The virus that eats the place on the disk with. Rombertik virus mercilessly destroys disks of computer users

Hard disk is considered one of the main components. computer systemSince without it, the system simply cannot work. It is capable of storing a large amount of data to which you can access at any time. However, sometimes you risk losing important data, for example, if the hard disk is damaged in any way. Winchester may fail after the accumulation of poor sectors over a long period of time or sudden failure. Gradual refusal hard disk It is difficult to detect, since its symptoms mimic other problems of the computer, such as viruses and malicious software. These symptoms are usually damaged files and deterioration of the speed of the PC.

The hard disk malfunction usually arise due to an increase in the number of damaged sectors, which accumulate over time. The hard disk failure can be sudden, full, gradual or partial in nature, and in most cases the data recovery is the only solution. However, data recovery can never be guaranteed with complete confidence. In this article we will try to answer the question: is it possible to repair a faulty hard disk and how appropriate is it in different situations? So, under what faults is it possible to repair "Winchester"?

Electronics fault fees

Usually this problem Arises due to food interruptions, voltage jumps, etc. In 99% of cases, you can diagnose this malfunction to the complete absence of a response to power supply. HDD should not spread the spindle, issue any signs of working capacity in general, as well as a short circuit can greatly warm the part of the elements on the board.

HDD repair in this situation is possible. It can be element, i.e. Change separate elements On the electronics board, as well as the board can be replaced by a similar one. However, the second repair option assumes only the restoration of the disk performance, but not a data recovery. The fact is that the process of data recovery differs from the repair process by the fact that when data extraction, a similar electronics board is adjusted by adaptive to the "Patient Bank", and in the case repair tough The disk, on the contrary, the "bank" is adjusted under the fee, respectively, new service information and user data will be more unavailable.

The presence of a small number of unreadable sectors in the user zone of the hard disk.

The repair of the hard disk in this case is possible only if the amount of damage is small and they can be hidden in the factory defect sheets, or if the unreadable sectors appeared in a specific area and it is possible to cut off part of the user zone to prevent the appearance of more more problem areas. However, we consider this repair only if this drive It will not be used for storing important data. The fact is that the appearance of BED blocks is usually avalanche-like and for a long time to return the life of the "bit" disk very unlikely!

Damaged service zone of hard disk

This problem began to meet quite rarely in recent years and nevertheless, there are cases when creating a new service area (translator, sheet defects, etc., leads to a complete return of the drive). Sometimes it requires the launch of the full check and create a new "service", sometimes only small manipulations, such as cleaning Smart, recalculate the translator or shift of service zones for small values. For mechanical damage It is no longer possible to restore the performance of the hard disk under any circumstances. Even with the opening of Hermons of Winchester in special conditions, it is almost always impossible to achieve its normal operation. Therefore, if your disk has been subjected to any physical impact, with a very large probability of the repair disk no longer, or it is completely inappropriate, because it cannot guarantee it at least any normal operation.

Damaged files

Damage system files It usually occurs when the system is disconnected suddenly, making it impossible access to your hard disk and, therefore, to your system. Some of the reasons for the manifestation of damaged files include voltage jumps, use malicious programs, Random closing the running program and incorrect PC shutdown. Solution, and more precisely preventing this problem prevention is to close everything running programsBefore getting off the computer. In addition, the power off itself is best done standard methodrather detain the start button or pull out the network cable at all (although it is hardly anyone else does in our time). In addition to this, you should avoid installing malicious programs in general and regularly check and clean HDD so that no unwanted programs remain there for a long time.

Viruses and malicious

Computer viruses and malicious programs are the following factor that can have an extremely negative impact on the health of the hard disk. They infect the system and damage the system files stored on it. They usually fall into the system from external source, for example, from the Internet or external drive. Attacks of these viruses and malware are initially directed more on a hard disk, and later they can distribute to other computers if they are associated with an infected machine by local network. Update operating system Your computer is one of the solutions to such a problem. Moreover, another one possible solution is the installation and frequent update of the high-quality antivirus program. This antivirus will protect your system and your hard drive and ensure that it remains safe from their threats. So, if the data stored on your hard drives represent tremendous value for you, you should not save on antivirus.

