SEO skills. What is an SEO Specialist? Areas of work for an SEO specialist

Hello, dear readers of Today, the SEO specialist is one of the key links in Internet marketing. He solves important problems, so he must have certain knowledge and skills. Of course, it is impossible to study everything related to website promotion in search engines at once, but if you are determined to get this position, you will have to do it. Plus, you will need to develop certain qualities in yourself, which we will talk about further.

So who is a SEO, why is he so in demand today, and how to start working in this position? Let's figure it out.

Briefly about the profession

First you need to understand who a CEO is. This will help, at least, roughly understand what he does, as well as what important functions he performs on the Internet.

A SEO specialist is a person who promotes sites, as well as optimizes them for search engine queries. SEO is a slang term for SEO optimizer. The concept of SEO from English is translated as “ search engine optimization».

SEO site optimization is a very demanding job that requires a lot of effort and time-consuming. Therefore, if you are not sure of your capabilities, then in this case you will have to give up this position. If you know for sure that your perseverance will be enough to master the necessary skills, then it will be useful for you to learn about what tasks of a SEO specialist you will have to solve.

Knowledge and required skills

Having figured out who this is a SEO specialist, it is necessary to study in detail the requirements put forward for what he needs to know. Without this, you will not be entrusted with this position, even if you are excellent at operating with various platforms and systems necessary for website promotion.

So, what should a real CEO be able to do?

  1. Possession of the basics of Internet marketing, as well as the ability to use high-quality tools for website promotion. Read more about internet marketing here.
  2. Possess the skills of web programming and understand the CMS systems of Internet resources.
  3. Be able to design the interface of sites.
  4. Fill the resource with content that is unique and useful for visitors.
  5. Have knowledge in the field of SMM.
  6. To be a subtle psychologist who understands the needs of Internet users.

As you can see, the CEO position is a big responsibility, but it requires less knowledge and skills than, for example, or.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The position of SEO specialist in website promotion has its pros and cons. Among its strengths are:

  • great demand;
  • high wages;
  • the opportunity to develop and learn something new;
  • creative work and the ability to develop a creative streak.

The flaws of the profession of a website promotion specialist on the Internet include:

  • monotony of work;
  • the need in most cases to perform all actions according to a given template;
  • great competition;
  • the need to constantly study analytical and statistical data on the SEO promotion market;
  • huge responsibility for the project;
  • full immersion in work;
  • need a large number of time to spend in a sitting position and in one place.

Above all, remote work as an SEO specialist requires constant overcoming of difficulties, strong endurance and powerful willpower. If at least once you give up the slack and do not complete the work you have begun, then in the future you will no longer be able to tune in to the desired mood.

Personal qualities of SEO and his workplace

So who the CEOs are is not difficult to figure out. However, the knowledge and skills of such an employee is only part of the information that needs to be known. In addition to her, you must be aware of the personal qualities that you will have to develop in yourself to get the position. So, a SEO optimizer should be:

  • purposeful;
  • assiduous;
  • self-organized;
  • responsible;
  • a psychologist who knows how to find a common language with the target audience.

In addition, the SEO specialist must be able to think logically and control the development of the resource led by him.

Being an SEO specialist means being on the web all the time. This specialist can perform his functions:

  • in special offices dealing with the development and promotion of Internet resources;
  • in companies where such a position is extremely necessary (IT companies, for example);
  • at home.

An SEO specialist has certain responsibilities that he must fulfill to the fullest. Otherwise, there will be no effect from its work.

What does an SEO optimizer do?

Let's take a closer look at what an SEO specialist does. First of all, he should be engaged in the promotion of resources and their withdrawal / retention in the first positions of the most popular search engines - Yandex and Google. Moreover, the duties of an SEO specialist include the implementation of all these tasks as soon as possible and with low financial costs. However, this is not all. SEOs have other functions that they must perform. Here are the most basic ones:

  1. Search for an employer (if the SEO works as a freelancer).
  2. Conducting a comprehensive audit of an Internet resource.
  3. Planning of cases aimed at the promotion and promotion of the site.
  4. A thorough analysis of the sites of other owners, determination of their strengths and weaknesses. For this task, having all the necessary tools will be indispensable.
  5. Resource optimization - internal and external.
  6. Promotion of the resource through groups on social networks.
  7. Increase in website traffic by increasing the level of link mass.

