Competent linking. What is competent linking

Hello to all readers! Today I want to talk about such an important concept for bloggers, SEOs and copywriters as linking. It makes the site simple and understandable for the user, increases the authority of the search engines.

Many try to spell out the title correctly, insert keys into the text, but forget or simply do not know about such an important means for promotion as linking.

I started using linking purely intuitively. Nobody explained to me why it was needed. I wrote a blog post with the thought: “It would be nice to insert a link here. So I will increase the number of views, readers' responses ”.

Stay with me, and you will learn what linking is, how to do it correctly, and what mistakes are best avoided.

If you have any questions or want to discuss this topic with me - write comments. I will be glad to talk to you.

What is linking

Relinking is a link structure that creates a semantic link between pages and sites. The concept comes from the English word "link" - "link".

What the linking gives:

  • Increases relevance. The mass of links makes it clear to the search robot that the page meets a specific request.
  • Builds up static weight. This metric is important for SEO optimization. Together with other factors, it raises the site in search results.
  • Speeds up indexing... When an unknown link is found while checking a page by a search algorithm, it is also entered into the search engine's database.
  • Additionally protects against theft. Still, they can steal content. But it will be easier to spot the thief if he copies the article through the RSS feed.
  • Increases attendance, has a positive effect on behavioral factors. It is easier for the user to navigate the site. He'll come back to you again for useful information, product / service. The more often a visitor clicks on internal hyperlinks, the more the dynamic page weight grows.

Good linking will help you create a good conversion funnel. You will attract visitors, collect them on pages with useful information and redirect them to the seller using the link mass.

What types of linking are

Depending on where and how the hyperlinks will be placed, a distinction is made between internal and external linking. Each type has its own specifics and rules.

Internal linking

Internal linking is the placement of links from one page to another within the same site. As the core of internal optimization, it increases the static weight of the page, raises it in the search results for MF and LF queries.

Link building is a white search engine approved promotion method. Plus, it's also free.

What are the functions of internal linking:

  • distributes weight between pages,
  • creates a semantic link between articles.

How does it look in practice? Let's say I'm writing a text about caring for dachshunds. It describes daily procedures, diet, and mandatory vaccinations. I can insert there a thematic link to articles about dog diseases, the nature of the breed, a list of the best food, stores, etc. With the help of linking, I will transfer part of the weight old page new, and the search robot will notice it earlier.

Main rules:

  1. The page and its content must be relevant to the inserted hyperlink. A link that continues, complements the topic is well suited.
  2. It is undesirable to add a link to the picture. The search robot reads and understands text content better. But, if you have already made the image clickable, then at least in the Alt attribute and title specify keywords.
  3. For one article, 2-3 thematic hyperlinks are enough. They must be different from each other, otherwise the search engine will glue the links and part of the static weight will go nowhere.
  4. Fight 404 errors. If the page has become unavailable and the search robot cannot index it, provide another relevant one.

Linking classification by the type of links, their location:

  • Contextual. Hyperlinks are evenly distributed throughout the text. The ranking is increased due to the fact that they contain anchor words with keywords. For example, if the article talks about a domain, links to a page about hosting will fit perfectly there.
  • Navigation. Here links are part of the table of contents of the article. They help the reader navigate the material, find the answer to a question on the topic. Used in lengthy articles of 6,000 characters or more with at least 4 subheadings.
  • Through. This includes all hyperlinks placed in the sidebar, tabs. It is important to structure them correctly because they greatly affect the ranking of the site.
  • Thematic. Probably, after reading a blog post, you have come across a group of hyperlinks at the bottom like “useful”, “read more”, “similar”, “read more with this” - this is the thematic linking.

Create a sitemap. This is a dedicated page that contains links to the main sections of the project. It will not be authoritative due to the large number of clicks, but it will speed up indexing several times.

It is better to use all kinds of linking on the page. This will give you better results.

Before optimization, I advise you to audit and clean your site:

  1. Remove unnecessary hyperlinks, check if the remaining ones are formatted correctly.
  2. Calculate the page weight, identify the weakest, make a list of keywords for promotion.
  3. Fit pages to the collected keys, requests - edit headers, titles and the articles themselves.

You can now create your site's link grid.

Manual: working diagrams and methods

It is difficult and time-consuming to insert hyperlinks, to organize link links between pages. But the result is several times better. I am not urging you to abandon automatic linking methods. You can use them. Only within reasonable limits.

If you are going to link manually, remember the main rule - links from old pages should lead to new ones.

