Write a song online in good quality. Five programs for recording songs on a computer

Many people love writing poems, music, sing and create songs. Most of these people are thinking about how to record their creativity. The voice recorder is certainly good, but what if you make a professional entry?

For example, so that your song can listen to relatives, friends. Or post online For universal access.

But spend extra money for professional record You have no opportunity. Write a song with good quality at home is quite real. To do this, you just need to properly prepare.


Voice and hearing - This is certain things that must be present when recording. Us it will be necessary microphone. The better the microphone will be, the better the voice will be recorded. A computerwhere we will edit the recorded material. Headphones. Do you think it is strange? Why do headphones, if you can use speakers? We will use only when writing voice. If you take the columns, then the microphone will be captured by an excess sound, will get rid of which it will be problematic. The room should be as isolated from noise. It is better to record at night, or you can close the windows and doors with blankets. Be sure to be good software. Various programs and drivers that will help us write a voice, process it, create music etc.

Song recording.

The phonogram must already be ready. So that the quality of the record is good, you need silence in the room. No unnecessary sounds. We need to microphone capture a clean voice, Therefore, the phonogram is reproduced in headphones (the importance of which we discussed earlier). Through the volume, it should be maximally equal to the voice. Getting started. Do not think that everything will come immediately. You'll have to many sing Before the selection of the perfect option. Write track better slices, p jepelite couplets and chorus. Make a checkout, listen, if there are errors, spoite again, and so until everything is perfect. Make the same thing with the rest of the fragments. After, appreciate the entire record of vocals, connect with music (phonogram). If everything is fine, proceed to the next step.


Correction of vocal recording - This is a change in the sound. But if you stop, you can spoil everything. Try to process minimally recorded. Trimming, get rid of excess empty space. At the end, leave free space for 1-2 seconds. It is necessary so that after the imposition of some effects, there was no sharp stop at the end of the vocal. It is necessary to fix certain volume deviations during the entire song using compression. Finally, you can experiment on the volume of voices in the song, but together with the phonogram.

List of most common programs for audio recording at home:

- Sony Vegas.


Fruity Loops Studio.

Steinberg Cubase.

- Steinberg Nuendo.

- Logic Pro (for MACC systems)

Avid Pro Tools.

Write a song at home maybe even whole musical group. This option is suitable for creative people who do not have enough money for recording songs on a professional studio. Not everything is so difficult, you just need only Huge desire, some equipmentand of course knowledge.

I wish you creative success and musical vertices!

PS: Do not forget to deliver the like and share this article with friends 😉

I suggest downloading for free Two wonderful (excellent) programs to record the sound of your own songs at home (at home) from the microphone to the computer (first) and subsequently (second) on the disk.

There are many such programs, just not everything in Russian, high-quality, so easy to work and such a small size.

Experimenting me most interested in accessibility. To anyone the user who has recently bought a computer can easily figure out and record songs at home from the beginning of the sound from the microphone, and then on the disk.

They work perfectly with MP3 format, which reproduces mobile phones, computers, netbooks, tablets and laptops.

First Song Recording Program - UV Sound Recorder

Download free This program can be direct reference to the bottom of this subsection. She is in Russian, free small in size and not special knowledge.

Developer: Uvsoftium.
Developer URL: http://www.uvsoftium.ru
Interface: Russian
License: Free / FREE

Second Song Recording Program - "UseFulutils Discs Studio"

Using the "Usefulutils Discs Studio" program - write it down on the DVD disk. If you just copy, then other devices will not be able to reproduce its other devices (DVD players).

And using this small free program in Russian, with quite good quality) you can send your songs even by mail.

So everyone can create their own compositions and share them with friends. These applications are so available - that any schoolboy will figure out.

Of course, they are difficult to call them hard, but good and affordable for everyone - without deception - yes. Good luck and success future stars.

Developer: UseFuluitls.
Developer URL: http://ru.uus4u.com/
Ourser: Win XP / Vista / Windows 7, Windows 8
Interface: Russian
License: Free / FREE

Many fans of jokes and entertainment certainly heard of programs that allow them to change the sound of their own voice beyond recognition. You can change your voice to robotic, demonic, male, female, children and so onAnd then use such a voice in network communication (for example, via Skype). At the same time, there are still multiple services on the network, allowing you to change the voice online, and even write an audio with such a voice in the form of an MP3 file. In this article, I will tell you how to change the voice online, which network services for this exist, and how to work with them.