But this is far from all that an SEO specialist does, since he has other responsibilities, namely:

  1. Creation or ordering of content to improve traffic to the Internet portal.
  2. Development of a user-friendly interface.
  3. Carefully tracking changes in search engine algorithms and customizing the site for them. Since search engine algorithms are subject to changes every year, and not all site owners manage to optimize their resource for innovation, they often fail. This, in turn, leads to large financial losses on the part of the owners.
  4. Drawing up and sending reports on the work done to the site owner.
  5. Tracking users' compliance with the site rules.
  6. Creation of technical specifications for copywriters and rewriters who create content for the site. Checking ready-made texts and their placement on the pages of the resource. These tasks can be outsourced.

So, now you know what a SEO specialist does, what functions he performs, and what value he has in the field of virtual business.

Where to learn the basics of the profession?

How to become an SEO specialist, and can you do it without proper education? It is possible, but it is much easier and better to go through. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you can also go through a little practice in order to gain real experience and fully understand who an SEO specialist is, in what areas he works and what he strives for. In the future, this will elevate you in the eyes of potential employers, and also give you the opportunity to work not only as an Internet freelancer, but also as a full-time employee of a company that needs a qualified SEO.

So, where can you get the necessary knowledge, and what areas should you master? Training is carried out at the expense of:

  • taking short courses on the GeekBrains virtual portal;
  • master classes, which are provided by competent SEO specialists for a certain amount (or even free).

They provide all the information you need regarding SEO copywriting, SEO optimization and SEO rewriting. You can go through them with:

  • special SEO portals;
  • forums;
  • watching video blogs or reading professional literature on SEO promotion created by specialists in this area of ​​Internet business;
  • professional online or face-to-face conferences.

You can also try to get in touch with experienced CEOs in person, although consulting them can cost you a certain amount of money. For this reason, many SEO beginners are self-taught. To understand the whole point of the above, you should consider in more detail the question of how to become a SEO, relying on your own strengths.

Is it possible to independently learn SEO promotion?

How to become an SEO specialist on your own, and is it even possible? This is within the power of every purposeful person with a tendency to self-education. But it will be very difficult for you to master the necessary skills without outside help... For free, you will have to collect all the information literally bit by bit from different sources.

Begin with a good understanding of the theory. Once you understand what you have to work with, you can proceed directly to practice. To do this, try yourself in the promotion of several simple sites, or even landing pages... If you are afraid to take on the execution of the order, and train on it.

Remember that you cannot cope with theory unless you try to put it into practice. As soon as you start to get something good, you can safely nominate your candidacy for consideration by potential customers, providing your first projects as a portfolio.

Yandex and Google are two main search engines which are used by the overwhelming majority of Runet visitors. An SEO specialist knows how to make your site appear on the first lines in the results of these systems.

Average wage: 68,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


An SEO specialist (in the professional jargon "SEO") is a person who conducts a set of activities aimed at increasing the position of the site in search results based on the results of a custom query. The measures for optimizing resource pages are so diverse that effective activity usually requires the efforts of an entire team, in which everyone is responsible for their own area of ​​work. For more information on who an SEO specialist is, read the article.


The owners began to think about the need to attract the maximum number of visitors to their site soon after the appearance of robots that compose numbered lists of resources that are most interesting to potential consumers. In the United States, such search engines began to work en masse in the middle of the 90s of the XX century, and in Runet - by the end of the century. At the same time, an idea emerged to study and use the specifics of ranking algorithms, adjusting to their accounting parameters so that the owner's Internet resource, after making the appropriate changes, would start outperforming competitors' sites in the search results. In the form of a coherent concept, the idea was proposed and voiced by journalist and entrepreneur Danny Sullivan.

Then it was believed (and this position remains official to this day) that search engines adjust their algorithms so that the most useful portals for consumers would appear on the top lines of the search results. However, in practice, very soon the idea of ​​artificial promotion was discredited by “black” SEO. Its essence was to "please" the search robot no matter how valuable the resource would be for the visitor after the "improvement". In order to resist the negative process, the authors of the algorithms began to fight against "black" SEO by blocking "over-spam" pages and complicating the mechanism for selecting sites to the top.

