CMD EXE Windows 7 application error. Exe - What is it? Cmd.

Windows Command String, although it is popular with administrators and experienced users of PC, ordinary owners personal computers Unknown. The purpose of this article is to familiarize people with the benefits they will receive from its use.

Windows operating system is known for its graphical interface, and many users have already forgotten or never heard of useful features Command line. Windows is more than "just hug and click." Keyboard and command line can significantly complement the mouse with icons.

Cmd.exe - what is it?

The command row appears when you start cmd.exe. This system process MS Windows, as well as a command interpreter that supports file and network functions PC. Cmd.exe works, downloading applications and transmitting data between them. The process translates the data entered into the system, in understandable operating system Form. Cmd.exe operates near the built-in commands executed in the command shell environment.

The latter is a program that provides a direct message between the user and the operating system. Used to create and edit scripts (batch files) for different purposes. For example, to control accounts users. The application of the command shell program allows you to automate some operations. It is much faster than resorting to help external programs. You can also configure the command line window to your taste and control the task execution.

Calling command line

The command line can be triggered by the application in system directory System32 \\ cmd.exe. What is it difficult? There are other options:

  • Through the "Start - All Programs" menu Windows system - Command line".
  • Go to the "Start" menu, in the search window, dial CMD and run the "command line".
  • Call the application launch window with a Win + R keys, enter CMD and click the Start button.
  • By pressing the right mouse button on the Start menu, call the pop-up window and select the item you want. To start an application with administrator rights, select the "Command Line (Administrator)" item.
  • Pressing the right mouse button with the SHIFT and ALT keys at the same time. File conductor"Calls in which you need to select" Open command window here ". As a result, the command line is launched in the selected directory.

To secure System 32 \\ cmd.exe in the "Start" menu, you must click on the program right-click and in context menu Select the "Secure the Start menu" item.


Setting up the command window can be made by pressing the right mouse button on its header and selecting the default item. The selected configuration will be saved and for subsequent CMD.exe sessions. To specify the settings, only for the current session should use the Properties clause.

Here you can select the font parameters, size and window location, text color, background, transparency.

When selecting the "Mouse Selection" parameter, you can highlight the text when the left button is pressed, and the "Enter" key to copy it to

The colors of the command window can also be set when you start cmd.exe with the / T: FG parameter, where f sets the color of the text, and G - the background in the form of hexadecimal digits from 0 to F: Black (0), blue (1), green (2 ), sea wave (3), red (4), purple (5), yellow (6), white (7) and their bright shades in the same order with codes from 8 to F.

CMD.exe keys: what is it?

When running the command line, other keys are used. CMD.EXE application launch syntax looks like this:

cmd [[(/ c | / k)] [(/ a | / u)] string], where:

  • c executes the command specified by the string and terminates the application of the application;
  • k executes the command specified by the string and continues the operation of the application;
  • s changes the interpretation of the line after keys / c or / k;
  • q Disables the output to the screen;
  • a sets the output in the ANSI standard;
  • u sets a conclusion in unicode;
  • t: FG sets the color of the text and background;
  • e: (ON | OFF) connects and disables the use of an extended set of commands;
  • f: (on | off) connects and disables the completion of the file name or directory;
  • v: (on | off) connects and disables the deferred expansion of the environment variable recorded between!, during the execution of the command;
  • "Row" sets the command to execute;
  • /? Displays help in the command window.

Multiple teams immediately

In the row of commands specified in the form of a parameter, you can specify two or more cmd.exe commands. To do this, the string must be enclosed in quotes, and the commands are divided using the && symbols sequence.

The same command separator is used in the command line. Here it is called the operator name and: command_1 && command_2: If the command_1 is successful, then the command_2 will be.

Communication Operator &: command_1 & command_2: command_2 will be executed after command command_1.

Operator or: Team_1 || Team_2: command_2 is executed if the command_1 cannot be executed.

Conveyor operator |: Team_1 | Command_2: The output data command_1 is redirected to the input command_2.

Grouping commands are made using round brackets: (command_1 & command_2) || Team_3: If the command_1 and command_2 is not executed, then command_3 will be executed.

