A message from 9000 you have recently committed. Is it obligatory to reply to this message

Many clients quite often received or began to receive various kinds of SMS messages from number 9000, allegedly from Sberbank. Usually this is a questionnaire or other insignificant questions. Rumors circulate on the Internet that scammers are acting under this guise. Is this so, we will find out in this article! Moreover, there is no such number in the official contacts of this bank.

There is fraud, and it always has been. Crooks are constantly looking for vulnerabilities and ways to get into a person's wallet. It would seem that internship has protected each of us from physical communication with unwanted individuals, but this is not the case. Everything only got worse - electronic devices where there is money that exchanges information with the outside world, vulnerable to vulnerabilities. The same, phone, tablet, bank card, your personal Internet banking and so on.

At the same time, fraudsters have always been divided into several subclasses - evil geniuses (now they are hackers) who come up with cunning plans and so on, and ordinary small teddies that force the victim to make a translation by persuasion.

So, it is the last category of criminals these days that actively uses SMS-mailings, hiding behind the names of well-known brands and so on, thereby luring money from gullible citizens. This is done most often, by the way, by prisoners directly from places of deprivation of liberty. How might it look like?

FOR EXAMPLE! You receive an SMS on your phone with the text "Your card will be blocked in 2 days, please contact the operator." Signature - Sberbank. Or “you have won a prize, call **** to claim it. Yours - Sberbank ".

Outwardly it looks reliable, it seems that you really should call on the specified telephones... But do not rush to do this. The easiest way to make sure that these are scammers is to get into contacts, look at which number the SMS came from. If this is an 11-digit set, it means swindlers. And if there are four signs?

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Sberbank Contact Center Phones

Here you already need to know the specific data used by Sberbank. Here we come to the most important thing!

Does Sberbank use number 9000

Yes, indeed, Sberbank quite often conducts mass customer surveys, informs them in their opinion important information by sending SMS messages, and he does it from a number of short numbers.

9000 on their list, like others - 9001, 6470, 8632 or just SBERBANK.

All of them are designed to conduct opinion polls about the quality of the technical support service and the financial institution in general.

Having received an SMS message with a request to evaluate the quality and volume of services provided by the bank, the client decides for himself whether he will answer it or not. Remember that it is honest and objective answers that allow Sberbank to improve the level of service and take into account the needs of consumers.

IMPORTANT! There is nothing wrong with polls as such. But sending a reply message will cost you money, the amount of which depends on your tariff plan.

If you do not like this whole nonsense, but regularly incoming SMS, you are only annoyed, their reception can be blocked by putting the corresponding numbers in the black list. But do not try to do this with the number 900. It is really important - this is the official contact number of the bank.

But what if the message, either from 900 or from 9000, came to a subscriber who has nothing to do with Sberbank (see the screen)? This is 100% scam!

IN this case you should carefully study the format of the number. Swindlers can modify it, imitating the similarity with the official banking - for example, change the number "0" to the letter "o", which are usually similar, but differ only in size. Another sign is the lack of personal contact via SMS. When sending a request to a client, the bank indicates at least his name, and sometimes also a patronymic or the last four digits of the card.

Surveys and notifications sent by Sberbank cannot contain the following requirements:

  • send the client's personal data to a specific number (registration address, passport series, etc.)
  • provide a PIN code from a bank card or a personal password to enter the Sberbank Online system
  • update or confirm personal data, follow the link contained in the message or call the specified number

Telephone fraud has reached its climax today, and it is almost impossible to find an attacker, and even to return the stolen funds even more. Therefore, you can only rely on your own strength to protect yourself from the risk of being robbed.

Today we will consider one of the options phone fraud when you receive an SMS on your phone with a call to conduct a dubious financial transaction or any other action regarding your bank card account from an unknown number.

If you have any suspicions of fraud, you can check your account balances. Then you can contact.

9000 - number of Sberbank or scammers?

Each client of Sberbank should remember that on the official website of a financial institution there is open access full list of contact numbers. Also on the site there are telephones hotline, with the help of which you can contact the contact center while in Russia or abroad.

The Mobile Banking service provides for a short number - 900. It is in demand when a user wants to block a card account or replenish it. That is why, so many similar numbers - 9000 - alarms customers.

Did you receive a message on your phone from 9000? Don't worry, Sberbank actually sent it to you. As a rule, such an SMS involves sending a response to it. Basically, it is necessary to evaluate the work of the bank as a whole, the work of the call center, etc. Different regions of Russia provide their own short number for Sberbank sms - 9001, 9000, 6470, 8632 or SBERBANK.

SMS notification from number 9000 cannot contain the following requirements:

  • Send your personal data to any number (passport number, registration information, etc.);
  • Go to Sberbank Online using the link provided in the message;
  • Provide a password to log into Sberbank Online or a PIN code from the card;
  • Carry out personal data updates or confirm them.

The cost of a reply message to number 9000

We have already found out whose number it is - 9000, now we will tell you about the cost of answering it. The price of a message to number 9000 corresponds to the tariffs of your mobile operator... Consider the following important points when receiving SMS from short numbers:

  • Messages with a request to evaluate the work of the bank help its employees to improve customer service, but whether or not to answer it, each user is free to decide on his own;
  • If you are in doubt about the sender's number, it is better not to answer it. To check the legality of the request in SMS, you can contact the Sberbank contact center for help, thereby, in which case, prevent the actions of fraudsters;
  • Calling a scammer's number can cost you a pretty penny. Also, money can be debited from the account in case of clicking on the viral link specified in the message. The same goes for downloading apps.

What to do if you are a victim of phone scams?

We have already said that the short number 9000 really belongs to Sberbank and how you can protect yourself from fraudulent actions. But still, there are cases when the persuasiveness of telephone villains prevails and your personal data falls into their hands. What to do in such cases?

Block your bank card, the account number of which was reported to the scammers. It is not worth delaying with this, as the funds can be debited at any moment. If the money has already been stolen as a result of clicking on a viral link, inform the bank employees about this fact and provide all statements about the content of the SMS.

Remember to report fraudulent activity against you to the police. And remember, your vigilance and attentiveness will help protect your funds and you from the risk of being deceived by telephone scammers.