Immediately make a reservation that there are only few such services in the network, and most of them have English-speaking functionality. The specifics of the platform data allows you to modify the voice online, perform voice record online with effects, listen to the result, and then save it to your PC.

For what purposes may need such a voice transformation online? First of all, this entertainment, the desire to remain incognito, testing the sound of various votes in singing and so on. The advantage of online services that I will list below, in the absence of the need to download and install third-party software on the PC, you simply go to the site and enjoy its capabilities. There are also special programs for (brief description of the services link).

Interesting! If you have not heard about the ability to set the text in the document only with the help of the pronunciation of the necessary text by voice, then you need to study last.

So, what sites offer us a change in real-time voice? Let us turn to their direct listing and describing their functional.

Voice Spice Recorder - Simple Voice Converter

The first service for changing the Internet online is Voice Spice Recorder. The service has two main possibilities - recording through the microphone of your changed voice, as well as text translation to speech (Among others there are Russian-speaking male and female voice).

Online Tone Generator - Change the tonality of recorded speech

This TONE GENERATOR service allows you to change the audio file tonality online. At the same time, its work is built as follows: You download the audio file with your voice to the resource, activate its playback, move the slider of the tonality to the desired value, and listen to the result (which can be saved to your PC).

  1. To execute the specified go to the http://onlinetonegenerator.com/pitch-shifter.html resource.
  2. Click on the "Overview" button and download your audio file to the resource.
  3. Then click on the "Play" button, move the white slider to the desired value, finding thus the optimal form of sound.
  4. To save a modified audio file, you need to put a tick next to the "Save Output to Downloadable File?" Option (Save the result in the form of a downloaded file), set the tonality slider to the desired value, and start playing the composition from the first second.
  5. When the song playback is over, you will receive a link by clicking on which you can save the result.

Vocalremover - transform your voice

This service https://vocalremover.ru/pitch is a Russian-speaking competitor of the previous service, allowing you to change the tonality online. At the same time, it works correctly far from all browsers, for example, in my chrome it worked fine, but on Firefox - I hung.

The regulation of working with it is similar to the previous service. You click on the inscription "Download Audio File", click on the "Play" button, exhibit a slider of the tonality to the desired value, and if everything suits you - click on "Save".

Voice Replacement Programs

If the services listed by me did not suit you, you can always take advantage of the possibilities of specialized programs for modifying the voice. Among these, MorphvoxPro, AV Voice Changer Diamond, Funny Voice, SCRAMBY FUN VOCORDER, CLOWNFISH FOR SKYPE and a number of other analogs, which, after they are installed on the PC, make it possible to modify the user's voice in various variations.


If you have the need to change the voice to unrecognizable online, then the functionality of the network sites listed by me can be used for similar purposes. Unfortunately, these services do not have a wide range of features, because to access a richer functionality, it is worth access to special programs for changing the voice (MorphvoxPro or Clownfish for Skype) that you want to download and install on your PC.

In contact with

Very often, many novice musicians or poets want to record a song at home on a computer, and even so that it sounds professionally. Without knowledge of working with sound or necessary, nothing sensible will fail. Consider how to record a song at home and achieve the most good results.

Basics of recording music at home

First of all, it is worth noting that special studio premises are used for high-quality voice recording or "living" tool with good sound insulation. At home, talking about it is not necessary. All the same, extraneous noises will be present: whether from the neighbors, or from transport from the street. It is clear that it is better to choose the most quiet room, although after this noise will have to be cleaned.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the programs that will be used when recording. Conditionally divide them into two categories: Applications for direct writing vocals or tools and sequencers software to create an arrangement.

What may be needed for recording

Thinking on how to record a song at home, you need to know which equipment may be needed in each particular case. Initially, we will proceed from the fact that we have a computer or laptop with the necessary software, a microphone (or several), an accompanied tool (if necessary), headphones and sound monitors.

All this equipment will be useful in the future. A little later will be explained for what.

