From which the rapid indexation depends. Incorrect use of links

Last time in a series of three articles, we met the first article, where the first stage of the search engine was considered :. We also reviewed possible methods of work of the sector with each of the stages.

Before proceeding, I believe that it will be appropriate to refresh the memory of what was discussed in the first article:

The search engine detects, indexes and ranks web pages. Must base their tactics of promotion on these three stages of the search engine. Therefore, the following conclusions were made:

  • It's all about the foundation page
  • It's all in indexation.
  • It's all about ranking.

But of course, Google, like any other search engine, exist with one goal - to build and develop a business, satisfying user needs. Therefore, we must constantly remember the following:

  • It's all about users.

Knowing all of the foregoing, we can develop several methods of promoting each of the phases of the search engine, which at the end can lead to a single SEO strategy.

Site indexation

Indexing is the next step after the page detection. Detection of duplicate content is the main function of this step of the search engine. Perhaps will not be an exaggeration if I say that all major sites have no unique content although at the international level.

Online stores may have the same content in the form of the same goods. We can declare about it with accuracy, having extensive experience with sellers such as Zappos and Charming Shoppes.

More problems with news portals of famous newspaper publications and publications. Marshall Simonds and his team, working on the New York Times and other publications, are confronted daily with duplicate content, which is the main SEO work.

Site will never specifically apply sanctions if. But there are filters that are able to distinguish the same or slightly modified content on a plurality of pages. This problem is one of the main for SEO.

Duplicates will also affect the visibility of the site, so you need to reduce the number of duplicates to zero. Various versions of the same content in the search engine index is also not the best result of optimization.

Matt Katts.In his interview with Eric Engem, confirmed the existence of "Crawl Cap" (site visibility cap), which depends on PR Site (not toolbar PR) and spoke about what problems may appear because of:

Imagine if we scan three page pages, and then find out that two of them are copies of the third. We throw these two pages and leave only one and therefore it turns out that the site has much less good content ... But the more PR, the greater the chances that the pages will not disappear from the search ...

Includes fully information for any serious sector on the problem of duplicate content. Although the majority that you will hear there will be not news, but confirm some guesses and solutions that we face daily will not be superfluous.

Determining the level of "penetration" of the search engine in the site, "cap of the visibility of the site", the number of duplicates of the content, and then eliminate them, improve both the visibility of the site in the eyes of the search engine and the site indexation.

How to determine the quality of indexing your site?

There are several excellent ways to find out this:

  • Analysis of logs or analysis of the number of traffic on the URL. To make a schedule according to these data, you will see which of the parts of the site do not like search engines. And this will indicate the problems of indexation.
  • Analysis of the internal passing of the site. Which parts of the site have fewer internal links? Which parts of the site are located in 6-7 clicks from main page?
  • Using such requests as: site: inurl: 72977 It will reveal duplicate pages. The worst duplicates for are duplicate pages with a description of the goods. Use similar requests in search: intitle and allintitle.
  • Use "" to combine duplicates and their information main version . But be careful, since it is not the right use "" can harm your site.
  • Give Google and Yahoo (through the webmaster panels) to know that the contents of the content appear in the search and during the next visit to the site can not be taken into account.
  • Use robots.txt to prohibit indexation unnecessary pages and content that is not intended for search engines. In addition, to prohibit the indexation of some parts of the page you can use tag Meta. Robots and Noindex.
  • Using XML Site Card and Google WebMaster Tools to compare indexing vertical. (Google will show problems in indexing for the proposed site map).

Number of duplicates and search results results

The problem of the number of duplicates for SEO is very complex and requires separate consideration. If short, then the problem of duplicates can be solved using "REL \u003d Canonical" and the standard "View All Page" on the pages that serve the main one.

Search results are another unique situation. To manage these results there are many ways.

One of good ways The site search results on the site is to canonize these results to a specific search page, which then reduce to a high-quality page with contextual and useful links. This is certainly not the best way out of the situation and use it better for search pages that are not the basis of the site navigation.

Detection of URL indexing problems

During the identification of site indexing problems, any "weakness" structure of the URL of the site pages will emerge out. This is especially true of the corporate level sites, where you will encounter all kinds of unexpected results in the search engine index.

These problems arise when the site has many different types of users and members of the administration. Of course, we yourself often make mistakes, SEO - is not a solution to all problems.

The site indexation is the main component of the visibility of the site, index, ranking and is usually the main object of attention of seeds. How to clean the index of your site and enjoy the scanning efficiency, the speed of indexing your site.

Stay with us, as there will also be the third, final article from this series.

You probably already know that search engine optimization (SEO) is the most important promotion tool for any business online. If your site does not appear quite often in the search issuing google And Yandex, you will not just find new customers interested in your services.

Approximately half of the surveyed marketers involved in their business admitted that more than 25% of customers found their website in search results. Of course, rely on search engines as the only source of traffic for your site is not worth it; But you definitely have to do everything possible to appear in search results for relevant requests.

