How to find out the bitness of the system. The bitness of processors and operating systems How to check which system is 32 or 64

Hello everyone Dear friends and the readers of my blog. Today I will talk about the bitness (bitness) of systems and processors. How to find out the bitness of the system, what to do if you want to switch from one to another, etc. If there are any misunderstandings, then write in the comments, we will discuss everything.

I must say right away that information about processors and operating systems to describe in this article is not particularly rational. The fact is that ordinary users who want to buy a computer or assemble it themselves should care about just a couple of things. Basics so to speak. And everything can be described in a nutshell, but I rolled out a whole article. This is where irrationality manifests itself. Although initially I wrote it in a strict direction, but then I began to move towards processors. In general, it turned out two in one. The bit depth of processors and operating systems is closely interconnected with each other. Therefore, I rolled it out. But there are also pluses. Most people will understand what's what. That way 90 percent. The rest lets go in the comments.

What it is? Give me a definition!

The bitness or bitness is the amount of processed information (bits) executed by the computer's processor in one clock cycle. The bitness or bitness is nothing more than a way of processing information.

Processors are divided by bit and into this moment they are divided into two categories. The first category is 32-bit (x86) processors, and the second category is 64-bit. Why 32-bit processors are called x84 I don't know. If you know, then write it down in the comments.

Of course, there are also 16-bit processors, but these are already obvious exhibits in museums, the last century. DOS family systems ran on a 16-bit processor. And the amount of supported random access memory was less than 1 megabyte! To be more precise, 640 kilobytes, it seems. Then came 32-bit and relatively recently 64-bit.

By the way, yes, who does not know: bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes are all units of information. There are 8 bits in one byte, 1024 bytes in a kilobyte, 1024 kilobytes in a megabyte, etc. The logic is clear.

To make it clearer about the definition, I decided to give an example: there is a truck with bricks and a route. Bricks are beats, route is beat. All cars have a certain carrying capacity - bit depth (the number of processed information). Do you understand what I'm driving at? A route is the beat that a truck with bricks (bats) takes. The one-way trip determines the bit depth. Something like this.

Why is a 64-bit processor needed? History in a nutshell

The answer is simple, use it! It all depends on your needs, computer requirements. The fact is that at the beginning of 2000, the question arose about performance. When running programs that consume more RAM, their use on 32-bit systems has become less productive. In general, AMD has released a 64-bit processor architecture, which has given a new round in the development of technology. Sixty-four bit systems, in contrast to thirty-two bit systems, are capable of working with large amounts of RAM.

By the way, the first windows operating system that learned to work on a 64-bit processor was and remains windows xp. But again, very few people used this particular version, since it was the rising dawn of 64-bit processors.

In general, in fact, a 64-bit processor was invented back in the 90s and was not cheap. Not many could afford such a luxury. I don't know who developed it, but I know that AMD cut down the money by releasing a 64-bit processor to the masses before Intel. That is, she did it first.

What is the difference between 32bit and 64bit windows system

Like processors, windows operating systems and not only are also divided into 32bit and 64bit. When buying a disc with an operating system, it is mandatory on the packaging. Moreover, on a computer with a 32-bit processor, you can install only a 32-bit windows system, and indeed any 32-bit operating system, respectively. And on a computer with a 64-bit processor, you can install both a 32-bit system and a 64-bit one. Well, in general, any 64-bit systems in principle. It's just that many have windows, so I use it in the article.

Only here 32-bit systems, let's say, "see" only 4 gigabytes of RAM, even less - 3.5 gigabytes. 64-bit systems see a lot more up to 192 gigabytes. It all depends on the hardware capabilities of the windows itself. If anyone thinks what is it all about? You don't have to think. An easier option is to go and see the minimal system requirements from the hardware that the system distribution requires.

How do you understand the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit systems is that the second handles more RAM... You will not find a visual difference in the official assemblies.

There is another difference, which is program support... Now on the Internet you can find programs that are written only for a 64-bit system. So here are 64 bit programs won't work on 32-bit windows. But if the system is 64-bit, then on it they will work both 64 and 32 bit programs. In a 64-bit system, there is a subsystem, and when 32-bit programs are launched, they are launched in emulation mode.

For example adobe program premiere. Designed for video processing, and to work with video, as we know, you need more random access memory (RAM). Therefore, the program is released only for 64-bit systems! It makes no sense to release it for 32-bit systems from adobe. Yes, the program would work, but the lack of RAM during direct work would not childishly slow down. In general, the adobe company found it unreasonable to use this program on 32-bit systems. Now let's move on to determining the bitness of systems.

Bit depth in windows vista, 7, 8, 10

First way: in order to determine the bit depth of the windows system, right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut located on the desktop. Next, we type "Properties" and look at the bit depth of your Windows.

Second way: consists in entering the command into the command line msinfo32. A window will open system program that shows information about the computer. See screenshot below.

This command will probably work on windows xp as well. At least that's how it was written on the Microsoft website, but I also checked the zeros.

