Five free Microsoft Word text editor analogs. Control: ICT: text editors, Word text editors that will replace the Word

We reviewed the most popular text editors capable of creating, opening, edit files. Each program is distinguished by a unique interface and different functionality. In your choice, focus on the options that satisfy your text needs.

Microsoft Office 2016., LibreOffice.and IBM Lotus Symphony Are full-fledged office packages and have a wide range of tools for creating and editing text and tabular data. Of course, the most advanced features can be found in microsoft application . What is only worth integration with cloud storage and the possibility remote access To major projects from any computer or gadget. On the other hand, quite high system requirements It pulls not every PC. Libobofisit boasts the support of a huge number of formats and advanced editor of the formula. Lotus Symphony. - To this day a decent analogue to the two competitors. Contains convenient interface And supports expansion by plugins. And yet, their number is limited, and the official website has not been updated the utility for a long time.

MS Word 2007. and 2010 - Excellent and proven programs of programs with a developed set of functions. They are distinguished by a high-quality text search system, a means of testing spelling and punctuation, built-in translator and so on. Version 2010. Received a more modern interface, support more formats and the ability to store documents in the cloud. If the latest facts do not have much importance for you, you can safely use less demanding to computer resources Wheel 2007.. Approximately the same advanced text editor contains the OpenOffice package with its Writer, which is completely free.

Akelpad.and NotePad ++. - Fast, lungs and easy-to-manage the analogues of the standard Notepad Windows. Both programs They have an open source code, allow you to assign a variety of hotkeys and maintain a multi-level actions, contain automation settings. Notepadincludes option reserve copy data and text encryption tool. In anxalpade, the unicode strings and other useful chips are perfectly implemented.

It is worth noting, the NotePade application is universal: it will be useful novice and experienced programmers due to the presence of an integrated development environment, and the usual users are used as an advanced version of the notepad - a small and fast text editor. No less developed functionality is in WPS Office Writter.In addition, the utility has received a very convenient night mode For people with weak eyesight.

Sublime Text and Adobe Brackets. Created as tools to work with different programming languages. They include good alternative editors for Windows, MacOS. Applications are popular among programmers, vertellors and web-page developers who are looking for a new free visual editor.

Our review did not include several programs, which should also pay attention, it is - Editpad Lite., Softmaker Office., RJ Texted, CRIMSON EDITOR, Atlantis Word Processor, Comodo Edit and TextMaker. . The latter supports all MS Word versions and opens documents in formats.docx, .docm, .dotx, .dotm, .doc, .dot, odt, .ott, .sxw, .rtf, .psw, .pwd, .htm,. HTML, .txt., .tmv, .tmd.

For a writer, it is important not to move inspiration. Muse - a capricious creature, it does not tolerate the formatting of paragraphs and the rigid flow around the pictures. Probably, therefore, most of the reviews of text editors are dedicated to Zen's applications, which are unobtrusively small, or have the character of a teacher who customs to enlighten the bamboo stick (remember the editor, which started to wash the written?).

Text editor features are beautiful. All you need for normal operation is. Fonts, headlines, styles of paragraphs, setting up indents and intervals, auto-plane - all this. Inserting various pictures, tables, formulas, footnotes and comments (by the way, comments are very convenient when working together on a document).

Yes, and joint work on the document is definitely convenient. Access to documents can be given in two versions: simple, by reference to the document, and access to the address email. Both methods propose to set their access levels: editing, commenting or reading a document.
The only thing I miss here is the ability to hide gaps between pages. I used to do it in the Word, and the big holes in the text annoy me. By the way, in any of the editors, except Word and latest version Libre Office, I did not find such a function. Maybe just, did not dig so deep in the settings?

One Drive, Mail.Ru and Word Online Editor

In addition to paid licensed versions of office programs that are installed on a computer, guys from Microsoft did both online version of their products: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Of course, the coordination Corporation comes on the heels, you need to react!

The Word Online functionality is significantly inferior to its offline eldest brother, but all the basic functions of editing and formatting are present. Visually, the editor interface is almost the same as in full version 2016 or office office 365. Naturally, all classic formats are supported, open, saved. Online documents are stored in the ONEDRIVE Microsoft cloud. if you have account Microsoft (and with the appearance of Windows 10 without such an account no longer do), then everything in oneDrive and will continue.

