Exploring the shortcut keys for MS Word, Excel, Outlook. Installing Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint) Rapid Move between Web Pages

The possibility of electronic processing of various documents can be called one of the main reasons for the mass distribution of personal computers, both among the home users and in the corporate sector. Printed printing machines, manuscripts and even ordinary letters can be seen less often written from hand. Nowadays, practically any printing products and documents: whether diplomas or abstracts, logs or books, applications or notes, reports or presentations are created on the computer. After all, the electronic document can be fixed at any time, remake, add, send by e-mail, print on paper or lay out on the network for collaboration over it. Probably, I will not be mistaken if I say that almost every person who ever sat for a computer had to deal with text document processing, and for many it was the reason for the first acquaintance with PC.

Despite the fact that all modern operating systems have built-in tools with text data, they still do not go to any comparison with special software, so-called office applications. They are designed to process all sorts of electronic documentation on the user's computer and therefore, as a rule, consist of several components with a similar interface and good interaction among themselves. The most famous office packages can be called Microsoft Office., OpenOffice.org, Corel WordPerfect Office, Staroffice, Lotus Smartsuite, Ashampoo Office and IWork (for Mac OS). Each of the products in this area has its own set of components, designer solutions and of course functionality. In our current article, we will get acquainted with one of the most popular office solutions for users developed by Microsoft - MS Office.


This most popular office package for the first time saw the light in the distance in 1992 and at the beginning of its path in its composition had 4 applications, which still remain fundamental: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Mail. In 1994, ACCESS was added to this group, and in 1995 - SHEDULE +. In the 97th mail application Mail and SHEDULE + calendar replaces the Outlook organizer and photograph Editor Photo Editor is added. In 1999, an application appears for preparing Publisher Publications, a program for creating FrontPage sites, and photoeditimates PHOTODRAW. After the Office XP output in 2001, the photodraw image editor finally disappears from the office package, and in 2003 and FrontPage. At the same time, a new data collection and management application appears in Office 2003 - InfoPath.

In general, the 2003 office package for Microsoft becomes a very successful product. It was in it that the new design of WindowsXP style icons was presented, which, undoubtedly, influenced the attractiveness of this solution.

And by yourself office applications Over the years of development, they indignant, and some (.doc, .xls) formats became the standard in the document flow of most enterprises. Even today, after 8 years, many users continue to use MS Office 2003, not wanting to master the revolutionary interface, first introduced by developers in early 2007.

In Office 2007, the software giant decided to abandon the usual system menu, replacing it with a ribbon (ribbon) interface based on the toolbar separated by tabs. Buttons on the ribbons, unlike the toolbar, there may be different sizes, for example, those needed more often may be more, and samples of applied styles can be located inside them.

The buttons themselves are combined into groups on topics. Rarely used buttons are usually hidden, but access to them is saved through a drop-down menu.

Microsoft experts claim that such an innovative approach allows you to collect all the functions in one place, thereby enhancing the convenience of the user interface, and helps to use Office more efficiently. True, users themselves, such radical changes came cool, and many criticism was expressed to the developers.

However, the ribbon interface allows users to use much more features of the office package, because most of them have now become visible, I will not be hidden deep in the menu. In the same Microsoft in new system The management see the future, and the confirmation of this is the latest development of the company in this area - Office 2010.

With the release of Microsoft Office 2010, Ribbon has been drastically recycled and improved, which is recognized even with opponents of the ribbon interface. In addition, changes were made in the style of tape design, which was also positively perceived by users. Therefore, now few people have doubts that the office package from Microsoft will continue to develop in this direction.

Currently, the office package of applications from Microsoft is created for operating systems windows family and Apple Mac. OS X and has a 32-bit and 64-bit edition.

Components of the application

Now let's get acquainted with those applications that are part of the MS Office on the example of the latest version of this package - Office 2010. It should be noted that for the convenience of product positioning on the market, the office package has several editions that directly depends on those or other. In it applications. For example, the last Office is six of them: "Initial", "for home and study", "for home and business", "Standard", "Professional" and "Professional Plus".

As can be seen from the table, the modern office package can contain from 2 to 10 different applications, depending on its editorial board.

Microsoft Word (Word)- application for working with text documents. This text processor for many years has been the most popular of all used in this moment. That is why the DOC document format has become a de facto standard for modern document management, and many competing programs have supporting compatibility with this format.

FROM using Word., It is easy to create beautifully decorated vocational documents and systematize them. In addition to multiple text stylization capabilities, various auxiliary tools are available at your disposal: table constructor, image editing tools, inserting ready-made figures, design constructor and histograms, inserting Smarart graphic objects for visual reporting and many others. At the same time, joint work on projects and documents is available for users, as well as their simultaneous editing.

Microsoft Office Excel (Excel)- application for working with spreadsheets. As in the case of Word, it takes a leading position in the market and therefore the "XLS" format for this type of documents is also a de facto standard.

The Excel application opens up extensive data analysis options, as well as management and exchange. Powerful data visualization tools, summarizing data using small diagrams, which are placed in a cell along with the text (sparklines), as well as fast filtering of large amounts of data help effectively compare the results, tracking and highlighting important trends. Tabular processor files can be easily sent to the Internet to work with them along with other users.

Microsoft OneNote (Bathtub)- Application for storing notes and collaboration with them in a single easily accessible location. Allows you to work with both text and images, as well as video and audio notes.

Common access to K. notebook It makes it possible to create and change notes simultaneously with remote users or simply synchronize data, ensuring their relevance. Also you can make notes, working in other Office or Internet Explorer applications, and OneNote will provide a link to the place of the source document that you viewed when adding a note, which allows you to automatically associate ideas with the contents created.

Microsoft PowerPoint (Powerpoint)- application for preparing presentations. Allows you to create high-quality dynamic presentations and manage them. With sound and visual effects (Adding video and animation) You get the opportunity to present the audience a clear and spectacular picture that is as easy to create how interesting to look.

With PowerPoint, you can not only add, but also edit multimedia content, applying a variety of artistic and video effects. The same application allows you to use the dynamic volumetric effects of slides change and realistic animation effects.

