Intel manufactures processors under the brand name. History Intel

December 12, 2002 was 75 years old since the birth of Robert Neuss, the inventor of the chip and one of the founders of the company Intel.

It all started with the fact that in 1955 the inventor of the Transistor William Shokley opened his own company Shockley Semiconductor Labs in Palo Alto (which, among other things, was the beginning of the creation of a silicon valley), where quite a lot of young researchers scored. In 1959, a group of eight engineers left for a number of reasons. "The eight of traitors," they called them, among whom were, including Moore with Necess, founded Fairchild Semiconductor.

Bob Neuss ranked in the new company the position of research director and developments. Later, he argued that he came up with a chip from laziness - pretty meaninglessly looked when, in the process of making micromodules, silicon plates were first cut into separate transistors, and then again combined with each other into a common circuit. The process was extremely laborious - all connections soldered manually under the microscope! - And expensive. By the time the Fairchild employee, too, one of the co-founders - Gin Herney has already developed a planar technology for the production of transistors in which all workspaces are in the same plane. Neuss offered to isolate individual transistors in a crystal from each other in returned p-N Transitions, and the surface is insulating the surface and perform connections by spraying aluminum strips. Contact S. individual elements It was carried out through the windows in this oxide, which were etched by a special template by platitive acid.

Moreover, as he found out, aluminum barely backed both silicon and its oxide (it was the problem of adsorption of the conductor material to silicon until recently not allowed to use copper instead of aluminum, despite its higher conductivity). Such a planar technology in a somewhat upgraded form has been preserved to the present day. To test the first chip, the only device was used - the oscilloscope.

Meanwhile, it turned out that Neza in noble to create the first chip was ahead. In the summer of the 1958th, Texas Instruments officer Jack Keelby demonstrated the possibilities of manufacturing all discrete elements, including resistors and even condensers, on silicon.

There was no planar technology at his disposal, so he used the so-called mesa-transistors. In August, he gathered a working mock of a trigger, in which individual elements made by it were combined with gold wires, and on September 12, 1958 presented a working microcircuit - a multivibrator with a working frequency of 1.3 MHz. In 1960, these achievements were demonstrated in public - at the exhibition of the American Institute of Radio Engineers. The press met the discovery very coldly. Among other negative features "Integrated Circuit" was called unrepair. Although Kilbi filed a patent application back in February 1959, and Fairchild did it only in July of the same year, the last patent was given earlier - in April 1961, and Kilby - only in June 1964. Then there was a ten-year-old war on priorities, in The result of which friendship says. Ultimately, the Court of Appeal confirmed Neuss's claims to the championship in technology, but he decided to consider Kilby by the creator of the first working chip. In 2000, Kilbi received a Nobel Prize for this invention (among the two other laureates was an academician of alphers).

Robert Neus and Gordon Moore left Fairchild Semiconductor and founded their firm, and soon Andy Grove was joined. The same financier, who previously helped create Fairchild, provided $ 2.5 million, although the business plan on one page, his personally printed on the typewriter by Robert Necess, looked not too impressive: a bunch of typos, plus statements a very general nature.

The choice of name was not easy. Dozens of options were offered, but they were all discarded. By the way, do you say anything to the names of Calcomp or COMPTEK? But they could belong not to those popular companies that wear them now, but the largest processor manufacturer - at one time they rejected them among other options. As a result, it was decided to call Intel, from the words "integrated electronics". True, first had to redeem this name from a group of motels, which registered it earlier.

So, in 1969, Intel began working with memory chips and achieved some success, but clearly insufficient for glory. In the first year of existence, the income amounted to only $ 2672.

Today Intel produces chips based on market sales, but in the first years of its formation the company often made microcircuits to order. In April 1969, the Intel addressed the representatives of the Japanese company Busicom engaged in the release of calculators. The Japanese knew that Intel had the most advanced microcircuit production technology. For your new desktop calculator, Busicom wanted to order 12 microcircuits for various purposes. The problem, however, was that Intel resources at that time did not allow such an order. The method of developing a microcircuit today is not much different from the one that was in the late 60s of the 20th century, however, the toolkit is very noticeable.

In those long years, such highly labor-intensive operations, as designing and testing, were performed manually. The designers trained the draft variants on the millimeter, and the drawers transferred them to a special wax paper. The prototype masks was made by manually applying lines on huge sheets of lavsan film. Nic computer Systems The scheme and its nodes have not yet existed. The verification of the correctness was made by the "passage" on all lines with green or yellow felt-tip. The mask itself was manufactured by transferring a drawing with a lavsan film on the so-called dutch - huge two-layer sheets of ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. Engraving on rugs was also carried out manually. Then several days had to recheck the accuracy of engraving. In the event that it was necessary to remove or add some transistors, it was done again manually, using a scalpel. Only after a thorough check, the bubbit sheet was transferred to the mask manufacturer. The slightest error at any stage - and everyone had to start first. For example, the first test copy "Product 3101" turned out to be 63-bit.

In short, 12 new Intel chips physically could not pull. But Moore and Neus were not only wonderful engineers, but also by entrepreneurs, in connection with which they strongly did not want to lose a favorable order. And here one of the employees Intel, Ted Hoffough, it occurred that, since the company does not have the opportunity to design 12 microcircuits, you need to do only one universal chip, which in its own functional features will replace them all. In other words, Ted Hoff formulated the idea of \u200b\u200ba microprocessor - the first in the world. In July 1969, a development team was created, and the work began. In September, the group was also joined by Fairchild Stan Mazor. The controller from the Customer in the group entered the Japanese Masatoshi Sima. To fully ensure the work of the calculator, it was necessary to make not one, but four chips. Thus, instead of 12 chips, only four were required to develop, but one of them is universal. No one was engaged in the manufacture of chips such complexity before.