Before revealing the secrets of the schemes to you, I will tell you how the correct linking differs from the illiterate one. The difference is the same as between tangled earbuds in your pocket and unwound, neatly folded earbuds. In both cases, poor organization is annoying, makes you want to quit. Imagine how the user feels when he does not find the desired page in two clicks. He gets angry and leaves. The search engine, analyzing behavioral factors, navigation, lowers the rating.

Not everyone is able to harmoniously enter links into the text. You need to become a broad-based specialist - a copywriter. Do they teach this in institutes? No. And here - YES! in our online school is useful for anyone who works with text. After a few sessions, you will notice how easy it has become to write, express your thoughts, ideas. Our students were personally convinced of this.

Competent manual linking is the placement of hyperlinks according to a rigid scheme, where pages are grouped by meaning and level.

The simplified site structure consists of:

  • 1st level - the main page.
  • 2nd level - sections.
  • 3rd level - subsections, subcategories, nested pages with information / products.

Why am I telling all this? It will be easier for you to learn how to link for high-frequency, medium-frequency, low-frequency queries if you understand how the site works.

  • By RF requests

The home page is the most requested part of the site. It collects a large number of conversions. Its static, dynamic weight is growing, so if we want to promote a high-frequency request, it is better to focus on it.

How to make linking by RF request? We create a two-way link between the home page and the sections. In each section, we put a hyperlink to the nested pages with content, and from them to the main page.

  • By midrange requests

To optimize the site for medium-frequency queries, we focus on categories. Home and subpages link to sections, and they link back.

A great option for online stores. Sections are accessed from the product / service page, the main page. Facilitates navigation for the visitor if he is looking for a laptop battery without specifying the brand, model.

  • For LF requests

Feedback is established only between nested pages with content of the same category, they are closed in a ring. Menus, tabs, links not related to sections are hidden from search engines under nofollow / noindex tags.

On the main page, in sections, links to the lower level (info pages) are placed.

  • Hierarchical diagram

We choose one page. She will pick up the maximum weight. There we place links to two other pages, and from them to two more, and so on in an exponential order. And they put links on the page selected for promotion.

The disadvantage of this method is fragility. If even one element of this link structure is not available, efficiency is reduced to zero.

  • Ring diagram

Sections, content pages link to each other and to one promoted one (receives more static weight, gains a sufficient number of anchors).

The weak point of the ring model is fragility. If even one link turns out to be a bat, then the entire link structure will fall apart like a house of cards.

  • Asterisk scheme

Classic. Pages cross-reference each other. I advise you to choose this model if you are going to promote all the content of the site and have not selected a specific page for SEO optimization.

The weight is distributed evenly, indexing by search robots is accelerated.


Scripts, plugins have made life easier for a webmaster. I set the right parameters - you enjoy the result. But the question remains: "Why didn't the automatic method completely supplant the manual method?" The fact is that this method has many disadvantages:

  1. Non-unique anchors. The search robot will consider them as spam and will lower the ranking of your site.
  2. Lack of near-reference text.
  3. Key and link don't mix well.
  4. It is difficult to properly configure the distribution of hyperlinks. The volumes of the articles are different.

You don't have to give up at all. We just use it along with manual linking.

I would like to give an example of a popular method of automatic linking. And his name is so funny - "bread crumbs". This is the navigation bar in top panel consisting of hyperlinks. It resembles the path to a file in Windows Explorer on your computer. Its primary purpose is navigation, with ranking gains coming in second.

Other methods:

  • creating a sitemap,
  • formation of a list of articles with similar topics,
  • placing contextual links within the text using programs.
  • Plugins

To create a link structure for a WordPress site, use one of the following plugins:

  1. Smart Linker. A powerful plugin that's nearly flawless. It makes anchors based on user-specified keys. Can insert a link along with previously defined near-link text. He perfectly selects relevant pages. But he is in trouble with the design. Anyone can download it - it's free.
  2. Cross-Linker. It converts any keys to links, if they are in the article and specified in the program. The import / export function allows you to link between two blogs at once.
  3. Breadcrumb Navigation XT. Updates are released regularly for this plugin. More than 600,000 webmasters and SEOs use it. Helps to customize navigation in just a few clicks.

With plugins, it's easier to promote. Download, try them if you still decide to link your site.

  • Programs

Re-linking complex sites with a 3-level structure should be done using programs. They scan the pages, insert the necessary anchors themselves.

  1. Linkoskop. An irreplaceable optimization program. It will find the weak points of your site, generate its map, calculate the proportion of pages and even predict it, make a list of posted hyperlinks, check their correctness. The demo version can be used for 10 days, then you will have to buy a license for $ 23.
  2. Pageweight Lite. Calculates the static weight of both the entire resource and individual pages. She also calculates broken links, compiles linking schemes. The program is slower than Linkoskop, but it is free.

