Launching windows system selection how to clean. How to remove the list of operating systems when the computer boots? How to deal with files on an old or unnecessary system

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Choosing an operating system when booting a computer is a fairly common situation. How to customize the Grub boot menu in Linux I already.
In this article, I will explain how to set up system selection at boot on Windows. The OS selection menu may appear for several reasons.
The main and most common reason that the choice of the operating system appears at startup is the installation of several systems on one computer.

The second reason why the system boot selection menu may appear is not correct installation Windows. If HDD before installing the system, do not format, and install Windows over the old one, then a system selection menu may appear at boot, although in fact you will have only one Windows installed.
In this case, you can simply delete the non-working menu line or set the default working line and remove the system selection at boot.

Choosing an operating system when booting into Windows XP.

In order to get to the editing of the boot menu, open “My Computer - Properties”. This can be done by right-clicking on the "My Computer" icon or by using the Win + Pause (Break) hotkeys

And at the bottom of the window in the "Startup and Recovery" section, click "Options"

And already in this window we select which operating system we need to boot by default.

How to choose the default operating system in Windows 7.

To choose operating system loaded by default in Windows 7, also go to the properties of the computer. This is done in the same way as in Windows XP, with a mouse or Win + Pause (Break).

Go to the "Advanced" tab, and in the lower section "Startup and Recovery" click the "Options" button.

Choose which operating system should boot by default.
In order to remove the choice of the operating system when starting the computer, you need to select the system that will boot by default and uncheck the box “Display the list of operating systems”. As a result, the system that you have chosen will boot immediately.

If you have installed two Windows operating systems on one computer, then you will need to edit the system selection menu in the last installed system... If you have Windows XP and Windows 7 installed, then you will need to edit the system boot menu in Windows 7, since you need to install it correctly second and you will have the bootloader installed from it.

When working with Windows, sometimes you have to edit the registry, but in order not to spoil the system, it is best to save copies of the registry so that later you can quickly and safely.
Good luck!

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Discussion: 26 comments were left.

    http: //fancy-orders.rf/

    I also encountered this problem, but I solved it differently: I opened the boot.ini file through the system settings or the total commander and deleted the unnecessary line, the main thing before deleting is to check which of the lines is “empty” and which is responsible for loading Windows


    A very useful article for me, just recently I was thinking how to remove this choice of loading on my computer. The fact is that for a long time already, when installing Windows, I accidentally chose to install it on the wrong disk, I managed to stop the processes, but only after that incident the system thinks that I have several OS installed on my computer and when I enter the system always has to choose wasps. Now, thanks to your article, I fixed everything :). Thank you very much for the really useful material !!!

    Also, if I may not ask you a question, I wanted to ask you, what is the name of the theme that you have installed on your site? I liked her, too, I want one for myself :). Of course, if it's not a secret

  2. http: //unusual-orders.rf

    I recently interrupted 7 on my mother's computer, now it offers a choice of axis i.e. one is the axis itself, the other is the remaining inscription, I just can't go home to remove it

  3. Guys I have a pig, I installed 7k in parallel, for the game
    then the disk with the 7th formatted and merged 2 disks into 1in. And the selection window pops up, although the disk has formatted WTF O_O

  4. On a laptop vidos 10, installed android 5.1, now, when loading in BIOS, select android and at the very bottom of the Windows list. If not selected, the default android is loaded after 3 seconds. But I wanted to put windows first in the default list. All downloads are written in “menu.lst”, which is located in the grub folder. I tried to swap, the android refuses to load. Is there a way to get things done? (If you try to install android, just in case, have at hand windows disk to restore the download. It happens sometimes, then I restore it first command line, then I start boot recovery)

    Good evening! I have a problem in the following: I have installed 3 wine systems 7, I use it, 10 wines while I figure it out and Piggy x64 is needed to work with some programs (it has both x86 and x64 that do not start on 7th and 10th) when booting, the 10k menu may start or 7ki at what, regardless of my desire (or magnetic storms or the weather, I don’t know) with the boot menu of the 10k menu, the choice of the system is not a problem any of the three, but when you start the 7ki menu, when you try to select a system, the computer just hangs and no arrows on anything otherwise does not react only to escape what is the reason? By the way, XP does not appear in the configuration menu. Added to boot using EasyBCD. If you tell me what possible reason I will be grateful.