Microsoft Outlook (Outluk) - Personal Organizer, which includes: Calendar, Task Scheduler, Notes, Email Manager, and Address Book. This application allows you to manage directly multiple email accounts in one place, which is much more convenient than checking messages in several mailboxes separately. Also at your disposal a single means of managing all calendars, because in Outlook you can create their any quantity for each category of events, so as not to be confused in one large and scored schedule events.

Outlook 2010 allows you to connect to your favorite social networks and centrally track various events occurring there. In addition, you can transfer all your contacts from Hotmail or Gmail services, and all updates of your acquaintances with which you are in one social network, such as Facebook, are also automatically reflected in Outlook contacts.

Microsoft Publisher (Publisher)- an application for creating, settings and distributing all kinds of publications and marketing materials of professional quality. Even without having experience in the field of graphic design, with the help of various templates, you can create brochures, newsletters, business cards, postcards, mailing materials by email and other publications.

At the disposal of users professional means Image editing, modern technology leveling technologies, the ability to create dynamic publications, advanced typographic features of text design and a convenient means of previewing the created material and its distribution. The possibility of sharing and distributing publications is also not forgotten.

Microsoft.Access (Aksss) - Applications for creating and managing databases. This effective personal data management tool is more aimed at the corporate sector, small businesses and non-profit organizations, although ordinary users can find it use, for example, for cataloging home audio video libraries.

ACCESS 2010 has added new ways to access databases and their sharing. Viewing and editing the databases can be done directly via the Internet, and users who do not have this application can open web forms and reports through the browser.

Microsoft. InfoPath (info)- application for collecting data and managing them. As a rule, it is used by organizations to optimize their own business processes, designed for experienced business users or developers, and it is unlikely to be interested in PC home users.

InfoPath allows you to create complex electronic forms for quick and economical information collection depending on the type of solution in which one or another organization needs and connect them to business systems.

SharePoint Workspace (Sharpint Workspeace) -an application that expands the opportunities for working together on documents and their libraries in a single Special Environment SharePoint Workspace.

This tool is more aimed at business groups in secondary organizations and large enterprises, which require a single working space with wide data access capabilities, as well as their co-editing and is unlikely to use home users.

Microsoft. Lync (Link) -an application combining usual communications. Positioned as a solution for medium-sized businesses and large enterprises. Combines the possibility of exchanging instant messages, organization of meetings and voice communication. The client has a toolbar on which it is very easy to find and call frequently used features, such as a dialer, visual voice mail, as well as contact lists and active conversations.


Having considered all the components included in the modern package of Microsoft Office 2010, it's time to sum up.

There is no doubt that such a set of versatile solutions can satisfy almost any user. The qualitative level of created electronic documents using funds included in this office package is really very high and accessible even for beginners. That is why some formats from Microsoft Office for most of the global document management are adopted as de facto standards.

Probably, many know (or guess) that this office package is paid, and its value and distribution directly depend on his editorial board. From 6-existing possible options For home users only 4: "Initial", "for home and study", "for home and office" and "Professional". It should be noted that the "initial" edition containing the two most popular applications - Word and Excel is distributed free of charge, and only with new computers that pre-installed the Windows operating system. The editorial board "Standard" and "Professional Plus" applies only to corporate clients.

Most. budget option For home users will be Office for home and study. To date, its cost is 2990 rubles. Four applications include a text editor Word, editor spreadsheets Excel, ONENOTE notes applications and application to create PowerPoint presentations. It can be said that such a gentlemansky set will fit most users working with documents at home. Also note that the office set of applications for home and study is not intended for use for commercial purposes (to extract profits) and non-profit organizations, as well as in government agencies.

Nevertheless, the absence in this edition of such a component as Outlook is a personal organizer and a good postal customer, for some will be a reason to pay attention to the office of Office for home and business. True, for this set of components, there are no longer any restrictions on the purpose of using it (what the prefix business is talking about, which is immediately reflected at the cost of the product, which increases more than twice and at the moment is 6990 rubles. I think for many, overpayment of 4,000 rubles for Outlook will seem unreasonable and buying for the house of this edition remains the prerogative of enthusiasts.

Office Professional contains two more additional components - Publisher and Access, applications for creating publications and work with databases, respectively. But the cost of 17990 rubles unequivocally suggests that this product is focused on business use.

So, if you like the Microsoft Office product, the most optimal set of applications for use on home PC will be Office for home and study. Well, for all those who are just starting to master office applications, soon we will prepare more detailed materials for each of the applications included in this edition.

In the package microsoft applications Office In addition to Outlook includes such common applications as a Word text editor, an Excel spreadsheet editor, an application for preparing electronic PowerPoint presentations and an application to work with Access databases.

All these applications are independent and self-sufficient, but their sharing opens up truly unlimited possibilities in the organization of office work. Using Outlook along with other applications included in Microsoft Office, allows you to:

  • create messages using all the power of text editor Word.. Compared to the poor (albeit sufficient) capabilities provided by Outlook formatting panel, Word is able to create full-fledged documents that differ in style varieties and design templates containing built-in objects, etc. Outlook and Word interoperability will be considered in the first section of this chapter . Moreover, in this section will be considered common to all office applications Tool - mailing on the route;
  • create messages using the entire power of Excel spreadsheets. The created table can be easily sent not only as an attached file, but also to save as a message. This feature will be considered in the second section of this chapter. In addition, in this section we will talk about generally for all Microsoft tools applications - placement of documents in the shared folder;
  • create meetings to participate in the electronic conference conducted by PowerPoint. Creating an electronic conference is directly related to the use of the Optional Microsoft NetMeeting Application (See section 11.5 "Net Meeting"). The operation of PowerPoint with Outlook will be reviewed in the third section;
  • create messages using Microsoft Access capable of connecting to a remote database to display information. Sharing Outlook and Access allows you to quickly export and import data from Outlook folders to ACCESS tables. This opportunity will be considered in the fourth, final section of this chapter.

Outlook and Word.

Outlook and Word interaction is perhaps the most characteristic example of collaboration. Already mentioned that as a message editor, the user can specify Microsoft Word.