If the weight gains poorly or goes nowhere, I recommend rebuilding the linking model. Perhaps you are promoting the wrong pages.

External linking is the placement of a link from one site (acceptor) on the page of another (donor). If the donor has a higher search engine ranking than the acceptor, it will transfer most of the static weight. When a link is placed on a site with a lower or the same rank, less weight is given.

You need to monitor the effectiveness. If no one has followed the link within a week, month or year, then we will delete it. We are not chasing quantity, quality is more important.

You have to pay to climb into the top 10 search results. You can find a reputable project using a search engine and offer to post your link for a fee. If you do not want to conduct long negotiations, you like it when everything is easy and simple, then visit the link exchanges - GoGetLinks, PromoPult and LinkFeed.


Relinking is the foundation of site navigation and promotion. She, like a spider web, tying hundreds of pages into a single canvas, draws in the visitor.

There are many schemes. To understand which one suits you, you need to try, look at the results.

Did you do the linking? Which scheme was effective? Feel free to post comments. It is interesting for me to talk with you.

Subscribe! We have a lot of training articles on SEO copywriting, we will not get bored. I wish you success!

Re-linking of pages is a system of internal links between the pages of the site... What is linking of site pages and is it needed? Internal linking is the nervous system, and links are connections. The fewer links, the more primitive the system, the more stupid and stupid your site is (sorry) and stupidity is manifested in the fact that the site cannot explain to the search engines which page corresponds to which query, and which of several pages with similar ones should be shown in the search.

I can already hear the indignation of those who say: “I have 20 pages on my site, they are all different and nothing gets confused !!! 111 times.” It's great that your child learned 20 words and learned to distinguish a tree from a car, but what to do with a site with 1k +++ pages, where links arise between pages and they begin to quote each other? There is only one answer - to create an internal link structure - linking.

Through the internal linking system, the following is transmitted:

  • weight between site pages;
  • semantic connection.

What does this mean with an example: if you have 5 pages that have the same keywords, then the pages can compete with each other in search. Thanks to mutual linking, we can link from four pages to one for a general key request and thereby indicate that this particular page answers the request, and not all five pages.

Scheme 2. Internal linking in order to display a specific page upon request.

Schemes for interlinking site pages

Depending on which pages you are going to promote in search, you can use various schemes linking.

Examples of schemes for linking site pages:

Scheme 3. Prelinking for transferring weight to pages with high-frequency queries.

Thanks to internal linking for high-frequency keywords, you can transfer static weight to those pages that are most difficult to promote in terms of SEO.

Scheme 4. Relinking of site pages that correspond to medium-frequency key queries.

It is most logical to transfer the weight to pages that meet the most highly competitive queries: high-frequency and medium-frequency; low-frequency queries most often take high positions on their own with good page optimization.

Scheme 5. Prelinking for low-frequency site pages.

If you need pages with low-frequency queries, use the diagram above. The main thing is to clearly separate the pages by key requests and do not forget which page you are promoting and by what request, otherwise several competing pages may get into the linking and it is not a fact that the search will turn out to be the right one.

Plugins for linking pages

Previously, I have repeatedly used the word logics and for good reason. The process of linking pages on a site can be very time-consuming, depending on the size of the site, well, here in the majority of " SEO specialists"Turns on" but what for and so it will come down "and all kinds of plugins for linking pages and other automation. So, the logical core of the site is logical that the promotion of pages is not based on key queries, but according to the meaning and meaning of all the pages of the site, it creates the logic of the topic or topics of the site. It is impossible to automate logical links at the level at which it must be done for wide access.

Of course, you will surely find a sea of ​​proposals of various types. wordpress lagins for linking pages, other programs and services, but 99% of them will not do what should be done, namely rigid logical organization and linking of pages with all possible declensions, synonyms, logical synonyms of requests and various types of links.

Yes, I wrote in 99% of cases precisely because automatic linking is possible, but the implementation of such a system will require colossal statistics and its processing at a very high level. Such systems exist, but the use, purchase or development cost makes them available only for very large projects.


Don't be fooled that you found SIMPLE AND FAST way effective linking, it does not exist. Work with and statistics, build a clear logical core of the site and create linking within it with your own hands. You will better understand the real ones, improve the quality of information on the site and you will be rewarded for your efforts.

It really works.

Still have questions? Write in the comments.
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Re-linking is linking pages of one site or different resources with hyperlinks. The word itself comes from the English word link, which can be translated as a link or link. If you correctly make the internal linking of the site, you can increase the positions on the promoted queries without extra money.