Many when buying a Flash drive is wondering: "How to choose the flash drive". Of course, the flash drive is not so difficult to choose, if you know exactly for what purpose it is purchased. In this article I will try to give a complete answer to the question. I decided to write only about what we need to watch when buying.

Flash drive (USB drive) is a drive designed for storing and transferring information. Works flash drive very simple without batteries. Just need to connect it to USB port. Your PC.

1. Flashki interface

On the this moment There are 2 interfaces. This is: USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. If you decide to buy a USB flash drive, then I recommend taking a USB 3.0 flash drive. This interface was recently made his the main feature is an high speed data transmission. We'll talk about speeds just below.

This is one of the main parameters to which you need to look first. Now flash drives from 1 GB to 256 GB are sold. The cost of the flash drive will directly depend on the amount of memory. Here you need to immediately decide for what purposes a flash drive is bought. If you are going to store text documents on it, it is quite enough and 1 GB. To download and carry movies, music, photos, etc. You need to take the bigger, the better. To date, the chassis are flash drives from 8GB to 16 GB.

3. Case material

The housing can be made of plastic, glass, wood, metal, etc. Mostly flash drives made from plastic. There is nothing to advise anything, it all depends on the preferences of the buyer.

4. Data transfer rate

Earlier, I wrote that there are two USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 standards. Now I will explain what they differ. The USB 2.0 standard has read speed up to 18 Mbps, and records up to 10 Mbps. The USB 3.0 standard has a read speed of 20-70 Mbps, and records 15-70 Mbps. Here, I think, nothing needs to explain.

Now in stores you can find flash drives of different shapes and sizes. They can be in the form of decorations, bizarre animals, etc. Here I would advise you to take flash drives that have a protective cap.

6. Password protection

There are flash drives that have a password protection function. Such protection is carried out using the program that is in the flash drive itself. The password can be installed both for the entire USB flash drive and part of the data in it. Such a flash drive will first be useful to people who carry corporate information in it. According to manufacturers, losing it can not worry about their data. Not so simple. If such a flash drive falls into the hands of an understanding person, then her hacking is just a matter of time.

Such flash drives are very beautiful, but I would not recommend buying them. Because they are very fragile and often broken in half. But if you are a neat person, then feel free to take.


Nuances, as you noticed, a lot. And this is just the top of the iceberg. In my opinion, the most important parameters when choosing: Standard flash drive, volume and recording speed and reading. And everything else: design, material, options are just a personal choice of each.

Good afternoon, my dear friends. In today's article I want to talk about how to choose a mouse pad. When buying a rug, many do not give it any meaning. But as it turned out, this time you need to pay special attention, because The rug is determined by one of the comforts of comfort while working for PCs. For an avid gamer Choosing a rug is a separate story. Consider what options matches for the mouse are invented today.

Variants of carpets

1. Aluminum
2. Glass
3. Plastic
4. Rubberized
5. Two-sided
6. Helium

And now I would like to talk about each form in more detail.

1. First, I want to consider three options at once: plastic, aluminum and glass. Such mats are very popular among gamers. For example, plastic mats are easier to find on sale. According to such mats, the mouse slides quickly and accurately. And most importantly, such mats are suitable for both laser and optical mice. Aluminum and glass rugs find a little more difficult. Yes, and they will cost a lot. True, there is for what - to serve they will be very long. Data rugs of species have small disadvantages. Many say that when working, they are rustling and a little cool, which can cause discomfort in some users.

2. Rubberized (rag) mats have a soft slip, but at the same time the accuracy of the movements are worse. For ordinary users, such a rug will be just right. Yes, and they are much cheaper than the previous ones.

3. Two-way rugs, in my opinion, a very interesting variety of mouse mats. As it is clear from the name from such mats two sides. As a rule, one side is high-speed, and the other is high-precision. It happens that each party is designed for a certain game.

4. Helicing rugs have a silicone pillow. She supposedly supports her hand and removes the tension from it. For me personally, they turned out to be the most uncomfortable. For its intended purpose, they are designed for office workers, since they are sitting at the computer for all day. For ordinary users and gamers, such mats will not fit. On the surface of such mats, the mouse slides very badly, and they are not the most good accuracy.

Dimensions of carpets

There are three types of rugs: large, medium and small. Here everything first depends on the taste of the user. But as it is customary, large mats are well suited for games. Small and medium are used mainly for work.

Design Carpets

In this regard, there are no restrictions. It all depends on what you want to see on your rug. The benefit is now on the rugs that do not only draw. The most popular are the logos of computer games, such as Dota, Warcraft, line, etc. But if it happened that you could not find a rug with the picture you need, do not be upset. Now you can order a print on the rug. But such rugs have a minus: when applied to the surface of the rug, its properties deteriorate. Design in exchange for quality.

On this I want to finish the article. I wish you from myself to make you right choice And be satisfied with them.
Who has no mouse or want to replace it with another I advise you to see the article :.

Microsoft's monoblocks were replenished with a new monoblock model called Surface Studio. Microsoft presented his novelty recently at the exhibition in New York.

On a note! I wrote an article on a couple of weeks ago, where he looked at the monoblock Surface. This monoblock was presented earlier. To view the article, click on.


Microsoft has a novelty company's finest monoblock in the world. With a weight of 9.56 kg, the display thickness is only 12.5 mm, the remaining dimensions of 637.35x438.9 mm. The display dimensions are 28 inches with a resolution of more than 4k (4500x3000 pixels), aspect ratio 3: 2.

