Power Management in Windows. Power management in Windows Powercfg deprecated kernel caller

Windows Defender Security Center, including new section“Device Security”, which offers management of advanced security tools such as “Kernel Isolation”.

Core isolation is a virtualization-based security technology that provides additional level protection against intellectual attacks. Memory integrity is one of the components of core isolation technology - a feature designed to prevent insertion malicious code in high security processes. Protection is provided by the fact that the kernel virtual memory page starts executing only after a successful integrity check.

Let's see how to enable the Memory Integrity feature in Windows 10 April 2018 Update to improve the security of your computer.

Enabling Memory Integrity

  • Open Windows Defender Security Center.
  • Select the "Device Security" section.
  • In the Kernel Isolation section, click the Kernel Isolation Details link.
  • Move the Memory Integrity switch to the active position.

After completing these steps, you must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Note Note: Your processor must support virtualization technologies for this feature to work. Also, virtualization must be enabled in the BIOS or UEFI. Otherwise, the function will not be available.

Fixing Kernel Isolation Issues

In some cases, you may encounter compatibility issues in some applications if core isolation is enabled. To fix the problem, you will have to disable the function.

If you are trying to disable Memory Integrity in the Windows Defender Security Center, but the option has become greyed out and the message “This setting is managed by your administrator” is displayed, you can still disable the feature using the system registry.

Note: Changing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems. It is recommended to create backup Windows Registry before performing these steps. From the Registry Editor menu, select File > Export to save a backup.

  • Press combination Windows keys+ R to bring up the Run window.
  • Type regedit and click OK to launch the Registry Editor.
  • Go to the following path:
  • Double click on the entry Enabled.
  • Change the value from 1 to 0.
  • Click OK.

To disable, you can also use the ready

Question: When long work computer or exiting sleep mode, the font in the start menu is lost

When the computer is running for a long time or waking up from sleep, the Start menu becomes like this.

How to fix it? Help me please..

Answer: reinstalled OS already and updated(

Question: How can I put my computer into sleep mode type S1 ("Stand by")?

Neither on desktop computer, nor on a laptop can I figure out how to put the computer into sleep mode like S1.

Result of executing "powercfg /a"

The following sleep states are available on this system:
Standby (S3)

The following sleep states are not available on this system:
Standby (S1)

Standby (S2)
The system firmware does not support standby.

Hibernation mode is not enabled.

Standby (connected)
The system firmware does not support standby.

Hybrid Sleep

Quick launch
Hibernation mode is not available.

Answer: Let your computer sit idle for a couple of minutes, then put it to sleep and wake it up.

In the event log:
Action => create custom view
In the date item, set, for example, a two-minute interval and see what happened.

I have no more ideas.

Well, check the drivers and devices connected to the computer

Q: Waking up from sleep at 4am

Almost every night the computer wakes up and wakes me up.
in device manager, network adapters, unchecked "wake with magic packages".
disable wake timers in power settings.
v command line command powercfg /waketimers shows this.

c:\>powercfg /waketimers
The timer set by the Legacy kernel caller is valid until 4:14:46 01/09/2016.

Help. Who is to blame and what to do?

Answer: finally cured this ailment:

Control Panel -> Security and Maintenance -> Maintenance -> Automatic Maintenance -> Change maintenance settings -> uncheck "Allow a maintenance task to wake up my computer..."

Thread: My computer randomly turns on at night

Recently (about 1 ... 2 months), approximately 30 ... 60 minutes after putting the computer into sleep mode (so that you can continue working in the morning from the moment it was interrupted), it spontaneously turns on. I finish work around 12 at night, i.e. switching on occurs at 0:30...1:00 at night. In this case, the monitor remains dark. I get out of bed, move the mouse - the monitor turns on, I enter the profile in normal mode, I put it back into sleep mode - this night it does not turn on anymore.

On the computer system Win7, there is a resident antivirus MS Security Esentials. I ran several times the current (freshly downloaded) curing utilities mbar and DrWeb Cureit - I found a few byaks, but still spontaneous activation remained. It looks like a virus that connects my computer to DDOS attacks. Moreover, from time to time Google blocks access due to suspicious traffic coming from my IP. This has been happening for quite a long time (more than a year), but I noticed the spontaneous turning on of the computer only recently.

Actually, the question is: if the trouble is known and relatively easy to treat, then I will download the recommended software, scan it and post it. If the problem is more complicated, then I will not fool myself or the local gurus and stupidly rearrange the system.

Answer: Falconist something I didn't quite understand...

Message from Falconist

after putting the computer into sleep mode ... it spontaneously turns on

Sleep mode and hibernation mode in 7 are completely different things. To switch to sleep mode, just press the Sleep button on the keyboard. If you click Start and hover your mouse over the arrow next to Shut down, a menu will appear in which there is also Sleep mode. and hibernation. During hibernation, the computer is disconnected from the power supply in the same way as when shutting down, but when you turn on the computer, you can start working in the same way as after sleep mode.
But you asked about something else. Did you check the task scheduler?

