Enel international personal office. NL International: reviews, company products

More detailed information about the company's activities, network business, product lines and product names is published on the official website. We invite you to leave feedback about working at NL International, as well as about its products and employees.


    It is not clear what they are selling! Because of them, I ended up in a hospital bed !!!
    I love to eat. No. Eat. It's clearer that way. Classes in the sports club did not help, the muscles grow, there is no weight loss. In the network I came across NL products, many speak well of magic cocktails - you lose weight well and cleanse your body. I asked the therapist, said go ahead. In a couple of weeks I dropped 4kg, after a month - 8. Already on the third - it became bad at training, they called an ambulance and put it in the hospital - problems with the kidneys and pancreas, there they were already strictly forbidden to experiment. Now only broths, pharmacy herbal teas, dosed, not often and without experiments !!!


    In winter I had bronchitis, after which I cough constantly. Doctors say that the lungs are clean and there are no problems, but there is a cough. He worries all the time, just start laughing, he is right there. Mom bought Prana tea drink for cough. I didn't really believe in its power (well, how can tea help?). But since I promised my mother, I had to drink. I drank 2-3 times a day, there was not much sense from it. My colleagues noticed that I stopped coughing. It was only then that it dawned on me that I hadn't been coughing for a week. Thanks for tea) It seems like a nonsense, but helped)


    The effect of NL sports nutrition is no better than that of its cheaper counterparts. The company lives off marketing. Nothing special.

    egor gray

    pyramid, on a sucker, a lure is - sovdepovskie horror stories. Sharashkin's office will not distribute Mercy. already issued under 600 pieces. the company is 18 years old, which is more than Facebook. everything works if you work yourself


    How much I work, and I realized one thing that the negative to the product comes from those who simply do not use it correctly. For example, as an Nl manager and as a certified fitness instructor, I fundamentally advise against sitting fanatically at cocktails. They weren't made for that! I had girls who came and asked: and how much will I lose weight in a week, if I don't eat more? And I say bluntly that this is not possible! Yes, I am not contradicting the product now. This is an alternative to food. But it shouldn't be the only replacement! We must eat everything, but everything must be healthy and of high quality. Drinking for breakfast is great, having dinner is easy, sometimes you get hungry, looking at night. But not that a week only on smarties, and then again on dumplings. No friends! I am in favor of people using the product, because it is truly innovative, and the composition is simply unparalleled. But you need to understand that weight control is a complex of actions, and a cocktail is just an assistant in this! I wish everyone to be healthy and beautiful, to approach nutrition with healthy thoughts, and our product will help you!


    I drink these cocktails and just get a taste. I am happy to replace food with them and no longer eat other food. I lost 9 kg and is still determined to lose 16. They are not the first to earn. The first ones buy at their own expense, and then, when you form your own structure, teach, then this structure begins to feed you. Everyone can be the first here. There are no miracles in the world.

    the barcode on the box struck,
    does not exist writes (((


    Alexandra, have you tried ordering to the office? In this case it is really free - you just have to go. And we order our favorite product from Kazakhstan to Saratov (for a parcel of 8 cans -500 rubles). I have been eating this food for 10 years and I am not going to refuse!


    we are all participants in the network business because there is a chain everywhere, all stores are chains, only in stores we buy and do not receive a refund, but in companies like NL we can make money,


    All NLs say they need to figure it out. In short, people are fuckers and do not understand anything. I also tried smart, granola, rare muck. And the marmalade is full of crap. And mascara, all eyelashes stuck together. You would read their chats, there is one admiration for the products. The composition of the powders, soy, pea protein. And they are all nutritionists, they know how to lose weight. One guy writes in the chat: guys, what do I have dandruff after the shampoo appeared, he is told that everything is fine, it's just all the crap comes out of your head! I read their chats there for 2 months, then I couldn’t stand it, I dumped.


    Reading reviews about the company and the Energy Diet product sometimes you are surprised. For some reason, it so happened that people do not understand, first they do, then they think and say that this is complete garbage, expensive, scam.)))) Let's figure it out.

    Before using the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition, because there is an individual intolerance. Better to consult a doctor. If the doctor is competent, he will tell you everything about the composition and tell you about its safety. The range of flavors is very wide and really tasty. Everyone has their own taste preferences. I like coffee, cappuccino, raspberries, strawberries. Personally, after the application, gastritis disappeared, my brother lost 2 kg without any problems in 1.5 weeks without exertion. It is important to use it correctly, and not eat it all day from morning to night. Of course it will feel sick))))) Need a measure.