By using the internal potential of your site, you deprive yourself of any danger associated with building up unnatural link mass.

What is interlinking for?

Internal linking consists in linking pages of one resource with hyperlinks. Moreover, such linking is understood not as a single placement of links from page to page, but a system of links, their combination, which ensures the integrity of the entire resource.

Relinking is applied:

  1. As a tool for increasing the relevance (correspondence) of site pages to a request in search engines - each such link "tells" the search robot that this page meets a specific request;
  2. In order to increase the static weight of pages (it increases with the number of links to the page), which is important when promoting a resource in search engines;
  3. To speed up the indexing of new pages on the site. Let's say a search robot visits a resource page, finds a new link on it and follows it, indexing the article and entering it into the database search engine;
  4. To improve usability, that is, the convenience of using the site. It will be easier for the visitor to find similar materials, navigate the internal content of the resource.

Linking pages can be used within one site (internal or paginated linking) or between different sites (external linking).

Types of internal site linking

  • Contextual;
  • Through;

Contextual linking is the most convenient option in terms of SEO-effect and benefits for visitors. Links installed on the pages of your site have an effect comparable to purchased ones. However, in addition to being useful, such links will help your site improve and. Correct internal linking of site pages contributes to user retention on the site, increasing the number of viewed pages and the time spent on the site.

Through linking- links to the same pages are located on all pages of the promoted site. One of the varieties of "pumping" the promoted pages of the site. The essence of end-to-end links is to increase the weight of the promoted pages. The main disadvantage is that, unlike contextual links, end-to-end links do not bring significant benefits to website visitors. Users will click on such links, but not in large quantities.

Examples of internal page linking

SEO-optimizers use special techniques to make internal linking optimal and effective. For example, the most common are:

  • Placement of links in the text of articles;
  • Re-linking within the page by anchors;
  • Compilation of lists of links at the end of articles;
  • Drawing up a sitemap;
  • Handling 404 error pages;
  • FAQ creation.

Linking the text of articles- that is, links leading to other pages of the site are individual words or expressions that are part of the general semantic intent of the articles. This method is most effective in terms of SEO, and, in addition, it works to improve the usability of the site.

Re-linking within the page by anchors- at the beginning of the page, the content is created and when you click on one of the items, it transfers it to the corresponding heading.

Making lists of links at the end of articles- a list of similar materials at the end of the article you are currently reading.

Sitemap creation- in this case, a page is created containing links to all other pages of the resource. Because of a large number the transitions located on it, the page with the sitemap cannot have much authority. But its presence among other pages of the resource significantly speeds up its indexing.

Handling 404 error pages- if the robot could not find a page on the site - that is, followed a link that leads to a non-existent (deleted, changed) page - it is advisable to provide him with a link to the page relevant to the missing one.

Creating a FAQ- these are pages with questions and answers, allowing you to additionally link specific keywords.

Internal site linking rules

It is best not to use many links on one page (optimally no more than 50), since the weight distribution occurs across all outgoing links. Close unnecessary links from indexing so that they do not interfere with promoted to the top pages. This is essential for proper weight transfer. Close the section with tags from indexing so as not to produce and confuse search engine robots.

Observing these simple rules, you will be able to most competently distribute the static weight between the pages of your site.

Automatic internal linking

This type of linking does not require a lot of time and effort from the webmaster: it is enough to configure all systems once and periodically check their work. And although it will not give such an effect in search engine promotion as manual linking, it is irreplaceable in terms of increasing user activity.

Automatic linking includes several types of work. The most basic:

  1. Sitemap creation... A high-quality site simply must have its own map - it allows users to easily navigate the sections and navigate the resource. Examples of implementation: on the Joomla platform - joomla sitemap, on WordPress - sitemap for WordPress.
  2. Conclusion of similar articles- under each article, the output of links to materials similar in topic or content is organized. Site visitors click on them, thereby winding up the behavioral factors of the resource, and this has a good effect on the position in the search results. For each type of engine (content management system) there are separate extensions that allow you to create an automatic display of similar content. However, this method has its drawback - there is a heavy load on the server.
  3. Automatic contextual links- one of the best methods of website promotion in search engines, which is the placement of internal links with key anchors (text content) right in the body of the article.
  4. So called Bread crumbs- internal links at the top of each resource material that show the user the path to the main page. For example, if there are many subcategories or articles on a website or blog, the visitor can easily get lost, and using this way, you can see all your way. Such links are excellently indexed by search engines and bring their weight to certain pages.