Question: The computer wakes up at night

Good day everyone. I already got this problem. By itself, the PC wakes up at night, it costs Windows 10, before that it was 7, there was no such problem, so I chose this particular section.
What has already been done 2 days ago:
1. In the event viewer, I found the reason: Timer - The scheduled task "NT TASK\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Reboot" will be executed, which requested the computer to wake up from sleep mode.
I went to the Task Scheduler, found this task and unchecked the item: Conditions - Wake up the computer to complete the task.
2. I went to powercfg.cpl - Setting up the power plan - Change Extra options Power - Sleep - Allow wake timers - DISABLE.

Tonight the situation repeated itself, but in the event viewer I found only:

The system has exited the low power state.

Sleep Time: 2016-10-29T21:38:38.657073700Z
Wake up time: 2016-10-29T21:58:34.625754700Z

Output source: No data

3. In the device manager, unchecked "allow this device to wake the computer from standby mode" from the mouse, keyboard, network card, and wherever I found ...

Help solve this problem I don't know where to dig anymore...


Message from GoLeMjkeee

Worth every day at 2-00

Change to daytime.

Message from GoLeMjkeee

but tick .... not worth it.

10-ka she is, with character.

Question: How to hide the screen with the "Login" button when waking up from sleep mode?

Windows 10 Pro 1607.
When you exit sleep mode, Windows asks you to press "Login". Appears on awakening blue screen with the inscription of the username and under it the "Login" button. The password is not set, the user is the only one in the system with admin rights. When loading, everything is fine, no screens and button presses, just the desktop.

In Options- Accounts- Login options do not have "Login Required" item.
In the User Accounts window, on the Users tab, the checkbox "Require username and password" is unchecked.
There is no "Require password on wakeup" option in the power plan settings.

How to remove the "Login" button when exiting sleep mode so that the computer automatically starts the desktop bypassing this window?

Answer: remove sleep mode

Question: Windows 8.1 turns off in sleep mode

I have a problem with sleep mode. Computer completely shuts down in sleep. Those. food is completely lost. Previously, the light bulb on the system unit was blinking in the sleeper, now it completely "optuhat" and with usb also the mouse, the keyboard goes out and you can turn it on only with the power button and naturally all the information is not saved.
I read a lot of topics on the Internet, but not a single problem is similar to mine.
I’ll immediately write the characteristics of the PC: motherboard ASUS p8h67, Radeon video HD7850 (asus), intel i5 2550k, 8gb RAM, SSD Silicon power s55 120gb, HDD WD 500gb.
I installed Windows 8.1, it has been standing for a very long time and the sleep mode worked as it should. Once he stopped working, I don’t even know exactly why and after what (any actions) he stopped working. It seems that I didn’t set anything like that, I didn’t seem to update the driver.
Out of habit, I often press sleep instead of turning it off, and once it worked and worked for several days, but eventually stopped working.
Tried updating drivers or uninstalling. Tried disconnecting from computer extra devices(well, you never know). Turned off various programs before sleeping. Nothing helped.
On the Internet I found the only information that is exactly the same as mine (point 8):

Of course, I could not install the driver, different platforms. Couldn't find one for myself.

I do not want to reinstall the OS. everything (except sleeping) works well.
Any ideas what could be wrong?

Added after 17 minutes
I forgot to write that the BIOS was reset and updated.

Answer: check then either BP or Mother. Programmatically, we configured sleep and hibernation with powercfg /h on.

Another option is to check (replace). hiberfil.sys - it is responsible for hibernation.

Question: Sleep mode in windows 8

after waking up from sleep windows mode 8 starts to reboot and after download windows the following message pops up
tell me how to deal with it?


Message from Azat145

Windows 8 restarts after waking up from hibernation


Q: Hybrid Sleep or Hibernate? Which is better on desktop?

Basically, the question is in the title. As I understood from the search engine, or rather, from the same article copied to all sites, the advantage of the Hybrid sleep mode is only in the speed of switching on, waking up, one might say. And if I want to use Hibernation mode on my desktop Windows 7 x64, there is underwater rocks? It's just that I need to turn off the power, and with Hybrid sleep, it's better not to do this. Thanks to everyone who will respond

Answer: Read today. Okay, I think there is no other answer to my question than a short briefing from Microsoft. Then I will share my findings (for those who fall into this topic on a similar issue).

pros Hybrid sleep mode: 1. Quick turn on, no need to completely shut down the computer;
Minuses: 1. Loads HDD(according to one moderator from the Windows 7 section of our forum); 2. Does not turn off completely, continues to eat current, albeit a little (although for some this item is a plus)

In short, Hibernation is needed if you want to constantly cut it off the network, but do not want to load / shut down the OS for a long time.
Hybrid sleep mode - for those who are satisfied with a constantly online PC.

