The fifth channel published the data of the Shariyah. Anatoly Shariy fired the Minister of Information of Ukraine

Yuri Stets May 31, 2017 resigned from the post of Minister of Propaganda of the Kiev putschists. His health sharply deteriorated after a huge scandal in the administration of the illegitimate President Poroshenko. Perhaps he was not only scolded, but also kicked ... The resignation happened a few hours after the release of a video on the Youtube channel of the famous media expert Anatoly Shariy, in which he enchantingly disgraced the nonsense of the presidential TV channel Roman Chaika and Bogdan Butkevich.

Shariy, with the help of his reader, offered "confidential" information about himself to these two journalists. Without bothering to verify the information received, Chaika and Butkevich published on the national air the alleged personal data of the blogger, his whereabouts and his allegedly hidden footage, which contradicts The Law "On Information" of Ukraine... At the same time, on the air, they called for revenge on the opposition blogger, set the Kiev Gestapo (SBU) and even the killers of the Foreign Intelligence Service against him.

However, the video with hidden footage of the blogger published on the 5th channel of Petro Poroshenko turned out to be the authorship of Shariy himself, the full version of which he posted on his blog. In the end, Shariy says hello to Poroshenko personally, calling him who he really is.

Moreover, the “secret documents” about Shariy’s allegedly received royalties for “Kremlin propaganda” (for which Butkevich and Chaika threatened the blogger with reprisals of the repressive and terrorist services of the putschist dictatorship) turned out to be a receipt written by the blogger himself on some scrap of paper. The “journalists” did not even notice the inconsistencies in the total amount of the “granary book” of Putin’s propaganda Shariy. All this Butkevich and Chaika showed all over Ukraine.

The exposing video of the media expert received more than 633 thousand views per day, which caused a hysterical reaction in the Administration of President Poroshenko. The bloodthirsty propagandists of Channel 5 Roman Chaika and the host of Espresso TV Bogdan Butkevich grandiosely set up their curator, Minister of Propaganda Yuri Stets, with whom the scandalous broadcast against Anatoly Shariy was most likely agreed.

Anatoly Shariy is a well-known blogger who criticizes the Ukrainian media for inciting ethnic and civil hatred, for incompetence and deceit. Shariy initiated an investigation into Bogdan Butkevich, who directly called a month ago on EspressoTV for "ethnic cleansing" in relation to the members of the Immortal Regiment. Butkevich is also known for his calls to “destroy 1.5 million people in Donbass,” which he voiced on the Hromadsky TV (a propaganda channel funded by the US State Department and the CIA). Chaika is the host of Channel 5, owned by the Kiev dictator

© provided by A. Shariy

The well-known video blogger Anatoly Shariy recorded a video in which the presenters Bogdan Butkevich and Roman Chaika posted his personal data on the air. It turned out that this data was prepared especially for them. How it was, the site was sorted out

On the air, the presenters showed the blogger's "secret street shooting" and a receipt for 16 thousand dollars. As a result, all the information that appeared on the air turned out to be a fake, which Shariy and his colleague created specifically for Channel 5.

At the same time, journalists, having received this information in correspondence from a certain Dmitry Shevchenko, whose Facebook page contains publications from the site of Anatoly Sharia, as well as replete with links to opposition resources, did not bother to check the data at all. Photos of Shariy, his location, his receipt of money for propaganda from Kremlin agents, all this was taken for a clean moment. Shariy and his team did not even have to trick too much to catch the journalists on the hook.

Anatoly Shariy, in the comments, the site told why he decided to "drain the information" about himself, or, more simply, to dissolve, namely "Channel 5".

- Tell us, when did you get this idea? Was it a matter of principle to carry out this operation with “Channel 5”?

- A.Sh .: This idea came to my mind back in December. I chose Channel 5 because I was fed up with the insanity and nonsense that they release. Poroshenko officially announced, shouted that this channel belongs to him. Therefore, I decided to show them their level, how he reached the bottom with his channel, sank below the plinth.

- How do you think, after such a puncture on the part of the pro-government channel, how will they comment on this situation? Do they admit their failure?

- A.Sh .: You see, they are like monkeys in a cage who shit around them and do not see it. They do not have the usual human logic, like I screwed up and have to leave the profession. No. This is normal for such people. And they will continue to behave this way. But I think for Seagull, it was a swan song. For those with IQs above 11, it is clear that I will use this video in the non-public sphere, as I have done many times when I received threats. And if need be, I'll use it to my advantage again.