Manual internal site linking

Manual linking is a rather laborious and time-consuming job, but it gives the most powerful and long-term effect. The most important thing to remember is that new content should link to old content.

There are several types of linking:

  • annular;
  • carousel.

Donut involves the creation of a vicious circle of links, with the transferred weight increasing as the “rings” increase.

The second, carousel option, is the distribution of weight from the main page to sections, then to subcategories and materials (as they say, "top to bottom"). When choosing a link, it is important to keep in mind the existing structure of the site, as well as the general promotion strategy. Already using these factors, you can achieve a good result in promoting low-frequency requests to high places.

An important nuance - if you need to provide many links on one page, it is advisable to dilute the anchor in different words, but so that it looks more natural. For example: "pie recipe", "meat pie recipe", "meat pie recipe", etc.

Correct linking of pages

Correct linking of site pages differs from the wrong linking, just like the headphones that are in your pocket, and the headphones that you, swearing, nevertheless unwound.

It's the same with linking on the site, if you don't think about it, it will be very difficult to unwind. So, correct linking is linking within the framework of a rigid scheme with a clear separation of the meaning of each page. Not the key query, but the meaning, since key queries define the meaning of the page.

In order to create a page structure, you must:

And then you will succeed competent linking of pages based logical structure a page that relies on a common structure.

Basic linking schemes

The linking scheme depends on the goals set. In this case, the number of pages on the site can be any.

It is necessary to choose the scheme of internal linking in such a way that the internal link weight of the site is used to the maximum. High-frequency queries are usually promoted to the main page, medium-frequency queries to the second nesting level (section page), and low-frequency queries are promoted to the third nesting level and below (services and product pages).

The main rule to remember: there is no universal linking, since the choice depends on the promoted queries and the topic of the site.

Relinking for high-frequency requests

The essence of the scheme

The weight from all pages of the site is concentrated on the main page, which is tailored for high-frequency requests. For example, you can add links from the home page to second-level pages (medium-frequency queries). From the second-level pages back to the main page and the third-level pages (low-frequency queries). From the third level pages, you need to direct the weight through the links back to the main page.

Home will be able to compete on high-frequency requests, but the pages of the second and third level will have little weight and it will be difficult for them to compete even for low-frequency queries.

The essence of the scheme

Most often, this scheme is used for second-level pages. In this case, links should be placed from the main page to the pages of the second level, and from the second to the third and vice versa.

Suitable only for incorrect requests that imply a product group. If, for example, users are looking for "buy a laptop" without a specific brand, then this scheme is ideal for an online store.

The essence of the scheme

V in this case the maximum weight must be transferred to the pages of the site at the lowest level. At the same time, they bring much more benefit external links not to the main page, but to the internal pages. All materials need to be linked with each other.

Local linking schemes


The most popular and simple circuit linking. In it, the pages are linked in sequential order and closed in a ring. The weight is distributed to the promoted page, the rest of the pages are auxiliary. Each page links to an adjacent one. The trick is that last page should always refer to the first.

The circuit has a significant drawback. If 1 page is dropped, then the link is broken and all pages lose weight. Accordingly, the scheme loses all meaning.

In an improved version of the "ring" scheme, pages link not only to the promoted and to the adjacent one, but also to each other. Thanks to this, the loss of one link in the chain does not bode well, the system will continue to work properly. But the scheme assumes the participation of at least four pages.


Classic scheme. All pages in it are linked to each other.

This scheme is perfect if the promoted page simply does not exist or if several are promoted at once. At this method linking all pages of the site will be 100% independent of each other, and indexing (of high-quality content, of course) will significantly accelerate.

Hierarchical diagram

It is this linking scheme that operates on most of the Runet resources. On the one hand, it is more complicated than those described above, and on the other hand, it is very logical. For example, one page of a resource links to 2 others, which link to 2. As a result, these 4 pages link to the very first page. Thus, the page being promoted receives the maximum possible link weight, plus a sufficient number of links with the required anchors.

The hierarchical scheme of internal site linking is a reliable method. However, there were some difficulties. The main annoying problem: if any page fell out of the top of the hierarchy, this can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the scheme.

But there are still more advantages. For instance, this technique allows you to promote any number of pages.

Relinking for a specific type of site

Corporate small page resource

On such sites, the link power is usually focused on the main one. Pages of the second and third levels should link to the main page, which, in turn, will be inserted links to them. Method two: advancing home page site + second level page. All third-level pages in such a scheme will link to second-level pages and to the main page. The method is relevant for sites selling services and corporate resources.

In the case of online stores, product pages are most often promoted. These are usually third-level pages. All pages of the first and second levels link to pages of the third level. In this case, all pages of the third level are linked to each other in a ring.