On a note! The resolution of the display 4500x3000 pixels corresponds to 13.5 million pixels. It is 63% more than 4k permissions.

The monoblock display itself is a sensory, enclosed in an aluminum case. On this display it is very convenient to draw the stylus, which ultimately opens up new possibilities of using a monoblock. In my opinion, this model of the monoblock will like creative people (photographers, designers, etc.).

On a note! For people of creative professions, I advise you to see the article where I viewed the Monoblocks of this functional. Click on dedicated :.

To all the above, I would add that the main chip of the monoblock would be possible to instantly turn into a tablet with a huge working surface.

On a note! By the way, Microsoft has another amazing monoblock. To learn about him, go through.


Characteristics I will present in the form of a photo.

From the periphery I will note the following: 4 USB ports, MINI-DISPLAY port connector, Ethernet network port, Card-Reader, 3.5 mm audio socket, webcam with 1080r, 2 microphones, audio system 2.1 Dolby Audio Premium, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 4.0. Also, the monoblock supports Xbox wireless controllers.


When you buy a monoblock, it will be installed Windows 10 Creators Update. This system Should exit in the spring of 2017. In this operating system There will be an updated Paint, Office, etc. The price of the monoblock will be from $ 3,000.
Dear friendsWrite in the comments that you think about this monoblock, ask questions you are interested. I will be happy to talk!

OCZ has demonstrated new SSD drives VX 500. These drives will be equipped with the Serial ATA 3.0 interface and are made in a 2.5-inch form factor.

On a note! Who wondered how SSD drives works and how much they live, you can read in earlier me a written article :.
The novelties are made on 15 nanometer technology and will be equipped with microchips of the tochiba MLC NAND flash memory. The SSD drive controller will be used tochiba TC 35 8790.
The lineup The VX 500 drives will consist of 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB and 1 TB. According to the manufacturer's application, the read speed will be 550 MB / s (this is all drives of this series), but the recording speed will be from 485 MB / s to 512 MB / s.

The number of I / O operations per second (IOPS) with data blocks of 4 KB can reach 92000 when reading, and when recording 65000 (this is all with arbitrary).
The thickness of the OCZ VX 500 drives will be 7 mm. This will allow them to be used in ultrabooks.

Prices of new products will be as follows: 128 GB - 64 dollars, 256 GB - 93 dollars, 512 GB - 153 dollars, 1 TB - 337 dollars. I think in Russia they will cost more.

Lenovo at the GamesCom 2016 exhibition introduced its new IdeaCentre Y910 game monoblock.

On a note! Earlier, I wrote an article where the game monoblocks of different manufacturers had already considered. This article You can see by clicking on this.

The novelty from Lenovo received a 27 inches frameless display. The display resolution is 2560x1440 pixels (this is QHD format), the update frequency is 144 Hz, and the response time is 5 ms.

The monoblock will have several configurations. The maximum configuration provides a processor 6 generation Intel Core i7 volume hard disk up to 2 TB or 256 GB. Volume random access memory equal to 32 GB DDR4. For graphics will answer video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX. 1070 or GeForce GTX 1080 with Pascal architecture. Thanks to such a video card to the monoblock, you can connect a virtual reality helmet.
From the periphery of the monoblock, I would allocate the Harmon Kardon audio system with 5-watt speakers, the Killer Doubleshot Pro Wi-Fi module, a webcam, USB ports 2.0 and 3.0, HDMI connectors.

In the basic version of the monoblock IdeaCentre Y910 to be used in September 2016 at a price of 1800 euros. But the monoblock with the version "VR-Ready" will appear in October at a price of 2200 euros. It is known that the GeForce GTX 1070 video card will be in this version.

MEDIATEK has decided to upgrade its Helio X30 mobile processor. So now developers from MediaTek design a new mobile processor called Helio X35.

I would like to briefly tell about Helio X30. This processor It has 10 cores that are combined in 3 clusters. Helio X30 has 3 variations. The first - the most powerful consists of a core of Cortex-A73 with a frequency of up to 2.8 GHz. There are also blocks with Cortex-A53 cores with a frequency of up to 2.2 GHz and Cortex-A35 with a frequency of 2.0 GHz.

The new Helio X35 processor also has 10 nuclei and it is created on 10 nanometer technology. The clock frequency in this processor will be much higher than that of the predecessor and ranges from 3.0 Hz. The novelty will enable up to 8 GB of LPDDR4 RAM. The POWER VR 7XT controller will most likely be responsible for graphics in the processor.
The station itself can be seen in the photographs in the article. In them we can observe compartments for drives. One compartment with 3.5 inches connector, and the other with 2.5 inches connector. Thus, it will be possible to connect to the new station as solid-state disk (SSD) and hard disk (HDD).

DRIVE DOCK Dimensions are 160x150x85mm, and there is no 970 grams weight.
Many, probably, the question arises as Drive Dock station connects to a computer. I answer: this happens via USB port 3.1 GEN 1. According to the manufacturer's application, the sequential read speed will be 434 MB / s, and in recording mode (sequential) 406 MB / s. The novelty will be compatible with Windows and Mac OS.

This device It will be very useful for people who work with photos and video materials at a professional level. Also, Drive Dock can be used for backups files.
The price for a new device will be acceptable - it is 90 dollars.

On a note! Previously, Randuchintala worked at Qualcomm. And since November 2015, he moved to Intel's competing company.

In his interview, Randuchintala did not talk about mobile processors, but only said the following, quoting: "I prefer to talk less and do more."
Thus, the Top Manager Intel made an excellent intrigue to his interview. We have to wait for new announcements in the future.