Example 18.1. Word as a message editor

(B Application Outlook)

\u003e Tools\u003e Message options

Use Microsoft Word as a message editor

Use Microsoft Word to read RTF messages

As an example using Word. Consider creating a message containing figure text and a diagram demonstrating the structure of this book.

Creating a message with Word

Create a message via Word in two ways:

  • Run word application, Create a document and select Command\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e Message.
  • Directly in the Outlook application by selecting the command > Actions\u003e New post with\u003e Microsoft Word (Fig. 18.1).

As can be seen from the figure, the essence of the message has not changed, there are fields for entering the recipients and the subject of the message, the signature and panel were automatically added. Painting (Drawing), but the toolbar noticeably enriched Formatting Formatting.

Fig. 18.1. Outlook message (Microsoft Word Editor)

Insert of figure text

So, we will create a beautiful title for our message first using the WordArt object.

Example 18.2. Inserting the Wordart object

\u003e Insert\u003e Figure\u003e Wordart object

Select the desired lettering style OK

Text: \u003d. Structure of book Fat Ok

(Fomatization panel) in the center

As a result of our actions, beautifully decorated text with a yellow gradient fill to the center will appear (Fig. 18.2).

To change properties this object You can use the toolbar of the same name. In our case, let's change the color of the fill with yellow to blue.

Fig. 18.2. Text Wordart in the message

Fig. 18.3. Dialog window Methods of fill

Example 18.3. Changing the properties of the Wordart object

(On Wordart toolbar)

Format object Wordart color and lines

Color Methods Filling ...


One color color1 blue

Type of hatching from the center

Options (Fig. 18.3)

Insertion chart

The next step in question is the insertion of the chart, by the way, which is one of the Word innovations.

Example 18.4. Insertion chart

\u003e Insert\u003e Organizational diagram ...

Select the type of diagram (Fig. 18.4)

Fig. 18.4. Dialog window Library diagrams

A plug displaying the selected diagram will appear in the message text. But it consists of one "root" and only three "branches", while this book He has four parts. Add another branch and change the style of the chart.

Example 18.5. Adding a branch in a chart

(Highlight the diagram root)

(On the organizational diagram panel) add a figure


Choose a style chart relief gradient

Now it remains to enter the text of the chart. To do this, click on the left mouse button on one of the diagram plugs and enter the appropriate text. The final version of the message edited and formatted by Word is shown in Fig. 18.5.

Fig. 18.5. Final message

After the message is created, it will remain fill in the fields Kom. (That) and Subject (Subject), then click the button Send (Send).


Since our message is saved and sent in HTML format, some formatting elements can be lost or modified. Do not forget about it, with building messages in Word! Sometimes the messages created are better to simply attach as an attachment.

Recall once again that we are considering here only general principle Sharing Outlook and other Office applications. In addition to inserting objects (which is much more than two) there are still forms, frimes, styles, tables, fields ... The list can be continued to infinity. The world of Microsoft Office applications are wide and truly multifunctional. Learn it parallelly with Outlook and other existing lintings. In the end, the road is asset going ...

Mailing document on the route

Sending a document on the route (Routing) is called sending a document by e-mail to colleagues in a specific sequence. The sequence of mailing is called The document route.

After receiving the document, the addressee can make its changes and comments and send the document further on the route. At the end of the route, after the document will look at all the addressees specified in the routing list, you can demand a return document or specify the user for which it is intended, for example, a project manager.

Example 18.6. Sending a document on the route

\u003e File\u003e Open ... (open the required document)

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e route. . .

Nashareyrev Anton To

Mokhovikov Oleg Kom.

Text Messages: \u003d Dear colleagues! Read the attached document and express your considerations and comments about the written. Thank you in advance, Egor Usarov.


Return at the end




During the execution of this program may appear dialog boxes Outlook security warning about third-party intervention and access to data Outlook.. IN this case Always agree to allow access (after all, this request comes from your actions, and you expect it).

A designated route can be attached to the document to send it not immediately, but to do it later. To do this, at the last step of the program you need to click Add (Add Slip).

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e next destination ...

Direct Document Nasharev Anton

To refuse to send a document on the route and generally disconnect the route, you need to click Clear (Clear).

Let's go back for example. After the button is pressed Send (ROUTE) will automatically be created a message with the text specified in the field Message text (Message Text), and with an invested document, which must be sent (Fig. 18.6). Suppose that the first addressee (in our example it is Anton Nasharev) is responsible, i.e. he will not leave the received message without attention or will not delete it without reading, but will react to it properly: Read not only the message about the mailing list And the invested document itself, and not only read it, but will bring his wishes and comments to it, and then send it to the next correspondence. Let's try to trace how this happens.

To open the document itself, the recipient is enough to make a double click on the icon of the attached document in the message. Further in the usual way the recipient makes changes to the document. At the end of the work, he must send the document further on the route.

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e next destination ...

Send document "Oleg Mokhovikov"

Fig. 18.6. Document sending

What happens after that? First, the message will be sent to the following addressee in the mailing list - Mochovikov Oleg. He will be able to read the document with the already submitted changes and make its own. Secondly, the initial sender will be notified of the movement of the distribution list, because in the dialog box Route (Routing Slip) Checkbox Monitor (Track Status).

If everything is in order, the document will move to the mailing list until the entire mailing list is exhausted. The last addressee in the route will be prompted to return the changed document by the mailing initiator, and thus the circle closes.

To speed up the process, you can send the document not alternately, but all at once. In this case, the merge of the changes falls on the sender's shoulders.

Outlook and Excel

From the very beginning of the book, creating a message, we set out the purpose of transmission as a bodies of the message not just text, but tables. Use Excel tools allows you to easily solve not only the problem of inserting tables, but also the associated component (for example, Excel diagrams).

As an example of Outlook and Excel collaboration, consider sending a message containing a table with data on the number of pages of each of the parts of the book, and the Excel chart, a graphically reflecting percentage of each of the parts in the book.

Creating a message using Excel

As in the case of Word, you can create a message in two ways. But if we chose a second option in Word (creating a message from Outlook), now let's look at sending a table directly from the Excel application.

Fig. 18.7. Outlook message (Microsoft Excel Editor)

Example 18.9. Creating a message using Excel

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e Message

Enable current sheet in message text

Subject: \u003d. Statistics

Introduction: \u003d. This message Contains ...