Second option: both product pages and sections in which the product is located are promoted. In this case, the link weight is distributed between the promoted sections and pages with the presented product.

In conclusion, we can only summarize that for competent linking with maximum benefit for promotion, three rules must be observed:

  • Well-tuned website navigation
  • Using a suitable linking scheme
  • Precisely selected link anchors

Promote your site correctly and do it comprehensively!

Hello dear friends and guests of my blog! Today we will get to know you important point in site SEO like linking site pages. And you will find out What is linking site, what it is for and how to do it correctly competent linking pages on the site.

Relinking- this is an important and integral part of the internal optimization of your site! Without internal linking of pages, your site will not be able to properly promote and promote itself on the Internet. Since the interlinking of pages on the site forces search robots to look at more than one page, where they went for indexing, to run almost all over your site, which has a rather positive effect on its SEO.

Well, let's take everything in order ...

What is linking?

Many webmasters, if practically not all, are already familiar with the concept of linking site pages and know in general terms how to do it. But not everyone knows how to correctly and competently make linking on their web resource.

The concept of linking pages means that links are placed inside the site from one article to another or to several. This is done in order to give certain content more link power and to add value to it in the eyes of search engines.

It seems that there is nothing complicated about linking ?! What's so difficult? Take articles and add links to others in them! But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. For competent interlinking of pages on the site, you must follow certain rules that will help make it competent and most understandable and acceptable for search robots, and for your visitors to the site. Which, in turn, will lead to an increase in traffic and an increase in the TOP of the site's search results.

And so, what is interlinking, we have decided with you! Now let's move on to the next question ...

How to correctly relink the site?

Let's now try to decide with you what it means to make a competent linking of pages on the site? To do this, we need to look from two perspectives. From the position of a visitor on the site and from the position of a search robot that visits the site to index your pages.

From a visitor's perspective, correct and competently linked pages sites allow him to quickly and easily navigate the site finding the material he needs. Without getting confused in the wilds of all sorts of side material, which will only scare him away and he will never return to you.

From the perspective of a search robot, correct and competent linking pages on the site look a little different than to the visitor. It is as important for him as for the visitor, but he does not see as a person. For him, the link and the content to which it leads is important. This link should correspond to the subject of the page from which he came on it. But the principle is the same, both for the bot and for the visitor - the content should be thematic, unique for the robot and useful for the visitor.

Now there are a few specific rules, which I mentioned earlier in the text, which must be followed for competent linking of site pages.

Rules for competent linking on the site:

  • Properly done navigation on the site. That is, as few as possible of various kinds of subcategories and parent pages, which will only create unnecessary inconvenience for visitors and search robots. The minimum level of nesting of any page, so that the transition to the desired one is as close as possible - in a couple of clicks.
  • Pages with the most significant content for the site should be as weighty as possible, that is, their static weight should exceed the weight of other pages.
  • The link mass of the page - the page from which the link leads - the donor, should be similar in subject matter to the page to which it leads - the acceptor. This is important for both the search engine robot and your visitor.

Here are three rules that you need to follow when correctly linking site pages. If not everything is clear to everyone. then let's talk about each rule separately and in a little more detail ...

Rule one: Navigation for competent linking of pages

Proper site navigation plays an important role for a SEO site or blog. A site that contains more than one page should have navigation, and when it is done correctly and correctly, you can get to any page of the site from its main page in just a couple of clicks. This is very convenient for the site visitor and for the search robot. on your site it should not be such that a visitor or a search robot came to one page and went to another and left the site. This is fundamentally wrong!

To do this, make competent navigation on your site! So that from each page there was a transition to the next and from the next in turn to another, and so on throughout the site. The site should not have such pages that a visitor or a bot could not reach while moving within your site following links.

Here is one correct on the site, the other correspondingly incorrect:

On more confused sites, where there are a lot of different categories and pages, there are special plugins for displaying bread crumbs, but this is already another broad topic, about it another time. So. that if you do not follow the rule of competent navigation, then the pages of the site may remain un-indexed by search robots, and this is very bad for SEO.

Rule Two: Static Page Weight and Its Distribution

Site pages that are promoted by you for its promotion in search engines should have the highest static weight. What can be done with the help of competent linking of site pages. That is, you direct static weight using links to the page that you are going to promote and promote.

If you have, for example, a high-frequency ( HF) a request from any page, then naturally it is highly competitive, then you need to optimize for a page with high competition, and such a page on the site is the main page because all pages of the site link to it. Therefore, for this request, you need to optimize for the home page of your site.

