When playing the tanks, the window folds. Why the World Of Tanks is folded

That's always, you want to play your favorite game World of Tanks. And the client starts to depart, especially after the long-awaited updates. Usually, when entering the game, immediately after entering the login and password, then when the battle is loaded, then at the entrance to the hangar, then right in battle (the most unlikely, it is not true) to put up with this in no case! Take care of the nerves 😉 How to cope with departures, read further ...

To begin with, let's figure it out, flies WOT with double click on the game launcher?

That is, after starting the launcher, nothing happens or climbs the white window, and then, in the idea of \u200b\u200bdevelopers, the client of the game should be launched, but nothing happens.
If you have such a problem, then, because in this article we will talk about the departures of the client after the launcher, in other words, starting from the authorization window (login and password).
Here we go…

Flies wot when starting the client

So, launcher launched:

led login and password, the "button" TO COME IN"And here he is" departure "... you again on the desktop, full of anger and disappointment ... But not the time to sigh and peel We struggle -\u003e here we will help cleaning cacheif this is your customer departure case, then we go to clean the cache, read more about cleaning in the article
Well, if this is not your case, read the article Next ...

And in order not to spend your time in vain we begin with the removal of mods. Thus, we will establish the cause of the departures, and here the reasons are only two, or it is to blame the fashion, or something with your computer is not so (driver, iron). Deleted ??? Launch and watch ... Did you go away? Fashion - evil, they are to blame, how to deal with, read. If the departures remained, then we read the article further or through 3 paragraphs.

Well, here you can do ... For a start, try reinstalling or games, perhaps the files are damaged, and you could make it possible your playful handles 😉 Well or some kind of a virus (for example, after installation from the left Pak mod resources), especially if you have a magical way of any kind of Yandex browser , mail services, etc. Personally, I immediately went to download Dr.Web Cureit! ® and after, I would put my faithful "piece of iron" to check installed antivirus. Of course you decide, you can get rid of a simple reinstalling client.
This should help, well, whether it is not your case, I ask you to read the article further ...

If arise sound problemsInstall the latest drivers for your audio card from the manufacturer's website:

Install the latest version of DirectX For your operating system from the official site Microsoft:

If you do not have the following libraries Visual C ++., Be sure to install them from the official Microsoft website.

Frequently, people are encountered with a problem that annoys them most in this world. Alas, it is not associated with their neighbors and their constant friction, are not related to the mother-in-law, which has already taken out that sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. Everything is much easier, but so annoying, because a lot of players collided with a similar problem, when you first registered, it seems, the whole eternity, then downloaded the game even longer, and she is a huge, despite the fact that also the Internet is just a nickish. Yes, yes, everyone already an experienced player remembers his first day in the game, more precisely beyond it, while he had to spend the whole day, and even more to finally play such a messy game of World of Tanks. Many newcomers face this problem and, unfortunately, they can not get anywhere. But, even this is not so frustrating the player as a situation when the World of Tanks is just loaded game takes out when starting. Then everyone immediately rushes into rabies, because it is unbearably, how much it will be done with the installation of the game and download the necessary updates, and as a result nothing works. Very often it happens among new players, and among experienced who played a game for a long time, and here, no right to do the game to be launched.

As for the problem of launching the client "Peace of Tanks" from those people who only began to delve into this wonderful game, everything is quite simple here, since many of them just do not read minimum requirements To the game. For people like this type, Wargaming has made a number of recommendations on the launch of the game and possible problemsbecause of which the client may not be launched. The fact is that the very first thing you need to make sure that the car you want to play World of Tanks has the necessary specifications for this, and they must be as follows:

Operating system on the platform Windows Any. their such versions as XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10;
- the presence of an Internet connection speed above 256 kbps;
- the central processor with the presence of hots would be two active cores, with a capacity of 2.2 GHz;
- Availability random access memory volume from 2 GB, for a more comfortable game recommended
use a computer with 4 GB of RAM;
- graphics card not less than 256 MB of memory and the presence of the installed DirectX 9.0c;
- the sound card must also be compatible with DirectX 9.0c;
- In addition, it is recommended to have at least 20 GB to install and comfortable game.
free space on your storage.