Bit depth in windows xp

In windows xp, you can find out the bit depth according to the same principle, although there are differences, but not great ones. Right-click on "My computer", press "Properties"... A window will open. Go to the tab "General", there you will find information. You can also go through "Control Panel", Do not forget.

If nothing is written, namely 86 or 32, then the bit depth is 32-bit. If the system is 64-bit, then you will definitely see this. It will be written.

A universal way to find out the bit depth

What is universal is good. Actually, there is nothing special to tell here, a couple of clicks, and that's all.

The first way: you can use the Microsoft website, which will actually show us the bit depth by analyzing the computer. Come here. And look here:

And we understand that we are using a 32-bit system.

Second way: enter command systeminfo to the command line.

Third way: download individual programs... Here are the most famous ones: cpu-z, aida64, speccy.

Determining the bitness in ubuntu

To determine the capacity of the system, you need to go to "System Information".

You can also use the commands: lscpu.

Or cat / proc / cpuinfo.

It is worth considering that the commands give out the bitness of the processor, and not the operating system itself. But in most of the bit depths are the same both for the operating system and for the processor itself. As far as I know, the commands work on all versions of Linux.

32 or 64? Which processor is the best?

As mentioned, it all depends on your computer requirements. What do you want from him. If you've read the article, then the answer should be self-imposed. You have already understood that a 64-bit processor is power. I completely agree with you, but only if it is used in conjunction with RAM, the volume of which is at least 4 gigabytes. If you use less than 4 gigabytes, then do not expect a performance gain. Rather, your operating system "eats up" the entire RAM, and you will be left with crumbs to use.

Now on the shelves most processors are 64-bit, and there are almost no 32-bit ones left. But this is in my opinion. Is that in some laptops or in office computers... 64-bit processor is reasonable to use for gaming computer or a computer for video editing. I think the conclusion is clear to you.

That's all. Subscribe to my blog, follow the news of which there are not so many. I think I will soon press on the blog and interesting articles will come out more often, but for now I am completely loaded with studies. Write in the comments if something is not clear, there will be time for an answer. Goodbye to everyone.

If you do not know what bit of the operating system is installed on your computer, then this article will discuss this.

Usually, users do not often ask such a question. Most often, you may need to know the bitness of the Windows operating system if you want to install any program, game or driver on your computer.

Starting with Windows XP, operating systems may have different type bit depth:

32-bit OS - x32(can be designated x86);

64-bit OS - x64.

The main feature of 64-bit operating systems is that they are capable of working with a large amount of RAM. Even if 4 GB of RAM is installed on your computer or laptop, then everything running applications on 32-bit systems, they will use no more than 3 GB. Therefore, if you have 4 GB of RAM or more, it makes sense to install a 64-bit operating system. Windows system.

It should also be noted that if you download a program for a 64-bit OS, and you have a 32-bit one installed, then you will not be able to install it on your computer. In the event that everything is the other way around: downloaded for a 32-bit OS, and a 64-bit OS is installed, the program will be installed and will work.

Let's summarize. A 32-bit operating system does not use more than 3 GB of RAM, no matter how much is installed on the computer. And second, programs for 32-bit Windows operating systems will work fine in 64-bit ones, but not vice versa.

Now we turn to the main topic of the article, and consider, how to determine the bitness of the operating system Windows installed on your computer.

To find out the bitness of the Windows 7 operating system, on the Desktop, right-click on the "Computer" shortcut and select "Properties" from the drop-down menu.

If you do not have such a shortcut, go to the "Start" menu and click on the "Computer" button with the right mouse button. Go to "Properties".

A window will open in which you will see all the basic information about the computer. The "System Type" line will indicate the bitness of Windows.

If you need find out the bitness of the Windows 8 system, press the key combination "Ctrl + E", the "Computer" window will open. Click in it on an empty space with the right mouse button and go to "Properties".

There is another way to open the window with basic information about the system. Press "Ctrl + I" to open the side pop-up panel. Select on it "Computer Information".

In the "System" window in the "System type" field, the bit depth will be indicated.

An article about something is already on the site. By clicking on the link, you can familiarize yourself with it.

Most quick way, which will help you find out the bitness of the operating system, is pressing the Win + Pause key combination. It works in all mentioned Windows versions.

Now you know how to determine the bitness of the operating system Windows 7, 8, 10 and you can choose the right one software, applications and drivers that will match it.

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Webmaster. Higher education in the specialty "Information Security" .. Author of most articles and lessons of computer literacy

    Few people have heard before that two seemingly identical Windows operating systems can actually be different and have different bit rates. This article will tell you what bitness is and how to recognize a 32- or 64-bit system on Windows.

    The bit depth of the Windows operating system is a very important indicator that determines which applications and programs the OS can run and which cannot. There are two types of bit depth:

    • 32 (86) -bit, or x32 (x86)
    • 64-bit, or x64

    32-bit OS uses a maximum of 3 gigabytes of RAM and cannot open programs intended for 64-bit ones, but the latter are able to install any programs without limiting the use of RAM. Therefore, it makes no sense to buy a computer with built-in memory of 4 gigabytes, when it has a low-bit OS - the computer uses only 3 GB when working.