IN mobile devices on the Windows Mobile Or Windows 10 This package is integrated by default, so you can work with your documents and with smartphone tablets.

In addition to working on your own office site, you can meet with an online work in clouds. The developers did not bother with the creation of their own editors (although, they say, in recent times, something own, Russian, is already being developed), screwed up the Word, Excel and PowerPoint cloud and configured the preservation of documents in their repository. Considering that more than half of the Russian-speaking people have Mail.Ru mail, and some of the clouds (for example, I have) - terabyte, then the work option is very attractive here.

ZOHO and ZOHO Writer Editor

Zoho - cloud Service, or a cloud office that includes CRM, mail and other surely useful business pieces. Among other things, ZOHO allows you to create and edit on the network your own office documents: texts, tables, presentations.

The software package is similar to the previous one, in general. The textual text editor is not very different from the rest of his fellow: Word Online and Google Docs. All you need to format and edit text, general accessThe ability to download a text document in format.docx.

I do not know, however, no one who enjoys this editor and this cloud. Among my acquaintances, at least do not meet. Meanwhile, the cloud has a free size of 150 GB, which, in general, is very good. Registration is required to work in the cloud, however, as everywhere. By the way, you can log in and register using Google Account (what I did).


And one more online service where you can write texts and work together with them - Dropboxpaper from the most popular today cloud storage. It is not that a full-fledged textual text editor with a complete set of tools, rather, it can be attributed to the class of editors notes. Its functionality is very similar to the notes on Facebook, or supplied with Windows 10 the SWAY application (who uses them at all?).

From the very beginning, we offer three templates: brainstorming, meeting notes and project proposal. These are not even templates, but examples of how you can use this service to work. The service itself during the viewing of the templates offers unobtrusive tips. Everything is clear if you know English a little. By the way, everything is English, the Russian localization in the beta version is not, perhaps, in the final version, everything is Russified.

Actually, editor. Text and other elements of the document (pictures, tables, lists, checkboxes, etc.) are inserted with separate blocks. To the left of each new block appears a circle with a cross, clicking on which we get such a simple set of options. On the left it is shown who added this next block. It is very convenient when several people work on the document. Common access is provided in the same way as in the Google Documents: Dropbox account or reference.

You can add comments as in GoogleDocs to text blocks, it looks likewise:

The text formatting items on the main screen are not visible, and become available only after you highlight some part of the text:

The image inserted into the text can be moved a little. Naturally, you can also add comments to it. You can insert drawings and files directly from your Dropbox storage, it is very convenient.

All that is created is exported to Vordovsky format.docx, export buttons are hidden here:

It turns out acceptable. In principle, writing some not too complicated texts in this editor in this editor, but it is not very convenient to use it as the main worker. It is much more benefit from it as an auxiliary tool for collaboration.


These alternatives are the great and terrible Word invites us modern reality. In my opinion, the real suitable replacement of a paid Microsoft monster - Libre Office as an offline package and any of the above-described online, as they are almost the same. I like Googlovsky. You are free to choose what you want.

Write on health, and do not forget about the Arfagropic Slavar. And you will be happy.

Despite all the amenities and functionality Microsoft Word., Rarely, who will use his ability to at least half. To gain and edit a simple document, not the entire arsenal of the program. On the other hand, is there any sense to use for such purposes an expensive and vague text editor for such purposes, if it will cope with this quick and compact compact free analogs with this? Actually, the review of various text editors - "substitutes" of notepad and MS Word - and this article will be devoted.

Abiword 2.3.1

Abiword 2.3.1



Developer The Abisource Community.

The size 4.88 MB.

Familiar interface; everything you need to work with documents; Automatic check of spelling of Russian and Ukrainian languages

The most famous, and probably the best of text editors that are positioned as a direct WordPad / Word replacement. Lie joke, a group of enthusiasts from Abisource managed to accommodate in 5 MB distribution all the functions needed for a home user! All sorts of text formatting styles, full search / replacement implementation, OLE Support (Object Linking & Embedding - Simply Speaking, Import text, pictures, tables from others windows Applications), various little things like special symbols, footers - here, perhaps, a brief description of programs. And of course familiar and the familiar interfaceExternally indistinguishable from the MS Word interface.