The eternal "struggle" between SEO and search engine developers has begun. Due to the high competition of resources, the service of bringing Internet pages to the top of the search results began to rise in price, and the market was divided into companies offering a quick but short-lived take-off of positions, and organizations that provide a strategically justified, but long and resource-intensive way of promoting. The latter tried to find a balance between the usefulness of the portal for humans and the compliance of the site with the requirements of search robots.

The process of finding a balance continues to this day and is complicated by the fact that search engines regularly release updates, for which SEO specialists again need to adjust promotion tactics.


SEO (in Russian they spell "seo") is an abbreviation that stands for Search Engines Optimization (search engine optimization). The result of the activity of a SEO specialist is the promotion of positions different pages site to the first places of issue for certain requests. The ability to understand the principle of operation of algorithms and the artificial setting of characteristics formed the basis of the SEO profession.

The functions performed by an SEO specialist are derived from factors that influence the position of the site.

  1. Keywords. Search engines provide lists of resources in response to a user's request, formulated in words. In order for one site to be higher than another, you need to collect a database of exactly those requests (with their frequency and competitiveness) that are of interest to consumers in the first place. And then group and arrange these keywords on the pages of the site so that they form a single semantic structure. Despite the fact that this part of the work is automated, it almost always requires "manual" revision by a SEO specialist.
    The keywords on the page do not stand by themselves, but more often than not are elements of the text. The reaction of search engines to content depends on where, how and in what quantity they will be located. At the same time, you cannot just take the text from the leader of the search results and copy it to your site, since the algorithms take into account the uniqueness of the information. An SEO copywriter should take into account all the nuances of the requirements, who, in an effort to please search engines, also often extensively uses thematic vocabulary (LSI), writes meta tags with keywords, tries to create readable and useful text so that the visitor lingers on it longer and finds the information of interest ...
  2. Internal optimization. Leave the visitor on the site, induce him to go to next page, clicking on a link, opening a video or performing any other targeted action means improving the so-called behavioral factors, which also increases the position of the resource. This is facilitated by the convenience of the location of content and "buttons", the accessibility of the menu, ease of navigation, which is what a usability specialist does.
    In addition, for competent internal optimization, it is important that the linking of the site pages among themselves give more weight to the sections that are more significant from a commercial point of view. And such structuring in large SEO companies is often done by an individual person.
  3. External optimization. The place of a web page is also determined by the number of links to it from third-party resources (the "citation index" parameter). But not every site, by citing the content of the promoted portal, will be able to influence the growth of the latter's positions positively. It is necessary that the linking resource itself be authoritative and, preferably, thematically relevant. The job of ensuring the "correct" link mass also falls on the SEO-optimizer, as well as the worries of registering the portal in the catalogs.

Programming in website promotion does not play a key role, but "littered" "dirty" code, an overabundance of JS scripts, images, CSS styles, viruses, unanswered requests and lack of mobile version strongly interfere with the exit of the Internet resource to the top.

It is more economically profitable if the SEO is involved in the work on the site at the stage of its creation. In this case, there is no need to iterate over the semantic core, redo the structure, and re-write the text part.

What specialties to study

For subsequent work as a SEO optimizer, you can undergo training in the following specialties:

  • business Informatics;
  • management;
  • software and administration of information systems;
  • advertising and public relations;
  • information systems and technologies, etc.

Since the process of website optimization is associated with a very diverse activity, the areas of basic training can also vary quite a lot and include specialties of the directions "Informatics and Computer Engineering"(," Computer and information sciences"(," Mass media and information and librarianship "(," Economics and management "( Accordingly, the list of required USE subjects will include mathematics, computer science, Russian, social studies.

Where to study

SEO specialist in Netology

An SEO specialist is not someone who simply displays a website on the first page in search engines. This is a specialist who conducts a technical audit, text analysis, analysis for commercial factors on the site, works in a complex with the semantic core and content and takes the site out of the sanctions of search engines.


SEO-promotion of sites in IRS

Increase the profit of your company in 3 months by implementing SEO-promotion according to the method of the IT Academy of IRS.


