How to choose the right gaming motherboard. What is the motherboard chipset and what better to choose? Chipsets from maternal cards

The motherboard chipset is the blocks of microcircuits (literally chip set, that is, a set of chips) responsible for the work of all other computer components. It also depends on the performance and speed of the PC.

As you understand, with besides, close attention should be paid to the chipset placed on it, especially if we are talking about modern powerful home or gaming computers.

Determine their visual on the motherboard easily - these are large black chips, which are sometimes covered with cooling radiators.

Motherboard architecture with two bridges

In the already obsolete scheme for building the motherboard chipset chipset, they were divided into two blocks - the Northern and South Bridge for their location in the diagram.

The functions of the Northern Bridge - ensuring the operation of the processor with the RAM (RAM controller) and the video card (PCI-E x16 controller). Southern is responsible for the connection of the processor with other computer devices - hard disks, optical drives, expansion cards, etc. Through SATA, IDE controllers, PCI-E X1, PCI, USB, sound.

The main characteristic of the performance of the chipset in this architecture is the data bus (System Bus), intended for sharing information between different components of the computer parts. All components operate with chipset through tires, each with its speed. This is clearly visible on the chipset scheme.

The capacity of the entire PC depends on the speed of that tire that binds it to the chipset itself. In the terminology of Intel chipsets, this tire is indicated as FSB (Front Side Bus).

In the description of the motherboard, it is referred to as the "tire frequency" or "bandwidth" of the tire.
We will analyze more than these characteristics of the data bus. It is determined by two indicators - frequency and width.

  • The frequency is the transfer rate that is measured in Meghertz (MHz, MHz) or Gigahertz (GHz, GHz). The higher this indicator, the higher the performance of the entire system as a whole (for example, 3 GHz).
  • The width is the number of bytes that the tire has the ability to transmit at once in bytes (for example, 2 BT). The larger the width, the more information of the tire will be able to transfer over a certain period of time.

When multiplying two of these values, we get the third, which is just indicated in the schemes - bandwidthwhich is measured in gigabytes per second (GB / s, GB / S). From our example, we produce a multiplication of 3 GHz to 2 bytes and we get 6 GB / s.

In the picture below, the bandwidth of the tire is 8.5 gigabytes per second.

The connection of the northern bridge with the RAM occurs using a two-channel controller embedded in it, having 128 contacts (x128). When working with memory in one-channel mode, only 64 tracks are used, so for maximum performance It is recommended to use 2 memory modules connected to different channels.

Architecture without a northern bridge

In the processors of the last generation, the northern bridge is already built into the microcircuit of the processor itself, which significantly increases its performance. Therefore, on new motherboards, it is generally absent - only the southern bridge remains.

Under the example below, there is no northern bridge in the chipset, as its function takes the processor with a built-in video core, but it also see the data tire designation.

In work modern processors The QPI bus (QuickPath InterConnect) is used, as well as the PCI-E X16 graphics controller, which used to be in the North Bridge, and is now embedded in the processor. As a result of the fact that they became built-in, the characteristics of the main data bus are not as important as it was in the architecture of the previous generation with two bridges.

In modern chipsets on new boards there is another tire operation parameter - transfers per second, which indicates the number of data transmission operations per second. For example, 3200 Mt / s (Megatransfer in sec) or 3.2 GT / s (gigatransfer).

The same characteristic is also indicated in processor descriptions. Moreover, if the chipset is the speed of the tire 3.2 Gt / s, and the processor, for example, 2 Gt / s, then this bunch will work at a smaller value.

Manufacturers of chipsetov

The main players in the market manufacturers of chipsets are already familiar to us by intel and AMD, as well as NVIDEA, which is more known to users in their video cards, and ASUS.

Since the main producers are today the first two, let's take a look at modern and already outdated models.

Intel chipsets

Modern - 8x, 7x and 6x series.
Outdated - 5x, 4x and 3x, as well as NVIDEA.

Marking the chipset Letter in front of the number means the power of the chipset inside the same line.

  • X - Maximum performance for game computers
  • P - High performance for powerful mass use computers
  • G - for an ordinary home or office computer
  • B, Q - for business. According to the characteristics, the same as "G", but have additional features, such as remote maintenance and monitoring of access for admins of large offices and enterprises.

Recently, a few more new series were introduced for the new chipset LGA 1155:

  • N - for ordinary users
  • R 67 - For enthusiasts that are planning further modernization and acceleration of the system
  • Z - a universal version, combines the characteristics of the two previous

From the chipset circuit, you can easily understand which built-in and external functions it supports. For example, let's look at the Intel Z77 productive manufacturer chipset.

