Euro plug of the radio. Connecting the radio

Our car can change more than one stereo system in its life, due to the fact that it may become obsolete or the owner will have higher requirements for the sound in the car. Perhaps your car doesn't even have a radio tape recorder ... In general, there can be a great many cases and variations! It is in these cases that you will find useful and necessary information on installing and connecting a radio tape recorder to a car. Especially if you decide to do it yourself. In addition, this article is also for those cases when the radio tape recorder was installed earlier, (for example, by the previous owner), but later the history and installation paths got so confused that only a bunch of colored wires sticking out of the window under the radio tape recorder, which is difficult to cope with without certain knowledge. So, our article contains typical solutions for installing and connecting a radio tape recorder. You can also find information on adapter plugs for connecting radio tape recorders in cars of various car brands.

What dimensions are the radio tape recorders used for installation, connection

By themselves, radio tape recorders are, to use Russian language, one-block and two-block formats (one-and two-din). Initially, the most widespread were car radios of the 1DIN standard (one-block). However, everyone needs comfort and a large screen. As a result, 2 DINs are slowly squeezing out 1DIN radio tape recorders from our life.
Many European car manufacturers still offer the 1DIN size niche. These are Renault, Citroen ... But American and Japanese, and with them Korean cars from the factory have a large niche for installation. That is 2DIN.

Also, with the increasing availability and demand for multimedia products, the 2DIN format of radio tape recorders is clearly more promising. See for yourself what seems better to you?

When asked which of these radio tape recorders to choose for installation, it is necessary to proceed from the conditions of the possibility of mechanical installation of such a radio tape recorder in the dashboard of the car, as well as from your preferences. We will only give our recommendations, in our other article "How to choose a radio tape recorder in the car."
There are also standard devices used for a specific car model. They often have a unique body shape that prevents them from being installed on another machine. An example of installing a radio with a unique body can be found in the article "Removing and installing a radio in a Toyota Corolla 150". Such radio tape recorders also have their own original plug for connection.
However, there are also navigation recorders. That is, with which there are no difficulties. Let's say such a radio tape recorder "Do-it-yourself installation of a radio tape recorder in Lada Granta".

You ask, of course, what makes a radio tape recorder for a particular car model and a "universal" radio tape recorder special !? It's that simple! Most "universal" radios have a standard ISO connection. That is, ISO and mini ISO plugs.

ISO connectors as the basis for connecting most radio tape recorders

So, we realized that the radio tape recorder can differ not only in appearance, but also in the connectors used to connect it. If these are unique head units, then most likely they will need their own plug and their own pinout. If this is a radio tape recorder purchased for an undefined car model, then it almost certainly has a connection via ISO plugs.

So what are these "omnipotent" ISO connectors? They look like this when you look at the back panel of the radio.

To such connectors are self-mating connectors. At the same time, in some cases, adapters can be used. That is, when the radio cassette has its own unique-shaped contacts-connectors, but the other end still has plugs for ISO. That is why we focused on the fact that the ISO standard for radio tape recorders exists as one of the dogmas!
You can often even find adapters for a specific radio tape recorder model, be it Pioneer, Kenwood, Alpine, Sony, or even the Chinese Mistery, but they will come with an adapter to ISO. Actually, this is a generally accepted and fully formed decision at the moment. After all, it will always be possible to switch from ISO standard connectors to the connectors you need, that's what the whole trick is!

Pinout, designation of contacts on ISO connectors for connecting a radio tape recorder

So, after we got acquainted with the ISO connector standard, it would not be bad now to know which contacts and what they are responsible for. After all, the most pleasant thing in this situation is that there are clearly provided contacts for each electrical circuit. That is, you can easily find out where and what will be connected, which is exactly what we need! It is enough just to use the picture where there are contact numbers and refer to the table, where there is a decryption of these very contacts.