    Price. The cost of one can is 2200 rubles. Will you say expensive? Let's figure it out. One can holds 15 servings (there is a measuring spoon inside). 2200/15 = 146.6 rubles per serving. You get a real complex of vitamins, minerals, satiety. And what gives coffee, which is more expensive? Of course it's up to you to decide.

    Most likely, there is still distrust of the company and the product, and all because we do not know anything about it. And when we don’t know, then we accordingly think that this is a complete FALSE. Therefore, whoever is interested in learning about the company and how everyone can earn there, write WhatsApp.


    Tried all cocktails, very expensive and ineffective. If you want to lose weight, close your mouth and lock the refrigerator too :) If the products really had a significant weight, it would be launched into a larger-scale production and sold through a retail network or pharmacies, and maybe, I conclude, another scam. I looked at the posts of the setevek in the insta and this is repulsive, I want to say - girls do more posts and shoot stories about products, and not about how everything is "cool" sitting on the couch with a phone to get money and Mercians. I bet - another year and NL will melt like other networkers


    2 days as I accept (UPI just kidding) for weight loss. I will say this, do not ignore your feelings. That's all, that's all.


    Only the first ones get money, those who started, everyone else works for the first ones !! The products get bored in two weeks you won't look at cocktails! Look for someone who would be hooked on these products, this is a finger at his temple, you want to shoot yourself, you want to do it, I don’t advise, I was plozo from pills, and from a cocktail, we live once


    One review is worse than the other. Guys, if a manager is sitting in front of you and promises millions, then you probably need to be aware that for the sake of a salary of at least 40,000 you need to plow like a donkey. Nobody hides this from you, and you need to understand it yourself. No easy money. The girl who threw 20,000 there for some 200pv, you are the most amazing here. You always need to understand that 30-35pv is a product for yourself in order to understand the products. You need 40pv to learn how to sell a product that is necessary and useful for a particular subject. You always need to understand what a person needs and what not, so if you have studied psychology a little, it will be easier. Dietary supplements are generally a separate topic. No manager is a doctor (except for real doctors). Any manager must necessarily say that everything depends on the body and it is necessary to consult a doctor. I always tell the client: "If you want something for weight loss / weight gain / improvement of health - consultation with a doctor, because I am not responsible for your health." Therefore, I sincerely don’t understand those managers who really “kick in”. Yes, in any company there are nuances, but you need to understand everywhere. Nobody will beat you if you don't like it here and you leave everything. Everyone's choice. But annoying managers, yes - this is a problem. I hit them right in the neck, but not everyone can be tracked. Advice - always run away from those who snatch millions, there is little investment, effort and time. It doesn't work like that. There will be investments, and a lot of effort, and even more time. Because that's work too!

    Network Marketing NL International

    Are you looking for a network company where you can make money in an easy and fun way? The opportunity to realize your dream is open for you, the company NL International (NL International) gives everyone such an opportunity, everything will depend only on you. You can learn more about the company on the official website "nlstar.com".

    I'll tell you briefly about this network company under the name "NL International", a company for more than 17 years, was founded in 2000, on this moment has more than 84 stores in all CIS countries, there are also more than 302 offices, 250,000 company managers and more than 700,000 satisfied customers! These are steep indicators, not all network companies have such data, one can only envy.

    Watch a short video presentation

    by NL International

    What does NL International do?

    NL Store is a store where everything is safe, convenient and profitable! NL International manufactures products that are available in ordinary stores, but only several times better and of higher quality. In the NL International store - NL Store you will find products such as:

    • "Cool products for everyday life" -

    Tea, coffee, cosmetics, household chemicals and many other things that you use every day.

    Products for vitality, weight loss and sports (Energy diet).

    You can learn more about the products on the official website of "NL International" - nlstar.com in the product catalog.

    The products are really very high quality, and are many times superior to similar products from other brands. The high quality of these products, safety and effectiveness are the main principles by which all NL International products are developed and manufactured.

    As the saying goes, the price speaks for itself. Someone better chooses not a high-quality, but cheap product, everyone has the right to choose what is better for him and what is not. This is one of the advantages of this company NL International, but there is another opportunity that NL (NL) provides - this is the opportunity to earn!

    Is it really possible for NL International to make money at all and how much do beginners earn?

