No operating system what to do. How to run a program without operating system

When a newcomer buys himself new computer (and a stationary and laptop), already fully ready for work, then it is not always he thinks about the fact that for its convenience, also from various problems in the future, with a new computer it would be nice to do a number of actions. Well, more this concerns situations when the computer is bought on spare parts (in the case of stationary PCs) or without installed operating system. On which immediately after the purchase it is still impossible!

Here in this article I will just try to tell about what actions it is advisable to do after buying a computer, already, in principle, ready to work, as well as when buying a computer without a pre-installed operating system, or at all parts purchased for subsequent self-assembly.

If you are on this moment Interested in the process of choosing a computer and its purchase, then I have already written a number of articles on the blog that you will easily find in the "All Blog Articles" or by searching.

I will begin to consider those cases when the computer was bought without an operating system or at all for spare parts. In principle, the essence will be the same, and the difference is only in one point: in the first case, the computer is already assembled and the actions begin already from the installation of the Operations (I will keep in mind that Windows), and in the second case, the computer still needs to be collected.

What to do with a computer without pre-installed Windows after purchase?

So, suppose you bought a computer at which it was originally not installed by the operating system, or was installed Linux (which is free, but not many on it can fully work fully) or some DOS in the form of a black screen with commands (on which It is impossible to fully work completely). As a rule, this option costs at least 3000-5000 rubles cheaper, because the price computer collectedReady to work will, respectively, include and the cost of the licensed copy of the Windows operating system. Buying a computer without a system or with the above options OS, you save this money. But in this case, the computer will have to thoroughly prepare for work!

Here you have brought a computer home (perhaps for spare parts for assembly) and you already want to start working as soon as possible or some kind of business, games, for example :) What do you do at this stage?

That's what needs to be done in order to bring such a computer in full combat readiness:

    Computer assembly (if required!). In my articles, I have already mentioned that if you buy a computer in individual components, it will be cheaper and more reliable than buying a computer already assembled! I described how to choose a computer for working purposes (not gaming!) On individual components. There is a similar article on the selection of the game PC.

    If you decide to buy a computer for individual parts, then, accordingly, the first step will be its assembly, i.e. place in the future computer housing all it separate components and connect to the necessary feed wires. At a minimum, in the case you must have: power supply; The motherboard on which the processor with a cooler and RAM will be connected (minimum 1 module); HDD. This is a minimum so that your computer worked, taking into account that already on the board itself there must also be built-in video cards, sound card and network card.

    Read more about all the main components of the computer in the article:

    Install the operating system. After you have collected a computer, when it is turned on, you will not be able to observe the usual you windows downloadsSo you can't work at such a computer :) The second thing you need to do is to install the operating system on the computer so that you can still do your tasks to perform its settings: Create / edit some documents may be launched video, See pictures, work with folders and files and many other minor tasks where you do not need software. And if you're lucky, you can immediately enter the Internet.

    Why "if lucky"? Because not always when windows installation, for your network adapter The system will be able to find and install necessary driver. The driver is a program that controls the device to properly worked and fulfilled its functions.

    The overwhelming majority of users are currently working on computers with Windows operating system. With a conscious purchase of a computer without a pre-installed Windows, you had to consider what you already have an installation disk with this operating system!

    Thus, the first thing that is done after the purchase is to install Windows (if you suddenly work under Linux, then it is, respectively). Detailed guides On the installation of different operating systems will be published in our community, in the closed zone, because all this process, as well as the process of setting up a system of beginners can cause a lot of issues. And I do not have so much free time to have time to help absolutely everyone :)

    Setting up the operating system. Immediately after installing the operating system, you will not fully work on it not only because the programs you need have not yet been installed, but also because the driver may not be installed for some devices, the screen resolution is not configured (not configured ( Or are not configured by your preferences) other parameters.

    Therefore, first of all, after you have already installed Windows to your computer and launched it, you should check for which devices did not automatically be installed drivers? You can check this by clicking on Windows on the way: Start\u003e Control Panel\u003e Equipment and Sound\u003e Reference "Device Manager" under the "Devices and Printers" section:

    If the correct drivers are installed for all devices and the devices themselves work as it should, you will simply see a list of all the devices detected by the system:

    And if the driver did not automatically be automatically installed on any device, it will immediately be highlighted in the list with a yellow question mark with the name "Unknown Device". Without a driver, the device will not work. For example, the driver was not found for network card, which means that you will not be able to enter the Internet. Or, let's say, the system has not identified the video card, as a result of which you can see the root display of colors, the incorrect screen resolution and, of course, you will not be able to play 3D games. Therefore, it is very important that drivers are installed for all devices, and you only observed a list of devices without any warnings, as shown in the image.

