How to extract remote files from the basket. Step-by-step guide: how to restore files remote from the basket

PC basket is a special folder on the desktop of the computer. All files fall into it after deleting. At any time you can restore the file in the basket. It also happens that when the file is deleted from the desktop, the basket label itself may disappear.

How to return the basket on the desktop

In most cases, the problem of installing a label of the basket, which, due to some reasons, disappeared from the desktop PC, can be solved due to standard means operating system. First of all, you should not worry. The basket itself and the files in it, not going anywhere. The system will create it again, even if it is purposefully deleted this folder. If and what disappears, this is a label basket. You can restore it in several ways. Consider the instructions.

  • In the empty place of the desktop you need to right-click. In the menu, what appeared, select the "Screen Properties" tab (in the case of Windows Vista and 7, then the Personalization line).
  • In the window that has opened, select the "Desktop Setup" string (if you have Windows Vista or 7, then looking for a string "Changing desktop icons").
  • In the tab that opened, check the box opposite the inscription "Basket" and a label with a picture. Click on the "OK" button.

After that, the basket on the desktop PC should recover. And if your fault does not disappear from the desktop, it is recommended to check the PC system for viruses. Now you know how to return the basket on the desktop PC. Observe these small rules, and everything will be fine.

But imagine that you will not do if you suddenly find the loss of the system label - the basket? Well, yes, a difficult question, especially when it rarely use this element of the desktop.

The reasons can be a lot from the banal operating system to a simple manual intervention of users, but this is not the essence so important, since we are interested in the moment of recovery of "basket" ...

Like any computer malfunction, this problem has several solution options. Each of which is effective, often for one way or another, one way may not work, so I alternately try each until you reach the desired result.

Correction No. 1.

The easiest option to restore the label "Basket", re-create it on the desktop.

Correction number 2.

The following option uses system settings Registration.

Correction number 3.

For the third way, we need to use the "object editor group Policy».

  1. To start a combination of Win + R keys to call the "Run" window
  2. Enter the following value:
    and press the Enter key
  3. You will open the "Group Policy Official Editor" window, which goes along the way: User configuration ? Administrative templates ? Desktop.
  4. Then in the right-hand side by clicking the right mouse button on the "Delete basket icon from the desktop" and select "Properties"
  5. Go to the "Parameters" tab
  6. Check the item "not specified" and click "OK"
  7. Restart your computer to apply changes.

Note! Group Policy Editor is not present in all versions of Windows operating systems, for example, Windows 7 (Seven) home basic does not contain this tool settings.

Files deleted by users first are placed in the basket, from which information can be restored by pressing one button. Another thing, if the user itself cleared this folder: the necessary data is erased from the system. The question arises how to restore deleted files from the basket and can I do this at all?

Recovery programs

Data recovery after cleaning is possible when using special software. There are several utilities that return information from a newly cleaned basket.

  • Testdisk.
  • GetDataback, etc.

All utilities work according to one principle, carrying out the scan of the drive in search of traces of remote data. However, the result of their work is different, so if one program has not coped with the task, then you need to move to another, since the chances of recovering information always remain.

Data recovery

Recuva - one of the most famous programs To recover data after cleaning the basket, so we use it as an example of how you can return lost information.

After the scan is completed, a list of detected files will appear. Perhaps some of them will become unreadable - these data are marked with a red circle. If the file is damaged, but it can be opened, then the circle next to it will be yellow. Information marked with green circles is completely restored and ready to save on the computer.

After completing the recovery process, the data erased from the basket will turn out again on the computer.

Using other recovery programs

If Recuva failed to find files After cleaning the basket, you can try more powerful utilities - GetDataback and Testdisk. Let's see GetDataback's work algorithm:

After the scan is completed, the program will show another file system - select it to see the data array that appeared after recovery.

The only drawback of this utility - in free mode, you cannot save the recovered files to the folder on the computer. Can buy full version Programs, but there is another option: Use the TestDisk utility.


If neither Recuva, nor GDB could find and return files after deleting, then with this task you can cope with the TestDisk utility, which should be well known to Linux users. Perhaps for 2016 this program looks inconsistently due to the lack of an attractive graphic interfaceBut with data recovery, it copes perfectly.

The program window will explain the data that managed to find. To restore the file, select it and press the "C" key in english layout. To highlight all files, press "A".

In the next window you need to select a directory to save the information found. Using the arrows, find the folder you created and placed in the root of the disk, and press the "C" key again.

Remote files in the operating windows system Placed in special system folder - Basket. There they are stored until the cleaning of the basket or restore these documents. This feature Implemented to avoid random deletion Custom information. To restore data from the basket, select the necessary files, right-click on any of them, and context menu Click "Restore". Remote documents will be returned to their original directories.