If multiple commands have more than one parameter, then they are separated by a semicolon and point point: command_1 parameter_1; parameter_2

Some other operators:

  • team > The file redirects the output of the command to a file by creating it or overwriting an existing one;
  • team >> The file adds the output to the existing file or creates a new one;
  • team < The file uses the contents of the file as the command input data;
  • @echo OFF is used in batch files to disable command output to the screen.


When working with the command line, you can use hotkeys:

  • Button ↓ / - Returns previously dialed commands.
  • Backspace - erases the leaf of the cursor.
  • Ctrl Home - erases the string to the left.
  • Ctrl End - erases the string to the right.
  • Ctrl ← - Moves the cursor to one word left (back).
  • Ctrl → - Moves the cursor to one word to the right (forward).
  • Ctrl-C - interrupts the execution of the current command.
  • ESC - cleans command line.
  • F1 - Equivalent to pressing the arrow to the right. Each of its pressing enters into the command line in order one character of the last command.
  • F2 - Displays the last command to the symbol pressed after
  • F3 - Introduces the last command completely.
  • F4 - Deletes the command to the symbol entered after pressing the function key.
  • F5 - Equivalent to the up arrow, introduces the latest commands in turn.
  • F6 - The Ctrl + Z key combination meets and insert the EOF file end symbol.
  • F7 - Displays a window with a list of previously dialed commands.
  • Alt + F7 - removes the team history.
  • F8 is equivalent to F5 with cyclic repetition. If F8 click after entering the initial characters of the previously entered command, then the program will fill it to the end.
  • F9 - Insert the command whose number in the history history corresponds to the number scored after the function key.
  • INSERT - Switches input mode Paste / rewrite.
  • Tab - automatically fills the name of the folder or file, turning over the options with each subsequent click. SHIFT + TAB changes the direction of extinguishing.

Internal and external teams

Two species commands can be used in the console - internal and external. Internal integrated into the interpreter and can only be launched from the command line. External are launched by a separate executable file from both the console and the Start - Run menu item. The list can be obtained using the Help command. And more detailed information can be obtained after entering " help team"Or" Team /? ". For example, to obtain Xcopy help, enter Help xcopy or xcopy /?

Commands for all

Many console commands are focused on network and administration, so they often use them system administrators. But there are also such cmd.exe commands that are available for a regular PC user. Below are some of them.

1. Del / S folder \\ * - removes content from the specified directory and all subfolders. Another key / f will allow you to delete read-only files. With absolute confidence in this operation, adding a key / q will save from the need to confirm each removal. The command should be used with caution, since the documents removed in this way do not fall into the basket.

2. Mkdir (or MD) can create a whole directory tree: mD folder_1 \\ folder_2 \\ folder_3.

3. Xcopy opens up ample opportunities for ordinary and reserve copy A large number of files. For example, the / D key: [MM-DD-GGGH] will allow only to operate with documents changed after the specified date. Additional key / s will copy also invested folders. In total, the team has 27 keys.

4. Delete the directory will help RMDIR (or similar RD). At the same time, folders should be empty. The / s key will get rid of the nested directories along with their contents. Additional key / Q is also possible.

5. DIR folder \\ *. DOC / H / S\u003e List .Txt will create a file with a list of MS Word documents in the specified directory, including hidden files (Thanks to key / h) and documents in subfolders (key / s).

6. You can change the file extension using the command ren * .txt * .doc.

7. Move / Y folder_1 \\ *. MP3 folder_2 \\ Moves MP3 files from folder_1 to folder_2 without confirmation of overwriting. Conversely, the /-'key will prevent such overwriting.

8. cmd.exe. start. will open the current directory in Windows Explorer..

9. Cmd.exe Start .. Open in Windows Explorer folder to the step above the current one.

10. System32 command \\ cmd.exe Start Shell: Cookies will open the system folder with the Internet "cookie". For operating systems preceding Windows 7, the cmd.exe-command is even easier: start cookies.

11. ATTRIB -R -S -H file will remove the label of the read-only file, "system" and "hidden".

12. Subst z: The folder will facilitate access to the folder by assigning it the name of the Z Disc.

Batch file.

In addition to the cmd.exe command line, you can process text documents with extension.bat or.cmd, containing the command lines performed in turn.

A batch file can use arguments - user data transmitted in a specific form:% 1,% 2. During the execution process, these parameters are replaced by the user data.

