What is a bit. How to find out the discharge of the operating system and processor in Windows

32- or 64-digit computer processor - what is better? Today, users do not bother with this question for the simple reason that all modern PC assemblies are usually equipped with 64-bit processors. But some more than 5-6 years ago, disputes about what the processor is better - 32- or 64-bit - were the most popular theme of various computer forums on the Internet.

What is the calculation of the processor, what is the difference between 32- from the 64-bit processor, and how will this ultimately affect the work and performance of a PC from the standpoint of a regular user? In this, we will try to figure out below.

1. How to know the discharge of the processor installed on the PC?

To find out the discharge of the processor installed on the PC, it is best to install special programThe functionality of which provides for the display of detailed information about the hardware components of the PC. For example, programs or speccy - they can download them from official sites completely free.

Run one of these programs, wait until those scatter the system and display the hardware characteristics of the PC. Go to the menu section, which contains data on the Central PC processor - tabs " CPU." in cPU-Z program or " CPU"In Speccy.

The prohibition of the processor is displayed in the column " Instructions"Where instructions support data are displayed. If the processor is 64-bit, then the indication must be present in this column.

In the CPU program, depending on the processor manufacturer, this is either " EM64T."(Intel 64), or" x86-64"(AMD 64).

In the Speccy program, everything is slightly simpler - graph instructions displays either " AMD 64.", Or" Intel 64.».

If the section " Instructions"In both programs does not displays such data, it means a 32-bit processor installed on the PC.

But today it is not so easy to meet a 32-bit processor, it must be a very old PC assembly, because starting from the first 64-bit aMD processor Athlon 64 presented in 2003, and late Pentium 4 models from Intel, to the market computer equipment Manufacturers deliver only 64-bit processors.

2. Bigness: What includes this term?

As we see, it is very simple to determine the discharge of the processor installed on the PC, but what does the term discharge itself include? Processor's discharge This is the number of discharges (they are also called bits) that the processor is able to process at a time.

The growth of processor discharge was due to the development of computer technologies.

In 1971, Intel was created by the first 4-bit 4004 processor. The 8-bit 8080 appeared later, then 16-bit 8086. The first 32-bit 80386 processor intel. Created in 1985, and he later became the base for all today's computer processor models. But the championship in creating a 64-bit processor belongs to AMD - in 2003 it created Athlon 64.

The term bit applied not only to the processors, but also to the tires. For example, the technical characteristics of video cards often contain an indication of the discharge of the memory bus. As for the definition of the Terminality of the Tire, the same essence will be seen here as the term of the processor's discharge. So, the bike bit is nothing but the number of bits simultaneously processed by the tire.

3. What are the advantages of 64-bit processors for regular PC users?

For ordinary users using a PC pc for their personal needs within leisure, the advantage of 64-bit processors is the ability to use more than 4 GB of RAM. The 64-bit processor allows you to use 8, 16, 32 and even more GB of RAM in the PC. Such performance is needed to those who use PC, loading it with multitasking, working with complex graphic programs or professional video orders. And, of course, gamers - for many newcomers of the game, for some powerful video games, since 2011, it may be necessary to at least 8 GB of RAM to play on the maximum quality of the game.

To use this advantage of a 64-bit processor, a 64-bit operating system must be installed on the PC, the specificity of which will be able to reveal the entire power potential of the PC. But if on a PC with a 64-bit processor and, for example, with 8 GB of RAM to install a 32-bit operating system, you will have to be content with restrictions - RAM will be available only in the amount of 4 GB. And the entire powerful potential of the "iron" PC will remain unexplored.

Determine the PC installed 32- or 64-bit Windows, you can by calling the left mouse button context menu on the icon " My computer" (or " This computerp »in Windows 8 and 8.1). In the menu, choose " Properties" Open basic system characteristicswhere in the column " System type"And it will be indicated which Windows is installed - 32- or 64-bit.