    Most often, problems with drivers after installing the system are available in the already outdated WindowsXP. Everyone who else suddenly uses this system, it's time to go with it! :) WindowsXP independently installs the drivers only on the minimum of devices, and also does not know how to independently find them via the Internet.

    In the latest systems - Windows 7.8, most of the drivers you will already be installed immediately after installing the system. The rest of the system will try to find on the Internet and most likely the problem will be solved!

    But, if suddenly the driver does not have any device, you will have to install it manually. In this case, these options may be:

    After you installed the drivers, in the system itself it will remain all configured to your taste and your needs. For example, bring the desired shortcuts to the desktop for quick access To some sections of Windows and embedded programs, someone configure the font size and screen resolution, color gamut.

    But it can be done and then, and more important task after installing all drivers, is to install the programs you need!

    Installing the necessary programs. When you have already installed the system, installed the drivers (if necessary) to all unidentified system system, the queue set up the program you need to work. In this paragraph, in principle, comment and nothing. You need to take turns to install those programs that you will use in the process of your work. Someone will install also games :)

    All the programs you need must already be on your disks or somewhere in your other warehouses. Well, and some can simply update from the Internet.

    Then it will only be able to configure each of the programs for yourself and is ready!

    After performing this stage, your computer is ready for use, but you can still fulfill item number 5 for convenience.

    Creature backup Your system S. installed drivers / Programs. This stage is not required, but after you on a new computer, install a clean operating system, install all drivers and programs, I will advise to make backup all your system. Why do you need it? And this is necessary, in the case, as a result of some kind of failure, you could return the system in a few minutes together with the drivers and programs to be as follows (at that time, when you created a copy).

    Otherwise, if Windows is "flew" and you cannot fix it yourself, you will have to install it again, then it all puts all drivers and programs to it, and even configure something. In all this, you can not do if you prepare a copy of the system ready to work in advance!

    About how to do this, I told in detail in the article:

That's all! These are all the steps to be done so that your new computer can be used in any of your goals and at the same time (by executing item No. 5), it is possible to quickly return the entire system by the time you have installed all drivers and programs.

I also want to affect the computers that are already bought with a pre-installed Windows operating system.

Tips for configuring a purchased computer with already pre-installed Windows!

In the event that you bought a computer with an already installed Windows operating system, then everything becomes much easier. You do not have to install Windows, because it will already be on your computer, you will not have to then install the drivers, since they will all be installed.

You will only stay to save required programs And that's all!

Finished computer I recommend buying newcomers, because in this case you will only connect it to the power grid, connect the desired devices (for example, keyboard, mouse, printer) and you can already start working. The only minus is overpayment.

I will give small tips for the actions that would be nice to do after purchasing a computer with a pre-installed operating system:

It often happens that when buying a computer with a pre-installed operating system, the user completely removes it and install the version of the operating system, which is used to use earlier. "What is the point?" You ask. The whole chip is that those windows versionwhich put on the finished stationary computer and laptops are usually cut off. For example, there is an "Windows 8 Professional" assembly, and there are "Windows 8 Core", which is inferior to the first to some possibilities: setup capabilities group Policy, encryption, joining the domain, using the WindowsMediacenter program and more. Not all of these opportunities use, and someone will not distinguish the functionality of the crucified version from the most advanced. But still, I do not like, apparently, people that they put something cut down, as a result of which they reinstall the system to their :) In this case, in order for everything to work as needed, it will have to perform those 5 points. I spoke about.

And in that and in another case, nothing particularly difficult to do with the computer. I would, of course, could give a detailed instruction on all the steps listed, but in this case it will not be an article, but rather a small book :) because there is a lot of information and will immediately have a lot of topics. But for newcomers, one way or another, I will prepare the necessary instructions for working with a computer over time.

That's all today. Have a nice day! Until;)

"The operating system is not found" - this error means that the computer cannot find Windows and your computer is not able to find and load the installation of Windows, because there are hardware or software problems.

Laptops When cannot find an operating system create additional complications compared to desktop computers, because they have fewer opportunities in emergency situations and do not have equipment parameters to return if the problem occurs.