It is important to emphasize that search engines index sites along a variety of different parameters, and not only according to the information presented in these fields. Therefore, the keywords found should be used not only to optimize the titles of pages, descriptions and references, and in the entire content of the site. But you should not overdo it - about this in the next paragraph:

02. Suspension by keywords

To display on relevant key requestsYou need to literally stuff the site. But at the same time, they should harmoniously fit into the context of the page, otherwise the search engines can block the site for the oversaturation of keywords (in SEO such a technique is called " stuffing. »).

If you want to be sure that algorithms search engines You will not raise you for trying to manipulate them, use keywords reasonably, namely where they harmoniously fit into the content. In short, information in meta tags and in the content of the site should look like it was written for people, and not for robots.

You can practice creativity by choosing synonyms for your key requests. But do not forget that much more important to write quality content and make it "readable" than to add the next keyword into each line of the text.

03. Incorrect use of links

There are 3 types of links useful for improving the site indexation: links from other resources to your site (so-called "backlinks"), links from your site to other resources ("External Links") and links to various pages on your site (" Internal links "). With all three needs to be called reasonable.

A couple of years ago, you could still put the search results by paying other sites for posting back links to your site, but now search engines relate to this with great care. If the link to your site is located on a resource that is considered unreliable or does not correspond to the relevant theme, it may lead to a decrease in your position in search results.

The same principle works with internal and external references - Try to be the appropriate theme and there were too many of them.

4. Neglect of reference books

Some sites are considered "pirate", and if your site will be mentioned on such resources, it may lead to a decrease in your rank in search results. At the same time, there are many "good sites", the placement of references to which will allow you to feel the beneficial effect of SEO.

To make your site to be displayed in the search results on Google Maps, add your office to " Google My business "(Analog of Yandex.Spravnochnik).

5. Lack of updates on the site

Work on the site does not end with clicking on the "Publish" button. Creating quality content, design refinement and search engine optimization is just some of the required steps in creating a professional online project.

Search engines love active sites with constantly updated content, so you must regularly replenish your resource. This can be done using the thematic blog, integrating social networks with the site, or by simply updating the main page. As we have already written above, moderate use keywords In Content, you will only benefit you.

6. Ignoring social networks

In order not to remain in the shade, declare themselves with the help of social networks, such as VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. After all, not only SEO may affect the reputation of your site, but also yours. social activity. If you have an active page in each of these social networks, they can become an additional source of traffic attraction (and sales).

Site indexation -this is the process of collecting information search engine information about the contents of your site. During indexation, search robots (spiders) scan and process web Pages, Images, video and other files available for scanning. To the search engine quickly indexed the site: Create a site map and add it to Google Search. Console.

The site should be indexed to display in the search

Pages that have passed scan and processing are stored in the database. Such a base is called "Search index". It is in this database that the search engine is looking for results that respond to user requests.

It is important to understand:

  • If there are no pages in the search index - it is impossible to be found in the search engine.
  • Indexing is needed to participate in the search.
  • Each search engine has its own search index, its search bots.
  • Search bot from Google is called GoogleBot.
  • Setting the site indexation, this is the basic level of work on SEO.

How to check the indexing of the page?

The fastest way to write a team in the search string site: [page address]. Such all indexed site pages. In order to view the date of the last page scan, write to the search string cache: [Address page address].if you need to check the indexation of a particular page Just copy its address and enter a request site: [page address].This method will work both in Google and in Yandex or Bing.

Tip: Compare the number of indexed pages with the real number of pages on the site. This will help you quickly appreciate whether your site has problems with indexing. For example: if on the site 100 products, 10 sections and 10 information pages (in sum 120), and in the index only 50 pages, this means that the search engine does not know about most of your site.

How to check the indexation of the entire site

To check the site indexing you need to perform 2 simple steps:

Checking if a separate page from indexing is not closed

If you have a task, check the prohibition of a specific page. The easiest way to use tools for webmasters. Copy the address of the page you want to check and paste into the "Check URL on the resource" tool.

As a result of the verification, you will receive information about indexing. Pay attention to the information about the prohibitions, the status of the page and the canonical address.

How to add a new site to the search engine index?

Report a search engine about your site in a special google tool or yandex. Share your site in social network Or create a link on it from another, already indexed site.

Learn more about the search engine work.

What if the site is poorly indexed?

First of all, you need to check whether the site from indexing is closed. This can be done according to the instructions in this article slightly higher. Main ways to improve indexation:

  • Create a site map and download to the tools for webmasters.
  • Update old pages.
  • Remove empty pages.
  • Put additional links to the site from third-party sites and social. Networks.

How does the site indexing occurs

To solve problems, you need to understand the process of indexing. From a technical point of view, "site indexation" is more correct to consider as two separate process:

  1. Scanning pages.
  2. Page processing.

Stage 1: Scanning

Scanning or "bypass" pages is the main task that the search bot performs. Finding on new page, Bot gets from the page two data sets:

  1. The content of the page itself, server information and service data. Namely: server response, hTML code Pages, files cSS. Styles, scripts, images.
  2. List of links that are on the page.

The resulting content is transmitted for further processing and saving to the database. Scanned links are also stored in a special list - "scan queue", for further processing.