Choosing a recording method

A very important aspect on how can I write a song at home, is a recording technique. The most primitive way can be considered direct (simultaneous) recording from a microphone or two, one of which is designed for vocals, and the second is for a guitar, piano or other tool. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve normal quality. First, the signals entering the microphones will be mixed, and secondly, there may be a tempo (after all, you will not use the metronome, it will give my signal).

In the simplest way, you can apply primitive recording applications. Such, by the way, is available even in Windows Operations. If you want to get the best result, you need to use professional or semi-professional recording utilities (Adobe Audition, Cool Edit Pro, Sony Sound Forge, etc.).

In this case, the recording should be made separately. In other words, it is first better to record the accompanation party on one track, and then sing, writing vocals on another track. By the way, all programs of this type support a multitro record.

Accompanic tool

Speaking about how to record a song at home, it should be noted that with alive tools you need to be extremely careful. Judge yourself, at the same guitar or piano may be the wrong system. And this ultimately even subject to editing in the relevant program will still cut a hearing.

For pianists, you can advise using conventional synthesizers (even with a minimal set of sounds) or simple MIDI keyboards. In this case, there is a complete guarantee that the sound of any selected tone will be correct, although when using the most simple keyboard tools, achieve a qualitative "living" sound will not work only for the reason that the standard set of General MIDI (GM), consisting of 127 sounds, By itself, does not meet professional requirements.

Software for writing "live" using MIDI

Now consider how to write a song at home without a microphone on a laptop with a connected MIDI device. In principle, the microphone in the laptop has a built-in, so it does not have an external meaning. Remember even how many communicate in the same Skype. Similarly, you can use an internal microphone to record voice. True, it will have to carry out a mass of experiments on setting up an incoming signal to obtain a more or less normal result.

With MIDI keyboards, everything is much easier. The tool connects to a computer or laptop via USB port or via a MIDI interface.

To quickly create a accompaniment, you can use the device itself if it has an auto-accompaniment support, as the Yamaha series of the PSR series, or give preference to Band-In-A-Box programs, which will create all arrangement batchs in a matter of minutes, based on the specified chord sequence.

Programs for creating an arrangement

To create professional arrangements there is another nuance, without taking into account, it will be difficult for you to understand how to record a song at home. The sequencer program suggests that the user has at least minimal knowledge of music of music, dimensions, notes, harmony, and so on.

Among the most famous applications, FL Studio, Cubase, Sonar, Ableton Live, etc. can be noted. They can really achieve high-quality sound using professional samples and recording technologies. Among other things, such programs can produce vocal record, which makes them versatile. It will be necessary, of course, tinker to figure out what. But the result will exceed all expectations. And if you still use additional Melodyne utilities, allowing you to adjust vocals, you can generally achieve a professional result.

You should not forget that when recording at home, you need to separately use audio devices or built-in tools from other programs, because after the record of vocals from the microphone you need to separate the noise (or extraneous sounds present at that time), and then on the recorded fragment, remove them from Vocal Party.


As you can see, the answer to the question of how to record a song at home is not so complicated, as it could seem at the beginning. The main thing is to determine which method the material will be recorded, and follow the unacceptable advice given above.

Live version - this is, of course, one thing, but what if you consider to record songs professionally?
I will not torment the readers of the MirSets expectations. Let's proceed.

Necessary equipment

A computer (We will count, the item is executed, do you somehow read the article?).
Since modern software will be used, computer requirements are also modern. This: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD AMD ATHLON® 64 (Recommended Intel Core ™ 2 DUO or AMD Phenom® II), 1 GB of RAM, 2 GB of Hard Disk Space for Installation, Sound Map with ASIO or Microsoft Protocol Support WDM / MME, headphones / columns, microphone.
Microphone. Despite the fact that it is in the list of item above, the microphone is worth paying separate attention. Lovers Skype and karaoke! Both your options are suitable (as a microphone with a computer connector - 3.5 mm and a microphone for a DVD or a music center, with an adapter by 3.5 mm)! If microphones are somewhat - you need to choose the quality of which exceeds. Often the ratio of "price-quality" will be able to help you: a more expensive microphone will be better, but there are exceptions. Your ears are the best assistant. Connect, try, listen!
Note! Recording from the studio microphone and further actions when recording songs are no different from the recording from the headphone microphone. If you are the owner of the studio microphone and do not know where to start - this article will also be useful to you. The only difference is the most important thing in the musical sphere - quality. It will prevail in your record.
Headphones. You may seem strange this item. After all, the source of the output of the sound can also serve as columns. Yes, and we are familiar through them ... It is so, but we can lose our song through the speakers after recording. And during her it is desirable to use. Otherwise, the microphone will catch the sound from the speakers, to get rid of which is problematic. Music itself should play a separate path.
I draw the attention of readers of MirSolovov!
Our task is to achieve maximum silence in the room where the entry will be held. Close all windows, doors, turn off the TV in the next room and ask the splashrs to sill during your singing. Clean record - first of all. There will be less hassle during processing, higher sound quality.

Required drivers, programs

"Why are they needed," you say, "if the microphone works so, and writes a sound recording!? In the Windows operating system, everything is taken into account! ".
This statement is true. But, as you know, there is no limit to perfection. Modern computer audio devices came to this level that only audio gourmet will be able to distinguish the studio entry from home: edited, processed, i.e. Brought to mind.
To do this, we need:
Audio procedure (At the time of this writing, adobe_audition_cs5.5_v4.0.1815 is used). Very powerful, stable. Get acquainted with the interface and subsequently seize them you can after half an hour.
Driver asio4all. It will be monitored both behind our microphone, and output sound through headphones / columns. Enable only during audio recording / editing, through the editor program. The driver is necessary for an immediate, smooth playback process. In short, this driver will save us from all possible bugs and only improve work.
Note! Adobe Audition is possible through the built-in Microsoft WDM / MME driver (without preset asio4all). In this case, on computers with an average productivity, delays, jerks, interference when playing are possible.
VST-plug Izotope Nectar. This plugin will be used by Adobe Audition and give your voice proper coloring. Can make it softer / rougher, make a voice clear or blurred, can make it as if you are talking through the radio speaker or even shout in space! Many ready-made superstructures are built into Izotope Nectar plugin. It is also possible to go not on the template and work on creating your unique style.
Note! The programs below can easily find and download on the Internet. But they are paid (except for the ASIO driver, it is free).
Is all the necessary software installed? Does not fail to start? Well, now we will configure and write!


Open the Adobe Audition program. Get acquainted. We see a lot of blank forms and, in general, emptiness. To get started, you must open a new session. (File → New → Multitrack Session ... or Press Ctrl + N).
Fill out the form (from the screenshot below, it was done after starting the program and attempt to start a new session).

To view an enlarged picture, click on it Session Name: the name of the session, the name of your project.
Folder Location: Folder of saving this project and subsequent. The specified directory will create another one, with the name identical to Session Name.
Sample Rate (Frequency), Bit Depth (Sound Frequency), Master (Sereo / Mono / 5.1): Technical Audio Audio Parameters. It is desirable in order to avoid problems with the recording from the microphone, set the same numbers as for the output of the sound in general mode.
If you do not know which frequency and sampling frequency is worth the default (in general mode) - not trouble. We go into the "Start" → "Control Panel" → "Sound Device Management" → "Speakers", click "Properties" and in the "Advanced" tab, see the default format. Below I will give for readers of the MirSOVET screenshot to be clear what to look for.
I will also give possible combinations options:
  • 16 bits, 44100 Hz - quality compact disc;
  • 16 bits, 44800 Hz - DVD quality;
  • 24 bits and the same number of Hz, by definition - studio record.
We limit ourselves to these settings. For example, in this capacity you listen to the majority of mp3 songs on a computer, player, etc. Recording is a bit different thing, but for a beginner level of quality above and no need. Yes, and will not allow equipment.
Promised Screenshot:
After we correctly filled all the parameters of the new Adobe Audition session, you can press OK. The parameters will be recorded and more of the question of the bit and descritization will not be disturbed.