Among the metropolitan and regional universities that provide training for future SEO specialists and introduce the principles of ranking sites by search robots, one can name:

  • Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics;
  • Russian University of Economics. G. Plekhanov;
  • Novosibirsk State University economics and Management;
  • Bashkir State University;
  • Omsk State Transport University;
  • Tyumen Industrial University and dozens of other universities.

You can grow to a professional SEO even without prior education - in the course of work on projects, but university training helps you become an SEO specialist faster, using deep knowledge in the field of information technology.

What you have to do at work and specialization

Since various specialists are involved in the promotion of Internet pages, each of them can be called an SEO-optimizer. The responsibilities of different SEOs differ depending on the profile.

  • Optimization project coordinator. The employee contacts the customer, agrees on the budget, based on the audit conducted, draws up the technical assignment, strategic and tactical action plan and monitors its implementation.
  • Semantic core compiler. Based on the initial thematic phrase, it compiles lists of user queries and groups them, distributing them across pages, selects the place of the most important lexical elements in tags and meta tags.
  • SEO copywriter... He must, according to the TOR (technical task), write interesting texts with the inclusion keywords.
  • SMO Specialist... Its task is to keep the portal visitor by developing usability, creating an interactive interface, etc.
  • Link builder... Places links to the promoted site on reputable third-party resources, negotiating the terms of cooperation with their owners.
  • Programmer... Responsible for the smooth operation of servers, the cleanliness of the code, the absence of viruses, the availability of a mobile version, etc.

All these functions can theoretically be performed by one person. But in practice, a whole team is almost always involved in systemic promotion. The tasks of some specialists are often taken on by other project participants, so the distribution of seo roles within different teams varies considerably.

Who suits

First of all, a SEO specialist needs to have a systematic thinking, which allows him to consider website promotion as a complex of interrelated activities, where a separate procedure is important, but in itself the expected result, most likely, will not provide. In addition, the specific qualities of a SEO include:

  • persistence and patience;
  • the ability to set clear tactical tasks, control the progress of their implementation and, in general, the ability to ensure well-coordinated teamwork;
  • flexibility of thinking to adapt the program of action for renewal.

Like other activities on the Internet, SEO is suitable for people who can only work from home "remotely".

How much do people working in this profession get

According to the job market data, the average monthly salary of an SEO-optimizer in Russia is about 40 thousand rubles. In some areas (for example, SMO) it reaches 60 thousand, and copywriters on the same projects can earn an average of 25-30 thousand rubles. At the same time, almost 10% of ads offer SEOs 60-80 thousand per month.

The income level of an SEO specialist when working with a specific resource depends on financial capacity its owner and the amount of changes on the site. Since optimization activities allow remote interaction, SEOs often seek to find foreign (Western) partners for cooperation, who usually pay more for the same work.

Is it easy to get a job

In order to find a job, it is important for an SEO specialist to provide the customer with proof of his level of knowledge:

  • Quality portfolio. It may contain links to customer sites or sample articles.
  • Indicators of growth in sales of customers "before" and "after" contacting a specialist.
  • An idea of ​​how to correctly raise a resource in search engines.

Successful experience in project implementation becomes a fundamental factor in the selection of CEO specialists.

How a career is usually built

Any SEO optimizer can improve their qualifications within their line of business and expand the range of competencies by "capturing" related work. Often, general-purpose SEO specialists with good organizational skills open their own mini-companies, independently finding customers and providing general guidance to freelancers hired to solve local problems.


Automation in website promotion already successfully competes with human creativity, but the regular change in the "rules of the game" due to the updating of search algorithms also requires constant conscious intervention of professionals who are able to develop a new productive strategy and optimization tactics. Taking into account the fact that changing the formats of Internet resources in the future will only complicate the "human" part of the work, the profession of an SEO specialist can be called very promising.

HTML / CSS is a hypertext markup language, a basis for learning server-side languages. By learning HTML, you can create a static web page or website. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - will allow you to design the layout of the site the way you want. You will be able to watch a video course at a convenient time and contact a mentor for all questions, who will monitor your progress. The format is conducive to communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * basic operations in Photoshop, * use of LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. To proceed to the next lesson of the course, your homework must be reviewed. This will show that you have understood the previous lesson and will easily master the new knowledge. The assignment can be checked by both the mentor and classmates, whose knowledge you trust, and get an achievement for this. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with someone else's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This in some way game mechanics makes the classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1. Basic Concepts in Web Development

What is a web page; types of sites; site development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; preparation of the workplace; structure of the HTML document; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; example of a complex web page; hotkeys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2. Basics of the HTML Document Markup Language

Lesson 3. Basics of the CSS Document Style Language

What is CSS; CSS syntax; ways to declare CSS; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors .; basic properties of styles; nesting; inheritance and grouping of properties; checking the connection of the style file.