Question: Previously, the laptop turned off at the start, now it is in sleep mode

My laptop DELL INSPIRON 3521 with Windows 8.1 used to turn off at startup (DELL logo appeared - shutdown - re-enabled and normal operation). Updated the system to 10k, did not help. I wore it to a mountain service center, known in the city and vaunted - there the laptop safely rested from human attention for 2 weeks. Taking it away, I fixed the problem by turning it off fast loading and happily returned to 8.1.
A month has passed, and now, when I close the lid of the laptop, it goes into sleep mode (so in the settings), but after 20 minutes or a little more it turns off completely (this has not happened before and the power settings have not changed). When you turn on the situation that I described above: on - logo - off. After restarting, normal operation. All drivers are up to date. What could be the problem and how to fix it? It’s a pity for the poor fellow - a year and a half in total, but I have a diploma and state documents - I can’t drag it to the masters now ...

Answer: How do you want it to work? Personally, I use hibernation, not sleep mode, the transition to hibernation when idle is also enabled, the settings are in the attachment

Migrate power settings

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1. Theoretical information

1.1 Developing Windows Kernel Drivers

Brief theoretical information

Development of kernel drivers

A driver is a computer program that allows another program (usually an operating system) to access hardware in a standard way.

Schematically to show how different types of drivers work:

It is convenient to divide into 2 types:

- Kernel drivers (work at privilege level 0, but do not interact with either the user program or the device in any way. We will start with them (they are simpler and can also be useful).

Device drivers - are necessary to carry out interaction between the user program and the device, namely, to transfer data between them, to control the device. Moreover, devices can be both real and virtual). The driver does not have to control any physical device. Some operating systems also allow you to create virtual device drivers - objects that behave similar to I/O devices, but do not correspond to any physical device.

Kernel components run in a privileged mode of the processor (called kernel mode), can do everything, namely:

- they can execute privileged processor commands (for example, lgdt),

- can have access to system data and code,

- have direct access to the equipment, for example, through ports

- have access to memory cells; the driver cannot manipulate physical memory directly, but it can get a virtual address for any physical one and manipulate it.

If you want to write any serious application that requires access to internal functions or data structures of the system, then you may encounter many limitations that can only be overcome by placing your code in the system address space. Of the documented, there is only one way to do this - install the driver. This method is relatively simple, reliable, and most importantly, fully supported by the operating system itself.

The kernel code (in fact, this is the system itself) is considered to be fully trusted. Therefore, when loaded into the system address space, the driver becomes part of the system and is not subject to any restrictions. On Windows, this is practically the only way for non-OS developers to write kernel-level system components.

To write and learn how to develop drivers, use the DDK (Device Development Kit) - a system for developing drivers.

In addition to documentation, the DDK includes a set of include files (*.inc) and library files (*.lib).

Thus, Windows supports various types of device drivers, but in addition, there are drivers that are not device drivers, but simply allow you to create programs that in Windows will run in kernel mode, i.e. at privilege level 0. At the same time, they have full access to the OS and hardware.

Consider the simplest kernel-mode driver.


int DriverEntry(


IN PUNICODE_STRING pusRegistryPath) (


The entry point is DriverEntry, which is formatted as a procedure that takes two parameters:

pDriverObject is a pointer to the newly created driver object. When a system loads a driver, the system creates a driver object that represents the memory image of the driver. Through this object, the system controls the driver. The "driver" object is an ordinary data structure of type DRIVER_OBJECT.

pusRegistryPath - pointer to the registry key containing the driver initialization parameters.

This first driver of ours is only loaded into the system and immediately unloaded.

Now consider the template program that will need to be used to develop the program at the first step of the course work (kernel mode driver beeper.sys).

The task of this driver is to play one note up to the first octave on the system dynamics. To do this, the driver uses the processor's in and out instructions to access the appropriate I/O ports. It is common knowledge that access to I / O ports is a sacred guarded Windows system resource. An attempt to access any of them, both for input and output, from user mode inevitably results in an exception being thrown.

In our example, a speaker will work (for this, in particular, port 61h, bits 0 and 1, port 43h and 42h are used).

At the start of the driver, all 12 notes are defined.

It will be necessary not only to turn on the speaker, but to set the sound frequency. For this, a timer subsystem is used, which operates independently of the processor and has 3 channels. The output of channel 2 is connected to a speaker, which is used to generate sound of different frequencies. The audible sound range is 30Hz-6000Hz.

To set the frequency of the sound, control word 0Bh is sent to port 43h (timer command register):

mov al,0Bh

out 43h,al

This value defines the number of the channel that we will manage, the type of operation, the channel's operating mode, and the counter format.

Then the recalculated sound frequency (1193167/frequency (Hz)) is sent to port 42h in two portions (first the low part, then the high part).

For example, we want to get a sound frequency of 100Hz. Recalculate the frequency

1193167/100 = 11931



out 42h,al

mov al,ah

out 42h,al

At the first step of the course work, you need to change the program so that it produces other musical sounds (each one has its own version).