The first thing that draws attention is the absence of a northern bridge. As we see, this chipset works with processors with built-in graphics core (Processor Graphics) of the Intel Core series. For home Computer The built-in kernel will be enough to work with documents and watching video. However, if it takes a big productivity, for example, when installing modern games, the chipset supports the installation of several video cards in the slot PCI EXPRESS. 3. Moreover, when installing 1 video card, it will use 16 lines, two - each 8 lines, or one 8, other 4, and the remaining 4 lines will be involved for working with Thunderbolt technology.

Also, the chipset is ready for further upgrades and acceleration of the system (Intel Extreme Tuning Support).

For comparison, let's look at another chipset - Intel P67, which is shown below. The main difference of it from the Z77 is that it does not support work with a built-in video catalog of the processor.

This means that the motherboard equipped with P67 will not be able to work with the built-in graphical core of the processor and it will be necessary to buy a discrete (separate) video card.

AMD chipsets

Modern - Axx series (for processors with built-in video studio), 9xx and 8xx.
Outdated - 7xx, nForce and GeForce, with the exception of some models.

The weakest performance of those model, in the title of which only numbers.

  • The letters g or v in the model name indicates the presence in the chipset of the built-in video card.
  • X or gx - support for two separate (discrete) video cards, but not on full power (8 lines per each).
  • FX is the most powerful chipsets that fully support work with multiple video cards.

The tire that connects the processor and the chipset in AMD is called Hyper Transport (HT). In modern chipsets working with AM2 +, AM3, AM3 + sockets, it is version 3.0, in AM2 - 2.0.

  • HT 2.0: MAX FREQUENCY - 1400 MHz, width 4 byte, bandwidth 2.8 GT / s
  • HT 3.0: MAX Frequency 2600 MHz, width 4 byte, bandwidth 5.3 GT / s

Let's see an example of describing the motherboard on the site and determine which chipset on it is placed.

In this picture, we have a model MSI Z77A-G43 - already from the very name it is clear that it is equipped with the Intel Z77 chipset, which is also confirmed in detailed description.

And here - aSUS board SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 with a productive chipset from AMD 990FX, which is also visible both from the name and detailed description.

What is the best chipset system board?

Let's summarize - what chipset is better to choose for your computer?

It all depends on what purpose you collect your PC. If this is an office computer or home, on which you do not plan to install games, it is advisable to choose a chipset that works with processors with an integrated graphics core. By purchasing such a fee and, accordingly, the processor with a built-in video, you will receive a kit that is quite suitable for working with documents and even watching the video in good quality.

If more in-depth work with graphics is required, for example, for medium-sized video games or graphic applications, you will use a separate video card, which means there is no point in overpaying for a graphic chipset that supports the work with the built-in video processor is better if it is to maximize the work Video card.

For the most powerful game computers and to a lesser extent for those who will work with demanding charting by professional programs, choose the most productive models, fully supporting work with multiple video cards.

I hope this article has discovered a bit for you a veil over the secret chipsets of the motherboard and now you can easily choose these components for your computer! Well, to consolidate knowledge, look at the video tutorial, placed at the beginning of the article.

Thank you! Did not help

I think everyone knows that the motherboard is considered to be a link in the design system Block. Therefore, you need to take into account some criteria. About how to choose an inexpensive and good motherboard, you can learn from this article. Or watch a special video that I picked up for you. Here is a summary of the article below:

  • Main components
  • How to choose a manufacturer of motherboard
  • Form factor selection
  • Chipset selection
  • PCI-Express and memory slot
  • External connectors
  • Auxiliary capabilities

Video instruction how to choose a motherboard

Main components

To better understand its device, I propose to consider its structure on a specific example. As a sample, take one of the highest quality models - Sapphire Pure Z77K. Of course, in order to consider in detail the main elements of the details, you can take any model. But we will focus on this.

In the picture, the numbers indicate not only the main components of the motherboard, but the elements characteristic only for overclocking options.

