How to get rid of spam on your computer. How to get rid of spam

Hello dear friends.

Since you have come to this page, then you are looking for

Anti-spam methods.

Here we are talking about?

How to protect yourself from spam.

I came up with such a simple method that at first I did not even realize that I had made the discovery.

This method is secure or the forwarded document from reading your postal e-mail address from it.

To begin with, I want to tell those who do not know (most, of course, do) what spam is.

these are unsolicited letters that come to your inbox.

How it works?

there is special programs who scan the Internet and look for postal addresses there - E-mail (s).
Thus, they gather a large base. postal internet addresses.

And there are special programs that can send spam emails to these addresses.
At a time, they can send letters to 50,000 addresses or more.

these are the letters that come to your mailbox without your consent.

Somewhere your E-mail "lit up".

And a letter that you absolutely do not need flies to you.

Site owners and bloggers especially suffer from such letters.

Indeed, on the site in many places you need to leave your contact information.
And on the page "contacts" you need to leave your E-mail.

Never leave your email address anywhere other than verified Internet resources.

Resources that respect themselves and their users will never transfer the database with email addresses to third parties.

In addition, on quality resources, you can usually hide your personal data from prying eyes, including your email address.

When registering on any Internet resources that require entering an email address (now there are most of them), always pay attention to the conditions and checkboxes at the bottom of the registration form.

Very often it will contain items like “I agree to receive our newsletter”.

In most cases, you will not be at all interested in receiving such letters, feel free to uncheck the boxes next to these items.

Never reply to spam emails, even if they say "to unsubscribe from our mailing list, just reply to this letter."

Your reply will be processed by a spam robot that will mark your email address as "live", that is, active, and instead of one letter a day, you will soon receive a hundred.

If spam does sometimes reach your mailbox, do not delete unwanted messages, it is better to always use the "mark as spam" function.

Good email services such as Google Mail (Gmail), Yandex.Mail, etc. have built-in spam protection that can be "trained".

Each letter you mark will be analyzed by the anti-spam system, and soon similar letters will no longer be sent to your mail.

We continue the conversation.

I myself am the owner of a thematic site and spam tormented me a lot, received 20 letters or more per day, and these letters do not always end up in the spam folder, and many "climb" into the business and necessary folders.

They are so tired, at first I skidded return addresses from these letters to the black box.

But it doesn't help for long. Spammers often change the names of their mailboxes and they come back in.

You are probably familiar with the letters: "Flying fish", "Viogla", "Dr. Ionova's clinic", and some foreign letters offering to share the inheritance, study English, etc.

There is no need to list all of them, but there are so many such letters that there is not enough computer memory to list everything.

And so I quite by accident came up with the perfect system:

How to get rid of spam emails.

The system is so easy to implement and work.

Now after its implementation, I do not have

This is a very pleasant feeling.

And I suggest you bring it to life.

The cost of my anti-spam system is only 30 rubles.

And you will forever forget what spam is.

We are talking about sites, blogs and letters where you have to send your E-mail.

As for other systems (spam in games, in SMS, I don't know that).

Once you got this system, you might think, e-mine, it was that easy!
Why didn't I figure this out earlier?

Probably because I figured it out earlier.

Get "spam protection" for only 30 rubles.

The digital version will be sent to your specified mailbox,
immediately after payment

Digital version

price 1 $

Moreover, as I have already seen programs like this:

On the site, such a script looks like this:

Where your e-mail is encrypted no longer work.

Spam programs pull it in and out from there.

To make sure that I am not a deceiver, here is my certificate of registration of I.P.

And below I put comments in the contact, where anyone can leave a comment about my invention.

Just do not need to disclose the secret in the comments to those who have already received it.

It is unlikely that the comments will be positive if this is a divorce.

A little about myself I am the owner of a fairly popular sports site.

With a subscriber base of over 12,000 subscribers.

And during the work of the site, I was so tired of these spam letters !!!