Failure to Boot Record

The hard disk of the computer has "Master Boot Record", integrated when installing Windows, which after BIOS controls the system loading process.

Most laptops are equipped with a "recovery section" most often configured on the hard disk, less often on the DVD disk.

When downloading from recovery, you need to start the "Automatic Recovery" option in the "System Restore" menu, Windows will be able to restore the MBR.

You can also correct the operating system by reinstalling Windows if "automatic repair" is unable to correct the MBR.

Bad configuration BIOS.

- This is the first to turn your computer when turned on, sets up the equipment and prepares it to load the operating system.

BIOS bad configuration can call computer ignore hDDthat leads to an error "OS not found."

You can enter the BIOS by pressing the "SETUP" key, which is usually displayed on the boot screen - if the computer does not define it, then press the F1, F2, F8, ESC or Delete keys.

After you enter the BIOS, select the "Restore Default Settings" option and the laptop recognizes the hard disk again.

Some BIOS errors require bIOS reset By removing the CMOS battery. This process can be much more complicated on laptops, because it may require the keyboard removal and all the housing to access the battery.

The operating system is damaged

The laptop may show an "OS not found" error if the OS load is damaged. Malicious programs, viruses and hardware errors can hack the code required to identify and download Windows.

Installation damage can be eliminated by starting the tool " automatic recovery"Or" "- this can be found in the recovery of the section or booting with installation disk Windows.

In the worst, reformatting hard disk and reinstalling Windows From scratch, it can fix this problem.

Failure of hard disk and motherboard

The laptop may not be able to download Windows, because the hard disk or motherboard is damaged.

Laptops represent a more complex problem when testing in this case, because they have only one place for connections hard disk.

So if the port of the motherboard fell out of order, then it should be replaced. If the hard drive makes clocking sounds, it is most likely broken and needs to be replaced.

You can check the hard disk for performance by removing it from the laptop and connecting to another computer inside or through an external case.

If another computer cannot recognize the hard drive, then, most likely its system is broken, but if the computer sees it, then the problem is most likely in your laptop motherboard - it will have to refresh it. Successes.

There are several options for installing this operating system, and they all differ only to minor deviations from the installation process itself. Windows 7 can be installed, for example:

1 . To a new computer;
2 . Over Windows XP;
3 . To stood two systems: XP and "seven";
4 . To have two "seven";
5 . Reinstall Windows 7.

In the installation process, you will understand that there is nothing difficult here. Scary for the first time, and then everything is done with eyes closed. Let us dwell on the most common option, this is when your operating system "flew" or suffered from viruses and no longer applies any signs of life.
And so, proceed.

1. Go to the "BIOS".

Insert disk with distribution Windows 7. In a DVD-drive and send a computer to reboot. Immediately after rebooting for 2 - 3 seconds, the Motherboard Welcome window will appear where it is proposed to click " Del.", And in laptops" F2.».

As soon as the greeting window opens, press the button "keyboard several times. Del." or " F2."To get to" Bios." If you do not have time at this short period of time, then the reboot procedure will have to repeat again, as the computer will start booting from the hard disk.

So, we did everything right, and got into " Bios."In the section" Main.».

Using tips, and in various models motherboards They can be slightly modified, move to the section " Boot"(Download).
In my case, moving is performed using the buttons with arrows " up down" or " left-right", Located on the keyboard, and for most laptops, the move buttons will be F5. and F6..

Being in the section " Boot»We go to the menu item" Boot Device Priority.»Press the button" ENTER».

We have opened the download menu window, where it is indicated that the default computer should be loaded with floppy Disc, and if it does not turn out to be, then the next device is worth hDD. Well, the latter in this list is CDROM..

Here, choose the computer loaded with DVD drive. So press the button " ENTER"And we have another window in which you need to choose our drive.
Buttons with arrows " up down»Let's go to the string" CDROM: 3S-OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5260"And click" ENTER" You have the name of the DVD drive will be different.
In the case of a laptop, the moving buttons will be F5. and F6..

As you can see, the DVD drive became the first in the list of computer loading list.

2. Installing Windows 7 on a hard disk.

After a reboot, a window will appear for a short time where the query string will be in the upper left corner to start the installation with the drive DVD. We press any key. If you do not click the key, the computer will start loaded from the hard disk.