Here are some schematics for you:


When the request is mid-range ( Midrange), then you need to promote pages with a medium nesting level. Link to them both from the main page and from internal pages site:


For low-frequency ( LF) requests, distribute the link weight on pages of further nesting, for example, the third level, referring to them from the main page:


So, friends, the correct distribution of the static weight of pages with their competent linking is based on the fact that the greatest static weight should be on the page you are promoting.

Today I propose to talk about such an important process as the internal linking of site pages, what it is and why it is so important.To begin with, it involves placing links on pages within the site, which users will follow from one page to another. Correctly thought out and implemented linking of pages will allow you to evenly distribute link mass inside the site.All this will make the site more authoritative in the eyes of search robots. Thanks to this, the resource will take place in the first positions of the search results. Note! The link weight of a page or Pagerank depends on how many links to a particular page are placed on other pages of the site.It is relatively easy to achieve a good result in website promotion due to the correct placement of internal links. The main thing is to know the basic principles of linking, which I will discuss below.

Re-linking the pages of the site what it is - I have already briefly told above. But let's take a closer look at what it is for and what results it will achieve.

  • Improving the usability of the site - that is, usability. The presence of internal links allows the user to better navigate the resource, see articles and materials similar in subject matter.

Note! The presence of links motivates the user to click on them. He embarks on a kind of journey around the site. As a result, the visitor "hangs" on it and spends a lot of time. Which is positively evaluated by the search engines.

  • Re-linking of pages can significantly improve the structure of the site, which will be positively appreciated by search robots. Note that when evaluating a resource, search robots necessarily evaluate the Nesting Level (HC). That is, how many clicks you need to make to get to a specific page. For the main page, this indicator is 1. If you need to make one click to go to a specific page, the HC equals 2. The higher the HC, the longer the page will be indexed by the robots. Competent linking will allow you to lower the HC.
  • Rational distribution of dynamic and static page weight. I think you understand that each page of the site has its own static weight. If there is a link to another page, it transfers part of its static weight. It also allows some of the dynamic weight to be transferred. All this has a direct impact on the final position of the page in the search engines.

Note! Thus, you can bring to the TOP of the search a specific page that is most important to you.

  • Fast indexing. Internal linking of site pages speeds up the work of search robots. That has a positive effect on the speed of getting your resource pages into the index of search engines.
  • Reduced promotion costs. Affixing links - free and enough effective method significantly increase the position of the site in search engines. That will make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of promotion.

Correct and Incorrect Linking: Examples

When creating an internal linking, the main thing is to do everything right. Especially in terms of site navigation. In particular, the main page must contain links to all available sections of the second and third level. But don't link to regular pages.

An example of competent placement of links

  1. Links to all sections of the site are available on the main page.
  2. Each individual section has links to other sections.
  3. Each page within a section is linked to other pages in the same section.

Examples of illiterate linking

  1. There are no links to all created sections on the main page.
  2. The correct structure is not provided.
  3. No section cohesion.
  4. In a separate section, there are links to pages that are not related to it.
  5. There is no connection between the materials within the section.
  6. Some pages have no links at all.

Some points to be mentioned: unique linking features

  1. Directly from the main page, you can put links to regular pages with articles, materials.
  2. Inside the section, it is allowed to put links to those materials that are not included in this section... For example, in one section you have recipes for cooking food, but you want in the article to put a link to a specific dish that is used in cooking and which is written about in the thematic section.
  3. From the second point it follows - it is allowed to link articles from different sections.

Note! It should be understood that these nuances are relevant only for certain cases.

Re-linking of pages and its types

There are several types of linking. I will describe each type in more detail below - they all have their own characteristics and certain advantages.

However, for successful website promotion, I recommend using not any specific variety, but all of the methods described.

1) Through view

We are talking about a specific block with links installed on all pages of the site. The most striking example is the menu - it may contain the following sections:

  • Home;
  • Articles;
  • About Us;
  • Contacts, etc.

Also, as an example, you can cite blocks in which are presented:

  • related materials;
  • most read articles;
  • the most commented articles.

Do given view pretty simple. You need to install a special extension that will generate blocks.

In addition, the weight transferred to other pages will be quite noticeable. However, if you need to achieve a more tangible weight for a particular page in order to bring it to the TOP, you should use the type of linking presented in the next section.

2) Contextual view

It is about placing links within an article. They should go well and directly into the text so as not to spoil it with incorrect declensions.

Note! Links should be evenly distributed throughout the text of the article, and not collected in one part of the material. This will significantly increase the transmitted weight. In addition, it will have a positive effect on the behavioral factor.