An interesting feature of AbiWord is the Document History function, i.e., saving all previous audits of the document and the ability to compare the edited text with the original. In the process of working on the article, coursework, it will be more than useful and will help save a lot of time. Not forgotten and spelling - a constant attribute of any serious text editor. Russian, and Ukrainian languages, whose dictionaries can be downloaded from the Web site of the program. It is also possible to connect the MS Word user dictionary (remind you that in Windows XP it is located at the following address: C: Documents and SettingsImApplication DatamicrosoftProof) - This will allow not to teach again Abiword old terms.

But still the most important thing is that Word documents of any version (including the most modern in MS Office 2003) open in AbiWord perfectly correctly, while maintaining all styles and formatting items. No problems arise and in reverse directionThat once again confirms the versatility and excellent compatibility of the Abisource development.

Some criticism causes only the impossibility manual setting The toolbars - it is rigidly fixed, and add / delete new components in it like the upper / lower index will not work. However, such an inconvenience is easily eliminated if you connect an additional EXTRA panel, where there are all other tools needed for comfortable work with the text. Gorgeous Free Alternative MS Word!

EMeditor 4.13

EMeditor 4.13

Shareware, $ 40


Developer Emurasoft.

The size 1.52 Mb.

Cute appearance; efficient work with large files; Reasonable functionality

Shareware status

Probably the best description of EMeditor - "finalized to the little notebook". After all, you see, simple, but the compact text editor is needed quite often - for example, for personal notes or things more seriously like programming and web design. Another thing is that the standard notepad, due to the limit on the size of the editable file (no more than 64 Kb) and the poor functionality, does not fit this role.

EMEDITOR is completely deprived of the shortcomings of the brainchild Microsoft - starting with work with large files (up to 500 GB) and ending with excellent functionality as an entry-level editor. First of all, EMEDITOR will surely interest programmers - thanks to the ability to underscore and allocate teams of various programming languages, as well as creating JavaScript or VBScript macros. Similar compliments can be expressed in the address of working with HTML; The pseudo-optic interface will simplify work with multiple files at the same time. Drag'n'Drop, Unicode support and all popular text formats are fully implemented. In principle, even document Word. Overlines, albeit with formatting loss. Well, as a final chord, it is worth noting the automatic conversion of the entered URLs and E-mail addresses in the hyperlink. The overall impression spoils only the Shareware-status program that allocates only 30 days of free use of EMEDITOR ...

MIB Editor 1.26

MIB Editor 1.26



Developer Seldon.

The size 750 KB.

Small size; Rich functionality

Rustic appearance; Does not support RTF.

Very nice russian developmentwhich closer to all came to the perfect NotePad. In fact, this text editor software package Somehow even uncomfortable to call - with what, and functionality (with the amount of 750 Kb!) The author clearly did not sentence. For example, such a banal thing as text transcoding. Having written in the hundredth time GHBDTN instead of "hello" or, even worse, a kind paragraph of text is not in that layout, somehow you start to look at the absence of such a function from MS Word. MIB Editor has a regular layout change module, and such errors will not lead to loss of time. And how this Microsoft did not guessed ... Not forgotten and other frequent encodings - KOI-8, DOS, UTF and WIN-1251, as well as converting in any direction. Is that the appearance of the program is inconspicuous - it clearly deserves more.

Working well and work with HTML, programming languages, and the Calculator A la Mathcad plus the magnitude transmitter generally lead to the wild delight. Convenient bookmarking system, detailed statistics, text encryption clearly go beyond the range of the average NotePad clone, and support for voice engine (!) And at all exceeds all reasonable limits. No, it's easy! For such functionality, MIB Editor can be forgiven a lot, not even the most impressive interface. Yes, what is there to say - definitely the best alternative to NotePad!

What should be the perfect text editor?

Before you choose a home text editor, it is worth a clearly decide on exactly what you need - a notepad replacement or still simplified Word. Accordingly, the requirements for these two classes are completely different. So, in the initial level editors, the main emphasis is on the skill to work with various encodings, a convenient toolkit for working with HTML, scripts, programming languages. Functions such as text formatting, spelling and multi-color interface, are simply irrelevant here.