  5. good afternoon, originally installed 7k, then 10k last put XP x64 all installed on different physical disks, by default 10k it is loaded regardless of which boot selection menu is all right, but I can not understand why the 7ki menu is loaded, then the 10k menu ( meaning the system selection menu) while in the 10k menu, the system is selected normally, and in the 7ki menu, when you try to select the computer, the computer hangs ... 10 is displayed and there is no XP in the configuration menu (msconfig). the display does not bother me much, I am interested in the possible reason for the freezing of the 7ki boot menu and why and what affects the choice of the menu at start (I can not understand what principle the machine chooses one or the other)

  6. Thanks for the answer. So I have not met such a thing before, that's why I'm actually interested. And at the expense of the random choice of the system, it is not by chance that the system boots up, no, I have 10k in the boot by default. I randomly select the system selection menu or 7ki or 10ki (or tiles 10ki or row 7ki) the reason is how it is determined and I can not understand how the options are weather, magnetic storms and the mood of the computer ...

  7. Please tell me what to do! I installed the 2nd operating system on one disk, first 7k, and then xp! all the time only xp starts! I did everything as recommended, but nothing happens! is it really because I first installed 7k, and then xp! Thank you in advance !

  8. Hello! The question may not be entirely on the topic (from the blonde)! Parents have old XP, so when the computer boots up, a choice of operating systems appears.
    1.Microsoft windiws xp (slave)
    2.Windows (Default) - default
    despite the fact that by default it simply does not exist
    and the funniest thing, as a clever girl, I read on the Internet went to the "download and restore" there is what is in
    "Microsoft windows XP Professional" / fastdetect
    "Boot Loader"
    Timeout = 30
    multi (0) Disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ Windows = "Microsoft windows XP Professional" / fastdetect
    Attention QUESTION: 2.Windows (Default) - by default, how can this muck be removed from the OS selection ???

If at Windows installation 7, 8 or 10 if you did not format the system hard drive, but installed a new operating system, then most likely now, after turning on the computer, you see a menu in which you are asked to choose which Windows to start.

If you do not select anything, then after a few seconds the last installed OS will automatically start.

In this small installment, I will show you how to remove the second boot of Windows. It's actually very easy.

Removing the second operating system from the boot menu

All actions are the same for latest versions OS - Windows 7,8,8.1 and Windows 10.

To remove the second boot of Windows, you need to do the following:

  1. After the computer boots up, press the keyboard shortcut Win + R. A dialog box will appear Execute. It should be entered msconfig and press Enter(or the button OK).
  2. The system configuration window will open, in which we are interested in the tab. Go to it.
  3. Select unnecessary items ( those where Not written"Current operating system"). And press the button "Delete"... If you have reinstalled Windows several times, then there may be several of these items, remove each of them. This will not affect your current operating system in any way. After you delete all unnecessary items, click "OK".
  4. You will be prompted to restart your computer. It is better to do this right away so that the program will make the necessary changes to the Windows boot record.

After rebooting, you will no longer see any menu with a choice of several options. Instead, the copy that was installed last will be launched immediately (and, most likely, you do not have previous Windows, there were only entries in the boot menu about them).

This is very easy to do. Go to your system drive (usually drive "C") and look for the Windows.old folder there. If you have reinstalled windows several times, then there may be several of these folders. It is in these folders that all previous versions operating systems.

It is unlikely that you will be able to completely delete these folders in the usual way, so I recommend that you look at the previous issue in which I told you: - after all, this folder, as I said, takes up quite a lot of space on the hard disk and, most likely, everything that you have already saved it.

VIDEO: How to remove the second boot of Windows 7,8,10?

Well, that's all for today! Please write in the comments if you managed to remove the second Windows when loading the operating system? And in what Windows versions you did it. Like it if you liked the video and subscribe to our channel if not already subscribed, also on alerts by clicking on the bell next to the subscribe button!

How to remove system selection at boot, what settings do you need to go to for this? Hello friends! Very often this question is asked on the site. For example, you installed a second operating system and when the computer boots up, a menu for selecting operating systems with a duration of 30 seconds immediately appears, of course, such a menu is not useful to everyone, since many do not need the old operating system and therefore many users try at all costs to get rid of the unnecessary menu downloads.

How to remove system selection at boot

In this case, you can go in two ways, the first is, which is used in operating rooms Windows systems Vista, and, and it is described in another article. The second way is much easier and any user, even a beginner, can handle it, so I propose to consider it here.
In our article I will tell you how to remove the system selection when booting Windows 7, Windows 8 and.

How to remove the system selection from the menu at boot Windows boot 7

Start - Run

Another way to remove the choice of operating systems when starting Windows 7

Start -> Control Panel -> right-click on "Computer" and select "Properties",

then " Extra options systems ",

Uncheck the box "Display a list of operating systems", click OK. Apply. OK.

How to remove the system selection at boot from the Windows 8 boot menu

Right-click on the Start and Run menu

Enter the msconfig command in the input field

In the window that opens, go to the Download item. We see two operating systems. The current bootable operating system by default is the second in the list. Do not touch it, go to the first one and select it with the left mouse, click on the Delete button, then Apply and OK.

That's it, now when you boot Windows 8 there will be no choice of operating systems.

