How to tie another card to Aliexpress. How to untie the map from Aliexpress from the phone in a mobile application? How to discover the map from Aliexpress on the phone? What to do if the tied card has become unusable and how to remove it

An increasing number of people make purchases on the Aliexpress website. This virtual store is attractive by the fact that the payment of goods can be made online at any time convenient. As a rule, people tie a bank card to their own account. However, there are often situations when you have to change or delete it. How to do this in the Aliexpress system?

How to untie a bank card from Aliexpress?

Treat the bank card and forever delete it to Aliexpress required for various reasons. It happens that she has expired and it is necessary to bind a new account. Some users aliexpress are experiencing about the safety and confidentiality of data entered into the data system. Do not worry! You can delete the map on Aliexpress in several ways.

Remove the map to Alipay Alipay

One way to dismiss a bank card on Aliexpresses the use of the Aliperey service. What do you need to do for this? Everything is simple enough.

  1. To reject a payment card and delete it from the service, you need to enter your Alipay wallet. To do this, click on the "My Aliexpress" virtual button. After that, the pop-up menu will appear on the screen. From the list you need to choose "My Alipay".

  1. Next, you need to deal with your own accounts in the Aliexpress system. Since the Aliexpress service can easily install the Russian language, it is possible to make it very easy.

On a note! From above there is a menu, and two tabs are placed under it. This is "History" and "My Account."

In the first of them you can find all the data and statuses of completed payments for Ali Spress. But to delete the card, the "My Account" tab is required. There are several additional sections here. You need to choose from them the "Edit Cards" button.

  1. You need to click on this icon. This will allow you to go to the page, where all the cards attached to the account on Ali SPress are indicated. Immediately you can bind to the system another payment instrument. To the right of the map number indicates the name of its owner and the "Delete Map" button. She needs to use it.

  1. It remains only to click on this button and confirm the refinement of the account of the account on Alipay. As can be seen, nothing complicated this method does not imply.

The easiest way to remove the map with AliqPress

There is another simple way to remove the card from your page on the Aliexpress store website. This option is attractive by the fact that it allows you to unscient an Aliexpress account not only the map, but also delete the contact phone number, passport data and other important information.

How to change the map on Aliexpress?

On Aliexpress, where hundreds of thousands of people make purchases every day, the map number can not only be removed permanently, but also change. As a rule, it is required to be done when the period of the previously specified document has expired. Since the ALIEXPRESS service automatically stores card numbers when making purchases, the change of "numbers" is often required if the user decided to use the other bank tool and, respectively, other plastic.

So, to change the card on Aliexpresses, to start walking along electronic directories and choose several lots. When the goods are sent to a virtual basket, you need to fill out the address for shopping and other important fields. Now you need to confirm the purchase, after which you should click on the "Payment of Goods" tab. The user remains to choose a payment method. Accordingly, it will be a plastic bank card.

From the opened fields, delete the information that highlighted in automatic mode. Instead of the data of the old plastic you need to drive new, topical information. You will need to re-specify the name and surname of the cardholder, directly its number and validity period. You also need to enter CVV. This is an individual cipher consisting of three numbers. You can find it on the back of plastic. You need to look under the magnetic stripe.

When all manipulations are completed, you need to click on the Pay Order tab. The contact telephone number to which the plastic is attached to Aliexpress will receive a verification SMS message. It will indicate the code that allows you to complete the payment for Ali Express. After the introduction of this digital combination into the system to an account on AlExpress, a new bank card will be tied. Subsequently, if necessary, it can also be deleted.

Video: How to delete a map with Aliexpress

Now you know the whole two ways to remove the card with Aliexpress! But if you still have questions, but you can find answers to them in the video.

2. Authorized on the site under your login and password and select the section in the menu "My Alipay".

3. After that, we are transferring to the website of the Alipei payment system. Press the icon that is highlighted by the "Edit Maps" inscription.

4. So we got to the desired page. Click the "Delete" button, then confirm again.

5. The case is done. Your card information is removed from Alipay.


The method described above does not always work. If you first go to the Alipey service website, you may be taken on this page.

In this case, to disach and delete a bank card, you need to do the following actions (to unlock the instructions, please click like in any of the proposed networks):

Thank you for your attention, that's all. Today, we finally figured out how to divert and remove the bank card on Aliexpress. Nevertheless, if you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in any of our social groups!

P.S. Friends, making purchases in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, saved - it earned!

Attention!!! How to delete card data after updating the Aliexpress website.

After payment of the goods with the map of the Aliexpress site, it proposes to attach the map to Alipay account. This binding card is a very convenient function. You do not need to constantly make card data, you will only need to select the desired payment method and enter the password. But sometimes there are cases when for any reason it is necessary to remove the map from the Alipay system or add another card.

And then the question arises how to disconnect (untie) a bank card from Alipay?

Overload or change the map from Alipay is very simple. But by buyers Aliexpress often raises misunderstanding how to do it, due to the fact that the card was tied. But the account in the payment system in which the removal function and card editing feature is not created.
Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done is and confirm the account. Then in the Alipay personal account you will see which cards are attached to your Alipay account and the possibility of controlling the map binding.

You need to go to your account. IN settings (settings) choose " Managing cards"Manage Your Cards). Next, we bring the mouse to an empty place to the right of the desired card and the link will appear. delete map."(Remove Card).

What if you want to bind the second card to Alipay?

In the Alipay system you have the opportunity to bind up to 5 cards to your account. To do this, you need to first pay the purchase on Aliexpress on a new map. After that, you will need to specify a payable password. After confirming the password, payment will be completed. And the card with which you just made the purchase will be tied to Alipei.

