Toy Arthur. In the Samara region

Sarov, Ulyanovsk, Samara - this is the hard work of the failed businessman Arthur Igrushkin, who prudently decided that in our time it is more profitable to do "business" in government structures, after which he successfully began to master new professions for him.
In 2007, Artur Arkadyevich received the position of director of the Sarov branch of the Russian Post. With what fright he was appointed head of the department, about the activities of which he had a rather vague idea, is a separate question, and we will return to it later. How did Artur Akadievich distinguish himself in such a responsible post in Sarov? First, and most importantly, increased demands on wages. Ordinary postal workers had to work for decades to earn their manager's "salary". But professionals have to be paid, right? How else? However, Mr. Igrushkin did not limit himself to a salary: in less than two years in Sarov, he managed to become a defendant in a case of embezzlement of property, a deputy of the local Duma, and ... get charged with assault. But this is so, a small episode in the great career of the "boyar" from postal service. "Im-sir" the driver forgot to open the car door with his own hand, for which he was beaten mercilessly in all places of his servile torso ... Having forced the beaten employee to withdraw a statement from the police, Igrushkin realized that the rumors about his "exploits" in the city of Sarov had passed all boundaries of reason, and it's time to say goodbye to this inhospitable city. The very time has come when the noble postal workers shout "atas", and quickly get lost in the darkness of the very first gateway. And Artur Arkadyevich also safely left Sarov, and "materialized" already at the post ... head of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Russian Post.

How is this possible, readers will ask us? Yes, very simple. There are rumors that in addition to the pronounced negative

inclinations, Artur Arkadyevich has very influential friends. Evil tongues call among them even the scandalous deputy

State Duma Alexander Khinshtein, and other equally responsible comrades in leadership positions.
However, back to the topic of our story. Having taken the position of the chief Ulyanovsk "postman", Igrushkin

made no previous mistakes. True, he publicly “taught” the driver too - well, just a little, so that it would be disrespectful to forget before

“boyar” to open the door (after much persuasion, he, as usual, took the statement from the police). Other people Arthur

Arkadievich did not touch with his hands, he did not sign "slippery" pieces of paper on his own. That is, he behaved in general decently.

It was in the Ulyanovsk region that he developed another passion - downright "heartfelt love" for chic country houses.

estates, the construction of which, according to rumors, was not carried out on his modest salary (which still has indecent

size for the country), but on the resources that the organization subordinate to him had. And everything would be nothing, but,

having worked for a couple of years in a new position, Artur Arkadyevich wanted to show off his own professionalism. but

the ability to understand haute cuisine (our hero's usual everyday lunch costs several thousand rubles) and work in the mail

Russia - different things. What Artur Arkadievich was convinced of, having started the "optimization" of post offices in the Ulyanovsk region,

after which the villagers (disabled people and pensioners) almost went to "attack" the regional center. In a tense situation

the governor of the Ulyanovsk region, Sergey Morozov, had to intervene, and there are already stories about optimization, meager salaries

postal workers and other shortcomings did not help. Because mail in the countryside is a pension, utility bills and, by the way,

the only connection to the outside worlds. That is, our optimizer could well actually send a significant part of the population

Ulyanovsk region "to the planet Mars", cutting off all their ties with the outside world. But, fortunately, it didn't come to that. Right after

initiation of a criminal case on the embezzlement of state millions (in which the experienced Igrushkin no longer figured) in

regarding the head of the main cash desk of the Cherdaklinsky district, Guzeliya Afanasyeva, Artur Arkadyevich felt a chill, and

realized that the climate of the Ulyanovsk region suddenly became harmful to his health. And while the court sentenced Afanasiev to

a prison term and a fine (4 years, 200 thousand rubles), our hero quickly left his post and materialized at the post ...

right, the head of the Samara regional branch of the Russian Post. For what sins Samarans were awarded such

"generalist", one might ask those who contributed to his appointment.
He did not change his habits even here. Love for luxury, elementary rudeness and craving for mansions moved to Samara

with him. Not only that, with his salary, it is possible to carry out European-style repairs of all rural post offices, which

are falling apart from dilapidation, so now the wise leader understood the role that they play in his life