History of Intel processors

It all started in 1968. This year Intel was formed. While the distant time from the electronics was in demand. Is that the schemes for retail apparatus (for coins recognition) and calculators. In the 68th company produced RAM chips. But this is also a high technological process for which it was necessary to master the production of PMOS (polycrystalline silica logic element) and bipolar barrier transistors of stocks. The most first product of the company has become 64-bit 256 and byte memory chips. The name they received 1101 (RAM) and 3101 (bipolar).

The next step for the company was the microprocessor - 4004. It was introduced in November 1971. The chip architecture was a 4-bit, crystal contained 2,200 transistors (for those times it is not very bad) and worked at a frequency of 108 kHz (0.1 megahertz). And used in the Calculators of the Japanese company Busicom, which was supplied under an exclusive contract. Perhaps if not Busicom, we could not see Pentiums.

After the year Intel, accumulating money, bought Microma Universal, which was engaged in the production of electronic wristwatches. In these hours, integrated circuits manufactured using CMOS technology were used, and differed in low power consumption. Intel also did not leave the production of memory chips (RAM, ROM, EPROM), which were always in demand and held the company on the way waving. The fresh microprocessor went on sale in 1972 and was called 8008. This processor has already used an 8-bit architecture and had a speed of only 0.06 million operations per second. 8008 was made only to order and was used in terminals and calculators (although in the subsequent year of Intel and settled the "mass" release of these processors, he did not use particularly popular). Don Lancaster - outlined the prototype of the personal computer of that time: "This is a printed machine with a TV."

Then the modifications of 8008th appeared. 8080 - This processor worked noticeably faster than his fellow, although I used everything in the architecture. This processor supported an 8-bit data bus, a 16-bit address bus and allowed to use up to 64 CB of memory, the frequency was 2 MHz. Popularity to this processor came with Mits and their computer "Altair", worth $ 440. On this computer, 256 bytes were installed (not KB, not MB, it was 256 bytes) RAM, 4 KB of RAM could be installed. Altair worked under Control Program for Microcomputers (CP / M), DOS progenitor.

The next processor was 8085 (March 1976). The processor received two instructions for controlling interrupts and was produced in a better-quality case, worked at a frequency of 3 - 6 MHz. In contrast to the 8080, 8085, only one power supply was required +5 V, while 8080 + 12V, + 5V and -5V. In computers, 8085 was practically not used, it was used in Toledo electronic scales.

As time went. In the integrated circuit market, competition has increasingly developed. Intel struggled for survival. In 1978, a processor was developed by the legend and the standard that was preserved to the present day. It was 8086. All programs developed for this processor with ease work on Core 2 Duo and Athlon 64. This processor laid the basics of the processor architecture that lived to today's days. 8086 contained 29 thousand transistors and worked 10 times faster than 8080. The number of basic commands was 92, the tire was 16 discharge, the number of supported memory (RAM) was 1 MB. It was a revolutionary processor. But at that time this processor had a serious competitor: Z80 (Spectrum) from Zilog Corporation. 8086 - It was rare in computers, because cost expensive. To reduce the price of the production of Intel decided to make an analogue, but with an 8-bit bus. This processor was 8088. The decision was reasonable, at that time 8-bit memory chips were distributed. The sales volume of processors increased markedly, which allowed the company to remain afloat. In August 1981, IBM PC on the basis of 8088 appeared on sale. These computers were installed 16 KB RAM, and managed by DOS 1.0. From this point on, the Intel and Microsoft Union began to form. IBM PC got tremendous distribution, and Intel got into the list of "500 best producers of America"

With the advent of 80186, a new era of microprocessors came. It became the first second generation processor. However, there was no broad fame did not borne, because It was not compatible with 8086 and practically not used in computers, but there is information that Toshiba was used in their laptops, Nokia in PC and U.S.Robotics in modems. 80186 was developed in 1981, the public was presented in 1982. Immediately after its appearance, an 8-bit processor 80188 was developed. The innovation was that he had a direct memory access controller (DMA), an interrupt controller and a synchronization generator. We worked these processors at a frequency of 6-16 MHz. Also, mathematical coprocessors of 80187 were produced to this processor (for 8086 - 8087).

In February 1982, the light saw 80286. He supported multitasking, included a 16-bit data bus, a 24-bit address bus, could support up to 16 megabytes, worked at 6-12 MHz frequencies. In 1984, IBM PC AT was created on the basis of 286, which were simply crazy popularity, despite its cost (you could buy two good cars for this money). Therefore, many could not afford to buy him home. But the people played, the older generation will probably remember how they went to work on the weekend, they spent through the passing of friends, stayed late, and played, played ... Ask what. I answer: Civilization, Wolfenstein 3D, Warcraft (many flooded memories and slipped with a buying male tear). However, time went. The demanding of the games grew (ask for games, not applications, answer: games This engine of computer progress, the office can safely work at 486). In 1985, the first 32-bit processor from the X86 family was created. The speed has increased 1.5 times compared with 286. And it was called - 80386. The processor had on board 275 thousand transistors, could address up to 4 GB of memory, had a 32-bit targeted bus and a data bus, operating frequencies of steel 16 and 33 MHz, and had a total of 132 legs. Also interesting fact can be considered that the 80386 did not use the multiplier, which means that he worked at the frequency motherboard. In 1988, a lightweight version of the 386th was released and it was called 80386SX (cut off the data bus to 16 bits, address up to 24 bits), and 386dx began to be played a full-fledged option. SX, compared to the DX, lost at capacity about 20%, and in 32-bit applications 33%. Also, 80386 had a mobile fellow who worked at a reduced frequency (only 25 MHz) and consumed less energy called 80386 SL. Also for 80386 an external mathematical coprocessor was produced - 80387.