In the Introduction field (Introduction), the user can enter text message (Comment) preceding the table.

As mentioned above, we will consider sending a table shown in Fig. 18.10. At this stage, the table contains only text and does not have additional formatting.

Work with a table

Before sending a message containing a table, it is desirable to format it: select the title, emphasize the boundaries, etc. But the possibilities of Outlook allow not only to format the table, but also to work on its logic. In Example 18.10, we added another line - "Total" containing the amount of all pages in the book, after which they gave the table corresponding to the style.

If the message text is not placed in the cell, its borders can be moved. To do this, move the mouse pointer to the junction with the name or numbering of the cells (the pointer will take the form of a bidirectional arrow) and, while holding down left button Mice, move the boundaries of the column or string at the desired distance.

Example 18.10. Working with Excel Table


A6: \u003d. TOTAL

WB Avosumn (Formatting)

A1: WB (highlight, holding down the left mouse button)

\u003e Format. > AutoFormat ...

Fig. 18.8. Formatted message with Excel table


In addition to using an automatic style, you can apply additional formatting using the toolbar of the same name.

Insertion Chart Excel

The next step showing Excel features and using this application along with Outlook is the creation of a diagram representing in a visual graphic form data on the work sheet.

Example 18.11. Insertion Chart Excel

\u003e Insert\u003e Chart ... Standard

Type Circular

Diagram Title: \u003d Outlook in the script

Data signatures

Fig. 18.9. Built diagram


If we were not allocated before the start of the diagram, the range A2: B6, could ask it later, in the second step of the Master of Charts. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to manually enter the complex formula in the Data Range field. It is enough to highlight the desired range on the work sheet with the mouse, while the Master dialog box will come to not interfere with the selection, and the formula will appear automatically.

After inserting the diagram, it can overlap used table. In order to transfer the diagram, it is enough to highlight it and, holding the left mouse button, drag to the desired place.

Now let's turn directly to the diagram itself. All elements are displayed clearly and beautifully, with the exception of the circle itself with the data, which turned out to be very small. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bconstructing the diagram, you need to click on the invisible square in which the circle and text explanations are entered (Fig. 18.9). A square frame appears with markers of corners. Check out these markers and drag, stretching the selection frame until the circle takes the size you need.

So, the message is fully prepared for sending, it remains to make the address of the recipient of the message and click the button Send List (Send this Sheet).

Of particular interest is how our message will appear by the user, because, firstly, it is transformed into an HTML format, and secondly, Excel can be installed. After sending and receiving messages, go in folder Incoming (INBOX) and open the created message (Fig. 18.10).

Fig. 18.10. Adopted message with table and chart

First, as you see, the text entered in the field Introduction (Introduction) precedes the table and is separated from it. Secondly, the table format is saved. Finally, our pride - the diagram completely coincides with the created (format, data, etc.). The only thing is missing, it is no signature, as we have created our message from Excel, and not from Outlook. It was possible to correct this deficiency by completing the command\u003e. Standard\u003e Signature\u003e Regards.

Example 18.12. Insert signatures

> Insert\u003e Signature\u003e Regards


Generally speaking, additional editing And the formatting of messages is sometimes necessary, if not binding. After creating a table (with using Excel) The user can always open a message and edit: Insert a signature or a number of additional comments, as well as give the background, add a picture, etc.

Exchange folder

Work with Exchange folders is the same common tool for all Office applications, like sending along the route. The essence of this opportunity to place an active document in common folders Server Microsoft Exchange. Thus, the user as it opens access to this document to all participants working Group.

Example 18.13. Sending to the Exchange folder

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e Exchange Folder ...

Select Folder < Общая папка>

After the document is shown in the shared folder, each of the users can open it by clicking on the appropriate link in the viewing window (Fig. 18.11).

Outlook and PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint is a universal means of preparing presentations. After creating a presentation, the user can demonstrate it as on local computerSo to present a presentation on the network for the entire working group. POWERPOINT Presentation is transmitted in HTML format and therefore only Internet Explorer 4.0 is needed to view participants. Thus, the presentation can be carried out both across the company and between members of a small group located in different places. The number of participants is not limited, but if more than 16 listeners are involved in the presentation, it is necessary to use a special Microsoft NetShow Server server application.

The problem of any meeting is its planning. Of course, for the conference, except for the desire of the Rapporteur, the consent of the participants is also required. In the case of a normal conference, all acting persons are confirmed by the fact that they are all together and approximately at the same time are collected in the premises assigned to the conference. Electronic PowerPoint Conference The presenter presentation can schedule as any other meeting using Outlook.

Fig. 18.12. Presentation and dialog box Planning broadcasting presentation

Example 18.14. Broadcast planning presentations PowerPoint.

\u003e Slides Show\u003e Direct Broadcast\u003e Customize and Plan ...

Description: \u003d. "Microsoft Outlook 2002 in the script" (Fig. 18.12)

Parameters ... Configuring Broadcasting (Fig. 18.13)

Showing Mode Changeable Size

Assign ...

Enter or select a name:< Participants of the present



(A dialog box appears with a notification that broadcasting is scheduled)

Fig. 18.13. Dialog window Broadcast parameters


Switches Only sound (Audio ONLY) and Video and sound (Video and Audio) It makes sense to establish if the computer is equipped with a microphone and a video camera, and the participants' computers are equipped with equipment to play sound and video. In our example, we do not assume this, so the checkbox is checked Not (None).

The filled automatically form of the assembly (Fig. 18.14) is identical to those previously considered, Chapter 2 "Calendar" and chapter 10 "Collective work in Outlook".


The only prerequisite for holding direct broadcasting a presentation to a wide audience is to connect a computer to the network (global or local). Additional features can not be used if it does not allow specific specifications.

After coordinating the time and composition of the participants, you can move directly to the demonstration itself.

Fig. 18.14. Collection form

Example 18.15. Direct broadcasting presentation

\u003e Slides Show\u003e Direct Broadcast\u003e Start Broadcasting ...