Often, tasks need to be set to different durations. To do this, it is convenient to use the DO_DELAY procedure, passing the indirectly defined parameter "sounding time" to it.

To make it convenient to debug a driver, there are various tools. The simplest thing is to display the necessary information in a special window of the Debug View utility. This program is first launched and configured to intercept messages from the kernel level. For output, the program calls the DbgPrint function, which has one parameter - the output string. After starting the driver, the Debug View window displays all the output.

There are various ways to install a driver into the kernel. Since our driver, in fact, is not needed by the system (it does not control any device), we will temporarily connect the driver to the system and then remove it.

To do this, you need to create an application that will run the driver. How? A driver is a kernel level service. Therefore, the application will use the SCM - Service Control Manager, which is included with Windows and runs at the user level.

Thus, it is necessary to build a solution from two projects: a console application and a driver.

To develop drivers in C, you must first:

- install DDK,

- set environment variable WNETBASE (value - path to DDK, for example, e:\winddk\3790.1830).

The driver project must be of type MakeFile.

Make project settings using Application Settings and write the line in the Build Command Line field

ddkbuild -WNETXP chk . -ceZ

what does it mean to call a special script to communicate VC with DDK

The following files should be present in the current project folder:

sources, makefile, ddkbuild.cmd (script), driver source file.c

After building the project, the driver must have the .sys extension.

The application starts the beeper.sys driver, i.e. prescribes it in the registry, and puts it into operation. Then, when finished, it is removed from the registry.

In order for an application to run a driver, after building a solution that consists of two projects, an application and a driver, you must place the application executable and the driver in the same folder, and then run the application.

Drivers are very difficult to debug. In case of errors in the operation of the OS, most often it freezes and a reboot is required. And for our driver, after rebooting, it is also necessary to remove the beeper06 service from the registry using regedit (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\), and then reboot again.

1.2 Windows virtual device drivers

So far, we've developed a kernel-mode driver that can do things that can't be done at the user level, such as dealing with I/O ports. Such a driver is called a kernel driver, but not a device driver, because no data is transferred between the user program and the device (After all, why is a driver usually needed? To organize data exchange between the user application and the device).

We will now develop device drivers that pass data back and forth between the user application and the device.

When an application needs an I/O operation, the driver is called. To do this, the application can issue a request to read data from the device or write data to the device. And if some other action is required, for example, polling or device control, or something else, then the so-called. IOCTL interface (Device In-Out Control).

We will consider just such a case for virtual devices, because more often than not, why do we need a virtual device in a driver? So that you can transfer data to it, which the driver can somehow process (as it is impossible in the application) and return the result to the application. Recall that the usual kernel driver discussed earlier did not take anything from the application and did not return anything there, but simply did actions that the application could not.

When an application needs an I/O operation, the driver is called. For this, the so-called. IOCTL interface (Device In-Out Control).

The calling application does the following:

1) Opening a file and getting its handle:


As a result, if everything went well, we get the device handle.

2) Sending an action code to the driver (what to do, the driver can implement many different actions):

invoke DeviceIoControl, handle, action code, input buffer address, input size, output buffer address, output size, buffer address for actual number of bytes

3) Closing the file and, accordingly, releasing the descriptor.

invoke CloseHandle device handle

To transfer data, the modules (application and driver) must agree on an interaction protocol (action codes, buffer structure - input and output).

The same action code is used in both the application and the driver.

The action code in the application and in the driver can be written in hexadecimal form, or you can use the CTL_CODE macro, as is done in the lab example. work in the common.inc file.

Let's look at the sample action code from the virtual device driver that is used in the lab. The name is IOCTL_GET.

In the case of a virtual device, the file flag is 0.

Device type - FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN = 22h

Permissions - FILE_READ_ACCESS+FILE_WRITE_ACCESS = 1+2=3=11b

The function code is in the range of 800h to FFFh. We have 800h.

Buffering method - a way to transfer data between the application and the driver (three are possible):

For a small amount of data, METHOD_BUFFERED (00b) is usually used - an additional buffer is allocated in non-page memory, sufficient to accommodate the input and output buffer. The address of this buffer is placed in the IRP in the AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer field. The I/O manager takes care of the job of rewriting data between the user buffer and the additional buffer.

Direct data access (without buffer) - METHOD_OUT_DIRECT (2) - for output or METOD_IN_DIRECT (1) - for input; field from IRP - MdlAddress. This is a direct call - the I/O manager commits the physical pages containing the user-mode buffer into memory. It creates an auxiliary structure MDL (Memory Descriptor List) to describe the committed pages. And the driver developer works with MDL.

Access via user level buffer - METHOD_NEITHER(3); field from IRP - SystemBuffer. The I/O manager passes user-mode virtual addresses to the driver. And in the driver, you need to be very careful with them, because in this case the driver should work only in the context of the calling thread.

When an application sends an action code to the driver, the I/O manager starts running. It is responsible for generating an I/O request packet (IRP) and sending it to the driver for further processing.