- How do you assess the professionalism of Ukrainian journalists in general, how they work with the information received?

- A.Sh .: The professional suitability of Ukrainian journalists is zero. Gromadske TV journalists, who received such bomb data on the murder of Pavel Sheremet, could not use them and failed the investigation, working on it for 8 months. This is a shame. Competent journalists who are passionate about their work, ask normal questions, do not shut up the interlocutor, do not put him in a stupid position, asking blunt questions about the same billion Yanukovych. Most ask questions in such a way that the interlocutor is lost.

- Anatoly, recently two studies were released, according to which Ukraine, on the one hand, rose a couple of lines in terms of freedom of speech (Reporters Without Borders), and on the other, in terms of the level of trust in the media, it shared the 4th place from the end with Gabon (institute Gallup). How is it that the opposition media are under pressure, criminal cases are brought up, Ruslan Kotsaba is awaiting trial again, and the level of freedom of speech is supposedly growing?

- A.Sh .: It's very simple. The fact is that those who make up these ratings are as far from Ukraine as the Decembrists are from the people. The media are so squeezed that they themselves don't talk about the harassment. Several channels have already come under the control of Poroshenko. The scheme is as follows: the channel says, they say, Poroshenko ran into us, and then after a couple of weeks they begin to make completely different content. Freedom of speech is just crazy. When people on the streets are asked questions about the state of freedom of speech in Ukraine, no one wants to answer. Everyone is afraid and no one is outraged. Here is the answer.

The largest scandal erupted in the Ukrainian information space. On the air of Channel 5, which belongs to the President of the country, the presenters published personal data and incriminating information about the opposition blogger Anatoly Sharia, who had moved to Europe for a long time. Later it turned out that Shariy himself played a trick on the journalists, slipping them a fake. As a result, the Minister of Information of Ukraine resigned. understood the details of what happened.

The investigation is conducted

Anatoly Shariy is a well-known blogger who ridicules and criticizes the Ukrainian media for inciting hatred, spreading fakes and incompetence. On his Youtube channel signed by over a million people. Each video collects several hundred thousand views - many times more than the stories of Ukrainian television. The Ukrainian authorities have long been trying to oppose something to the journalist. Doubtful incriminating evidence is periodically published in the media, the blogger's channel was blocked due to numerous complaints. However, the more stereotyped the Ukrainian information space becomes, the more popularity Shariy becomes. The largest one undertook to discredit it, but it didn't work out very well either ...

Host Roman Chaika and his colleague Bogdan Butkevich, invited from the Espresso TV channel, decided to expose the blogger. The latter is known for called on shoot the members of the "Immortal Regiment" and destroy 1.5 million residents of Donbass. Shariyu journalists paid attention to broadcast transmission"For" May 29. Chaika and Butkevich explained that a certain Facebook user provided them with exclusive information. In particular, there were allegations that Shariy received royalties for the "Kremlin propaganda". The presenters showed "secret street filming" and a "receipt" for 16 thousand dollars. In addition, Sharia's place of residence was “revealed”. They said that he lives in the Polish city of Gdynia, indicated the exact address and telephone number, and found the building on the map. “Call, call, send letters of happiness, wish him health,” Butkevich urged, although the disclosure of personal data is a violation of the law “On Information” of Ukraine. The presenters were not embarrassed by this, they demanded to connect (SBU) and even the Foreign Intelligence Service in order to punish the blogger.

In addition, the presenters said that Shariy works in a certain Gremi-personal office, which is engaged in fake employment of Ukrainians. According to the presenters, some of the clients of the office are "thrown at the head". As evidence, footage was shown of a person similar to Sharia waiting for someone at the entrance to this organization.

Frame: 5 channel / YouTube

Hi Poroshenko

Chaika and Butkevich did not hide their joy from the loud revelation, however, the optimistic mood quickly passed. All the information disclosed turned out to be fake, about which in my blog told Shariy himself. In particular, he posted the full version of the filming at the alleged office of a Polish company. There he says hello to Poroshenko and calls him a representative of sexual minorities. In addition, Shariy demonstrates how he personally draws up the very “receipt” that was shown on the air of Channel 5. The journalists did not even notice the inconsistencies in the total amount of the "granary book". It is interesting that all this information was transmitted to Roman Chaika via Facebook by the reader Sharia, the user. He showed how he had been in correspondence with Chaika since December 2016 and sent him photographs. He, in turn, did not even bother to check them, he believed every word of an unknown user. Although Shevchenko's page contains links to Sharia's website and other opposition resources.