Connector C (yellow section, amplifier low signal outputs and control)
1 Output rear left low signal
2 Output right left low signal
3 Output ground low signal (headset)
4 Front left low signal output (headset)
5 Output right left low signal (headset)
6 Output signal to turn on the amplifier
Connector C (green section, CAN, LIN BUS, steering column joystick)
7 Line-in (phone audio signal input)
8 Line input earth,
(there may be a signal to an external additional OEM display in the car - vehicle display interface)
9 Lin BUS 1-wire control from the steering column joystick
10 CAN H bus, (can be activated for OEM display)
11 Ground (-) (telephone audio signal ground)
12 CAN bus L, (maybe telephone ground)
Connector C (blue section, work with video signal)
13 -, (can be CD data from changer input)
14 -, (can be CD data from changer output)
15 -, (maybe a CD for control)
16 Video input (ground), (can be CD power from the changer)
17 -, (power on CD changer)
18 -, (can be CD audio input ground)
19 Video input signal, works when voltage is applied to section A,
pin 1 (can be CD audio left)
20 -, (maybe CD audio right)
Connector B (brown plug, speaker output)
1 Rear right speaker + (purple)
2 Rear right speaker - (lilac-black)
3 Front right speaker + (gray)
4 Front right speaker - (gray-black)
5 Front left speaker + (white)
6 Front Left Speaker - (White-Black)
7 Rear left speaker + (green)
8 Rear Left Speaker - (Green-Black)
Connector A (black plug, radio power supply)
1 from the +12 V reversing lamp to activate the video input,
(maybe Speed-Sensitive Volume Control - with an increase in speed, the volume increases,
maybe a MUTE signal)
2 maybe a MUTE signal
3 reserve
4 +12 power supply and memory (yellow)
5 +12 V power supply for antenna or control for amplifier (blue or blue-white)
6 Backlight + 12V for dimming, or for backlighting the radio
7 +12 volt control from the ignition switch (red)
8 Earth "-" (black)

What other designations can be found on the radio tape recorder?

Actually on the radio tape recorder, there may be other designations, each of which is responsible for something different.

DATA IN - data input
-DATA OUT - data output
-Line Out - line out
-REM or REMOTE CONTROL or Amp - control voltage (Amplifier)
-ACP +, ACP- - Tire lines (Ford)
-CAN-L - CAN bus line
-CAN-H - CAN bus line
-K-BUS - Bidirectional serial bus (K-line)
-SHIELD - Shielded wire braiding connection.
-AUDIO COM or R COM, L COM - Common wire (ground) of input or output of preamplifiers
-CD-IN L +, CD-IN L-, CD-IN R +, CD-IN R- - Balanced line-level audio signal inputs from the changer
-SW + B - Switching power + B battery.
-SEC IN - Second input
-DIMMER - Change the brightness of the display
-ALARM = Connecting alarm contacts for the radio tape recorder to perform car security functions (PIONEER radio tape recorders)
-SDA, SCL, MRQ - Tires of exchange with the standard display of the car. If such a function is supported, then they usually write on the radio tape recorder - vehicle display interface. Or is there such an icon -
-LINE OUT, LINE IN - Line output and input, respectively.
-D2B +, D2B- - Optical communication line of the audio system

In general, you realized that the whole connection will be reduced to knowing which contact to connect to what For those who still want to see the diagram, and not be content with the designation of the plugs, we will provide this opportunity too ...

Diagram (electrical principle) for connecting a radio tape recorder

From all of the above, it follows that the connection of the radio tape recorder will be carried out according to this scheme. Of course, all connections are made according to the table.

This connection of contacts in colors corresponds to most radio tape recorders, but not to all. There are extremely rare exceptions. It seems that this is all, but "everything" in such a case never happens ... After all, there are many nuances that are definitely worth paying attention to.

What is important to consider when installing and connecting the radio

Radio power supply

If you did not have audio preparation before, that is, just the very same ISO connectors under the "torpedo", then it is better to extend the power directly from the battery. If there are such connectors, then you should not reinvent the wheel. Especially if you are not going to participate in any sound competition. So, if you have carefully read and watched the article, you have already realized that two wires are used to power the radio. It's red and yellow!
Red can be switched off via the ignition switch, marked as ACC, this is the control wire. It serves only to control the power supply of the radio and no more. But the yellow one is constantly connected. Yellow is responsible for powering the memory of the radio tape recorder, for settings. So that every time you do not have to set the timbre, the balance of the speakers, look for stations ... In addition, yellow is also power, an increased current is supplied through it when there is power on the red wire.

Now let's think ... What will happen to the battery if the radio control wire is not disconnected during parking?

Nothing good will come. One fine day, or maybe not as beautiful as it turns out later, your battery will simply run out. And this means that after all, the red wire must be disconnected. But disconnecting the wire from the ignition switch is not comme il faut. And how, then, to listen to the radio tape recorder at a picnic when the ignition is turned off? So leave the car with the ignition on? Not an option! And here you will have to think about ensuring that the power to the red wire is always present until the car is armed from the alarm.

You can mount a simple electrical circuit that will connect and disconnect the radio automatically from the alarm.