When holding a planned conference, the presenter presentation plans to broadcast using the meeting planning interface in Outlook 2002. In set time A reminder window will appear on the screens of the participants, on which the participant will see a button, after clicking on which the introductory presentation page will be downloaded (Fig. 18.15). Manages the change of slides leading presentation. On the screens of computers, the slideships are demonstrated in the same way as in the usual slide show mode.

Fig. 18.15. Basic Page Direct Broadcasting Presentation

During the demonstration of the presentation, participants can conduct private discussions, ask questions leading and receive answers by email via Outlook.

Outlook and Access.

Microsoft Access is a universal database management system, and Outlook is a universal information management system. Based on these definitions, it is natural to assume that these applications have certain means for exchanging information among themselves. But in addition to sharing information, Outlook, like Word or Excel, is able to create messages using mICROSOFT Access. Only in this case, these funds are not in the formatting or editing area, but in the data provision area to send-publication.

IN this section We will consider an example of importing information from the Outlook address book to the Access database, as well as the creation of a message containing just imported information.

Information exchange

First of all, open Access and create a database. After that, our goal will be the creation of a table containing data from Outlook address book.

Example 18.16. Import data from Outlook in Access

\u003e File\u003e External data\u003e Import ...

Outlook File Type (Auto Import Master from Exchange / Outlook will automatically be launched)

\u003e Address books\u003e Outlook Contacts Address Book

In new table

(At this step, it is proposed to determine the parameters of imported data to find out if they need to import them at all)

He Import

Import to Table: \u003d Contacts

Fig. 18.16. Microsoft Access Table with Imported Data

After importing, as expected, a new table will appear in Access Contacts, Containing information from the Outlook address book. The result of importing is depicted in Fig. 18.16.

Working with Access Data Page

Consider the following example. Suppose that one of the project participants has created a database, which is interesting, and maybe other team members are necessary. Solutions for this task are several, but we will focus on the option of sending a message containing Access Data Page. In fact, the message contains simply an HTML page with an ActiveX object that connects to the database and data display.

Example 18.17. Creating a message with ACCESS DATA Page

\u003e Actions\u003e New post with ...\u003e Microsoft Office\u003e Microsoft Access Data Page

(ACCESS opens with a master New page data access)


Selecting data source: \u003d< Database\u003e

After the procedures have done, the page with the data grid opens. So, first of all, it is necessary to place the information fields that will be on the page. To do this, drag the required fields to the table grid and replace its name, for example on Contacts. After that enter the name of the recipients of the message and click Send a copy.

Before sending a message, the user can see how it will be displayed at the recipient. To do this, select\u003e File\u003e preview Web pages. A web browser with a downloaded page will open, which will also be displayed in the recipient.

Fig. 18.23. ACCESS data Web page

Using buttons Back and then You can move according to the table Contacts. Also, when specifying the appropriate access parameters, you can edit the table (add or delete records), organize data filtering, etc. But this is already out of the scope of this book.


So, in this chapter, we considered the possibility of collaboration of Office and Outlook applications. Truly, Outlook work with tools provided by Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access, allows you to create full-fledged messages and organize a more comfortable information sharing and access to it.

  • Word. Formatting a message. Using Word as default editor. Mailing a document on the route.
  • Excel. Creating a message with a table and diagram. Placement of documents in the shared folders of the Exchange server.
  • PowerPoint. Organization of the Network Meeting to demonstrate the presentation.
  • Access. Import data from Outlook in Access. Creating a message containing ACCESS DATA PAGE.

Excel for Office 365 Word for Office 365 Outlook for Office 365 PowerPoint for Office 365 Publisher for Office 365 Access for Office 365 Visio Plan 2 Visio Professional 2019. Visio Standard 2019. Visio Professional 2016. Visio Standard 2016. Visio Professional 2013. Visio 2013 Visio Premium 2010 Visio 2010 Visio Standard 2010. Excel 2019 Word 2019 Outlook 2019 PowerPoint 2019 OneNote 2016 Publisher 2019 Access 2019 OneNote 2013 ONENOTE 2010 Project Professional 2019. Excel 2016 Word 2016 Outlook 2016 PowerPoint 2016 Publisher 2016 Access 2016 Language parameters 2013. Project Professional 2016. Excel 2013 Word 2013 Outlook 2013 PowerPoint 2013 Publisher 2013 Access 2013 Excel 2010 Word 2010 Outlook 2010 PowerPoint 2010 Access 2010 Publisher 2010 Project 2010 Language parameters 2010. Excel Starter 2010. Language parameters Language parameters 2016. Office 2010 Project Online Desktop Client Project Professional 2013. Project Standard 2010. Project Standard 2013. Project Standard 2016. Project Standard 2019. Less

You can use Office language parameters to add a language, select the user interface display language and set the creation and verification language.

Language parameters are located in the Office Settings dialog box in the section that can be opened by selecting File> Parameters> Language. Display and creation languages \u200b\u200bcan be installed independently. For example, you may have everything that matches your language operating system, Or you can use a combination of languages \u200b\u200bfor your operating system, developing and displaying the Office user interface.

Adding a language

You can add display language or author language. The display language defines the language used by Office in user interface - tape, buttons, dialog boxes, etc. Development language affects text direction and layout for vertical, right to left and mixed text. The author's languages \u200b\u200balso include spelling tests such as dictionaries to test spelling and grammar. (Preferred Development Language is displayed at the top of the list. in bold. You can change this by selecting the desired language and selecting.)

To add a display language:

    Choose File > Parameters > Language.

    In chapter Language office display In the section Select Install Advanced Display Languages \u200b\u200bwith Office.com.

    Set the display language and then select Set.

    The added language will appear in the list of Office display languages.

    Open Office, such as Word.

    Choose File >Parameters >Language.

    In the section in the section Development languages \u200b\u200band verification of Office Choose Add tongue ....

    Select the desired language in the dialog box. Add Language Display and then select Add.

    The added language will appear in the Office Development Languages \u200b\u200blist.

If a language is displayed next to the language name Available verificationYou can get a language pack with check tools for your language. If a Check is not available Next to the title of the language, the checks are not available for this language. If a language is displayed next to the language name check installed, all is ready.

    Available testing.