When the bot adds the indexing queue, which is already in the queue, this page takes a higher location in the list and is indexed faster. And this means that first way to speed up scanning Site - increase the number of links to the necessary pages.

Creating a scan queue, Google Bot, like other search bots, exploring the Sitemap site and adds links to the link from this card. Second way to improve indexation - Create a site map sitemap.xml and report a search engine. Sitemap is the easiest way to send all pages in our domain indexing.

There are several ways to create a site map:

  • Free online instrument For sites up to 500 pages
  • A program for scanning a site, with the possibility of creating Sitemap - Xenu Links.
  • Application library to create Sitemap.
  • The most popular plugin to create a site map for WordPress.

To google learned about your sitemap, you need to add a link to the site map in the Search Console tools or the Robots.txt file

Adding a site map in Search Console:

  1. Go to
  2. Add your site or select from the list.
  3. Go to the Scan section - Sitemap files.
  4. Select "Add Sitemap file", paste the link and add the site map.

Adding Sitemap to Robots.txt:

  1. Go to the root directory of the site via FTP.
  2. Open the robots.txt file
  3. Add to the end of the file "Sitemap: [Site address] /Sitemap.xml" and save the file.

Third way to speed up indexation - Report a search bot about the date last change pages. To get the date and time of changing the bots of the bots, use data from the LastMod server response header. Report the availability of changes on the page you can use the not modify response code.

I hope you will no longer have a question: "What is the site indexing".

If we talk in general, the site indexing in search engines is to introduce pages of your site to the search engine database

Let's try to figure out and understand what the indexing is needed is what it affects how this process is carried out and how to check the site indexing in search engines.

How does the site indexing occurs?

First of all, the site indexation in search engines is an important component of the site promotion. From how quickly the site will be indexed, its appearance on search engine pages is depends. For indexing, there are special search "robots" that regularly enter the sites and analyze the data. And if the user is visible only visual and informative component of the site, the "robot" analyzes all of its HTML code. Therefore, when search promotion Site should consider the correct filling of all tags (tags , <description>, <H1>, <р> And so on), competent placement of the text on the page, overclocking, creating a site map, the presence of a microwave.</p> <p>Indexing can be carried out in several ways:</p> <ol><li>Create a site, fill it with content, fill the tags and wait for the search robot, which will automatically index each page and will make them into the database. For the speed of indexing, you can leave a link to the site on authoritative resources, then the robot, going through it, indexes pages. This may require certain costs, as on popular sites and portals, or it is forbidden to leave references to other resources, or this service is paid.</li> <li>You can independently fill out the form on the indexing of your resource in the search engine. In this case, the site will queue on indexing and after some time the robot will be sent to the address you specified. This process can delay, but it is free and does not require much effort. Here is the addresses for filling the forms:</li> </ol><ol><li>The third method is combined. This is the combination of the first and second method when the form is filled in the PS and references to your site on other resources are set.</li> <li>The fourth way is to do nothing and wait when search robots independently index the site pages. This is the longest way in time.</li> </ol><p>We should not forget that if the search robot visited your new site, not all pages will be indexed immediately. Follow the patience and wait, the robots will occasionally enter and index pages, as well as check them on changes and compliance with the requirements of search engines. Since search engines are several (Google, Rambler, Yandex, and so on), then the site indexing in different search engines will take different times. The correct configuration of the HTTP titles of pages can significantly affect the indexation, so this question should be approached from a professional point of view, and it is better to entrust the work of professionals. The site uses their methods to accelerate and check the site indexation in search engines, which distinguishes our company from others.</p> <h2>How to check the site indexing in Yandex and Google search engines</h2> <p>Checking the site indexing in search engines (including counting numbers of indexed pages) is carried out in several ways:</p> <ol><li>Request the name of your organization in the search engine and manually check each link on the first and second pages. Not very convenient, not very fast.</li> <li>Request in the search engine of your site with the right operator - Site. For example, check the site indexing in Yandex:</li> </ol><p>"There were 412 results" - it means, 412 pages of the Yandex site indexed.</p> <p>Please note that in Yandex there are two options for such operators:</p> <ul><li>the above-described Site: - When the search is made on all subdoms and the pages of the specified site;</li> <li>more accurate HOST: - When the search goes on the pages placed on this host, in this case the request will already look like this: Host: Site | Host: www.Syt.</li> </ul><p>The same as in Google:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>"Results: approximately 416" - 416 pages are indexed.</p> <h2>How to prohibit the site to indexing?</h2> <p>You can apply to the site to indexing. This is done using the Robots.txt file, the contents of which are filled so:</p> <p>User-Agent: * - Directive to select a search engine, where * is all search engines; If you need to prohibit indexation from a single search engine, its name is prescribed on Latin (Google, Yandex, and so on);</p> <p>Disallow: / - Close the site from search engines.</p> <p>Recall, the file robots.txt must be in the root folder of the site.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> <div style="font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;margin:0;padding:0;clear:both"></div> </div> <footer> <div class="td-block-row td-post-next-prev"> <div 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