How to check the version of DirectX on Windows 7. How to find out what DirectX installed

First, let's define what DirectX represents. This is a package of multimedia technologies necessary for the computer or laptop multimedia applications, as well as games.

Often, some game be launched, you need to update the version of the Direct.

In most cases, many toys installed on modern deviceare accompanied by a relevant package directly, but if it has not been detected, it means that you need to look at yourself how the latest version was installed on the operating system.

The package update helps to achieve better graphics in computer games, provided that a powerful video card was installed on the PC.

That is, for example, the game requires the ninth DirectX, and the person will install the 10th version, and at the same time, the video card will be weak, significant changes will not see.

The following instruction instructions set version DirectX will act for operating system Windows 7.

Using DirectX Diagnostic Tools

First you need to click on the "Start" button, in the lower left corner of the screen, and there, in the "Find files and programs" field, drive such a request as dxdiag.

After the command was entered, you must click on the Enter key on the keyboard.

A special window will be opened further, in which a person, without difficulty in the "System" tab, will be able to see the established version of DirectX on PC.

Application of auxiliary software

Not all people are suitable traditional methods Checks, some love to make sure as a result, with the help of special utilities. And for this reason, often to verify the version of DirectX, such a program is suitable as Astra32.

This software applies free of charge, and on the official resource, it is possible to download Portable (version that does not require installation). After starting this software on your computer, the system scanning begins. After the scan is coming to an end, on the main screen, in the first window, you can find out the installed DirectX on your PC.

Scanning takes about a minute, and the result will be displayed in the main window.

There are cases when people need not to view the installed version, but to completely remove the directory from their PC.

You can completely delete this component from your computer using such relevant programs like "DirectX Killer" or "DirectX Happy Uninstall". These utilities do not have a great functionality, but they cope with the main task of one hundred percent.

Now, you do not need to quickly understand what reason the purchased game may not be launched system error, It is enough to familiarize yourself with the information presented in this article to learn about the need to use the Direct.

Now, anyone can find out how to verify which directory is installed on the working PC. In addition to the operating room windows systems 7, you can easily find out the Direct X and other versions of Windows (XP, 10, and so on).

Sometimes, to start an application or game in Windows, you may need the name of the package installed in the program operating system.

And it means, and answer the question, how to find out which is set.

Knowing the exact version of this package originally used for gaming purposes, but then used and to support the playback of multimediafiles, and to perform other tasks, you can understand whether your PC resources are enough, or update (the program itself or computer items) is required.

What gives a new version?

Substantial part software It works only in the appropriate environment - with the necessary drivers and software packages.

For example, Adobe Photoshop. requires an OpenGL installed, and almost all modern games will not be launched without.

Accurate knowledge of the multimedia package (as well as computer resources) avoids the following problems:

  • Shopping or downloading applications that are not supported by the system;
  • Attempts to establish more early versions DirectX.

For most applications requiring special software type DIRECTX, it is included. And during the installation process, it is proposed to install it on a computer or update.

But, if the automatic update does not occur, but the program for some reason does not start, it will be necessary to learn the multimedia package to understand whether it is caused by its incompatibility with the application.

Easy way to determine

Find out the DirectX version recently installed system Quite simple - in the modern OS package already comes with Windows. And it is possible to determine the variety by the name of the system:

  • In one of the most common Windows 7 systems, the built-in is DirectX 10, suitable for most graphic applications, games and multimedia files;
  • IN outdated Windows XP by default was the 9th type variation, which was often updated to start more modern programs;
  • DirectX 11 embedded in Windows 8;
  • Included with the last, the tenth "windows" could go as the 11th and 12th version of the program.

Definition using built-in

To accurately determine the version of DirectX using the built-in diagnostic tool, it is required:

  1. Open command execution menu, for which you should press the Windows + "R" keys simultaneously;
  2. Enter the dxdiag command;
  3. In the command opened after executing the command on the first tab, find information about the program that is at the bottom of the list.

Tip! Since the system shows only the integer values, sometimes the information on DirectX 11 may mean that in fact the system 11.1 or 11.2 is installed in the system. However, in most cases, such details do not matter.

Another place where to find out the version of DirectX is the video card control panel if it is installed.

For example, NVIDIA products have such information when viewing the system information.

In addition, there are special utilities that also outstand all the necessary information about the system, including the version. For example, previously called Everest.

Free versions of this utility can be found on the Internet and install on your computer - in the future it will be needed not only to determine which version you have DirectX.

We can find similar ability to other utilities.

What to do next?

So information, what version software package Installed, obtained. And now, in order for your program or the game to be started, it is necessary to know its minimum requirements.

They can be found on the Internet on the site of the manufacturer or on forums where information about the games are often placed before they are hitting the counter.

On the one hand, to start most programs, it is enough to establish the latest version that will certainly support all the previous ones. Or at least DirectX 11.

But here there are two problems:

  1. Outdated video cards do not support the 11th edition of the driver;
  2. Some games require a specific version of the package to run.

In this case, you will have to put the DirectX that is specified in the requirements.

And if the default system installed more than a new one, and due to this, according to a system that does not require an update version (which can cause a software conflict and lead to launch failure), you should completely remove the package and put a new compatible with your program.