Install the preferred display or author language

The preferred language is highlighted in bold at the top of each list of languages. The order of languages \u200b\u200bin the list is an order in which languages \u200b\u200bare used by Office. For example, if you use the display order in Spanish<предпочитаемый>, German and Japanese, and the Spanish resources are removed from your computer, the preferred display language will be German.

To establish a preferred language:

    Open Office, such as Word.

    Choose File > Parameters > Language.

    In chapter Configuring Office Language Parameters Perform one or both of the following steps below.

    • In chapter Office Display Language Select the desired language from the list, and then select Set as preferred.

Using the configuration of the Office language parameters, you can add a new language or select a reference language and pop-up tip.

Language parameters are located in the dialog box Configuring Office Language Parameterswhich can be opened by choosing File> Parameters> Language. Interface and help languages \u200b\u200bcan be installed independently of each other. For example, you can configure the same language everywhere as in the operating system, or use different languages \u200b\u200bfor the operating system, editing, interface and references.

Available languages \u200b\u200bdepend on the language version of the Office set and an additional language packet, the user interface package and pop-up tipbook languages \u200b\u200binstalled on the computer.

Adding a language

To add a language to Office, you need to add the edit language. The editing language consists of the direction of the type and spelling tools for this language. Checks include function specific functions, such as dictionaries for spelling and grammar check. (The default editing language is displayed at the top of the bold list. You can change it by selecting the desired language and choosing Set by default.)

    Open Office, such as Word.

    Choose File > Parameters > Language.

    In the dialog box Configuring Office Language Settings In chapter Select editing languages Select the edit language you want to add from the list Add Additional Editing Languages and press Add.

    The added language will appear in the list of editing languages.

If in the column Keyboard layout Specified Not includedMake the following:

    Windows settings will open on the Language page. In the dialog box Adding languages dialog box windows settings Select Adding a languageselect the desired language in the list and click Add.

    Close the dialog box Add languages In Windows settings. In the "Office" dialog box, your language should be displayed as Switched on In chapter Keyboard layout In chapter Select editing languages.

If in the column Spelling Specified Not installedIt may be necessary to get a language pack or user interface package to set the spelling tools for your language.

    To enter the Internet and get the desired language package, select the link. Not installed.

Setting the Language Interface and Default Help

The interface and help languages \u200b\u200bare used in Office to display interface elements, such as menu items, commands and tabs, in addition to the language displayed by the help file.

The default language is specified at the top of the list and is highlighted in bold. In Office, the interface languages \u200b\u200band help are used in the order in which they are listed in the list of interface languages \u200b\u200band references. For example, if Spanish is present in the list of interface languages<по умолчанию>, German and Japanese, and language products for Spanish have been deleted from the computer, the default interface language will be German.

Default language

    Open Office, such as Word.

    Choose File, Parameters, and then - Language.

    In the dialog box Configuring Office Language Settings In chapter Select display languages \u200b\u200band reference Select the language you want to use and then select Set by default.

Definition of the interface language that is used in each Office application

If multiple languages \u200b\u200bare used, and the Office package is configured in accordance with the user requirements, you can interview all Office applications and find out what language is used as the default interface language in each of them.

    In the dialog box Installing Office Language Parameters In chapter Select interface languages \u200b\u200band referencechoose View interface languages \u200b\u200bfor each microsoft programs Office..

Quest language of pop-up tips

Note: This feature is available only for the following Office applications: Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Visio and Word. It is not supported for Office 2016 programs.

Pop-up tips are small pop-ups in which a brief context reference appears when you hover the pointer to the on-screen element, such as a button, tab, a dialog box or menu control. When setting up the pop-up tip language in one Office program, the selected language is saved in all installed Office programs.

    Open Office, such as Word.

    Choose File > Parameters > Language.

    In the dialog box Setting the Language Preferences Office In chapter Select the language of pop-up tips Select the language of pop-up tips.


    • This feature is not available in Office 2016.

      If the desired language is missing in the list, you may need additional language services. Choose How to get additional on-screen tip languages \u200b\u200bwith Office.com And follow the instructions for downloading and installing.

      After the new pop-up tip language is installed, it will become the language of pop-up tips used by default.

For more information about pop-up prompts, see the article.

Word, Outlook and Internet Explorer - Probably these programs are most often used on personal Computer. Almost all PC owners are able to work with these applications, but most of them are familiar with the small share of their capabilities. And therefore, losses from the inefficient use of these programs are very high. We hope that the Soviets below will prompt how to work faster, and will help save precious time.


Comparison of documents SIDE by Side

You probably met with the problem of the complexity of the comparison of the two versions of the same document. In Word 2003, it was possible to compare documents in the Side by Side mode, which allows you to call two documents at once and scrolling them simultaneously and separately, comparing certain sections of two documents.

Open two documents and select the command. Window \u003d\u003e Compare Side by Side WITH ... If you have only two documents open, they will be compared - otherwise the program will ask to clarify which documents must be compared.

For document management, a floating panel appears (Fig. 1). Pressing the left button changes the scrolling mode (turns on / off simultaneous scrolling mode), and the right button allows you to return the window position to the position from which you started comparing documents.

Web-pages with minimum excess tags

When you save Web pages or send emails in HTML format with using Microsoft. Word, additional tags are added to the document, which will allow you to use all Word functionality for further work with the document.

In order to reduce the size of a Web page and e-mail messages in an HTML format, you can save data in a special filtered format (Filtered HTML) - in this case, extra tags will be deleted.

If you open the WEB page stored in Filtered HTML mode, in Word, part of the functionality to further edit this document may be lost. For example, the marked lists and numbers will be displayed, however, the possibility of their modification by Word will be lost.

Therefore, the Filtered HTML mode should be used only at the final stage - before the direct translation in HTML.

All elements of the Web site in one file

In Word 2003, it was possible to save all elements of the Web site, including text and graphics, in one file. In order to use this feature, just execute the command Save As. And choose item Single File Web Page. In this mode, encapsulation is carried out, which allows you to send a fully web site as an e-mail message or an email. This format Supported in Internet Explorer 4.0 and later versions.