  • Under the number (1) there is a processor socket that is the main element of the device. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the processor socket is absolutely compatible with the socket. The number (0) indicates a "double" radiator, which is responsible for the elements of the power converters of the built-in graphics core, processor and CPU VTT, namely, they are cooling. Such radiators are only in motherboards for overclocking. On the usual cooling element is not at all.
  • The number (2) indicates PCI-Express slots. The circuit board contains three such slots X16 version 3.0. Such connectors are needed to install one or more video cards. More old version Slot - 2.0 stands at number (3).
  • Number (14) indicates PCI-E X1 slots. They are intended to install devices that require large tire bandwidth. For this, there is enough one line X1. An example of such devices is TV tuners, various controllers, audio and others.
  • At number (4) there is a chipset. It is located behind the cooling radiator. Connectors under the number (5) are needed to install DDR3 RAM. They are usually painted in black or blue. Connectors are intended to install memory modules, which significantly increases operating efficiency. Number (6) is a CMOS battery that feeds the BIOS CMOS memory chip. So the chip does not lose the settings after the computer is turned off.
  • (8) and (12) These are 24-PIN and 8-PIN connectors. The first is the main 24-pin power connector. It is through it that most components are eaten.
  • Rooms (9) and (10) indicate SATA 3 connectors (6 Gbps) and SATA 2. They are on its edge, are intended to connect devices on the side of the stands. Made in the style of an overclocking connector. SATA 2 connector is needed for connections hard Disc, drives and various SSD drives. Conventional models contain connectors located frontal and shifted to the center. Therefore, their use is convenient as part of the system unit "not accelerating" system.
  • Number (11) indicates a non-standard element - the POST code indicator. It shows the temperature of the processor, but with small inaccuracies.
  • Rear Panel S. external connectors Shown at number (13). On this panel there are connectors that are needed to connect various peripheral devices, keyboards, mice, headphones, columns and many other additions.

So we figured out the main components, now we will analyze individual blocks, as well as consider the parameters that need to be considered when purchasing.

What company to choose a motherboard

With this choice, oddly enough, it is not necessary to take into account its performance. You need to rely on trust in the manufacturer. The most famous are MSI, Gigabyte, Biostar, Intel, Asrock and ASUS. And the sample, which we today we consider also worth attention. It happens, some models have an inconvenient layout or the supplied kit of any manufacturer is not wide enough. All the same come across flaws, which some users would not like to see. But such shortcomings do not give grounds to write off from accounts of manufacturers of motherboards. Ultimately, their equipment in all manufacturers is not always the same, so it is impossible to say what kind of company choose or what the best.

My advice to you take TU:

  • which suits you at a price
  • comfortable in location
  • with good reviews on large portals

The chipsets are supplied from AMD and Intel, so devices are very similar. The only thing that should be noted is the reviews of real buyers and detailed reviews motherboards. So you can even somehow decide on the variety of products.

Form factor selection

Properly chosen form factor will help to avoid many problems in the future. The most popular Form Factors:

  • ATH - full size
  • Micro-ATX - Cut

The form factor determines the extensibility of the system in the future. Micro-ATX usually has a small number of PCI-E and PCI extension slots for video cards and other devices. Often such models are equipped with only two connectors to install memory modules. This fact strongly limits the expandability of RAM. And not only in quantitative terms, but also in terms of convenience. Main advantage Micro-ATX - low price. Choosing from two standards, we can safely say that Micro-ATX is a budget option for the office and home system.

The size of the board is also very important. ATX form factor is larger in size. It is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the hull and the motherboard in size!

How to decide on the motherboard socket

After selecting the processor, it is necessary to correctly choose the motherboard. First of all, you need to pay attention to the socket. It is he who provides the compatibility of a motherboard and processor. So, for the processor with the LGA 1155 socket, only the LGA 1155 motherboard is suitable. Supported sockets and processor can be viewed on the official sites of manufacturers, but for AMD it is AM3 or AM3 +.

Chipset selection

Chipset is a linking link interaction of the entire system. This component largely determines the capabilities of the motherboard. Always believed chipset is a set of system logic chips consisting of a southern and northern bridge. But now the presentations are few others.

Particularly popular chipsets are the seventh series of Intel and 900 AMD. A small assortment of chipsets, but NVIDIA is not less popular.

The seventh Intel series differs from the standard presentation of chipsets, because they consist only from the northern bridge. But it does not affect the motherboard functionality, because some controllers have translated to the processor. This can be understood by the example of the PCI-Express 3.0 bus controller and the DDR3 memory controller. North Bridge B. this case I received the SATA, USB, PCI-Express. On the Z77 chipset flowchart, it is clearly visible to what the elements are tied to what tires:

Z, H and B mean the positioning of the chipset for market segments.

The chipsets from the AMD have two chips, it has northern bridges 990x, 990fx and 970 and the North Bridge SB950.

990FX gives chipset support for 42 PCI-Express lines. Therefore, four video cards can be connected on the lines in the Cross Fire bundle. But not everyone needs such opportunities. The remaining two northern bridges support 26 lines, but such a loss of invisible.

Auxiliary capabilities

TO additional features These are those that are not always necessary. For the average user, they are not very in demand:

  • ESATA - In some models there is an interface for connecting removable disks. Very useful for owners of external drives.
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module for wireless network and data transfer. They significantly increase the functionality of the motherboard.
  • Thunderbolt - provides data transmission at a speed of 10 GB / s and connecting peripheral devices. Sends data faster several times than USB 2.0, USB 3.0. To date, it needs units, but in the future it will become more popular.
  • Additional buttons and indicators for overclocking, branded technologies and elements of manufacturers.