This can be determined without leaving the Speccy program - in the section " Operating system».

32- and 64-bit Windows are practically no installation or setting or use. Download boot image Windows online or buy physical boot disk can be very easy and with one, and with another bit operating system.

Will this article help you?

The prohibition of the processor is a mysterious value that often appears in the articles describing software or "iron". At the same time, the texts usually appear in the texts or 64 or 64. The fact that these values \u200b\u200bhide, and will be told in the article.

General definition

If we consider the very simple definitionsIt can be said that the size is the value indicating how many CPU bits can be processed in one clock. Today, this number is equal to either 32 or 64. And the first is actively displaced, and it is likely that very soon such CPUs will not remain at all.

In general, for informatics described above the thesis is faithful, but if you consider the discharge of the processor, the concept becomes vague. The device is indivisible, but, like many others, includes components, and so much that becomes the most complex component in the entire computer.

In order to better understand that it hides a unclear definition, you need to answer the question: "And what information generally generates and accepts CPU?" There will be several answers: data, commands and addresses.


Initially, the length of the command coming to the CPU for one clock should have been the same as the battery of the processor bus. For CPU, such a state of affairs is most convenient - no extra calculation is required. For a programmer, this approach is no longer as acceptable as possible, for the team always occupies a fixed volume (it means that even the simplest requires more space for its storage).

The first fact that a person who read the simplified definition of the object under consideration first can turn into: Today, the CPU can boast the ability to work with the variable length commands, it means that the processor bit is not connected with this type of data. And to dispel all doubts (or sow seed for new), you need to dig further.

Data and addresses

Is it necessary for the central processor logically (that is, from the programmer's point of view) to be able to store data from 32 bits in order to be called 32-bit? Here everything is obvious - the answer is positive. With the address space is not so simple. Each 8-bit CPU could work with addresses that had a length of 16 bits. Maybe the size of the data that is able to store the processor is and determines its discharge?

Let's move on from software capabilities to physical device. Does the CPU need to store addresses and data in a specific format? For example, to say that the processor's discharging is 32, should it be operated by this length? As the story shows, not always.

Consider a CPU having I8080. It was 8-bit (as Specifications say), however, operated the values \u200b\u200bthat had a length of 32 discharge, scattering zolics and units on parsening registers. The CPU Z8000 has already worked not with twins, but from the fours, it means, and operated with large data for one tact.


In CPU, nothing needs to be done in order to say that it has any discharge. Create comfortable tool For a programmer and advertising for the user - this will be enough. In the hardware level, everything new should be entered only if necessary. Today, perhaps, the process of transition from 32-bit devices to 64 occurs most quickly.

Is it necessary? Researchers said that such a transition is required, before others, because the size of the machine word does not directly affect the accuracy of the calculations. When the maximum prohibition of the processor is 64, and not 32, the indicators are far exceeded preceding, which makes it possible to abandon the upgrade of the equipment. The developers of computer games also decided that they were not going anywhere from such a transition. Does it require a simple user who does not fulfill scientific work, and is it cold to video games? Everyone will answer this question for himself.

For the user

How to find out the calculation of the processor that is installed in your computer? Make it easy.

  • Press the combination of Win + R on the keyboard, a window will be displayed with the "Run" header, enter CMD.
  • A black console reminiscent of MS-DOS appears on the screen, you need to dial SystemInfo.
  • Wait until the operating system gave the computer data, they will be shown here.
  • Find the string "processor (s). It will be written in the name of the CPU. For example, AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3.
  • Typically the first digits and mean the CPU bit.

How to find out the size of the processor, if using command line did not get the necessary information?

  • Download the AIDA64 program.
  • In the left side of the window, find the inscription "System Board".
  • Now click twice on the icon with the name "CPU" or "CPUID".
  • In the first case, pay attention to the "instruction sets" graph, if the number 64 is present here, it means that the processor is 64-bit, otherwise - the CPU is 32-bit.
  • In the second case, look at the inscriptions near those checkboxes in which the checkboxes are. Here are detailed descriptions Each set of instructions, from which it can be easily understood which CPU is used in your computer.