Song recording

The next step is the most important and interesting.
Workspace. After opening a new session, the Adobe Audition appeared in our eyes in all its glory. From the screenshot below:
  1. Switching between Adobe Audition: Waweform and Multitrack modes. WAWEFORM mode is the solo editing mode of one audio file, Multitrack mode is a mode with multiple active audio tracks (by default - 5, add another audio track by pressing the Alt + A hot keys).
    Multitrack mode (active in the screenshot) We will use to record. It is convenient because both each walk and for each file separately can be applied to a separate sound effect.
  2. Effects window. Later, here, we will add the effects of the Izotope Nectar plugin.
  3. The same WAWEFORM mode and several sound tracks, which are stated in paragraph 1.
Let's start directly to the record!
  1. Minus found on the Internet, i.e. Music (no words) add to audio track 1 (Track 1). This can be done by dragging the audio file (any format) on the Track strip 1 or from the context menu of the audio track (INSERT → Audio File).
    If when adding an audio file format does not match the recording format you selected, the file will be converted.
  2. Turn on the microphone to record. Check that the microphone is connected and press DEFAULT STEREO INPUT in the audio track 2 (Track 2), as in paragraph 4 of the screenshot above. After the list, select your microphone. If you have a stereo microphone, then it will be in the Default Stereo Input → Stereo list, if the mono-microphone, then Default Stereo Input → Mono.
Note! To write, you need to enable recording mode by pressing the R button (it is underlined in the screenshot 4). That, in turn, lights up red. Turning on the i button (it next to R), we will turn on the pre-listening mode and can hear yourself in real time.
Do not be afraid if the sound delay is tangible. It can be overcome using the ASIO driver (now, the default driver is used - MME).
The ASIO driver configuration is written below, in a separate paragraph of the article.
If when listening you do not feel the delay or for some reason you can not / do not install the ASIO driver - you can start recording.
We start recording with hot shift + space keys or a mouse click on the recording button in the program (located downstairs, in the center, paragraph 5 in the screenshot above).
You can control the record in real time. It is displayed in the form of sound waves on the monitor (in the window of the audio track). If the level of waves is maximum - go away from the microphone. So much that the recording wave level coincided with the level of minus waves (music on audio track 1).
It is very important during the recording to use a pop filter or windproof (which is usually already installed on microphones from headphones). Otherwise, explosive in Russian letters "B" and "P" can spoil your entry.
You can stop the recording process with the "Stop" button or the "Space" hot key.
Record the second and subsequent tracks. To ensure good sound your song, you will need to write a second track: write your second voice, your backing vocal. Decorate them the places where intonational strengthening is needed or a voice from the first batch is not audible.
On the second track, it is advisable to sing with a voice different from the main vocal. It is advisable to use effects other than the main vocal.
This makes the record more expressive and bright.

Setting up ASIO driver

Let me remind you, the ASIO driver is used to get rid of the delay.
He is free, the latest version can be downloaded from the official site (asio4all.com).
You can enable the ASIO driver (after installation) by clicking Default Stereo Input → Audio Hardware. In the Device Class item, select ASIO (screenshot point 1 below). Nearby is seen the setting button. By pressing, the ASIO settings will open (paragraph 2 on the symbol). We can change the mouse to change ASIO Buffer Size (the number of samples). The number of samples changes the load on the processor. Recommended value - 512. If there are tangible jerks and problems in operation, it is necessary to increase the number of samples to the required level (operational). If you have a powerful processor, the amount of samples can be reduced.

