Apple service center on aircraft. Repair of all models of Apple iPhone at low prices M

Are you still doubtful and think about whether it is worth choosing our workshop to fix your gadget? Do you think that qualified specialists are the only advantage of our company? It is not at all so, and therefore we advise you to pay attention to the rest:

  • First, we purchased high-quality AAA-class spare parts. They correspond to the original in all parameters, so you may not doubt their quality;
  • Secondly, we acquire them from proven years suppliers at wholesale prices, thanks to which we managed to reduce the final cost of repairing an iPhone of any model;
  • Thirdly, our service centers are equipped with professional equipment and tools - without them, quick and operational repair would have become impossible;
  • Fourth, we provide customers with a long warranty for all types of services provided;
  • Fifth, the diagnostic procedure is performed absolutely free to identify a particular malfunction and the final value of the device repair.

In addition, if you do not have enough free time to visit our workshop personally, you can always use the service "Departure Masters". To do this, it is enough to call by the number specified at the top of the site or order a callback, using the concomitant form. After you contact the operator, it will remain only to agree with him about the most convenient time for the arrival of time. The specialist will leave the necessary equipment, tools and spare parts to fix the iPhone on your eyes.

Is it worth trying to repair the iPhone 7, 7 plus yourself?

Why? You do not have any proper experience, nor professional equipment, nor knowledge. In addition, in attempts to save on the acquisition of spare parts for replacing failed, many are stumbled on poor-quality fakes. Do not think you want to face so much difficulties. Therefore, we advise you to trust professionals. Contact us, and quite soon your iPhone 7 Plus or any other iPhone model will work as before!

Qualified help in the repair and maintenance of iPhone is needed to each owner. This device won the market with its high reliability and aesthetic attractiveness. The device is in demand as an organizer for work and business meetings, it is convenient to use it for communication and surfing on the Internet, it has a wide multimedia functionality. Affiliation for high technology requires professional repair services. Otherwise, the problem situation may not only be solved, but also aggravated and lead to more expensive repair.

Apple-Restore offers services for the diagnosis and repair of "apple" gadgets. We have been operating in the market for several years and has gained a reputation as reliable partners who are responsible for the quality of their work.

How we work with the client

One of the advantages of cooperation with us is the high availability of the service. You can contact your as follows:

  • to drive up to the nearest branch (representative offices are located throughout Moscow, within walking distance from the subway);
  • leave a request on the site;
  • order Departure Master to the house or office.

During the conversation, personal or by telephone, the specialist will clarify the nature of the breakdown, the causes of its occurrence. These facts will help to form a price plug, and in the case of an exit service, it is necessary to determine the type of testing equipment and spare parts that you need to take with you.

Repairs iPhone on aircraft It begins with a visual inspection of the smartphone, the degree of damage is estimated, the scope of work is determined. If necessary, computer testing is performed, which allows you to objectively determine the degree of damage. Before starting repair, the client voiced the final calculation, its detail allows you to understand the cost of work and spare parts. If necessary, the amount can be optimized by providing missing modules from a donor device. After coordinating the final figure, the master embarks on the repair.

Taking care of the client, we offer new services format: even the most difficult repair does not take more than 1 hour. Those. All manipulations with the device specialist produces in the presence of the customer. Minimizing the time of intervention makes our service unique on the market, significantly increases the comfort of service. On average, the standard operation takes 15-20 minutes, taking into account the final assembly and integrated iPhone testing. This option eliminates the re-visits to the cabin, and therefore our customers lose less time to repair and maintain their devices.

After the transfer of the device, the owner and reception of work for each service is a warranty obligation, depending on the type of service, the term varies from 3 to 12 months. After signing the paper, a financial calculation is made.

What services we offer

Although Apple devices are characterized by high reliability, they need neat care and regular service. RepairsiPhone on aircraft Provides the following services:

  • cleaning gadgets from sand and dust;
  • restoration of the devices, inward water or other liquid;
  • replacement of functional buttons that have lost their contact as a result of long-term operation;
  • replacement of the case in aesthetic purposes, with visible damage;
  • replacement of glass, touch panel in case of damage or cracks;
  • revision software, install the necessary applications;
  • installation operating system, restore device after software glitches;
  • assessment of the state of the battery block, its replacement, if necessary;
  • cleaning the camera from extraneous inclusions;
  • restoring connectors.

All operations are carried out by certified masters, whose qualifications are confirmed by the years of successful work. Our specialists regularly increase their level, know the latest developers of the manufacturer, know how to work with both early models and the latest innovations.

What is different from others?

Apple-Restore is a major market player interested in long-term relationship with the client. Therefore, our customers can be confident that we will not disappear, we will fully keep warranty obligations. Our quality of our work is also confirmed by a large base of regular customers who have already tried their devices and now again and again seek help, receiving a comprehensive and qualified service.

RepairsiPhone on aircraft - One of the representative offices located throughout Moscow. The broad network not only makes the service available and convenient, but also confirms the leading status of the company, indicates the scale of the enterprise.

Operational service is one of the chips of our service, its implementation would be impossible without the reserve of parts. The presence of its own warehouse allows the procedure to 15-20 minutes and not to force the user to wait for a day or more when they will bring the necessary spare part. We directly cooperate with the manufacturer, carry out the purchase of equipment at wholesale prices, so ready to offer the optimal combination of cost and quality.

Prize policy - another important competitive advantage: a large number of Discounts, bonus offers for regular customers will help optimize costs and fix the device not only quickly, but also profitable.

The success of the enterprise is largely determined by the attention with which our employees are suitable for each client. You can contact us by phone or order a callback, get comprehensive information regarding your smartphone. Specialists will help with program failures, will prompt how to act in extreme situations when the device fell into water or received external damage. The operator will help set the scope and prompts the nearest point where you can get a service.

Replacement screen iPhoneWe are close to: Metro Station Square Ilyich
Repair iPhone Moscow, we are close: metro station