It was an excellent topic for disputes and long conversations on a computer theme. Everyone had its own opinion on 32 and 64 discharge processors and their differences. Now this topic has become less popular because everyone is used to that absolutely all modern processors for personal computers are 64-bit. However, some issues relating to the discharge of processors still concern PC users. In this material, we will tell about how to find out the discharge of the processor, as well as what is the discharge and what differences between 32 and 64 discharge chips.

So, in order to learn the bit of your processor, you will need a CPU-Z program. This program extends absolutely free and can be downloaded from the developer's website. With it, you can get all possible information about your CPU, that is, about your processor.

Download, install and run the CPU-Z program. Immediately after the start, you will see about such a window:

In this window, all the technical specifications of the processor installed in your computer. The processor's discharge indicates the support of the EM64T instructions (Intel64) if you have an Intel processor, or support for X86-64 instructions (AMD64) if you have a processor from AMD. If such instructions are not displayed in the CPU-Z program, it means that your processor is 32-bit.

In fact, to meet a computer with a 32-bit processor is now not so simple. After all, all processors, ranging from AMD Athlon 64 and late Pentium 4 models, are 64-bit.

How to find out the discharge of the processor, we already know, now it's time to deal with the concept of discharge. The bitty is the number of discharges (or bits) that can simultaneously process the processor.

The discharge of processors grew on the development of technology. So, in 1971, Intel created the first 4-rose processor 4004, then there was 8-bit 8080 and 16 bit 8086. In 1985, the first 32-bit 80386 discharge processor appeared, subsequently the main for all modern processors For PC. And in 2003 the first 64 discharge processor appeared for desktop computersThey became Athlon 64 from AMD.

In addition, the term discharge can be applied with respect to the tires. For example, in specifications The size of the memory bus is indicated. The bike bit is the number of bits that can be transmitted over the bus at a time.

From the point of view of the end user PC, 64 discharge processors have only one significant advantage - the ability to address more than 4 GB of RAM. That is, when using a 64 digit processor, you can install 8, 16, 32 or any other number of gigabytes of RAM.

Naturally, except for the 64 discharge processor, you must have a 64-bit operating system. If, to a computer with a 64-bit processor, set the usual 32-bit operating system, the computer will work in 32 bit mode and the amount of available memory will be limited to 4 GB.

In order to find out which operating system is installed on your computer Open: Control Panel - System and Safety - System.

Some information about your computer and the operating system is collected here. Opposite the "Operating System Type" item, the discharge of the installed operating system will be indicated.

Most recently, a note was published on the blog, to help those who are going to update their computer or buy / collect new. Namely, it said how many RAM is a computer, depending on the tasks that are put on the front: how many RAM is needed?

The following note on the plan was an article on the support of various amounts of memory from the operating system - about the discharge of the operating system; The fact that not all memory volumes are supported by all versions of Windows. Special thanks to all readers who mentioned about the topic of discharge in the comments on the blog: After reading them, I realized that a short note on this topic was not enough. Need a detailed material on this topic.

That is why it was decided to write an article, (libez, if you wish) on this issue and place it here, on itexpertportal.com - in the archive of free training materials and articles on important computer literacy topics.

So, back to the main topic, to the discharge of operating systems and to support various amounts of memory. Initially will answer the question:

What is a bit at all?

Scientific definition: In the informatics of the discharge of electronic (in particular, peripheral), the device or tire is called the number of discharges (bits), simultaneously being processed by this device or transmitted by this bus. The term is applicable to components of computing, peripheral or measuring devices: computer data tires, processors, etc. The computence of the computer is called the discharge of its machine word. (Source - Wikipedia).

I think everything is simple and understandable. Bigness - the ability to simultaneously process some number of bits, if it is easier to speak.