Russian post office. Having put all his subordinates in a very indecent pose, and quickly dismissed all the "stiff ones", he

Samara land began his usual life with breakfasts and lunches, which not every oligarch can boast of.
Here, somewhat deviating from our story, we note that Igrushkin is very vengeful. For example, his successor

as head of the Ulyanovsk regional post of Russia, Tatyana Ryabova paid the price for taking Artur Arkadyevich out

to clean water. It was thanks to her that fraud was revealed, as a result of which he was able to build himself a chic country house.

house in the Sengeleevsky district of the Ulyanovsk region. Remarkably, he erected this building at the expense of ... the Sengeleevsky post office,

where to this day residents are served in dilapidated premises. So, unexpectedly revoking her power of attorney to sign

documents, Artur Arkadievich achieved the dismissal of Tatyana Ryabova, who is still suing the Russian Post, not understanding

that it is possible to occupy such a position only if there is Good friends"above". For example, when Arthur needed

Arkadyevich urgently changed his place of work, Alexander Khinshtein appeared in the Samara region, who "contributed"

dismissal of the head of the Samara regional branch of the Russian Post, Nina Ivanovna Fitisova, and transfer to this

responsible position of his acquaintance "experienced leader".
Arriving in Samara, Artur Arkadyevich believed in his indispensability and infallibility as the leader of the "new wave". AND

launched its activities in earnest. I no longer contacted optimizations (well, let them work as they did), but

habits and desires did not change. In a picturesque place in the Samara region, the village of Malaya Tsarevshchina ends

construction of a new estate of Artur Arkadyevich. Buildings worthy of a royal court grow almost opposite

dilapidated local post office, where, for pennies, his subordinates, with their last strength, maintain postal communications

in Russia. The plot on which the mansion is being completed, our hero prudently issued to his wife, Elena

Anatolyevna. By the way, Elena Igrushkina recently got a new vehicle for visiting the estate - a Toyota car.

Camry." But she didn’t buy it from dealers, but from Russian Post.
Artur Arkadyevich himself does not interfere in such trifles, he now has a new hobby. Realizing that from the state budget he

he won’t “squeeze” anything except his salary (they can put him in prison), he again decided to go into business, opening

the central street of Samara, Leningradskaya, the Marka store, and having employed his wife Elena Igrushkina as a director. Myself

Artur Arkadyevich prefers to be sad in such establishments as the Hudson, Three Deer, and Chaika restaurants. He takes there

food and strong drinks for several hours, not at all embarrassed by the fact that he spends more on his one-time meal

money than his workers in post offices receive in a month.
Well, if, as usual, he gets drunk and again the driver will explain his wrongness? Or the cashier will fall for it again

stealing millions? Our hero is calm about this. Patrons do not sleep, they will transfer somewhere, if anything, they will smear and save

"responsible worker" And probably a fan of country apartments does not even suspect that the worst troubles

Russia - "roads and fools" - has long since lost the palm to people like him. It is these "leaders" - that's who became

real problem for our country. And while they occupy their responsible positions, instead of working for the benefit of society, satisfying

own exorbitant greed and swagger, nothing good will happen in Russia. The "father of English poetry" Jeffrey was right

Chaucer: Greed is the root of all evil...

Post of Russia and the prosecutor's office of the Samara region are checking the information that the director of the regional department of the postal service Artur Irushkin forced the company's employees to participate in the construction of his country house.

The loud statement of the Russian Post employees from Samara is being discussed by many today. They complained to the prosecutors that, under the threat of dismissal, they had been building a country cottage for their boss, Arthur Igrushkin, for a year. And they allegedly treated them like slaves: they didn’t feed them, they didn’t let them rest, and they didn’t pay. Sometimes they allegedly even had to spend funds from their own pockets on materials. According to the NTV-ChP story, whether this is actually so is now being investigated by employees of several departments at once.

Artur Irushkin, the head of the Samara post office, entrusted the construction of his country house to trusted people - his subordinates. Two dozen postal workers became unwilling laborers.

Alexey Davydov, employee of the Samara branch of Russian Post": "Nobility and feudalism. Because at any desire and call of such leaders. As it used to be, soldiers are building generals' dachas.

Next to the modest building of the rural post office is the same cottage. The responsible manager could observe the work directly from the window of his house. And for a common cause, you can attract subordinates. When they found a job, they thought: they would improve the work of the post office, but the living conditions of the management had to improve. But they mastered new specialties.

The carpentry workshop at the post office was closed a few years ago, but the carpenter was hired just in the midst of construction.

Dmitry Merkulov, head of the motor depot of the Samara branch of Russian Post: “I thought the doors would do something else. And then I realized: a person is needed in order to do finishing work in his house.

After a hard day's work, they had to return to the post office to perform their direct duties. When they got tired of working in two shifts, they tried to refuse. But mutual understanding did not work out between the postal workers-guest workers and the foreman Igrushkin.

Dmitry Merkulov: ““Listen,” that is, such an appeal. I have already begun to think: maybe my name has become like this - Hey.

As a result, forced laborers wrote complaints to the prosecutor's office, the FSB and public organizations. Law enforcement agencies began checking, public figures called the behavior of the main Samara postal worker arbitrariness. For some reason, Arthur Igrushkin himself is sure of his impunity.

Russian Post commented on the situation. According to the press service, an internal check has been launched, and specialists from the Russian Post will be sent to Samara on Monday. At the time of the check, Irushkin was suspended from duty.

In the Samara region, the director of the local Post of Russia forced his employees to build a dacha for him.

According to the workers, Artur Irushkin, the head of the FPS for the Samara region, forced them to build a house for themselves in the village of Malaya Tsarevshchina (the ideal name for the village for the situation).

It's about this "house"

At first, the leading engineer of the local post office took the rap for everyone: he resolved land issues with the local administration by proxy and supervised the builders.

After the engineer refused to be the foreman of the boss, Igrushkin began to attract entire teams of workers.

They did everything surprisingly quickly, but at some point their patience ran out and they complained about the boss, first to the leadership of the Russian Post, and then to the prosecutor's office.

Igrushkin did not appreciate such an initiative and began to put pressure on his employees. According to them, the Little Tsar demanded that the applications be taken away, otherwise he would fire everyone.

Now Igrushkin has been removed from his post and is being checked.

What else is Arthur Igrushkin famous for?

Sarov, Ulyanovsk, Samara - this is the hard work of the failed businessman Arthur Igrushkin, who prudently decided that in our time it is more profitable to do "business" in government structures, after which he successfully began to master new professions for him.

In 2007, Artur Arkadyevich received the position of director of the Sarov branch of the Russian Post. With what fright he was appointed head of the department, about the activities of which he had a rather vague idea, is a separate question, and we will return to it later.

How did Artur Akadievich distinguish himself in such a responsible post in Sarov? First, and most importantly, increased demands on wages.

Ordinary postal workers had to work for decades to earn their manager's "salary". But professionals have to be paid, right? How else? However, Mr. Igrushkin did not limit himself to a salary: in less than two years in Sarov, he managed to become a defendant in a case of embezzlement of property, a deputy of the local Duma, and ... get charged with assault.

But this is so, a small episode in the big career of the "boyar" from the postal service. “Hey,” the driver forgot to open the car door with his own hands, for which he was beaten mercilessly in all places of his servile torso ...

Having forced the beaten officer to withdraw the statement from the police, Igrushkin realized that the rumors about his "exploits" in the city of Sarov had crossed all boundaries of reason, and it was time to say goodbye to this inhospitable city.

The very time has come when the noble postal workers shout "atas", and quickly get lost in the darkness of the very first gateway.

And Artur Arkadyevich also safely left Sarov, and "materialized" already at the post ... head of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Russian Post.

But even here there are abuses!

On July 1, 2013, Samara Russian Post purchased a silver Toyota Camry car for business purposes. A difficult car with difficult numbers B163XO163.

According to a member of the regional headquarters of the Popular Front, coordinator of the anti-corruption project "For Fair Purchases" Vadim Nuzhdin, since February 2017, this car has been with the same beautiful numbers is listed under the namesake of the head of the Samara regional department of the Russian Post, Artur Igrushkin. The car did not come into the possession of the woman immediately, but through a certain Maxim Anashkin.

It is worth noting that the current owner of the "postal" "Toyota" also owns a land plot in the village of Malaya Tsarevshchina.

But neither the public nor law enforcement agencies have any questions about this property yet. But they are for the car.

The car was sold for a symbolic price - a little less than 181,000 rubles. In fact, it is like scrap that cannot be restored, and even with beautiful numbers 163, - Vadim Nuzhdin notes.

How could a company car worth at least 1 million rubles become cheaper by 10 times and be sold to a private person, investigators are now investigating.

As Elena Shkaeva, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Samara Region, explained to KP, an audit on this fact has already begun.

Photo by Evgeny Potorochin

For the second year in a row, Artur Igrushkin, head of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Samara Region, has been building his own house in the village of Malaya Tsarevshchina with the hands of his subordinates. Unable to stand it, the Samara postal workers complained to the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB, the general director of the Russian Post and the ONF. The text of the letter is at the disposal of Federal Press, which decided to look into the situation.

Repeated figurant

This is not the first time Arthur Igrushkin has become a participant in office scandals. The former entrepreneur and deputy of the Sarov City Duma (Nizhny Novgorod region) began his career in the Russian Post at the post office of the same city. After two years of work, the branch director moved to Ulyanovsk in 2009. As local media reported, this was influenced by a criminal case on the theft of property in the Sarov branch of the Russian Post, in which the employee appeared as a witness. In addition, his own driver accused Igrushkin of beatings.

As head of the UFPS of the Ulyanovsk region in the next three years, Artur Irushkin also found himself at the center of several unpleasant incidents. In particular, the scandal with the optimization of the "Mail of Russia" in the region at the suggestion of Igrushkin caused sharp criticism of the governor Sergei Morozov. At that time, many post offices in the villages were threatened with closure. Including those where mail is the only source of communication between local residents and the outside world. The last straw was the criminal case initiated by the prosecutor's office against the former head of the main cash desk of the post office of the Cherdaklinsky district, Guzelia Afanasyeva. With the advent of Igrushkin, she monthly withdrew 16-17 thousand rubles from the safe of the department to pay off her debts on loans, which caused damage to the post office by almost 6 million rubles. The attacker was sentenced to four years probation. A few days after the trial, Artur Irushkin again moved to the Samara region.

Here, since 2013, the head of the FPS has continued to attract the attention of the public and law enforcement agencies. In 2017, Artur Irushkin twice came to the attention of the ONF. At first, the activists were interested in how the Toyota Camry, which belonged to the department, was sold to Elena Igrushkina, the wife of the head of the structure, through his driver. When selling the car, it was estimated at 181 thousand rubles, although at that time its approximate cost was about 600 thousand rubles. “In October, the regional department of the Investigative Committee refused to open a criminal case. And in early November, we filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office about this refusal, - Vadim Nuzhdin, a member of the regional headquarters of the ONF, coordinator of the anti-corruption project "For Fair Purchases" in the Samara region, told FederalPress. “It is noteworthy that the Investigative Committee did not attach any importance to the fact: the car passed from the administration of the Russian Post to the property of Igrushkin’s wife in one day - first the car was sold to the driver, and on the same day to the wife of the head.”

And then to the prosecutor's office, the provincial State Labor Inspectorate and the presidential administration, as previously reported by FederalPress. The workers of the section "JV Samara MSC UFPS of the Samara Region", engaged in the transportation of mail by rail from Samara to Moscow and Vladivostok, could not stand it. Employees said they were being forced to resign in violation of existing regulations. In particular, they are threatened with dismissal under the article if the employee refuses to write a letter of resignation by agreement of the parties. As in Ulyanovsk, Artur Igrushkin started reorganizing the branches in Samara. In an official response, the management of the FPS said that this made it possible to reduce the delivery deadlines postal items, and the released funds “will be used to increase wages post office workers.

Arthur Igrushkin in the middle

Like galley slaves

The latest story, in which Arthur Igrushkin was involved, turned out to be cooler than the previous ones. In early November, eight members of the initiative group of employees of the regional FPS made an appeal to law enforcement agencies. In the letter, which is at the disposal of "FederalPress", the postal workers described the situation from the time of the slave system.

As follows from the document, in the period from 2016 to 2017, during working hours and on weekends, Artur Irushkin attracted subordinates to build his country house in Malaya Tsarevshchina. “We performed the following works,” the employees write. – Welding and installation of a fence around the perimeter of the site; representing the interests of Igrushkin in resource-supplying organizations; coordination in the administration of the village Malaya Tsarevshchina of land management issues; obtaining technical specifications from Samaraenergo and connecting electricity to Igrushkin's personal home; obtaining technical conditions for connecting water and sewerage; organization and control of all types of work during the construction of a house; loading and unloading operations; carpentry; land works; laying of sewerage and water supply; installation of heating systems; delivery of building materials - sand, crushed stone, lumber - on vehicles belonging to the Federal Border Guard Service of the Samara Region; delivery of UFPS employees and other people to the construction site of Igrushkin's personal house and back, including trips to shops and organizations.

As employees write, “this is just a small list of jobs” that they performed for their boss. "Feudal" did not reward the wards for their labors and did not even thank them. Moreover, as the authors of the appeal write, sometimes they had to spend personal money on the purchase of consumables and equipment for the director's house. This money, according to them, Igrushkin did not return, "believing that this is how it should be, and everyone owes him, and the construction of his personal house for the employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Samara Region is a great honor."

The exploitation of the labor of postal workers took place under the fear of reprisals, the letter says: “Our work on the construction of the Toykin's estate was forced labor. We worked under the threat of being fired, although many of us have worked at the enterprise for more than 15 years, but there has never been such a violation of the law and rudeness as under Igrushkin. To our objections about the unwillingness to work on the construction of the house, Irushkin always reacted with anger and fury, threatening to fire him immediately, his illegal orders could not be discussed.

"Slaves", as postal employees themselves speak of themselves, told the details of their delivery to the construction site and back. Subordinates were taken away in a UAZ official car, "in which there was nothing to breathe." At the facility itself, people "did not always have the opportunity to dine and even more so to wash." That is why the workers drove back in a stuffy car through city traffic jams and got home in the late evenings. “And in the morning they were forced to return to the construction site again and again.”

The final part of the letter is the most terrible: “It is impossible to endure such humiliation. Most of the employees of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Samara Region are intimidated by Igrushkin, so they prefer to remain silent... Igrushkin's criminal activity has enveloped the entire Samara post office, and many employees do not report the crime, as they are afraid for their work, life and health... But we have made our choice and are ready to go to the end. , - sum up the members of the initiative group and add that what is described in the appeal is only a small part of the "illegal activities" of their leader.

Postal workers sent their letter to the Prosecutor General's Office, the Federal Security Service of Russia, the General Director of Russian Post and the All-Russian People's Front. According to FederalPress sources, the materials of the postal workers are already being worked out by the regional department of the FSB. But the victims did not disturb the regional prosecutor's office - they remembered how they had previously applied there with a complaint against the same leader on violations of labor legislation and did not wait for a positive result.

Public figures have also been informed about the history of the construction of the estate. “The material was received by the executive committee of the regional department of the ONF of the Samara region,” Vadim Nuzhdin confirmed, without naming the defendants. - We receive similar signals in the direction of "Ethics of civil servants". The official in question is not a civil servant, but heads a branch of a state unitary enterprise. We are now monitoring how events will develop. But we hope that the central administration of the Russian Post will finally make a decision on the numerous facts of violations by this leader. Especially considering how many such facts have been brought to the public plane and how much dissatisfaction of citizens is splashing out against him. When will the central office of the Russian Post, without any affiliation, evaluate the actions of this person? Procrastination and replies from the top leaders of the structure will lead to a situation where questions from law enforcement officers about not taking action will be asked to them.”

Yuri Shevtsov, Chairman of the Samara Provincial Duma Committee on Legislation, Legality, Law Enforcement and Anti-Corruption, notes: “If what was stated in the letter really took place, we are dealing with an abuse of a proper position on the part of the leader. These materials require careful verification by the law enforcement unit. First of all, citizens must write applications to the prosecutor's office, without bypassing the regional authority. The oversight agency must conduct an audit, based on the results of which a decision should be made on the content of the corpus delicti in the actions. If there is a refusal at the regional level, let the citizens turn to higher authorities. This order is correct. And there is no need to mix several cases, even if the authors of the letter have already had a negative result in other cases related to this leader, but it is necessary to analyze a specific incident in detail. The stated facts in the case of building a house will not go anywhere, they will be used in law enforcement checks. And if this is not enough for the representatives of the initiative group, they can turn to social activists in addition to the ONF and to the deputy corps.”

The scandal erupted around the head of the Russian Post branch in the Samara region: Artur Igrushkin's subordinates wrote a collective statement to law enforcement agencies, accusing him of forcing him to work on the construction of a personal cottage in the village of Malaya Tsarevshchina. The portal site understood the situation.

Echoes of serfdom

Reports of serfdom in the outback drew the attention of Runet to the Samara region. And to be more precise - to the head of the local branch of the postal service, Artur Iglyukin.

The document, which bears the signatures of eight employees of the branch, says that systematically from 2016 to 2017, during working hours, and sometimes on weekends, Irushkin attracted subordinates for numerous works for personal purposes.

Welding, handling and installation of a fence around the perimeter of the site, supplying electricity to the house, delivering building materials, laying sewers, installing heating and carpentry - this is not a complete list of what the postal workers did for free for their boss. Also, bureaucratic red tape related to paperwork and obtaining permits from regulatory authorities, Samaraenergo and other authorities fell on their shoulders - the manager himself did not burden himself with standing in lines and talking with inspectors.

The facade of the building of the post office in the village of Malaya Tsarevshchina, Samara Region, is in dire need of repair. In the same village there is a chic mansion of the head of the regional department of the Russian Post, Artur Igrushkin

“Employees involved in the construction of a personal home had to perform official duties outside school hours, in order for the Russian Post enterprise to function in a normal mode, ”the appeal says.

In the letter, the applicants describe their work at the Iglykin site as “forced”.

“We worked under the threat of being fired, although many of us have worked at the enterprise for more than fifteen years, but there has never been such a violation and rudeness as under A.A. Iskushkin,” the document says.

Not only the staff, but also the cars on the balance sheet of the organization were employed at the construction site of the postal boss - free labor was transported on a service UAZ.

"After the collective appeal of the employees of the Samara branch of the Russian Post, which was received by the regional prosecutor's office, an inspection was organized..

Following the supervisory agency, the Russian Post also reacted to the scandal. An audit has already begun in the Samara branch.

“For the time of the audit, the director of the federal postal service of the Samara region, Artur Igrushkin, has been suspended from his duties… The results of the audit can be submitted to law enforcement agencies for a procedural decision,” the press service of the organization clarified, TASS reports.

It should be noted that when the portal site tried to contact the person involved in the scandal by phone, a man who identified himself as his assistant said that the boss was at a service conference and asked to call back. As a result, it was not possible to talk to Mr. Toykin.

Budget foreign car

“Igrushkin came to our attention after a message came to the ONF via a social network with data on the alleged illegal alienation of a Toyota official car, which is on the balance sheet of the Russian Post, in favor of his wife. I was very embarrassed low price, according to which the car went to the family of the head of the FPS, - 181 thousand rubles, it is significantly lower than the market price. We applied for a legal assessment of this fact to the regional investigation department of the TFR. As part of the pre-investigation check, the car depot employee said that the car was not provided to the dealer, but the car was artificially attributed to malfunctions. The contractor in the explanation emphasized that he had fulfilled the order for fear of losing his job. Nevertheless, the initiation of a criminal case was denied under the article on the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of Igrushkin, ”Vadim Nuzhdin, coordinator of the ONF anti-corruption project “For Fair Purchases” in the Samara Region, told the website.

In the Samara region, where the incomes of the population differ significantly from those in the capital, a story about the purchase of a company car at a bargain price hit the pages of local media. According to Nuzhdin, the publicity of the story with Toyota prompted the employees of the UFPS to oppose their boss.

“The auditors will have something to check: the confessions of employees about involuntary labor at the boss’s dacha were followed by other statements by employees. Another initiative group of postal workers turned to us, as well as to law enforcement agencies in connection with the violation of labor laws - employees believe that they are trying to illegally dismiss them without paying in full,” Nuzhdin said. We are talking about the reduction of some post offices.

Wanderings of Iglykin

Scandals accompany the work of the chief Samara postman from the very beginning of his career in state and municipal structures. According to, at the end of the last decade, the former businessman Igrushkin took over as head of the Sarov post office and became a member of the local city duma. His own driver accused him of beating, the newspaper claims.

It was about the incident that took place on the eve of March 8. Allegedly, after the feast, Irushkin hit the driver, who was waiting for him in a company car at the restaurant. The details of the incident, as well as the legal consequences of this situation, were not reported. It is known that a year later Igrushkin replaced Sarov with Ulyanovsk - in the homeland of the leader of the world proletariat, he received the chair of the head of the regional branch. The publication connects the personnel rotation with the investigation of a criminal case on embezzlement in the Sarov branch of the enterprise, in which Igrushkin was a witness.

A serious scandal erupted in the new location after Igrushkin's attempt to optimize post offices in the villages of the Ulyanovsk region. In fact, it was about the closure of many points of the enterprise, which was perceived by the villagers as a threat of losing contact with the outside world. First of all, the question arose about the difficulties in obtaining pensions and other payments to the population.

The former head of the Melekessky district, Vladimir Tigin, published a post on the social network in which he expressed bewilderment at the plans to close post offices in five settlements from March 18, 2013.

“I learn about this from the indignant residents of the villages of Lesnoy, Kiprei, Stepnaya Vasilievka. OPS there is the only place where, in addition to communication services, you can pay utility bills. In general, in all settlements where this is planned, there are more than 1,300 residents. On these issues, from March 18, where should they apply, go to the city? I think that this week we will go to these villages and calm people down. But what's next? he writes.

As a result, optimization caused criticism from the governor of the region - Sergey Morozov.

“No post office should be closed. This is the principled position of the government of the Ulyanovsk region. In addition, municipalities should submit their proposals for support measures. This will make it possible to maintain post offices even in the most remote settlements,” the head of the region said at the time.

While Igrushkin was in charge of the Ulyanovsk branch of the Russian Post, there was a serious criminal scandal by regional standards. In February 2013, the head of the Cherdaklinsky post office, Guzelia Afonasyeva, was convicted of systematic theft at the enterprise, Arguments and Facts wrote.. It was established that for several years, from 2009 to 2012, the manager monthly withdrew large amounts to cover her loans. To conceal the crimes, she drew up fictitious documents on the direction of funds, in which she overestimated their size. And for all these years she managed to steal almost 6 million rubles. Afonasyeva received four years of probation and a fine of 200,000 rubles. An interesting detail: the court decision does not reflect the fate of the civil lawsuit that Igrushkin's administration was supposed to file against the embezzler. This is the only legal way to repair the damage done to the state.

On the verge of falling

The current conflict situation can turn into real trouble for the Toy. This problem was brought to the attention of Moscow.

“This signal [the message about the illegal use of the labor of subordinates], of course, will not go unnoticed ... We plan to talk about the most acute problems and our proposals for solving them at the Action Forum of the ONF “Russia Aiming for the Future”. Moreover, the current forum on December 18–19 will be the largest in the history of the Popular Front,” promised State Duma deputy Anton Getta, coordinator of the ONF project “For Fair Procurement”.

In other words, there is a possibility that the Samara story will reach the top leadership of the country.