In the case when you want to restore remote information and place it in another folder, select and drag the documents to the required directory. They will be moved (copies will not remain in the basket).

Note! Documents that have been deleted using the "SHIFT + DEL" combination do not fall into the basket. Their recovery is made only with the use of specialized programs.

Restoration of the files removed from the basket

If, after deleting data in Windows, the basket has already been cleared, to use the direct method of recovery will not work. But this does not mean that the data were permanently permanently. When you delete files, there are no instant erasing with hard disk Computer. The place where the information was stored is marked with the system as free. In the future, new data can be recorded on it, and only then deleted documents are erased.

Therefore, from the moment of deletion, it is important to make a minimum number of recording operations to the disk. Also, when restoring it is desirable to use external disk or flash drive to record the information received. When saving on the same disk, the new information may damage the initial one. To recover data, use one of special utilities, for example, Handy Recovery or Eraseus Data Recovery. Wizard.

Handy Recovery program

Installing an application is made in several steps using a wizard. Run "setup.exe" and follow the installer prompts. In the first step, it is recommended to close all used in this moment Applications. If a small volume on the computer random access memoryTake advantage of this advice and click the Next button. On the modern computers Closing other applications is not mandatory.

After that, information about the utility will be displayed, which includes a description of its functions and a list of changes to latest version. Navigate to the next step. Opens license agreement, the reading of which will need to confirm, noting the checkbox "Yes, I agree with all the conditions."

Click "Next" and select the application setting directory. The logical structure of the folders in Windows is designed in such a way that the basket is in system section. In most cases, this is local disk C. For the program data does not overwritten files that you want to recover from the basket, it is recommended to install it in another section (for example, to disk D). Yet better decision There will be an installation on an external carrier.

In the next step, the installer will ask about the need to create a shortcut on the desktop. After that, navigate to the direct unpacking and copy the utility to the computer. When the process is completed, the application will propose to show information from the developers and make the first launch. Mark the required options and click Finish.

The first window that is displayed after the program is launched - limitations free version. Trial version of the utility works within 30 days. In addition, on a day, you can restore only one remote file. But if you restore a small amount of remote images or text documents, licensed restrictions will not affect work. The application interface has a preview of information from which you can copy the necessary data.

When you first turn on, also displayed. useful advice. The switching is performed using the "Next" button. To disable the display of tips when you start the program, uncheck the "Show when startup" checkbox and click Close.

After that you can choose a disk or section on which you have been remote information. Since the data was removed from the basket, select system Disk. Click "Analysis" to search for remote information.

Important! If you want to speed up the search, click "Cancel". In the program interface you can only mark the basket without scanning a whole disk for this.

The main window of the application will open, in which the current program progress will be displayed. When it is completed, you can view the directory tree on the selected disk. Among them will be remote. To access the basket, go to the "$ recycle.bin" folder. In the case of a screenshot, it can be seen that there are three remote folders in the basket, one of them has nested directories.

Find remote documents you want to restore. Below under their list is the section previewFrom which you can copy textual and graphic information.

If there is no information in the "$ Recycle.bin" folder that you want to restore from the basket, use the advanced analysis. To do this, follow the link in the lower left corner of the application. When the advanced analysis options is selected, set the "Search for files deleted from the basket" and click "OK".

To restore the deleted documents found, click on them with the right mouse button and select Restore. A window appears in which you can mark the recovery parameters. Among additional options are offered:

  • Restore folder structure - creates directories similar to the original.
  • Restore only remote - if only some documents from the recoverable directory have been deleted, only they will be saved when you select this option.
  • Restore alternative data streams (ADS) - is responsible for the presence of meta-information in files.

If you save information to the same section from which it was read, an additional confirmation will be required before going to the next step. It is recommended to click "No" and install another partition to save data.

In the absence of the specified folder on the specified path, the utility will propose to create it. Click "Yes" to create a directory and save to it restored information.

Eraseus Data Recovery Wizard Program

Unlike Handy Recovery, this app has modern interface and allows you to quickly filter remote data by type. At the first stage of the installation, select the language on which the following installation steps will be displayed.

Select the folder to which the program will be recorded. As with the case with Handy Recovery, it is not recommended to use the disk from which you will restore the data.

If necessary, check the necessary items to create icons on the desktop and in the panel. quickly launch. In the next window, specify the name of the folder in the Start menu. It will host the labels of the installed application.

All selected options will be shown before installation. Check them out correctly and click "Set". If you need to make changes, you can return to the previous steps by pressing the "Back" button.