Naturally, automate this process does not seem possible. All links need to be added only manually, which takes a relatively long time.

Of course, there are special plugins that can do this for you, but their link quality is poor. Incorrect entry of links into the text of the article will immediately be seen.

3) Variable end-to-end view

This method is similar in principle to the first described. The bottom line is about using a special block, but unique links are used on each page. That is, the links on the pages are not repeated.

4) "Bread crumbs"

This view can be used as additional navigation. Links are placed:

  • above the title of the article;
  • above the page title;
  • etc.

In fact, moving along such "crumbs", the user can go from the main page of the site to the one on which he ended up.

It is interesting! The method got its name by analogy with the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm. Remember how Hansel and Gretel walked out of the forest looking for their way through the scattered crumbs?

This method allows you to increase the level of usability and make it easier for users to target your site.

How page linking helps promote specific search queries

Properly using the principles of internal linking, you can provide effective promotion search queries, regardless of the level of their frequency.

Low frequency queries

Pages with the third level of nesting are ideal for them. The features of internal linking in this case will be as follows:

  • the home page of the site will contain links to some of the others;
  • there is necessarily a link between internal pages;
  • the focus of linking is on internal pages.

Mid-frequency queries

  • headings;
  • categories.

Naturally, the emphasis is on them - links from ordinary pages will lead to these pages, and you can also put external links there when posting materials on third-party resources.

Note! There is no need to put links on the main page, which will lead to regular ones. As this will result in overspray. Better to use the weight of your homepage to promote more meaningful ones.

High-frequency queries

To promote requests with high level competition, it is recommended to use the pages with the highest CV. The best way the main page of the site is suitable for this.

Effective page linking schemes

Using linking schemes will allow you to get unique links. And link all pages with links.

The work is painstaking, but it's worth it - the usability of your site will increase significantly. That will be appreciated not only by the user, but also by the search robots.


It can be called the main method among all existing ones. Using it will allow you to ensure that all pages will link to each other.

This method will be appreciated by those who do not promote any specific page of their resource or promote all pages at once (the latter option is relevant for online stores), and therefore there is no need to transfer the weight to one specific page.

In addition, the Asterisk will allow you to achieve page independence, which will greatly simplify the general indexing of your resource. Of course, if only high-quality and unique content is posted on it.


The main distinguishing feature of this scheme is that it allows you to direct the weight to a specific page.

It turns out that all the pages are linking to each other, which increases the overall weight. In addition, all pages link to the selected one for promotion, which allows it to receive the maximum possible weight. After all, she gets a lot of links with the keywords necessary for promotion.

This scheme also has certain disadvantages:

  • when one of the pages falls out of the search engine index (or even the banal inaccessibility of the page for any reason), the whole scheme is immediately broken and it stops working;
  • the scheme raises the UV too much, which will negatively affect the weight of the pages that are on the low level.


This scheme is used on the vast majority of sites. Its popularity is well founded.

The essence of the scheme is that one page links to two, each of those pages links to two more, and the last four to the one that is used at the beginning of the diagram. Thus, you can achieve the highest possible weight for the page you are going to promote.

The Hierarchy scheme has shown itself to be excellent and works with the maximum possible effect. But, of course, it is also not ideal. Since one of the pages dropped from the index will entail a noticeable decrease in overall efficiency.

Re-linking pages in WordPress using plugins

Above, I wrote that the use of special plugins will automate the creation of links. In particular, such extensions and add-ons generate blocks at the bottom or side of the page, depending on where you place them in the settings.

Smart Linker

One of the best extensions of this type... The plugin works on the principle of the end-to-end linking variable described above. But it is an optimized version.

If most extensions use the name of the material as the anchor of the link, then in this plugin the user can set the name of the link he needs. This allows you to significantly increase the effect and achieve a better result when promoting your site.

WordPress Related Posts

The extension creates end-to-end linking within the site. The plugin automatically analyzes the material on the page, taking into account such factors as:

  • topic of the article;
  • the category in which the article is located;
  • tags.

As a result of the received data, the plugin selects articles similar in topic and displays them in a block at the bottom of the page.

The site visitor will see articles that correspond to the topic of interest to him, which significantly optimizes the behavioral factors - the user spends more time on the site, and the total number of refusals decreases.


This plugin is designed to create contextual linking - it conducts it automatically. If you remember, it is contextual linking that takes a lot of time and effort - the extension can reduce your labor costs.

In the plugin settings, you need to register certain keywords, and the extension, when viewing pages, will analyze the text of the article. If the specified keywords are found in it, the plugin will link to them.

Breadcrumb Navigation XT