On April 10, 1989, 80486 was developed and was developed, it was this processor that told the world what Multimedia is. The most important difference from 80386 was that the mathematical coprocessor was on the chief processor crystal. For the first time in X86, a conveyor was implemented, which broke the teams on the 5 components. The processor consisted of five mini-devices - each for its task, it increased productivity and reduced the cost of the processor and the complexity of its production. Also for the first time in the architecture of X86 was the use of a two-level cache. The first-level cache - was located on a processor crystal, the second-level cache was on the motherboard and had a volume from 256 to 512 KB (depending on the manufacturer and price). It is known that up to 486 floating point operations performed the coprocessor, this process took place extremely slowly, so the programmers tried to avoid separation operation. In the 486th, the coprocessor began to be on the crystal and the rate of calculation of fractions increased at times. Also, this processor, in contrast to 386, used the multiplier, and the processor worked at the frequency of the superior frequency system Tire (Today, all processors use multipliers). Also with the appearance of 486 for the first time on processors began to install a cooler, because The complication of architecture leads to an increase in the number of transistors, and the increase in their number inevitably leads to an increase in heat generation, which must be removed. You can deal with this by reducing the process (reducing the distance between the transistors and the actually the transistors themselves). It is interesting to trace the technical process: in 386 it was 1 μm, in 486 DX, it also was 1 μm, and later it decreased to 0.8 microns, and the top models 486dx4 - 0.6 μm. Also 486 was the leader in the number of modifications: the first was 486dx with a clock frequency of 20 MHz, and later there were 33 MHz and 50 MHz. A year later, 486SX appeared - it was a trimmed version with a turned off by the coprocessor. The first processors with a multiplier appeared in 1992 - it was 486DX2 working at a frequency of 66 MHz. At the end of 1992, there was a light 486SL mobile processor, operating at a reduced frequency and had less power consumption, but less productivity. The top model was 486DX4 - there were 16 KB of the first level cache on board and used the triple multiplication ratio (worked at a frequency of 75 and 100 MHz). Performance was even more than in the first pentiums. With the advent of the multiplier, the concept of "overlocer" appeared. Many users simply screamed from the desire to switch the jumper to increase the multiplication ratio, and this most increasing productivity (not on a lot), and actually increasing the heat dissipation (Wow and much burned such 486).

It must be said that before the appearance of 486 users simply did not need to know who produced processors, because They simply fell on the motherboard (by the way, at the beginning of the nineties Intel won already 80% of the market). But with the advent of the "fourth", it became simply necessary because it was possible to change only processors, and the system to leave the system, which is (mother, memory, hard drive). And Intel thought about creating a brand! Such a brand was inheritable, and it was conquered simply with brown popularity, they became the phrase "Intel Inside". In 1993, according to Financial World, the brand "Intel Inside" took third place in the list of the most recognizable America products, after Coca Collas and Malboro. But it was a stick about two ends, the brand became world famous, and it was worth it to make one careless step, as the whole world knows about him. Such a step was made: after some time after the release of Pentium (by the way, they killed about 80 and millions of green papers) in it, they found a mistake. The scandal and Intel broke out, nothing remained, except for the replacement of the entire defective party, which was done. But let's get to the point.

The development of pentium began in 1989, in the series he went to 1993. The first models used the voltage 5V, the next 3,3V, which made it possible to reduce heat dissipation at the same frequencies. Also, the feature of pentium was the presence of two arithmetichecological devices (Allu) on the processor crystal, which made it possible to produce supercalar counts (to process several calculations at once). Also appeared block of transition prediction, which made it possible to reduce downtime when working with memory. The data bus decreased noticeably and became 64-bit. The first-level cache was increased to 16 KB and was divided into two parts: 8 KB for data and as much to commands. However, the second level cache was still installed on the motherboard. The first pentium models worked at a frequency of 60 MHz, in 1994 they saw the light of models operating at frequencies 75 and 100 MHz. Later, processors with MMX marking were developed and released (they opened the era of three-dimensional games). The difference was as follows: the first-level cache was increased to 32 KB, the starting frequency of the line was 150 MHz and additional instructions were introduced to work with 2D and 3D graphics (today everything modern processors Support this set of instructions, although they are practically not used). Thanks to the MMX, the processor worked for 10-20% faster with images and video, and the speed with sharpened under MMX applications increased almost twice. Also, the merits of pentiums include the emergence of new video and sound recording formats (MPEG and MP3, respectively).

The next processor was Pentium Pro. He cost expensive and passed by me not noticeable. Although it was he who opened the following generation of processors. There were several interesting and logically informed solutions in it: for the first time on the processor crystal began to install a second-level cache, the number of conveyors increased - they were 3.

1994 Pentium processors with frequencies 75, 90 and 100 MHz were the second generation of Pentium processors. With the same number of transistors, they were performed on technology 0.6 μm, which made it possible to reduce power consumed. These processors were distinguished by the internal multiplication of the frequency, support for multiprocessor configurations, another type of hull.

1995 Released Pentium 120 and 133 MHz processors, made using 0.35 μm technology.

1996 This year deservedly received the name "Year of Pentium". Processors appeared with frequencies 150, 166 and 200 MHz and Pentium became an ordinary processor in mass RS. At the same time, in parallel, the Pentium processor is developing a Pentium Pro processor, which was distinguished by a priority to increase the number of parallel instructions. In addition, the secondary cache operating at the core frequency (to start - 256 KB) placed in its body. However, on 16-bit applications and in Windows 95, it was not faster than Pentium. The processor contained 5.5 million core transistors and 15.5 million transistors for a secondary cache of 256 KB. The first processor with a frequency of 150 MHz appeared in early 1995 (technology 0.6 μm), and at the end of the year frequency of 166, 180 and 200 MHz (0.35 μm technology) were achieved, and the Cache was increased to 512 KB.