Rating of the best motherboards of the year

As you have done to notice - the choice of motherboard is a difficult task. Based on the listed parameters, it is necessary to choose this option that would suit you both in terms of cost and functionality. Of course, the parameters of the motherboard for each user are individual. But still, for greater amenities, you can see the ranking of the best motherboards for 2015-2016. Focusing in the basic parameters and best models, can be done truly right choice. Below is a video for this difficult topic for a better understanding.

Best Socket Motherboard 1150 (2016)

  • MSI Z87 XPower
  • MSI B85-G43 Gaming - the best purchase
  • ASUS B85M-E - inexpensive and good motherboard for medium hooper
  • MSI B85-G43 - Quality price
  • Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming GT - I recommend for gamers

Best Motherboard Socket 1155 (2016)

  • ASRock B75 Pro3-M - the best purchase of the year
  • Gigabyte GA-H61M-S2PV (Rev. 2.2
  • ASUS H61M-G
  • ASRock H61M-VG4
  • MSI H61M-P20 (G3)
  • Gigabyte GA-H61M-S2PV (Rev 2.0)

Best Socket Motherboard 2011 (2016)

  • ASUS P9X79-E WS (S2011, Intel X79, PCI-EX16) - the coolest purchase
  • ASUS Rampage IV Extreme (S2011, X79, PCI-EX 16)
  • ASUS P9X79 WS (S2011, Intel X79, PCI-EX16) - Best price-performance ratio
  • MSI X79A-GD65 (8D) (S2011, Intel X79, PCI-EX16)

Best Motherboard 2011-3 (2016)

  • ASUS Rampage V EXTREME / U3.1 - the best purchase
  • ASUS X99-Deluxe
  • MSI X99A SLI Plus - the best choice price-quality
  • Gigabyte GA-X99-UD3 (Rev. 1.0)
  • ASRock X99 Extreme4.

The most powerful motherboard for gamer with two processors - ASUS Z9PE-D8 WS (2 x LGA2011, Intel C602, PCI-EX16)

Not the most frequent problem. Most users do not change the processor until the computer is completely replaced. However, sometimes due to breakdown or upgrade there is a need to replace the installed processor. In this case, the question arises how to choose the processor to the motherboard. In this article we will analyze this problem and tell you how to choose the right processor.

In order to choose the processor to the motherboard, you need to know which socket it supports. Socket is a connector on a motherboard designed to install the processor. There are various types of sockets. The sockets differ in size, shape and number of legs. Therefore, to install the processor in an inappropriate socket is not possible.

Now the most popular are such sockets:

  • For intel processors
    • LGA 1150.
    • LGA 1155.
    • LGA 1356.
    • LGA 1366.
  • For AMD processors

If you are to the motherboard, which is installed in the working computer, you can find out the name of the socket using special programs To view the characteristics of the computer. The most suitable program, for our case, is the CPU-Z program. With this program, you can find out all the main characteristics of the processor and the motherboard.

The socket name will be indicated on the first tab of the CPU-Z program, opposite the "Package" inscription. Also using this program you can find out the manufacturer and model of the motherboard. To do this, go to the "Mainboard" tab.

The fact that the motherboard is equipped with a particular socket, does not ensure that it supports all processors with the same socket. Some newest processors may not work. therefore in order to select a processor to the motherboard, you need to go to the manufacturer's website of this board and view the list of supported processors.. To find necessary information not difficult. Just enter the name of the motherboard in search engine And go to the official website of the manufacturer.

If you have a motherboard, to which you need to choose a processor, but the computer does not work or is not assembled at all. You can see the name of the motherboard on its box. If there are no boxes, then carefully inspect the fee itself, the name should be applied on its surface.

After you know the name of the socket and the motherboard, the processor selection is not difficult. First choose a processor that is equipped with the desired socket, and then check whether it is supported by your motherboard.

How to choose a motherboard - a question that users are most often set when assembling a new computer. Sometimes it is chosen for a ready-made PC, going to improve its performance and increase the possibilities.

Sometimes there is a need to buy a new board when breakdown before. In this case, if the tools are allowed, such a situation is worth using for a small upgrade.

You should choose carefully: when assembling a computer "motherboard" is a system-forming factor in the computer's ecosystem, from which all other components will depend.

Where to begin?

Before buying a board, it is worth knowing that it is one of the most important elements of the computer. And from its choice will depend on the purchase of other components - from the housing, which must match the size, to the processor, memory modules and video cards.

Therefore, the motherboard should be selected only with the rest with the other parts - or at least know their exemplary characteristics. In addition, the buyer must represent, for what purpose he needs a fee to work in the office, for high-performance games or as a home multimedia center.

Functionality of the board

The possibilities of the motherboard are primarily associated with its price - the more expensive the device, the higher its functionality. New and expensive "motherboards" provide the ability to simultaneously install several graphics processors - to work with drawings and 3D objects or for connecting 2-3 monitors.

Budget boards provide work, maximum, one video card and are often equipped with built-in graphics, not compatible with most games, but quite suitable for working with documents, Internet surfing, and sometimes even to view movies in FullHD (if there is enough memory).

Choosing the size of the "motherboard"

Starting choosing a motherboard, immediately pay attention to its dimensions. This nuance is especially important if the item is bought for the already existing system unit.

A large case is able to accommodate a board of any size and in this case it is worth selecting an ATX form factor that allows you to set more peripheral devices.

For a compact office computer or Nettop, Micro-ATX and MINI-ITX formats will be suitable, although on such devices it is unlikely to establish even one powerful video card.

Compatibility with processor

Each motherboard supports its type of processor. It is important that both of these components are compatible. To do this, in the board characteristics, the compatibility of its socket is indicated (slot for installation of the processor) with one or more types of chipsets.

Slots for memory and periphery

Another nuance that pays attention to when buying a board - slots for memory modules and support for certain types of RAM.

For a high-performance computer, it is necessary to work with GDDR5, providing high speed Work. It is also desirable that the number of connectors for memory planks was more than 2 - four for the game PC (which will allow you to expand RAM without changing the modules, but the new), eight for the server or workstation.

No less important nuance - the presence and number of connector for peripheral devices:

  • USB slots. For a modern PC, it is recommended to choose a fee with USB 3.0 connectors, accelerating the reading and recording process for carriers. Their quantity is usually 4, but the ATX can be increased on Maternals;
  • pCI Express Slots required to connect video cards. And for each type graphic processor It is better to use your connector. For example, new video processors increase performance when installing PCI Express (PCIE) X16 slot;
  • ATA and IDE, connecting connections hard disks. The last option is no longer used, and on the number of the first depends, how many built-in information storage devices can be installed on this PC;
  • PCI, connector connected sound cards and other peripheral devices.

Gaming motherboard

Correctly choose the game motherboard, knowing the following features:

  • support recent versions RAM;
  • compatibility with the processor selected for games (Intel Core i5 and i7, Socket AM 3+);
  • the ability to install a powerful video card (required 1-2 PCI-E X16 slots and support for this technology in the BIOSE motherboard).

Other payment characteristics when choosing a device for games are not so important. Although it is worth considering that the increase in its functionality affects the rise in value.

Best boards for computer in 2016

Defined with the purchase of "motherboard", many are wondering if there is the best universal feecapable of performing any tasks. There are such options, but their cost will arrange far from every user. Therefore, it is worth choosing a specific model depending on the intended use of the computer:

  • for study;
  • for work;
  • to run serious graphic applications;
  • for modern games;
  • for high performance games running at maximum settings (Board for an avid game driver).

For study

Determine what kind of board will suit the schoolchild and student computer, not easy. Especially since the purpose of the user may not only work with office programsBut the game is free from studying time.

In this case, it is worth choosing models such as MSI H110M Pro-VH (for Intel processors) or Gigabyte GA-F2A78M-DS2 (for AMD). Their capabilities are enough for launch, for example, AutoCAD, and for gaming applicationsAnd the cost is quite low - within 4000 rubles.

For office

The main characteristics of the office board are the efficiency of the use of electricity, small size, affordable price, reliability. It is possible that such a device will be installed on a nettop - computer with minimal characteristics and, most often, with a small hard disk (or without him).

To date, the choice of fee for the office does not represent a special difficulty - it is enough to buy any budget model. For example, Gigabyte GA-F2A88XM-DS2, operating with processors from AMD or MSI H81M-E33 for Intel. The price of each option is at the level of 3000 rubles.

For graphic programs

Work with graphics requires the use of a more powerful hardware component. Therefore, serious requirements are presented to the board:

  • not less than 4 RAM connections;
  • 2 slots for the video card;
  • support for AM3 + and Socket 1151 (Intel) processors.

Possible option for using AMD chipsets - mSI board 970A-G43, characterized by functionality and relatively affordable price (from 4500 rubles).

For Intel processors, the same MSI manufacturer can offer model B150M Pro-VDH, the cost of which begins from 5000 rubles.

For a budget game computer

Purchase gaming computer Most often associated with more serious expenses than when choosing an office version - for such equipment, more memory will also be required, and a powerful processor, and a discrete video card. However, if you wish to save, you can try to reduce the final cost of the computer, starting with the motherboard.

MSI A78M-E45 models (about 4000 rubles) is enough to start modern game applications with minimal or medium settings.

The board has a built-in graphics card, which in the future can be added to the discrete (even two), supports FM2 + processors and installation up to 64 GB of DDR3 RAM (more profitable than the price than latest generations RAM).

Approximately the same features and the ASRock B150M Pro4S / D3 model (for Intel), which can be purchased for 5,300 rubles.

For powerful game PC

Maximum performance in games will help the motherboard, corresponding to sufficiently strict requirements.

The first of them is a high load, reaching almost 1000 W when connecting all gaming devices (manipulators, several video cards and monitors, powerful processor and productive cooling system).

In addition, such a board requires at least 4 memory slots and the presence of M.2 connector for SSD hard drives. All these characteristics have the ASRock Fatal1ty 970 Performance / 3.1 model (support for AMD FX 9590 and 9370), which can be called the best for games.

Although it will also come true for any other tasks - just not every user agreed to overpay for her almost twice. The average price of such a board is within 8.5-10 thousand rubles.


Choosing a video card suitable for your needs and features, it is worth considering several options with equal characteristics.

For undemanding to resource applications, and even more so for work exclusively with documents, models will be quite suitable, released 2-3 years ago - this will probably be a board with acceptable parameters and price.

The same who collects a gaming computer, it is advisable to stop the choice modern boardwhich will still not be squeezed for a long time, and components to which it will be possible to change painless for several more years.

Have a nice shopping!

It is important for the choice of system board with full responsibility, since it is one of the main elements connecting the components of the computer. Even the mouse and keyboard are connected to the maintenance connections, not to mention the organization of communication with the main components of the PC. The motherboard must be compatible with the processor, so that you choose them or together, or select one of the devices for another. In addition, it will not be superfluous to take care of the further upgrade, if in the future it is planned. Often, the computer assembly begins with the purchase of a processor and a video card. The system board is selected appropriate, for example, when you purchase Intel's CPU with an index to, that is, for overclocking, the motherboard chipset must have an index z supporting this feature. For each processor model, certain boards are suitable, and it is not only in the manufacturer and socket. There are exceptions when, with a suitable connector, the interaction of devices is not provided. When buying a motherboard, we define many parameters, including sockets (a processor socket that determines which model can be installed), chipsets, form factor (dimensions also matter), interfaces (quantity and type of connector), memory slots and other Nuances. , which are the main component of the motherboard, in which their functions are expressed, as well as which chipset is better to choose in one way or another. This element Mother can also be purchased separately if the circumstances require.

The right choice of motherboard chipset in 20148.

The PC motherboard chipset or laptop is a set of microcircuits, its purpose in ensuring the coordinated work of all components, including the processor, video card, hard disks, memory cards, and other peripheral devices. In the architecture of the motherboard in its classic execution, there is a southern and northern bridge (relevant for AMD platforms, Intel integrated the lion's share of the functions of the Northern Bridge in the CPU), the Slots for Installing Operations (DDR4, DDR3). The North Bridge connects the processor with a graphics adapter, a memory card and a southern bridge, the functioning parameters also depend on it. system Tire, operatives and video controller. Despite the fact that in the modern assembly, the computer performance does not depend on the chipset, since the north bridge moved into processors to increase the rate of data exchange and reliability, the role of the southern bridge should not be underestimated. It is from it that the functionality of the motherboard depends, thanks to him there is a connection with the periphery.

Often, the cooling chip is put to the north bridge, since its overheating is possible from excess load. The southern bridge fails for other reasons, for example, the closure of the USB port, contact with a faulty drive, etc. change the whole fee at the same time. If the motherboard is from a series of top, it makes sense to change only the chipset, with budget options, such actions are impractical. The main manufacturers of chipsets are intel companies And AMD familiar to all processors. They constitute the greatest market share. Also, the production was engaged in NVIDEA, more familiar with his video cards, the role of other manufacturers is not so significant.

How to choose chipsets

The main condition for successful acquisition is the full compatibility of the components, therefore, by defining, on which chipset to select a motherboard, you need to consider the processor model, which is installed or planned for installation. Initially, determined with the platform, Intel or AMD, proceed to the selection of the CPU. Since the processor and motherboard go close in close relationship, choose them simultaneously or in each other. The question is what manufacturer is better, in this case it is incorrect, therefore it will not follow the answer to it, we will consider chipsets and AMD, and Intel. Both corporations produce high-quality products and have long proven themselves in the market.

In cases where the CPU is already in stock, the circle of options is narrowed. If the selection platform is most often predetermined, then with the other parameters of the board will have to be carefully reading that the acquisition complies with the requirements. Thus, the costs of the top model have no meaning if the computer will be used in the office or at home with minimal use of resources, so first of all it is necessary to determine what tasks the fee is selected, the same tasks applies to the processor or other components involved in the assembly. Noine, if a device with great potential will not use half of its capabilities, and it is necessary to take into account the material side of the question, because for power and additional feature You have to pay. Since all items go in bundles, they must be harmonized for better joint operation.

Top motherboards are built on the Z chipset, but it does not mean that you need to chase the devices from the first line of the ranking. After all, it is more important than the compatibility of the elements and the feasibility of purchase. You can determine which chipset of the motherboard will be better, you can look at the processor parameters, the decisive factor is also a clear view, for which tasks a computer is used. Denotely, start the selection. In general, it looks like this:

  • For an office or home computer (according to the condition that this is not a computer game), the budget assembly will suit, because to equip the device with high-power components simply without need. The fee interacting with the CPU with the built-in graphic core is quite suitable for working in a bundle with the same processor. For budget assembly, a set of microcircuits H110 or H310 - optimal choice. From the motherboard on chipsets of this level, you should not expect a large functional, but it does not mean that they are bad;
  • If the user works more seriously with graphics, for example, uses graphic applications, playing games with medium system requirements, An additional video card is purchased, then there is no need for a graphic chipset, it should only maintain the functioning of the installed video adapter. For the average for the power of the assembly, the motherboard is suitable on chipsets B 150, b 250.

The range of boards on the sets of medium-level microcircuits is quite wide. Here you can find models with a worthy equipment as among representatives of Intel and AMD;

  • For a powerful computer, on which professional work with graphics, demanding programs, heavy games are launched, both a high-performance processor and the corresponding board that also supports several video cards is selected. The Z 270 or Z 170 chipsets are ideal for overclocking operatives, processor. For some boards on the Z170 there is a modified BIOS, due to which it is possible to accelerate processors that do not have an index K, along the bus (relevant for Skylake 6 generation). Overclockers will find a suitable model of motherboard precisely among the range of boards with senior chipsets. Such motherboards are better equipped, so find an instance with an integrated Wi-Fi module or Bluetooth (if necessary) or other additional buns in this category of models will not be difficult. By the way, if the board and processor do not support the possibility of overclocking, this does not mean that the computer with such equipment will not be playing. For the gaming computer, Z370, H370, B360 chipsets are suitable for Intel.

The best chipsets of Intel and AMD motherboards

As mentioned above, the concept of "best chipset" is very conditional. The best choice There will always be the most suitable option for one or another assembly. Nevertheless, Intel appointed at the top of the "food chain" chipsets for motherboards with Z index, as a rule (albeit not always), equipped with a large functionality, so that the rating will be headed by them.

Intel chipsets

In addition to alphabetic marking, the chipsets are broken by the series (today 300th, 200th, 100th series) are being relevant. The 300th is adapted to the eighth generation of processors, the 200th is suitable for the seventh and sixth, 100th - under Intel Core, Pentium and Celeron. Indexes Z, H, B, Q are marked categories of chipsets (Z - gamers with the possibility of overclocking, n - functional mainstream chipsets, in - for office or home, q - for business).


The list of Intel chipsets will begin with the "top". System fees equipped with these chip sets are shone today in ratings.

  • Z370 / 390. The difference between chipsets is not so great. The z370 chipset is a series of the series, one of the best, but, despite the possibility of overclocking, some functionality inherent in the subsequent instances of the 300th is missing (to compare the same H370 with the new USB1 Gen 2 and support for wireless networks). New Z390 - a slightly more upgraded analog of Z370 with the same PCI-Express channel configurations and USB drives, but with the addition of USB 3.1 Gen 2 and Intel Wireless-AC Mac;
  • Q As in Z-chipsets, the use of several video cards is maintained, but there is no possibility of overclocking. It is adapted for business needs, so it is not necessary to count on the assortment of motherboard with his participation;
  • The N370, which is located below, is very similar to its fellow Z370, and although it does not have the ability to overclock, and the PCI-Express and USB channels are few smaller, while H370 exceeds the presence of USB1 Gen 2 and supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0. If the mainland is not purchased with a goal of overclocking, then this chipset should pay attention when assembling a productive computer;
  • B360 is not such a sophisticated chipset as the above, but not so limited in the functionality as H310, has a two-channel memory controller, USB1 Gen 2, supports Tires version 3.0, and also allows graphic kernelintegrated into modern Intel processors;
  • H310 - Budget version of the series with a minimum set of functions for undemanding users. The chipset does not support the PCI-Express version 3.0, as the remaining representatives of the series, there is a second here, which is lower than the bandwidth. Similarly, the case is also with the version of DMI, the memory controller is single-channel, and in general, many possibilities are cut off.

100 and 200.

The strong difference between the series is not traced, at least the 200th and more modernized.

  • X299 worth separate attention, it is intended for high-performance CPU ruler Kaby Lake-X and Skylake-x without embedded graphics and supports overclocking;
  • Z170 / 270. Like other Z-index media, the chipsets are ideal for overclocker processors and are equipped with good functional;
  • H170 / 270. With fees, equipped with chips N, the user has much more opportunities than when using in, with no overclocking on such mother-in-law;
  • B150 / 250 is a golden middle between the budget option and game. Boards on these chipsets are set when assembling the average power sufficient to perform various daily tasks on the PC;
  • H110 has a limited functionality, while it is great for budgetary assemblies, because to acquire an expensive motherboard with many possibilities, for example, in the case of office work, etc.

Chipsets with index Q are not too different from H, while have some set of corporate buns. In all series Intel, a certain structure is traced, ranking models, taking into account the ones inherent on them. Cherry on Intel cake will soon be an announced chipset x399 (the name echoes the AMD model for CPU Ryzen TheAdripper).

AMD chipsets

The company offers two options for chip sets - chipsets where the southern and north bridge get along in one set and exist separately from each other. Combined variations are oriented for processors with new AM4 and TR4 sockets, a separate configuration is used under earlier connectors.

TR4 processors

Under powerful CPU AMD Ryzen TheAdripper company produced chipset x399. A significant proportion of controllers moved now to the processor, which made it possible to increase productivity and reliability (it is no secret that the processor is cooled better). Equipment includes 4-channel RAM, connection of NVME devices and other utility. Overclocking is supported.

Am4 processors

The chipsets under AM4 also have a combined version, and the lion's share of controllers moved to the processor, only the peripherals remained the chipset.

  • X470 - a new top set of microcircuits, which is more upgraded version X370. The chipset is perfectly suitable for gamers, overclockers. Among the features - overclocking, supporting multiple video cards, download from NVME RAID, etc. In addition, x470 supports AMD Storemi technology to combine hard drives In one volume and move in automatic mode Frequently used files on SSD.;
  • B350 more modest representative of chipsets for motherboards gaming computers, it also provides the possibility of overclocking and working with several video cards;
  • A320 - an option for "work horses" operating with one video adapter. Acceleration in this case is not supported, but the capabilities of the chipset is quite enough to solve the urgent tasks.

For motherboards of small factor formats, x300 chipsets are produced (analogue of gamersky X370) and A300 (analog A320). The difference lies in the trimmed support of the connection interfaces.

Processors am3 +.

Chipsets under the AM3 + Sockets are available in the configuration "Northern and South Bridge".

  • Chips 990FX and 990X are calculated for gaming platforms, support the possibility of overclocking and control overdrive, there is no built-in graphics. 990FX supports 4 video cards, 990x - two;
  • With similar characteristics there is also an AMD 970 chipset, but it supports one video adapter;
  • 980G with built-in graphics perfect option for office and low-power home PCs without a connected video card. You can play in not too demanding games if the power of the processor is allowed, one connector for the video card in stock.

FM2 + processors

Chips for FM2 + and similar sockets are suitable for working in a bunch with hybrid A-series and Athlon processors.

  • A88x provide overclocking the possibility of connecting two video cards, RAID functionality (appropriately used with AMD A8 - A6);
  • A78 also has an arsenal for overclocking, supports one video adapter (it is better to use on CPU Linek A6 - A4);
  • A58 and more improved fellow A68N. Both chipset support double graphics (improving the performance of the graphic system is achieved by the use of hybrid processors together with some graphic adapters from AMD).


Considering the modern market, it is necessary to take into account that the processors of Intel generation Coffee Lake are compatible only with new 300 chips and socket LGA1151V2, while new AMD processors, including the second generation of Ryzen, are compatible with AM4. Intel chip sets, having marking Z or x, allow you to disperse the machine, others - no, even if the processor with a free factor, imply similar manipulations with its frequency. With AMD acceleration can be performed on a motherboard with chipset X or V.

When completely different purposes and excessive waste of funds are not justified or a decisive role is played strongly limited budget for assembly, you can do and not particularly outstanding system boards. By the way, among them you can find interesting specimens with good set Interfaces and connectors.