This diagram of connecting and disconnecting the radio tape recorder works as follows. We find the lock responsible for opening and closing doors. And we connect everything according to the diagram. As a result, when the doors are opened, a positive impulse from the solenoid is applied to relay P1, while the relay will work and actually go into self-catching mode. Power will also be provided from the battery through the P2 relay to power the radio. So everything will work for the time being.
When closing, we already take a positive impulse to relay P2. In this case, the power supply circuit of the relay P1 and the radio will cut off, the radio will turn off, and the relay P1 will go into a de-energized state. That's all! The power supply of the radio will be turned on when disarmed and turned off when arming.

This circuit has one drawback, increased power consumption due to the additional P1 relay, which will always be turned on together with a working radio tape recorder. But the actual current is 60-80 mA, not so critical.

Power supply of the active antenna of the radio (amplifier)

Antenna power connection blue wire, sometimes blue-white. Power supply must not exceed 300mA. This is a control wire, but not a power one. Power is supplied automatically after turning on the radio. It turns off immediately after the radio is turned off. However, if we say the blue wire is parallelized with the red one when it is turned on, then the radio tape recorder will pick up itself to turn on, as in the diagram above. On this principle, you can implement several more schemes by analogy with the one that we have already given. This topic is voluminous, and we will single it out in a separate article "Powering the radio with the ignition off".

Radio speaker wires

If you did not have a car radio, then in addition to installing and connecting it, you will also have to pull the acoustic wire for the speakers. In this case, we strongly recommend that you think about using specialized acoustic wires with a cross section of about 1.5-2 mm2.

Wires are cheap compared to a radio tape recorder, but you will definitely feel a "qualitative leap" from their use. The impedance of acoustics is usually 4 ohms, and the wiring from the set of acoustics will be comparable in impedance to the speakers. This, in turn, will entail a significant dissipation of the power of the radio amplifier, namely on the auxiliary equipment - acoustic wiring, and not on the speakers (acoustics). As a result, the playback volume will decrease and, even worse, the range of reproducible frequencies will also decrease. The peculiarities of HF propagation are that the signal goes only over the surface of the wire skin * (* from the English skin, outer surface sheath) effect, respectively, with a smaller wire diameter, its transmission capacity to HF will decrease. In addition, I would like to additionally say about the choice, installation and connection of speakers in the car, you can read about this in the article "The choice of acoustics and speakers for installation and connection in the car".

Additional information on installing the radio in a car (for those who are weak in electrics)

These recommendations for connecting and installing a radio tape recorder will be useful for people who have little idea of ​​the principle of operation of electrical circuits: power source - load. Installation and connection of car radios today has become a professional service, so you definitely need to remember about installation service centers. It is here that professional specialists work who are engaged in installation, installation of additional equipment (radio tape recorders, amplifiers, subwoofers). They know all the intricacies of a particular model of radio, which allows you to install in the shortest possible time without losing quality, with a guarantee for work. This is one of the most important factors that can be decisive when choosing.

At this stage, I would like to stop, since for most, the installation and connection of additional equipment to the radio tape recorder such as an amplifier, a subwoofer, a rear view camera, and so on is not an urgent need. And cluttering the article with all sorts of information about the installation and connection of this equipment would not be correct, since it is better to analyze special cases in each separate subsequent article, especially since there are quite a lot of these cases. As the proverb says - I would like to separate the flies from the cutlets. If, nevertheless, you have the opportunity and desire to install something more than a radio tape recorder, read the articles in the Autosound section of this site.
In addition to this article, you can also read:

Safety warnings when installing and connecting the radio in the car !!! All work on installing the radio in the car should be done with the negative battery terminal removed. After installing the radio, you must carefully check all the connections and the correctness of their connection. Then cross yourself and turn on!

Sometimes motorists have a need to replace an existing car radio with another, or if it was not in the car at all. The replacement process itself can take several minutes or several hours, depending on the connection method and the availability of the necessary connectors. It is the order of placement or the purpose of the connectors in the block that is called the pinout of the connectors of the car radios (wiring).

Why know what is the pinout of the car radio connectors? For correct connection of the head unit.

Most car radios that are produced now have two standard connectors, which can be separate or combined into one housing. They are abbreviated as ISO. The installers also call them a Euro-connector or a Euro-chip.

pinout of car radio connectors - ISO connector

Such a connector, in the form of a plug, is inserted into the body of the radio. The plugs themselves may look different, but they have the same. One part of the connector contains wires for connecting power, the other part is used for connecting acoustics.