At the final stage, choose whether you want to run installed application. Also, the utility will offer to take part in the program to improve user support.

Important! After activating the second option, the program will send the developer to the statistics of use.

The Eraseus data recovery wizard has only two steps. The first indicates the type electronic documentsthat need to be restored. Proposed options:

  • Graphics (JPG, PNG, BMP);
  • Audio (MP3, WMA);
  • Document (Word, Excel, PDF);
  • Video (AVI, MP4);
  • Files email (PST, DBX);
  • Other files.

Select the type of deleted documents requiring recovery, and click "Forward".

In the second step, the Eraseus wizard offers to select the location of the remote files. Mark " Common folders -\u003e Desktop. Then click "Scan" to go to search for remote files.

Compared to other similar utilities, scanning remote files is performed quite quickly. Current status is displayed in the left upper corner programs. Among the convenient features is the ability to put the process pause or completely interrupt it. For these actions, the "pause" and "stop" buttons correspond to the right of the progress line.

And today I would like to highlight the question of how to restore the files deleted from the basket. First, let's look at the basic concepts a little. Everyone knows that before the files are completely removed from the computer, they fall into a certain intermediate system buffer. In the case of family operating systems Windows is given The area is called "Basket". Such an algorithm is characteristic not only for Windows, a similar buffer is present in all modern operating systems, including those operating on mobile platforms.

All files placed in the basket are for some time in it, as long as you do not clean it yourself. True, a situation may arise, in which due to the lack of space, the system simply will reboot data more new, without notifying the user. And some operating systems produce cleaning files from the intermediate buffer at a certain time. So, for example, photos on my iPad are temporarily placed in the album "Recently deleted" and stored there a month. After that, safely removed in automatic mode. But let's come back to the question of how can I restore the files deleted from the basket?

Recover files using Recuva

Of last release You already know that when deleting the files are not immediately erased. The system only deletes the record of them from file System. Thereafter operating system It can safely write to the place of remote data. To restore the file, the record of which was the steer from the file system, you need to use the resuscator program. The Internet can offer many options for such recovery programs. According to the experience I can say that for such a simple task it will be quite suitable for the Recuva program. It restores files removed from the basket in a matter of times if they were not overwritten.

Download and install the program

Step 1. Go to the site of developers And in the top menu, select "Download". In the open list, click "Download Recuva".

Step 2. On the page that opens, we offer two variants of the program. Paid and free. The functionality of the latter is quite suitable for recovering accidentally remote files from the basket. Click on the first link to

Step 3. We have opened a new site with a large green button "DowLoad Latest Version". Just click on it and wait until the latest version installer will boot on our computer.

Step 4. Run the downloaded file and in the first window using the drop-down list, select the Russian installation language. Click "Next". We are waiting for the program to change the language and click "Next".

Step 5. The newly opened window contains many ticks. We remove the last. We will not load our computer with superfluous updates. Click "Install".

Step 6. We wait for the end of the installation. Remove a tick from the point of forced launch and ignore the opportunity to get acquainted with the features of the free version. Click "ready."

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Algorithm for recovery of remote files from the basket of files

Step 1. For example, you will delete your graduation project from the basket. I hope that Recuva will cope with its recovery.

Step 2. On the desktop we click on the basket of the right mouse button and select "Search for deleted files".

Step 3. The program began to analyze the disk. This process It lasts not long. You just need to wait a little.

Step 4. Once the analysis is completed, a new window will open before us. In the list of files we are looking for the one to be restored. I choose the document document and click "Restore."

Step 5. In the dialog that opens, select a place to restore the file. And I "OK". In the case of successful recovery, the corresponding plate appears on the screen indicating the number of recovered objects.

ATTENTION! When restoring, be sure to specify the path to save the renewed files from the basket to another section (for example, a D disc) or even a carrier (separate USB flash drive)!

Step 6. Be sure to check the integrity of the files that restored. Opening the diploma, I see that all the tables remained in place. Formatting the document in the order and no negative changes after the successful resurrection is observed.

Unfortunately, the recovery process is not always going so smoothly. This is due to the fact that the files could be removed for too long ago, and the system has already managed to lose them with new data. But, as a rule, if you do not delay long, lost materials can be restored in minutes. So this summer I managed to restore the video files already removed from the basket for its first training roller. It saved the situation, and the first roller appeared on the world, which half a year later scored a thousand views. If suddenly, using the Recuva program, you could not restore the information, then be sure to try to make it programR-Studio. From the past issue.

With you was Denis Beached and the issue of blog information technologies website. Today we learned how to restore the files deleted from the basket. Subscribe to update. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. See you in the next issue. All excellent mood and new knowledge!

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