of the purchase price.


Some online stores offer payment in Bitcoins. Moreover, there is such a wonderful resource as Mono test the cap, T-shirt and other useful things with the symbols of Bitcoin. Payment is made exclusively in tags.

How to spend bitcoins for luxurious things

How to spend bitcoins on something necessary We just studied with you. However, suppose that your wallet will literally break from Bitcoins. The following purchases can only make one who have several thousand cherished cryptomets.

Villa in Greece

"Baby" on the shore of the Aegean Sea, with five bathrooms, olive groves and the 50-meter pool will cost you only 4,500 bitcoins (a little more than 1 million euros).


Total for only 6 million dollars (21 thousand Bitcoin) you can become the owner of a luxurious yacht! By the way, the price is subject to discussion and can be reduced. Characteristics of the yacht: a gas cylinder for 5,000 gallons, water tank for 650 gallons, two cabins for VIP guests, a seating area and a living room.

Mansion on Bali

Most of the real estate that is sold for the contour is located in the south of France, in Panama and, of course, on Bali. This chic mansion is hidden from prying eyes and stands on the river Pantan. The cost of the mansion is slightly over 1 million euros. Together with him you will receive a servant and personal chef. Seven bathrooms, a few bedrooms and as many as three pools.

Penthouse in Spain

What to invest bitcoins? Of course, in Penthouse on the shore of the Spanish coast! It offers an amazing view of the sea, which you will no longer meet anywhere. The cost of construction is only 1.5 million euros. In Penthouse, by the way, two more jacuzzi (as if you were not enough one), and the length of the terrace of the whole 200 meters! The design of the interior was engaged in a team of famous designers.

House in Florida

What can I buy bitcoins in America? Well, for example, a small house worth $ 4.5 million. Several bedrooms and bathrooms, a garage for four cars, a wine cellar for one and a half thousand bottles and gym. By the way, the territory of the house is as much as 7,000 feet.

House in California

The price of the house remains secret, however, it is known that he belongs to the Golf Club and was designed by the Ham Drier himself! The territory of the house is about 10,000 feet. By the way, as the owner of the property, which previously belonged to the Golf Club, your contribution to the club will be just over 700 dollars a month.


Yes, yes, you did not hear. The company BitsPremier.there are satellites in the property, each of which will cost you 3,000 Bitcoin (just over $ 1 million). The start and servicing of the spacecraft is already included in the price of its rent for five years (yes, you do not buy it, but just pay the rental fee). In total, the company has 24 satellites and it offers to rent them all for a very modest amount of $ 19 million.

Pink emerald.

Did you think that emeralds are only green? In fact, there are several pink copies in the world and you can buy the biggest on bitcoins. It is called the biggest morganite (pink emerald) "Pink Princess" and weighs about 170 carats. The cost of "princess" about $ 3 million.

To buy goods and services for bitcoins. Russians are easier through Western resources.

In the Russian Federation, the legislative and tax base is still underdeveloped for this, so the paycoins are more often taken by private individuals in semi-official order. But in Western countries, regulators are gradually providing strict requirements for practically unknown operations on the Bitcoin decentralized cryptocurrency. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to various services that act as intermediaries, taking payment in virtual currencies and organizing their instant transfer to normal cash, translating them online shopping. The list of current applications is best searching in Google Play or App Store, looking at user reviews and evaluations.

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Until 2013, the Bitconians could pay the campaign in some bars of St. Petersburg, order a taxi in Moscow or to buy branded hours. The situation has changed dramatically after the authorities began to quickly respond to bitcoins and prepare the introduction of criminal liability for their use in Russia.

On July 16, 2016, the Ministry of Finance announced the readiness to equate Bitcoin to foreign currency, and on August 16, the first Bitcoin exchanger opened in the center of Moscow.

With the help of the service, you can find companies on the map with Kryptovaltum. In Russia, such points are a bit and mostly they all belong to the services for the exchange of money. Judging by the map, the reception of bitcoins is most developed in Europe and the United States.

Map of the spread of Bitcoins found 6 places where Russians can still spend bitcoins:

1. Buy Flights

Russian tourists can take advantage of the services of the Latvian carrier, which flies throughout Europe. For payment of the reservation by Bitcoins, the company will take a commission of 5.99 euros.

2. Book a hotel, car, cruise and excursion tours

You can do this on the site. When paying bitcoins will be converted into US dollars. The price in cryptocurrency is fixed for 10 minutes, and then it can be updated depending on the exchange rate. If you need to book, you can cancel, then the buyer will be returned to bitcoins.

3. Pay housing housing and communal services, cellular communication or transport cards

The service allows payments to bitcoins for Moscow utilities and a number of regions, replenishing the mobile phone account, make money on the "Troika", "Plantain" and other cards. The Commission for the service is 2%.

4. Buy Luxury products

On the site you can buy rare cars, hours, and real estate. For example, a small restaurant in Panama with an area of \u200b\u200b125 square meters. m for 304.4 Bitcoin (175 thousand dollars). For your service, the service will take a commission of 5%.

In fans, cryptocurrencies can order a branded T-shirt with the image of Bitcoin or other thematic prints for 0.03-0.08 Bitcoin ($ 19.99-49.99). For delivery to Russia, you need to pay 0.15 bitcoin (9 dollars).

6. Buy coffee, tea or croissants

In the mobile coffee shop Headquarters at Sberbank headquarters (Moscow, ul. Vavilov, d. 19) also take bitcoins. The payment process is as follows: the visitor translates the amount of the order at the expense of the virtual wallet of the Coffeehouse owner, and he converts the sum in rubles.