SET / P command variable \u003d [string] allows you to transmit to batch file. Variable values. For example, SET / P Name \u003d What is your name? Creates a variable% name% with the value entered by the user.

Batch files can make solutions and select actions depending on the conditions:

  • If (condition) (command_1) ELSE (command_2) - when executing the condition, command_1 is executed, otherwise _ command_2;
  • if exist file Del file - the file will be deleted if it exists;
  • if not exist file echo is missing - if the file is missing, the batch file will report this;
  • if / i String_1 GTR Line_2 Command - The command is executed if the line_2 is larger line_1 without accounting the symbol register (key / i).
  • goto: Label to go to the label, leaving some of the teams without execution.
  • for %% x in (* .jpg) Do (command) - makes it possible to execute a command for all files with extension.jpg.

Safe process stop

The cmd.exe file is systemic. It is strongly recommended not to delete it and not stop the processes that are running. They are very important for the correct operation of the computer. If the need to stop the process still occurred, you need to do the following:

1. Go to the "Start" menu, dial msconfig in the search window and run the utility. A window will appear with a list of system configuration tools.

2. By selecting the Startup tab, check the availability of cmd.exe in the list.

3. Remove the tick opposite the name of the process, apply the changes and restart the computer.

4. After rebooting, remove the mark with automatic launch System Configurator when PC is turned on.

Another way is to check the list of automatically started processes in the register editor.

Cmd.exe can be stopped using the task manager in the Process Planmark. To do this, select the process and click on the "Complete Process" button.

Causes of errors

Message cmd.exe "application error" is most often due to damage system files operating system. Because of this failure, computer performance suffers. Also, problems in system processes occur due to incompatibility of applications, incomplete deletion of files, infection computer viruses, improper work of programs, etc. All this can lead to removal or damage to important system files.

CMD.EXE error solving

One pleases in errors cmd.exe - that this is the corrected business. One solution will not help, so there is another. Here is some of them.

  • Enter the operating system with administrator rights.
  • Cancel last changesAfter which the message cmd.exe "application error" occurs. And if it appears during the launch of the same program, then delete or reinstall it.
  • Ensure reliable protection against viruses. You should scan and eliminate unwanted programs.
  • One of the most common causes of this error is the registry damage. This is a ranked database in which configuration information collected, addresses email, passwords, paths to files and other information necessary for normal PC operation. To correct the situation, you can use the Registry Cleaner Registry Registry Recovery Tool.
  • Updating video card driver from the manufacturer's official website.
  • Reinstalling DirectX, NetFramework, Microsoft Visual C ++ from the official site "Microsoft".
  • Starting an EXE CMD command SFC / SCANNOW on behalf of the administrator. The system utility scans the PC for errors and offer ways to eliminate them.

Hello everyone let's talk about such a process as cmd.exe, that's what it is? Oh guys, I am with a CMD.exe process for a very long time because when performing any team of Windows from the console, it is always hanging in the processes at this time. Even if you do nothing, but simply open a command line, then he is still hanging. And all because the command line works under the CMD.exe process, and any teams, scripts, batch files, all of them are performed using cmd.exe ... such a law of nature

And here is already a little more interesting. I wrote scripts, right? That's right. The fact is that scenarios may not be simple, but hidden. That is, you see the process of cmd.exe in the task manager, this means that it is clearly something is done under this process. Well, or some scenario is performed in a hidden mode or the command is some kind of running. After all, on the command line there are a bunch of teams of all sorts.

In 95%, the presence of the CMD.EXE process does not mean that the virus lives in your computer, no. Many programs use cmd.exe for their own purposes, this is normal. The CMD.exe process can be in the dispatcher, but hanging there constantly, then no, it is no longer normal. And it should not ship the processor either. And most importantly, Cmd.exe should always have their own native icon in the form of a team window in miniature to say so

So, okay, let's start the command line, clamp Win + R, the window will appear, we write this command there:

Pressed ok, this black window appeared:

This is the command line herself, I think that and so understandable and now if you open the task manager, we will see the CMD.exe process there, see:

Yes, here you can also notice a confost.exe, but this is not a command line, I don't remember what this process is needed for what the process is needed, but I know one thing, it is not worth it

At the same time, if you right-click on cmd.exe and select Open the file location there:

Then we will come to this folder:

Well, this folder is no longer simple, it is system folder System32, in which it is impossible to touch anything. This is the system, this is Wise herself

So what conclusion can be done? Cmd.exe is a system process, it should not constantly hang in the manager. And it will be strange if he himself periodically appears in the dispatcher, that is, you don't do anything, you do not install any programs, do not run anything, and here the CMD.exe process appeared for a while and disappeared ... then yes, it's a little strange strange situi. What in this case to do? Well, guys, I advise that .. it checks the computer utilities. What? For example, Dr.Web Cureit!, An excellent utility against all powerful viruses, I already wrote about her here.

Very often, when working at a computer, various problems arise. Sometimes you can encounter a problem when you traveled by cmd.exe in itself. If it appears, this disappears this - you should not panic. This is not a terrible situation with which you can easily cope if you know how to do it.

Solving the problem of automatic launch of cmd.exe.

This process is automatic, and this can be both a system service and viral activity. Let's look at two points at which it can pop up this window.

  1. During Windows startup. If you first load the desktop, and then the string window appears, this is related to the background work of any operating system service. The more powerful your PC, the faster the cmd.exe command line disappears.
  2. If the window pops constantly and interferes with work, then this is due to the error background processwho can't progress or blocks the system.

Whether such autorun is dangerous

Most often this process Does not carry any danger. Your OS constantly launches many operations and services. However, there is a chance that these misunderstandings occur due to third-party program, And in the worst case, due to the viral software.

How to remove the opening command line cmd.exe

Let's figure out in detail how to correct the appearance of this string. To begin with, you should clean and check your computer.

C: \\ Windows \\ System32\u003e SFC / SCANNOW

This service corrects all system errors, which can eliminate our problem.

We delete the pop-up cmd.exe using the scheduler

In solving our problem, we can help the task scheduler. You can open it by searching or setting the command "taskschd.msc" in the "Run" window (Win + R). Let's deal with what you need to do there that the application error stops.

After this operation fails to be eliminated.

Let's summarize. Such a problem, as the popping of the cmd.exe row, is very common. The main thing is to understand its causes. If it appears while the computer is turned on, then everything is not fine and worried. In other cases, you may assist the recommendations described in our article. If you are not clear to you and you have questions, then feel free to ask them in the comments.

Sometimes cmd.exe errors and others system errors EXE may be associated with problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the cmd.exe file, but when these programs are deleted or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (erroneous) entries of the EXE registry remain.

In principle, this means that while the actual path to the file could be changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries to find a file on this incorrect link (on the location of the files on your computer), Cmd.exe error may occur. In addition, malware infection could damage the registry entries associated with MSDN Disc 11. Thus, these damaged EXE registry entries need to be corrected to eliminate the problem at the root.

Editing the Windows registry manually to delete the cmd.exe key errors is not recommended if you are not a PC service specialist. Errors allowed when editing the registry can lead to the inoperability of your PC and put irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma, delivered not in the place, can prevent the download of the computer!

Because of this risk, we strongly recommend using a reliable registry cleaner tools such as %% Product %% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any cmd.exe-related registry problems. Using cleaning registry You can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, calling cmd.exe errors) and non-working links within the registry. Before each scanning is automatically created backup copy, allowing you to cancel any changes to one click and protecting you from possible damage to the computer. The most pleasant thing that elimination of registry errors It can dramatically increase the speed and performance of the system.

A warning: If you are not an experienced user PC, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use The registry editor can lead to serious problems and demand reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that the results resulting wrong use Registry editor can be eliminated. You use the registry editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring Windows Registry, you need to back up, exporting a portion of the registry associated with cmd.exe (for example, MSDN Disc 11):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command." in lock search ... do not press ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys Ctrl-Shift. on the keyboard, click ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit." and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the cmd.exe-related key (eg. MSDN Disc 11) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File Choose Export.
  10. In the list Save B. Select the folder to which you want to save the MSDN Disc 11 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter the name of the backup file, for example, "MSDN Disc 11 backup".
  12. Make sure in the field Export range Selected value Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension.reg..
  15. You now have a backup of your cmd.exe-related registry entry.

The following steps with manual editing of the registry will not be described in this article, since it is highly likely to damage your system. If you want to get more information about editing the registry manually, please read the links below.