And now - the buzz! No spam emails.

Right now, at night, I am creating this page.

Since this is a massive invention, and very simple, I decided to make it available.

Total 30 rubles to sweep away freeloaders, and you RELAX FROM SPAM.

And if all the people apply this, then spammers will be out of work. Or they will only be able to send letters to their old databases.

Get my brainchild: For only 30 rubles.

Digital version

price 1 $

Hello, friends! The question of how to unsubscribe from all subscriptions is important for my readers and students. Why? Their mailboxes are overloaded, which makes it difficult to work fruitfully. This article will focus specifically on how to unsubscribe from mailing lists to Yandex mail and

Email overload

Being engaged in information business, teaching people, I faced such a phenomenon as overloading of mailboxes of my students. Sometimes a person shows you his mail, and there are thousands of open letters, not to mention the fact that the owner of the mail was clearly not going to open and read them. Why is this situation happening. Every day comes to our mail a large number of letters in which some information products or systems of earnings are offered.

Suppose we liked something, we enter our e – mail address, automatically follow the link, confirming the subscription, and receive the material we liked by mail. Everything is fine. But then we wanted to get a specific article or book, and that's it. And since we have confirmed the subscription, a stream of letters from this author begins to arrive in our mail. And thus, a huge number of letters accumulates that we did not plan to receive at all. And when I asked the question why you would not refuse this mailing list, since you are not interested in it, it turned out that many users simply do not know how to unsubscribe from mailing lists.

In this regard, let's look at specific situations for Yandex and Mail. Currently, these two mail services are very relevant and in demand. The blog already had an article "How to unsubscribe from subscriptions and junk mail" by unscrupulous authors on Gmail, you can read this article.

How to unsubscribe from all Yandex mail subscriptions

So friends. There are two types of mailings - these are those that we subscribed to ourselves and forgot to simply refuse such mailing in time if we do not need it. In this case, everything is very simple. Each such newsletter has an unsubscribe button.

Feel free to choose the necessary items and press the button Refuse... Everything is very simple and intelligent.

There is another reason for the "clutter" of the mailbox. These are spam mailings. That is, you did not subscribe to the newsletter, but it flows endlessly and the buttons “ Unsubscribe»In such mailings there is no. After all, the expectation is that a person will still buy something or pay for an unscrupulous idea quick earnings in the Internet. In this case, what to do, how to unsubscribe from mailing lists to Yandex mail.

In this case, we will have to blacklist the unscrupulous author.

To do this, go to the mailbox settings, the gear type button in the right upper corner, and choose Mail processing rules in the settings panel.

A window for setting the rules will open, but we will be interested in the Black List.

Add the email address of the author we are tired of in the field and click the Add button. That's it, now you can breathe easy. This author will not bother you anymore. By the way, you can get rid of annoying fans or ill-wishers in the same way.

Thus, using clear and uncomplicated Yandex mailbox tools, you protect your mail space.

Now let's look at the features of how to unsubscribe from mailing lists at mail. Why will we consider only the features? It's just that the general scheme is exactly the same as in Yandex mail.

In the event that we want to unsubscribe from a newsletter that we subscribed to by mistake or it has become irrelevant to us, the algorithm is the same as that we considered for mail on Yandex. We go to our mail, go to the Inbox folder, open the letter from the mailing list or subscription that we want to delete, go to the end of the letter and click the link or button cancel subscription.

In the case when there is no such button, that is, there is no way to unsubscribe from the mailing or from the annoying respondent, in mailbox it is possible to set a filter to a given email address.

Let's consider the algorithm of work. Go to the Inbox folder and mark the mail that we want to block. Then click the MORE button on the toolbar and select the CREATE FILTER command from the drop-down menu.

The system will move us to the page New filter.

We see the mail that we marked in the upper right corner. Then we press the switch "Delete forever" and do not forget " Save»This filter.

The mail to which we installed the filter has moved to this folder. If you suddenly change your mind and want to receive letters from this author again, you can disable this filter with one click.

So, friends, you now know how to unsubscribe from mailing lists at


I think, friends, you now know exactly how to protect yourself from spam or from your own inattention, how to get rid of annoying and unnecessary emails, in a word, how to unsubscribe from mailings to Yandex mail and

Keep your mailboxes in order, revise unnecessary mailings and useless emails in time. Junk mail is just as bad for success and health, for new ideas and for the receipt of money, like garbage in an apartment and old things in a closet. Good luck friends!

Best regards, Ivan Kunpan.

P.S. The blog wrote articles about working with gmail mail, if you wish, you can read them. The article "Gmail Email" will help you create and master this mail. And the article "Free Gmail Mail" will show the features of working in this mail.

Email is still very common. A significant percentage of Internet users have personal mailboxes at their disposal, where letters from other users come, some important and not very notifications, as well as intrusive adware- spam. Despite the fact that the problem with spam in email services has existed since their inception, they still have not completely got rid of it, although many services are making attempts.

  • There is an advertisement for any services, services, goods, etc.
  • The message is an inducement for some action, for example, subscribe to a newsletter, make a translation, etc. Moreover this message usually comes "out of nowhere";
  • The letter contains calls to use some site, service, scheme, etc., which have a dubious reputation.

Removing spam from mail

It should be understood that many users themselves contribute to "attacks" by spammers on their mailboxes, posting information about them on any resources where it is required. Also, some people post their Email in the public domain for specific purposes. This is actively used by spammers, collecting a database of addresses.

If you want to receive less spam, then follow some of these guidelines:

    • Register several mailboxes for different needs. For example, one box for discussing work issues, another for registering on various resources, the third for personal affairs. Many mail services allow you to link several mailboxes to one account;

    • Many mail services have the ability to filter messages by folders. Take this opportunity;

    • Those letters that you consider to be spam should be entered into a special folder that has already been created by the system by default. If possible, send a complaint to the sender;

  • Try not to use your email address on suspicious sites.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the flow of spam emails. Next, let's take a closer look at ways to combat spam for well-known email services.

Yandex Mail

Electronic mailboxes from Yandex are one of the most popular solutions for domestic users. The postal service is directly connected with other services of the company, which opens up to the user additional features.

As for spam, Yandex is constantly upgrading its anti-spam algorithm. All letters that you sent to the spam folder are analyzed by the algorithm. After that, other messages with similar content will be sent to the spam folder automatically. However, initially you will have to manually delete unwanted items:

    1. Open up Post service and go to the tab "Inbox", which is located in the left or top menu. By default, this includes all incoming emails that were not blocked by the service for spam and other violations.

    1. In the upper submenu, open the tab "All categories"... You can open any other tab as long as the unwanted messages might have something to do with it.

    1. Of general list mark those emails that you regard as spam. In order to put a mark, you just need to click on the box opposite the letter.

    1. If you have too many incoming letters, then for convenience, you can sort them not only in categories, as described in the second step, but also by dates.

    1. Now the selected emails need to be marked as spam. To do this, just use the button "This is spam" in the toolbar.
    1. The selected letters will be sent to the corresponding folder. Here you can permanently delete or restore them if you previously sent some letter by mistake. The entire contents of the folder "Spam" deleted automatically every 10 days.

After the actions taken, not only the marked letter is sent to the "spam", but also the sender's mailbox. That is, messages coming from this address will automatically go to the appropriate folder.

You can also "help" the system to protect you from incoming spam... To do this, you need to configure special filters that intercept and send suspicious messages to the folder "Spam". This function it can be very helpful if you receive messages of the same type from sites and social networks. Filters are configured as follows:

    1. In folder "Inbox" open one of the letters that you would not like to receive anymore.

    1. Pay attention to the toolbar. There you need to use a button with three horizontal dots.

    1. From the context menu, select "Create Rule".

    1. Here find the line Apply... You need to set the value in the first field "To all emails, including spam" and in the second field "With and without attachments".

    1. Now in the block "If a" you need to remove all the default parameters, with the exception of the parameter "From whom".

    1. IN "Take action" check the box next to the preferred action for similar emails. For example, check the box "Delete".

    1. In case you decide that it is better to transfer such messages to some folder (for example, "Spam"), and not delete immediately, then mark this folder in the drop-down list.

    1. As for the rest of the fields, it is not necessary to change anything in them. However, if you think it is necessary, you can make adjustments to them.

    1. Now click on the button "Create Rule" and "Apply to existing emails".

After applying the filter, messages from the selected sender will be automatically moved to the specified folder or deleted. The same goes for emails already received. If necessary, you can recover even deleted emails from "Baskets", however, no later than 10 days from the date of their deletion.

This service is provided by the company of the same name. Previously, it was the most popular in Runet, but now fewer and fewer people use them. In terms of its capabilities, it is practically not inferior to Yandex. You can also quickly block spam here.

However,'s anti-spam algorithm does not perform as well as its competitor. Because of this, you may have to frequently manually clear your mail from spam. Also in the folder "Inbox" far more spam is received here than the competitor, though not much more.

The cleaning algorithm looks like this:

    1. Open the reception service emails from in your Internet browser. Log in to your account.

    1. Now click on the tab "Letters" which is located in top panel.

    1. In the left menu open the folder "Inbox".

    1. You will be redirected to all messages that came to your mailbox and were not marked as spam by the system by default. Find those messages that you consider spam and would like to block.

    1. Select them using the special fields located opposite the icon of the letter itself.

    1. Find and use the button in the toolbar "Spam".

    1. Marked emails will now be moved to a folder "Spam". This section cleared automatically every 30 days.

Now all messages from those addresses that are in the folder will be blocked "Spam".

In the system from, you can also configure filters that will automatically send to special folders or delete letters from certain senders. Filters are configured as follows:

    1. Select those letters, whose senders you want to send "Under the filter".

    1. In the toolbar that appears, click the button "Yet".

    1. A context menu will appear where you need to select the item "Create filter" or use the suggested keyboard shortcut Shift + L.

    1. A window with filter settings will open. Here in the block "To" the item should be noted "Delete forever".

    1. Be sure to check the box "Apply to letters in folders".

    1. A context menu will appear where you need to select "All folders".

    1. If you often receive messages from senders whose mailbox is associated not with the mail service, but with a personal domain (for example, from some site), then in the field "If a" strip all text up to the character «@» .

    1. Save the finished filter using the appropriate button.

    1. To apply the created filter, go to the section "Filtering rules" and click on the link there "Filter".

    1. Check the section "Inbox" for the existence of letters from an unwanted sender.


This is a world-renowned postal service that occupies a leading position in the international market for resources of a similar orientation. The service gained its popularity due to high level technical equipment, a large number of available functions of advanced algorithms. Although for an ordinary user, the functionality and interface of the service is not much different from the analogues of Yandex and

Let's move on to cleaning up spam in Gmail:

    1. Go to the service website and go through the authorization there.

    1. In the main menu of the service, go to the tab "Inbox".

    1. Use the special fields to mark unwanted messages with checkmarks.

    1. A control panel will appear, where you need to click on the exclamation mark icon with a signature "Into spam!".

    1. The selected messages will be moved to the appropriate folder, from where they will be deleted automatically by the system after a certain period of time. Also, all letters from the selected senders will also automatically go to this folder.

Gmail has the ability to connect with others Google services which many people often use. From this, the mailbox is flooded with spam and other notifications from these services. To avoid this, you need to configure filtering in advance:

    1. Reply with check marks to letters from the sender from whom you do not want to receive them.

    1. In the toolbar that appears, use the button "Yet".

    1. IN context menu select item "Filter similar emails".

    1. Now in the graph "From" you need to delete all the text up to the dog character ( @ ). An example can be seen in the picture.

    1. Pay attention to the lower right corner of the window that opens. Here you need to use a text link "Create a filter according to this request".

    1. Check the box "Delete" if you want the system to automatically get rid of messages from this sender. If messages do not need to be deleted, but you do not want to see them in "Incoming" then check the box "Add category"... In the dedicated field, select "Spam".

    1. Check the box next to "Apply filter to matching thread".

    1. Use the button to finish. "Create filter"... It will be applied to the corresponding emails automatically.

After receiving letters from this sender, they will not be deleted immediately and irrevocably (even if this item is checked). These letters will still be available for some time in "Basket" or folder "Spam"... After which they will be removed from there automatically.


This service is no longer as popular as its counterparts discussed above. In terms of its functionality, interface and principle of operation, it is more similar to True, there are still some unique points here that relate to the process of getting rid of spam, filtering messages, etc.

Let's take a look at how to get rid of spam in Rambler:

    1. Go to the Rambler mail service. Please authorize.

    1. On the left side, go to your inbox.

    1. Place a check mark in the special fields opposite those letters that you would not like to receive anymore and which you consider to be spam.

    1. On the control panel, press the button "Spam".

    1. Emails will be forwarded to a folder "Spam"... They will lie there for some time until they are removed by the system in automatic order... If necessary, you can delete them yourself.

It also provides a filtering system for incoming emails, so you can get rid of spam in automatic mode... Let's see how email filtering works on this service:

    1. In the navigation menu, use the button "Settings".

    1. A window with basic settings will appear. In the top menu, select a section "Filters".

    1. In chapter "Conditions" click on the button "New filter".

    1. Block parameters "If a" retain their default values.

    1. In a special line, you must enter the full address of the unwanted sender. If there are several of them, then use the plus icon to add another field with the address.

    1. In field "Then" check the box "Delete email permanently"... If you do not need to see letters from selected senders in your inbox, but it also makes no sense to delete them immediately, then check the box "Move to folder"... The adjacent field will become active, there you need to put "Spam".

    1. To save filters, use the corresponding button. Filters will be applied to all incoming new emails. However, they do not apply to old emails.

Almost all mail services work according to similar algorithms, therefore, you should not have any problems as a user. All actions are reduced to moving messages to the appropriate folder and filtering settings.

Everyone modern user computer, unfortunately, is forced to deal with spam, in the form of some kind of mailings, most often of an advertising nature. In short, spam is information that you do not ask for, but that you receive, regardless of your desire.

It is sent by people - spammers who send mass mailings to databases email addresses... Unfortunately, getting rid of spam is hard enough and in some cases it is simply impossible. But there are a couple of rules that will help you, if not permanently get rid of it, then at least reduce the flow of spam to your computer.

Of course, the most important rule for getting rid of spam is conspiracy on the Internet. If your e-mail address gets to spammers in their database of addresses, then spam letters will come to you all the time, no matter what you do.

But, if you create a separate mailbox for registration on various sites and forums, you will have the opportunity not to "shine" your main e-mail address on the Internet and, accordingly, to divert it from the threat of receiving spam.

And also try not to publish your email address in open access... It often happens that users indicate their addresses directly in messages on forums, and then they are surprised that their mailbox is attacked by hundreds of letters with advertisements and all kinds of unnecessary information. If there is an urgent need to indicate your email address in messages open to milestones, then try to encrypt its name. For example, replace the @ sign with the word Dog. Then special spy programs scouring the Internet in search of new addresses will not be able to detect and recognize your email.

If, nevertheless, spam letters have begun to come to your mail, you do not need to read them, let alone answer them. Always add them to the special "Spam" folder. Or add this recipient to the black list so that letters from him are automatically transferred to the spam folder. For example, in a mailbox on Yandex, you can check the box next to such an unwanted message and click the "Spam" button on the top of the menu bar.