But for Word-like editors, the last things acquire the priority. In fact, if the program of this level does not know how to insert footers, create numbered lists and even more so align text in width, then it cannot be attributed to the mid-level editors. In addition, the method of implementing these functions is equally important; For example, a multi-color interface should be really convenient, on the principle of bookmarks in Firefox / Myie2, it is otherwise all its meaning is lost. This should also include compatibility with Microsoft Word format, as well as rich text formatting opportunities. And of course, it is desirable to further expand the functionality of this class It seems to create uncomplicated geometric shapes, pointers, etc.

Listedit 2.6.

Listedit 2.6.



Developer Alexander Trefilov

The size 380 Kb.

Spectacular interface; intuitiveness in work; Integration S. Total Commander.

Nothing significant

Simple, but a pretty program for viewing and editing RTF, HTML and TXT. The Listedit interface is not burdened with excessive tools, but, nevertheless, it looks very elegant, so it's a pleasure to work with it. From the main possibilities of the program, it is worth noting the spelling check (provided that MS Word is already installed on your PC, because Listedit uses its means), shift the encodings (KOI-8, WIN-1251, DOS, ISO), opening files of any size And other standard functions for a similar class. There are no tools for formatting text, but, by and large, they are not needed here. But Listedit can work correctly with binary files (for example, * .exe or * .dll drivers libraries) and edit them directly in your window. Well, with the help of third-party plugins, the program without problems can be connected to the popular file manager Total Commander, which will make browser and view data on your PC much more comfortable. This is also facilitated by a rather wide "multimedia" abilities of the utility, for example, viewing pictures in jPG format, PNG, GIF and Web pages, and even mode Slide show For a group of files. Extremely happy and unlimited cancellation / refunds when editing text, as well as a fairly convenient bookmarking system. Of course, the option of automatic correction of text scored in another layout would not prevent.





Developer Polysoft Solutions

The size 1.17 MB.

Compactness; Wealth opportunity

There is no check of the spelling of the Ukrainian language; English-speaking interface

Wonderful ABIWord competitor from developers from the ex-USSR. Like his ideological inspirer (then you mean WINWORD), Polyedit is primarily focused on high-quality design and formatting text. Integration with the system is also not forgotten: Tables, Pictures, Cliparts, Objects of various Windows applications - All this in the blink of an eye is inserted into the PolyEdit document. There is both automatic testing of the spelling of Russian and English languages, and even a special "smart" module of monitoring the contents of the clipboard, autoformat text (in RTF or ASCII) and much more.

Oddly enough for the middle-level editor, but Polyedit is also able to work with binary files (until recently it was the prerogative of notepad-like utilities), immediately after editing starts them to execute. Completes the picture an intuitive and convenient interface in Word style. All the most relevant functions are made on the toolbar - starting from the intervals between the rows in the paragraph and completing the rapid drawing of the tables. Well, built-in mail client All will immediately send your product to the addressee.

By and large, there is not enough drawing panel to create simple figures and flowcharts, as well as a text correction module scored in "incorrect" layout. And it would not be prevented by more frequent updates of the program, because the current version 5.0 RC with minor changes there are already good year and a half. And there, look, and Abiword breaks into leaders ...

MS Word - deservedly is the most popular text editor in the world. This program finds its use in many areas and will be equally good for home, professional and educational use. Word is just one of the programs included in Microsoft Package, which is known to be distributed by subscription with annual or monthly payment.

Actually, it is the cost of a Word subscription and forces many users to look for analogues of this text editor. And today there is a lot of such, and some of them are not inferior in their capabilities to the full-featured editor from Microsoft. Below we will look at the most decent alternatives to Word.

Note: The procedure for describing programs in the text should not be regarded as a rating from the worst for the better, as from the best to the worst, it's just a list of decent products with the consideration of their main characteristics.

This is a cross-platform office package, one of the most popular in the free segment. The product includes about the same programs as in the Microsoft Office package, even a little more. This is a text editor, a tabular processor, a tool for creating presentations, database management system, graph editor, editor of mathematical formulas.

