Closed groups and public VKontakte pages. Learning to create, configure and close

In VKontakte, there is a huge number of groups and public pages dedicated to almost everything in the world. Each VC user who has a website page can create a community. Make it very simple.

Before you start, let's take a little bit and talk about. Here are some of the main points:

  • A public is available for viewing absolutely to all users, including those who do not have an account in VK (group can be closed).
  • A public can not be hidden in the list of groups of the user who is signed.
  • Public has no button "Invite Friends".
  • Most materials on the public page can publish only the head.
  • Company, organization or website (Yandex, Vedomosti, "Doctors Without Borders", Moscow State University).
  • Famous person or team (Dmitry Medvedev, Spleen, Valery).
  • Work or products (film, music album, book, deodorant).

You choose the type of page at your discretion, agree with the rules of the VC (put a check mark next to the "I am an official representative and accept the rules for using the site") and click on the "Create page" button.

That's all, the public page is created. That's how it looks at the initial stage.

When creating a group, it does not have to choose it.

To familiarize yourself with the list of your communities, click "My Groups". Here you will see a list of all groups, including your own and those you are signed. Click on the "Management" button to get acquainted with the list of your communities:

And this is all, you ask? If we talk about creating a public or group, then yes, that's all. The process itself is extremely simple and understandable to any user. A much more complex process is to fill the community, attracting users, promotion, etc.

If you have questions about the article, you can ask them using comments on our website.

Remember the question that did not give peace by Danil Baghrov in a famous film: " What is the strength in, brother?"? The relationship with today's realities can be answered like this: " Power - in VKontakte!».

No, I'm not kidding - social networks have become not just a venue for communication, there is money, levers of influence on the masses and ways to find the truth. The main thing is to know how to use the possibilities In contact with. Today we consider an example of creating a public page, "Public", effective way of exposure to people.

So, VKontakte gives the opportunity to create not only personal pages of users, but also the community: groups, public pages and events.

  • The event is a page telling about the outlined meeting, holiday and other events.
  • The group and "Public" are similar, but there are still differences, even though they are minorly: in the group, entering the community, they can create their topics, in the public page subscribers can only leave the comments. If it is completely primitive to explain, then the first is a forum, the second - Twitter.

Pressing link "Create Community", in the form that appeared, you should fill out the name of the future public page, activate the appropriate radio button and click on "Create Community" button. I strongly recommend sitting before it, take a piece of paper and a pen, think why you will create a "public" (sell goods, share information with subscribers, merge traffic to website or affiliate programs, to conduct an online diary, etc.). If you want to earn - choose the topic of the page carefully. And immediately come up with the name.

I called the project "Blondes about the site building". There is no money on it, because the topic is non-commercial, there will be no traffic either, because men, red and brunettes are immediately cut off - if "public" and develop further, then only for their own pleasure. Once again: Think about what the page will be and what is the purpose of its creation, do not lose time on the development of nonsense projects!

In the following form, you will be given to choose the type of page and, if necessary, change the name of the page. We all thoroughly, agree with the conditions of VKontakte and press "Create page" button .

So, the page is practically born, we built a public and now you should fill in the desired sections and set it up.

Let's start with the name of the Public Page (Public). I will leave him and leave him, but if something did not suit you, some kind of you caught up with the first steps in creating a "public" - boldly change the name of the page. Next Zhmem. link "Select a short address" And invent the original, memorable ul for the page. Why do it? I suggest thinking yourself and give an answer in the comments.

Select in the drop-down menu category , write a few words about company (what we want from the page), we introduce website address (I previously chose the page type as a reflection of a web resource) and we point out today day of creation "Public".

Now we define the blocks that will stand on our right - in the list put ticks near the desired extensions . And fill the blocks by entering the necessary information by adding videos and photos. Turn on comments - On my page, for example, there must be questions from subscribers.

Upload a photo Displays the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe public page. Link to download in the upper left corner, it is impossible not to notice. By selecting the picture you want, moving the runner is determined with the visible subscribers of the image area. You can turn it, you can go back.

Choose a miniature area which will be your avatar when adding material and comments.