Very often, because of non-compliance with the minimum characteristics of the machine, the game does not start or works very badly. To avoid excessive loads of user support service, it recommends reading these characteristics. In addition to availability technical characteristics The computer has the requirements and software that must be installed on the computer, as it is used for normal operation during the game. This software can be attributed to the following means:

Availability of the latest version of the driver for a graphic card depending
from its manufacturer (NVIDIA, Radeon, Intel);
- if there are problems with sound during the game it is recommended to update and install
latest version of drivers for sound card computer (drivers should be
used exclusively from the official website of the developer);
- In addition to these two very important components on the player's computer must be
mandatory last version of DirectXtaken from the official site
- requires availability of such libraries for the functioning of the game as a Supplement Microsoft
Visual C ++ 2008 and Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 according to the type of your operating room
- Make sure that you have installed such versions. net. Framework as 1,
3, 3.5 and 4.0, since without installing the operation of the game just like without previous programs
- Do not forget about installing such a useful addition like NVIDIA PHYSX.

There are cases of both newcomers and experienced players, when even after installing the entire required package software The game does not want to run. In this case, there is a place to talk about whether your computer is not infected with viruses. Recently, it is they who most often block access to the game, as well as to steal the personal data of the players to which the logins, passwords and postal addresses belong. It does not cease to torment the question of why World Of Tanks crashes when starting and already permanent players. The fact is that such people millions around the world and their problems are different depending on the cause of their occurrence. Someone installed the latest modifications that block the files and lead to a common failure, here is the game and closes, someone accidentally deleted the desired file. Instead of removing additions, and someone simply interrupted updates, and as a result, a failure occurred, after which the game stopped running. In most cases, it helps the usual reinstallation of the game, which not only fully creates all the initial files, but also cleans the game from modifications. It happens that the game takes out when launch World Of Tanks and those who have already used this recommendation and reinstalled the game, but still something is wrong. Quite often it is connected with damage to the operating system, which over time from the moment of installation is clogged unnecessary programs and many files that not only load her work, but also can interrupt the normal process of functioning in everything in it. Therefore, its usual reinstallation is also very often solving all the problems that may arise both while working with this game, and during the launch of other games.

Not excluded today and many mistakes in the game itself, which developers for some reason are in no hurry to decide. Therefore, there are cases when it is these bugs and lead to the problem of launching the game and enjoy the immediate gaming process. Like the other known to many errors of the departure from the battle, loading tanks in the air or conventional freezing in battle in the level place there is an error that is directly related to the client's departure. The bug that closes the game while turning on the game panel and many, many others. All this is possible, even though you just downloaded the game and you have all the game software that is necessary for a successful launch, and the iron is so cool that Jov himself can envy him. If, after all this, the game still crashes, then they ask for grace, as soon as possible "bombing" service support users of the game. Perhaps they will not only help you solve the problem associated with departure from the game when starting, but also think about that if the number of requests related to the game and errors in it increases, it is possible to think about their correction. Well, of course, if you tried all the ways and does not help anything, then you must contact them as possible and then the developers will finally begin to think about the simplest players and their problems and will deal with everyone.

After all, the mistakes with which we face the day after day have accumulated over many years on the day of creating a game and go to people, and no one wants to deal with their decision, which is very and very sad, given that the game got such popularity among people worldwide.

Solving Options:

Solution of problems

Option 1.

Launch the WORLDOFTANKS.EXE application on behalf Administrator.

Option 2.

Delete fashion. Go to the catalog RES_MODS. –> . Delete all files from the folder.

Option 3.

Update driver on video card and reinstall DirectX. Download them from the official sites of the manufacturer of your video card.

Option 4. OK.

Option 5.

Right-click on the mouse Worldoftanks.exe., choose PropertiesbutTab Compatibility . We put the lowest compatibility - Windows 95.. OK.

If it does not help, we return to the starting position.

Option 6.

Rename the file Worldoftanks.exe. to file. Worldoftanks000.exe. At the same time, it will be impossible to go through the launcher. If it did not help, everything is returned, as it was.

Option 7.

Create in the catalog Worldoftanks. Folder with username (see option 4.), inside it sequentially nested folders APPDATA. -> Local -> Temp. .

Option 8.

Delete a fully customer game Worldoftanks. from the computer and install it again

Ask questions to ...

Any personal computer is a thin device, to the breakdown of which can lead any, even the most insignificant third-party intervention. Quite often, situations in which we, without noticing, are harmful to PC. One of the consequences can be changed due to which applications will be rolled independently. So let's consider the reasons why games are folded.

"I'm not guilty"

If this kind of fault occurs, the first thought of a person who does not understand why the game is constantly collapsed, this is: "I did nothing." However, the source of the problem often lies here.