You can find and download them completely free on the manufacturer's website.

Themed video:

What is DirectX? This is a set of APIs needed to solve problems associated with programming in operating version Windows. Most often used when writing games, so often the released games can work only under the new versions of DirectX. Today I will tell you how to find out which version is installed on your PC or laptop.

First method

To begin with, we will use standard means To diagnose components that is embedded in Windows. To do this, use the utility called "Run" (Start - Run or Win + R). In the window that opens, you need to enter the word dxdiag and click OK.

A window will appear in which you can not only see the version. installed DirectX, but also a number of other parameters, including the name of the computer, model, manufacturer, the amount of memory, and so on.

Second method

If for any reason you can not use the method specified above, you can use third-party utilities. Such programs are a great set, take at least the legendary Everest, which shows absolutely all the information about your computer.

You must install the program, then run it and wait until the system collects the necessary information. Go to the "Computer" section - "Total Information" and all information will be displayed on the screen, including the DirectX (see Screenshot). In my case, the program in English, but I allocated the highlights.

By the way, do not forget to update DirectX as it is released, whatever you can be able to play modern games.

DirectX system library is needed to start the games on the computer. In the process of installation, you will be offered to include the desired component in the installation. But he has many versions that differ not only on the digit in the title, but also on compatibility, which is easy to get confused.

Let's try to figure out which Direct X is supported by Windows 7, and how to update the computer to it.

Supported versions

The component of the DirectX 11 is originally built into the operating wINDOVS system 7. Compliant, the work of junior versions is simply not provided for it. And this library does not require additional installation or settings.

In Service Pack 1 added compatibility from 11.1, it is also last version Direct x for windows 7. Late updates are no longer compatible with this system. Accordingly, they require senior editions of OS:

  • Windows1 comes with the DIRECTX 11.2 package, manual installation is not possible, only update.
  • The twelfth version of the library was added to the "dozen", which is also not supported for the "seven".


Now consider the option manual update. To begin with, install the Service Pack 1 on top of the usual "seven" if it is missing. Link to download -\u003d5842.

  • For 32-bit systems, download the file with KB976932-x86.exe at the end.
  • For 64-bit systems - file with KB976932-x64.exe at the end.

The update setting procedure is standard. At the end you will need to restart the computer. Then you need to install the package of\u003d36805.
When all actions are executed, the system will start working with DIREKT X version 11.1. If the component update did not happen, then try the automatic installation method.

The Windows operating system has a rather complicated structure, to understand which only its developers can be sought. For competent operation of all its components in applications and games that require serious resources, the Microsoft Studio developers produce a special set of tools - DirectX. It is mistaken to assume that this is just a program that needs users.

In fact, DirectX is a set of tools that is supported by Microsoft for developers. Program the complex applications and Windows games are not possible without DirectX. It must be installed on the user end user of the developed program or the game, so that Windows can interact with it. Regular DIRECTX tools are improved and overlook its new versions. That is why it is important for the user to know which DirectX is installed on the computer, and whether it is not required to be updated to work with a modern game.

How to find out what DirectX installed

Determine the DirectX version on the computer under windows control Very simple, for this you need:

  1. Press the Windows + R combination on the keyboard to open the "Run" string;
  2. It takes it to register the dxdiag command;
  3. After that, a window will open with the system information that is called the "DirectX diagnostic tool" name. On the System tab below, you can see the graph in which it is indicated which DirectX is installed on the computer.

Important: You can install any version of DirectX on your computer. However, there is an important nuance: if it is not supported by hardware, then the Windows system will not be able to work with it. Then the operating system selects as an active as an active as the older supported version of DirectX, and it is it that is displayed in the diagnostic menu, the information about which is given above.

How to Determine the DirectX version using third-party programs

In addition to the utilities built into the operating system, determine the version of DirectX on the computer allow third-party applications. At the same time, they are able to provide information much more than the dxdiag team, which is mentioned above.

A convenient tool for diagnosing a computer is the AIDA64 application. His free version You can download from the official site of developers. This program Allows you to find out the data on all computer components, as well as about the software component.

In the left application menu, you can see a separate DIRECTX item. It contains information in three subsections: files, video, sound:

AIDA64 is not a single diagnostic program for a computer. On the network you can find many of its analogues, both paid and free.

Why DirectX 12 does not work on windows 10

One of the features of the Windows 10 operating system, which Microsoft is actively promoted, are games. New version The operating system on the "close to the hardware level" works with games that are being developed on DirectX 12. This allows players on low-power computers to run projects that are required high performance.

At the same time, some windows users 10 can be detected when checking that they have installed DirectX 11 or 11.2, and not modern DirectX 12. In such a situation, there is no need to download DirectX 12 from the official Microsoft website and install it on the computer, as it does not help. This version The drivers are initially available in Windows 10, and the solution to the problem should be sought in another plane.

If, instead of DirectX 12 on Windows 10, you are displayed when checking DirectX 11.2, this is associated with:

It is important to note that more than recent DirectX does not replace on the computer. previous versions. That is, if DirectX 8.9 or 10 is required to run the application or the game, and more on the computer late versionsYou must download the "old" driver.