The Windows 7 installation program will start, which will determine the minimum set of equipment needed to install it, and copies the required installation files to the hard drive.

Everything. We have done the hardest part, and now just left to follow the instructions of the installation program.
In this window, select the installation language.

Here you choose the language of the operating system and click " Further».

Press the button " Set»To start installing Windows.

In the next window, you will need to choose the version of Windows 7, which was previously installed on your computer. It is important to know here: 32 or 64-bit operating system stood on a computer, otherwise, there will be problems with the work of iron if it is not designed to work with a 64-bit system.
As a rule, if more than 3 GB random access memoryYou can safely install the 64th bit version of the system. As decided, press " Further».

If you install the laptop system, then the system data can be taken from the sticker glued to the bottom of the laptop.

Agree to S. License Agreement and click " Further».

Choose a complete installation.

After some time, the installation program will automatically determine the partition to which the operating system will be offered. But you can also specify which section to install Windows. In our case, we leave everything by default and choose " Disc Setup».

In this window, choose formatting section. The program will immediately warn you that you will lose all the not saved data in this section. And since we have no choice - Windows is still not loaded, unambiguously press " Further».

Format section hard disk, we seek it, creating a favorable "soil" for files and folders of the new operating system.
Now it remains to wait until Windows is installed on the computer.

At the end of installing files, the computer will go on a reboot.

After another reboot and later, while the system is installed, you will see a window with an inscription query to start the installation.

Do not press anything, since the necessary files are already loaded to the hard disk, and you do not need to download them from the installation disk.

3. Completing the installation of Windows 7.

Now Windows offers to enter some more information to finally install. In the window that opens, enter the name of the user's user and click " Further" You can enter your name.

This window suggests entering a password for your account. You can enter, or you can not enter. I usually enter the password. We click Further».

In the next window, you are invited to enter the product key. We click Further».
You can not enter it, but to use this operating system for 30 days. But after the end of this period, you will need to activate Windows by entering the key.

We check the set: date, time and time zone.

We are waiting for the use of settings.

Everything. Now you can congratulate you independent installation windows 7 operating system.

4. We bring a little shine.

Let's make a couple of necessary strokes.
As you notice, the screen resolution is slightly large, and the elements " Desktop»Watching large.
Click right-click on " Desktop"And in the context menu that appears, select" Screen resolution».

As you can see, the default screen resolution is worth 800x600. pixels. It changes the slider located in the window that opens with the options of permissions. Choose the desired, click " Apply", And" OK».

And the second moment, which must be done, to reboot the computer and enter the " Bios."To change the download option.

We also go to the section " Boot"And from the menu item" Boot Device Priority.»Press the button" ENTER»We get in the download menu. Here you choose the computer by default loaded with hard disk.

If you have a stationary PC, it will be enough to install fresh drivers on and webcam if the camera is.

For owners of laptops, install the drivers will have to install a little more: for video cards, webcams, point, Wi-Fi, possibly also for any device. All of them can be downloaded on the site manufacturer of laptops.

Now you can use the computer.

And if you have any questions about installing Windows 7, then you will definitely look at this video.

From the notes of the applied to the disk with the operating system you will learn how you can install operating windows system 7 on laptop or stationary computer. We will be offered detailed instructions By installing the system with the necessary images.

If you are one of those people that believe that Windows 7 is installed independently impossible and this is a matter of professionals, then you are somewhat mistaken.

To install the Windows operating system 7, we will need a laptop or desktop computer, as well as the disk installer system. Also need instructions with installation pictures. But, of course, you will need to be very attentive when installing.

Some moments before installing the system.

Before installing the Windows 7 operating system, you must remember the two important points:
The very first - It will be necessary to decide on the disk where the system will be put. Usually, install the operating system to the C drive S. Therefore, if you have any important data on the desktop or on the disk C, then pre-copy them to another disk or place them on the USB flash drive or other media.

Naturally, with a new installation, all previous information from the disk C will be erased. Thus, this does not mean that you will need to completely copy all the folders from the disk from to other discs. You only clog the registry and programs can work incorrectly. Easier to produce new installation Subsequently. It is better not to be lazy and do as we designated above.

Second momentwhich is also important is the drivers to your device, whether it is a laptop or desktop computer. Usually, the laptops are already available for drivers on the disk and they are included. If there are no drivers, you can easily download them from the manufacturer. Drivers will need to first download and place on any disk except C. otherwise, you can subsequently experience problems with their installation, as it is possible that the driver will require a driver.