“Imagine if this happened in France. The president has his own channel, and on his air two offended journalists publish the personal information of a blogger, whose crime is only that he criticizes this very power, the same president, and dared to criticize the channel and, in particular, these two offended ... Imagine what will happen in France? Because France is a civilized state, and what we are dealing with is an uncivilized state, absolutely boundless, laws do not work there, nothing works there, "Shariy summed up.

Frame: 5 channel / YouTube

V next issue of his program, Chaika called himself a victim of an information special operation. He told how he got information about the blogger, and noted that he was still tormented by doubts: “On the one hand, the snake is sharpening - all of a sudden it’s a man Sharia and a brat. On the other hand, there is suspicion of committing serious criminal offenses. " “In the end, I decided to publish it and then hear the answer,” the presenter justified.

But the consequences could not be stopped. On May 31, Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine, curator of Channel 5 Yuriy Stets resigned. The reason he himself indicated was the state of health. “There are no political or other motives,” said the secretary of the department Artem Bidenko. However, the portal "Glavnovosti", citing its own sources, said that the scandal caused a sharp reaction in the administration of Petro Poroshenko, and it was because of this that Stets resigned.

"I got sick of their nonsense"

Anatoly Shariy told how the special operation against Channel 5 was being prepared and what he thinks about Ukrainian journalism in general.

"": Anatoly, was it important for you to check the professionalism of journalists on Channel 5?

Shariy: On the one hand, this is Poroshenko's personal channel, he himself has spoken about this more than once. On the other hand, this channel constantly spreads fake news. They fell below the plinth for a long time, I constantly pointed out lies in their broadcasts, but they did not even remove it from their website. I got tired of their delirium and insanity, their unprofessionalism. So I decided to show them their level.

Do you associate the dismissal of Yuri Stets with this scandal?

Knowing the hysteria of Poroshenko, I can imagine what a scandal he threw in his administration, how Stetsya scolded. They talk about health problems. I think that after Poroshenko's hysterics, these problems became such that there was no other way out but resignation.

How do you generally assess the work of Ukrainian journalists?

This cannot be called journalism. This is a lie, propaganda, zombie people. Anything but journalism. Any dissenting person, any alternative opinion is denied, labels are hung as "Kremlin agent", "agent". Ukrainian journalism has sunk below the bottom, it simply does not exist. There are some people who treat their business in good faith, but in general it looks unprofessional and shameless. People work off their money and do not think at all what they are carrying.

International organizations talk about improving the situation with freedom of speech in Ukraine. For example, in April, the Reporters Without Borders rating was published, where the country climbed five steps. What is the reason for this?

International organizations are as far from Ukraine as the Decembrists are from the people. They only notice what they want to notice, and do not see what they do not want to see. In reality, Ukrainian prisons are full of those who made some wrong repost on social networks. The media are afraid and don't talk about the harassment themselves. A typical situation is when some more or less independent channel starts sounding the alarm, talks about pressure, and after a couple of weeks it broadcasts exclusively distilled news about the success of the authorities.

In Ukraine, journalists have been dealt with more than once. The plot of Channel 5, which caused a scandal, contained calls for the SBU to deal with you. Aren't you scared?

I am under the protection of the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), I can also contact the intelligence services of European countries. In the end, I can stand up for myself. This is not the first time my personal data appears in the public space, I receive threats, but I see no reason to be afraid. They're just bastards, it's a shame to be afraid of them. In addition, in Europe, after all, you can't just come to a person and start performing something. Here they will put him in the same cell for life with the Arabs, everyone understands that.

V Now Anatoly Shariy is simply obliged to marry Poroshenko's channel

This story began dramatically: the Poroshenko TV channel published personal data of the blogger Anatoly Shariy on the air. Thus, the channel employees answered the question to themselves: "What to do with it?"

Whether it is necessary to do anything at all with the blogger is another question :-) TV workers working for Poroshenko believe that those who expose their lies must certainly be fought - and not with another point of view, but directly with the people who express. Well, this is the point of view of fascist journalists on professional journalism, they consider this behavior for journalists to be normal.

However, what at first looked like a gross violation of the laws of all countries and all ethical norms (except for fascist ethics, of course :-), as it turned out, has a very curious second bottom. The fact is that the journalists working for Poroshenko, for all their meanness, are very simple people and, despite their considerable age, continue to believe in Santa Claus. Here Anatoly Shariy and his team explained to them that Santa Claus does not exist :-)

If you know people who are eager to fight you, offer them help - not on your own behalf, of course :-) Special services have been identifying and imprisoning potential terrorists for a long time.