    Ways to find out the bit depth

    The number of bits in a Windows system can be determined in many ways, and for different versions OS has its own special abilities for this. The main ones are universal and suitable for all OS editions from Microsoft. But some work on newer versions, while others only work on old ones, so if one of the methods doesn't work, you can try another.

    Through the window "My Computer"

    The most common and well-known option, since it works on both Windows 7 and newer systems. In order to find out which system is 32 or 64 on Windows you need:

    Through the keyboard shortcut Win + I

    Not a well-known, but simple way to determine the 32 or 64 bit processor bit for Windows 8 and 10 operating systems.

    Through the command line

    This method is suitable for those who understand the work of a computer better than the average statistical user, since it implies some experience. It will help you find out not only the bit depth, but also a lot of other properties of the computer and information about it. It is not recommended to use it if there is a possibility of changing something without the possibility of returning to the previous settings.

    To determine the bitness of the Windows OS via the command line, you need:

    other methods

    The easiest and most suitable way for all Windows operating systems is to press the "Win + Pause" key combination. This combination will open the "System" window, where you can find all the information you need, including see if the system is 32-bit or 64-bit.

    These are the most convenient ways find out the bitness of your operating system Windows 7 and higher, you can see more about them in the video:

    There are two types of processors: 32-bit and 64-bit. These numbers represent the bit capacity of the processor. What processor you use will depend on which version of the operating system to use, how to choose programs and games, how much RAM you can put on your computer. You can also find the designation x86, which is often mistaken for a separate processor bit. But first of all, we will determine what type of operating system is installed on your computer.

    How to find out the bitness of the installed Windows

    There are several ways to find out how many bits your Windows operating system is using. Look for x32 or x64 values, as these are the main indicators of the system's bitness, and x86 can refer to both single-core and dual-core systems. Let's first consider the simplest and fastest option.

    Via computer properties

    Through system information

    Differences and advantages of different number of cores

    So, there are two types of processors: single-core (x32) and dual-core (x64). Sometimes you can find the designation x86 - this is not a separate type of processors, but a designation for the architecture of a microprocessor. Most often, the x86 number indicates that the processor is single-core, but it can also be used for a 64-bit processor. Therefore, you should not focus on it, always look for the designation in the x36 or x64 format.

    The performance and operating speed, respectively, are higher in 64-bit processors, since two cores work at once, and not one. If you are using a 32-bit processor, you can install as much random access memory (RAM) as you want on your computer, but the system will only use 4 GB of all memory. With a 64-bit processor, you can use up to 32 GB of RAM.

    The performance and speed of work is higher in 64-bit processors, since two cores work at once, and not one

    Requirements for a 64-bit system

    The main advantage of x64 processors is that they support programs, games and operating systems written not only for 64-bit processors, but also for 32-bit ones. That is, if you have an x32 processor, then you can only install a 32-bit Windows operating system, but not a 64-bit one.

    Which bit depth is better

    From all of the above, we can conclude that if you choose between one and two cores, then the second option is preferable, since most modern programs and games require 64 bits. It is possible that in the future the 32-bit system will be completely abandoned, since its capacity is not enough for anything.

    How to upgrade to Windows 7 x64

    If you want to increase system performance and the amount of available RAM, as well as expand the number of supported applications and games, then you need to switch to a 64-bit operating system. The only way to do this is to erase the old 32-bit system and install a new one.

    Please note that all files on your computer will be irretrievably lost during this operation, so copy them to a third-party media in advance so as not to lose anything important. So, after you start installing the new operating system, you will be prompted to select a language and confirm the start of the operation, as well as select the version of the system. Select the one that is x64 bit and go through the installation process.

    Choosing the type of architecture and continuing the installation process

    Why 64-bit Windows won't install

    If the installation fails, it means that your processor does not support a 64-bit system and is designed only for x32. There is only one way out of this situation - to acquire new processor that will suit your requirements.

    How to determine the bitness of the processor

    There are several ways to determine how many cores your computer contains and uses.

    This article will show you how to determine if your computer is running x86-x or 64-bit 64-bit system software.

    Screenshots were taken on Windows 10, but the instructions work on Windows 7 and Windows 8 as well.

    How to check if your computer is running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows

    Quick guide:

    1. Open the Start menu.
    2. In the search box, enter " System information».
    3. Click Enter on keyboard.
    4. Click " System information» in the top left corner.
    5. Find system type.
    6. Check if he says “ x64"(64-bit) or" x86"(32-bit).

    And now in more detail:

    Method 1. Find out the bit depth through the "System Information"

    1. Open the start menu of your computer. The Start key looks like four squares in the lower left corner of the screen.
    2. Enter System information in the search box. This will search all your files and programs to match the results.
    3. Press ↵ Enter on your keyboard. This will open the program System information in a new window.
    4. NClick "System Information" in the left sidebar. It's at the top of the left menu.
    5. Find the system type information in the system summary. This line indicates which Windows version you are