Lesson 4. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, table layout

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; merging cells; nested tables; styling tables.

Lesson 5. Formation of a block model, block layout

Basic tags for layout (div and span); padding of elements (margin and padding); streamlined elements; positioning of blocks.

Lesson 6. Working with a design layout in PSD format

Basic functions and familiarity with Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; slicing the layout; layout of the site layout using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7. Site Layout and Introduction to Bootstrap

Creation of the basic layout of the site; using overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markup with parts of the cut layout; techniques for positioning elements; Introducing and applying Bootstrap.

Lesson 8. Web standards and supporting tools

Uploading projects to the server; the problem of "cross-browser compatibility"; HTML / CSS standards; the future belongs to HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; acquaintance with preprocessors using the example of LESS.

We learn how to effectively optimize the site and achieve the set business goals: current search engine algorithms, modern methods problem solving, effective tools in daily work.

Lesson 1. The principles of search engines and priority work

How search engines work: text ranking, link ranking, behavioral ranking. Search engine filters. Types of sites.
Essential SEO tools.
Acquaintance with services: Yandex Webmaster, Google Search Console, Yandex Metrica, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager.

Lesson 2. Site structure

Competitor analysis. General methodology, identification of features and parameters. Ways to implement the structure on the site. Formation of technical specifications for the implementation of the structure. Promotion by region.

Lesson 3. Semantic core. Theoretical part

Types of keywords. Collecting token queries. Analysis of competitors' keywords. Parsing search queries. Cleaning and clustering the semantic core. Process automation.

Lesson 4. Semantic core. Practical part

Lesson 5. Optimizing Landing Pages

Competitor analysis. Formation of title, description and h1 landing pages. Text filters, LSI, formation of technical specifications for texts, search for copywriters.

Lesson 6. Technical audit. Theoretical part

Working with programs for deep analysis of sites. Checking and correcting technical issues site (ssl certificate, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, duplicate pages, redirect rules, etc.). Formation of technical specifications for technical improvements. SEO checklist.

Lesson 7. Technical audit. Practical part

Lesson 8. Usability, business factors

What is usability? Analysis of user behavior and identification of needs. Usability caps and home page, product categories and cards, shopping cart, forms, links, mobile version. Formation of technical specifications based on the results of the audit. Usability checklist.

Lesson 9. External promotion

Lesson 10. Analytics

SEO analytics tools.
Search engine traffic;
Analysis of login pages;
Analysis of search queries;
Goal reports;
Site monitoring.
Analysis of pages in search results (indexing), changes on the site, positions by keywords.

The course, developed in conjunction with the EnglishDom school, will help you master key English-language topics that are relevant for beginner IT specialists. Maximum practice and focus on IT vocabulary. In 10 lessons, the preparation of CV, technical specifications and business letters, interviews and negotiations, international communication when promoting your project is understood. In live dialogues in English, students will consolidate phrases that will be useful to developers and testers, marketers and designers.

Lesson 1. IT resume sample

We compose a resume in English.

Lesson 2. Job interview: questions and answers

We are interviewing in English.

Lesson 3. Effective teams

Talking about teamwork and processes in English.

Lesson 4. Workplace communication

English for communication by phone and Skype.

Lesson 5. Business e-mails

We carry on correspondence in English.

Lesson 6. Requirement specifications (SRS)

We read and compose the terms of reference in English.

Lesson 7. Stand-up meetings

We become the perfect speaker.

Lesson 8. Deadline

We carry out work on time and in English.

Lesson 9. Challenge

We describe and solve problems in English.

Lesson 10. Start up

We tell about our project and introduce the team in English.

SEO specialist and online earnings on the Internet.

An SEO specialist is a specialist in SEO optimization... Sometimes an SEO specialist is also called simply and briefly - SEO. SEO specialist Is a person who has real earnings on the Internet, so we can state that a SEO specialist is a person who has his own Internet business online.