What is the purpose of the wires in the ISO connector?

Let's start with the power unit, the pinout of the car radio connectors Connector A:

The yellow wire, # 4, is constant power. It must be connected permanently so that the settings, equalizer presets, radio stations are saved in the radio's memory;
- blue wire, # 5 - power supply for the antenna;
- orange wire, No. 6 - radio illumination;
- red wire, No. 7 - power supply. It can be connected to the battery directly, via a toggle switch, or to the ignition switch. If you connect this wire to the ignition, you can only listen to music with the key in the lock;
- black wire, No. 8 - ground, "minus".

pinout of car radio connectors

Contacts 1, 2, 3, 6 are practically not used in budget radio tape recorders. They can be used in more expensive versions of head units. The functions that these contacts use are such as: remote (control of an external amplifier), ant (if there is an external antenna), illumination (control of the backlight of the head unit while driving), mute (control of the volume of the GU during a call to a mobile phone) ...

The acoustic unit has such 8 wires, four pairs for each channel, that is, for four speakers, pinout of car radio connectors Connector B:

Purple wire, # 1 - rear right "plus";
- violet-black wire, No. 2 - rear right "minus";
- gray wire, No. 3 - front right "plus";
- black and gray wire, No. 4 - front right "minus";
- white wire, No. 5 - front left "plus";
- black and white wire, No. 6 - front left "minus";
- green wire, No. 7 - rear left "plus";
- black-green wire, No. 8 - rear left "minus";

Usually, a new head unit comes with a connector that is inserted into it on the one hand and into the car's mating connector, ISO standard, on the other. If the car does not have such a connector, you can cut the wires on one side and connect them to the acoustic and power wires of the car. But this is not quite the correct way. In this case, you can quickly disconnect and install another radio tape recorder only with the same connector on the case.

And you can do it more correctly by collecting all the necessary acoustic, power and additional wiring in a euro-chip. And already it will be possible to connect the head unit to it through the required adapter. There are a lot of them, so there should be no problems with the selection. In this version, you can change one radio tape recorder to another in a couple of minutes, provided that the GU supports the Euro connector.

1 A1 SCV - speed-dependent volume control. This pin is used in some radio equipment to automatically boost up the volume. It needs the output from the speed sensor. Note: If the speedometer stops working when the radio is connected, then the pin is probably grounded because radio probably uses this pin for another function, except for GALA. On some equipment this pin is used, instead, for the rear-view camera control input, which carries the 12v backup-light signal to the head unit to tell it to display video from the backup camera.
2 A2 Mute from Cell-Phone. This pin is used to silence the audio cd, earthed by some other external components such as a mobile phone that is connected to the radio.
3 A3 the reversing light switch. Satellite navigation uses this signal, the GALA signal (pin 1) and an internal laser gyroscope to calculate position in the absence of satellite signals. +12 V input on the radio with the ignition switched on the ignition and the car is in gear to move backwards.
4 A4 Memory Power (12V direct from Battery). Connects the radio directly to the battery.
5 A5 Power for Electric Antenna. Output from the stereo +12 V (maximum 150 - 300mA) power supply for automatic or electronic antennas.
6 A6 Dial-light illumination (car side light circuit). +12 V input on the car when the lights are on. For some it actually illuminates the radio display - the others can dim the lights. If the dashboard of your car has a light control function, this pin should be connected in order to regulate the brightness. The wire from lighting a cigarette lighter can be used for the same purposes.
7 A7 + 12V Main Power (Switched via Ignition key). +12 V with the ignition key is in the ACC or ON position.
8 A8 Ground (Chassis)

a4 and a7 pins may be reversed (a4 = acc switched, a7 = batt fix) in some Head Units, i.e. sony japan. A7 and A4 must be connected to + 12V to get radio power on.

Car audio ISO connector B pinout

Connector B is used only for the speakers. Which wire goes to which speaker can be easily determined with a battery of 1.5 V. Speaker will click and you will see the diaphragm move forward or backward. Speakers must be properly phased (note the + and - half on the speaker), because otherwise you will have weak bass. Wire with a stripe usually goes to + pole of speaker.

1 B1 Right Rear +
2 B2 Right Rear -
3 B3 Right Front +
4 B4 Right Front -
5 B5 Left Front +
6 B6 Left Front -
7 B7 Left Rear +
8 B8 Left Rear -

Car audio ISO connector C pinout

Connector C are consist of 3 separate connectors that are tied together. It is not always present, sometimes only a part.