1997 released Pentium MMX processor. MMX - Multi Media Extensions - Multimedia Extensions). MMX technology was designed to speed up the operation of multimedia applications, in particular operations with images and processing of signals. Besides mmx, these processors, compared with the usual Pentium, had a doubled primary cache volume and some elements of the Pentium Pro architecture, which increased their performance on ordinary applications. Pentium MMX processors had 4.5 million transistors and made using 0.35 μm technology. The development of the Pentium MMX models line was soon stopped. The last from the achieved clock frequencies is 166, 200 and 233 MHz.

May 1997, MMX technology was connected to Pentium Pro technology and the resulting Pentium II processor (7.5 million transistors only in the nucleus) appeared. It is a slightly trimmed version of the Pentium Pro kernel with a higher clock frequency in which MMX support entered. At the same time, the technological difficulties of placing the secondary cache and the processor core in the case of a single chip occurred. It was decided as follows: Crystal with a kernel (Processor Core) and a set of static memory crystals and additional schemesimplementing secondary cache placed on a small printed circuit cartridge. All crystals were covered with a common lid and cooled by a special fan. The first processors had the clock frequencies of the nucleus 233, 266 and 300 MHz (technology 0.35 μm), in the summer of 1998. The frequency of 450 MHz (technology is 0.25 μm) was achieved, and the external clock frequency from 66 MHz increased to 100 MHz. The secondary cache of this processor operates at half the core frequency. At the same time, lightweight Pentium II - Celeron was released, which did not even have a secondary cache at all, or had 128 kb placed directly on the kernel crystal. The plus Celeron was that almost all processors accelerated relative to their nominal (266 and 300 MHz) at one and a half or more times, but even at the same time their performance was not much surpared from Pentium MMX.

1998 Intel® Celeron® (Covington)

The first option of the Celeron® line, built on the deschutes kernel. To reduce the cost of the cost, the processors were produced without a second-level cache memory and a protective cartridge. Constructive - SEPP (Single Edge Pin Package). The lack of a second-level cache caused their relatively low performance, but also a high ability to accelerate. Code name: Covington. Those. Characteristics: 7.5 million transistors; Production technology: 0.25 microns; clock frequency: 266-300 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache is missing; processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (66 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Slot 1 connector.

1999 Intel® Celeron® (Mendocino)

It differs from the previous one by the fact that the Form Factor Slot 1 was changed to a cheaper Socket 370 and the clock frequency increased. Code name: Mendocino. Those. Characteristics: 19 million transistors; Production technology: 0.25 microns; clock frequency: 300-533 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); full-speed second-level cache (128 kb); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (66 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Socket 370 connector.


The last Pentium® II is designed for use in portable computers. Code name: DIXON. Those. Characteristics: 27.4 million transistors; Production technology: 0.25-0.18 microns; clock frequency: 266-500 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache 256 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (66 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; BGA connector, mini-cartridge, MMC-1 or MMC-2.

1999 Intel® Pentium® 3 (Katmai)

Pentium® 3 came to replace the Pentium® II (deschutes) on the new Katmai kernel. Added SSE block (Streaming SIMD Extensions), extended MMX commands and a memory streaming mechanism is enhanced. Code name: Katmai. Those. Characteristics: 9.5 million transistors; Production technology: 0.25 microns; clock frequency: 450-600 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); Cache of second level 512 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (100-133 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Slot 1 connector.

1999 INTEL® PENTIUM® 3XEON ™ (Tanner)

HI-END Pentium® processor version 3. Code name: Tanner. Those. Characteristics: 9.5 million transistors; Production technology: 0.25 microns; clock frequency: 500-550 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache 512 KB - 2 MB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (100 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Slot 2 connector.

1999 Intel® Pentium® 3 (Coppermine)

This Pentium® 3 has been manufactured at 0.18 microns technology has a clock frequency up to 1200 MHz. The first attempts to release the processor on this core with a frequency of 1113 MHz ended in failure, since it worked very unstable in the limit modes, and all processors with this frequency were withdrawn - this incident was very overwhelmed by the reputation of Intel®. Code name: Coppermine. Those. Characteristics: 28.1 million transistors; Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 533-1200 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache 256 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (100-133 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Slot 1, FC-PGA 370 connector.

1999 Intel® Celeron® (Coppermine)

Celeron® The Coppermine kernel supports the SSE instruction set. Starting from the frequency of 800 MHz, this processor runs 100 MHz bus system. Code name: Coppermine. Those. Characteristics: 28.1 million transistors; Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 566-1100 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache 128 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (66-100 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Socket 370 connector.

1999 Intel® Pentium® 3 Xeon ™ (Cascades)

Pentium® 3 Xeon, manufactured by 0.18 microns technological process. Processors with a frequency of 900 MHz from the first parties overheated and their deliveries were temporarily suspended. Code name: Cascades. Those. Characteristics: 9.5 million transistors; Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 700-900 MHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache 512 KB - 2 MB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (133 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; Slot 2 connector.