Public page created. Small refinement remains: create an event - It will be displayed on the right in the blocks (this is the most event that offers to create VKontakte when you click the "Create Community" button), you can talk about products and services , adding a link to the page (also appears on the right).

Pressing link "Page Management" (under the picture), you can almost configure everything. Can add admin to administrators , block subscribers , configure Import and News Exports (From the page - on Twitter, with RSS site - here).

Very important parameter that can be traced - page attendance . VKontakte tells a lot in detail who comes from where and when. The report can be downloaded in a convenient file.

And what to do if the public page is tired, do not need or lost relevance? You can sell it, you can simply forget about it, you can delete. For removing Public must first delete all administrators from the list, then "dismiss" and yourself.

Finally, I will sound the main advantage of the "Public" before the group: the community on the user page is not displayed in the open form, and the pages that it is signed are visible in the special block. This is the traffic of curious friends. If the name and picture correctly pick up.

How did you see create public VK It is very simple, but so that you really need to do more time on it. Successes!

And so what is a public? Public page is a reduced public page. Public translated into Russian means public, public, people.

What you need to create a public

To start, you must register your page on the social network VKontayte. Your profile must necessarily be tied to a mobile phone number.

I recommend creating a public with your personal page where your phone number is attached. So you can save your public page when different problems occur. In the future, you can create a new account and make it an administrator of your public. At the same time you will remain the owner.

I have several accounts in VKontakte. From the main account (so to speak official) I communicate with friends and create public. Others I create for each public separately and appoint the administrator. Through them, I add new posts, I communicate with the participants, I conduct correspondence with advertisers, etc. Only these accounts I indicate in the contacts of the public page.

Creating a public

Step 1. Go to your page and click on the section "Groups".

If there is no section "Groups", then go to the page settings.

In the tab "General" Opposite item "Site menu" are located

in the list of links that you would like to see in the menu of your profile, put the on the right tick. Save changes.

Step 2. Click on the section "Groups"then the window opens "Creating a new community". In field "Name" It is necessary to enter the name of your future public page (after creation you can change it), and also choose "Public page". After that click "Create a community".

Step 3. Next, you need to choose the type of page - this does not affect the work of your public. Then read the rules if you undoubted agree and are an official representative of the public page being created, then check the "Row of the consent". Click "Create a page".

On this, the creation of a public is completed!

Public management

To edit your public, you need to go under the avatar to the "" section.

Section "Settings"

This section contains two settings areas: "Basic Information" and "Additional Information".

In the window "Basic information"

  • Name. Here you can change the name of your public page.
  • Community Description Here you will come up with or edit the description of your public.
  • Community Cover.Here you can download the cover for your page, which will be displayed on top of your community, and not to the right, as initially. Try to make the image not on the whole width, but closer to the center. Because when visiting from a mobile phone, the picture may not fit.
  • Page address.Here you can come up with the address of your page. The address can only be in Latin. So the address of your public looks more beautiful. It will look like this:, where NewPalic is a fitted one.
  • Creating stickers. With a simple constructor, you can create a branded sticker or a picture of VKontakte for your organization with a unique page address.

In the window "Additional Information" You can change the following parameters of your public:

Web site. If you create a public page for your site, then in this field you can specify its address and it will be displayed on you on the page.

Date of foundation. Here you can change the date of creating your community.

Room in snapster. The selected room will be shown in the Snapster application recommendations block to all subscribers of this community.

Export to Twitter. You can customize the export of your news on the social network Twitter.

Item "Sections"

At this point, you choose the sections that will be displayed in your community.

Item "Comments"

The following settings are available in Comments:

Feedback. Here everything is clear from the name

Comment filter. You can turn on the filters of obscene expressions. If you want a cultural community, check the box. You can enable the filter by keywords that you yourself can set.

Item "Links"

Item "Working with API"

The service for direct dialogue between the user and the VKontakte community, you can read this in more detail here.

Public page (Public) VKontakte Provides access to its contents to all those who are among its subscribers. In the community, people browse a variety of information posted by admin. Here the subscribers have no rights to publish their records on the walls, they can only comment on records, take part in surveys, cheek, repost, etc.

Public has its advantages over the group. Therefore, many users want to create their own public page. How to do it, will be told in this article.