We will consider 3 types of requests:

IRP_MJ_CREATE - will be passed on CreateFile,

IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL - will be passed on DeviceIoControl

IPR_MJ_CLOSE - on CloseHandle

An IRP packet consists of a header and I/O placement stacks. The I/O manager creates a number of I/O stack cells equal to the number of driver layers involved in processing the request. Each driver is allowed access to its own stack location. When a driver sends an IRP to a lower-level driver, the stack location pointer is moved to the location required by that driver. Conversely, after processing the request, the pointer moves up to the top-level driver cell. Obtaining a pointer using the function - IoGetCurrentStackLocation().

Each allocation stack contains a pointer to the DeviceObject and to the FileObject for which the request was made. IRPs are always stored in non-pageable memory.

The following objects are created and used for driver operation:

Driver object;

Device objects;

Stages of the driver.

1) Creating a driver object. Created when the driver is loaded at the stage of its startup. At this moment, the DriverEntry function is launched and the MajorFunction array is filled, as well as a pointer to the device object and vice versa.

The device object includes:

Device type.

2) Create a symbolic link to the device. In order for the "device" object to become available to the user mode code, the driver must create "\??" one more object - a symbolic link (symbolic link). The shablon.sys driver creates a symbolic link "slshablon" to its device "devshablon" in the directory "\??", whose value is the string "\Device\devshablon".

Thus, already when loading the driver (in our case, at the stage of loading the OS), we have three objects in memory: the driver "\Driver\shablon", the device "\Device\shablon" and a symbolic link to the device "\??\slshablon ".

3) Opening. Next, when the application starts, CreateFile is called. There is a link to the device. From the DEVICE_OBJECT device object structure, information about the driver serving it is retrieved. The I/O manager generates an I/O request IRP of type IRP_MJ_CREATE and sends it to the driver. This tells the driver that user-mode code is trying to access its device. If the driver has no objection, then it returns a success code. Our driver has a special dispatch procedure that responds to this IRP - DispatchCreateClose (there is a combined procedure for opening and closing the device). In it, STATUS_SUCCESS is passed in the Io.Status.Status field, and 0 in Io.Status.Information, because in this case, nothing needs to be transferred. Such a response from the driver is a signal to the object manager to create virtual file. This creates a new entry in the process's handle table with a pointer to the file object, and returns a new handle to the user mode code.

If everything is OK, then we store the file descriptor returned by CreateFile in the hDevice variable.

4) I/O operations. Now we are able to perform control operations on this device by calling the DeviceIoControl functions. Since a device driver can in principle perform many different tasks, it is necessary to somehow differentiate the requests. This is what the second parameter dwIoControlCode is intended for, called the I / O control code, which is built according to certain rules.

Using the device handle, the I/O manager will retrieve information about the driver that serves it, form an I/O request packet of type IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL, and send it to the driver. The appropriate DispatchControl procedure will be called in the driver, passing the action code and information about the addresses and sizes of the input and output buffer as parameters. All this is transmitted via IRP. In the procedure, the necessary information is taken from the IRP: the action code, the address of the buffer for data transfer.

The DispatchControl procedure performs the necessary actions, in our case the address of the IRP packet from the ESI register. Then passes the result through the output buffer to the application.

Similar to the previous procedure, we send the completion status and the number of bytes transferred from the driver via IRP.

In the application, this data is formatted and displayed.

5) Closing. As it should be done with handles that are no longer needed, by calling the CloseHandle function, we close the device handle.

6) Unloading the driver. Delete the symbolic link and delete the device object.

Complex (2) consists of two programs:

An application that asks the driver for an IRP address and then outputs that address to standard window Windows.

Shablon.sys is the driver.

The shablon driver does things that cannot be done at the user level, in this case defines the contents of the esi register when the driver is running.

The application receives the esi content in the output buffer, converts it to hexadecimal output, and outputs it to a standard Windows window.

If you need to get information from CMOS in the driver, then you need:

Send to port 70h the CMOS offset we are interested in;

Slight delay;

Take information from port 71h in al.

Then write this information to the output buffer.

And in the application, you need to take information from the output buffer, if necessary, convert it and display it, or analyze it and, depending on the result, display the necessary text in the standard window.

This lab assumes that the driver is permanently installed on Windows using an .inf file using Control Panel - Hardware Installation: Add New Device, Install Manually, Show All Devices, Install from Disk, Browse to select the .inf file (the driver must be in the same folder).

To check that the driver is installed, select System, Hardware, Device Manager in the control panel.

1.3 Accessing Existing Drivers from User Mode Applications

The algorithm of the application working with the driver

To work with the driver, the user-mode application needs to get the handle of the driver. This manipulator can be obtained using the CreateFile or CreateFileA API function, which works with ASCII characters. Next, the DeviceIoControl API function is used, which, as one of the parameters, is passed the IOCTL code. An IOCTL code is a control code that tells the driver about the operation that the application is requesting, the method of passing parameters, and the access rights that the application needs to perform this operation. After the application has called

The DeviceIoControl is sent to the driver by IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL. When the requests are processed, control is returned to the application, and the application is left to parse the driver's response and close the open handles.