Today's article will be a small departure from the general topic of a series of articles on SEO site optimization, since now we will talk about such a specialty as an SEO specialist. Although, to be honest, I do not see any deviation from the topic, tk. SEO site optimization and SEO specialist are inextricably linked.

An SEO specialist by his work helps the site to promote on the network, which means that he helps the site to earn, receive income, profit. Consequently, the profession of an SEO specialist is in demand, as are many of the professions.

So, now we found out that:

An SEO specialist is a specialist in promoting a web resource on the Internet.

The professions of an SEO specialist are not taught in universities (they are not yet taught), but since this profession is in great demand on the labor market, then (let's dream up!), It means that soon they will train SEO specialists in a number educational institutions(I give a grudge!).

In the meantime, quite reasonable questions arise before many interested people - how to become SEO specialist where to learn it? Let's deal with these topical issues.

Anything useful about SEO. Everything new and hitherto unknown to you must begin with an understanding of special terms... This is the foundation. Also the basis for learning SEO optimization will also include special materials (videos, literature, etc.), of which you can find a lot on the Internet. Of course, there is a lot of rubbish among the literature on this topic on the Internet, so you need to weed out the unnecessary (if the topic of optimization is very interesting to you, then you yourself will sing what is valuable from the literature and what is not).

If you are fluent in foreign languages, then this is just great, because You can learn a lot of useful information on SEO from foreign literature and videos (which, as a rule, are primary sources).

There are special SEO forums on the Internet, where any SEO specialist can express their interesting thoughts, and every newbie can ask questions about SEO that are of interest to him.

SEO-related web resources (competitors). Search engines put in the first place the web resources that most fully respond search queries, and the websites of leading SEO specialists are no exception. There you can find a lot of interesting and useful SEO optimization. These web resources should be carefully studied, time should be spent for this without regret (everything will return a hundredfold later). Check out everything that seems interesting to you from the proposed on such web resources.

Practice. Most of the people who are said to be an SEO specialist today have come a long way. Moreover, they passed this practice on their own own website... Only on your own web resource can you learn everything related to SEO optimization, constantly working and improving in this area of ​​knowledge. And, of course, you should like this case.

Experiments and Experiments. Search engine algorithms are constantly changing and improving. Therefore, an SEO specialist can say with confidence that such and such works, and such and such does not work, being completely confident in this, and only on the basis of what has been tried and tested by himself.

Some things may work for one SEO specialist, but not for another (and this happens too). If you have any doubts and uncertainties about something related to optimization, then it is better to check and experiment everything yourself, and not stupidly trust the authority, which you were not a SEO specialist.

SEO company (team). An SEO specialist can only say that he has become a professional in a given field when he works in a team with other SEO specialists. Even if you have some of your own SEO practices, then even then the work on website promotion in the company will not be superfluous - only working there, you can get and learn ALL about SEO.

Anyone can become an SEO specialist, the main thing is desire. There is nothing about SEO that can only be understood by a select few. There is enough information on the Internet to learn and apply. I repeat - all you need to do is study, work constantly and love the business of SEO optimization, if you decide to choose it as your specialty.

I wish everyone who wants to become a SEO specialist that you quickly master this profession, be able to earn money on the Internet, and talk about yourself with pride.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. During 6 months of working on the Internet, I got acquainted with hundreds of professions, thanks to which you can live the life that many dream of. In the "" section, I will introduce you to ordinary people who live an unusual life, who will be happy to talk about what they do.

Today my guest is an experienced SEO optimizer - Artyom Babenko (here link to his VKontakte page). Well, as a guest)) I am in Russia, and Artyom is now in Cambodia.

Artyom, before we move on to your main profession in more detail, tell us, by tradition, a little about yourself. How old are you, where are you from, where do you live, what do you do?

I am 21 years old. I come from the town of Klin near Moscow. In 2011, I moved with my parents closer to Moscow to the city of Khimki, where I live. Since November 2014 I have been traveling to Asian countries. I work remotely as an SEO-optimizer, I am fond of power sports and everything related to computers.

Before you switched to telecommuting and started traveling, what were you doing? Studied in your specialty? Worked offline?