OpenOffice functionality is more than enough for comfortable work. As for the direct text processor, called Writer, it allows you to create and edit documents, change their design and formatting. As in the Word, the insertion of graphic files and other objects is supported, the creation of tables, graphs and much more is available. All this, as it should be, is packaged in a simple and understandable, conveniently implemented interface. It is important to note the fact that the program is compatible with Vordovsky documents.

Another free and cross-platform office editor with wide opportunities for work. Like OpenOffice Writer, this office package is well compatible with microsoft formats Word, according to some users, even in a slightly large extent. If you believe it, this program works, also noticeably faster. Analogs of all components included in the Microsoft office package are also interested here, we are also interested in only one of them.

LibreOffice Writer is a text processor, which, as it believes such a program, supports all the functions and features necessary for comfortable work with the text. Here is available to configure text styles, executing its formatting. It is possible to add images to a document, creating and inserting tables, columns. There is an automatic spell check and much more.

Here is another office package, which, as well as the above, is a free and quite decent alternative to Microsoft Office. By the way, the program interface is largely similar to that in the brainchild Microsoft, however, if not taking into account the latest versions of the program. If the appearance does not suit you something, it can always be changed to himself.

The Office Writer text processor supports Word Document Formats, provides the ability to export documents to PDF and can upload file templates from the Internet. As it should be, the capabilities of this editor are not limited to the writing and formatting text. Writer supports the insertion of the drawings, the creation of tables, mathematical formulas and much more, without which to date it is impossible to present a comfortable work with text documents.

And again an office package, and again a decent counterpart of Microsoft's brain. The product includes an application for creating presentations and a text processor that we will look at. It is noteworthy that the program for working with text is well adapted to touch screens, has a rather attractive graphical interface and a number of other advantages.

In Galligra Gemini, as in all of the above programs, you can insert images and mathematical formulas. There are tools for posting pages, supported standard for Word Doc and DOCX formats. The office package works quite quickly and stably, without loading the system. True, there are sometimes easy braces on Windows.

Office package from the world famous search giant, which, in contrast to all of the above programs, has no desktop version. Documents from Google are sharpened exclusively for work online, in the browser window. This approach is at the same time advantageous and disadvantage. In addition to the text processor, the package includes tools for creating spreadsheets and presentations. All that is required to start work - the availability of the Google account.

All software services from Google Docs package are part of the cloud google repository DRIVE, in the environment of which work flows. Created documents are saved in real time, constantly synchronizing. All of them are in the cloud, and access to projects can be obtained from any device - through an application or web browser.

This product is focused on working with documents, for which there are all the necessary features. Users can provide sharing files, post comments and notes, edit. If you speak directly about the means to work with the text, here from more than enough for most users.

Here we are with you and reviewed the five most relevant and functionally equal analogs of Microsoft Word. Which one to choose, solve you. Recall that all products discussed in this article are free.

A task

One of the most common works on the computer is the presentation of information in text form. Computer using the appropriate software It is possible to type various texts, save them on various media, view, edit, etc. etc. Our task: to remember you already known to you techniques of work with programs used for these purposes, and master new ones. At the first lesson, it will be mainly about entering and preserving the text.

Encoding characters.

Computers can only process numerical informationIt means that each symbol of the text that we see on the screen or on the printout must be put into line with some number - code. The most common is a single-byte encoding of characters that is used for encoding 8-bit binary number For example: "1" \u003d 01010001 \u003d 49; "A" \u003d 01000001 \u003d 65; "I" \u003d 111011111 \u003d 239. In this way, 2 8 \u003d 256 characters can be encoded. In the original ASCII table, this is a Latin alphabet, punctuation marks, numbers and mathematical symbols, difthong, Greek letters, pseudographic symbols. With adaptation computer equipment And programs in our country arose the problem of accommodating Cyrillic. It was solved in different times in different ways, and there are several encoding tables. Alternative GOST encoding was the greatest distribution, where the symbols of Cyrillic are alphabetically located on the site of difthong and Greek letters. Windows development made it possible to abandon the characters of the pseudographic, (Windows supports the present graph), and increase the number of special characters. But the position of Cyrillic again had to change. Ansii encoding. Currently, a two-byte encoding of Unicode characters, giving 2 16 \u003d 65536 characters, is becoming increasingly distributed, but it increases the files of the files. Unicode includes all major sets of symbols common to use in a computer and business environment. When saving a document in the encoding Unicode, the use of control characters is allowed to facilitate the choice of the direction of the letter and the location of the text for such languages \u200b\u200bas Arabic or Hebrew.