1 C1 Line out left rear
2 C2 Line out right rear
3 C3 Line out ground
4 C4 Line out front left
5 C5 Line out front right
6 C6
7 C7 RXD
8 C8 TXD
9 C9 Chassis ground
10 C10 + 12v switched - maximum 150mA
11 C11 Remote control in
12 C12 Remote control ground
13 C13 CDC data in (bus)
14 C14 CDC data out
15 C15 CDC + 12v permanent
16 C16 CDC + 12v switched - maximum 300mA (+ A)
17 C17 CDC data ground (+ U)
18 C18 CDC audio frequency ground
19 C19 CDC audio frequency left
20 C20 CDC audio frequency right

Warning! The connector wiring may vary depending on the car manufacturer!

Take special care when installing into '98 or later VW / Audi / Skoda / Seat models as there may be a 12 V connection on Pin A5, which could damage the car stereo or into Ford from '97 or later, with an ISO connector, on which damage to the car's microcomputers is possible if misconnected.

- a simple matter that any car enthusiast can handle. But sometimes the installation procedure raises questions related to connecting the device. Then an adapter for a radio tape recorder comes to the rescue. Read more about marking, types and pinouts below.


Marking and types of connectors

Today, all car radio connectors are ISO compliant, and two connectors are used. Each is a plug with eight pins, sometimes the manufacturer can combine them into a single body. Sources of energy consumption are connected to one of them, it is marked with the letter A. As for the second, acoustics, that is, speakers, are connected to it. The connector designation is marked with the letter B.

Three-output head units can be found on the market, but they are rare and usually an exception.

Even if the plug-in sockets do not match each other, the car owner has several connection options:

  1. A special adapter for the radio is purchased, which can be connected to the outputs of the speaker system.
  2. The second way among motorists is considered "collective farm". Its essence is to cut off the non-standard output and wind the necessary wires to it. But we do not recommend using this option, because as a result, the wires will begin to unwind, so the "collective farm" procedure will have to be repeated. In addition, the cost of adapters is not high enough to use this method.

Pinout of the standard Euro connector

What does a car owner need to know about the pinout of the euro connector? Let's consider the notation using the example of exit 10478.

Upper power connector "A"

As already reported, this output is designed to connect power supplies to the transport electrical circuit.

And although the device is equipped with eight pins, all of them do not need to be used to connect the head unit. But these contacts would not exist if they did not perform certain functions. The first three outputs, as well as the sixth, are rarely used, especially for connecting low-cost device options. Usually, their use is due to the need to connect additional functionality, and we are talking about more advanced car radios. Note that the colors of the contacts may vary.

If we talk about additional options, then we mean:

  1. ANT output. This pin is used if the vehicle is equipped with a retractable antenna.
  2. Remote function, thanks to which external amplifiers can be connected to the head unit. This will increase the number of connected speakers. This is relevant for music lovers and owners of vehicles with a large interior, which, with proper installation of the speakers, will increase the sound quality.
  3. Illumination function. This option is to automatically change the brightness and color parameters of the display of the head unit. If the car is moving at high speed, the screen brightness will decrease so that the system does not distract the driver from driving. When the transport stops, the radio will return to the initial settings.
  4. Mute function. Today, many head units have this option. But this option can be activated both by pressing the corresponding button, and automatically. In particular, if an impulse from a mobile device passes through the receiver of the head unit, the system will automatically lower the volume so that the driver can talk on the phone without being distracted from driving.

Connectors for radio tape recorders from different brands

The fourth contact is responsible for powering the transport audio system. The wire from it must be connected to and powered by the battery, but for this you must also use a fuse. This way of connecting the wiring will protect the battery from discharge, since the activation of the head unit is possible after the key is turned in the ignition lock.

The fifth pin is for connecting the antenna wire. As for the seventh contact, it is important, since it is responsible for powering the volatile memory of the head unit. That is, if it accidentally shuts down, it will reset everyone. Losing all parameters after adjustment is unlikely to be pleasant to anyone.

It is necessary that each of the power cables be protected with a fuse for safety reasons. If malfunctions sometimes appear in the functioning of the audio system, it is advisable to install a capacitor between the seventh and eighth outputs. As for the capacitance of the capacitor, this parameter must be selected individually. The capacitor performs the filtering function, that is, the element is designed to smooth out various fluctuations in the on-board network.

Bottom speaker connector "B"

As mentioned earlier, speakers are connected to output B.