In cases where spam email just does not give a pass and you cannot cope with it in any way, then it is better to change the mailbox.

Spam attacks us not only in mailings via email but also in social networks... The administration of social networks is trying in every possible way to combat spam and punish its distributors. The social network "VKontakte" suffers especially from spam - there spam is sent by personal messages, notes on the "wall", and comments on photos and videos. You should not follow the links provided in such notes.

In addition to unnecessary messages and notes on social networks, the real trouble is when spammers crack passwords to the personal pages of participants and start sending spam on their behalf. First of all, such mailing is carried out to the friends of the "hacked" user with the hope that they will not suspect their friend of something bad and will definitely follow the link specified in the message. If you are faced with this, then the only way to remedy the situation will be only to change the password on your personal page.

There can be many tips and solutions to combat spam, but always remember that The best way- this is neatness: do not leave your contacts anywhere and often change and update passwords. Never click on suspicious links sent and do not fall for the tempting offers of people who advertise about themselves in a dishonest and ugly way.

The vast majority of Internet users have at their disposal a personal e-mail, to which various kinds of letters come, be it information from other people, advertisements or notifications. Due to the extensive demand for such mail, a topic that is relevant to this day, related to the removal of spam, has appeared.

Please note that the mailing list itself comes in many varieties and is often determined specifically by the owner of the E-Mail, and not by the sender. At the same time, almost any advertising messages and invitations to use fraudulent resources are considered to be spam.

The first step is to make a general disclaimer on how to prevent this kind of mailing from occurring at all. This is due to the fact that most people use E-Mail at the slightest need, thereby demonstrating the mailbox address to different systems.

To protect yourself from mailings at a basic level, you should:

By following these guidelines, you can preliminarily save yourself from the vast majority of problems associated with spam. Moreover, thanks to a clear approach to organizing the workspace, it is possible to organize the collection of messages from different mail services into a separate folder on the main E-Mail.

Yandex Mail

One of the most popular services to send and receive letters on the territory of Russia is an e-mail from Yandex. A remarkable feature of the use of this E-Mail is that literally all additional features of the company are directly related to this service.

  1. Go to folder "Inbox" via the navigation menu.
  2. By default, this tab contains all messages that were not automatically blocked by the anti-spam protection of this service.

  3. In the child navigation bar, located above the main mail list and control panel, go to the tab "All categories".
  4. If necessary, you can select any other tab if the blocked messages are directly related to it.

  5. Using the internal system for highlighting letters, select those that you regard as spam.
  6. To simplify the selection process, for example, due to the presence of a large amount of mail, you can use sorting by date.
  7. Now on the toolbar, click on the button "This is spam!".
  8. After following the recommendations, each pre-selected letter will be automatically moved to the appropriate folder.
  9. While in the directory "Spam" if necessary, you can manually delete or restore all messages. Otherwise, one way or another, the cleaning happens every 10 days.

As a result of the actions from the instructions, the addresses of the senders of the marked letters will be blocked, and all mail from them will always be moved to the folder "Spam".

In addition to the main recommendation, in order to get rid of spam, you can manually configure additional filters that will independently intercept incoming and redirect them to desired folder... This can be useful, for example, with the same type and multiple notifications from social networks.

  1. While in your Yandex inbox, open one of the unwanted messages.
  2. On the toolbar with right side find the button with three horizontal dots and click on it.
  3. The button may be missing due to high resolution screen.

  4. From the presented menu, select the item "Create Rule".
  5. In line "Use" set the value "To all emails, including spam".
  6. In the block "If a" remove all lines except "From whom".
  7. Further for the block "Take action" indicate preferred manipulations.
  8. If you are transferring messages, select the appropriate folder from the drop-down list.
  9. The rest of the fields can be left untouched.
  10. Click the button "Create Rule" to initiate automatic mail transfer.

