What is the GUI file extension? What is a gui file and how do I open a gui file? Wrong version of Dr.Explain installed.

The graphic file extension is associated with the Dr. explain. This program is an assistant design tool for creating Printable? Quickstart? information, screenshots of windows, illustrations with annotations and other data related to help from the live application. GUI files are used by this program to hold articles and help section documents prepared with its documentation developer. Ltd.?s GUI Design Studio and Id Software, Inc.?s Doom 3 computer game Carreta Software are programs that also use the GUI file format. GUI Design Studio is a program that opens and creates GUI files. This? Design a sa tool with graphical user interface attributes that can automatically display windows and screens linked together to create workflow sample storyboards or models for desktop, web, and mobile application software. GUI files are used by this application in the form of document files that contain completed projects and other reference information. Doom 3 is a sci-fi horror game that mimics the first shooter point of view. Does the game use GUI files to enable the game? S Heads Up Display or HUD that shows player information? S current weapon ammo, PDA, video disc and player? s health status.

You are here because you have a file that has a file extension that ends in .gui. Files with the .gui extension can only be launched by certain programs. It's possible that .gui's are data files rather than documents or media, which means they're not meant to be viewed at all.

what is .gui  file?

The GUI file extension is associated with Dr. Explain Program. This program is an assistant development tool for creating print "Quick Start" information, Windows screenshots, illustrations with annotations and other related help data from a live application. GUI files are used by this program to hold articles and help section documents prepared with its documentation developer. Carreta Software Ltd.'s GUI Design Studio and Id Software, Inc. "Doom 3 is a computer game with programs that also use the GUI file format. GUI Design Studio is a program that opens and creates GUI files. It is a design tool with graphical user interface attributes that can automatically display windows and screens linked together to create sample storyboard or model workflows for desktop, web, and mobile applications. GUI files are used by this program as document files that contain completed projects and other reference information. Doom 3 is a sci-fi horror game that mimics a first person shooter point of view. The game uses GUI files in order to make the game's Head Up Display or HUD, which shows information about the player's current weapon ammo, PDA, video drive and the player's health status.

how to open .gui file?

Run the .gui file or any other file on your computer by double-clicking it. If your file associations are set up correctly, the application that is meant to open your .gui file will open it. You may need to download or purchase the correct application. Also, it is possible that you have the correct application on your computer, but the .gui files are not yet associated with it. In this case, when you try to open the .gui file, you can tell Windows which application is the right one for that file. From then on, opening the .gui file will open the correct application.

applications that open .gui file

Indigo Byte Systems Dr.Explain

word of warning

Be careful not to rename the extension to .gui  files or any other files. This will not change the file type. Only a special conversion program can change a file from one file type to another.

what is the file extension?

A file extension is a set of three or four characters at the end of a filename, in this case,  .gui. File extensions tell you what type of file it is, and tell Windows what programs to open. Windows often associates a default program for each file extension, so that when you double-click a file, the program starts automatically. While the program is no longer on your computer, you may sometimes receive an error message when you try to open the corresponding file.


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Have you ever had to deal with confusing code without clear documentation? For example, what happens when you create a page in some CMS, or why and from where exactly does someone else's code send an email, or do something else?

There are many tricks for diving into someone else's code. You can use var_dump(), which would require you to run the same script multiple times. You can set up a debugger, but then you will have to step into a lot of functions that are not related to what you are looking for, and if you miss (Step Over) some important call, you will have to start all over again. Modern IDEs provide good static code analysis tools, but even with their support, it can be difficult to understand what is happening at runtime.

For a long time, I was attracted by the tracing capabilities of xdebug , but manually tracing anything in a multi-megabyte log is completely unrealistic, and I have not found any intelligible GUI for *.xt files. Therefore, I decided to write my own visualizer, which I want to talk about.

Maybe I didn’t search well and wasted my time on my own bike. If you know a good GUI for xdebug traces, then you don't have to read any further, just don't forget to leave a link in the comments. I wrote my GUI in php as a web project. Ideally, this should be a plugin for PHPStorm, Eclipse or another IDE, but I would not have mastered this. I will immediately share a link to the sources: github.com/vtk13/xdebug-trace-viewer . The GUI is quite demanding on resources, so no online demo is provided. You will have to install it on your server if you want to try it live.