    Let's see how you can make money at NL International. The main advantage of making money in the network company NL International is that you do not need to sell anything, and sell one or another product, you do not need to run around with bags and boxes around offices, organizations and ask to buy goods from you! All this is in the past, although there are many network companies that continue to operate in this manner.

    NL International has developed a unique scheme where all these actions are excluded, which attracts more and more people who want to make money. Also, I want to note that in recent years, a lot of networkers - leaders with their structures from other network companies - have been moving to NL.

    This says a lot - the quality of the torava (it is not a shame to recommend a really high-quality product to friends and acquaintances), transparent earnings, real payments, the opportunity to get a free Mercedes car, a unique marketing plan that is not available in any network company. All these advantages of the company, for over 17 years, have maintained a leading position among all network business companies.

    At NL International, to earn more than real, you can search for information yourself, how people here earn up to 1,000,000 rubles a month, and also get cars for free. It's just COOL, really, when you see all this, any person will have a desire to join NL International and also earn money. Of course, beginners will not immediately make a lot of money, for this you need to work hard, as in any other business.

    Registration with NL International. How to make money for a beginner and what is the essence of making money at NL International?

    First you need to register on the official website of "NL International" - "nlstar.com". Go to your personal account, and get acquainted with the company, study the products, study the marketing plan, also one video lesson is available for beginners, on making money in NL International. It is imperative that you study everything in detail before taking further steps on the path to making money in the IP.

    To register with NL International, you need to know (ID, card number, mobile phone) who invited you, this person will be your superior sponsor.

    When registering, you must enter ID - 007 ........ (looks like this), the person who invited you, or from whom you learned about NL International. Registration is absolutely free and does not bind you to anything. If within two months there is no activity on your account, then your account is simply blocked and deleted.

    Perhaps the person who invited you will be as new as you. In network marketing, you need to understand that success depends only on yourself, and you do not need to rely on a sponsor, a superior sponsor, partner, or anyone else. Know that the whole business starts with you. The result will depend only on how much effort you put in and how many actions you take in this business. This applies not only to the NL company, but in any other network company, your success depends only on you.

    The essence of this earnings is to change your everyday store for an NL International store - NL Store. As it looks like, you just buy all those goods that you take in regular stores, in the NL Store. Use it yourself, recommend it to your friends and acquaintances, and earn money on this. Below are some of the ways to make money in IP.

    • The first type of income in IP, this is "Personal VOLUME" - cashback - a refund from the purchase amount. But this cannot be called earnings, but you just get a discount in the form of a money back (a percentage of the price of the product)!
    • The second type of income in IP, is a "MENTOR BONUS", where the manager receives a certain percentage of the personal invitees to the NL. For example, if you invited 10 friends, and they also decided to use NL International products, you will receive up to 980 rubles for each. It will be - 9800 rubles, if you have 100 people personally invited and if the conditions of the company are met, then for 100 people you will receive 98,000 rubles. Of course, it all sounds so easy, but it's all real, I think anyone would want to have such a passive income.
    • The third type of income in IP, - this is "GROUP VOLUME", in addition to the remuneration of the "Mentor Bonus" and "Personal Volume", you get up to 21 percent more from the total turnover in your team. Details on the three types of earnings will be below the article.

    What is the essence of IP business?

    It's that simple! Use cool NL products and get cashback.

    and your income will grow. Earn money with NL International!

    How to make money at NL International, you ask?

    Believe it or not, everything is pretty easy and simple - USE PERSONALLY the company's products and just recommend it to your friends and acquaintances. Remember, the more people you have in your team who, in the same way, will actively use the goods of the company "NL International", the more earnings will be. The task of newcomers who want to achieve high success here is to make a competent recommendation of certain IP products. You do not need to buy goods here and sell, no and again no, give up this venture! Here all products have a standard price, both for managers and for clients, therefore the principle - "bought cheap - sold high", will not work and is generally excluded. Only for personal use, or as a gift to loved ones, but not how, for resale, as is usually practiced in other network marketing companies.

    One rule for success in this company is that we use it ourselves and recommend it. Exactly, according to this scheme, you can earn money in the company "NL International", thereby you can create yourself a source passive income... So, when you build a huge team, among which, you will not even know the people in your structure, you will also receive a reward for the "Mentor Bonus" and "Group Volume". And the amount can reach up to 1,000,000 rubles a month, tell me, this is cool, will you get that kind of money in a hired job? Yeah, never. This is the PURPOSE to which you need to strive - is to create a source of passive income. Thanks to this SOURCE, you will earn money, even when you sleep!