It is advisable to use the button in addition to the rule "Apply to existing emails".

If everything was done correctly, all messages from the specified sender will be moved or deleted. In this case, the recovery system will operate as standard.

Another equally popular mail is the service from the company of the same name. Wherein this resource does not differ much from Yandex in terms of basic spam blocking capabilities.

  1. In your Internet browser, open the official website of the email account and log in to your account.
  2. Use the top bar to switch to the tab "Letters".
  3. Go to folder "Inbox" through the main section list on the left side of the page.
  4. In the main content in the center of the page that opens, find the messages that you want to block for spreading spam.
  5. Using the selection functionality, check the box next to the mail you want to delete.
  6. After making a selection, find the button on the toolbar "Spam" and use it.
  7. All emails will be moved to a special auto-cleaned section "Spam".

When moving all emails from any sender to a folder "Spam" automatically starts blocking all incoming messages from the same address in the same way.

If your mailbox contains a large amount of spam or you want to automate the deletion of messages from some senders, you can use the filter creation functionality.

  1. Among the list of letters, make a selection of those whose sender you want to restrict.
  2. On the toolbar, click on the button "Yet".
  3. Through the presented menu, go to the section "Create filter".
  4. On the next page in the block "That" set the highlight opposite the item "Delete forever".
  5. Check the box next to "Apply to letters in folders".
  6. Here, from the drop-down list, select the parameter "All folders".
  7. Under some circumstances in the field "If a" you need to delete the text before the "dog" (@).
  8. This applies to those senders whose mailbox is directly linked to a personal domain, and not to the mail service.

  9. Finally, press the button "Save" to apply the created filter.
  10. To guarantee, and also due to possible changes in the filter, in the section "Filtering rules" opposite the created rule, click on the link "Filter".
  11. Back in the section "Inbox", double-check the directory for the existence of mail from a blocked sender.

This completes the instructions for deleting spam emails in the service from


Mail from Google takes a leading place in the world ranking for the resources of this type. At the same time, of course, the high popularity directly comes from the technical equipment of Gmail.

Please note that Gmail automatically adjusts to work with the rest of Google services, which makes your inbox quickly become spammed. That is why in this case it is extremely important to create message filters in time by deleting or moving unnecessary messages.

  1. Select one of the messages from the unwanted sender with a check mark.
  2. On the main control panel, click on the button "Yet".
  3. From the list of sections, select "Filter similar emails".
  4. In a text box "From" remove characters before the sign «@» .
  5. In the lower right corner of the window, click on the link "Create a filter according to this request".
  6. Set the selection in front of the item "Delete" to automatically get rid of any messages from the sender.
  7. When finished, be sure to check the box next to "Apply filter to matching thread".
  8. Click the button "Create filter" to start the uninstallation process.

After clearing the incoming letters, they will go to the section for temporarily saving data and eventually leave the e-mail. Moreover, all subsequent messages from the sender will be erased immediately at the time of receipt.


The latest in relevance mail service Rambler works almost the same as its closest analogue - However, despite this, there are still some unique features regarding the process of getting rid of spam.

To isolate mail from unwanted messages, it is quite possible to implement a filter system.

  1. Use the navigation menu at the top of the page to open the tab "Settings".
  2. Go through the child menu to the section "Filters".
  3. Click on the button "New filter".
  4. In the block "If a" leave each default.
  5. In the adjacent text line, enter the full address of the sender.
  6. Using a dropdown list "Then" set the value "Delete email permanently".
  7. You can also set up automatic redirection by selecting "Move to folder" and specifying the directory "Spam".
  8. Click the button "Save".

This service does not have the ability to instantly move existing messages.

In the future, if the settings were set clearly in accordance with the recommendations, the addressee's letters will be deleted or transferred.

As you can see, in practice, almost every e-mail box works in a similar way, and all the required actions are reduced to creating filters or moving messages using basic tools. Because of this, you as a user shouldn't have any problems.