In fact, everything is not so simple, and to highlight all this question and the "academic" - no article is enough. Therefore, we will not delve into the PC architecture course, and we will touch on the purely practical moments with which you have to face and that matter for us - users.

And then the amount of RAM?

There are two versions of the Windows operating system (at least yet - only two). It does not matter what we will take from modern and current systems: XP, Vista or 7.
All these systems exist in two versions - 32-bit and 64-bit. For example:

Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit (or x86 - equivalent notation)
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (
or x64 - equivalent notation)
Windows Vista Ultimate X86 (x86 -
this is the designation of the 32-bit version)
Windows Visa Ultimate X64 (respectively - 64-bit version)

Architectural differences between 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows, of course, is. You can talk about them for a long time, but this is nothing, believe me. 🙂

The most important features and differences that directly relate to the user and with whom have to face:

1. The maximum amount of RAM.
2. The discharge of the operating system.
3. CPU bit.

Here we will talk about this more ...

The maximum amount of RAM.

A 32-bit operating system can add (i.e., can use, "see") not more than 4 GB of RAM. This is the most important difference, and most significant. If you are installed in your computer, say, 2 GB, then the 32-bit operating system works with this volume normally.

If you have 4 GB of memory and work under the control of a 32-bit OS, then it simply will not see such a volume. All that she can use is about 3.5 GB of 4 GB. The rest of the volume it cannot provide for working programs. Of course, if you install 8 GB of memory to a computer, say, and at the same time you will remain on the 32-bit system, it will also not see more than 3.5 GB from the entire set volume.

The 64-bit operating system can work with much greater memory - up to 192 GB (for Windows 7). Those. If you, let's, wanted to install 8 GB of memory, must necessarily switch to a 64-bit OS, otherwise you simply cannot use such a large available volume.

We considered, you can say, "extremes", up to 2 GB and 8 GB and more. And what about the golden middle? What if you have already installed or do you plan to increase the amount of memory up to 4 GB? Do I need to go to a 64-bit OS in this case so that the computer can use not 3.3, and all 4 GB of memory?

Not everything is so simple ... 64-bit versions of the OS use noticeably more memory. All variables are no longer 32-bit, but 64-bit. This usually increases applications by 20-40%, which also leads to an appropriate increase in the amount of memory. On file formats such as music or video, it does not affect.

Install a 64-bit versionWindows To better use 4 GB of memory, it makes no sense, even if the 32-bit version recognizes only up to 3.5 GB of memory. The problem lies in the fact that you will receive missing memory, but immediately lose it for the reason that the 64-bit version requires more memory for itself. So the transition to 64 bits is relevant only when memory larger volume: 6, 8 GB and more.

So, if you decide to establish a lot of memory, and here the 64-bit OS is needed for sure, then perhaps you are interested in the question:

What features 64-bit Windows Vista / 7 have?

Visually - no. Those. Outwardly, this is an ordinary OS, which does not stand out from the 32-bit option. You can define it belonging to a 64-bit architecture just entering the "System Properties" item in the control panel - the bit indicated there.

Technically - there are small differences. The first, in fact, that the 64-bit OS "sees" the large amounts of memory and can work with them. Second - it allows you to run 64-bit applications.

The 64-bit OS allows you to start and conventional 32-bit programs. With the familiar way, no settings are required for this. Everything as usual. Just in the 64-bit system there is a subsystem of performing 32-bit applications. Therefore, you can successfully install and work with both 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

Now there are few such x64 applications, although their number is constantly growing. This is especially true of resource-intensive programs - graphic and video recorders and so on. Those. All programs that are needed primarily by large amounts available for memory. For example, that some kind of video editor can use in more than 4 GB from available memory.

For example, Adobe has declared that modern ADOBE CS5 series applications will only 64-bit. This means that, say, Photoshop CS5, Dreamweaver CS5etc. will be able to start only on the 64-bit system. On a 32-bit OS, they simply do not start. Why?