After finishing 11 grades, I entered the university and realized that I would not work in my profession, but, definitely, I would work via the Internet. I was expelled from the very first year for absenteeism)) I managed to work as a loader, sales assistant, promoter, waiter and "bring it, give it, go to the fig, don't bother me."

How did you come up with the idea to start working via the Internet?

The idea of ​​making money through the Internet came to me a long time ago. As soon as I found out about hackers. At the age of 14, this idea stuck in my head thoroughly. Since there was little information, I started trying to become a hacker. I thought it was mega cool and easy to make thousands of dollars.

Looking for more and more information, I began to find out what types of income are in principle. Both black and white. Tried a lot of things. Gradually I came to my site. When I made it, the question arose about making money on it. I started looking for ways to attract traffic so that people come to it, and got acquainted with SEO.

He began to study it at the age of 16, that is, while still at school. Then I already had a dream to live in Thailand on the island of Koh Samui and have remote income to exist there for a long time.

But I was able to switch to remote work thoroughly only last year, when I finally decided to travel.

Tell us about the projects you are currently working on.

On this moment I work for the same company. This is a furniture factory, I am fully engaged in their website and its promotion. Sometimes, out of an old friendship or an acquaintance, I make websites.

To make it clear to my readers, explain what SEO is?

SEO (from English - earch engine optimization) translated as search engine optimization... These are interconnected elements of actions that allow you to bring the site to the first positions for various search queries.

All serious companies are interested in their site having the highest search engine rankings, so they hire SEO specialists: SEO copywriters, SEO rewriters, SEO optimizers.

And can you name at least 10 actions that you have to perform monthly by profession.

1. Analytics of website traffic.
2. Analytics SEO news and trends.
3. Purchase of SEO links.
4. Ordering SEO texts.
5. Analytics of actions of site visitors.
6. Analytics of competitors.
7. Testing new ideas for promotion.
8. Increase in site conversion.
9. Drawing up a budget for the promotion.
10. Writing a report to the director.

In fact, it is not as difficult as it seems, if you want, you can learn the basics in a few months and find a stable job. This is a rather promising profession now, as the Internet business is developing very quickly, and search engines are becoming smarter.

How did you get this job?

2012-2013 I served in the RF Armed Forces. Upon returning home, and this was December 2013, he began to look for ways to earn money. By a lucky coincidence, I found a vacancy for an SEO optimizer in a company that was located on the opposite side of my yard) I came to them, and they took me to this position. Before traveling, I worked with them offline.

Can you clarify how you found this vacancy?

Yes, as usual, I found it on the job search site. I sent my resume, they called back.

So you were sitting in their office? How did you switch to remote work?

Yes, I was sitting in the office, then I came and said that I was leaving in a month. And we agreed on the remote location.

Interestingly, if it were not for the desire to travel, I would probably sit with my remote specialty in the office, as most people do. In fear or not knowing that you can travel and work in parallel. What if you hadn’t agreed?

It turns out. I would quit. At that time, I had other employers. Now for more in my spare time I only work with one.

How much time do you devote to work a day?

Differently. I can work for several hours every day, or I can sit for 10 hours or more, but then not work for several days. It happens the other way around, because of moving, etc., for the next few days you can't get out of the room.

I never counted the number of hours. I set tasks for the day and complete them during the day.

And now I’ll ask, perhaps, the most important question: the price tag of such work? How much can you earn and what are the prospects?

It all depends on the greed, the toughness of the specialist. You can take on many projects and earn more. I saw the lowest rate for work of 10 thousand per month. Maximum 900 thousand in three months. Here, the range of earnings is not limited by anything. The average monthly price is $ 1000 for large companies.

You have been traveling in Asia for 6 months now. Do you have enough of your salary or are there any other additional sources ( partnership programs, their projects, parents or something else)? What countries have you visited? Have you been somewhere else before this long trip?

Before that, I was once in Egypt in 2014, and before Egypt only in Russia.

What is your plan for the future, how long are you going to travel?

Our interview ends with this interview, thanks to Artyom for sharing his story with us and talking about the profession of SEO-optimizer. If you have questions about the profession or to Artyom personally, you can ask them in the comments, or personally, a link to his VKontakte page is at the very top of the article.

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Best regards, Vasily Blinov