How to Add Name (Title) Web page

The title (Title) appears in the Title Bar strip at the top of the window, as well as, for example, in the web browser viewing history. If someone saves a link to your web page, the title name appears in the personal list of Person "s Favorites List. In order to set title, you need to execute the command File \u003d\u003e Save As Web PageClick on the inscription Change Title (Fig. 2) and imprint the desired name.

How to optimize web pages for a specific browser

By keeping the Word document as a Web page, you have the ability to optimize it for a specific browser.

Follow the command Tools \u003d\u003e Options And in the panel of the same name, select the tab GENERAL, and in it - panel Web Options. In the tab Browsers. in field People Who View this Web Page Will Be Using Select the desired browser version (Fig. 3). In the list Options. Allow (or prohibit) listed features.

Reuse Format Painter

When you click on the icon Format Painter. (Copying format), a copy of the formatting of the text of the area where the cursor is located. Now, if you allocate any field of text, Format Painter applies the above-mentioned formatting.

Many users are familiar with this feature, but at the same time most do not know that if you click on the Format Painter icon twice, you can use the copied format again as much as it is necessary and this function will be active until the ESC key is pressed.

Save All / Close All

If you hold SHIFT KEY.when choosing item File Menu. In Word, the menu composition changes. Instead Closefunction appears Close All., and instead Save. — SAVE ALL(Fig. 4).

Row without a bullita

When creating a marked list in Word, the situation often occurs when it is necessary to leave the next item without a shootout. To do this, click the key combination Shift + Enter.. IN next lineWhen you click ENTER, the new line will again be with a bullit.

For example:

How to use the desired formatting when inserting

In the event of copying text from any document in Word, the latter automatically transfers text with the formatting that occurred in the document from which copying is made. In order to insert the text to have the same formatting as Word document, you should use the command Edit \u003d\u003e Paste Special \u003d\u003e Unformatted Text (Fig. 5).

Formatting with smart tag

After inserting the text to any Office application, click on a smart tag opens a menu with a choice of formatting type, including the following options:

  • Keep Source Formatting - The format to which the text possessed in the source document will remain;
  • MATCH DESTINATION FORMATTING - There will be formatted inserted data on the principle of paperwork in which the insert is carried out (Fig. 6).

How to add a description to your Word document

Document Properties - This is the information that Microsoft Word allows you to add each document. This useful feature Few people use, meanwhile, with its help, you can add a number of descriptions and instructions, which will be particularly valuable if you work in a team. To add a description of the Word document you need to call the Document Properties panel by command File \u003d\u003e Properties (Fig. 7).

Quick access to selective documents

You want to have quick access to a row word documents? There is nothing easier! Follow the command View \u003d\u003e Toolbars \u003d\u003e Customize, Select the tab Commands.section BUILT-IN MENUS And drag the icon Work On the panel, as shown in Fig. eight.

Now in order to add a current document in the Work menu, it is enough to open it and click on item. Add to work Menu(Fig. 9) - the current document will be added to the menu. You can delete it using key combination Ctrl + Alt + minus.

Insert line into a document

Do you want to separate the paragraph line? Press three times the transfer sign and key ENTER And you get a thin line. Press three times the lower underscore key and key ENTER - Get a bold line. And when you click three times, keys of equality signs and keys ENTER You will get a double line.

Calculator in Word.

Do you know that the calculator can be added to the Word panel?

Follow the command View \u003d\u003e Toolbars \u003d\u003e Customize \u003d\u003e Commands Tab And place the Tools Calculate icon on the toolbar (Fig. 10). Now, printed some expression by selecting it and pressing the Tools Calculate button, you can get the result (Fig. 11).

In order to replace the expression by the result of the account, press the key combination Ctrl + V..

Continuous change in scale

To change the scale of the document, press the key Ctrl And with the mouse wheel, change the scale before getting the desired permission. It is much more convenient than accessing the menu.


Control the spam filter in Outlook 2003

In the Microsoft Outlook 2003 email client, the spam filter is embedded, which is designed to cut off the unwanted messages and place them in a separate folder.

However, this folder must be checked from time to time and control so that the useful letter is not recognized as spam.

Filter in Microsoft Outlook 2003 analyzes the formal attributes of the message and its body. When analyzing the formal attributes of the message, the filter uses black and white lists.

If you received an unwanted e-mail message, right-click on it and in the drop-down menu (Fig. 12) execute the command Junk Email \u003d\u003e Add Sender to the Blocked Senders List. E-Mail messages from subscribers who are placed in Blocked Senders List.will be blocked and sent to the folder Junk E-Mail Folder.

If, on the contrary, the program will mistakenly put the letter you need to the folder Junk E-Mail Folder, add this user to the White Team List Add Sender To The Safe Senders List- He will continue to be blocked.

Message chain in Outlook 2003

Outlook 2003 Opportunity Sort mail on discussions ( View \u003d\u003e Arrange By \u003d\u003e Conversation) Allows you to quickly view messages and quickly delete unnecessary mail. Organize View Mail in the above method (Fig. 13), and you will see that there is a chain of earlier letters to many topics. This method Displaying correspondence makes it easier to find and delete outdated letters.

Keep the documents where you are comfortable

When you receive a message with the attachment and you want to save it on the disk, then by default Outlook prompted you to save the attachment in the folder My Documents. If you save attachment files elsewhere, then you need to change destination. Accelerate the procedure will help add a shortcut to the folder My Documentssending to the desired folder.

Internet Explorer.

How to limit children's access to unwanted Internet resources

If you have a task to limit the access of children to unwanted web resources, you can put a password for access to this resources using Internet Explorer 6, as well as write a list of allowed and prohibited nodes. In order to put a ban on uncontrolled access to Internet resources in

Internet Explorer, execute the command Service \u003d\u003e Observer Properties and select tab Content (Fig. 14).

Activate the button Enable And in the panel that appears, select the tab General. In this tab, use the function Create a password. The password will be required to access forbidden resources.

Changing the font size in IE

Simple but very useful advice. Not all Web pages offer the optimal font size, and each time you climb in the font settings tedious. Press the key Ctrl, and, moving the mouse wheel, you can increase or decrease the font size of the displayed text.

Open link in new window

What to do if you don't want to leave with current pageBut do you want to see the link on it? Click on URL Hold down Shift.- In this case, the page opens in a new window.