2000 Intel® Pentium® 4 (Willamette, Socket 423)

A fundamentally new processor with hypercupilization (hyperpipeline) - with a conveyor consisting of 20 steps. According to Intel® statements, processors based on this technology make it possible to achieve an increase in frequency by about 40 percent relative to the P6 family with the same technological process. 400 MHz System Bus (Quad-Pumped) is applied, providing 3.2 GB bandwidth per second against 133 MHz Tires throughput 1.06 GB at Pentium !!!. Code name: Willamette. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 1.3-2 GHz; first level cache: 8 kb; second-level cache 256 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400 MHz); Socket 423 connector.

2000 Intel® Xeon ™ (Foster)

Continued Xeon ™ line: Pentium® server version 4. Code name: FOSTER. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 1.4-2 GHz; Cache memory with tracking of command execution; first level cache: 8 kb; second-level cache 256 KB (full-speed); Intel® NetBurst ™ microarchitecture; hypercrucial processing technology; high-performance command execution unit; streaming SIMD expansion 2 (SSE2); improved technology dynamic execution of commands; Floating filter computing unit double accuracy; processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400 MHz); Socket 603 connector.

2001 Intel® Pentium® 3-S (Tualatin)

Further increase in Pentium® 3 clock frequency demanded a translation to 0.13 microns technological process. The second-level cache returned to its original size (like Katmai): 512 KB and the Data Prefetch Logic technology was added, which improves the performance of preloading data necessary to the cache application. Code name: Tualatin. Those. Characteristics: 28.1 million transistors; Production technology: 0.13 microns; Clock frequency: 1.13-1.4 GHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); Cache of second level 512 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (133 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; FC-PGA2 370 connector.

2001 Intel® Pentium® 3-M (Tualatin)

Mobile version of Tualatin-A with support new version Speedstep technology designed to reduce laptop batteries energy consumption. Code name: Tualatin. Those. Characteristics: 28.1 million transistors; Production technology: 0.13 microns; clock frequency: 700 MHz-1.26 GHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); Cache of second level 512 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (133 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; FC-PGA2 370 connector.

2001 INTEL® PENTIUM® 4 (Willamette, Socket 478)

This processor is made by 0.18 μm process. It is installed in the new Socket 478 connector, since the previous Socket 423 form factor was "transition" and Intel® is not going to maintain it. Code name: Willamette. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 1.3-2 GHz; first level cache: 8 kb; second-level cache 256 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400 MHz); Socket 478 connector.

2001 Intel® Celeron® (Tualatin)

The new Celeron® has a second-level cache size of 256 KB and operates per 100 MHz system bus, i.e. exceeding the characteristics of the first Pentium® 3 models (Coppermine). Code name: Tualatin. Those. Characteristics: 28.1 million transistors; Production technology: 0.13 microns; Clock frequency: 1-1.4 GHz; Cache of the first level: 32 KB (16 KB on data and 16 KB on instructions); second-level cache 256 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (100 MHz); address tire 64-bit; General bit: 32; FC-PGA2 370 connector.

2001 INTEL® PENTIUM® 4 (Northwood)

Pentium 4 with Northwood's kernel is different from Willamette large second-level cache (512 KB from Northwood against 256 KB at Willamette) and the application of the new technological process is 0.13 microns. Starting from the frequency of 3.06 GHz added support for Hyper Threading technology - emulation of two processors in one. Code name: Northwood. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.13 microns; clock frequency: 1.6-3.06 GHz; first level cache: 8 kb; Cache of second level 512 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400-533 MHz); Socket 478 connector.

2001 Intel® Xeon ™ (Prestonia)

This Xeon ™ is made on the Prestonia core. It differs from the previously increased to 512 kb of the second level cache. Code name: Prestonia. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.13 microns; clock frequency: 1.8-2,2gc; Cache memory with tracking of command execution; first level cache: 8 kb; Cache of second level 512 KB full speed); Intel® NetBurst ™ microarchitecture; hypercrucial processing technology; high-performance command execution unit; streaming SIMD expansion 2 (SSE2); improved technology dynamic execution of commands; Floating filter computing unit double accuracy; processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400 MHz); Socket 603 connector.

2002 Intel® Celeron® (Willamette-128)

The new Celeron® is based on the Willamette kernel of 0.18 microns process. It differs from Pentium® 4 on the same core twice as smaller volume of the second level cache (128 against 256 Kb). Designed to install in the Socket 478 connector. Code name: WILLAMETTE-128. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.18 microns; clock frequency: 1.6-2 GHz; first level cache: 8 kb; second-level cache 128 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400 MHz); Socket 478 connector.

2002 Intel® Celeron® (Northwood-128)

Celeron® Northwood-128 differs from Willamette-128 only by the fact that it is made by 0.13 μM technical process. Code name: WILLAMETTE-128. Those. Characteristics: Production technology: 0.13 microns; clock frequency: 1.6-2 GHz; first level cache: 8 kb; second-level cache 128 KB (full-speed); processor 64-bit; 64-bit data tire (400 MHz); Socket 478 connector.

32-bit processors: microarchitecture P6 / PENTIUM M

Presented in March 2003. Technological process: 0.13 microns (Banias). Cache L1: 64 KB

Cache L2: 1 MB (built-in). Based on the Pentium III core, with the SIMD SSE2 instructions and a deep conveyor. The number of transistors: 77 million. Processor packaging: Micro-FCPGA, micro-fcbga. A heart mobile system Intel "Centrino". System bus: 400 MHz (NetBurst).