As for the pinout of the contacts, their designation is as follows:

1 Plus for rear right speakerIndicated in lilac color
2 Minus for himLilac black
3 Positive output for front right speakerIndicated in gray
4 Minus for the same speakerIndicated by gray-black colors
5 Positive output for front left speakerWhite contact
6 Negative output for the same speakerBlack and white
7 Positive contact for rear left speakerIndicated in green
8 Minus output for herBlack green

Most head units are designed to work with four speakers, for this they use eight wires, two for each speaker. Note that the quality of the audio track determines the correct connection of the plus and minus. If the flattening is confused, nothing will happen, but the car radio will function in an abnormal mode, the sound quality will not be so good.

If you own a car with a radio that only plays cassettes, do not rush to buy a new audio system with USB output. Today you can find such a device as a cassette adapter for a car radio. It looks like a cassette with a cable and simply fits into the slot. The cable connector connects to a mobile phone or player, and you can listen to music in digital format.

Video "Analysis of the car radio's euro-chip"

Before proceeding to a detailed consideration and solution of the issue, how to pinout individual models of head units on Ford Focus and Nissan cars and so on, let's figure out what the concept itself means - pinout and iso.


The iso pinout of the radio connector is a determination by the functionality of the contacts in the plugs or radio components with planar (rectangular) outputs, now called SMD parts, in accordance with their numbering.

ISO connector for radio

Connector for connecting the car's head unit, certified according to international (European) standards. Analogue of Russian GOST.

Types of car stereos according to the international classification

All car players can be conditionally divided into two types, which are installed by car manufacturers. It:

  • 1DIN standard;
  • 2DIN standard.

That is, one- and two-block. European cars prefer single blocks. Whereas Japanese, American and a number of Korean and now Chinese car brands use the 2DIN standard.

Why do you need to know this?

When purchasing a new or used car, the owner is often not satisfied with the sound quality or other parameters and functions, standard or installed by the previous owner, of the radio. And when trying to independently replace, for example, a JVC car player with a Pioneer device, in Ford Focus, they are faced with a situation where all the wires are confused or even do not fit in the shape of the connectors.

In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to purchase an iso plug, which is quite cheap in its cost, which are sold in any auto parts store. After that, pinout the head unit connector according to the following recommendations.

Pinout instructions (determination of colors and functions of wires) of the head unit in a Ford Focus car, via an iso standard plug

Due to the different shape of the contacts of the radio tape recorder and ISO connector, adapters are used that are individual for each brand of auto magnetol.

Since all car turntables are connected via ISO connectors, the rectangular deck is located behind it (radio), the shape of the plug itself is standard. Such a connector of the European model (Euro connector) consists of two plugs, also rectangular in shape. Sometimes there are connectors combined into one connector.

The pinout of the radio connector through two Pioneer pads is as follows:

  1. Upper block:
  • Increase / decrease sound volume at speed (wire color can be arbitrary).
  • The wire is responsible for the temporary mute (MUTE), for example, during a phone call, etc. (also free coloring).
  • Empty contact.
  • ACC mode (connection to the ignition lock where plus appears after turning the key and disappears after turning off the ignition), yellow wire.
  • Power supply from 12 volt receiver antenna (blue wire).

  • Orange wire that controls the backlight of the auto 12 player.
  • 12 volt auto ignition (red).
  • Ground-ground, negative potential of the on-board network, always connected to the car body (wire in black insulation). Grounding as such does not exist in the car, since it is not a stationary device.
  1. Bottom block:
  • The plus of the right rear speaker of the speaker system is the purple wire.
  • Minus is black and purple.
  • Right front, plus - gray wire.
  • Right speaker (front) minus - black and gray.
  • Left front speaker, plus is white, minus is black and white. The wire.
  • Rear speakers (plus and minus), green and black, green.

Native car radio Nissan

The pinout of the Nissan radio connector is made through the plugs of the European ISO standard, according to the same scheme and sequence as above. With minor additions from the manufacturer. Namely.

In auto players from Nissan, the negative wire, in addition to the main color, can have a narrow strip, black.

The yellow and red wires are often combined, which allows you to play music on the radio tape recorder, without turning on the car ignition. Moreover, the sound quality is even improving.

The wires themselves play an important role in the operation of the car receiver. Manufacturers, in order to save money, as a rule, use a wire of not the best quality.

JVC radio tape recorder

The pinout of the JVC radio connector is completely similar to the euro connectors. Unlike Nissan, it does not even have minor differences.

If you do not quite understand the working diagrams of the pinout of the car radio or are not sure of the correctness of your actions, it is better to seek help from a professional car electrician at any service center.