Install Windows 7 from the disk.
So, you will need to insert the disk into the drive and restart the computer. Now it is to get to the BIOS section or the "Basic I / O" section. To get there, it will be necessary after the computer will be restarted, after the screen goes out, press the Delete key and hold it. On different systems there may be a different keyboard shortcut. For example, this - Escape, Ctrl + Alt + S, Ctrl + Alt + Escape, F10, F3 + F2, F2, F1 and others.

The system you will also tell you the key to choose to get into the BIOS. For example, it can quickly fire the inscription - Press Del to Enter Setup. So you this case You will need to press Del. If the key is selected correct to go to the BIOS, then you will find yourself in the old software shell.

The BIOS itself can vary somewhat depending on the manufacturer's device. But basic principles Works will not be particularly different. In the BIOS appeared, you will need to go to the section - Boot Device Priority. In this section, we will override the computer download from the disks. Instead of hard disk, we will put the download with CD or DVD Discwhere the installer of our system is located. Later it will be necessary to restore the priority of the loading of devices. Thus, our disk, or rather the DVD CD drive, we are positioned first in priority.

In the screenshot below you can observe that now the hard disk is installed by default. We choose the download from the DVD drive. Tasps are given as you can move the device down or up. So, as soon as we deliver the CD drive to the first place, you will need to press ENTER and later press F10 to save and exit.

After that, there will be a reboot of the computer and the screen will appear, the screenshot of which is presented below.

After the screen appears, press any key and the inscription will appear - Windows IS Loading Files, that is, the installation of the operating system begins.

Once the extraction of files will be done, another window will appear - Starting Windows and the window of the Windows 7 operating system is already installed.

You will need to select a language and continue the installation.

There is a function to restore the system. How to use this you will learn from another article, but until this procedure is needed.

The next step will be the choice of version of Windows 7. Naturally, you need to choose the version that you actually acquired and on which you have a key to activate. If you have a laptop, you can see the key on the bottom of the device on a special attached piece of paper. The code itself will be entered upon the completion of the installation.

Let's say a few words about differences in versions of 64-bit Windows 7 and 32-bit (x86) Windows 7. It is advisable to select a 64-bit system if your processor supports this technology and the memory of the RAM will exceed 4 GB. If there is no such support, you need to select 32-bit Windows 7.

Next will be the installation procedure. Our choice is a complete setting.

The next step is a choice of disk where the system will be put. In our case, this is a local disc.

If the amount of the memory of your hard disk exceeds 250 GB, it will be advisable to divide this volume into two sections. In one section, we will keep the system itself - for this there will be enough 50 GB. The remaining amount of memory will be under the storage of personal data.

As a result, it should not remain unoccupied on the disk and all discs must be numbered, and otherwise the operating system will not work with them in the future.

So, after creating partitions, press the Apply key.

Pay attention to this step, which happens that the system can request some drivers if it does not detect a hard disk to continue the installation.

If you hit this situation, then return to previous steps and divide the hard disk on local disks Using the Acronis program. Such problems rarely occur if the disk is already divided into several sections. At the same time, one is specifically assigned to the system, and others for personal needs.

You can do the following. Going to the BIOS, change the SATA mode from the AHCI technology to the IDE.

Another option concerns the installation of the hard disk controller drivers if they are prepared in advance.

In the event that your disk is divided into several sections, more than 2, then the previous item can be ignored. You need to install the system to the first created disk and continue to start the formatting process.

At the same time, the system will warn that the previous data will be completely erased. We agree with this and continue. The process will take very little time and will continue our installation.

Now the installation procedure will now go directly. You can stay a few minutes.

The installation procedure will take from 15 to 25 minutes. After installation, the window will appear, where you need to enter the name of the computer. We will continue further.

If you want to set a password, as well as a hint to it.

Subsequently, you will need to enter the serial code of the product. With him you can read, looking at the bottom, for example, your laptop or look at the box purchased with the distribution system. You can skip this step and activate the system later. Then a tick with "automatic activation when connecting to the Internet" must be removed.

Now you can restore the original bIOS settingsthat is, return the previous priority to the hard disk.

Of course, that's step by step guide It may seem somewhat complicated, but it is detailed and you can easily install the Windows 7 operating system. Thanks to the description of the smallest things with images, any newcomer can easily install the OS.