Another way to remove the choice of operating systems when starting Windows 8

Right-click in the left corner of the desktop and select "Control Panel"

Then System and Security.


Uncheck the box "Display a list of operating systems", click OK.

Apply. OK.

How to remove the system selection at boot from the Windows XP boot menu Start -> Control Panel -> Right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties",

Uncheck "Display a list of operating systems" and "Display recovery options", click OK.

Apply. OK.

As for Windows XP, you can edit the boot menu in this operating system, follow the link and read our article.

If you have two or more operating systems installed on your computer, then when you turn it on, the selection of the required operating system will automatically start. For example, you can have both Windows and Linux installed. The situation is standard, but if you turned on the computer and immediately went about your business, then, firstly, the first operating system will be loaded, installed by default, that is, it is quite possible that it is not at all what you need, and secondly, usually 30 seconds are given to select an OS. It seems to be not very convenient, because every time you have to choose an operating system. But really this function can be easily disabled. I will show you how to do this. Windows example 7.

Windows 7. Method one

After loading the OS, go to the Start menu and in the Find programs and files line type the word msconfig, then press the Enter key. Or just press the key combination WIN + R, the "Run" window will appear, where you should also type the word msconfig.

The system configuration window has opened in front of you. Go to the "Boot" tab, where you will see in front of you the choice of the operating system, as well as additional boot options. Select the required OS and click OK. I only have one OS, so there isn't really much to choose from.

Windows 7. Second method

There is another way to disable loading the operating system. You need to find the "Computer" icon on the desktop (it is also available in the "Start" menu), right-click on it and select "Properties". A window with system parameters will open in front of you. In the right part of the window there will be a section "Additional system parameters", on which you will need to click.

The system properties window has opened. In the "Advanced" tab, find the "Startup and Recovery" section, then click on "Options".

Select the OS to boot by default and click OK.

Of course, you need to understand that with the help these ways you can only disable the OS selection, the systems themselves will not be deleted.

Windows XP

If you are using Widnows XP, then you will have to change the data in the boot.ini file, which is usually located right at the root system disk... Only changes in it must be made very carefully, since they can lead to disastrous results. Just in case .

So here's an example of a typical boot.ini file in XP:

timeout = 30

multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / fastdetect

And here is an example of a file with two operating systems already installed, the first of which will load XP:

timeout = 30
default = multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) WINDOWS
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) WINDOWS = "Windows XP Professional" / fastdetect
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (2) WINNT = "Windows 2000 Professional" / fastdetect

Once again, I remind you that you need to be extremely careful when editing boot.ini, otherwise there is a chance that the operating system will not boot at all. Better not to change it at all.

11/18/2012. 31 comments

How to remove the operating system selection when turning on the computer


Hello friends! I saw a question in the comments about how to remove the OS selection when turning on the computer, and decided to write about it.

One indirect question - is it possible to somehow get rid of the system selection at boot? You can, of course, uncheck the "system selection" checkbox, but somehow not feng shui. And how in HP to fix something like BOOT.INI (to delete a line) I don't know (((

Apparently a person is not looking for easy ways :), but nothing, now we'll figure it out.

By the way, I'm not working from my own computer. Today I work on Windows XP and weak hardware, also via 3G Internet. So sorry if something goes wrong :).

From what appears the window with the choice of the operating system when the computer boots? And from the fact that you inattentively read my blog, in particular articles about that and. During the installation process, various failures and errors appear, you install Windows first, or install to an unformatted partition. I had this before, and I could not understand what it was from.

We remove the window with the choice of Windows. The easy way.

Before I’ll say that in a complex way we will edit system file boot.ini. And if you make the wrong changes to this file, the computer may not turn on. Easy way quite enough so that the window in the OS selection does not appear.

So we right-click on "My computer" and select "Properties". Go to the tab "Additionally" and in the section we press the parameters.

A new window will appear in which we select the operating system that will be loaded by default (look carefully, you need to select a working system, otherwise the computer may not boot).

Then we uncheck the item "Display a list of operating systems" and click "Ok".

That's all, now when you turn on the computer, a window will not appear asking which OS to load.

We remove the OS selection using the boot.ini file. The hard way.

As I promised, the second way. Be aware that editing the boot.ini file may crash the system.

We go there the same way as in the first method, just don't change anything, but click on “Edit” (screenshot above).

A window will open with editing the boot.ini file.

The correct contents of the boot.ini file for Windows XP Professional looks like this:

timeout = 30

multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / fastdetect

If two systems are installed and a choice appears, then it looks like this:

timeout = 30
default = multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS = "Windows XP Professional" / fastdetect
multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (2) \ WINNT = "Windows 2000 Professional" / fastdetect

You can read more about editing boot.ini on the Microsoft website

But again, I do not advise you to flatter in this jungle. Better use the first method, and the window with the OS selection will disappear.