    Best Grid Company in Russia

    Today, this opportunity is provided by the company "NL International" (NL International). The company does not guarantee that everyone and everyone will reach the top. But it gives a 100% guarantee that if the conditions of the company are fulfilled, the manager will receive the earned money, which he can easily withdraw at the beginning of each month, in the office of the company, both in cash and on a card. In the network business, the honesty of the company in relation to its managers and clients is very important, and choosing NL International, you can be calm in paying large sums of money.

    It is beneficial for the company to have many managers and clients, therefore, the network company NL International for more than 17 years has always treated, treats and will treat its customers honestly and respectfully.

    NL International Product Catalog

    NL International in the "NL Store"

    As you can see, the products by NL International, really high quality and far superior to competitors. And these are just a few of the company's products! I think anyone having tried the products of the NL company, once, after which, they will constantly use it, which means that they may well earn. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at this company.

    Let's now consider the MARKETING PLANby NL International.

    Marketing plan NL International

    First, let's get acquainted with the terms that I will meet in the marketing plan:

    PV - Personal Volume - personal volume (internal currency of the company);

    YE - Internal conventional unit equal to 35 rubles. (these are not dollars);

    LO - Personal Volume;

    BN - Mentor Bonus;

    GO - Group Volume.

    As the company operates in many CIS countries, for ease of calculation, all products are considered in PV , and then calculated by the formula:

    For example, within a month, you personally bought products for yourself - Energy Diet 2 cans - 2 x 1980 rubles, and you personal account 40 PV is credited, and you also bought cosmetics and household goods - and received another 30 PV. Total your LO (personal volume) per month was - 70 PV ... Let's calculate using the formula.


    70 PV x by a factor of 0.4 we get the internal CONDITIONAL UNIT, -

    28 ye. x 35 and we get the amount in rubles - 980 rubles , which is available on the cash account in your personal accountby NL International

    Let's take a look at THREE TYPES OF EARNINGS

    v NL International: LO, BN, GO

    LO - Personal Volume

    It is important to know that if there is no activity within 2 months after registration, your account will be automatically blocked and deleted. To avoid this, you need to make an activity of at least 35 PV - this is to buy products for personal consumption in the amount of about 4000-4500 rubles. As soon as you make a personal volume of 35 pv - you Manager ... The choice in the NL store is huge. Remember the main goal is to change your regular store to a storeby NL International.

    When you complete 35 pv, you get 490 rubles, and this can hardly be called earnings. So, as access to the main views is closed to you.


    This is when your LO is from 70 pv (approximately buying products for personal use and selling for the amount of 7500-8000 rubles). You are assigned the status - "Active Manager", and you will have two main types of earnings.

    What do you get as an "Active Manager"?

    1- 70 pv - 980 rubles to the account;

    2- Access to Marketing Plan, one video tutorial;

    3- GO (access to earnings);

    4- BN (access to earnings).

    It is to earn money that it is necessary to maintain a minimum activity - 70 pv per month, while the income will be from several marketing blocks at once.


    This is when your LH is more than 70 pv (for example, your LH this month was 200 pv, let's see what kind of earnings you will receive)

    1 - for 70 pv you get according to the formula - 980 rubles;

    2 - for 130 pv, - 130 x by a coefficient of 0.8 / 104 x 35 = 3640 rubles;

    3 - A gift from the company 87 ye. / 87 x 35 = 3045 rubles, which goes to the gift account, you can purchase products, unused funds, after the end of the month, are transferred from the delta account to the cash account.

    These are the amounts awaiting everyone who fulfills the conditions of the company.

    BN - Mentor Bonus

    Your personal invitees on the first line

    Provided that you maintain for a month, the activity is not lower than 70 pv, you will receive monthly profit from your first line plus your LO, let's see these amounts as an example. Let's calculate how much your income will be per month.

    Everything below 70 PV is calculated according to the formula above, and for the activity of your first line, for everyone who made from 70 PV you get 980 rubles.

    Consider how much profit you will get:

    Your earnings from the first line

    , « ,
    NL International has electronic resources that allow you to work effectively - to promote a product, build your own management team, track your income.
    The official website of the NL company has a personal account (personal electronic office). In your personal account, you can perform the following actions:

    • register managers - participants in a business project;
    • order goods online;
    • monitor money transfers;
    • to control the activities of their own network of managers of their team;
    • get acquainted with the company's news.