Because 32-bit applications can work in the 64-bit OS, but not vice versa!

Following technical moment64-bit OS requires 64-bit drivers. As a rule, all modern (no older than two years) PC devices, laptops and peripherals have two versions of drivers - 32 and 64-bit on the supplied installation disk. Therefore, S. modern devices There will be no problems - as usual insert the drive with the driver to the drive and run the installation, the installer itself will determine the version of Windows and starts the corresponding bit of the driver.

If there is no disk or there is no 64-bit driver on it, you need to visit the official developer website specific deviceTo download such a driver. The same applies to outdated equipment.

Be sure to check the presence of 64-bit versions of all necessary drivers before installing 64-bit windows version !

CPU bit.

Where to take / how to define 64-bit applications?

64-bit software You can determine without difficulty. On packaging B. system requirements, as a rule, it is indicated that this program 64-bit. It can be specified separately on the package.

If you acquire some other Internet, then belonging to 64-bit architecture is also indicated.

Here is an example: My licensed box version of Windows Vista Ultimate. Included two installation disk - 32 and 64-bit version of OS:

Do not pay attention to "English-language" in this caseSimply OS was purchased in the United States.

But this is in this case - Vista Ultimate (only Ultimate) was so supplied, in two versions. As a rule, the same Windows, for example (or any other program) for sale OR 32-bit OR 64-bit, as indicated on the box, as I mentioned.

There are differences and features of 64-bit operating windows systemsThe most important to the user end.

Otherwise, everything is exactly the same as on the familiar 32-bit Windows XP / Vista / 7.

The size or processor bothery is a certain number of processes processed per unit of time. There is x32 (x86) and x64 discharge processors and operating systems. The knowledge of the prohibition of the processor is necessary for the correct installation of programs and the number of the supported amount of RAM.

Outdated computers for 2015 are those in which the calculation of the processor X32 is considered. Such PCs are treated with a maximum of 4 GB of RAM. Slots on motherboard Will not perceive the RAM strips with a volume exceeding this indicator. The operating system must also be 32-bit. New generation processors have x64 bit. They process data much faster, support processors from 2 cores and "read" rAM from 4 GB to 32 GB. Windows should also be 64-bit. You can check the bit of your computer through properties. To do this, on the desktop 2 times, click the "My Computer" icon. Next, click the "System Properties" button. In the "System Type" value, the biostic of the operating system is displayed, and it is equal to the category of the central processor. In the version of Windows 8, 8.1, both parameters are simultaneously indicated in this value: both OS, and CPUs.

Another simple and effective method Checks - see the number of folders "Program Files". To do this, go to "My Computer", open " Local disk (FROM:)". Pay attention to the "Program Files" folders. If you have one, it means that the computer has the discharge of the CPU X32. If two, one of them "Program Files (x86)", then CPU X64.

Check the number of the processor cores and its discharge can be using the task manager. Call it using the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination, or by clicking the right mouse button on the taskbar and selecting the "Run Task Manager" item.

The Windows Manager window opened. Go to the "Speed" tab. If your processor is 64-bit, then you will see two CPU windows with different diagrams, as in the screenshot. If the window is one, therefore, the processor is 32-bit.

AND last method accurate computer discharging without additional programs - This is a device manager. Opening it as follows: Press the Start key, click the Control Panel tab. In the window that appears, click the category "Equipment and Sound". In the "Devices and Printers" tab, click on the "Device Manager" inscription. A yellow-blue shield is drawn next to this text.

An additional program window has opened. Open the "Computer" point and the processor item. We read the value in subparagraphs. My computer has a bit of X64 and two processor cores, as shown in the screenshot. If your computer is 32-bit, there will be one processor and, naturally, another computer model. In addition to these data, in the device manager, you can view information about each part of the PC, installed driver and equipment. To view information using the program, use the CPU-Z application.

Now you know what bit central processor, its importance. And easily check in any way.