Technological process: 0.13 μm (BANIAS-512). Presented: in March 2003. Equish L1: 64 KB. Cache L2: 512 KB (integrated). SSE2 SIMD instructions. No support for SPEEDSTEP technology, so it is not part of "Centrino". Recovery: Family 6 Model 9. Technological process: 0.09 microns (Dothan-1024). Cache L1: 64 KB. Cache L2: 1 MB (integrated). SSE2 SIMD instructions. No support for SPEEDSTEP technology, so it is not part of "Centrino"

Technological process: 0.065 μm \u003d 65 nm (Yonah). Presented: in January 2006. System Tire Frequency: 667 MHz. Two (or single in the case of Solo) core with a divided Cache L2 of 2 MB. SSE3 SIMD instructions

Dual-Core Xeon LV

Technological process: 0.065 μm \u003d 65 nm (SOSSAMAN). Submitted: in March 2006

Based on the Yonah core, with support for SSE3 SIMD instructions. System Tire Frequency: 667 MHz. Shared L2 Cache 2 MB

64-bit processors: EM64T - NetBurst microarchitecture

Dual-core (dual-core) microprocessor. No Hyper-Threading Technology

System tire frequency: 800 (4x200) MHz. Smithfield - 90 nm (90 nm) technological process (2.8-3.4 GHz). Presented: May 26, 2005

2.8-3.4 GHz (models number 820-840). The number of transistors: 230 million. Cache L2: 1 MB x 2 (Non-Shared, 2 MB total). . Performance increased by about 60% compared with the poscott single-core microprosor 2.66 GHz (533 MHz FSB) Pentium D 805 was presented in December 2005. PRESLER - 65 Nm (65 Nm) technological process (2.8-3.6 GHz). Presented: January 16, 2006. 2.8-3.6 GHz (models numbers 920-960). The number of transistors: 376 million. Cache L2: 2 MB x 2 (Non-Shared, 4 MB Total)

Intel Corporation is the famous American Corporation, which has already produced electronic devices and components for computers for several decades. Specializing in Manufacture computer components, microprocessors and sets of system logic (chipset).

Found the company Robert Neuss and Gordon Moore on July 18, 1968. They founded their business after the Fairchild Semiconductor was left. Soon Andy Grove joined their duet.

Fast start

The business plan of the future giant was printed on the typewriter of Robert Neuss and served only one page. The new company's strategy was represented by one financingist who managed to knock out $ 2.5 million for the new company.

The Intel trading mark was registered on July 16, 1968. However, it turned out that there was already a company called Intelco. In order not to change the name and avoid litigation Intel had to pay 15 thousand dollars for the right to use this brand.

First successes

This success for the new company came only in 1972, when Intel began to work closely with the Japanese Giant Busicom, which ordered the development of 12 specialized microcircuits. However, the engineer TED HOFF proposed instead of a multitude of chips to develop one universal microprocessor called Intel 4004. A few years later, a more perfect Intel 8008 was developed by the company.

Already in the 90s, Intel became the largest manufacturer PC processors. The Pentium and Celeron processor family is the most common on the planet and now.

Best in its segment

To date, Intel leads among manufacturers of microprocessors in the world, occupying 75% of the entire market. The main buyers of the company manufactured by the company are such giants like: Dell, Hewlett-Paccard and Apple.

The company also manufactures semiconductor components for various industrial and network equipment.

Intel's largest company, which is located today in America, occupies a huge part in the market for the production of microprocessors and a total of more than 75%. Moreover, the American Corporation is constantly expanding the range of services, and therefore today in Intel are engaged in the production of components for network, server and industrial equipment.

Intel's creation began in 1957 by Gordon Moore and Robert Neuss. A year later, Andy Grove joined there, a lot of success of the company was connected with whose name. Officially, the corporation was registered in 1968. Then the creators and decided to make a release of RAM for personal computers.

Several interesting facts from history

Like all successful companies, the Intel path was also far from simple. You are several of your attention interesting facts With the history of creation:

  • The very first version of the company name sounded " N M electronics. ". The letters" n "and" m "meant the names of the founders;
  • The first products of the company were hours. Yes, simple electronic clock;
  • Intel has a tradition to produce its own champagne bottles due to special cases or milestones;

Here is such an interesting path of the company. And this is not all.

The release of the first microprocessor and the development of Intel

The first microprocessor was called "4004" and was intended for calculators. A little later, the world got acquainted with the second Intel microprocessor, which was called "8080". Since the beginning of the 1990s, the company began to actively produce microprocessors, and a huge number of computers were equipped with Intel processors.

To date, it is impossible to imagine life without a computer with Intel processors. The best PCs are equipped with them. The owner of Andy Grove Corporation says that such indicators and all success of the company has been due to the fact that it is calm about success, but at the same time, it is always ready to meet with difficulties. Perhaps this is the main key to such enormous success of the Intel corporation.

Intels and Dynamics of Development of the Intel Corporation

Not so long ago, an annual profit of Intel was calculated. For the year of the company, it turned out to be somewhat lower than predictions were, and taking into account past years decreased by 25%. The thing is that the users have decreased demand for the use of personal computers, because now more preference is given to smartphones or tablets.

This factor was taken into account the management of the Intel brand. And reduce the reduction of profits from reducing demand for computers, they decided by creating chips for tablets and ultrabooks, as well as the release of the world's new Haswell chip. It was this that brought the company Intel to a new level, because now the cost of stocks on the stock exchange is growing, and the dynamics estimate is defined as positive.

Intel's shares quotation on the stock exchange

Intel's first shares appeared on one of the major American NYSE stock exchanges, which is located in New York. This event is dated October 1971. Buy Intel shares under the intc ticker at the very beginning were offered for $ 23.50. To date, the market capitalization of Intel Corporation is more than 110 billion dollars. The schedule of quotations today looks like this:

Intel shares provide good opportunities for long-term investment and almost 100% of them are freely treated in stock exchanges. Intel shareholders' income is just just over 3.5%.

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