    The Client Club program allows a manager - a participant of a business project at NL to assign clients (who have registered using his referral link) and track their volumes, and the client - to accumulate bonus points with every purchase.
    How are there ways to purchase goods from NL? Purchases can be made through the personal account of the official website of the NL company. You can also make purchases through the mobile application.
    What are the methods of payment for goods at NL? You can pay for your order by credit card when buying a product through the site. You can also pay for the purchase through the Qiwi system.
    How does NL deliver the goods? Delivery can be ordered to the door or to the point of issue of goods (company office).
    If you still have questions when ordering a product or paying for it, then answers to your questions can be obtained by toll free number 8-800-2500-800. The company's operators will answer your questions. If you have technical problems, then you can send a message through your personal account.
    In the personal account (personal office) on the official NL website, there are links to corporate news of the company. For example, opening new offices in a city or fixing technical errors.
    There is also a link (tab) called "My Business". When you click on the "My Business" tab, you get to the corresponding section of your personal account (personal office). Manager - participant of NL's business project in this section can see its structure of the network of managers, as well as the amount of remuneration. At the top of the "My Business" section of your personal account, four information blocks (in the form of circles) are highlighted. So, in the second information block, the types of remuneration are indicated:

    • the topmost indicator (cash account);
    • second indicator from the top (gift account);
    • third indicator from the top (delta count).

    The cash account displays the amount earned by the company manager. This amount includes both the amount from the individual sales volume and from the group sales volume of his management team. The funds are credited to the gift account when a certain, accumulated level of points in the system is reached. So, for every 200 points scored, the system adds 3,000 rubles. For a present. The delta account displays the amount of remuneration depending on the volume of sales (both individual sales and group sales). The funds on the delta account can be used to purchase products. If the funds on the delta account have not been used, then they are transferred to the cash account at the beginning of the next month.
    The third information block displays the personal sales volume of the manager. The fourth information block displays the group sales volume of partners - members of the network of managers.
    In the first information block there is a link "Statement". When you click on the "Statement" tab, you will be taken to the corresponding section. This section displays first line managers (managers are project participants whom you have invited to a business project using your referral link). V this case first line managers with more than one point are displayed. The section displays the personal volume of the partner - manager, as well as his group sales volume. The section also displays qualifications. We will talk about the qualification system some other time. For example, the qualification in a certain month may be “Master”, that is, the group volume of a manager who is a participant in a business project was more than 1,000 points. We will talk about the points system separately. In short, every product of the company has points (PV-beer), measured in PV. For a certain volume of goods sold, a certain amount of points is awarded.
    Also in the first information block there is a link "Dounline". When you click on the "Dounline" tab, you will be taken to the corresponding section. This section shows the structure of the network of managers - participants in a business project that you have built. At the same time, those partner managers for whom registration in the system “burns out” are highlighted in red. If within two months for each month the manager does not score a total of 70 points, then the contact with the companies is terminated.
    In your personal account, there are still tons of links and sections, which we will talk about if possible.
    You can find out how to register with NL International

    NL International registration - how to buy at NLstore - NLstar registration

    NL International has more than 400 stores and offices in 16 countries of the world (several more countries will open in the near future) + international delivery around the world. V brand stores NLStore has a huge range of products the highest quality... People who value the quality of products can easily change their usual stores for NLStore stores, because they have similar product groups as in mass-market stores:

      • Beauty products (decorative and care cosmetics, products for face and body skin, personal hygiene products, etc.)
      • Household goods (everything for washing, cleaning, washing, etc.)
      • Health products (dietary supplements, teas, fruit drinks, etc.)
      • Sports nutrition (Energy Pro line of protein and sports bars)
      • Functional food (Energy Diet, Energy Diet Smart, muesli)
      • A total of 16 lines and more than 400 product names. Every month the assortment is replenished with several new products.

    Absolutely all products presented in NL International brand stores are safe for humans, nature and the surrounding family - this is ECO products... People who tried the assortment NLStor stores, become their regular customers and do not want to return to “regular” stores.

    The NL International company offers profitable purchase / use of products with cumulative bonus 3-10% by issuing a Client Card, or earning on the recommendations of the products / store you like and the business itself - for this you need to register as an NL manager.