  • 1 Features Public VKontakte
  • 2 Creating a public vkontakte
  • 3 promotion public vkontakte

Features Public VKontakte

Publicumes do not have participants, everyone who subscribes to these pages is called subscribers. The main difference of this type of information pages VKontakte is the ability to receive information you are interested in. In this case, it turns out that subscribers use the content that administrators publish for them.

Develop your VKontakte community with mind:Increase your pages' popularity and attract new subscribers to your group.

Subscribers may offer their news in publics, which, after consideration by the administration, are published or deleted.

Video Tutorial on the creation of publics in VK

In public messages, no less than in the group. It also makes it possible that the public promotion is much easier than the group, it concerns and managing the page. Yes, it is really quite easy, but still you will have to work hard to create your own unique public page that attracts a large audience of subscribers.

Creating a public vkontakte

You can create a public vkontakte in a few simple steps.

  • The page must be binding to your telephone number, only after that you can start creating a public.
  • From your account VC, you need to go to the "My Groups" section and click the "Create Group" button (on the profile page on the left - navigation). In the absence of "my groups", you need to go to the "General" tab in the settings and find "Additional Services". Select the appropriate links from the list, and they will be located in the left side of the profile. Next to them put the mark with checklocks. All changes made by you will be saved and visible in the navigation field.
  • Come up and write down the name of the new public in the "Navigation" field of the window that opened. You can change the name at any time.
  • Choose the "Public Page" section and create a community in the appropriate line.
  • Next, you need to choose a type of public page (type does not affect its functional content) and familiarize yourself with the rules of the site. Agree to the proposed rules, putting a tick in the appropriate place.

Promotion Public VKontakte

The social network VKontakte has more than one hundred thousand communities. Most of them are created with the purpose of making money. After all, what popular Popular pageThe faster it will start making a profit, so it needs to be promoted. Among this, the huge abundance of communities is not so much effectively promoted and worthy, really interesting examples. Therefore, you need to strive to unwind your page competently.

Unlock your VKontakte community!Promote your groups and pages using a quick online tool

So that the community is in sight constantly, you need to engage in its promotion.

What is needed for this?

  • To seek news from public subscribers and interest to them did not fade. You need to choose interesting, fascinating, funny, beautiful, useful topics (maybe even mystical), which will be repospeted thousands of times.
  • The name of the public page long should not be - within three words. Better if it is unique. But if you take one of the already promoted, nothing terrible in it. Many communities duplicate names, sometimes with variations of existing ones.
  • A picture for a public page must also be chosen on topics. Under it, the inscription can be made called, like "Want to become the best? Come in! " You need to come up with a beautiful name to your public public with an interesting status so that he attracts attention and encouraged to go and view your information. Examples of decoration Avatar can be found on the network and make your own, absolutely unique.
  • Make an open wall for comments. Starting commenting, many subscribers are tied to the page and periodically leave their opinion under your posts. And if you have obvious ill-wishers, they can always be banned. The button for this is also provided in the public control service. Nobody stand in the closed wall, so you feel free to open access and give people to be accepted.

All the time you need to improvise and revive your public. Provocative pictures, voting, information, feedback with their subscribers, you need to use people to feel live communication.

Fill your group with excellent content a week ahead, in just 10 minutesStart filling the group ➡

Why do you need a public VKontakte Public page?

  1. for your PR
  2. to share the news of the company (site, brand, products, etc.)
  3. talk about new events and events
  4. attracting new users to the site

So, proceed.

Create an official page of VKontakte.

Go to B. "My groups", further "Page Management" and click on the link "Create a Official Page"(or ). As a result, we have such a window, as in the figure below, where we write the name of the page, choose the type of page and click create a page:

After creating a Public page VKontakte, you go to the edit mode of your page. Here you can choose a category, change the address of your public page to a short and memorable instead of the address of this kind of, write your website, specify your contact information, download avatar, add links.

After creating, your public page is similar to a group of VKontakte, only here users cannot "enter the page", they can click "I like." Such actions use users to subscribe to your page and follow them.

To make the official page more efficiently, write news, share useful information, add events. You can also run your advertising company VKontakte, where targeted advertising will be shown. Of course, other types of Piara piano are suitable.