Types of editors

Text editors - These are programs that allow you to dial, store, prepare for printing and print texts. These programs created a great set, and all of them can be divided into three groups. Textic editors of the first groupThe simplest editors, reflect on the screen all, and in the order contained in the file, and there can be contained only 256 characters, among which are usually Latin and Russian letters (lowercase and capital), pseudographic, and some additional characters. All this is one simplest font, in one line, without any opportunity to highlight headlines, write a mathematical or chemical formula, use special characters and letters of other alphabets, apply different fonts in size, insert illustration. Of course, such opportunities quickly ceased to satisfy users. Part of the characters was defined as control characters, they did not printed, but suggested the printer when you need to skip the page when switching to another font when printing another alphabet symbol. However, these unproductive characters littered the text visible on the screen. Therefore, texts arose editors of the second groupthat showed on the screen only what will be printed, but the file was entered and all additional information. Often such a file could only be understood in this editor. It appeared the opportunity to format the text, but the illustration of its drawings, the graphs was impossible. And finally, editors of the third group Allow to include B. created documents Not only textual information, but also drawings, photos, graphs and other objects. The editors of the third group are also called "Text Processors". An example of such an editor can serve as a text processor WINWORD.The development of the editors was not only on the way to increase information in the file, but also by the improvement of the interface, appeared the possibilities of searching and replacing, working with several windows, formatting text, spell testing, etc. Each next editors group not only makes higher compliance requirements, but also creates files. bigger size. The simplest editors did not lose their meaning and at present. First of all, to create texts are not so much for printing, how much to create various programs and configuration files. Such files should not contain any additional characters that are not visible on the screen. Therefore, editors of programming systems, such as turbopascular, QuickBasic, etc. The simplest editors. However, they have a number of special functions related to the launch and work of programs. The editors of the first group include the built-in FAR editor, the NotePad editor for Windows and others.

The simplest NotePad editor is notepad.

Notepad is a simple text editor used to create text (TXT) files or web pages that do not require formatting and not exceeding the size of 64 KB. Notepad works only with files in ASCII / ANSI / Unicode format (simple text). If the file requires text formatting or exceeds 64 KB, you should use the WordPad text editor.

To start a notepad, you can use the main menu: Start, Programs, Standard. To learn about the notebook more allows the Help menu command.

As a rule, the file open in the notepad opens in ANSI encoding. If, when opening a text file, a set of unreadable characters is displayed, which means the file was created in another ASCII encoding. To read files in the ASCII encoding, you can use another font - Terminal. To change the font, use the menu command Format-font.

To insert the time and date in the Edit menu, select Date / Time. If in the first line of the document "Notepad" program, starting from the first position, introduce (uppercase letters and the point are required):
Each time you open this document, the Notepad program will add current dates and time values \u200b\u200bto the file to the end of the computer.

By default, notepad documents are saved as standard ANSI text.

    I. Practical work. Open notepad, dial in the first line of the file.log
    - Enter the time and date, record the subject of classes, save under the name of the sample.txt to the desktop.
    - Open the file again, make sure that the current dates and time values \u200b\u200bare inserted into the end of the file.
    - Save the file under the same diskette name.

Winword text processor.

This is a multifunctional text information processing program. It includes a lot of what was developed for the editors of previous generations: multi-cycle, macros, work opportunities with blocks, search and replace. All this is combined with convenient graphical interface And Windows help system. Winword drivester allows you to use a large number of fonts that can be changed arbitrarily. For each font, it is possible to install a normal, fat, underlined or mean-to-instelling symbols, and a combination of several signs is possible. To write formulas, you can use the introduction of symbols in the mode and advanced indexes, inserting special characters. TwinWord has greater possibilities for formatting paragraphs and pages: any aircraft interval, string alignment, red string, test columns, paper format, field numbering and much more. All parameters for formatting one paragraph can be saved as "style", and apply for other paragraphs automatically. The set of document styles can be saved in the "template" file and used for the same type of design of other documents. Moreover, Winword provides a user about a dozen ready-made templates that can be used to create documents or to develop their own templates. TwinWord provides the user with a variety of automated tools for creating and processing tables that allow you to quickly, applying templates, form a table, fill it and even use for calculations ( Amounts, average values \u200b\u200band more). Numerical tables of tables can be represented as diagrams of various shapes. The latest versions (allow you to import and insert into documents WINWORD-A texts and illustrations created by other programs. Therefore, although in Winword-e there are no opportunities for building complex, multi-storey mathematical formulas, or complex structural chemical formulas, these objects can be created by other programs and "Built-in" in the document WINWORD-A.Mnogiy formatting and editing procedures are automatically carried out - autoformat, autoxtal and other : Above the requirement for a computer (80486 and more processor, 4-8 MB random access memory, 80-100mb on the disk, good monitor). The WINWORD document has several times more than the corresponding text in ASCII codes.

Run Winword. Basic elements of the window

The Winword program can be run through the main menu (usually in the Microsoft Office section of the program menu), using a shortcut on the desktop or on the panel quickly launch. The program can also be launched by opening a Word document. The main elements of the WINWORD window:
  • Title, Control Buttons Lock Menu Toolbar.
  • Workspace
  • Ruler, engines can move the mouse by installing fields
  • scroll line (down and right)
  • Status Row - String Tip
On the right, the area of \u200b\u200btasks containing commands that meet certain stages of working with the document can be opened.

    I practical work. Run Word, disperse with the assignment of the menu partitions, the most important buttons on the toolbars, the area of \u200b\u200btasks.

Word Reference System

If you need to receive reference information during operation, you can use one of the following resources: Enter the question It serves to quickly access the help system field. To quickly find the right answers, enter the question in this field. For example, to get information about saving, enter: "How to save". Answers are displayed in relevance, i.e., the first is the most appropriate answer to the question. Winword Help, Provides other features help system. It can be displayed using the Help menu, Winword Help. To select a specific topic, click the Table link. At the time of the Internet connection, WinWord is displayed in the WinWord Help updates and template sections will be displayed, the most fully appropriate questions entered, as well as links to training courses, and other resources on Microsoft Web Node Office Online. Office Assistant - graphic object for quick call certificates. To use it, in the Help menu, select the command: Display Assistant. When you click on Office assistant, a field for entering a question is displayed.

    I practical work. Try to try the help of the help system, Office Assistant.

Setting up WINWORD.

Usually used the following Word configuration techniques:
Displaying a document:
  • View: View menu- Live, type markup page
  • Scale: Menu Speed-Scale
  • Enable-Turn off: Menu Tool-panel
  • Movement: dragging the mouse;
  • Adding buttons: Menu Service Setup, Team tab
    • Open the commands tab.
    • In the category field, select a category for the command to execute the button.
    • Drag the button the desired team From the command field on the displayed toolbar
Tuning panels are conveniently carried out also with special buttons At the end of the panel (toolbar parameters) as well as using the context menu of the panel (command to configure). Worda parameters: Menu Service Parameters
  • Tab General
    • Confirm the transformation (the ability to select file converter when opening a file created in another application.)
    • To remember the list of ... (displaying the names file of the latest documents to be displayed. To change the number of documents displayed in the menu, enter a number in the range from 1 to 9 in the File field.)
  • Tab Preservation
    • Allow quick saving. Accelerate the preservation of the document by writing only the changes made. After working with the document, uncheck this check box and save the document completely. Using complete saving reduces document file size.
    • Autosave every. Automatic creation of a copy of the document to restore with the frequency specified in the minutes field. In this field, enter a number in the range from 1 to 120. In the event of a computer failure or power off, the auto storage file will be opened at the next opening of Microsoft Word. The auto storage file may contain unsaved data that would be lost as a result of a failure. Remember that the auto repair agent does not serve as a replacement team Save.
  • Tab " Safety»
    • Passwords (if you forget or lost the password, it will be impossible to open the document.)
  • Tab " Spelling»
    • Auto checking orphography. Automatic check Spells when entering text and mark errors.

    I practical work. Configure document display, view (page markup) and scale (100%). Testing work with toolbars, add buttons for undercurrent indexes to them. Check if you need to install, Word`a work parameters.


Before set of text, you can install the font parameters using the Format Font menu or formatting panel. It is usually installed:
  • Font type (drop-down list)
  • the size (- " - " -)
  • inscription ("F", "K", "H")

You can immediately determine paragraphs paragraphs, alignment, indents and arctic intervals (Menu format-paragraph or formatting panel.).

When typing, you need to be able to switch the keyboard layout, enter under and over-line indexes and characters that are missing on the keyboard. To insert characters, use the insert-symbol menu

    I practical work. Install the specified font parameters and type text (without using graphics and formula editor):
    Courier New, 16, F, K - His last name, Faculty, Group
    Arial, 14, N - "1 mole of sulfuric acid (formula) contains six ten to twenty-third degrees (number) molecules"
    Times New Roman, 13.5, h - "alpha (symbol) - and Betta (symbol)-α-aminopropionic acid"
    - equation of reversible reaction decomposition of calcium carbonate (with arrows)
    - equation of aluminum sulfate interaction reaction with barium nitrate
    - ion equation of this reaction
    - Type the word "sabak" and check the operation of the spelling system for allocating and correcting errors.

Working with files

Worde files can be saved both in their own format (extension .doc) and in some other formats. Compatibility with other programs and safety from infection with viruses provides RICH Text Format (.rtf) format. The smallest files will turn out if you save only text (.txt), with these files, then you can work in notepad.
Three ways to save:
- Toolbar (diskette)
- File menu, save
- File menu, save as
The first two ways are identical - save the file under the current name, in the current directory. The latter - more wide, allows you to assign a file storage location and give it a new name, save in another format. The file format is installed in the Save Window File field.

    I practical work. Save the file in the thread folder on the desktop under the name of the sample1, save it under the name FUL different formats (RTF, text, ...). Compare file sizes

Close: Three ways
- CTR-F4
- File menu, close
- Double click on the "X" button
When closing it is possible to save a file (if the last changes were not recorded)

    I practical work. Close the working file

Open: Three ways
- Pictogram (-\u003e)
- File menu, open
- File menu, file list
When you open files of other formats (for example, files in ASCII, * .Txt) files are displayed for conversion. For ASCII files response "Text MS-DOS"

\u003d\u003e Office-2007 features.
- Instead of the File menu, a button is used Office..
- When opening in Microsoft Office Word 2007, a document created in Microsoft Office Word 2003, Word 2002 or Word 2000 automatically turns on the compatibility mode, and an inscription is displayed in the document window of the document window Limited functionality mode". Enable compatibility mode ensures that new and advanced features Office Word 2007 and users will not be used when working with the document. early versions Microsoft Word will be able to edit any part of this document.
- Instead of working in compatibility mode, the document can be converted to Office Word 2007 file format. This will allow you to use new Office Word 2007 features, but it may make it difficult to work with this document of users earlier microsoft versions Word.

    I practical work. Open the sample file again (3rd method) Open FULL FIO.DOC file (1st or 2nd method) Open FULL FIEL.TXT file. Compare file content. When working in Office-2007, convert the document into the Word-2007 format.

Create new document: Three ways
- Pictogram (pure sheet)
- File menu, create
In the second method, a dialog box is displayed, allowing you to select a template to create a document. Some templates are marked with the word "master", it means that in the subsequent dialogue, you can specify the parameters of the created document.

    I practical work. Create a new document, in the first line, enter the text: "New Document - FULL

Work with windows.

Common work techniques are used with windows and commands from the window menu.

  • Go to the desired CTR-F6 window, window menu.
  • Collapse and deploy.
  • Resizing and position.

      I practical work. Submit all documents on the screen at the same time, in "Compare Near" mode two documents

    Working with text blocks.

    Once by placing the block into the buffer, you can insert as many copies in different documents not only Winword but also other programs.

      I practical work. Copy the contents of the FULL FILE.DOC to a new document and write it as sample2 to the thread folder.
      - Copy on a floppy disk working files from the thread folder. Ensure their availability on a diskette. Delivery with the performed task on a diskette on a diskette: test.txt created in notepad, full name.txt, pho.rtf, pho.doc, sample2.doc - C specified content.