In the following example, the user-mode application sends an IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX request to the file system driver, parses the information received, and outputs the hard disk partition format.



int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv)

DWORD dwBytesReturned = 0;

char cPartitionStyle = (0);


HANDLE hDevice = CreateFileA(






MessageBoxA(NULL, "CreateFileA error!", "Error", 0);

if (DeviceIoControl(

/*1*/(HANDLE) hDevice,




if(piPartitionInfo.PartitionStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_MBR)

MessageBoxA(NULL, "PARTITION_STYLE_MBR", "Caption", 0);

else if(piPartitionInfo.PartitionStyle == PARTITION_STYLE_GPT)

MessageBoxA(NULL, "PARTITION_STYLE_GPT", "Caption", 0);

MessageBoxA(NULL, "PARTITION_STYLE_RAW", "Caption", 0);

MessageBoxA(NULL, "DeviceIoControl error", "Error", 0);


Parsing the example

Variables necessary for the application to work are declared. PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX is a structure that describes information about section of the hard disk.

typedef struct (


In this part of the program, the CreateFileA function is called to get the handle, which is written to the hDevice variable.

The DeviceIoControl function is called synchronously. She is given:

device descriptor;


pointer to the input buffer, NULL in our case;

input buffer size;

pointer to output buffer;

output buffer size;

pointer to type variable DWORD that will store the number of bytes returned;

pointer to an OVERLAPPED structure that is used to asynchronous call functions.

After control returns, in case of successful completion of the function, information about the partition is stored in the PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX structure.

The analysis and output of information is carried out. Before returning control operating system open handles can be closed. This allows you to do the CloseHandle(__in HANDLE) function. If the descriptors are not closed, then the operating system will do it for you.

2. Completion of course work

2.1 Step 1

Exercise: 1. Develop a kernel driver with access to ports that performs actions according to the variant and outputs information to the Debug View window (according to the variant), as well as an application that launches the driver.

Listing Kurs_test.cpp

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "windows.h"

#include "stdlib.h"


SC_HANDLE hService;

char acDriverPath;

if (hSCManager!=0)(

// registration of the player in the SCManager table

if (hService!=0)(

// Delete the driver entry



return 0;


Beeper.sys listing


#define TIMER_FREQUENCY 1193167 // 1,193,167 Hz

#define PITCH_C 523 // 523.25 Hz

#define PITCH_Cs 554 // 554.37 Hz

#define PITCH_D 587 // 587.33 Hz

#define PITCH_Ds 622 // 622.25 Hz

#define PITCH_E 659 // 659.25 Hz

#define PITCH_F 698 // 698.46 Hz

#define PITCH_Fs 740 // 739.99 Hz

#define PITCH_G 784 // 783.99 Hz

#define PITCH_Gs 831 // 830.61 Hz

#define PITCH_A 880 // 880.00 Hz

#define PITCH_As 988 // 987.77 Hz

void DO_DELAY(int time)(

long i,j;

for (i=0; i<=time*0xfffff; i++) {}


void DO_BIG_DELAY(int time)(



void Xylophone(int nPitch)(

int nTone = TIMER_FREQUENCY/nPitch


mov al, 10110110b;//write control word at 43h

out 43h, al;//Audio control channel - logic circuit using a timer tone and software-controlled system port bits

mov eax, nTone;//write recalculated frequency to 42

out 42h, al;//higher part

mov al, ah;//lower part

out 42h, al

in al, 61h;//changing the control sequence - converting the last bits to ones

;// bit 0 - permission to use the speaker

;// bit 1 - permission to connect timer-2 to the speaker

or al, 00000011b; speaker ON

out 61h, al




in al, 61h

and al, 11111100b; speaker OFF

out 61h, al












2.2 Step 2

Develop a virtual device driver that allows you to perform actions that are available only at the zero level of privileges (according to the option), and then pass the results to the application at the 3rd privilege level for displaying them on the screen.

In the application, we display the result in a standard Windows window.

Listing shablon.c

#include // various NT definitions


UNICODE_STRING g_usDeviceName;

UNICODE_STRING g_usSymbolicLinkName;

void DriverUnload(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject)(




NTSTATUS DispatchCreateClose(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pIrp)(//process MJ_CREATE MJ_CLOSE

pIrp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0;




NTSTATUS DispatchControl(PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, PIRP pIrp)(//handling IRP_MJ_DEVICECONTROL

NTSTATUS status;

int regEsi;

// take a pointer to IO_STACK_LOCATION, in it to IoControlCode

if (pIrp->Tail.Overlay.CurrentStackLocation->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode ==IOCTL_GET)(