    On the official website of NL International - Nlstar.com there are 2 types of registration:

      1. Customer registration of the storeNLStore
      2. registration by the ManagerNL International ( . )

    Customer registration of the store NLStore:

    Client card ninternational. Shopping at NLstore with up to 10% cashback

    1. To register as a Client, you need to go to LINK. (For the Baltics:)
    registration of the NLstar website.
    3. Fill in all the fields and click "Register"
    4. The phone number you specified will receive SMS, which will contain basic information: your LOGIN (Customer Card number) and PASSWORD to access your personal account
    5. Go to home page website NLStar.com and click on the button “ Personal office“.
    6. Enter LOGIN and PASSWORD in the appropriate fields according to the information received in the SMS.
    7. You will be taken to your personal account of the NLstore client.

    In your nlstore account, you can:

    • read about Client Club bonus program by Nl International ,
    • view information about accumulated bonuses,
    • go to the main page of the NLStore online store - make and track your purchases,

    Your customer card number will also come in handy when shopping in NLstore offline stores - just tell the seller!

    Registration by NL International Manager

    1. To register as a Manager, you need to go to REFERENCE. (.)
    2. You will be taken to the main page registration of the NLstar website.
    3. Registration is free. You are given access to the personal account of the NL International manager. If there is no activity on your contract (at least 35pv) for 2 calendar months, your contract will be canceled.
    4. Correctly fill in all fields. and Click continue. (NL International does not transfer your data to third parties and does not engage in spam mailings - you can fill out everything safely!)

    If in this moment you do not have all the data at hand - add this instruction (page) to your favorites / bookmarks

    5. You will receive two SMS:

    • first SMS - with activation code to complete the registration procedure;
    • second SMS - with ID number and password to enter personal office.

    6. Go to the main page of the NLStar.com website and click on the “ Personal office“:
    7. Enter LOGIN and PASSWORD in the corresponding fields according to the 2nd information received in SMS:
    8. You will be taken to personal account of the manager of NL International.

    In the personal account of the nl international manager, you can:

    • Complete in-app training, familiarize yourself with the IDC reward system
    • Use the opportunity to get cashback in most online stores through Nlstore +
    • read about NL International Partners and the possibility of getting a bus from NL
    • Go to the section "my business"

    In the section "my business" will be available:

    • a set of referral links and the ability to register your own Partners and NLStar Clients
    • information about previously registered by you Clients and Managers (downline)
    • information about the current LO (Personal Volume) and GO (Group Volume)
    • information about the current amount of remuneration

    NL international is an international networking company. The NL company was founded in 2000 in Novosibirsk, and in 2003 the French joined the project, marking the entry into the international market.

    The company provides us with all the conditions and tools for a successful business for free.

    1. The company officially operates in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan.
    2. The company officially operates in the Baltic States and European countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, France, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada (the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick), Luxembourg, Morocco, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland.
    3. All products of the company are certified.
    4. The company has a balanced marketing plan that allows you to receive high income at all stages of your career.
    5. Personal account allows you to track the work of all managers of the structure
    6. The company provides an opportunity to make purchases in the online store and in more than 200 offices in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland.

    Germany, Austria and France are in partnership with the company.

    The partners are Alfa-Bank, MTS, Traveler's and other successful companies.

    The company launched the first network entrepreneurship school in Russia - Network Business School - an educational online platform for NL international partners, which helps to understand the product, business and become even more successful and self-confident.

    The company and all the managers of NL international help the Solar City charity foundation, giving hope for a happy life to thousands of children.

    NL international company video

    This three-minute video contains everything you would like to know about NL: products and business, goals and partners, philosophy and values.

    Why you need to become a partner of NL int. right now

    NL international is not only Energy Diet, as many naively believe. The company has 14 trade marks, 23 product lines and more than 250 product names.

    At the moment, the company has 100 stores, 300 offices, the number of which is constantly growing.

    The company's turnover is growing exponentially, for example, from 2004 to 2015, the sale of Energy Diet alone increased by 2600% and continues to grow. Therefore, if you think that there is no place for you in the company and everything has been seized for a long time, and the profit is divided, then this is far from the case. NL's business model covered only 3% of the market, and, as you can see, there are incredibly many opportunities.

    How and where are Energy Diet and other products produced NL International

    Many famous people trust the company's products, including Natalya Shulga, Irina Khakamada, Rasul Mirzaev, Timur Rodriguez, Kost Tszyu, Ekaterina Usmanova, Larisa Dolina, Dmitry Dibrov, Sergey Agapkin and many others, successful and adequate people who are not like sectarians.