Here I will tell you what you can learn from the trace on the example of Joomla. Let's assume that you already know what xdebug is and how tracing differs from profiling in xdebug. Otherwise, why do you need such a GUI? Here are the recommended ini parameter values:

  • xdebug.auto_trace="0" - I think it's worth disabling tracing of all scripts in a row, so as not to clutter up the folder with trace files.
  • xdebug.trace_enable_trigger="1" - with this option you can trace only the requests you are interested in using the GET parameter XDEBUG_TRACE=1
  • xdebug.trace_output_dir="..." - optional
  • xdebug.collect_assignments="0" - in case of "1" xdebug has a segmetation fault.
  • xdebug.trace_format="1" is the only parameter that must be set in order for xdebug to generate trace files in CSV format.
  • xdebug.collect_params="3" - for more information, I advise you to write parameter values ​​to the log. If the GUI can't cope with the trace file, you should first reduce xdebug.var_display_max_data, xdebug.var_display_max_depth, xdebug.var_display_max_children, and if that doesn't help, then set xdebug.collect_params="0". In my experience, the GUI handles trace files of ten megabytes quite well.

So, let's say you're writing your own extension for Joomla, which should create new articles and you want to know how the creation of articles works in Joomla. First, let's get a trace file. In the joomla admin panel, add &XDEBUG_TRACE=1 to the action of the article creation form:

After creating the article in xdebug.trace_output_dir, you should get an *.xt file, which should also be displayed on the main GUI page:

Since we are analyzing the creation of an article, it is probably worth starting the study with mysql functions. Select the desired trace file and search for "mysql" by the names of the executed functions:

In our example, there are two places in the results with a call to the mysqli_query() function: mysqli.php:123 and mysqli.php:382. Each of the calls can be executed multiple times during the execution of the script, but in this case only information about the executed lines is displayed. I must say right away that one of the calls (in the mysqli.php file, line 123) is executed only once upon connection and is of no interest. But the second search result - "mysqli.php:382 mysqli_query()" - is more interesting.

In the source code, the lines that were executed are highlighted. It is worth saying that not absolutely all executed lines are highlighted. Xdebug only writes function calls to trace, so lines such as variable assignments are not in the trace file, and therefore they are not highlighted in the GUI.

A small menu is attached to each completed line, accessible by clicking on the line number:

In our example, I am interested in all calls to the mysqli_query() function, for which I need to follow the link "View all calls" in the menu of the 382nd line. In the list of all calls to the mysqli_query function, you can find 2 calls with an INSERT query:

Just two INSERTs to create an article doesn't look bad - in the worst case, your plugin will be able to create an article directly in the database if it can't find any internal API to do so. But it's too early to despair. Using the link #11191 in the line with INSERT, you can open the stacktrace for this call (the numbers in the link are not of particular interest, this is the id of the function call from the *.tx file):

The resulting stacktrace contains a call to ContentModelArticle->save(). Whether you can use this class in your extension is a completely different story. However, this is already a good lead.

We hope we have helped you solve the problem with the GUI file. If you do not know where you can download an application from our list, click on the link (this is the name of the program) - you will find more detailed information regarding the place from where to download a safe installation version of the required application.

Visiting this page should help you answer specifically these or similar questions:

  • How to open GUI file?
  • How to convert a GUI file to another format?
  • What is GUI File Format Extension?
  • What programs serve GUI file?

If after viewing the stuff on this site, you have still not received a satisfactory answer to any of the above questions, this means that the GUI file information presented here is not complete. Contact us using the contact form and let us know what information you did not find.

What else can cause problems?

There can be more reasons why you cannot open a GUI file (not just the lack of a proper application).
Firstly- GUI file may be incorrectly linked (associated) with the application installed to support it. In this case, you need to change this connection yourself. To do this, right-click on the GUI file you want to edit, click the option "To open with" and then select the program you have installed from the list. After this action, problems with opening the GUI file should completely disappear.
Secondly- the file you want to open may simply be corrupted. In this case, the best solution is to find a new version, or download it again from the same source as before (maybe for some reason in the previous session the download of the GUI file has not been completed and it cannot be opened properly).

Do you want to help?

If you have additional information about the GUI file extension, we will be grateful if you share it with the users of our site. Use the form provided and send us your GUI file information.