It turns out that you can bind a bank card to Alipay's payment system, it is possible to literally with two clicks, and it is much more difficult to remove. Many buyers in the Chinese playground want to know how to remove the map with Aliexpress For the reason that they do not know almost nothing about Alipei and did not even register on the website of the payment system.

Binding itself does not happen. At the stage of payment of the goods, a graph appears, offering to bind the card to Alipay. And in the form of payment, the check mark costs the default. Accordingly, the banal payment of the parcel leads to the binding of the card, if the user did not pay attention to the tick.

Aliexpress Card

Please note that the account on the Chinese playground and in the payment system are different things.

  • So, go to the official website -;
  • Click on a blue button "Go to My Alipay";
  • We are throwing out to the Aliexpress page, where we enter data from the Chinese playground account;
  • Now we are throwing us directly to the Alipey system.
  • We enter the email address and symbols in the lower column;
  • Next, your e-mail send a letter with a link to which you need to go to confirm the registration;
  • By clicking on the link you fall on the page where you need to fill all the fields. Specify the desired password for which there will be access to the payment system. And set three control questions / responses;
    After clicking on the bottom green button;
  • If you are all done correctly, the inscription will appear. "Your Alipay Account Has Been Set Up SuccessFully!"notifying that you have successfully created an account;
  • We make a click on the same page on the inscription "Go to My Alipay";
  • The page opens with your personal account in Alipei. Pay attention to three icons from above. Click on icon with map. When you hover on it you will see the inscription "MANAGE YOUR CARDS";
  • The page will be all your tied cards. Opposite the map will be the corresponding button that allows it to be removed from the system;
  • To make sure that you are all done correctly, refresh the page. The inscription will appear "Oops, You Have no Card in Alipay". She speaks of the lack of registered cards.

If you already have an account from the payment system, then you will be even easier for you, as it will be possible to delete the payment card to Aliexpress, it will be easy to authorize in your account and transition to a page with card products.

You still can criticize automatic binding of the card product. Not due to the fact that the default is the appropriate check mark. It is completely incomprehensible why the card binding does not require registration in the payment system, and to remove it, it is necessary to create a personal account on Alipei.

Appeal to technical support about this, nothing will surprise you. Employees of support are banally give a link to Alipei with a request to register.

Is it possible to remove the map on the Aliexpress site itself?

This is not possible for the reason that the Chinese playground and payment system are different things. Your card is not tied to Aliexpress. However, after registration in Alipei, it will be easier to access the payment system.

In the submenu "Hi," Your Name "on Aliexpress will appear a new item -" My Alipay ". Having done a click, the system will automatically transfer you to the personal account of the payment system. Therefore, there is no need to constantly look for a link to the Official site Alipay.

If you use a mobile application, then it also provides a functionality to remove a map with Ali SPress (more accessible and understandable than in the case of Alipei). Therefore, the instruction in the case of the application you will not need. The article is rather for computer users.

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If you have repeatedly bought goods on the Aliexpress shopping area, you probably managed to notice how after successful payment of your bank card, the system proposes to attach your card to the account in Alipay. Let us not stop in detail on the review of the payment system itself, and we will consider whether your bank card is dislocated from Aliexpress.

Such large trading platforms like, or have long been offering their users to associate payment accounts with a user profile. Aliexpress Allows you to associate a user account with an account in the Alipay payment system, and EBay offers to link your profile with PayPal payment system. This is done first of all for the convenience of buyers.

After binding your bank card, you no longer have every time you try to enter all its data, it allows you to significantly save time, and if there are no cards at hand, then this option really is irreplaceable.

But there are cases when for any reason the tied card must still be untieved. The reasons may be set, ranging from banal safety reasons, ending with the reluctance to "shine" their payment details to third parties, and maybe at all, you tied your card by chance, because it is done in two clicks after the product for AliExpress.

To untie the map from Aliexpress, you need to go to your personal account of Alipay payment system. After that make a list of the following actions:

  • Click on the Settings tab (Settings)
  • In the drop-down menu, press "MANAGE Your Cards" (card management)
  • In the new window that opens, we bring the mouse opposite your card and click "Remove Card" (Delete Map)

Thus, in just a few clicks, your card data will be deleted from the system, and the card will get away from Alipay. If necessary, you can always attach a new card by making any successful payment for Aliexpress.

If you often make purchases on Aliexpress, the binding of the card will allow you to save a considerable amount of time, but there are also its cons.

Aliexpress Match

If you have made an order for Aliexpress, but after receiving for any criteria, he did not suit you, then in the case of payment by the payment system Alipay money will be returned to it, and not on your bank card.

The second pretext of the Card Abduction from AliExpress is that after returning funds to Alipay, the money on balance can be spent exclusively on other goods, to bring them, unfortunately it is impossible. At least at the moment it is so, perhaps in the future, the return on the map will be implemented, as it is now done in PayPal, but there are no reasons for this.

Considering that the payment system closely interacts with the trading platform, and is interested in more sales on their part it would be foolishly to provide the possibility of withdrawing funds from the system, so the only way today is a bank card reply from Aliexpress.

Recently, Aliexpress has changed a lot of things, in particular, it was announced. But for loud words, completely different and in ordinary buyers did not affect the ranks. Now, bypassing Alipay in the entire payment chain, much easier has become with returns, because the money is returned by straight on the card bypassing the internal account Alipay.

If you suddenly do not know how to change the payment card to Alipay, after turning off Alipay, it is still done even easier than before - at the last stage of payment, choose "pay by card or in other ways" and enter this card that we want to pay.

It is not necessary to save it, but for those who often make purchases on Aliexpress, the function is useful, before payment will not need to rush in search of the desired card, all the data will already be stored in the system, you will need only to choose a map from the list of saved you want to pay .

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