//Compare the action code and if this is our client, then:


mov eax,0

mov al,10h

out 70h,al

in al,71h



mov regEsi,eax


// this is our functionality - we take the contents of the esi register

// write it to the system buffer

*((int*)pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer) = regEsi;

pIrp->IoStatus.Information = 4; // and set the size of the result



pIrp->IoStatus.Status = status;

IoCompleteRequest(pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);



int DriverEntry(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT pDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING pusRegistryPath)(

NTSTATUS status;


// initialize Unicode strings

RtlInitUnicodeString(&g_usDeviceName, L"\\Device\\DevGet");

RtlInitUnicodeString(&g_usSymbolicLinkName, L"\\??\\sldevGet");

// fill in the driver object - clearly explain to the driver which function handles what

pDriverObject->DriverUnload =

pDriverObject->MajorFunction =

pDriverObject->MajorFunction =

pDriverObject->MajorFunction =

// create a logical virtual device object

Status = IoCreateDevice(pDriverObject, 0, &g_usDeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, 0, FALSE, &pDeviceObject);

if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status))(return Status;)

// create a symbolic link to the device

Status = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&g_usSymbolicLinkName, &g_usDeviceName);



return status;


return status;


Listing coursework2.cpp

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "windows.h"

#include "stdlib.h"


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv)(

HANDLE hDevice;

BOOL DevControl;

DWORD dwBytesReturned;




lpFileName Address of a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the object to create or open.

dwDesiredAccess The type of access to the object. This parameter can take any combination of the following values:

Value: Description:

0 Specifies a query about the availability of the object on the specified device. An application can query the attributes of a device without access to it.

GENERIC_READ Defines read access from an object. Data can be read from the file and the file pointer can be moved. Combine with GENERIC_WRITE for read-write access.

GENERIC_WRITE Specifies write access to an object. Data can be written to a file and the file pointer can be moved. Combine with GENERIC_READ for read-write access.

dwShareMode The mode of shared access to the object. If set to zero, the object cannot be shared between multiple programs. All subsequent object open operations will fail until the object handle is closed. To share an object, use a combination of the following values:

Value: Description:

FILE_SHARE_DELETE Allows a sequence of operations to open an object to request delete access.

FILE_SHARE_READ Allows a sequence of operations to open an object to request read access.

FILE_SHARE_WRITE Allows a sequence of operations to open an object to request write access

lpSecurityAttributes Address of a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies whether or not the handle returned by the function can be inherited by a child process.

If lpSecurityAttributes is NULL, then the handle cannot be inherited.


Value: Description:

CREATE_ALWAYS Creates a new file, always.

If the file exists, the function overwrites the file.

CREATE_NEW Creates a new file. The function will fail if the file exists.

OPEN_ALWAYS Open file, always. If the file does not exist, the function creates it in the same way that dwCreationDisposition would have been CREATE_NEW.

OPEN_EXISTING Opens a file. The function will fail if the file does not exist.

TRUNCATE_EXISTING Opens a file and truncates it to zero size. The function will fail if the file does not exist.

dwFlagsAndAttributes File flags and attributes.

When an existing file is opened, CreateFile ignores the template file.

Return values:

If the function is successful, an open handle to the specified file is returned. If the specified file exists prior to the function call and dwCreationDisposition is CREATE_ALWAYS or OPEN_ALWAYS, the GetLastError call will return ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS even if the function succeeds. If the file does not exist before the call, GetLastError will return 0 (zero).

On error, the function will return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. For more information about the error, call GetLastError.


if (hDevice != 0)(


hDevice is the handle returned by CreateFile.

dwIocontrolCode is a value that specifies the operation to be performed.

lpInBuffer is the address of a buffer that contains the data needed to perform the operation specified in dwIoControlCode. If the operation requires no data, you can pass NULL.

nInBufferSize is the size in bytes of the data in the buffer pointed to by lpInBuffer.

lpOutBuffer is the address of a buffer that will be filled with output data when the operation is successful. If the operation has no output, this field must be NULL.

nOutBufferSiz is the size in bytes of the buffer pointed to by lpOutbuffer.

lpBytesReturned - address of a dword type variable that will receive the size of the data entered in lpOutBuffer.

lpOverlapped is the address of an OVERLAPPED structure if you want the operation to be asynchronous. If you want to wait until the operation is completed, put NULL in this field.


wsprintf((LPSTR) stroka, "%X", adwOutBuffer);//write string to buffer (adwOutBuffer --> stroka)


return 0;


driver core computer program

2.3 Step 3

Listing coursework.cpp





DWORD junk;

0, // file attributes



0, // input buffer size




int main(int argc, char *argv)



typedef struct (

PARTITION_STYLE PartitionStyle; // partition format

LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset; // section start offset

LARGE_INTEGER PartitionLength; // partition size

DWORD PartitionNumber; // section number

BOOLEAN RewritePartition; // if the partition is writable then TRUE

union (

PARTITION_INFORMATION_MBR Mbr; // additional information MBR Style section

PARTITION_INFORMATION_GPT Gpt; // additional information GPT Style section




BOOL bResult;




2.4 Step 4

1) Combine all the functionality developed in steps 1-3 into one set of programs.