Edit audio

The most time-consuming work. True needed. After all, domestic problems may occur during recording. For example, from emotions you can shout into the microphone so much that exceed the framework of the permissible. To rewrite the entire record in this case is optional.
Sound level. Depending on the problem, it can be corrected.
Click on the track and go to WAWEFORM mode (paragraph 1 in the screenshot below).
If on the records at a certain point you closedly approached the microphone or strongly moved, or some extraneous sound was heard and you want to remove it - reduce the sound level in the selected area.
Select a problem area, as in the screenshot, paragraph 2, and adjust the level of decibel by moving the slider to the left / right. Real-time you can monitor the desired sound waves.
If you want to get rid of sound in the dedicated area, reduce the level of decibel to minus infinity or use the context menu → Silence.
We remove the noise. Initially, it is impossible to record material without noise. Even if you are in a soundproof studio or isolated from external indoor sources. The noise is published by electric wires, and in the end, the device itself.
Dear microphones (professional, studio) make little noise, cheap - more.
Fortunately, this noise is monotonous, and remove it in semi-automatic mode will not be difficult.
We need the audio material and record exclusively one noise (in one file). Get the noise record is not a problem. Just silence into the microphone and do not make any movements.
How to remove noise:
Tip! Working with sound is a very complicated procedure. This is a technique, not magic. And if the noise level is too high - it is almost impossible to remove it without loss of quality. Also may appear artifacts, i.e. Distortion caused by excessive processing of audio. To avoid this unpleasant moment, I advise the MPS readers to use a net noise entry. Without any other sounds. You can record noise at the lower volume of the microphone and use this option as a source.
With good processing, you can achieve a crystal clear voice record (with appropriate equipment). But the most important thing is to simply achieve an acceptable hearing of the result.
Effects. Connect and use VST plugins. So, the words are written, cleaned from noise, the volume is edited and is the same throughout the track. But something is missing, right?
For example, in the songs of favorite performers, we can hear a little echo in a certain place, in another place - some kind of voice is not natural. This is normal for the audio industry! It makes audio record more beautiful and interesting for listening!
Fortunately, in this area, computers went far and can afford a lot. The Adobe Audition program has a large number of built-in effects and capabilities. But I would still recommend the readers to use for some objects of the third-party program. For example, Izotope has proven itself in the world of computer music. Releases excellent equalizers.
For vocal processing, you can use the iZotope Nectar VST plugin.
VST-plugins are special programs from third-party manufacturers. They are easily joined by the Adobe Audition Editor. When installing the VST plug-ins, request a separate folder to store your ".dll" files. Thus, all VST-plugins stored on this computer can be installed with one click.
To connect the IZOTOPE NECTAR installed plugin or any other, in Adobe Audition, press Effects → Audio Plug-in Manager (in the program context menu).
Window opens. Paragraph 1 in the screenshot below.
VST Plug-in Folder is the folder that you indicated as a VST storage during installation.
The required plug-in is emphasized in the screenshot. Include it with a check mark and click OK.
Now, you need to connect the plugin directly to the track or to the file. Click on the necessary path and from all plugins choose the desired (paragraph 2 in the screenshot).
Usually, plugins have their own menu and, after pressing them, in the effects window (in our case, after pressing the iZotope Nectar, it is emphasized in paragraph 2 of the screenshot), a separate window will open (paragraph 4 of the screenshot).
For our occasion, for voice processing, Izotope Nectar has many built-in presets. With the preliminary listening of the microphone (the i button, the Item 3 of the screenshot should be active) we can evaluate the advantage of real-time effect.
Note! A large number of simultaneously included VST-plugins / strongly powerful effects is sometimes not available in real time. The computer cannot withstand such a load, it may be noticeable braking, or the product does not occur at all. In this case, in Waveform mode in the effects window, click Apply. The sound will be processed by the VST effect and overwritten, this file will no longer create a load on the processor.
Remember, the cancellation of any actions per step is Ctrl + Z. on step forward - Ctrl + Shift + Z.

Song preservation

Final stage.
Make sure everything suits you. Listen to the record as a whole again, from beginning to end, and you can safely save your creation.
First, save the session with all the files so that after saving and turning off the program you did not remain with one MP3 file, and you could re-open the project in edit mode. The session is saved by clicking File → Save As (Program menu) or Ctrl + Shift + S hot keys.
Now you can save the session in the audio format. Preferably Wave / MP3 formats. With the concepts of the frequency and frequency of sampling you are already familiar. In MP3 format, it is best to put the maximum quality - 320 kbps. Save the session in the audio format from the program menu (File → Export → Miltitrack Mixdown → Entire Session ...).
Final note! The article describes the main plan for recording the song. To get a good result, you will need to work hard. And each conflict needs to be solved using the built-in capabilities of the audio editor or using respective plug-ins (optional). Their many, sure you can easily find a plugin that will solve exactly your problem or do the sound exactly what you want to hear it.
It is your ears that are a decisive test of the quality of work done.
If questions appear - ask in the comments. I wish good luck and creative success on behalf of the Mirketov.