+ Original taken from arpadhaizy v

Original taken from zergulio v Anatoly Shariy dismissed the Minister of Information of Ukraine

Channel 5 journalist Roman Chaika and Espresso TV host Bogdan Butkevich set up not only their curator, Information Minister Yuriy Stets, but also President Petro Poroshenko himself. Due to the blogger's provocation, the minister resigned today.

Anatoly Shariy is a well-known blogger who criticizes the Ukrainian media for inciting hatred and incompetence. As Glavnovosti wrote, Shariy initiated an investigation into Bogdan Butkevich, who directly called a month ago on EspressoTV for “ethnic cleansing” in relation to the members of the Immortal Regiment. Butkevich is also known for his calls to “destroy 1.5 million people in Donbass,” which he voiced on the air of Hromadske TV. Chaika is the host of Channel 5, owned by President Poroshenko.

Shariy, with the help of his reader, offered "confidential" information about himself to these two journalists. Without bothering to verify the information received, Chaika and Butkevich published on the national air the allegedly personal data of the blogger, his whereabouts and allegedly hidden footage of him, which contradicts the Law “On Information” of Ukraine. At the same time, on the air, they called for revenge on the opposition blogger, set the SBU and even the External Counterintelligence on him. The video with hidden footage of the blogger published on Channel 5 by Petro Poroshenko was authored by Shariy himself, the full version of which he posted on his blog. At the end, Shariy says hello to Poroshenko personally, calling him an obscene word.

Moreover, the “secret documents” about Shariy’s allegedly received royalties for “Kremlin propaganda” (for which Butkevich and Chaika threatened the blogger with reprisals from the SBU and the Foreign Intelligence Service) turned out to be a receipt written by the blogger himself on some scrap of paper. The “journalists” did not even notice the inconsistencies in the total amount of the “granary book” of Putin’s propaganda Shariy. All this Butkevich and Chaika showed all over Ukraine.

As it became known to "Glavnovosti" from its own sources, this video, which gained more than half a million views in less than a day, caused a sharp reaction in the Administration of President Poroshenko, up to scandals on the part of the owner of Channel 5.

Half a day after the video was released, Information Minister Yuriy Stets, the curator from Poroshenko, 5th and other Ukrainian channels, resigned.

These are all consequences of yesterday's video.

The largest scandal erupted in the Ukrainian information space. On the air of Channel 5, which belongs to the country's President Petro Poroshenko, the presenters published personal data and incriminating information about opposition blogger Anatoly Sharia, who had long moved to Europe. Later it turned out that Shariy himself played a trick on the journalists, slipping them a fake. As a result, the Minister of Information of Ukraine Yuriy Stets resigned. "" understood the details of the incident.

Anatoly Shariy is a well-known blogger who ridicules and criticizes the Ukrainian media for inciting hatred, spreading fakes and incompetence. More than a million people have subscribed to his YouTube channel. Each video collects several hundred thousand views - many times more than the stories of Ukrainian television. The Ukrainian authorities have long been trying to oppose something to the journalist. Doubtful incriminating evidence is periodically published in the media, the blogger's channel was blocked due to numerous complaints. However, the more stereotyped the Ukrainian information space becomes, the more popularity Shariy becomes. The largest Channel 5 undertook to discredit it, but it didn't work out very well either ...

Host Roman Chaika and his colleague Bogdan Butkevich, invited from the Espresso TV channel, decided to expose the blogger. The latter is known for calling for the execution of the members of the "Immortal Regiment" and the destruction of 1.5 million residents of Donbass. The journalists paid attention to Shariy on the air of the program “For” on May 29. Chaika and Butkevich explained that a certain Facebook user provided them with exclusive information. In particular, there were allegations that Shariy received royalties for the "Kremlin propaganda". The presenters showed "secret street filming" and a "receipt" for 16 thousand dollars. In addition, Sharia's place of residence was “revealed”. They said that he lives in the Polish city of Gdynia, indicated the exact address and telephone number, and found the building on the map. “Call, call, send letters of happiness, wish him health,” Butkevich urged, although the disclosure of personal data is a violation of the law “On Information” of Ukraine. The presenters were not embarrassed by this, they demanded that the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and even the Foreign Intelligence Service be involved in order to punish the blogger.

In addition, the presenters said that Shariy works in a certain Gremi-personal office, which is engaged in fake employment of Ukrainians. According to the presenters, some of the clients of the office are "thrown at the head". As evidence, footage was shown of a person similar to Sharia waiting for someone at the entrance to this organization.

Chaika and Butkevich did not hide their joy from the loud revelation, however, the optimistic mood quickly passed. All the information disclosed turned out to be fake, as Shariy himself said in his blog. In particular, he posted the full version of the filming at the alleged office of a Polish company. There he says hello to Poroshenko and calls him a representative of sexual minorities. In addition, Shariy demonstrates how he personally draws up the very “receipt” that was shown on the air of Channel 5. The journalists did not even notice the inconsistencies in the total amount of the "granary book". Interestingly, all this information was transmitted to Roman Chaika via Facebook by Shariy's reader, user Dmitry Shevchenko. He showed how he had been in correspondence with Chaika since December 2016 and sent him photographs. He, in turn, did not even bother to check them, he believed every word of an unknown user. Although Shevchenko's page contains links to Sharia's website and other opposition resources.

“Imagine if this happened in France. The president has his own channel, and on his air two offended journalists publish the personal information of a blogger, whose crime is only that he criticizes this very power, the same president, and dared to criticize the channel and, in particular, these two offended ... Imagine what will happen in France? Because France is a civilized state, and what we are dealing with is an uncivilized state, absolutely boundless, laws do not work there, nothing works there, "Shariy summed up.

In the next episode of his program, Chaika called himself a victim of an information special operation. He told how he got information about the blogger, and noted that he was still tormented by doubts: “On the one hand, the snake is sharpening - all of a sudden it’s a man Sharia and a brat. On the other hand, there is suspicion of committing serious criminal offenses. " “In the end, I decided to publish it and then hear the answer,” the presenter justified.

But the consequences could not be stopped. On May 31, Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine, curator of Channel 5 Yuriy Stets resigned. The reason he himself indicated was the state of health. “There are no political or other motives,” said the secretary of the department Artem Bidenko. However, the portal "Glavnovosti", citing its own sources, said that the scandal caused a sharp reaction in the administration of Petro Poroshenko, and it was because of this that Stets resigned.

Anatoly Shariy told how the special operation against Channel 5 was being prepared and what he thinks about Ukrainian journalism in general.

"": Anatoly, was it important for you to check the professionalism of journalists on Channel 5?

Shariy: On the one hand, this is Poroshenko's personal channel, he himself spoke about this more than once. On the other hand, this channel constantly spreads fake news. They fell below the plinth for a long time, I constantly pointed out lies in their broadcasts, but they did not even remove it from their website. I got tired of their delirium and insanity, their unprofessionalism. So I decided to show them their level.

Do you associate the dismissal of Yuri Stets with this scandal?

Knowing the hysteria of Poroshenko, I can imagine what a scandal he threw in his administration, how Stetsya scolded. They talk about health problems. I think that after Poroshenko's hysterics, these problems became such that there was no other way out but resignation.

How do you generally assess the work of Ukrainian journalists?

This cannot be called journalism. This is a lie, propaganda, zombie people. Anything but journalism. Any dissenting person, any alternative opinion is denied, labels are hung as "Kremlin agent", "FSB agent". Ukrainian journalism has sunk below the bottom, it simply does not exist. There are some people who treat their business in good faith, but in general it looks unprofessional and shameless. People work off their money and do not think at all what they are carrying.

International organizations talk about improving the situation with freedom of speech in Ukraine. For example, in April, the Reporters Without Borders rating was published, where the country climbed five steps. What is the reason for this?

International organizations are as far from Ukraine as the Decembrists are from the people. They only notice what they want to notice, and do not see what they do not want to see. In reality, Ukrainian prisons are full of those who made some wrong repost on social networks. The media are afraid and don't talk about the harassment themselves. A typical situation is when some more or less independent channel starts sounding the alarm, talks about pressure, and after a couple of weeks it broadcasts exclusively distilled news about the success of the authorities.

In Ukraine, journalists have been dealt with more than once. The plot of Channel 5, which caused a scandal, contained calls for the SBU to deal with you. Aren't you scared?

I am under the protection of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), I can also contact the intelligence services of European countries. In the end, I can stand up for myself. This is not the first time my personal data appears in the public space, I receive threats, but I see no reason to be afraid. They're just bastards, it's a shame to be afraid of them. In addition, in Europe, after all, you can't just come to a person and start performing something. Here they will put him in the same cell for life with the Arabs, everyone understands that.