The final complex should look like this:

- Our driver is built into the system and loaded during the Windows boot phase.

- The application asks the driver for the necessary (set in step 2) information, the driver transmits this information, while the speaker also turns on for a while and the melody (set in step 1) is played. The application then makes a request to the existing driver in the system (according to the option in step 3).

2) Draw up an explanatory note, which should describe all 4 stages, as well as theoretical information for each stage.

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "windows.h"

#include "stdlib.h"




HANDLE hDevice; // descriptor of the device being checked

BOOL bResult; // result flag

DWORD junk;

hDevice = CreateFile(TEXT("\\\\.\\c:"), // device to open

GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // device access


NULL, // default security attributes

OPEN_EXISTING, // location

0, // file attributes

NULL); // do not copy file attributes

if (hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)( // unable to open device

printf("CreateFile() failed!\n");



bResult = DeviceIoControl(hDevice, // requested device

IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, // operation to be performed

NULL, // pointer to input buffer

0, // input buffer size

pex, sizeof(*pex), // output buffer

&junk, // number of bytes returned

(LPOVERLAPPED) NULL); // sync input/output (I/O)




int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv)(


SC_HANDLE hService;

char acDriverPath;

HANDLE hDevice;

BOOL DevControl;

DWORD dwBytesReturned;

LPVOID adwInBuffer, adwOutBuffer;


PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX pex; // device structure

BOOL bResult;

hDevice = CreateFile("\\\\.\\sldevGet",GENERIC_READ+GENERIC_WRITE,0, NULL,OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);

if (hDevice != 0)(

DevControl = DeviceIoControl(hDevice,IOCTL_GET,&adwInBuffer, sizeof(adwInBuffer),&adwOutBuffer,sizeof(adwOutBuffer), &dwBytesReturned,NULL);

if ((DevControl != 0)&&(dwBytesReturned != 0))(

wsprintf((LPSTR) stroka, "%X", adwOutBuffer);//write string to buffer (adwOutBuffer --> stroka)

if (stroka =="00000100") MessageBox(NULL,"Found 1.44 Mb","Yermakov FDD scaner",MB_OK);

else MessageBox(NULL,"Not found","Yermakov FDD scaner",MB_OK);


if (hSCManager!=0)(

GetFullPathName("beeper.sys",sizeof acDriverPath,acDriverPath,NULL);

// Register the musician in the SCM tables

hService=CreateService(hSCManager,"beeper11","Nice Melody Beeper11",



if (hService!=0)(

StartService(hService, 0, NULL);



)else MessageBox(NULL,"Can"t register driver",NULL,MB_ICONSTOP);


)else MessageBox(NULL,"Can"t connect to SCManager",NULL, MB_ICONSTOP);

)else MessageBox(NULL,"Can"t send control code",NULL,MB_OK);


)else MessageBox(NULL, "Dev is not present", NULL, MB_ICONSTOP);

bResult = GetPartitionNumber(&pex);

if (bResult)( printf("PartitionNumber = %d\n", pex.PartitionNumber);

)else( printf ("GetPartitionNumber() failed. Error %d.\n", GetLastError());)




3. Application operation

Figure 3.1. Driver from step 2

Figure 3.2. Driver from step 3

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Table of contents:

What is kernel isolation and memory integrity

Core isolation- This is an additional protection process, which is provided by the method of protecting computer processes from the operating system and device. Due to these actions, it is possible to avoid undermining the operation of the operating system when viruses enter the computer.

Memory integrity is a protective function accompanying kernel isolation, which is aimed at restricting access by unknown potentially dangerous programs to processes with high level security.

Important: The kernel isolation feature can only work if there are sufficient conditions for this on the part of the computer's hardware. V BIOS settings virtualization technology must be active, due to which a computer running Windows 10 can run various applications in a virtual container, restricting access for them from key system components.

How to enable kernel isolation and memory integrity

Windows 10 operating system settings allow you to fully manage the security features on your computer. Through the Windows 10 settings, you can enable kernel isolation and memory integrity as follows:

As noted above, if the hardware component of the computer does not support virtualization, given function will not work. When turned on, the user will see in the lower right corner the message “Unable to ensure the integrity of the memory. Possible incompatibility." If this message appears, it is recommended to go into the BIOS and see if the feature is enabled. secure boot(boot mode).

How to disable kernel isolation and memory integrity

New features in the operating system that seriously affect its operation are always at risk of causing problems when the computer is running. The kernel isolation feature is no exception. Users who have already tried it, note on the Microsoft forums that they encounter problems when launching a number of games and programs. The only way to solve this problem is to disable the kernel isolation feature and memory integrity. Perhaps in future updates, the application developers or Microsoft will correct this incompatibility.

There are 3 ways to disable kernel isolation and memory integrity: