How to buy a pack of minutes on MTS. MTS offers additional minutes for tariffs

A large number of Subscribers use communication services, and at the same time many of them lack a standard package of minutes, which is provided for by the tariff plan.

In this case, they have to make challenges at a standard tariff, which is installed by the operator and depends on the tariff plan used.

At the same time, not every user knows that you can connect an additional package of minutes, with which you can already communicate at a reduced price.

The packages of services provided it is beneficial to sell the operator and at the same time it is beneficial to use the user. In the first case, the operator earns on the amount of services, and it does not matter to use it in whole or in part.

But it is more profitable to order a subscriber to order such a package of services and use it, as it goes much cheaper than the standard cost of calls in the tariff plan.

So, users who communicate a lot on the phone can order additional package 200 minutes per month. In this case, the subscriber will be accrued with an additional package of 200 minutes.

Description MTS service "Pack 200 minutes"

It should be noted that the package of 200 minutes is provided on certain tariff plans and is spent on calls to all numbers in Russia.

Please note that and on intranet calls. Regardless of whether you are connected by the service "zero to MTS" or any other. Concerning tariff plansIn which the user can connect this option - these are tariffs:

  1. Smart
  2. Smart Unlimited
  3. Smart Zabugorische
  4. Smart Top.

Users can only connect the option only in the above tariff plans. In all other packages, it is not provided.

After you connect this package, the consumption of minutes will be performed first of all from this package, and only after from the main one.

Therefore, be careful when calling the numbers inside the MTS network.

There is a package of minutes throughout the country, you can use it in national roaming.

The cost of providing a package

So, you lack the main packages that are provided in the tariff plan and you wish to connect an additional package of services. In this case, you can order 200 extra minutes. The cost of such a service will be only 150 rubles per month.

As for the action of the accrued 200 minutes per month, they operate throughout Russia.

It should be noted that in some tariff plans, namely in the tariffs of MTS Haip, MTS Smart and Smart Unlimited from the subscriber will be filmed additionally 15 rubles a day, when using the tariff outside home region.

It is also necessary to indicate that all unused minutes from the package will be transferred to the next month.

How to connect or disable the MTS Pack

For those who decided connect the MTS option Additional package 200 minutes, should pay attention to the fact that this service You can connect in several ways, and it is provided only in certain tariff plans, which are described above.

So here are the ways that you can activate the service:

  1. Using USSD queryTo do this, you should dial a combination on the phone. *111*2050*1#
  2. Use your personal account

If you do not need to use this service, it can always be turned off using the following ways:

  1. Use for this ussd request *111*2050*2# and click the call button
  2. Take advantage personal Account

To check the rest of the minutes in the package you should dial *100*1# . After completing this request, the phone display will be displayed on the residue of the next time.

Most people can no longer submit life without mobile communicationsShe became an eager for her part. Many not enough standard package of minutes on the tariff - after using the entire limit, the standard tariff mesh is activated, calls become expensive. To reduce the cost of communication, you can connect the service "Additional Pack of 200 minutes" on the rates of smart and.

Service description

Option for 200 additional minutes can be used not on all tariff plans. Only for:

  1. SMART unlimited.
  2. Smart Zabugorische.
  3. SMART top.
  4. Haip.

You can use additional volume to any country number, but minutes will be charged even when communicating inside the network. If the subscriber uses a tariff that is not included in the list, it is impossible to activate.

The priority option, first of all, the minutes are written off with it, after the volume of the main tariff is used.

You can use the service in home network And in roaming in Russia.

Conditions and cost

The service works constantly after activation, until it is turned off by the user. After connecting the MTS subscribers receive every month 200 minutes to communicate.

The price of additional 200 minutes is 150 rubles per month. If you often call, this offer will be very profitable.

After deactivation, the rest of minutes is reset, money for unspent minutes is not returned.

Among other conditions:

  1. The remainder of the unused minutes at the end of the settlement period is postponed to a new month and added to a new limit. The maximum amount for transfer is 200 minutes.
  2. When using the option outside of its field connection area, an additional fee is charged in the amount of 15 rubles per day until the moment of returning to the home network.
  3. The first fee for the service is carried out at the moment of activation, after the board is written off every month at the time of activation. The amount is completely written off, but if the number is in blocking, then after exiting it at night there is a balance from the balance. If the mobile phone was blocked for a month, the board does not charge for the service.
  4. When changing the tariff plan, which supports the service, it will not be disconnected and continues its action.

Since the offer includes limits, the subscriber needs to follow the status of minutes. To check the residues, the service query is used * 100 * 1 # . It must be entered on the phone and press the call key, the data will arrive in SMS.


You can connect an additional 200 minutes by several methods to choose from, the main thing is that the tariff plan approached. The MTS operator offers such activation options:

  1. Service query * 111 * 2050 * 1 # And make a call. This method is the easiest, fast and free. For him, you do not need to use the Internet, call the company's employees.
  2. Personal Cabinet or mobile app "My MTS". First you need to register in the system and go through the authorization procedure. Next, go to the section with the services, find the option and click the Connection button.
  3. When challenges appear, the subscriber can gain support service at 0890, using an automatic informator to make independent connection. By phone, you can call an operator that remotely activates the package for 200 minutes, but it needs to be called passport details.
  4. Go to the MTS salon in your city. Employees of the office will turn on the service, tell the basic rules and conditions.

After connecting, the subscribers are notified of the successful completion of the procedure through an incoming message.

How to disable an additional package of minutes?

Deactivation is possible by several methods:

  1. Most fast way Disable - Enter service request for mobile phone *111*2050*2# .
  2. Personal Area. It must be logged in to the section of active services and click the shutdown button. A similar is carried out in the application for the My MTS smartphone.
  3. Call telephone service by phone 0890 and independently, using the informant tips to remove the service from the number. Or call the "living" operator.
  4. Personal visit to the MTS salon, so that the company's managers will be disconnected. With you, you need to have documents, passport or driver's license.

When the residue is disconnected, the minutes is not returned, after the completion of the procedure, an SMS confirmation comes to the number.

All tariffs available for connecting subscription board Defaults provide unlimited conversations by phone inside the network mobile operator. However, this amount may not be enough, in this case it will be useful to find out how to connect free minutes to MTS. The article suggested the two most common methods and step by step describes the instructions for action.

In the article:

Service "Package 100 minutes for free"

A pack of 100 minutes is a service with a small subscription fee, within which the user has been given to the user every day for communication within the network throughout Russia. Tariffing for these conversations does not apply.

Note! The service itself is called differently, there are several options with a similar principle of work:

  • Call free;
  • Call for free for the tariff "Your country";
  • Zero on MTS.

Although the terms of the option are approximately the same, services are designed for different tariffs. If the client cannot figure out what exactly it should connect, you need to use the operator using the help hot line.

Reference! Below in the article will contain conditions for the options "zero on MTS" and "Call for free". The option for the tariff "Your country" has become included in the basic functions of TP, and its cost is already included in the subscription fee.

The "Call for free" option is designed for:

  • Super MTS 042014;
  • Super MTS 092014;
  • Super MTS region.

The service "zero on MTS" is available for the entire line "Super Zero" and "Super MTS".

Possibilities of use

Additional minutes are compatible with all standard TP conditions. Exceptions are stocks when 100% discount on conversations are provided when the account is replenished for a certain amount.

Every day the client gets the opportunity to communicate within the network for free around the area and throughout Russia. At the same time, each direction (home region and intercity) is provided for 100 minutes. Also, this service applies to calls to stationary phones from MTS.

Reference! If the client is calling inside the network, but the subscriber has been redirected to the phone of another mobile operator, it will not be possible to take a discount for communication. First of all, traffic is consumed according to the main facilities of the tariff, only after that a communication is entered into an option with an additional package.

Methods of connection

There are 2 main ways to connect free minutes to MTS:

  • with the USSD command.

The request will differ, depending on the specific service. "Call for free" starts on the code * 111 * 868 # , and the "zero on MTS" option - on the command * 899 # or * 111 * 899 # . Also for the second service is available for an SMS request to number 111 with the text 899.

Cost and Methods of Connection

In the description of the service it is indicated that the connection of 100 free minutes will cost the client at 3.5 rubles. The same amount is debited for every day of use. However, you actually add the option for free, as this money goes to pay for the first day.

Since adding free minutes to MTS may be needed for a short time, there are methods forced disabling options. You can do it:

  • in a personal account;
  • on the team * 111 * 868 # With further step-by-step choice or by SMS with the text 8680 to number 111 (for the service "Call for free");
  • by team * 111 * 899 # or SMS to number 111 with numbers 8990 (for the "zero to MTS" option).

How to connect moments on MTS in exchange for bonuses?

An attractive feature of the communication provider is a kind of cachek. All customers can participate in bonus program. As soon as some points will be accumulated, they can be spent on various needs, for example, on voice communication or text messages.

Within the framework of shares that currently offer packages to communicate only within the home region and on the network. It is necessary to spend moments in 30 days from the date of exchange. There are 2 sentences:

  • 0.5 hours of conversations for 210 points;
  • 1 hour for communication for 300 points.

There are restrictions for use - the exchange of bonuses for the service is not available for ULTRA tariffs, excellent, VIP, SMART line (including, my unlimited, Tariff, x) and Smart well as for tariffs for the Internet (for laptop, tablet and smart device).

There are instructions, how to connect minutes from MTS-bonus. For each exchange method there are features.

In a personal office

If you have access to the Internet, the client can exchange scores directly from the personal account. You can do it in both the browser version and through official app. In the program for mobile menu May differ slightly, so it will be considered separately.

It is necessary to log in in the LC and go to the MTS-Bonus section. This page will indicate the number of accumulated points, as well as services for which you can spend. In order to make it easier to find the desired category, it is worth choosing the item "Minutes". Near the desired function There will be a "spend" button. It must be pressed. If the points are enough, the exchange will automatically happen at the same moment.

Through my mts app

The application serves as a personal account, but has a more accurate look. So through the phone or tablet it is more convenient to use mobile program. Instructions, how to order free minutes to MTS through the application, begins with the opening of the utility itself. Next, you need to successively go over the branches:

  1. Bonuses;
  2. The number of free points;
  3. Remuneration catalog;
  4. Discounts on calls.

Since suggestions for communication are not very much now, then choose the desired service will be easily. Next, it will only be left to press the "Enable / Get" key.

USSD teams

Most simple way Connections is a USSD command. Before using it to install "Mobile Assistant". Often the option is the default option, but if necessary, enable it in your user's personal account or SMS with text 0 to number 8111.

When the mobile helper feature is connected on the phone, you can order a number of minutes:

  • * 111 * 455 * 11 # - for half an hour;
  • * 111 * 455 * 12 # - for an hour.

It is not necessary to disable the option, minutes burned at the end of the package.

On the bonus site

All information about the bonus program is posted on a separate site - On the main page You must choose:

  • Spend points;
  • Minutes.

You should select the appropriate option and click the "Connect" button. The system will ask to log in. The easiest way to do with the MTS mobile device (the laptop or tablet is also suitable, where network access is provided through the provider's SIM card). In such situations, the site does not specify the password, you can automatically enter. After that, re-click the "Connect" button and the service will be issued, and the phone will receive a notification.

Important! If in the process of independent exchange of bonus glasses on the services, the phone issued an incomprehensible error, contact MTS technical support by the hotline number or through the online form of feedback.

How to check the rest of minutes on MTS?

To control costs, the client is recommended to periodically check the balance balance. For the function "Call for free" to do this should be daily by combination * 100 * 1 # . If the communication hours were obtained when exchanging bonuses, checks on request * 100 * 2 . Also, information can also be found in the user's personal account.

Methods, how to take free minutes on MTS, distributed only for archival tariffs. After all, modern proposals have already initially include complete unlimited. Before connecting an additional package, the user should think about the possibility of changing the tariff plan to more profitable.

Often, many subscribers exceed the limit set by the tariff for communication services. In such a situation, they have to use calls by standard cost. It is determined by mobile operators depending on the selected tariff plan. But not every user knows that now they have cellular operator There is a service "". With it, the subscriber can make outgoing calls at a reduced rate.

This option is very convenient for both the user and the operator. After all, the operator is profitably implemented this service, increasing the cost due to volume. The subscriber also benefits: when connecting a package of additional minutes, it spends less cash in terms of the standard cost of calls.

For the current day, special packages have become open. They are available for the line of some network tariffs. This option is suitable for those active users who are not enough included in the rate of the tariff minutes. The new service is suitable for the following tariff plans:

  • Smart. (not suitable for tariff plans Maxi Smart., Smart Mini 102014., Smart Mini 112013.);
  • Ultra (not suitable for tariffs Maxi Ultra., Ultra 2010., Ultra 2011., Ultra 2012.);
  • « H.».

There are several types of packages, each of which has its own subscription fee:

  1. 200 minutes - 150 rubles per month;
  2. 400 minutes - 250 rubles per month;
  3. 700 minutes - 450 rubles per month;
  4. 1000 minutes - 600 rubles per month.

The added minutes are used in those directions of calls that are included in the user tariff plan. For example, when connected to the tariff plan Smart.The acquired minutes are spent on all outgoing challenges to Russia's numbers.

The additional package is in the advantage of the main one. First of all, the minutes connected with the help of auxiliary service are also used, then the minutes included in the main package are used.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this option is not connected at once, but on a monthly basis. There are unspent minutes burn, so next month you can not use them.

How to pay

The first cash deduction for this option occurs during connection. Then monthly on the day of connection service is written off subscription fee from the current account.

Payment takes place every month, without looking at the balance of the subscriber. Provided if the number is locked, the payment for the service will be automatically written off the day after exiting the lock. In the event that the number is blocked for a whole month, the payment will not be made.

How to connect an additional package of minutes

If you decide to connect an extra time to the tariff for conversations, use the following ways.

  1. Using an automatic command. To do this, you must dial the following command on your mobile device: *111*2050# . Then press the call button. As a result, you will open an interactive menu. Select the relevant items on your desire and size of the connected package. After processing the command, the package will be activated, and the money spikes from the phone balance.
  2. Using the mobile application "My MTS" First download it to mobile device. Then you can use the connection through the mobile application. Then you need to go through the registration procedure. Upon successful registration, you must perform the following steps:
  • go to the section " Services»;
  • select the tab " Available»;
  • next, click the button " Discounts on calls»;
  • select a suitable package and click the " To plug».

Installing an application should be carried out from the corresponding online store, depending on the type of your phone. For operating system iOS. Installation is made from AppStore.. For popular Android Installation is made from Google Play.

  1. IN Personal Cabinet. The first thing you need to do is register in the Personal Account on the Operator's website. At the beginning you need to enter your phone number, after which specified room Sms notification with code. The next step is the completion of the registration procedure and entering a new password. After performing the above actions, you need to go to the section " Tariffs and services"And choose the appropriate option. By performing the operator's instructions, you can connect Pack of minutes.
  2. Contact specialists support Center. Call Number 0890 or by universal canal +7800-2500890 . Last room Used for calls from any cellular networks and phones. Name personal information and passport data. Ask to connect the selected Pack of minutes. After a few minutes the package will be activated, and you will receive a notice.
  3. Visit brand store MTS. In one of the offices or stores of the operator, ask employees to connect pack of minutes. Present your passport or power of attorney from the SIM card host.

After connecting the package you will receive a notification in the form of SMS on a successful connection.

How to disable an additional package of minutes

If you have not needed additional packages for communication by phone, you can disable them. To do this, select one of the options offered by the Operator Operator:

After refusing from the service, you will be notified about it in a text message.

How to get extra minutes for free

In order to get a package of extra minutes for free, it is necessary to become a participant in the loyalty program " Bonus. MTS. " To check the number of accumulated points, you need to go to a mobile application or in your personal account.

Accumulated points can be translated into additional Minutes Through the remuneration catalog.

There are two packages options:

  • 30 minutes - 100 points;
  • 60 minutes - 150 Points.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that bonus minutes are used only as outgoing calls within the network and only within the home region. Also mandatory condition The fact that the subscriber who connected bonus minutes is in its region.

For the inclusion of bonus 30-T. minutes enough to dial the team *111*455*11# or resort to the application " My MTS" Also, the operation can be carried out through the personal account on the website I.Mts.RU

To apply the option 60 Bonus minutes, you need to use the USSD team *111*455*12# . Then press the call button. By analogy with the connection of bonus 30 minutes this operation You can spend both through a mobile application and through access to your personal account.

Before writing off the accumulated points, it is recommended to check whether this option is suitable for the connected subscriber rate. A number of tariffs in the Trans-Baikal Territory does not support the service of bonus minutes. The time of the package of bonus minutes is seven calendar days.

How to find out information on an additional package

If you need to check the balance included in the package, or find out the validity of the option, you must dial the following command: *100*1# and call button. Also, this information is displayed both in the application and on the site. In a personal account.

The service "Additional Packages of Minutes" MTS enjoys sufficiently popular among customers of the mobile operator. It will be useful, who needs to often make calls. Consider what conditions this decision implies how other nuances are connected.

The submitted option is divided into several options. The user can connect 200-1000 extra minutes for a whole month, or before the period when the package is updated in the main tariff plan. The service provides such features:

200 minutes

An additional package of 200 minutes MTS is the smallest offer. You can connect for 150 rubles.

400 minutes

The second offer provides 400 min for calls. The cost of the package is only 250 rubles.

700 minutes

Subscribers can connect more impressive volume - 700 min. Such a number of conversations will allow not to worry about that the package will end. The price of the offer is 450 rubles.

1000 minutes

Connect the maximum conversation package in the form of 1000 minutes. Subscriber payment will be 600 rubles.

Tariffs Participants

The service under consideration is available for connecting to many. tariff rules. Consider the subscribers of which tariffs can use the additional option:

  • TP ruler Smart. The exceptions make up the plans "My Smart", Maxi and Mini.
  • Ultra series, except for the supply of MAXI and Ultra 2010-2012.
  • Users who are activated by TP "X" or "XIP").
  • All subscribers using a smart device.

Directions of calls

Conversations that are provided in an additional option are valid in directions and conditions that are indicated in the main tariff plan.

Procedure for granting

The selected package will be added immediately after connecting and payment. Then monthly will be written off the subscriber payment and update the amount of minutes. Remember, you first spend conversations from the additional option, and only then from the tariff plan.

How to connect an additional MTS Package

Connect additional sections with several options. The most popular way is to use the personal account. Just log in to your profile and find a tab with services. Next, select the desired and click "Connect".

If there is no access to the Internet, then optimal option - USSD team. Send a request - * 111 * 2050 #. Next, the system will propose to select the desired call size, and in the end will ask you to confirm the procedure.

How to disable extra bags for MTS

How to disable an additional package of minutes on MTS? You can also deactivate the offer that you used when connected. That is, subscribers can use the personal account by turning through the official website or application. Also available Combination USSD - * 111 * 2050 #.