How to change the homepage

Some programs set their page as home. To change the page from which you want to start a review, you must execute the service command \u003d\u003e Observer properties and in the section Homepage (Fig. 15) Specify the desired address or select item. With empty.

Fast URL set

If the URL that you want to add to the address bar has a view of www.matom.com, then you just need to type this name and click the key combination Ctrl + Enter..

Rapid movement between Web pages

Quick movement between multiple Web pages is convenient to carry out by holding down key. Shift.and mouse wheel.

Outlook and Word interaction is perhaps the most characteristic example of collaboration. Already mentioned that as a message editor, the user can specify Microsoft Word.

Example 18.1. Word as a message editor

(B Application Outlook)

\u003e Tools\u003e Message options

Use Microsoft Word as a message editor

Use Microsoft Word to read RTF messages

As an example of using Word, consider creating a message containing figure text and a diagram demonstrating the structure of this book.

Creating a message with Word

Create a message via Word in two ways:

  • Start the Word application, create a document and select Team\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e Message.
  • Directly in the Outlook application by selecting the command > Actions\u003e New post with\u003e Microsoft Word (Fig. 18.1).

As can be seen from the figure, the essence of the message has not changed, there are fields for entering the recipients and the subject of the message, the signature and panel were automatically added. Painting (Drawing), but the toolbar noticeably enriched Formatting Formatting.

Fig. 18.1. Outlook Message (Microsoft Word Editor)

Insert of figure text

So, we will create a beautiful title for our message first using the WordArt object.

Example 18.2. Inserting the Wordart object

\u003e Insert\u003e Figure\u003e Wordart object

Select the desired lettering style OK

Text: \u003d. Structure of book Fat Ok

(Fomatization panel) in the center

As a result of our actions, beautifully decorated text with a yellow gradient fill to the center will appear (Fig. 18.2).

To change the properties of this object, you can use the buttons of the toolbar of the same name. In our case, let's change the color of the fill with yellow to blue.

Fig. 18.2. Text Wordart in the message

Fig. 18.3. Dialog window Methods of fill

Example 18.3. Changing the properties of the Wordart object

(On Wordart toolbar)

Format object Wordart color and lines

Color Methods Filling ...


One color color1 blue

Type of hatching from the center

Options (Fig. 18.3)

Insertion chart

The next step in question is the insertion of the chart, by the way, which is one of the Word innovations.

Example 18.4. Insertion chart

\u003e Insert\u003e Organizational diagram ...

Select the type of diagram (Fig. 18.4)

Fig. 18.4. Dialog window Library diagrams

A plug displaying the selected diagram will appear in the message text. But it consists of one "root" and only three "branches", while this book has four parts. Add another branch and change the style of the chart.

Example 18.5. Adding a branch in a chart

(Highlight the diagram root)

(On the organizational diagram panel) add a figure


Choose a style chart relief gradient

Now it remains to enter the text of the chart. To do this, click on the left mouse button on one of the diagram plugs and enter the appropriate text. The final version of the message edited and formatted by Word is shown in Fig. 18.5.

Fig. 18.5. Final message

After the message is created, it will remain fill in the fields Kom. (That) and Subject (Subject), then click the button Send (Send).


Since our message is saved and sent in HTML format, some formatting elements can be lost or modified. Do not forget about it, with building messages in Word! Sometimes the messages created are better to simply attach as an attachment.

Recall once again that we are considering only the general principle of collaboration Outlook and other Office applications. In addition to inserting objects (which is much more than two) there are still forms, frimes, styles, tables, fields ... The list can be continued to infinity. The world of Microsoft Office applications are wide and truly multifunctional. Learn it parallelly with Outlook and other existing lintings. In the end, the road is asset going ...

Mailing document on the route

Sending a document on the route (Routing) is called sending a document by e-mail to colleagues in a specific sequence. The sequence of mailing is called The document route.

After receiving the document, the addressee can make its changes and comments and send the document further on the route. At the end of the route, after the document will look at all the addressees specified in the routing list, you can demand a return document or specify the user for which it is intended, for example, a project manager.

Example 18.6. Sending a document on the route

\u003e File\u003e Open ... (open the required document)

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e route. . .

Nashareyrev Anton To

Mokhovikov Oleg Kom.

Text Messages: \u003d Dear colleagues! Read the attached document and express your considerations and comments about the written. Thank you in advance, Egor Usarov.


Return at the end




During the execution of this program, Outlook security dialog box may appear, warning about third-party intervention and access to Outlook data. In this case, always agree to allow access (after all, this request comes from your actions, and you expect it).

A designated route can be attached to the document to send it not immediately, but to do it later. To do this, at the last step of the program you need to click Add (Add Slip).

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e next destination ...

Direct Document Nasharev Anton

To refuse to send a document on the route and generally disconnect the route, you need to click Clear (Clear).

Let's go back for example. After the button is pressed Send (ROUTE) will automatically be created a message with the text specified in the field Message text (Message Text), and with an invested document, which must be sent (Fig. 18.6). Suppose that the first addressee (in our example it is Anton Nasharev) is responsible, i.e. he will not leave the received message without attention or will not delete it without reading, but will react to it properly: Read not only the message about the mailing list And the invested document itself, and not only read it, but will bring his wishes and comments to it, and then send it to the next correspondence. Let's try to trace how this happens.

To open the document itself, the recipient is enough to make a double click on the icon of the attached document in the message. Further in the usual way the recipient makes changes to the document. At the end of the work, he must send the document further on the route.

\u003e File\u003e Send\u003e next destination ...

Send document "Oleg Mokhovikov"

Fig. 18.6. Document sending

What happens after that? First, the message will be sent to the following addressee in the mailing list - Mochovikov Oleg. He will be able to read the document with the already submitted changes and make its own. Secondly, the initial sender will be notified of the movement of the distribution list, because in the dialog box Route (Routing Slip) Checkbox Monitor (Track Status).

If everything is in order, the document will move to the mailing list until the entire mailing list is exhausted. The last addressee in the route will be prompted to return the changed document by the mailing initiator, and thus the circle closes.

To speed up the process, you can send the document not alternately, but all at once. In this case, the merge of the changes falls on the sender's shoulders.