Manufacturing defect

As not strange, this item also can not be overlooked if you want HDD to serve you as long as possible and effectively. Hard drives that have not been tested in advance may refuse even after several months of use. This problem is mostly found in new hard disks. The reason for this most often lies, of course, in a production marriage, which leads to a crash of a hard disk. The best way Prevent this problem - approach the issue of buying a new hard disk as carefully and, if necessary, resort to qualified assistance. It is extremely important to check the new hard drive before installing it in your computer system, if such an opportunity, of course, is available. And yet, you can never be one hundred percent sure that this will not happen to your purchase. So, in a similar case, the only way out of the situation will be refund and replacement.


Overheating is also one of the most frequent problemsresulting in hard disk faults. If the system is overloaded, the cooler can start rotating slower, as a result of which the system begins to heat up immediately after loading. Moreover, there is a high probability to hear extraneous clicks, which indicates the overheating of the hard disk. The reason for this is the lack of proper ventilation or defective processor coolerwhich overheats the system to such an extent that the hard disk begins to collapse. Solving the problem partly is proper installation Cooler and ensuring sufficient cooling for hard disk. In addition, you can install special programwhich will notify you about the hard disk temperature. If it starts exceeding the maximum limit, turn off the computer for a while and let it cool before renewing work, but in perspective, naturally, perform proper diagnosis.

The computer cannot detect hard disk or BIOS

The inability of the computer to detect a BIOS or hard disk is a consequence of power disorders provided by the UPS. This leads to the fact that the hard disk does not rotate properly, which causes the PC not to detect either a BIOS nor a hard drive. The best way to solve this problem is to ensure the correct functioning of the power supply for the PC hardware components, especially for the hard disk. You can do this, just replacing the cable connecting the UPS with the computer, as well as replace the uninterrupted person on the model more reliable and proven company.

Unexpected Computer Failures

When the hard disk becomes too old, it begins to show all sorts of problems that can lead to an unforeseen computer failure. The reason for this mainly lies in the accumulation of bad sectors for a large period of time. As the poor sectors accumulate, the engine and the read / write head of the Vinchster cries. If this happens, you will start to hear the crop, and the files and folders will start suddenly disappear. You can avoid this by periodically conducting different hard disk checks and (again) establishing antivirus programs that protect your hard drive from the threat of viruses, which can lead to the creation of bad sectors. Moreover, the replacement of the hard disk every 3-4 years is also a good way to solve this problem.

Human factor

An error made by the user also affect the occurrence of hard disk faults. For example, incorrect installation of the operating system, making changes to the settings system registry and changing the location of system files is all very common custom errorswhich can apply irreversible damage to the hard disk. Avoid making any unnecessary changes to the parameters of the system registry or change the location of system files. Also, make sure that you correctly install the operating system.

Hard disks are vital for the proper operation of the computer system. However, they are vulnerable to injuries and problems that may lead to loss of data that were saved on them. However, taking the necessary precautions, you can avoid hard disk malfunctions. Below are some tips to remember if you do not want to lose your precious data:

  • Install good antivirus program On your computer and regularly update it.
  • Always create backups Your data in a separate place.
  • Never turn off the computer while working.

For help in preparing the material, we thank the experts of Aiken's laboratory.

The best programs for diagnosing hard drive

If you do not know anything about the state of your hard disk, you can simply do not have time to keep your data when the critical moment comes. You must understand that any of the possible hard disk faults can catch you surprise, and that is why you will need to know when the time comes for reserve copy Your data. To keep track of the condition of the hard drive, especially if visible reasons No problem is observed, it is best to install high-quality software for periodic diagnostics of its condition. With some of the most popular programs you can read below.


This is convenient free programwhich can control S.A.A.R.T.-Attributes, and will display the basic information about the disk and its temperature. It comes in several versions that include more than multiple languages. The installer can offer both other software, so be careful because you probably don't want to install a couple of trip unnecessary programs. The program uses a simple interface that will display information about the status S.M.R.R.T. Attributes of your hard disk, hardware characteristics and temperature. In the event of a problem, you can easily find it in the attribute list.


HDDScan. It was created to support all types of hard drives, regardless of who produces them. This program It is portable, and after downloading you can run it directly without installing. It can check the status of S.M.A.R.T. Attributes of your hard disk, and in addition you can access a wider range of tests and functions. She also supports working with RAID arrays, which allows it to test it and for them. These tests include recording, reading and erasing information on HDD. All test tests will be added to the Test Manager section, and will automatically queue to start upon completion.

Passmark diskcheckup.

This software for testing hard drives is free for personal use. To begin with, you will need to download a small file of 2 MB in size, and after easy to install the program. In the corresponding tab of s.m.a.r.t. Info in the program You will see the current status and attribute values, such as disk package time, error frequency when reading data from disk, errors that could not be restored using hardware error methods, and other parameters s.m.a.r.t. In addition, the program writes the history of characteristics observed. DickCheckup.which can be used to compare if they are out of control or failure. DiskCheckup can also run two types of disk tests: short (5 minutes) and advanced (up to 45 minutes).

HDD Regenerator.

HDD Regenerator.
It can help reverse some of the negative effects rendered by bat sectors to your hard drive. In some cases, it can restore problem areas, so if successful you can continue the usual work at the computer. In other cases, HDD Regenerator at least gives you the opportunity to get important informationBefore you need to completely replace the hard drive. This program is very useful because it supports many different types Hard disks. Developers argue that it can restore about 60% of hard drives. And although this is not the highest success chance, this outcome is still better than nothing. The only subjective disadvantage is that the HDD Regenerator may be a little more difficult to master novice users.

What represents rombertik virus And how to protect yourself from it?

Rombertik virus under magnifying glass

Rombertik belongs to the family of pests having a self-destruct function. In other words, the worm is programmed so that in case of detection, destroy the data located on hard drives.

Like most of the modern malicious softwareRombertik gets on computers of their victims through email. This method is called "Target phishing", it consists in targeted attacks on a particular person. It is used social engineering.

Rombertik virus is hidden in letters in the form of a malicious PDF file, which is actually executable windows file with extension.scr. To confuse the recipient, the attackers change the file icon on the known PDF or call the file<имя.pdf.scr>. Default in the settings windows systems Displaying extensions of well-known files is disabled, so the prefix .SCR may be invisible for the user.

When Rombertik is found on the computer of its victim, it begins to collect data for logging in and another, valuable from the user's point of view, information, including confidential data. He also penetrates firefox web browsers, Chrome or Internet Explorer.

Once in the browser, the worm can copy the data entered in the forms of websites, even with a secure HTTPS protocol, for example, on bank websites. It does it before the data will be encrypted through this protocol. Collected information Transmitted to a hacker server, which then sell it in the black market.

Computer virus Rombertik Equipped with a protective mechanism that makes it difficult to detect and analyze safety experts. Usually, computer viruses You delete yourself at the time of detection, Rombertik goes on. If it detects that it is calculated using anti-virus software, it will try to overwrite the basic boot record, the so-called Master Boot Record on the hard disk of the computer.

The MBR contains a system loader and partition table, and if it is changed, the system will not be able to start, which causes endless restart. If for some reason the virus fails to change the contents of the MBR (this happens, however, relatively rarely), from encrypted all the files located in the root directory of the computer (C: \\ Documents and Settings \\<имя пользователя>).

How to deal with the rombertik virus

As we found out, Rombertik does not destroy the entire system, it only disrupts the sequence of loading hard drives. This requires the application of data recovery tools. There are a number of programs that can help restore damaged or remote MBR. Some of them are on installation disk Windows.

Depending on the amount of damage caused, in case of impossibility recovery MBRSome users will be forced to reinstall the operating system.

The spread of malicious programs in the form of executable files.scr is almost as old as the Internet itself. Criminals can also use files with extensions.vbs, .bat, .com, as well as .Pif.

If there is no apparent necessity, we recommend blocking all such attachments or simply do not download and not open them. In addition, it is desirable to enable displaying file extensions in Windows.

Troyan does not have a free disk space

Greetings to you dear readers. Today, another article on the topic "Where to go an irrepressible energy and to attack a neighbor," and now I will introduce you an article on how to create a false virus that will absorb the space of the hard disk completely. Well ... what are the jokes there, of course ... In this article, you will see the sortie like Troyan is created and started.

he can get to the victim in this form

The essence of the virus is such that, having started at the root system DiscIt creates a rapidly expanding file (depending on the configuration of the computer - up to 1 GB / s) than fills all the free it - the disk - the place and leads the system into not quite a working state with all the resulting. With all this, not any antivirus is able to detect it. But when honorabling, antivirus can be turned off in order to avoid errors. However, in the described its maliciousness and ends, it will no longer bring any damage to the system.

The trick with filling the disk or flash drive space can be checked faster. This is capable of Windows. But you will need access to a computer of the victim.

Moreover, you can try it to try it on your system, after retaining all important documents. A full-fledged virus of the Eater Space in this form is not for several reasons (for this is delivering several actions - although they are easily corrected):

  • requires a meaningful launch from the user (although disguised as an antivirus program)
  • no packer
  • during the execution of the file, there is escort in Russian, which describes actions, consequences and the ability to get rid of Trojan
  • the file that the disk space will fill, does not have attributes Hidden and accessible to remove
  • it has an interface and its action is not hidden from the eye of the user (the operation of Trojan is easily tracked through the task manager)
  • the code is reached on a one-time effect on one volume

If you are not familiar with the theme of Trojan, you can get acquainted closer with this question in the articles:

Troyan does not have a free disk space. Start.

I will not score your head as the virus body is prepared. I will only say that this is a modified version of the Trojan of one good person written in C ++ and compiled by a sample article. There you will see the source of the Trojan and, if you want, you can collect it under your needs. Trojan is already in the form of an executive file you can download the archive on the link. If you wish, it can be turned into cruel weapons and all the "disadvantages", because of which I will not call it a finished trojan, it is easy to fix: I have everything on the site for this. Read. In the meantime ...

Before running in the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32create a file. junk.dll. - He will be the cause of misfortunes.

After starting Trojan, your disk will be clogged to 0. Fix the situation easily: in the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32 you will find the file you create named junk.dll. And remove it. It will be not difficult to find it - it is huge sizes. If something goes wrong, the file will be lost, it will be easy to detect with the utility SpaceSniffer.:

Question: Virus, eating a disk space with

Hello! help me please. I constantly loaded the place on the disk of S. I download nothing for a long time, and I can not understand what's the matter.

Answer: If you can not understand, then virus and suppressed. So be kind

Question: The virus is eating a disk space with

Real-time disappears on Antimalware disk did not help ...

Question: Viruses eat

Good day!
Help sort out the infection! At first, the opera is releasing the opera, now I watch mozil installed (although the suspicion is a virus)

Question: Unable to reinstall the OS using a DVD created by Media Creation Tool.

Hello! Available mSI laptop GE 70 2PL Apache. Windows 10 SL x64. After performing clean windows installations 10 (at one time updated with Win 8.1) installed drivers from the manufacturer's disk in the specified order. (Manufacturer has no drivers specifically for Windows 10, only for Win 7 x64 and Win8.1 x64, put the drivers for Win 8.1) when installed nVIDIA drivers The screen went out and did not turn on. I had to cut down the nout hard reset. And after that, Windows stopped loaded. With a normal load, the MSI emblem appears with a rotating circle at the bottom and after 2-3 seconds! The lock screen appears. Now, after loading, BIOS simply remained an endless circle windows downloads. Restoration did not help. In the BIOS dropped the settings to default. Reinstalled Windows from a DVD created using Media Creation Tool, having previously formatting a C drive. Now after the emblem and circle of the download, it remained just a circle of loading, a black screen appeared after a long time and only then the lock screen appears. Thinking that the download files were also damaged again from the disk again, while deleting the system partition, the MSR section and the recovery partition.
Disk partitions to manipulations The disc partitions after manipulations now when trying to install Windows to the previous place -Disk C, the following message appears. If you manually create deleted sections, they are assigned the type "main". BIOS laptop Supports UEFI.



If you need a Windows partition by 300 GB, then in drive management Squeeze the 565 GB section from Windows to 300 GB, then on the released place Create a section on 265 GB and peroxide 170 GB of data from your 353 GB of the section. Then remove the 353 GB partition, and the 265 GB expand the place to the left right. Here you will have Windows for 300 GB and a 608 GB data section. The only nuance that may occur is to 500 meg recovery partition, which may unexpectedly appear after installation 10, but it can be removed through the diskpart.

Question: The virus creates virtual disks

Hello, picked up the infection that creates virtual drives, pieces of 50 each loading (1 Fig.), Tried to delete the created discs through "Control Panel\u003e Administration\u003e Computer Management\u003e Disk Management", it turns out that only the letter of the disk is erased and, with the next load, everything is being created again and at the same time old drives are left without a letter, I now have 256 virtual CD-ROMs (2 Fig.)
What did Kaspersky engaged in the moment of infection, I still can not understand.
The task manager does not open until the virus can create all the discs, so it is not possible to trace this activity.
I tried the CCleaner-Oh off all suspicious elements in the autoload - did not help.
Scanned Kaspersky - nothing was found, downloaded Dr.Web Cureit - when scanning to safe mode I found 22 infected file, I treated something there, but I did not remove the problem.
Can you please tell me what to do?

Answer: Okay.
To close the vulnerabilities of your system, make a log.
The log that opens, copy and lay out, the file itself is not necessary, then download and install all updates..

Question: The virus creates virtual disks of more than 100 pieces, which slows down the work of the PC

From a week, virtual disks of about 100 began to be created with each Win7 boot. When working with the conductor, there are decays for 10-30 seconds.
Deleted Daemon`om - appear again.
I downloaded autologger.
I send logs.
I hope for your help!


Message from mKC.

How and what?

You will tell you about it better.

In logs order.

Question: virus without a file on an old hard disk

There is an old hard drive for 809 MB. From the old 486th computer (I am fond of retrogan). On it MS-DOS 5.0, file system FAT16. I am going to put on it Windows 95. To copy to it setup files, I connected it to modern computer through uSB adapter. Kaspersky cooked for viruses. Virus.dos.onehalf. Several files are infected, for example, fdisk.exe, Cured. So Casper continues to swear on the same virus, but does not show the name of the infected file. Writes:
\\ Device \\ HardDisk10 \\ DR11
Treat (Russify).
I click "treat", he asks reboot, they say, treatment with a reboot is the most effective method Treatment.
Or offers an option without rebooting. In short, that such that the Edak, he writes that treatment is impossible, removal, too, recommends to skip. And each time this disk is connected, it swings again to this virus without showing the file. I already formatted this disc, there are no files on it, but there is a virus! Boot virus? How to get rid of it? Formatting, even complete, does not help. Kaspersky cannot remove the virus. Where did he fall down?

Added after 2 minutes
Acronis removed the section from it. The virus remains anyway!

Answer: Thank you, helped!

Added after 8 minutes
Probably, Kaspersky could not remove the boot virus, because the disk is connected via USB. It can delete this virus (make changes to the MBR) only when loading the system. However, the USB drive driver has not yet boot. It should be connected to the screw straight to the motherboard, but there is no idea for modern motherboard.

Question: [SOLVED] News application eats place

I noticed that ... calm, only calm ... It became to disappear free space on the system section. The eternal question: who is to blame and what to do? The culprit was quickly - Microsoft.bingnews, the folder is C: \\ Users \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages. Its size has already reached 3.26 GB. I use the news application often and every visit, according to my observations, "costs the screw in 30-60 MB. I assume that it does not clean from previous launches. How to fix the situation? Or so it should be?


Quote gorill.:

Is there a way to move this folder to another screw?

You must also understand what installed applications Not belong to Microsoft and do not have a relationship to Windows, so a regular clever can not know about them.
Use CCLEAN by adding your custom cleaning folders to it.

Also applications for VKontakte creates a bunch of garbage in the folder of your application (in its folder) where it keeps watched video, pictures and most importantly audio files. 150 MB deleted

  • C: \\ Users \\ Konstantin \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ C6965DDD5.VK_V422AVZH127RA \\ AC \\ Microsoft \\ CLR_V4.0 \\ Nativeima Ges \\
  • C: \\ Users \\ Konstantin \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ C6965DD5.VK_V422AVZH127RA \\ Localcache \\
  • C: \\ Users \\ Konstantin \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Packages \\ C6965DD5.VK_V422AVZH127RA \\ Localstate \\ Audios \\
Remember that the folder C6965DD5.VK_V422AVZH127RA and users \\ konstantin. may vary from you.

Q: Disc letters change places

There are 3 partitions. With, D, E.After installing the second Windows 7 to section E, subsequent removal of it and installation new Windows 7 On the C Winduse section reassigns the E disk to the disk disk, just when you start the Paragon Partition disk program, it also changes places the disks E and D. first C and the second d is the primary, the third e logical. How to fix?

Answer: Andrey1224
About situations The share of truth is: for example, setting up a VHD file - I do not remember how letters are prescribed there.
But I wrote about ordinary attitudes and my words, also not from the nose of the smely.
At XP, another principle of destination letters and however, it would be inappropriate to compare it, especially if the topic is about 7-ku.

Q: BRONTOK.A 10 virus

The situation is this, the nephew sat for a laptop and grabbed viruses. In the browser on the green screen, some kind of nonsense and the inscription Brontok.a 10. Several times drowned Dr.Web Curelt - finds, removes, after rebooting it and the other 20 viruses in place. Avira and Kaspersky when starting the scan immediately fly out (writes something about the DLL registry) and reboots. Tell me, help. WIN XP.