For example, there is such an unpleasant feature on separate laptop models. When connecting an external device (in particular headphones), the laptop continuously starts to try to connect them. Thus, you will not be able not only to play the toy normally, but just sit on the Internet. Why is this happening? Most likely, or there were attempts to reinstall operating systemOr initially occurred an incorrectly configured sound driver (especially applicable for Windows 8).

When connecting a new device, your laptop (or personal computer) begins automatic search Drivers, however, due to improper installation, the search is difficult. And it is possible that there are no necessary drivers at all. The solution to the problem may be either recovery of the system or its full reinstall. In addition, you can try to install manually drivers.


There is another option why the games are folded themselves. The reason can be third-party programwhich intercepts the processor management process. In this case, do not be surprised why the games are folded. Consider how likely problems.

Availability of virus

And not some, and Win32.Sality. Various antiviruses determine it in different ways, but the general name remains unchanged. What is he capable, and is it worth it to treat urgently?

Naturally! This virus is not only a response to you who worrying you the question of why the games are folded. This is the lowest readiness that is capable of. More precisely, just a side effect. Saliti infects the majority of executable files on your computer, penetrates most of the files and folders, and also creates their copies on removable media. Not only ordinary programs are affected, but antiviruses, which makes the treatment of a computer problematic. In addition, it performs the functions of the autoloader, spy and keylogera. Everything else, the virus blocks safe mode, I.

There are not so many ways to overcome this attack. You need to download (from another computer) Utility from Kaspersky Lab, designed to remove this particular virus, start the operating system from LiveCD in safe mode and use the "tablet". However, in this case, be prepared for the fact that the antivirus can simply delete executable program files, so you have to restore everything from scratch or reinstall the system.


As stated in the previous paragraph as for why games are collapsed, the case is in third-party processes. If you are using a USB modem, then, most likely, the cause of the game departures is it. The fact is that the modem checks regularly on the Internet, and this is exactly what the game turns out.

This trouble is treated simply to maintain a modem. There are no problems here. He will work without it. On the other hand, you can enter the "msconfig" command, in the window that appears, go to the "Services tab" and remove the checkbox opposite the "OUC" or another service responsible for updating the modem software.

General anesthesia

It is worth adding to the foregoing that sometimes we, without noticing, create a problem. Try to open the task scheduler. Perhaps you personally or any programs have made a change there, and now he himself decides when and what to do. That's all, we hope that the advice given will help you in solving the problems that have arisen.

Computer games are collaborated by themselves at the time of the game itself. This problem It is often found. There may be many reasons for her. In this article on our site we will try to talk in detail about situations when some changes are made to work personal computer, Because of which some applications and games can sprawl spontaneously.

1. The problem may wade in overheating of computer components or laptop. When the video card is overheated, frozes or artifacts appear in the game, and when it is strongly overheated, the games are freezed, as if tightly, or fly away.

2. It is possible that the case is in the keyboard. Run the game and do not touch, after turning off the keyboard, "part-time" of the combination of hot keys are possible, and as a result, false keyboard triggers start. Also can suffer the keys. Try to replace the keyboard to another.

3. Without visible windows, some kind of process starts, therefore windows are folded, active at this moment. Download the Process Explorer and Autoruns program (it is needed to control the autoloader). FileMon - performs the function of monitoring processes to files. Download the SysInternals Suite package for a deeper system check.

4. There is a chance of a shortage of RAM. This may affect the folding programs that are particularly demanding on computer resources. You can add RAM as solving the problem. Also interfere with skype, Rocstargames.

5. The presence of the virus is another problem. And not some, and Win32.Sality. Various antiviruses determine it in different ways, but the general name remains unchanged. What is he capable, and is it worth it to treat urgently? Naturally! This virus is not only a response to you who worrying you the question of why the games are folded. This is the lowest readiness that is capable of. More precisely, just a side effect. Saliti infects most of the executable files on your computer, penetrates most of the files and folders, and also creates their copies on removable media. Not only ordinary programs are affected, but antiviruses, which makes the treatment of a computer problematic. In addition, it performs the functions of the autoloader, spy and keylogera. Everything else, the virus blocks secure mode, registry editor and task manager.

6. If you are using a USB modem, then the cause of game departures is likely to be. The fact is that the modem regularly checks the update of the drivers on the Internet, and this is exactly what the game turns out. It is treated simply by deleting a modem service program. There are no problems here. He will work without it. On the other hand, you can enter in command line The "msconfig" command, in the window that appears, go to the "Services" tab and remove the check mark opposite the "OUC" or another service responsible for updating the modem software.

To understand the reasons for winding windows, you can try independently, now you know where to look for the problem.